Who is a person with a melancholic psychotype?

What is melancholy

Melancholy is sadness, sadness, low mood or depression. Synonyms: blues, spleen, melancholy, depression.

The ancient Greek word “melancholy” literally means “a spill of black bile.” It was with this bodily fluid that ancient doctors associated sadness.

  • Gloomy melancholy, like a black cloud, covered his soul... (F.V. Bulgarin. “Memoirs”)
  • Here Sobakevich plunged into melancholy. (N.V. Gogol. “Dead Souls”)
  • Epaminondas Maksimych, why are you melancholy? (A.P. Chekhov. “Wedding”)

Hippocrates used the word “melancholy” to describe both the type of temperament and the disease that today is called depression. It is worth distinguishing between these things: you cannot change your character, but clinical depression must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, without leading to trouble. Depression, like other illnesses, can affect people of all temperaments and at any age.

How to survive if you are melancholic

As soon as you take a temperament test and see a disappointing result, panic begins in your head. The question arises: “what should I do if I’m melancholic?” Contrary to stereotypes, this is not the worst temperament. It is important for vulnerable individuals to learn stress resistance and apply this skill in everyday life.

How to prevent complications?

Hemorrhoids do not always bleed during pregnancy and not everyone does. This means that a dangerous and unpleasant phenomenon can be avoided if you adhere to certain preventive measures. Namely:

  1. After bowel movements, you should not use toilet paper, but wet wipes with oil, but without alcohol - ideally, baby wipes; every woman probably already has them in stock.
  2. Wear only comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics - regular elastic panties, not thongs!
  3. Follow a diet to prevent constipation. You need to drink more fluids, if there is no tendency to edema, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products. A salad of beets and prunes, seasoned with vegetable oil, helps to normalize stool.

Follow these simple rules and then bleeding nodes will not bother you. If you bleed again and again, despite the measures taken, immediately consult a specialist. Firstly, constant blood loss will lead to iron deficiency anemia in both the pregnant woman and the baby. And secondly, this indicates that the disease has reached a serious stage, when internal cones are constantly rupturing and bleeding. You can’t do this without competent medical help.

How to communicate

A melancholic person means sensitive and vulnerable. When communicating with him, it is important to avoid harsh statements, rudeness and aggression. Such behavior causes strong emotional distress and can provoke depression. Even a slight increase in voice in a conversation can lead to a severance of the emotional connection, which means one thing - a melancholic person will not sympathize with or trust his opponent. To successfully communicate with such people, you need to adhere to the rules - inspire, praise, reassure them, take the first steps towards them, but not be intrusive.

Two of a Kind?

The interaction of colleagues and their labor relations directly depend on their temperaments.


The perfect couple. Each of them has qualities that the other does not have, they complement each other and this is why they like each other. The phlegmatic person patiently endures the emotional outbursts of the choleric person, who likes him for his thoroughness, reliability and responsibility. The choleric person in phlegmatic finds a quiet haven, stability and peace, at the same time does not allow him to get stuck in passivity, constantly spurs him on and activates him, periodically even tries to control him.


A very active, life-oriented union. They have something to talk about, something to help each other with. At the same time, mutual assistance, although not complete, is very significant: for a choleric person - on the organizational side, for a sanguine person - in putting plans into practice. The choleric person thinks, the sanguine person carries out. However, sometimes an exchange of opinions can develop into arguments and quarrels, insistence on one’s point of view and rivalry. To maintain balance, it is necessary to adapt to each other, and this should be done by both parties and equally.


A promising alliance with mutual respect and tact. Mutual assistance can be very effective: on the part of a melancholic person - on a spiritual, internal level, and on the part of a sanguine person - on a social level. A melancholic person feels best with a sanguine person: the irrational switches of the first not only do not irritate him, but, on the contrary, provide him with new interesting impressions and distract him from sad thoughts. A sanguine person gets along well with a melancholic person due to his balance and sociability.


The relationship in this couple is relatively calm. They pay little attention to each other, since both are immersed in their inner world. A melancholic person may not like the apparent slowness and passivity of a phlegmatic person, and a phlegmatic person may not like the increased anxiety and excessive restlessness of a melancholic person. However, there is no tangible discomfort in the relationship. They are also not particularly interested in rivalry and disputes. In such a union, there will inevitably be sympathy and respect for the inner world of the other person, but at the same time, alienation will increase due to a lack of initiative.


Quite an interesting form of union. There is little mutual understanding, but mutual assistance is significant and active. Especially when there are common interests and practical issues in the business sphere. Good cooperation is ensured by the social activity of a sanguine person and the hard work of a phlegmatic person. However, a sanguine person cannot be denied practicality and thoroughness. Conflicts in such a couple are insignificant, since both feel a practical need for each other, which they value much higher than defending their opinion. Usually in this pair the sanguine person is the leader, and the phlegmatic person, having easily ceded his authority, turns out to be a follower.


The cooperation of these two types is highly undesirable, because the domineering choleric person will quickly and peremptorily “enslave” the timid and quiet melancholic person

The straightforwardness often unconscious to a choleric person, despite all his caution, will hurt a very sensitive melancholic person. As a result, tension, discomfort, and mutual accusations will arise between them.

They have mutual understanding, but within narrow limits. There is little mutual assistance in this couple, although it can be significant: in some situations, the choleric person can look after or take the melancholic person under his protection.

Temperament squared

If people have the same type of temperament, then the most favorable combination will be two phlegmatic or melancholic people, somewhat worse - two sanguine people, and very bad - two choleric people.

This situation is easily explained: phlegmatic people are the most balanced people, they are difficult to anger. Melancholic people are impressionable, very vulnerable and touchy, but they are quite compliant and prone to compromise in order to achieve peace of mind. Sanguine people are independent and emotional, but easy-going. Noticing that the brewing conflict could take a serious turn, they easily compromise to restore balance in their relations with each other. It is most difficult for two straightforward, excitable and uncontrollable choleric people to maintain balance in a relationship.

Combination Favorable Working Poorly compatible
sanguine melancholic sanguine, choleric phlegmatic person
choleric phlegmatic person sanguine choleric, melancholic
phlegmatic person choleric melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine works well with everyone
melancholic sanguine phlegmatic, melancholic choleric

How to cope with melancholy on your own: treatment, recommendations

Treatment of Melancholia Melancholy, in simple words, is a mood disorder. Today, medicine can offer many tools to cope with mood disorders. But how voluminous they will be depends on the patient and his diagnosis. In this case, the main thing is not to start the process. If you make efforts from the very beginning, you can easily cope with all problems.

Experts do not use medications very often. This usually happens when complex changes have occurred in the body. This happens with the development of genetic diseases, as well as hormonal changes. Medications prescribed by a psychiatrist help correct mood. Self-treatment in this case is inappropriate.

So, the doctor uses:

  • Antidepressants that have a stimulating or sedative effect.
  • Tranquilizers. As a rule, these are drugs that do not cause a hypnotic effect.
  • Sedatives of plant origin are the simplest remedies, for example, valerian, mint, motherwort.
  • Amino acids. These include glycine and taurine.
  • Homeopathic medicines. This could be, for example, tenoten.

It is important to understand that antidepressants and tranquilizers have the most pronounced effect. They are accepted courses

For example, antidepressants require 4-6 months, and tranquilizers are prescribed in case of severe disorders or panic attacks. This is due to the fact that they are addictive. The safest thing in this case is homeopathy or herbal remedies. However, their effectiveness may not be enough.

Most often, specialists use psychotherapeutic influence. They set the patient up to solve personal problems. Sessions can be conducted individually or in groups. An excellent effect can be obtained using a method such as positive affirmations, that is, when certain statements are regularly spoken. Thanks to psychotherapy, the patient copes with problems and reacts to them correctly. To get good results, sessions must be attended regularly.

It also happens that to get rid of melancholy it is enough to change your lifestyle. For example, this could be changing your diet, organizing your day, frequent walks and exercise.

New experiences can further improve your condition. This could be traveling to new places, reading interesting books. Even watching movies or music improves the condition. Dancing is especially beneficial

In other words, it is important to find something that will bring you pleasure.

Melancholic woman characteristics

A melancholic woman is prone to long thoughts and contemplation; she can sit for hours without displaying any activity. She cannot stand conflicts or the slightest arguments; this puts her in a sad mood.

A melancholic woman does not like large and noisy companies; if she is offered to go to a fun party or spend the evening watching a movie at home, she will undoubtedly choose another option. Such a woman does not have very many friends, she likes to maintain long-term relationships with old acquaintances, new acquaintances are very difficult for her.

A melancholic woman is not confident in herself; it is difficult for her to talk about her feelings when they overwhelm her. She is quite complex, constantly doubts her own attractiveness, often criticizes herself and engages in too in-depth introspection. At times, such women are quite cheerful, active and cheerful, but this takes too much energy from them. Therefore, due to the surge of emotions and activity, they end up wanting to retire even more and restore their mental balance.

A melancholic woman has a very romantic nature, often has her head in the clouds, and spends a lot of time daydreaming. In her mind, a man is a brave, decisive, noble and romantic person. Not finding the embodiment of this ideal in life, a woman becomes upset and may not think about relationships at all for a very long time.

A melancholic woman is a good housewife and a faithful wife, she has serious views on marriage and raising children, and is inclined to have a man as the head of the family. Just like melancholic men, women of the same temperament prefer to work in a creative direction.

Professional qualities of a melancholic person

Melancholic people achieve the greatest success in professions that do not require constant contact with people. People with great creative potential and a broad mind are suitable for creative professions that require concentration on detail. Calm, leisurely work will appeal to people of this temperament most.

What to work with: top 10 professions

  • research scientist;
  • university teacher, researcher;
  • programmer-developer;
  • System Administrator;
  • accountant;
  • Graphic Designer;
  • architect;
  • musician, performer;
  • jeweler;
  • librarian, archivist.

Where melancholic people cannot work calmly

Such people will not be able to build a career in areas with constant conflicts and frequent stressful situations. Melancholic people also feel bad in areas where it is necessary to make their way to the goal through persuasion and new acquaintances. Namely:

  • advertiser;
  • policeman, fireman;
  • businessman;
  • leader, director, manager;
  • work in the service sector.

general description

Choleric - the characteristics of this type of temperament are as follows: this person will never sit still and will be able to overcome various difficulties along the way. This person is subject to sudden mood swings, as well as emotional outbursts of varying strength, is in constant motion, is always in a hurry somewhere, tries to do several things at once, but is not always able to complete them. Despite the emotionality and vital activity, a choleric person differs from a sanguine person in that in his case, energy can turn into aggression or conflict. As Hippocrates defined the type of temperament of a choleric person, yellow bile is present in his body, which gives the person emotional incontinence, hysteria and somewhat unbridledness.

Cholerics and aggressiveness are inextricable concepts; you can develop them in a matter of seconds. They immediately begin to throw out all their emotions on people, but in the same way they can calm down very easily and quickly, especially in those cases when they notice that people are beginning to give in to them and meet them halfway. Choleric people have a very strong character, so they always easily solve problems that arise. Determining the temperament of a choleric person is usually very simple. First of all, these people are individualists. They always have their own opinion. Often a leadership trait is present in the character of a choleric person.

He always strives to be the first in everything, he likes to be the center of attention and attract it. People with this temperament often take an active part in various disputes, the instigators of which are themselves. You can recognize a choleric person visually by expressive gestures and facial expressions, sudden movements, impetuous and dynamic behavior, confident, fast and impetuous gait. A person with this type usually speaks very quickly and uses exaggeration and highly colored epithets in his speech.

They prefer to sleep little, but eat a lot and with appetite. According to the characteristics, a choleric person is clearly a person who can slam his fist on the table and will always choose an attack as his ideal defense.

Personal relationships

In relationships, they do not take the initiative, choosing a wait-and-see, passive tactic. Due to low self-esteem, they are always unsure of their partner’s feelings and are in no hurry to flaunt theirs. A melancholic person will talk about passionate love if he trusts his partner. An innate penchant for romanticism turns any manifestation of his feelings into an unforgettable spectacle. He is sincere and gentle, supporting his heartfelt, sublime words with appropriate gestures and facial expressions.

Melancholic people are monogamous. Having accepted and fallen in love with a person, they carry their spiritual affection throughout their lives. They love hugs and soft touches, delicate, touching kisses on the cheek. The partner will have to periodically reinforce the melancholic person’s confidence that he is needed and loved. Melancholic people need to hear that their loved ones will always be there and will continue to care for them.

A couple where the man is sanguine and the woman melancholic is built on mutual intuitive attraction. Initially, a melancholic woman is wary of her sanguine partner, rightly fearing that a superficial, frivolous man will emotionally wound her. Having overcome the psychological barrier, they are able to create a harmonious union in which they are brought together by flexibility of thinking and impartiality of judgment.

However, when paired with a sanguine person, a melancholic person may experience discomfort and loneliness due to insufficient emotional closeness with a partner who values ​​independence too highly. A difficult relationship awaits with a choleric person who is inclined to be rude. When paired with a phlegmatic person, misunderstanding is possible due to different activity in the manifestation of emotions. A restrained phlegmatic person may be irritated by his partner’s excessive emotionality.

An ideal union arises between two representatives of the melancholic type of temperament. Both partners feel comfort, security and peace within the relationship. They understand each other perfectly, guessing their partner’s mood from subtle gestures or facial expressions. They constantly discuss feelings, thoughts and hopes, which contributes to the search for compromise solutions. Difficulties can arise due to idealistic ideas about love, which in reality often leads to disappointment.

For woman

A choleric woman is usually a strong-willed and strong person whose energy can be felt from a distance. It’s not a problem for her to learn something new, to get to know a different area, she is easy to teach at any age. By nature, a woman with the choleric type loves to occupy a leadership position not only at work, but also at home, among friends, in any suitable situation

It is very important for her to dominate under any conditions; this brings her real satisfaction. It’s difficult to call this woman a good housewife; she is not one of those people who will sit at home and happily do household chores

The life goal of such women is to conquer new heights. It is important for her to find a job that will be truly interesting. Such a woman would be ideally suited to a quiet, calm, balanced man with a huge reserve of patience and pliability.

Who is a melancholic person?

The ancient Greeks believed that humans have four unique personality types. However, they differ in many ways. A melancholic person is a very independent person, reserved, thoughtful and often anxious. Usually he strives for perfection in himself and in everything around him. He usually has a very friendly environment and is attentive to detail.

Most melancholic people are pleasant, deep, idealistic, logical and orderly. They can also be critical and hard to please, and they take pride in it. Surprisingly, melancholic people also show love for people, expressing themselves not with words, but with actions. Most are task-oriented, analytical, and prone to mood swings. They appreciate respect for their personal space. This personality is unique compared to choleric and phlegmatic people.

Some people may have a mixed temperament, such as sanguine or choleric traits.

Melancholic and other types of temperament

It is most difficult for a melancholic person to find a common language with a choleric person, because choleric people do not choose expressions, often raise their voices, like to make comments, and the melancholic person is traumatized by all this. In addition, choleric people cannot resist making fun of a friend, and melancholic people do not understand jokes. If choleric people paid more attention to the emotional state of others, were more tactful, and knew how to apologize, then relationships with such people would be smoother and longer lasting.

Melancholic and choleric

Relationships between a melancholic person and people of the same type of mental organization will be unproductive. There is a risk that these people will drown in mutual grievances and despondency. Instead of constructive interaction, they will sit in different corners of the room and sulk at each other.

A phlegmatic person is not the best option for a relationship with a melancholic person, because the latter will be sure that his partner is indifferent to him. In such a union, the melancholic person will not receive emotional support. He will suffer from the coldness of his partner. A melancholic person needs constant verbal encouragement, admiration for his actions, declarations of love; phlegmatic people are not inclined to openly demonstrate feelings.

For an ideal relationship, a melancholic person needs a cheerful, fiery person who will not allow him to fall into depression and despondency. A sanguine person would be an excellent match. With his cheerfulness, positive and optimistic attitude, a sanguine person infects any (even the most sad) melancholic person. In addition, sanguine people love to arrange pleasant surprises, which melancholic people so need.

Happy in a relationship

Thus, to briefly answer who a melancholic is, he is a very sensitive and vulnerable person who will be faithful and devoted to those who truly love him.

Melancholic characteristics of men and women

The description of a melancholic person in behavior and activity is associated with gender.

Melancholy couple

Attention! Melancholic temperament can manifest itself differently in the behavior of men and women

Melancholic man

Melancholic men look like intellectuals with good upbringing and aristocratic manners. They are serious, punctual, tactful, and efficient. In addition, their positive trait is the habit of keeping promises.

In relationships with the opposite sex, such a gentleman is always attentive and caring. He has been looking for his life partner for a long time. On the one hand, he needs a sensitive and gentle girl who can understand his individual characteristics, and on the other hand, in a relationship, his chosen one must be a strong leader. When he finds her, he remains faithful to her all his life.

Additional Information. Women are attracted to this type by their romantic nature and ability to organize beautiful dates. At the same time, a lady may refuse to court him, discovering his low self-esteem. Self-doubt complicates both the personal and professional spheres of life for a man with this type of temperament.

Characteristics of a melancholic woman

Melancholic women differ from people with other types of temperament in their excessive sensitivity and vulnerability. Any sort of showdown is alien to them. Having to explain or prove something to someone tires them out. Such girls do not like to make new acquaintances and avoid noisy companies and parties. Their husbands are often childhood friends, classmates and classmates.

A woman with a melancholic temperament is a wonderful housewife. This means that she knows how to create coziness at home, cooks deliciously, and loves cleanliness and order.

Additional Information. Despite the fact that a melancholic girl is feminine and attractive to men, her relationships with the opposite sex are difficult due to an inferiority complex caused by the low level of self-esteem inherent in this temperament.



People with this temperament can take on the role of a victim. They often offend with or without reason. They are distinguished by vindictiveness, inability to express emotions, and let go of grievances (see How to forgive grievances). Melancholic people are able to remember grievances for a long time. They would be happy to take revenge, but indecision and isolation (see Introvert) do not allow them to commit this act.


A representative of this temperament is still a pessimist (see Why I am a pessimist). It is not easy for him to find reasons for joy, while sadness can arise without any apparent reason. He is afraid of many things, takes many aspects too warily and seriously. Melancholic people can boast of a huge number of fears, which take the form of phobias (see Phobias and their treatment with hypnosis).

It is curious that innocent criticism or a careless joke can turn into a deep insult for melancholic people. They may be offended by an accidentally thrown word, which representatives of other temperaments would have forgotten long ago.

Focus on other people's opinions

Melancholic people are characterized by increased stubbornness, a tendency to consider their own opinion the most important and irreplaceable. Surprisingly, such people still suffer from low self-esteem (see How to Increase Self-Esteem). It does not allow you to adequately perceive even constructive criticism.

  • When praised, the melancholic person simply blossoms, and excitement appears to continue the activity. He can continue work that does not bring pleasure, just to hear compliments and pleasant words again.
  • When criticized, a melancholic person is able to fall into a depressive state and stop any attempts to change the situation. He will give up his favorite activities, believing that he is simply mediocrity, although this has no objective basis.

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A melancholic person always strives to do the job perfectly. This can only be prevented by his emotionality, which can cause serious problems. It is worth mentioning the presence of increased demands both on yourself and on the people around you. This may not please his colleagues, as well as close people.

Character and temperament

The main personality traits are character and temperament. Temperament is not good or bad. It imparts originality to a person’s behavior, but under no circumstances does it determine motives, actions, beliefs and moral principles. Temperament and personality are closely interrelated. It is the common basis of many personal properties and, first of all, character.

A person can exhibit the same dynamic characteristics in completely different situations, but at the same time, temperament affects only the form of expression or manifestation of character. So, for example, the persistence of a choleric person is revealed in his hectic activity, while a phlegmatic person is revealed in his deep concentration. Each temperament has its own positive or negative accents. Examples of the positive properties of a choleric person can be passion, energy, activity, sanguine - mobility, liveliness, compassion, melancholic - depth and constancy of feelings, high emotionality, phlegmatic - balance and lack of haste.

However, not every choleric person will be energetic and not every sanguine person will be responsive. These qualities should be developed in oneself, and temperament can only make such a task easier or more difficult.

B. Teplov believed that with any type of temperament there is a danger of the formation of undesirable character traits. The choleric type of temperament can provoke an individual into incontinence, harshness, and a tendency to be quick-tempered. The sanguine type can lead an individual to frivolity, a tendency to scatter, and lack of stability. With the melancholic type, an individual may develop excessive unsociability, isolation, a tendency to become completely immersed in personal experiences, excessive shyness and self-consciousness. The phlegmatic type can contribute to the fact that the individual will be apathetic, lethargic, lacking initiative, inert, indifferent to the events happening to him and around him.

Some properties of temperament are developed in the activity of the individual and are largely determined by its direction.

Temperament and activity are closely interrelated, because the productivity of activity depends on the type of temperament. Character, as well as valuable personality traits, are formed on the basis of the expressed properties of each type of higher nervous activity.

Contact approach

In contact, melancholic people are inactive, easily obey the leader, and like to be looked after. They are emotionally unstable, so in contact with them you should avoid harsh words, you should be sensitive and gentle.

Melancholic child

A melancholic child will carefully study the world around you from birth, but the baby may be whiny, physically weak and overly emotional. As he grows up and develops, he will adore complex toys and logical thinking games. Often such a child will try to avoid communicating with other children. In many cases, such a child is successful in his studies; he enjoys doing his homework and tests on the material he has covered. A melancholic child does not perceive a raised tone, due to this it is impossible to yell at him, in this case he may not even understand what is to blame, you should speak to him calmly and explain in an appropriate tone what he did wrong.

Melancholic woman

A melancholic woman is not very energetic, she is predisposed to contemplation and lengthy reasoning; the slightest disputes, not to mention conflict situations, force her to be very sad and sad. The characteristics of a melancholic girl are closed, complex and lacking self-confidence. In many cases, she avoids noisy and large companies; such a person will be more interested in watching a film in an atmosphere of comfort. Women of this type

? They have romantic natures, they spend a lot of time daydreaming. But she will be a faithful wife and an excellent housewife; in many cases she has serious views on marriage and the appearance of offspring; she likes to give leadership in the family to a man.

Melancholic man

A man with a predominant melancholic character type in many cases has good manners, he is punctual and serious, and he has a keen sense of his own positive qualities. With girls, such a man behaves like a gentleman and tries to keep his promises. Representative of this type

He experiences various bad moments with difficulty, because he is considered to be of a sensitive nature.

Thanks to their deep emotionality, similar men are sensitive and responsive to other people’s experiences, but at the same time they have a high level of pessimism and anxiety. In many cases, a melancholic man’s conceit is low; next to him there should be a knowledgeable, patient representative of the fairer sex who will accept all the qualities of this character.

Melancholic introvert

Introvert? This is a person who is closed in on himself, focused on his own inner world and experiences, in other words, a standard melancholic. Similar individuals perceive their own failures rather hard; due to their isolation, it is difficult for them to make new acquaintances and make friends. Despite the fact that melancholic people are introverts prone to introspection, they have very well developed logic and insight; they can process and verify information themselves, and not just perceive already systematized information.


In psychology, a melancholic person is a person who has a complex, multifaceted inner world. A sensual, thoughtful nature distinguishes the subtle nuances of the surrounding space, becoming not only an outside connoisseur of beauty, but also independently creating man-made masterpieces. Thanks to their complex, sensitive nervous system, they are able to experience the smallest shades of feelings.

Poets, artists, sculptors, writers, and musicians are most often representatives of the melancholic type of temperament. They know how to dream, often translating their inspired dreams into tangible objects - paintings, musical and literary works. Signs of a melancholic person:

  • Depth of emotional experiences.
  • Stability of emotional reactions.
  • Quiet, smooth, slurred speech.
  • Alienation, isolation.

They are in a state of increased anxiety and excitability. To get an emotional response from such people, it is often enough to utter a single word. Melancholic people with a rich imagination and fantasy will instantly figure out the rest and explode with emotions - this character trait often interferes with establishing positive communication contacts.

In professional activities and in personal life, excessive emotionality and pretentiousness turn a melancholic person into a not very pleasant interlocutor who, during a conversation, because of any little thing, can flare up, get angry and say a lot of unpleasant words to his opponent. A positive trait of a melancholic person can be called responsibility.

If he fails to fulfill his promise to others, he sincerely worries about this and strives to correct the situation. The inability to keep his word often plunges him into a state of depression and psychological discomfort. The peculiarities of the melancholic’s temperament lie in the weakness and excessive impressionability of his nature; such a description suggests that psycho-emotional overload is contraindicated for him.

Nervous stress can cause serious mental and physical health problems. Common diagnoses that such people hear are neurotic disorders, anxiety, unstable behavior syndrome, and hysteroid syndrome. A melancholic introvert is unsociable, does not like noisy social events, and has a negative attitude towards change. Such people are distinguished by constancy in personal relationships and professional activities.

They highly value their well-established way of life and their chosen lifestyle. Affections and hobbies remain unchanged over the years. They are subject to frequent mood swings, impulsive and at first glance may seem flighty. However, behind the external swagger lies a vulnerable, sensual personality who takes seriously the choice of a partner, work and life priorities. External signs:

  1. Tendency to thinness, thinness.
  2. High growth.
  3. Frail physique.
  4. Subtle facial features.
  5. Weak, thinned muscles.
  6. Protruding bones.
  7. Flattened, concave chest.
  8. Narrow waist against fairly wide shoulders and hips.
  9. A prominent, elongated nose with a thin, pointed tip.

Regardless of gender (boy or girl), a melancholic person is prone to displaying emotions, which means unpredictable behavior, an abundance of tears, frequent grievances with or without cause, and the determination of the significance of the event that provoked an emotional reaction in the soul of a melancholic person is categorical. The reason for the universal catastrophe experienced by a person with a melancholic type of temperament may be a broken nail in the female version or a lack of attention from the partner in the male version.

The weaknesses of a melancholic person include low self-esteem, and the strengths of character include the ability to introspect. They exaggerate their own shortcomings, are not confident in their abilities, and rarely rely on luck, believing that fortune carefully avoids them. The ability to know yourself, understand your inclinations and aspirations helps you decide on the choice of a profession, which often brings material and moral satisfaction.

They tend to criticize themselves, which, coupled with uncertainty about their own importance and attractiveness, prevents them from establishing communication contacts. Being melancholic means having a hard time getting close to people, which assumes their passive role within society. They do not like to communicate with others because their gaze is primarily directed deep into themselves.

A rich inner world daily provides the basis for new reflections despite external contacts, which often disappoint with primitivism and stereotypical format. Particular difficulties arise when communicating with sanguine people, who, with their increased activity and positivity, bring disharmony into the world of a quiet, withdrawn dreamer. Despite their lack of sociability, they are pleased when others show them attention and care about them.

The advantages of a melancholic person include the ability to notice the beautiful and foresee consequences, the disadvantages are indecision and a tendency to pessimism in situations when there is a change in external circumstances and living conditions. Low resistance to stress is compensated by the ability to enjoy wonderful moments. Difficulties in adapting to a new environment are associated with a reluctance to change work, usual way of life, or partner.

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