Bags under the eyes: causes and methods of getting rid of them

Why do swelling appear on the cheekbones under the eyes?

As indicated, the main cause of malar edema is the special structure of the skull and face. Typically, the defect occurs in women who are predisposed to the appearance of fatty deposits specifically in the area under the eyes. Moreover, until approximately 25–30 years of age, such a predisposition is still invisible. Then, against the background of hormonal changes, fat and fluid accumulations appear faster and in greater quantities, making it no longer possible to ignore swelling on the cheekbones.

In addition, such changes are provoked by problems in the functioning of the kidneys. Over the years, they only become more pronounced, which is why swelling forms faster. Methods to help cope with this pathology are varied and numerous. You will definitely be able to choose the ones that suit you best.

Causes of swelling

The place where the accumulation of fat is located begins to sag in older women, fluid accumulates there and entire pockets form.

The anatomical feature of the facial structure may be such that the formation of sufas occurs at an early age. Naturally, the fact that puffiness appears under the eyes brings a lot of trouble to ladies. The reasons for this anomaly are as follows:

  • The area of ​​the tear duct, where the subcutaneous fat is located, may become deeper. This happens because the fat melts and the bags become more convex.
  • An inflammatory process that led to swelling.
  • Excessive subcutaneous fat near the eye muscles may be congenital.

How to deal with swelling on the cheekbones yourself

Various medical methods have been developed to help compensate for aesthetic defects quickly and relatively safely. But, of course, if the situation is not pathological, you should try to correct it on your own. In this case, experts and lovers of traditional medicine recommend the following methods.

  1. Removing excess fluid. Since swelling occurs due to the accumulation of moisture, it can be eliminated by regularly removing unnecessary fluid from the body. The easiest way to help with this is diuretics. If you take them regularly, the swelling will go away. And they won't appear again. You should not overuse diuretics. After all, useful substances often come out along with excess liquid.
  2. Use of an ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect. Oddly enough, ointments recommended for hemorrhoids are excellent for relieving swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes. They relieve inflammation, stimulate the removal of excess fluid, which is why swelling disappears. The most well-known antihemorrhoidal drugs include Proctonis and Relief.
  3. Taking vitamin-mineral complexes. An effective way to prevent the occurrence of malar edema under the eyes is to take vitamins. But we must take into account that a good effect from them can be obtained only if the body really needs such supplements. This usually happens when swelling on the cheekbones appears after an improper diet, stress, intense work, and so on.

In general, you can find many other recommendations. For example, someone advises applying Solcoseryl gel, smearing bodyaga, Troxevasin and other decongestants. In principle, they can help, but the result will not be very lasting. For this reason, we will not recommend such options.

General recommendations for facial swelling

For regular swelling of the face, it is advised:

  • drink clean, or even better, melt water - at least eight glasses daily;
  • if you cannot drink that much water, replace it with herbal tea, but be sure to replace sugar with honey;
  • drink diuretic herbs that are good for relieving swelling: bear's ear, corn silk and others;
  • drink bay leaf infusion - brew 3-4 leaves in a glass of boiling water, drink a tablespoon throughout the day;
  • sleep for at least eight hours, and the pillow should be firm and low;
  • You can't eat at night.
  1. By applying a mask of grated raw potatoes to the face, the swelling can be removed in a quarter of an hour.
  2. A mask made from grated parsley roots helps relieve swelling of the face and eyes.
  3. People prone to swelling should have on hand ice cubes made from a decoction of chamomile, celandine and rose petals.
  4. It is recommended to drink a cup of green tea, and also apply a napkin soaked in strongly brewed green tea to your face.
  5. You can use a pumpkin mask made from two tablespoons of grated pumpkin and a small amount of water. After bringing the mixture over low heat until smooth, add a spoonful of honey. Apply the cooled mixture to your skin. After 10 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.

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Cosmetic preparations to eliminate swelling on the cheekbones

Now you can move on to the products that cosmetologists recommend specifically for combating macular edema. Unlike traditional treatment options, they are not only most effective, but also relatively safe. You can use the following methods to get rid of puffiness best.

  1. Hyaluronic acid. It should be noted right away that it is not suitable for everyone. Under certain conditions, this remedy can, on the contrary, retain fluid. Therefore, you first need to test it to understand how the body will react to contact with hyaluronic acid or preparations containing it.
  2. Euthyrox. A hormonal drug that can only be taken after examination by an endocrinologist or at least a cosmetologist. The medicine works in almost all cases, but, again, it must be handled with the utmost care. And specialist supervision is a prerequisite for treatment.
  3. Biorevitalization. This procedure is also recommended for women suffering from swelling under the eyes. It must be performed in beauty salons under the supervision of experienced specialists. You should immediately prepare for the fact that several visits to the salon will be required, since one or two procedures will not produce a serious result.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage. Of course, it can also be done at home if you have the necessary experience and technical means. But, again, it is best to go to specialists for procedures. With the help of lymphatic drainage massage, you can quickly get rid of swelling, since after the first procedure the liquid leaves the surface of the skin, and the face takes on a correct and attractive shape.
  5. Diprospan. A product that is administered by a specialist through injection. This drug is designed to reduce fat, after which cheekbones and swelling under the eyes disappear completely. But there is a serious limitation - such injections are performed only up to 30–35 years of age. Moreover, the older the woman, the higher the risk of side effects.

When used correctly, any option will be effective. Unfortunately, it is still unlikely to eliminate swelling forever. You will have to periodically repeat the course of treatment. Because of this, there is a need to understand what preventive methods are possible.

Ineffective means

If a folk method was chosen to reduce edema, then there is a list of folk methods that do not need to be used:

  • Blefarogel can have the opposite effect. It contains hyaluronic acid. This is a substance that retains fluid, but will not affect the sac under the eyes. Treatment with this remedy will not bring any results.
  • Some people associate the formation of cystic sacs with problems with the thyroid gland. At the same time, female representatives make the diagnosis themselves and begin taking the drug “Eutirox”. This medicine is a hormonal drug. It can only be used with the prescription of an endocrinologist.
  • Swelling may increase due to Botox. Since the lymph begins to circulate worse, which can lead to a negative result.
  • Biorevitalization can also increase the bags under the eyes. Since it is impossible to accurately determine the volume of the drug that is necessary for the skin to smooth out. Therefore, in order to get rid of sufas, you will have to undergo a course of cosmetic procedures after biorevitalization.

Prevention of swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes

It's best to prevent swelling if you know you're prone to it. The measures here are quite simple, but very effective. To prevent puffiness on the cheekbones under the eyes, the investigator only needs a few recommendations.

  1. Carry out gymnastics and facial massage. At home, facial massage can be performed with your fingers, a massage roller, or almost any available means that do not cause discomfort. Gymnastics, in turn, is designed to tense and relax muscles. The purpose of these procedures is to prevent fluid accumulation.
  2. Any masks against puffiness. There are many homemade masks that help relieve swelling. It can be cucumber, tomato, kefir masks and so on.
  3. Compliance with drinking regime. To prevent swelling from appearing, you need to drink enough water. This may seem paradoxical. But in reality this is exactly what happens. Only if you drink about two liters of clean water a day will the risk of edema decrease. In addition, there is no need to abuse alcoholic beverages, salty and fatty foods. Because they stimulate the accumulation of fluid under the eyes.
  4. Finally, you can use almost any cosmetic product that has an anti-edematous effect. There is no need to wait for swelling under the eyes to appear. These drugs are used for prevention.

If you regularly follow such recommendations, the risk of developing swelling will noticeably decrease. Of course, she cannot be completely excluded. But, in any case, you will not suffer as much from swelling on your cheekbones as those women who gave up on themselves.

Cosmetic procedures

If you notice bags under your eyes, how can you get rid of them without going to the surgeon? For example, you can simply find a good cosmetologist who can perform the following procedures to eliminate the problem:

  • Reducing the volume of adipose tissue is possible with diprospan injections. Thus, the relief of the face is reduced. But the procedure cannot be performed frequently, so as not to overdose the drug.
  • To make the skin of the bags more elastic and smooth, it is necessary to reduce the accumulation of fluid in this area. The Thermage procedure is aimed at transforming adipose tissue into looser tissue, and ultimately aims to reduce the bags under the eyes.
  • To prevent malar edema from being so pronounced, microcurrents can be used.

Such procedures will not get rid of bags forever. They need to be carried out from time to time and carefully monitor the condition of the skin.

Possible complications

Complications and consequences can sometimes be irreversible, that is, it is not always possible to eliminate them and restore former vision, even with the help of the most modern means and technology. If timely medical care is ignored, the patient may encounter the following conditions:

  1. Exophthalmos. This is a forward displacement of the eyeball. In this case, a person begins to experience difficulty moving his eyes, and this in turn leads to a certain limitation of activity in a person’s life. In order to look at the object, he has to turn his body, but he cannot achieve the same reaction. Therapy for this condition in most cases includes surgery, as well as the use of local drugs and treatment of the underlying disease, which became the basis of this pathological condition.
  2. Chemosis of the conjunctiva. This is severe swelling of the tissues of the mucous membrane of the eyeball. This leads to blurred vision, the formation of a “whitish veil” before the eyes, which will ultimately gradually lead to a permanent decrease in visual acuity. A person experiences discomfort even with his eyes closed. In severe cases, the process may be accompanied by the discharge of pus.

Finally, increased swelling without appropriate treatment provokes an increase in intraocular pressure, and this is a direct threat to decreased visual acuity and even blindness.

It is impossible not to mention complications from improper therapy. For example, self-administration of diuretics can lead to disruption and even failure of the excretory system. This is a very dangerous condition, which will subsequently require the patient to remain in hospital for a long time, but even in this case there is no complete guarantee that the system will return to functioning.

And of course, for almost every person the aesthetic component of his appearance is important. The presence of puffiness under the eye can give others the wrong idea about this person, which gives limitations (for example, in the professional sphere).

Many people do not pay much attention when their left or right cheek is slightly swollen, but there is no pain. Hoping that everything will soon go away on its own without outside help, they delay going to the doctor and thereby greatly aggravate the situation. Unfortunately, in such cases, very often patients themselves initiate the pathological process and seek help only at a late stage of the disease, which requires complex and lengthy treatment.

Usually the cheek becomes swollen if there is dental disease. So, the problem usually arises against the background of the following factors:

  • infiltration: medical errors made during canal treatment, as well as heavy dental deposits due to poor hygiene - all this can provoke the development of periodontitis and pulpitis. Some time before swelling appears, the patient begins to experience toothache. This means that the source of inflammation is localized near the root. If you ignore the symptom for a long time, flux will develop, which can then lead to serious problems such as an abscess or cellulitis1. The soft tissues become severely inflamed, and pus collects in the resulting cavity. The danger here is that the toxic exudate may well leak into the blood and lead to sepsis, which is very serious. When the first signs of a problem appear, immediately go to the doctor. The photo shows the difference between periodontitis and pulpitis
  • periodontal disease: pathology is characterized by dystrophic damage to the gingival tissues, which because of this become weak. As a result, the dentogingival connection is disrupted, the gums begin to bleed and open a direct path for the penetration of various types of infections. The main reason for the development of the disease is a violation of the blood supply, which can be caused by both natural aging and pathological processes present in the body,

    The photo shows periodontal disease

  • problematic eruption of wisdom teeth: if swelling has formed in the area of ​​the figure eight, most likely the matter is due to complicated growth of the wisdom tooth. A hood appears at the causative site, under which food particles and bacteria accumulate, which gradually lead to the development of inflammation and the formation of pus. First, the cheek swells, and after a while pain appears, the temperature rises and general health worsens. In such cases, extraction of the partially or completely retained figure eight is usually performed. The surgeon makes an incision in the gum, ensures the drainage of exudate, and then removes the tooth.

    Difficulty erupting wisdom teeth can cause cheek swelling

Even if there are no other manifestations other than swelling, be sure to see a specialist. A symptom never occurs out of nowhere, and the cause of its appearance must be urgently eliminated.

Why else might your cheek swell? Often, a symptom appears after treatment at the dentist, and here the cause may be either an allergy or mistakes made by the doctor during the procedure. Here are some possible scenarios:

  • Allergy – often becomes a consequence of exposure of the body to allergenic substances contained in used materials. In such a situation, swelling occurs several hours after the procedure. The doctor will remove the filling, unseal the canal and refill it with another, safe and completely biocompatible material,
  • after depulpation - sometimes after the procedure, patients note swelling of the soft tissues, but do not feel pain. The reason lies in the anatomical characteristics of the patient or in poor quality treatment. If you ignore the symptom, you may be left without a tooth altogether,
  • after tooth extraction, swelling often becomes a consequence of a complex extraction procedure. In such a situation, experts recommend giving up hot and cold foods, as well as sour and salty foods, and alcohol for at least a day. A cold compress for 10-15 minutes will help relieve the condition. The swelling will subside on its own after some time.
  • after cutting the gingival tissue, to treat the infiltrate, the specialist installs a drainage that ensures the outflow of purulent exudate from the cavity. To do this, the gums are dissected, which can cause minor swelling of the soft tissues. Here the symptom also goes away on its own.

This is what drainage looks like in dentistry. If the symptoms described above appear after going to the dentist, you should immediately seek help again. The swelling will only increase, and this is a direct signal that the inflammation continues to spread. Concomitant manifestations will not take long to appear, so in order to avoid severe pain, suppuration and rising temperature, it is better to go to the doctor immediately.

The cause of the problem is not always a dental disease or medical error. Other factors can also cause swelling:

  • neuralgia – other symptoms appear, the patient may have blocked ears and a sore throat,
  • malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs - swelling becomes a consequence of an excess of fluid in the body, and this, in turn, indicates serious systemic disorders,
  • infection - the cheek swells due to the spread of infection, partly due to inflamed lymph nodes. This pathological condition can also be diagnosed in a child. Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment,
  • cyst - this phenomenon leads to deformation of the oval of the face and usually requires surgical removal of the tumor.

The photo shows a tumor from inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Trauma can also cause swelling. If you were hurt or hit before the symptom appeared, you need to see a traumatologist.

How are paint bags formed?

There is much more room for discussion here.

Let's turn to history.

Malar edema is a triangular-shaped cushion formed from dense subcutaneous fat.

This condition was analyzed in detail from an anatomical point of view in Pessa, Garza 1997. Using dye and histological examination, the authors established that edema is a facial formation of the lower eyelid and cheekbone, which they called the malar septum. It starts from the orbital edge of the periosteum in the area of ​​the arcus marginalis superiorly, deepens into the skin of the cheekbone 2.5–3 cm downward to the lateral canthus. The septum divides the suborbicular fat into superior and inferior components.

The inferior component merges with the malar fat, while the superior component refers to the malar convexities.

According to the authors, the malar septum is a relatively impermeable barrier that allows tissue edema and hemoglobin to accumulate superiorly, and thus defines the inferior border of anatomical structures such as malar edema, malar tubercle, scallop, and periorbital ecchymosis. Typically, edema forms in the nasolabial-zygomatic area. Fat is attached to the skin and supported by several fibrous septa that are located in the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) and then extend into the dermis. Loss of skin elasticity and weakening of these septa, as well as loss of volume in the area of ​​the medial malar fat, lead to the skin moving down and forward and the fat pad sliding into the nasolabial area.

As a result, there is a deepening of the nasolabial folds, sagging of the cheeks and loss of expression of the zygomatic elevations. The lower eyelid lengthens, stretching the orbicularis oculi muscle, forming a tear trough and V-shaped deformities along the upper jaw and zygomatic bone. Individual fat pockets become visible as clearly defined formations that are absent on a young face.

It is the correction of this area, like no other, that can restore a youthful appearance to the face.

So, we know about the paint septum that we know little about it. Great minds argue, but we – practicing specialists – are left with the question “What to do?” Not finding an answer, I decided to ask the doctors at my clinic. Opinions were widely divided.

This article is not intended to teach you how? The main goal is to ask questions to practitioners and highlight the most dangerous techniques. Let's go from simple to complex.

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