How to trick a guy into buying a new phone. Secrets of female hunters: how to promote a man with money

Why does a man refuse?

So, you asked for financial support, but received an unpleasant refusal. Of course, this is an extremely ambiguous situation that hurts a woman’s pride. But it’s worth waiting for the scandal; it’s better to find out the true background of this act. There may be several reasons for the failure of your endeavor.

  1. An excessively large amount was announced, which your chosen one cannot provide at the moment. He probably had long planned to spend this money on something else - expanding his business or buying a car.
  2. You turn to a man with such requests too often. Unfortunately, many girls, having acquired a taste for it, begin to waste the money they received, more and more often demanding financial support from the guy.
  3. Your arguments were considered frivolous by the young man. Perhaps he felt that the desired purchase was just a whim, and not a really important thing.
  4. Your hints were not very transparent, so your lover simply did not realize that the photo with earrings spoke of your desire to have exactly the same diamonds in your jewelry collection.
  5. You are “lucky” to meet a man who believes that he is not obliged to support the girl or simply help her financially. Such frugality may be a character trait, or he did not initially plan to spend money on you.

The last reason is the most unpleasant, and, most likely, the situation cannot be corrected. You either have to come to terms with your lover's character or break up with him.

Other cases require a small correction of one’s own behavior. Try to give reasons for your requests, hint more transparently, moderate your financial “appetites”, and your lover will definitely come to your aid.

If your young man is inclined to promise something, but does not fulfill what he promised, this is an alarm bell. And it's not just about financial relationships.

For example, if you have been proposing to move in together for a long time or asking for some favor, but the guy constantly “forgets,” you should think about the sincerity of his feelings.

If your relationship is trusting, it is better to ask directly why he cannot (or does not want) to spend money on you. Perhaps he is simply in a difficult financial situation at the moment, and your constant requests only worsen the man’s mood.

Remember that demands for money are not acceptable if you do not give anything to your chosen one in return.

However, we do not call for reducing love to commodity-money relations. Create a comfortable and cozy environment for your beloved guy, put a piece of yourself into the relationship, show care for no reason - not for the sake of money.

Believe me, very soon the man himself will delight you with gifts, without hints or requests!

How to cheat a guy out of money?

If the relationship is just beginning, then you need to behave quite carefully with the young man.

Under no circumstances should he feel that money is being “pulled” from him. With the help of small tricks, lead the young man to the idea that spending money on you is his personal initiative.

Follow certain rules:

  1. A young man will want to spend a lot on a girl if she is not easily available. After all, a man is the hunter, and a woman is the prey. He will seek her attention with the help of flowers, gifts, compliments and a pleasant pastime. It's important to remember to keep flirting with him. Be sure to thank for the gifts.
  2. If a young man offers you financial support, do not always accept it. This behavior will make him persuade you to take the money.
  3. Take your boyfriend with you on a shopping trip. It is advisable to first go through the same stores yourself. You must know exactly what you want. With it, it is important to spontaneously show delight in the thing. This trick is done so that the man does not get tired from a long shopping trip. Be sure to try on the item you like in front of him. Say with disappointment that your money is not enough to make a purchase. Most likely he will help.
  4. After receiving the first gifts, you should not immediately thank the guy with sex. You need to take time.

Enemy Weapon

Dear women! Don’t be naive and don’t think that you are surrounded entirely by fools and suckers. There are also many hunters among men. And do you know what main weapon they use? Pressure on pity, on the ability to sympathize, on decency, in the end. Therefore, if suddenly after dinner at a restaurant a man is surprised to discover that he “forgot his money at home,” this should alert you. And if the next time he suddenly gets a “stomach grip” and he urgently demands that you immediately buy a fast-acting medicine, this is another bell.

Or, passing by a cinema, he reads the poster and says that this film reminds him so much of your relationship and awakens such warm or passionate feelings that you need to watch it immediately, but bad luck, there’s not enough money for tickets... And you, touched, go buy tickets. What do you think? It simply accustoms you to the idea that paying for it is normal, and there is nothing wrong with such a situation. By the way, the “rule of three payments” is one of the favorite techniques of pick-up artists. Don't give in to provocations. And if you go hunting, then this is clearly not your prey. Run away from such men and quickly!

Real instructions for scamming men out of money

My friend from work doesn’t let me get bored while on maternity leave and regularly tells me the latest news.
Yesterday we called her again, but she was short and said that she was in a hurry to attend a paid webinar. Of course, I asked what she would study. The answer amazed me: At first I was speechless, but then I stuck to my friend like a burr. I became very interested in what was there and how. Irina promised to call back after the webinar and tell everything in detail. And then, quite late in the evening, I waited for her call.

What did I learn? Irina saw an advertisement on the Internet for a course on solving all her financial problems at the expense of men. Moreover, the author argued that this is not the method that is considered the oldest female profession. This is pumping up your feminine charm to such a level when men literally catch your every desire on the fly and shower you with banknotes and diamonds.

Irina did not claim bags of money from all the men within a kilometer radius. It would have been enough for her to receive more attention from her husband, who did not understand hints about flowers and gifts, considered the cafe a waste of money, and the prices in some clothing stores made her roll her eyes and clutch her heart. So Irina decided not to ask over and over again, but to use all science to train her dear husband to the correct reaction.

The course consists of several webinars, after each you need to do homework. And yesterday Irina was at the first one.

So, the presenter is a lady in her thirties, beautiful, well-groomed, all cutesy and Instagrammable. I started with the fact that men owe us, women, the death of our lives.

already because we give birth and they don’t. The fact that we cannot conceive without them does not count: we bear, give birth, feed, this is more important. Therefore, we must boldly ask them for money, all this is due to us by right.

Here I doubted whether men were aware that they owe money to literally every woman they know. It’s also interesting that men have their own women, who are also unlikely to like the idea that this man of theirs owes not only to them. But it was very interesting and I wanted to continue.

Next, Irina announced the cherished mantra (or affirmation), which she must now repeat until she gets used to this thought: “ I am a beggar, and men like it

" Because most women are embarrassed to ask for money, so we need to change ourselves.

The presenter boasted that as a result of her webinars, some people receive money for fur coats, purebred dogs, travel, and gadgets. Others achieve more modest results, but are also satisfied. Irina wanted everything at once and became even more excited.

So, you need to train on men found on a dating app. I won't give the name. This is where you should place your profile and start active communication

. The more people you have with whom you have an active dialogue, the better. Still, a significant part will not pass even the first checks.

Men found in dating should be transferred to WhatsApp

. If a man communicates, but does not want to go to WhatsApp, then this is a bad sign. He won't be of any use, he'll just have to chatter. We weed them out.

communicate “unconventionally and boldly” with those who have switched to WhatsApp

. At this stage, it is important to understand how wealthy and generous these men are. To do this, it is recommended, for example, to write: “I want to do some general cleaning. Recommend your housekeeper to me.” If he answers something like “my mother is cleaning,” then everything is clear with him. If he starts reading lectures on the topic “A woman should do everything herself,” then we don’t need people like that. Apparently, ideally, he should still advise his housekeeper or answer in the spirit of “Write the address, I will order this service for you from a cleaning agency.” You can also write something like this: “Today I saw you in a dream. Next time, at least come with a bouquet.” When asked how it was there and what, they answer evasively, like “we were in a stylish place, you were on top.” You can hint at palm trees and again look at the reaction.

At the same time, you should persuade men to go on a first date

. At the same time, immediately be interested in where he plans to take you. If you go to the park to breathe air, then let him breathe alone. Movies are no good either. We need those who will invite us to the restaurant. Not to a pizzeria, not to a dumpling shop, not to McDonald's. Only to the restaurant. Of course, you should not go there by bus. We do not consider men without personal transport.

Here, as Irina said, the webinar participants began to wonder what to do if no such man could be found. Suddenly those who are ready to immediately take them to a restaurant in their car will not be interested in them. Not to mention the housekeeper. To this the presenter replied that there are plenty of rich and generous men, they owe us everything, so sooner or later each of us will find a dozen of them who will fork out.

Then everyone received homework: register on a dating site (more precisely, in an application), fill out a profile, start communicating and transfer at least five men to WhatsApp. Post screenshots as a report.

The next lesson is on Tuesday, that is tomorrow. I’m just as worried as Irina. Be careful, males, you owe us everything!

Source of the article:

We voice the request correctly

Of course, every man (with the exception of notorious misers) will be happy to support his beloved, be a noble knight for her and wrap her in furs. However, all this is possible if the girl correctly, without demands and hysterics, addresses this delicate issue to her chosen one.

Method number 1. Personal request

This is an ideal way to ask for gifts from men. Firstly, you will be able to clearly explain the need for financial “infusions”, and secondly, to be honest, this way he will have fewer reasons to refuse you. What should you keep in mind?

  1. Choose the right time to talk. If your lover’s day is not going well (conflicts at work, just hungry), the chance of hearing a negative answer increases sharply.
  2. Voice your request confidently, without awkward movements or a trembling voice. In any case, you are not asking for alms!
  3. Men love specifics, so your phrase about “what a beautiful dress that actress is wearing over there” is unlikely to be considered a request for money. Try to explain clearly, but without unnecessary details, why this money is needed.
  4. Give arguments that will interest your lover. For example, colorfully describe how wonderful you will look at an upcoming corporate party after purchasing a dress and going to a beauty salon.
  5. Be sure to thank the guy after your request is granted. And do it very dignified - for example, confidently state that you would not expect anything different from a generous, caring and real man with whom you are very lucky. The main thing is to praise sincerely.

Method number 2. Written message

You can be creative and ask for money, for example, in a letter. However, here you need to behave much more carefully, since a direct text in which there will be a demand for a certain amount can anger your lover. You risk getting a lecture about the difficulty of getting cash and your extravagance.

Using a magnet, stick a picture of a gorgeous set of underwear and a small text on the refrigerator: “If the best guy in the world helps with the finances, this beauty will be on me at night.” It's a rare man who can resist such a promise.

Hints are not the best option, but if the guy understands you well, send him a photo of your bare feet on social networks, then a photo of cute shoes, and at the end - your own sad face. This hint cannot be misunderstood.

How to behave in order to persuade a guy to have sex

As we already understood, male potency is a capricious and unpredictable thing. No, before it was quite easy to manage it. She put on a short skirt, lined her eyes, painted her lips and - oops! A hundred males are fluttering in your nets - choose, I don’t want! Today everything is different. There are not many young people today who resemble a cocked gun. Just touch the trigger, and immediately rrraz - a shot. No, there are still plenty of guys who look like loaded Berdan guns. But either their triggers are tight or they have the safety on. And the safety locks are removed only if there is a suitable target.

This suitable target must meet the shooter's sexual requirements in every way. It’s enough for her to have the wrong smell or coloring, and that’s it. Click - the rifle is on safety again. To prevent this from happening, the young lady needs to be very careful when choosing a fragrance and try not to overdo it with makeup. Since an overly plastered face and a suffocating scent of some harsh perfume can completely deprive a guy of his ability to be potent. The tobacco scent coming from a girl will cause exactly the same reaction. In general, the sexiest thing is the natural smell emanating from a young lady’s clean body and hair. Because he is unique.

Of course, skillful makeup and the right scent are not enough for all the thoughts of a young man to melt into an erotic fog. A girl needs to present herself in the most favorable sexual angle. At the same time, in no case should you portray a lustful nymphomaniac, languishing with desire, or even just an overly temperamental person. Who knows how a man’s sexual instinct will react to such a female image.

It is likely that he will get scared and hide in the farthest corner of his consciousness. Try to get him out of there later! It would be better for the young lady to take a close look at her own manners and habits, select from them those that at least do not demoralize the guy’s libido, and adjust them to suit the style appropriate to the situation.

This means that sensuality should be visible in gait, gestures, postures, and movements. Just don’t try to wag your hips like the ladies of not too heavy behavior from Tverskaya. You shouldn’t defiantly smack your chest in front of the guy, sighing languidly and rolling your eyes. It is unlikely that a young man, unless he is a complete dork, will be turned on by such vulgarity.

However, if the dork is happy with it, then you can sway your hips with a swaying amplitude of a meter, and tear your chest to pieces, and bulge your eyes madly. And when you also put on black stockings with garters, and pair them with a red tight-fitting dress up to... Well, twenty centimeters below the navel, the effect will be simply amazing. Most likely, the young lady will be immediately dragged into the nearest bushes.

If such a turn of events is suitable, the question of seducing a man does not arise at all. But that’s not what we need, right? We need sex that is both passionate and tender at the same time. Such that emotions splash over the edge, and the soul soars above the seventh heaven. Such intimacy cannot happen in the bushes. It requires a different environment. And in an atmosphere suitable for super intimacy, on occasion you can, for a change, wear a red dress along with black stockings. But that will be a completely different sexual story.

The approach to creating such a story must be subtle. This means that a girl should carefully rehearse her movements and poses before meeting the object of seduction. They need to be made as graceful as possible, smoothly transitioning into each other. You can't ignore the look. You need to look at the young man with a slightly clouded, deep, affectionate gaze.

It is desirable that it contains a rather frank challenge. But it only flashed, and did not seem to lash the young man with a whip. He is not a riding horse. It can easily rear up and run away, or get alarmed and crawl into a secluded place.

Once the required image has been created in the proper form, a further strategy of behavior can be developed. What should it be like?

How to promote a man with money: advice from a psychologist

It is very important to choose the moment when you decide to ask for money. The gentleman must be:

The gentleman must be:

  • in good spirits;
  • calm;
  • full;
  • relaxed;
  • mentally “disconnected” from work issues.

It is easy for a woman to help her boyfriend achieve this state. For example, after a working day, wait for him with a delicious dinner

During the meal, it is important to let the man talk. To do this, you should ask how his day was

In the evening you can give him a small massage. Once the emotions have been spilled out, you should move on to the request.

Method of promoting a man 1: Give a hint

To begin with, you can try to simply hint to the man about what you need.

To begin with, you can simply try to hint to the man about what you need.

This can be done virtually without words. There are several ways:

  1. On a social network, send a link to the item you like. Write that you want to buy it and are waiting for his advice. A normal man will either order the item himself or give money to buy it.
  2. Write down on a piece of paper a list of the things you would like to receive by a certain date. Accidentally leave a piece of paper in a visible place. If your boyfriend didn't notice the piece of paper right away, ask him about it under the pretext that you can't find it. When he finds it, he will read it, willingly or unwillingly. At a minimum, he will buy one thing, and at a maximum, he will give money to buy all things.
  3. Dreamily talk about what you want: “Darling, how I would like a new phone! I saw an interesting model in the store. We could take photos together in excellent quality!” The main thing is to indicate that the purchase will be useful to him. If the man does not respond, repeat what you said a few days later.

Be sure to read:

Gift ideas for a girl for a year of relationship

Method of promoting a man 2: Push him to envy

Share your impressions of the day with your gentleman. Be sure to tell them that you met your friend on the street. She was going to the beauty salon. Her husband (lover) gave her money for the procedures.

Casually drop the phrase: “Even though her husband/boyfriend is not the head of the department/director of the company (here find what your man works for), he bought her a manicure subscription.”

A normal guy will definitely be offended by this remark and, not wanting to seem worse, he will give money.

Way to promote a man 3: Use tears

This method is best used in case of emergency. Representatives of the stronger sex cannot stand women's tears. They would rather “pay off” a crying woman.

Way to promote a man: Use tears

Using tears, you can speak directly to the guy about your desire or put pressure on envy.


  1. “Darling, my friends’ wedding is coming soon, but I have nothing to wear! I can't wear the same dress for the 10th time! Already all our friends are discussing us, saying that we are poor. I can not go on".
  2. “I met Marinka today. She began to show off her new Italian boots. She asked what was new with me. And I didn’t even have anything to answer her. I’ve been wearing the boots for the third season now, and the heel is peeling off...”

Method of promoting a man 4: Catch him on promises!

Typically, representatives of the stronger sex do not make many promises. To get what you want, you need to lead him to it. Go shopping with your boyfriend. Feel free to try on things you like.

Be sure to spin around in front of him. Say: “Darling, if you knew that I would be the happiest when I got this dress (fur coat, shoes, gold bracelet)! Would you buy it for me?

Feel free to try on things you like

Usually, women's frivolity makes the representatives of the stronger sex smile. The standard response from men is: “I would buy it!” At this moment it is worth saying: “Make me happy! Buy it!

Way to promote a man 5: Tell him directly

You can start a conversation when the chosen one is calm. Your voice sounds gentle: “Darling, I need your help!” The boyfriend must join the dialogue. And only after he asks what kind of help we are talking about, is it worth continuing the request.

Speak in short, clear sentences. “I walked past a shoe store. I walked in and saw very beautiful shoes. I tried them on. They turned out to be very comfortable

And how great they look on my feet! And they match the purse very well! You remember that we have an important event coming up soon? I really want to wear these shoes! Buy them for me, please!”

Be sure to read:

A gift for a guy for a month of relationship - the best gift ideas at the beginning of dating

Blackmail by police

A girl from a dating site, having struck up a conversation with a man, provokes him into long conversations. Within a few days she knows everything about the “client”. The correspondence becomes completely frank and the girl offers to exchange nude photos. Stirring up the man’s interest, the first one sends an intimate photo, and then receives response photos.

After this, the online gentleman receives an unpleasant call: a police representative says that they received an appeal from the parents of a new friend with whom the man was corresponding. This girl is allegedly underage and now the would-be gentleman faces responsibility for seducing a child. You can resolve the conflict amicably, but you need to pay for it. The amount is announced by the girl’s “parents” in the next call.

What to do: don't pay. Contact a lawyer. Tell those calling that you will act according to the law. This will immediately scare away scammers. If the girl was really real, then the help of a lawyer will be even more necessary: ​​no one guarantees that even after receiving the money, the parents will not write a statement or will not constantly blackmail.

Dating websites

“As long as fools live in the world, we can live by deception” is not just a line from a children’s song, but a harsh reality. Scammers use social networks, trading platforms, and dating sites. A list of popular methods has been compiled:

  1. “Can you put money on the Internet, and I’ll give you cash when we meet?” Complicated version of divorce. An attacker can spend weeks or even months ingratiating himself with the victim's trust. On the day of the long-awaited meeting, on the way to the house of the chosen one or chosen one, a request is received to pay for some service. After all, it’s still on the way. Everything except the account into which the money goes is a lie. The phone number is unavailable and the address is incorrect.
  2. Express divorce. One of the leaders in the rating. The basis is a request for help in any emergency situation: the death of a cat/hamster, illness of a mother/sister/great-niece. A real gentleman cannot refuse a little financial help to an attractive girl. In fact, behind the graceful forms and sweet smile, a two-meter hairy criminal may be hiding.
  3. “How about nude photos?” Preliminary preparation - the attacker asks the target about close friends, relatives, and colleagues. After flirting comes a more intimate stage. The exchange of candid photographs is offered. Having received the pictures, the guy changes the tone of the conversation and threatens to send erotic content to everyone he knows if he does not receive a monetary reward.
  4. “I’m selling the photo.” For a fee, a woman (less often a man) offers to send a video or photo archive with perky pictures.
  5. The foreigner promises to send an original and very valuable gift by mail. All that remains is to pay the customs fee. Afterwards – blacklisting.

The list is completed by an epic scheme called “Anti-cinema for two.” One of the newest methods. The chosen one invites her gentleman to watch a movie in an intimate setting. She knows a great atmospheric place. A few thousand rubles per session on the big screen for two is acceptable, the victim thinks. The result is that the funds are sent directly to the scammers. There is no place with that name.

Unsafe sites

The stranger flirts from the very beginning and offers to get to know each other better. If the interlocutor gets excited, he is offered to switch from the dating site to another service - for example, an anonymous video chat.

The man clicks on the link. It turns out that first you need to register on the site and confirm your registration via SMS to a short number. After this, money disappears from the victim’s account, the video chat does not open, and the new “friend” adds the man to the blacklist.

To avoid getting caught, do not trust unfamiliar services. Transfer video communication to Skype or Zoom.

What should you remember when dating a divorced man, and when should you not marry him?

It’s not worth jumping out to marry a divorced man (it makes sense to at least wait and take a closer look) if...

  • His feelings for his ex-wife have not cooled down.
  • You feel like you are being used.
  • Instead of a strong, calm (albeit burned) man, you see in front of you an irritated whiner who complains to you from morning to evening that he “wasted his whole life on her” and is waiting for your approval and support.

Important to remember:

A divorced man who has had a really hard time with his divorce is unlikely to cry to his new woman about it. And in general, real men don’t discuss their problems and don’t like to answer uncomfortable questions.

You shouldn’t take his side if he suddenly opens up - “that’s an infection, well, you had to get yourself into such a mess!” Maintain neutrality and just be a listener. Discussing his ex-wife will not benefit your relationship.

Don't try to outdo his ex-wife in culinary and other arts. If he really loves you, it won’t be because you cook borscht better than his ex. Be yourself.

If a man speaks badly about his ex-half, this at least does not characterize him from the best side.

Don't be jealous of a man about his past. If love is real, it doesn’t matter what he had or with whom – it’s already a closed book. And you have your own, from scratch.

A divorced man is always internally ready for a divorce. This is a psychological “law” that you can’t escape. Firstly, the man is already prepared in advance for problems in the relationship, and secondly, he will not weigh the pros and cons for a long time if the thought of breaking up arises (he already has experience).

Don’t rush to take on all your man’s problems. This applies to both “psychological assistance to a divorced man” and material problems. Don’t rush to hand him the keys to your apartment, give him your salary and... get married

Time will tell whether this is your prince or just a divorced man who needs a place to live, a “vest” and a pretty comforter.

Find out the reason for the divorce and pay attention to the man’s voluntary and involuntary behavior. A divorced man may turn out to be an eternal “child” who cannot exist without “mom” - without buns for tea, borscht, ironed shirts and soup in a jar to take to work

Or a despot from whom his ex-wife simply ran away in the middle of the night.

Of course, everything is individual - all the pros and cons, all the “peculiarities” of divorced men, their reactions and feelings. In most cases, a man’s divorce is just one stage of his life, which does not affect his relationship with a new woman.

There is no point in rushing to “legitimize” relationships (time puts everything in its place), but distrust of your other half, even a divorced one, is the first step towards separation.

If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, share with us! It is very important for us to know your opinion!

How to breed?

The surest way to divorce a guy is to play on his feelings as a hunter. You need to awaken in him the desire to conquer you, and this will encourage him to open his wallet.

If your chosen one is very rich, then get ready for the fact that he will consider you mercantile. Of course, this is actually true, but you don’t have to tell him about it. Among such representatives, there are often individuals who are confident in their uniqueness and, therefore, that it is women who are obliged to run after them. It is better not to deal with such men.

In order to successfully deceive guys, you must first invest money in your appearance. Expensive cosmetics, clothes from boutiques, luxury perfume, and so on - all this will make you an independent and wealthy woman. This will let the man know that you don’t need his money. Accordingly, he will want to prove to you that he can provide for your life at a high level.

But there are other tactics for scamming money. To do this, you need to look like an ordinary gray mouse. There are men who like to dress a girl like a doll: jewelry, branded clothing, expensive cosmetics, and so on. But such a man will behave like a master, and the girl will be assigned the role of an expensive doll.

How to trick a man into giving gifts: advice from a psychologist

In order for a man to happily give you gifts and willingly give you money, you must adhere to some rules of divorce:

  1. Give him a small but nice gift yourself. For example, knit a scarf. Justify the gift as a sign of caring for the man. After such an act, he will definitely want to thank you.
  2. Be sure to walk with your boyfriend past shop windows before holidays: birthday, March 8, New Year, Valentine's Day or relationship anniversary. Hint to him about the gifts you want to receive from him.
  3. Invite your man to go shopping or to a restaurant on his pay day.
  4. On your birthday, talk about what other gifts you would like to receive additionally.
  5. Always proudly tell third parties about a man's gifts in his presence. He needs to hear your words and other people's reactions.
  6. Admire a man’s successes and give him little surprises. In return, he will also want to give something.

Why doesn't a man give gifts to his beloved?

There is a category of men who do not give gifts to the woman they love at all, or who give them only on major holidays.

There are different reasons for this behavior:

  • peculiarities of upbringing (in his family, the father does not give gifts to the mother);
  • greed;
  • lack of confidence in the future of the relationship;
  • bitter experience (if a man spent a lot of money and energy on his previous passion, and she used him and then abandoned him);
  • a blow to pride (if he previously gave something that caused bewilderment, disappointment or laughter);
  • not knowing what to give a woman, fear of making a mistake;
  • poor memory for dates and significant events.

Important! A generous, well-mannered man will always give small gifts and surprises

How to “cheat” a man out of money and gifts? Advice from smart women

Despite all the outward cynicism of the question: “How to cheat a man out of money?” For many girls and women this is a very pressing task.

And there may be worthy and serious reasons for it:

  • check a man's feelings;
  • strengthen your self-esteem;
  • make sure the new partner’s intentions are serious;
  • “stir up” emotions in a couple when they have been together for a long time and the feelings have faded somewhat;
  • receive the necessary financial assistance;
  • please yourself with a “double bonus”: both a useful acquisition and the pleasure of receiving attention from a loved one in this form;
  • contrast seasonal depression with dopamine, serotonin, etc.

If you don’t turn fishing for banknotes into a sport or profession, then, of course, gifts and money from a man satisfy several basic needs of a woman: receiving attention, confirmation of the stability of her lover’s feelings, the prospects of a long-term relationship, a sense of belonging between partners.

For a man, expressing his love and attention with gifts and help is often much easier than with words.

The mood of the stronger sex for serious long-term relationships is directly proportional to how much they “invested” in the woman: time, effort, help... and money! An easy prize quickly depreciates, and the one that required expenses and conquest has a better chance of becoming a permanent partner.

The average man in Russia earns 25-30% more than a woman, which means he has the opportunity to give gifts. Guys love well-groomed and stylish girls, without thinking that already before the first date the lady made serious investments in her appearance in the form of hairstyle, makeup, manicure, beautiful clothes and other components of an attractive image.

How to breed?

The surest way to divorce a guy is to play on his feelings as a hunter. You need to awaken in him the desire to conquer you, and this will encourage him to open his wallet.

If your chosen one is very rich, then get ready for the fact that he will consider you mercantile. Of course, this is actually true, but you don’t have to tell him about it. Among such representatives, there are often individuals who are confident in their uniqueness and, therefore, that it is women who are obliged to run after them. It is better not to deal with such men.

In order to successfully deceive guys, you must first invest money in your appearance. Expensive cosmetics, clothes from boutiques, luxury perfume, and so on - all this will make you an independent and wealthy woman. This will let the man know that you don’t need his money. Accordingly, he will want to prove to you that he can provide for your life at a high level.

But there are other tactics for scamming money. To do this, you need to look like an ordinary gray mouse. There are men who like to dress a girl like a doll: jewelry, branded clothing, expensive cosmetics, and so on. But such a man will behave like a master, and the girl will be assigned the role of an expensive doll.


Every girl and woman finds ways for herself to get what she wants from her partner. And he makes his choice - whether to continue to maintain the relationship if the man cannot or does not want to spend money on gifts and help financially.

Source: https://xn--e1afbapcvjk6htb.xn--p1ai/lyudi/kak-mozhno-razvesti-parnya.html

Preparing the battlefield

How to breed a man “naturally”? Intrigue and make a man pursue you. The male passion of a hunter will force him to fork out money even in the process of courtship, and on the way to his cherished goal, men do not skimp. After all, they are sure that they are doing this for themselves, and not for the woman.

When thinking about how to deceive a man, remember: very wealthy and wealthy men are sincerely confident that beautiful women want to meet them only for money. Of course (let's not lie), in fact, this is the case, but they don't need to know about it. True, because of their wealth, some men simply go crazy, considering themselves an unappreciated treasure, the navel of the Earth and downright utter happiness, which they also have to run after. Well, let them think so.

It is useless to convince such fools (well, what else can you call such specimens?) Your task is to strengthen him in these thoughts and awaken in him the desire to make you happy. Or it is necessary to provoke the moneybag to constantly strive to prove his worth.

How? First of all, when going hunting, be fully armed. Get ready to first invest in creating your own image of a wealthy and unapproachable beauty. An impeccable appearance, “traces” of visiting expensive beauty salons, branded accessories should become your weapon in this hunt.

By the way, the Pygmalion complex lives and flourishes in some men: they are simply looking everywhere for “material” to create their Galatea. Therefore, the exact opposite image of a simpleton (with inclinations!) will also help to hook the moneybag, who imagines himself to be an educator and connoisseur of beauty. True, it is almost impossible to recognize when and which particular image will “work”. So you can only rely on your intuition.

Blackmail photos and videos (without police)

In the midst of a heated correspondence, the interlocutor suggests taking a step forward - exchanging nudes or virtualizing in a video chat. You are an ardent supporter of the initiative. And soon you get acquainted with the classic blackmail - “either transfer XXXX money, or all your contacts from social networks will have our correspondence, photos and videos.”

To avoid getting caught, do not indicate your real first and last name, and when taking photos or videos, place the camera so that your face or interior details cannot be recognized. If you were careless and you are being blackmailed, then do not pay the scammers. Be sure to contact the police. For blackmail for the purpose of extortion, the offender faces from 4 to 8 years. Report this, because often attackers are not particularly literate, and knowledge of responsibility can cool their ardor.

This does not mean that online dating is evil. Just remember to be careful. You can also meet people offline. Read our tips on how to overcome dating fears

and communicate without beating around the bush.

What kind of men become gigolos?

  • Newcomer. A man who moved to another city for a number of reasons. Has no job, no home, no friends. Of course he is looking for a better life. And, of course, he wants everything at once and, of course, not at his own expense. The easiest way is to settle on a fragile woman’s neck, using the naivety of a simpleton or the loneliness of an older lady for one’s own selfish purposes.
  • Player. Every potential victim for such a gigolo is a horse at the races. The excitement that begins to boil in the blood is an incomparable pleasure, and the future “prizes” are pleasantly dizzying. Such a gigolo is extremely gentle at the beginning of acquaintance and cruel when parting. Read how to survive a breakup with your loved one.
  • Lazy husband. This man simply does not want to look for any work at all. It is convenient for him to live at the expense of his wife, lying on the couch for many years. And even asking for change for beer is not shameful for him. There can be many reasons why a married man turns into a gigolo. But the main ones are the wife’s excessive concern for him, the modern female “habit” of taking everything upon herself, and the innate infantilism in the male character.
  • Alphonse by nature. Such a gigolo is raised from the cradle. Already in childhood, he feels that the world revolves around him, and his mother will go to hell if only he would feel good - she will wash, feed, wash the dishes, seat him in an empty seat on the bus, although she herself is standing with heavy bags, etc. Disrespect for a woman is raised in such a man from the moment he takes his first step. Well, then everyone knows: what has grown has grown.

Why men are in no hurry to give gifts

The main reason that a man is in no hurry to fork out for an expensive gift is confidence in the materialistic desires of his woman. And he thinks something like this: they say, today I’ll give you a ring, tomorrow boots, and then she’ll get used to it and will demand from me a car, an apartment, a voucher almost every day! And he can think this way even if during your time together (or just meetings) you have never even hinted at something more material than flowers and a Christmas card. Men are deathly afraid that they will be bullied, that they will end up being a laughing stock among their friends and relatives (they probably have examples of similar situations among their friends).

Sometimes a man’s mother is to blame for her reluctance to give something valuable to her other half. As soon as her beloved child began dating representatives of the opposite sex, she instilled in him day and night the “golden” thought: don’t follow her lead, don’t let yourself be twisted into ropes! So he doesn’t allow it: he treats every request to buy something with suspicion, and a real expensive present for the woman he loves is completely taboo (he’s not some kind of henpecked guy, thank God, mom explained everything!). It’s not at all easy to promote such a man, because his mother’s opinion is much more important to him than your arguments.

But it often happens that men do not give gifts for more prosaic reasons. Sometimes they simply don’t realize that we need something other than hugs and declarations of eternal love. Many people are so sure that life with them is the height of happiness for any woman, and all sorts of presents are completely useless. In any case, it is much easier to come to an agreement with such men and make it clear that that evening dress is so necessary for the next holiday!

And besides, the male mentality is quite different from the female one. The fact that he didn't give you anything again may not be a sign that he doesn't love or appreciate you. It's just that guys are often not able to delve into various subtleties and nuances, noticing what you love and what you need. They didn’t say directly, like, honey, I urgently need a fur coat - they were left without a gift. And, as a rule, they don’t really like to go shopping. Unlike us women, they go there with the clear goal of acquiring a specific item. So they go there three or four times a year. And where else can you come up with a wonderful idea to give your wife a gift, if not in a store?

That is why we, women, have to take the initiative into our own hands in order to accustom a man to give worthwhile gifts. Call it what you want: promote, persuade, demand, seduce. The main thing is that he himself does not notice how he fulfilled your wish and gave you what you have dreamed of for so long!

How gigolos cheat women out of money

The methods of gigolos are usually the same. Traditional scheme:

  • Creating your own ideal image (business person, businessman, etc.).
  • Throwing bait: a woman sees a successful, gorgeous man.
  • Creating a style.
  • Charming a woman, promises of manna from heaven and stars from the sky. Perhaps even a wedding.
  • A sharp “fall in shares”, loss of business, dismissal, theft, etc. In general, there is no money and is not expected, “what to do, my love?!”
  • The outcome can develop in two ways: he borrows a large amount and disappears, or he climbs onto your neck, dangles his legs and lives for his own pleasure.

If you realize that there is a gigolo in front of you, then there are only two ways. Break up immediately, saving your nerves and money, or continue to maintain this illusion of love. But do you need a man who will leave you as soon as you find yourself broke?

What do these scammers count on?

  1. The amounts are small

Victims or those who almost got caught report amounts of 500-2000 rubles for one ticket.

For a couple of thousand rubles, not every man will decide to go to the police and waste time, effort and nerves. The maximum is to write a post on the Internet. But so far, due to stories about scammers published on VKontekte and Pikabu, the police are in no hurry to initiate criminal cases.

  1. Self-esteem calculation.

Not every man who has lost a small amount will want to tell someone how easily he was deceived. Some find it psychologically difficult to admit their mistake, so they remain silent about the fact that they have become victims of scammers.

  1. Relying on unfree men.

All kinds of online dating platforms are used not only by single people to find a soul mate. There are also married people there who are looking for specific entertainment. Such a man, having become a victim of a scammer, would prefer to remain silent that he paid for tickets to a cinema hall where the only furniture was a large screen and one sofa. He definitely won’t go to the police - otherwise there is a high chance of turning from an unfaithful husband into a lonely bachelor.

How to cheat a man out of money?

Let's move on to other ways to scam a man out of money. They are different only because men themselves react differently to each method. Try it and see which method is most effective in your particular case:

  1. Talk about your money problems. Here, in the literal sense of the word, you need to cry, pretend to be pitiful, become the most unhappy person and talk about your financial problems. If your tears can put pressure on a man, then you will get money. However, be careful, some men react by running away from such conversations. If you don’t get money by whining, then you need to ask for money without tears.
  2. Show your dependence, but not on money, but on a man. Ask him for money, but show that you are grateful not to the money, but to the man. Perhaps many men would like to feel not only needed, but also in charge in a relationship. If you talk to a man in such a way that he feels his power over you when he gives you money, then you will definitely receive it.
  3. Ask for money when the man is busy and has no time for such conversations. To get you away from him, he will quickly wave his hand and give you money. If you ask for money and a man says “let’s do it later,” then tell him that he can give you money and you won’t bother him. Give him a solution to the problem of how he can get rid of you quickly. At the same time, never ask a man for money when he is sick, hungry, tired, or upset. If you ask in such situations, he may think that you are only with him for the money.
  4. Ask for money rarely at first, and then often. At first, many men want to know that women love them, not money. Nobody wants to be used. Therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, you will have to moderate your ardor. Be modest, do not ask a man for money at all, even if he has it. Let him decide how to use them, and you will make him fall in love with you with your modesty. After time, when he has already made you your woman or even your wife, then you will be able to afford more. Start by asking for small things first, so that spending money is insignificant, and then move on to large purchases.

Do not consider men to be obligated, obligated, stupid and narrow-minded. Believe me, if a man knows how to make money, he will definitely recognize when he is being scammed. Therefore, always know when to stop - this will save you from the title of “mercantile woman”.

Every man wants to take care of his woman. However, some ladies go too far, which is why men begin to hide their money or set strict conditions for their sharing. In order not to encounter a man’s cruelty or greed, you need not only to ask him for money, but also to love, to be beautiful, accessible and understanding to him. In other words, don't forget that you are not dating a man for his money, but because you love him or want to be in a relationship. Know that if a man sees that you are with him out of love or respect, he will be more generous than in a situation where he thinks that you are only interested in money.

What other techniques will help in getting money from a man?

Always thank a man for his generosity

Sometimes it doesn't matter how much money he spent on you. Show him that you are truly grateful and don't take his spending for granted. If you ask and they refuse, don't be offended

Perhaps the man is testing you. Perhaps he simply does not have the money you are asking about. In other words, we come back to the point where you must show that you are not dating a man for his money, but for him. You love him. Refused to give you money? So what, you're not offended. Believe me, the man will feel guilty and still give you money, if not now, then next time. Show that the man is spending money on you, which will benefit him. In other words, you spend money on beauty salons or clothes to be beautiful for him. You buy things that make you happy, and accordingly, you share your joy with him. If a man understands that he will receive “dividends” from his generosity, it will be easier for him to spend.

How can you really promote a man with good money and expensive gifts?


We give you advice that can make you richer!

  • Persuade a man to go to the supermarket with you

Walk with him around the “shop” territory. Buy everything for yourself with your savings, subtly hinting that you are still a little short of your dream.

  • Adjust the situation

Write a list of things you need. Throw it somewhere in the “side” of the man. He will read it, hide it and buy everything that is indicated in it. We hope this option suits you? If not, sell everything that he buys you, and hold in your hands those finances that you were so eager to “promote.”

  • Tell your loved one that you lost both your wallet and credit card.

Say that you don’t have a penny or a ruble left in your soul, that you feel insecure without them. The man will definitely give you some money.

  • Take his card or his wallet

Jokingly ask about the PIN code. Ask if you can “use” his funds. A man, of course, will not refuse if he doesn’t turn out to be a cheapskate.

  • Promise that you will give your sweetheart the full amount when possible.

Mention about percentages (to be sure and for the sake of reliability). A man won't ask you for money because he treats you great. It’s ugly to do this, but this option is one of the extreme ones.

  • Give him a wonderful and romantic evening

Come up with something unusual and original yourself. Put all your imagination into planning the event! A man should be impressed by everything you do for him. Down to the smallest detail!

  • Spend a crazy night with him

She must be so magical that he will shower you with compliments. One condition: do not perceive his “money gesture” in an immoral “image”.

  • Give him invaluable help!

Do something good that will not be forgotten! He will decide to thank you, but will ask you not to be offended. And don’t even think about insults! Concentrate all your thoughts on the long-awaited shopping!

  • Ask (in a playful way) for money for a new skirt or a new T-shirt

You can show what sexy things you chose. Then you won’t have to “unwind” for a long time!

  • Hint (remind) your loved one about some important day or holiday

He himself will come to his senses and say: “Oh, my love, you need money for preparation!” You shyly lower your eyes and smile at him flirtatiously (with gratitude).

  • Give him alcoholic drinks (lightly)

Bring up the topic of money (carefully). He will definitely tell you where they are. And he will also definitely give “full” consent for you to take the amount you need.

  • Give him a memento or a nice gift

You'll see how the man behaves after this. Just be sure to please those given!

  • Message on social networks in private

He will read, smile and “spin” his finances. Remember that asking a man for money is not at all shameful!

Start the conversation like this: “My friend’s boyfriend bought a fur coat for five hundred bucks!” And I would definitely like the same one for myself.” The man will think about it and decide to buy it so that he can be the best for you.

Never date a man just for the money!

Earn them yourself! Prove and show your man that you are good not only in bed. He will be proud of you and will tell everyone how super amazing you are!

Bottom line

At the same time, it is worth understanding one more idea: there are simply greedy men, and no matter what you do, do not promote them with money. They may be rich, have enough money, but all this will not save them from greed. Such men will refuse to give you money, get annoyed every time you need financial help, convince you that money and gifts are not the main thing, every time ask about what his money went for, share with you expenses and just spend money only on yourself.

Such people don't change. The reasons for their greed lie not so much in you, but in those women, situations or even mothers when their work and money were taken away. There is no way to eliminate greed. Therefore, immediately make a decision whether to be with such men or look for more generous gentlemen.


A method based on a stressful situation that can instantly deprive you of sleep, peace and nerve cells. The scheme is as old as time. You, blinded by feelings or banal lust, send the girl quite frank and compromising photos or video materials. Absolutely not expecting any catch. And in response you receive a message containing the details for the money transfer. If you refuse to pay generously for intimate materials, you are warned that within an hour all these photos will be made public or forwarded to your relatives, close friends, and colleagues. Or my wife. If there is one, and you had the imprudence to spill the beans about it. A reputation as a good citizen is not cheap.

How to protect yourself:

Ideally, do not send your intimate photos to virtual interlocutors who you don’t know, even if they are so attractive. If an unpleasant situation has already occurred, the first thing you need to do is to stop panicking. The fact is that most Internet scammers are not initially going to waste their precious time sending out your photos. And having heard from you that their actions will not only not harm you, but rather will help you increase your popularity, they will completely abandon this idea. The main thing is to answer them confidently and with all your appearance do not show the fear that has gripped you. Well, just in case, don’t forget to post information on your page that you have been hacked. And it is possible that there will be surprises.


This type of “divorce” is considered the longest and most difficult. It consists in the fact that a guy meets a pretty person he likes, as a result of which a romantic relationship develops between them. The guy even introduces her to her mother, who also likes her. Then a wedding follows, but then everything changes - a real fiend of hell awakens in her!

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As a result of such family life, the guy begins to understand that he does not want to come home, he is even sometimes afraid of her and tries not to say anything unnecessary, so as not to anger his beloved. As a result of all this, the young man regularly thinks about divorce, and his newly-made wife lives for her own pleasure.

Dear men, you have one life - don’t turn it upside down and know how to leave those who are poisoning it for you in time. By the way, this also applies to women, because in reality the situation can turn out completely differently when, after the wedding, it is the man who becomes the “demon” in the family.

"Divorce" in clubs

This type of girl is familiar to many guys who like to hang out in clubs. The essence of the “divorce” is that a lonely girl sits and is bored, because she has absolutely no money for fun. Of course, such a nymph will certainly be noticed by some guy, who will immediately think: “Here she is, the one!” At such moments, the young man wants to spend the night with her (and maybe more than one) and, it would seem, is ready to do anything, even become a sponsor of her today's fun evening with cocktails, the most expensive snacks and entertainment.

Girl looking for daddy

Beautiful and young girls often prefer the easiest path to achieving what they want - they find themselves a daddy. As a rule, this is a quite wealthy man who can afford to support a spectacular, albeit very demanding girl. Most likely, he is even married and has no intention of divorcing his wife, but who cares? This young lady does not pretend to be a wife - she is only interested in the material component of the relationship.

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The only thing that I don’t understand in this situation is where are the men looking, who perfectly understand where everything is going? Or maybe they are not particularly bothered by the furs, gold and other valuables they bought? After all, if a man is wealthy, then what difference does it make: he spent more or less if next to him is a young, fresh and, most importantly, affordable creature?

A good girl's long journey

This option for achieving what you want cannot be called a “divorce,” but some women still use it. This technique consists in the fact that a representative of the fair sex finds a good guy, marries him and then together they achieve all earthly blessings.

However, as noted above, this situation is very rare in the modern world. Dear men, if you come across such a woman, appreciate her, because there are other types of representatives of the fair sex who want everything at once, which is why they simply begin to exploit their “male”, demanding earthly and unearthly benefits from him. Let's talk about them further.

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