Bags under the eyes from lack of sleep: getting rid of them quickly


Not always, swelling and bruising under the eyes are a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Often, the reason is the presence of certain diseases:

  • Allergies. Accompanied by lacrimation, sneezing, redness of the eyes, difficulty breathing and coughing;
  • Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis and sinusitis). They occur with painful sensations localized in the forehead and under the eyes, as well as copious discharge from the nose;
  • Kidney diseases. When they occur, fluid retention occurs in the body, which causes not only swelling of the eyes, but also lower back pain and headaches;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. Due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance occurs - general weakness increases, body weight increases, the menstrual cycle changes, edema occurs;
  • Heart failure. It is accompanied by shortness of breath and fatigue. Swelling and bruising under the eyes, almost invisible in the morning, appear in the late afternoon;
  • Skin diseases - eczema and dermatitis.

Causes of bags under the eyes in men

Bags under the eyes in men are formed due to the special structure of this part of the face. The eye is surrounded by fatty tissue that protects the organ from injury. This tissue accumulates fluid very well, and in men to a greater extent than in the opposite sex.

This is due to the fact that in the periorbital zone the capillary network is very dense, which is necessary for sufficient blood supply and water exchange. In men, microcirculation of blood is more intense than in women, with weaker small vessels. Therefore, men's skin has a darker shade, and the likelihood of bags forming under the eyes is greater. Moreover, swelling is often observed even in young men.

There are different reasons why bags appear in men, including:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • age-related changes;
  • poor nutrition;
  • constant stress;
  • long exposure to the sun.

Any of these factors provokes the appearance of swelling in the eye area even in completely healthy men, but sometimes bags can indicate a malfunction in the body.

Such as:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • allergy;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pathologies of the heart and vascular system;
  • nasopharyngeal injuries.

All of the above bad habits and problems in the functioning of internal organs affect vital processes, which leads to swelling of the eyelids. Let us examine in more detail the mechanisms of the main provoking factors.

Restless sleep or lack of sleep

Healthy rest plays an important role in maintaining youthful and healthy skin. Men often cannot afford eight hours of sleep, and strict work schedules and constant stress add to the problems.

The habit of staying up late at a computer monitor or in a bar will definitely affect your appearance in the morning. Sleeping in this mode occurs at the wrong time, the body does not have enough time to rest, the skin does not recover, loses its elasticity, and as a result, circles form under the eyes.

Accumulation of water in the human body

Another consequence of the love of parties is fluid retention. The main reason for this process is excess salt, which is found in huge quantities in beer, chips, fish and fast food.

Lovers of these products often wake up with swollen eyelids because the salt prevents water from escaping. Its excess creates swelling.

Changes in hormonal levels

The level of the hormone testosterone in a man’s body is unstable, sometimes it changes very sharply. Aldosterone is also important, with the help of which salt balance is controlled. Men produce this hormone in greater quantities than women, which increases the risk of edema.

Preventive measures

To prevent bags from appearing under your eyes, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Ventilating the room before going to bed will help you fall asleep easily and provide the brain with enough oxygen.
  2. To improve blood circulation and oxygen saturation, it is recommended to go for short walks before bed.
  3. Using an orthopedic pillow will help you sleep in the correct anatomical position, which in turn will not impede blood flow and prevent swelling.
  4. Daily sleep should be at least 8 hours.
  5. A healthy diet and avoidance of alcohol, coffee and smoking will help maintain the natural complexion, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Bad habits primarily affect the condition of the skin: it turns yellow or gray, loses elasticity, becomes dry and lifeless.
  6. Regular use of skin care products around the eyes. Before going to bed
  7. Use of sunscreens. Ultraviolet rays are harmful to skin cells and can have serious health consequences.

Facial massage around the eyes

Having selected an individual cosmetic product for the area around the eyes, you can perform an independent facial massage with it. Self-massage improves blood circulation, lymph flow, and helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

After applying the cream, massage begins from the upper eyelids, moving along the contour of the orbital bone to the lower eyelid area. On the Internet you can find many different techniques for performing home facial massage.

The area around the eyes is susceptible to environmental influences and severe dehydration. To prevent the epidermis from drying out, even those with oily skin types are advised to use eye moisturizers.

How to quickly remove bruises and bags under the eyes from lack of sleep in the morning

There are several ways to remove dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep:

  • Tea . Pour boiling water over green or black tea bags and, after steeping for a minute, drain the water. Place them in the freezer for 10 minutes, then apply to your eyes and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash and apply nourishing cream to the eyelid area;
  • Raw potatoes . Wash the raw potatoes thoroughly and grate them together with the skin on a fine grater. Divide the resulting mixture, place it on small pieces of bandage or gauze and apply to the eyes for 20 minutes. If you are not allergic to honey, you can add a little of it to potatoes;
  • Boiled potatoes . This is a fairly effective remedy that will quickly help get rid of dark circles under the eyes. A medium-sized potato needs to be boiled in its skins. After it has cooled, cut it in half and apply it to your eyes;

Another effective method for quickly removing bags under the eyes is hemorrhoid ointment. Although this medicine is used in other cases, this ointment will help get rid of bags under the eyes quickly and very effectively. These ointments contain a component that improves blood circulation and reduces swelling. You need to apply a small amount and rub in well.

How to get rid of puffiness under the eyes

Diuretics for puffy eyes

With isolated swelling under the eyes, treatment is not required, since they disappear on their own and do not bother a person for a long time. If the swelling does not disappear for more than 2-3 days, we can talk about its chronic nature.

In such cases, diuretic drugs are used. But since they have a list of contraindications, they are prescribed only by a doctor; independent use is not allowed. Medicines are not used in situations where swelling of the eyelids is associated with prolonged crying, consumption of salty foods or alcoholic beverages.

The main indications for prescribing diuretic tablets:

  • Swelling around the eyes does not disappear for several days;
  • “bags” increase in size;
  • every day the color of the swelling becomes darker;
  • the problem interferes with vision.

Before using diuretics, you need to remember that they only affect the external manifestation of eyelid swelling, but not the cause. Swelling under the eyes, the causes and treatment of which can be varied, is eliminated with the help of medications with a diuretic effect.

The most common diuretic tablets are:

  • Furosemide - most often doctors prescribe Furosemide, as it is a potent medicine with a wide spectrum of action. The tablets are available only by prescription, as they cause side effects and have a number of contraindications. Patients should in no case exceed the prescribed dosage of the drug, as this helps to wash out potassium from the body.
  • Lasix is ​​a modern diuretic containing the active substance furosemide. Refers to prescription drugs that are recommended to be taken strictly in the prescribed dosage.
  • Veroshpiron is considered an effective diuretic that eliminates swelling around the eyes and practically does not remove potassium and other minerals. The first positive changes can be noticed 2-4 days after the start of therapy. Recommended dosage is 1 capsule per day. Dispensed as prescribed by a doctor.

Patches for puffiness under the eyes

Anti-edema patches are a modern cosmetic product designed to nourish and moisturize the skin under the eyes. Such products take the form of crescent-shaped patches, soaked in a special liquid with a moisturizing, rejuvenating and tonic effect. Smoothing patches belong to the so-called express products. They help in just a few minutes to reduce eye puffiness in the morning, lighten dark circles and refresh your eyes. It is recommended to fix the patches on the skin for 15-25 minutes, then lie down. The procedure can be carried out both in the morning and before bedtime.

Patches for puffiness under the eyes. Photo:

In case of severe swelling, cosmetologists advise using drainage patches. As a result of application to the site of swelling, they accelerate lymphatic drainage, activate blood circulation, as a result of which the size of swelling around the eyes decreases.

Folk remedies for puffiness under the eyes

Before removing puffiness under the eyes using traditional medicine, you must conduct a sensitivity test, because in many cases, medicinal plants can cause an allergic reaction.

Folk recipes for swelling of the eyelids:

  • chamomile – 1-2 tablespoons of chamomile color should be poured with boiling water, left for 15 minutes, moistened with a cotton pad in the product and applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes every evening;
  • shepherd's purse - a spoonful of fresh or dry plant should be poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 15 minutes, drink 200 ml of the product three times a day;
  • bearberry - a teaspoon of crushed raw materials must be mixed with the same amount of green tea, pour in 250 ml of hot water, drink a cup before each meal;
  • lingonberries - a small handful of berry leaves is brewed with a cup of boiling water, after infusion, they drink instead of tea throughout the day;
  • cucumber – a large vegetable that needs to be grated and the resulting mass applied to the eye area for 15-20 minutes.

Folk remedies for puffiness under the eyes. Photo:

How to remove swelling from the eyes at home: a potato mask will come to the rescue, it brightens and smoothes the skin of the eyelids, making it more elastic and toned. Both boiled and raw tubers are used for its preparation. The potatoes need to be peeled, boiled, chopped as for mashed potatoes and seasoned with warm milk. The resulting paste should be applied to the swollen eyelids and kept for 10-15 minutes.

Raw potatoes can be grated, add a spoonful of cream and flour, mix thoroughly and use for compresses under the eyes. Wheat flour and cream can be replaced with natural olive oil.


Prevention of swelling of the skin around the eyes involves taking good care of the organs of vision. It is very important to use only high-quality, hypoallergenic cosmetics, protect your eyes from injury and damage, and reduce the amount of salty and smoked foods in your diet.

It is also recommended to strictly limit the consumption of fluids and alcohol, especially in the afternoon. If a person is predisposed to swelling under the eyes, it is very useful to drink decoctions and infusions of diuretic herbs several times a day. You need to pay attention to proper sleep, try to avoid stress, and also visit a therapist at least twice a year for preventive examinations.

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