Why do dark spots appear before the eyes?


Symptoms of the patient's condition may vary. If the floaters before the eyes are temporary, no other signs will be present. If they are caused by diseases, one or more symptoms appear:

  • dizziness, headache, temporary or permanent;
  • paroxysmal migraine with aura;
  • itching, burning, irritation in the eye area;
  • pressure or pain localized inside the eyes;
  • malaise (weakness, fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness);
  • decreased visual acuity up to complete blindness;
  • disturbance of a person’s psycho-emotional state;
  • increase in body temperature.

If a person consistently experiences one of the above symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


There are natural reasons for the formation of midges and black spots before the eyes:

  • Hypovitaminosis. It occurs as a result of a decrease in the intake of nutrients, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins into the human body. Disturbances occur not only in the area of ​​the visual organs, but also in other organs and systems.
  • Age-related changes. The older a person gets, the worse the cellular structure of the eyeballs is renewed. In a healthy young person, the internal fluid of the eye is colorless and has a certain composition. With age, insoluble particles appear inside it, and the liquid becomes cloudy. Therefore, visual acuity decreases, a person sees foreign objects in front of his eyes.
  • Myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism. These conditions may develop in early childhood or later. In addition to decreased visual acuity, defects in the eyeballs are detected. The consequence of this is the incorrect projection of the light beam on the retina. Black dots form before the eyes.
  • Tired eyes. It occurs when working at a computer for a long time, watching TV, or reading books in a poorly lit room.
  • The effect of bright sunlight on the retina. Temporary pain occurs. If the damaging factor persists, damage to this structure and the formation of permanent black spots before the eyes is possible.

Correction is required only for myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism. In this case, glasses or lenses are used. In the future, laser surgery may be used.

Causes of white spots before the eyes

Formations in the eyes may vary in color. They manifest as single symptoms and are rarely combined with others. Primary symptoms include the following:

  • light flashes;
  • pain in the frontal region or back of the head;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the eyeball.

Many signs may indicate transient diseases that become dangerous to vision. Inflammatory processes negatively affect the acuity of perception. A person sees blurry objects for some time or experiences the effect of double objects.

There is a sharp darkening or difficulty adapting to darkness after exposure to the sun. Floaters appear before the eyes, both black and light. Formations in the eyes have different shapes, be it circles, ovals or even fancy stars. They are potentially dangerous manifestations of eye diseases that can lead to vision loss.

Structure of the eye

It happens that a person experiences redness of the cornea. This is also associated with various factors of diseases of the eyeball, which intersect with infections or overstrain of blood vessels.

Types of spots before the eyes:

  1. If red spots appear before the eyes, this is normal damage to the capillaries. They are the smallest vessels that deliver blood with oxygen and necessary substances to the eyeball. Capillaries have the feature of “self-defense” and at the slightest negative impact they expand, which leads to unpleasant redness of the eyes.
  2. White spots have different manifestation features. They can appear as a clear formation (large or small, which may not be noticed) or a slight cloudiness. These signs are the first signal about the presence of diseases of the lens, cornea or retina. White spots are a dangerous formation on the eyeball.
  3. The appearance of yellow spots in the eyes can be accompanied by various ailments in the body. They can float, blink, and appear in bright flashes. The formation can appear after head injuries or with age (usually after 60 years).

White spots before the eyes

The cause of white spots may be:

  1. Changes in the lens, its pathology. In this case, cataracts develop. It manifests itself in dense or “light” clouding of the lens itself. The disease can be either congenital or acquired. Cataracts develop due to degenerative changes in the substance of the lens. This pathology usually affects older people.
  2. Changes in the cornea of ​​the eye. Initially, it appears as a small spot, which then covers part of the cornea or becomes a significant clouding of the eye. In science, this disease is called leukoma or cataract. After some time, you may find that the leukoma has begun to take on a yellowish tint. An eyesore can be either passive or active (progression of the disease).

Various factors encourage the development of symptoms:

  1. After infectious pathologies, scars may remain in the cornea of ​​the eye, which develop into an eye disease.
  2. If ethyl alcohol, chemicals or toxic substances get into your eyes.
  3. After the injury.

The main causes of blurred vision are inflammation or irritation of the organ of vision. For example, a red formation may appear due to infectious diseases. In this case, it will be accompanied by purulent discharge, itching and even blurred vision.

A red spot on the white of the eye may be a ruptured capillary or blood vessel. This happens due to tension in the optic nerve or physical activity.

Weather conditions also cause this symptom - temperature changes, gusts of wind, dust or foreign bodies blown under the eyelid. Such manifestations indicate not only eye diseases, but also blood diseases.

Association with diseases

If the appearance of blackheads is caused by diseases, treatment is required. If it is not applied in time, the risk of decreased visual acuity, blindness, and spread of the pathological process to neighboring organs and tissues increases.

Mechanical damage

These include impacts, bone fractures, soft tissue damage, and hematoma. Bones, soft tissues of the brain and eyeballs can be damaged. If bleeding occurs near the visual analyzer, it will gradually compress the nerve tissue. This causes blackheads to form in front of the eyes.

Hypertonic disease

High blood pressure creates increased stress on the blood vessels. If the condition has spread to the microcirculation of the eyes, a sharp headache occurs and spots flash before the eyes.


Atherosclerotic plaques form in human blood and spread throughout organs and tissues. If they clog the vessels of the microvasculature of the eyes, atrophy and damage to the retina occurs. The first symptom is the formation of spots before the eyes. If left untreated, the condition worsens, and visual acuity may decrease, leading to complete blindness.

Vitreous humor disorder

In a healthy person, the vitreous body has an absolutely transparent structure. It contains substances that can dissolve. In diseases that change the composition of the vitreous body, the fluid begins to become cloudy. Therefore, a person perceives not a pure light beam, but insoluble fractions inside the vitreous body.

Retinopathy in diabetes mellitus

If a patient's diabetes is not detected in time or there is no treatment, complications occur. One of them is the accumulation of glucose conglomerates in the patient’s blood. They spread throughout organs and tissues and can clog the microcirculation vessels of the eyes. If this happens, the first symptom will be the appearance of dots and spots before the eyes. Subsequently, visual function decreases and blindness occurs.


In a healthy person, the lens has a transparent structure.

Inside it there are soluble and insoluble fractions of various substances. If the former predominate, the lens retains its structure. If insoluble proteins accumulate, a person begins to see worse. The first symptom of cataracts is floaters in front of the eyes. Subsequently, vision decreases.


An integrated approach is used to diagnose the patient’s condition. Doctors use several techniques to identify the root cause:

  • Anamnesis collection. This is data obtained from the words of the patient or his close relatives.
  • General examination of the patient. Symptoms of the disease that is the underlying cause may appear. For example, patients with atherosclerosis and high blood pressure will experience redness of the sclera and skin.
  • Fundus examination. To do this, the patient is first instilled into the mucous membrane of the eyes with a solution that temporarily disrupts the process of pupil accommodation. The doctor evaluates the condition of the vitreous body, lens, cornea, eye chambers, retina, microcirculation vessels.
  • , MRI. Using the techniques, a layer-by-layer image of the eyeballs and brain will be visible. Pathologies of blood vessels, nervous tissue, neoplasms, and bleeding can be identified.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a reliable diagnosis and carries out treatment.

What to do if spots appear before your eyes?

Whatever formation appears on the eyeball, red or white, this can occur from overstrain of the visual organs. If you give them a rest for a while, then most likely the illness will go away. The intensity of the symptoms will become less and less and they will disappear. The most dangerous are yellow formations. They can be harbingers of serious eye diseases.

In some cases, the cause of spots before the eyes can be systemic diseases of the body. There may have been a hemorrhage in the macula. In this case, medications are prescribed so that the blood resolves and does not accumulate in the macula.

When retinal degeneration occurs, it is usually caused by poor circulation. Therefore, in order to cure the patient, it is necessary to slow down the damage to the macula.

The effect of white floaters in the eyes

Spots of any kind on the eyeballs are a dangerous problem. You should not resort to self-medication. It can only do harm. You need to immediately consult a doctor to find out an accurate diagnosis and get qualified help.


To treat patients, an integrated approach is used, that is, several methods are used:

  • correction of insulin dosage for diabetes mellitus;
  • drugs that reduce opacification of the lens and vitreous body;
  • drugs that lower blood pressure;
  • drugs that reduce blood cholesterol;
  • drugs that eliminate bleeding, dissolve blood;
  • surgical methods of treatment for deformity.

Additionally, the patient is advised to adhere to a diet. It should not contain fatty, fried, spicy, salty, smoked foods. This will reduce the risk of vascular disorders.


To prevent the formation of floaters before your eyes, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • examination by an ophthalmologist and neurologist at least once a year;
  • use of sunglasses when exposed to bright colors;
  • reduced amount of time spent in front of a computer, TV, tablet, phone;
  • timely treatment of systemic diseases.

The cause of black dots before the eyes can be physiological or pathological. Only in the latter case is treatment required. Self-therapy can lead to irreparable complications, so it is recommended to be examined only by a doctor.

Why are there spots before my eyes?

Pathologies of the organs of vision have recently become younger, for which there are explanations:

  • great emotional and physical stress ;
  • prolonged exposure to a PC monitor, as well as in front of a TV and other gadgets that require excessive visual concentration ;
  • lack of rest for the eyes (outdoor walks, etc.).

If any deviations in the field of vision appear (spots, spots, lightning appear in the eyes), it is very important to determine the cause that provoked this condition.

And here the nature of the spots and their color play an important role .

White spots before the eyes

Photo 1: The appearance of white spots or dots in the eye structures often act as symptoms of serious pathologies.
Therefore, timely examination, diagnosis and treatment of the visual organs is so important. Source: flickr (Evgen Kirjukhin). White spots in the eyes or cloudiness can be either a primary pathology or one of the symptoms of the development of diseases in various structures of the eye:

  • in the retina;
  • in the lens;
  • in the cornea.

Lens pathologies

Changes in the lens usually lead to a disease such as cataracts . The disease manifests itself as clouding of varying degrees, expressed as a clouded white-gray spot on the pupil.

Cataracts develop due to degenerative changes in the substance of the lens . This explains the fact that this disease is observed mainly in elderly patients.

Cataracts are treated conservatively . Therapy is prescribed at the primary stage and consists of the use of drugs that improve metabolic processes in the structures of the visual organs.

If the disease is advanced, it is treated through surgery: the affected lens is removed and an intraocular lens is implanted in its place.

Corneal changes

Corneal opacities are medically called leukoma . The pathology can be total or spread only to a certain area of ​​the cornea.

White spots that appear before the eyes come in different sizes : very small or those that can be seen with the naked eye.

The pathology may not have any effect on the functionality of the visual organs, but can also provoke the development of blindness .

Blurred vision can also occur for the following reasons:

  • tuberculosis accompanied by keratitis;
  • syphilis and other infectious diseases. Note that after inflammatory processes, characteristic scars remain on the cornea;
  • eye injuries;
  • contact with toxic substances.

Photo 2: Leukoma is treated surgically, but first of all, the disease that caused the clouding is eliminated, and only then the damaged cornea is removed and subsequent plastic surgery is performed. Source: flickr (Carlos P Wendell).

Retinal changes

If there is insufficient blood supply to the retina, white spots may also appear in front of the eyes. This pathology in medicine is called retinal angiopathy . It can occur against the background of previous injuries, due to hypertension, atherosclerosis , low blood pressure, and exposure to toxic substances.

Without enough nutrients, the retina weakens, which leads to its thinning, detachment and even rupture .

Angiopathy can occur as a result of diabetic disease, vascular abnormalities, Alzheimer's disease, osteochondrosis and scoliosis, as well as in people who smoke.

Angiopathy syndromes are:

  • white “midges” near the eyes;
  • dark spots;
  • white spots;
  • Possible eye pain;
  • visual acuity decreases;
  • vision may be completely lost.

Yellow and bright spots before the eyes

Sometimes a person may see various objects in the form of circles or yellow spots. They can be floating, barely noticeable, and sometimes very bright, like flashes. It is very important to note the nature of these manifestations : they occur periodically or are constantly present.

In some cases, the described symptom may be accompanied by a number of other manifestations :

  • headache;
  • bright flashes of light;
  • dizziness;
  • sore eyes;
  • double or blurry vision;
  • a sharp increase in the size of spots;
  • flashing circles.

Causes of pathology

CauseSymptoms, features
MigraineYellow spots, nausea or headache.
Pathology of the vitreousFloating yellow spots of different shapes and sizes.
Posterior vitreous detachmentFloating specks are accompanied by bright flashes. Only a qualified doctor can help here, since the pathology is very serious .
Swelling of the central part of the retina (macula)Distortion of vision, yellow spots.
HemorrhagesObjects are black-brown or yellow in color. These deviations require urgent medical attention and timely treatment.
Retinal burnObjects are yellowish.

How to treat yellow spots

Treatment of the pathology depends on the root cause of its occurrence.

In case of macular edema, the underlying disease must be determined and eliminated.

If hemorrhage occurs , doctors usually prescribe blood-absorbing agents.

Pink and purple spots

Objects of pink and purple color may indicate the development of diseases of the following nature :

  • neurological;
  • ocular;
  • psychiatric.

Such phenomena may occur in patients suffering from cataracts or glaucoma .

Patients undergoing therapy may also see pink circles:

  • cortisone;
  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • drugs for disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Photo 3: If purple-pink circles are accompanied by double vision, it is necessary to urgently undergo examination by an ophthalmologist and neurologist. Most likely, damage to the stem structures occurred. In this case, the patient will be prescribed an MRI or CT scan of the brain. Source: flickr (F.Scholkmann).

Dark, blue and brown spots

If a person sees dark dots or floating spots that can move or “float,” this most likely indicates eye fatigue . Doctors recommend periodically doing eye exercises (rotational movements, moving vision from side to side and up and down). These exercises will eliminate spasms from the eye muscles and normalize vision .

Also, dark circles may indicate that your blood pressure has risen , so it is worth measuring it and taking appropriate medications.

If the symptom does not disappear but continues to bother you, then you need to consult an ophthalmologist . This may indicate retinal detachment and the development of various inflammatory processes in the organs of vision.

Photo 4: This phenomenon can sometimes be observed in a completely healthy person if, for example, he stands up suddenly or looks at a very bright object. Source: flickr (Pavilyun Kartika).

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