Why does a person scream at night in his sleep and what to do?


At the subconscious level, this image can be both positive and negative. It is important to remember exactly how you shouted. Maybe this is how you splashed out joyful emotions? In this case, the dream does not carry a sharp negative load. It may indicate that you lack release in the real world. It is possible that you do not allow yourself to openly express your feelings.

If you dreamed that you were screaming in horror or fear, this may signal that there is too much tension in your life. You feel sad, angry, or angry, or sometimes all of these at the same time. In this case, you need to throw out your emotions, and not accumulate them in yourself.

The dream book determines that screaming in a dream without a voice is a sign that you are striving to be heard. You lack understanding from those around you and from loved ones. Perhaps your arguments in some situations seem insignificant to them, so they do not listen to them. Defend your point of view in any case.

Freud's Dream Book

dream book defines screaming in a dream in a very interesting way. The psychoanalyst believed that such images appear to people who cannot understand themselves. If a woman dreams of a dream, then it can signal a lack of confidence in herself and her own attractiveness. It is possible that you are very worried about this, and you think that your spouse or lover no longer shows the same passion. First of all, it is worth dealing not with his feelings, but with his own complexes, Freud believed.

If the vision appears to a man, it may indicate that he is in conflict with himself. You try to justify your actions, but nothing works. You need to deal with the way you look at some things. This internal conflict will not lead to anything good.

You dreamed of not just a scream, but a hysteria with tears - for a woman this means that she is ready to have a child, and subconsciously really wants to get pregnant. And not in vain, because now is the most favorable period for this. For a man, such a dream means that he is used to changing partners frequently. You view women only as objects of sexual interest and do not strive for a serious relationship.

Fears and anxieties

According to dream books, screaming in a dream means giving vent to accumulated negative emotions and anxieties. If the dreamer raises his voice at a specific person, this means that he wants to reach him or is very worried about someone close and dear. Dreams of this kind are interpreted as positive, because after going through the night test of pain and fear, the dreamer is freed from emotional burden.

If a person wakes up from his own scream in sweat or with a strong heartbeat, such nightmares speak of stress, overwork and strong emotions, but are not prophetic dreams, but give vent to hidden fears.

The meaning of the dream depends on who the sleeper is shouting at:

  • On the mother - to dissatisfaction with relatives and troubles. The dream also symbolizes the desire to get rid of overprotection and become a more independent person.
  • On a child - to an unexpected turn of events. If the baby starts crying, then in reality the dreamer overestimates his capabilities.
  • To your husband or wife - to feel resentment or anger at them. Dissatisfaction with your personal qualities and appearance.
  • To a stranger - to relief and calm.
  • On an animal - to misunderstandings and absurd situations.

It is believed that swearing at someone in a dream means that relationships will soon improve and a favorable period is approaching.

Raising your voice and crying at the same time is a sign of help from relatives who will help get rid of accumulated worries.

Seeing a killer whale in a dream - interpretation from dream books

Other interpretations

Interpretation depending on various details and on what exactly the scream was like in the dream:

Scream and dream detailsInterpretation
  • suppression of one's desires;
  • self-rejection, dissatisfaction with one’s character and actions;
  • feeling of one's own helplessness;
  • own problems that the dreamer does not want to notice
Numbness, inability to moveInner fears. A person is not used to sharing his feelings and experiences with other people. The need to throw out accumulated negative emotions and trust people more
Under the waterThis dream occurs when you are scared to start a new business, when a person feels lonely
Because of fearThe worst is left behind, the dreamer can relax and not worry
From pain Crying from physical pain is explained by a physiological factor. Such a dream can be dreamed by people who do not want to admit their illness and are irresponsible about their health.

Another interpretation: in life, the sleeper is a hypochondriac and too meticulously considers any change in his well-being

Waking up to a screamTo nervous fatigue
Out of helplessnessTowards reconciliation with offenders or with your conscience
Crying out loudIf a person is experiencing stress in reality, then such a dream foretells a quick relief from problems and a long-awaited rest. If everything is good in life and the dreamer doesn’t care about anything, then he should pay attention to his loved ones: perhaps he offended them in some way and did not apologize
Call for helpThe dream has a positive meaning, guaranteeing that in reality the dreamer will be heard and come to the rescue, and troubles will pass by. Psychologists are sure that people who try not to burden their loved ones with their requests are susceptible to such dreams.

Loff's Dream Book

The interpreter says that such visions always reflect the internal emotional state of a person. Therefore, you need to pay attention not only to the fact of the cry itself, but also to what exactly caused it.

Sometimes these dreams are just a reflection of our perception. You feel what is happening to other people and project their troubles and misfortunes into your own dreams.

If you dream of screaming in a dream from fear, then the dream book says that you need help.
Perhaps you called a specific person, and it is he who can provide you with support.

Various reasons

What other subjects are discussed in the dream book? Screaming and crying in pain in a dream - what does this mean? Surprisingly, such dreams promise spiritual harmony to the sleeper. It will come after he stops holding back his emotions and allows them to come out. However, such a dream can also have a different meaning. It is possible that the sleeper has health problems that he is not yet aware of. A person should definitely undergo a medical examination. He may develop a dangerous illness that does not make itself felt at an early stage.

Arguing with someone over money or shouting is a good sign. In real life, the financial situation of the sleeper will stabilize. Money will come from an unexpected source. Screaming in despair means making peace with old enemies. The sleeper once offended these people, which he has long regretted. Why not try to fix everything? It is possible that his enemies also secretly dream of reconciliation, tired of war.

Yelling at a child who is behaving badly - what does it mean? Such a plot indicates that the dreamer feels superior to others. Friends and relatives may become tired of the sleeper's complacency. Scolding a child because of bad grades means striving for new knowledge. Why not start learning something, for example, a foreign language?

Screaming because someone stepped on someone's foot - what's the point? Such a plot predicts a conflict with a person whom the dreamer practically does not know. A cry of joy is a good omen. The sleeper will have a great time in the company of family and friends.

Robinson's Dream Book

According to this dream book, loud screams in a vision speak of some hidden fears. You do not allow yourself to voice your problems, and they break into reality in this way. This is the negativity that has been accumulating inside you for a long time. Whatever causes such dreams, they indicate problems with the emotional state.

To more accurately interpret visions, it is necessary to analyze the details. It is important to remember who was next to you, where you shouted, and what else was happening. All the clues that you can remember will help shed light on the real meaning of the symbol.

Family dream book

The interpreter states that screams represent your fear of the future. But in some cases, the image warns that you are in danger. If you scream for a long time, it means that the black streak will last a very long time, and troubles will seem unbearable to you.

If you dreamed that you were being warned of danger by shouting, in reality you would receive unexpected news. You are called to help - someone close to you needs support. It is possible that he is seriously ill, and you can help.


Eastern dream book

A dreamed cry of suffering suggests that the situation that a person fears does not actually threaten him. But he, being an overly sensitive nature, was emotionally tired, and therefore rest would not hurt him.

Was the person desperately calling for someone? This means that in reality he lacks a warm attitude and basic friendly participation. You can fix this by inviting friends over or scheduling a friendly meeting.

Have you ever seen a man screaming heart-rendingly? The dreamer's bad mood will probably affect his work. But if he saw that someone was screaming, but did not hear the sound, it means that nothing will interfere with his performance of work duties.

There are also dreams in which a person himself breaks down from screams and at the same time cries, unable to stop. Such hysterics indicate that his dreams, hopes and plans will turn out to be unrealistic, and therefore will be shattered by the cruel truth of life.

The man saw himself trying to convey something to people with a desperate cry, but they didn’t hear him, as if there was no sound? Such a dream reflects the desire to prove that you are right in some matter.

Have you seen an albatross screaming loudly while flying with a caught fish in its beak? Such a vision is usually a harbinger of sad news from overseas.

To dream of a rooster crowing in the morning or evening means that something will soon happen that will make a person cry. The squawking of geese is also a bad sign. The vision in which these birds screamed foreshadows that soon someone will write a denunciation against a person.

Scream in fear in your sleep and wake up

Dream Interpretation Screaming with fear in a dream and waking up dreamed of why in a dream Screaming with fear in a dream and waking up?
To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically). Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Screaming with fear in a dream and waking up by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Scream in fear. Tip of the day: what you fear does not threaten you. It won't hurt you to rest now.

Scream, call someone. Tip of the day: you miss the friendly participation and warm attitude of your loved ones. Invite friends to your home.

Someone shouts - family squabbles.

Screaming is an extraordinary fear; you will become the subject of ridicule.

Moaning very pitifully and bitterly is an accident.

Experiencing strong fear in a dream foreshadows a joyful surprise.

If your fear is caused by anxiety not for yourself, but for people close to you, in reality you will experience anxious anticipation.

If in a dream you are fleeing in fear from wild animals or evil dogs pursuing you, it means that in reality you will be seriously insulted with complete impunity.

If you overcame your fear and boldly entered into battle with an enemy superior in strength, in reality you will be annoyed by a certain event from which you expected more for yourself.

A dream in which you cause fear in everyone around you with your ugly appearance means that in real life your friends will refuse to help you in difficult circumstances.

Try to relate to problems more easily in reality and look for ways to solve them without unnecessary worries, then fear will not annoy you.

Fear of death in a dream suggests that your daytime worries and experiences are negatively affecting your health. If you don't learn to live more calmly, you may end up with heart problems.

At the same time, if you control your fear and do not panic, such a dream is a hint that some of your wrong steps can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Dreams in which you observe the fear of other people have the same meaning.

Analyze the situation and circumstances of the dream in which you encountered this unpleasant feeling, and the dream will tell you what you really should be afraid of in reality.


Universal interpreter

It happens that a person in a dream realizes: “I can’t scream, although I try!” In other words, he tears his throat in his vision, but does not hear a sound. Such a dream is considered to personify the feeling of his own helplessness that he experiences in reality.

If he heard the screams of other people who were experiencing fear, it means that a threat loomed over one of his friends or relatives. Moreover, the danger is quite serious. It is possible that it will affect the dreamer’s personal life and health, as a result of which he will face family and financial problems.

People also often have such a terrible dream: they fall from a great height and scream from strong, chilling, animal fear. Well, this suggests that the person has not yet gotten used to his next peak. Maybe we are talking about a new position, a decision made, or the development of personal qualities.

After such a vision, the dream book recommends thinking about strengthening your position. This is necessary so as not to lose what you have acquired.

Family interpreter

If the scream you saw in a dream was full of suffering, then you need to be wary. Such a plot prophesies serious concerns, but sober reason and prudence will help a person put his affairs in order.

Did you see a screaming stranger? This means receiving dubious pleasures that can later plunge a person into depression.

If someone you know screamed for help, it means that he will soon get sick. It is possible that this person will need the help of the dreamer.

A surprised cry is considered a harbinger of receiving unexpected but appropriate support. But the cries of wild animals should be taken as a harbinger of a serious accident that a person you know will have to face.

Female-male interpretations

  • If a lonely girl had a dream, then she will be without a soulmate for a long time. It’s better to direct your energy to building a career and creativity for now.
  • If a scream was dreamed of by an unfree young lady, then she will experience anger and resentment towards her lover.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of such a dream as a warning. She must protect herself from negativity and meaningless experiences
  • For a married lady, screaming in a dream promises discontent and disappointment.
  • A lonely young man's dream of a cry indicates his desire to change his life. However, circumstances currently prevent this from happening.
  • For a guy in a relationship, such a dream promises misunderstanding on the part of his beloved.
  • For a married man, such a dream foreshadows a serious conflict in the family

If you correctly interpret a dream in which a scream appears, you will be able to prevent negative events and also minimize their consequences. After all, forewarned means forearmed!

Hearing cries of suffering - you will have great worries, but your prudence and sober mind will help you put things in order, which will have a healing effect on your state of mind; a screaming person - dubious pleasures that are likely to plunge you into a depressed state of mind, which will affect your business and heartfelt life; Hearing a cry of surprise is unexpected help; screams of wild animals - a serious accident with someone you know is possible; a cry for help when you recognize a familiar voice means the illness of the one who called you. Also see Owl, Son, Suffering.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller

It is recommended to look into this interpreter if you happen to shout at someone in a dream. Such a vision, as a rule, reflects the powerful emotional stress experienced by the dreamer in reality.

According to statistics, most often such dreams are due to the fact that he is doing someone else’s or unloved work. Even if this is not the case, then in reality something greatly oppresses him, and with his cry he releases accumulated emotions.

Here are some interesting interpretations:

By the way, a vision in which a person screamed and cried is considered a good sign. Such a dream promises the onset of a favorable period. If the dreamer himself brought someone to tears with his screams, then we should expect an improvement in relationships with other people.

The main causes of screaming in adults

Why do people scream while sleeping? There are several reasons that contribute to loud noises during sleep, and they all involve rapid activation of the nervous system. In adults, there are an order of magnitude more of them than in children, since their vital activity is subjected not only to more frequent stress, but also to additional stimulation of the nerve centers.

In particular, provoking factors may be the following:

  • Nightmares are a common cause of screaming during rest.
  • Fright on sudden awakening.
  • Prolonged overvoltage.
  • Side effect of certain medications.
  • Long-term use of sedative medications or their abrupt withdrawal.
  • Violation of the daily routine.
  • Bad habits.
  • Unsuitable sleeping conditions.
  • Mental pathologies.
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