11 simple ways to relieve eye fatigue

The eyes are the most mobile human organ. The muscular apparatus of the eyes is responsible for visual perception and provides information about the external world to consciousness. Poor vision is a relative concept, since it can be caused not only by physical diseases, but also by syndromes that are important to properly eliminate. Asthenopia are symptoms that indicate visual fatigue and provoke loss of acuity, partial loss of vision, or are a consequence of eye discomfort.

Causes of eye fatigue

The main causes of tired eyes syndrome are considered to be:

  1. Disorders of lens curvature. These deviations occur when the accommodative (ciliary) muscles are weakened. This is facilitated by spasms, eye pathologies, improper treatment of astigmatism and hypermetropia, and various types of inflammation of the muscular system. As a result, the ciliary muscles weaken, pain in the eyes, photophobia, dizziness, and fatigue appear. If the work of the accommodative muscles is not brought back to normal and the symptoms are not eliminated, then asthenopia can provoke vision pathology and develop into a number of ophthalmological diseases.
  2. Eye work at close range. There are categories of professions that are at risk of developing tired eye syndrome. These are accountants, draftsmen, artists, programmers, seamstresses, stenographers, drivers. You can also add to this list all the people who suffer from myopia. When working at close range, accommodation becomes impaired over time.
  3. Insufficient lighting. People have learned to extend daylight hours with the help of electricity, but they do not always realize that it is very important to bring artificial light closer to natural, sunlight. Poor or insufficient light causes additional eye strain, which causes greater strain on visual work. This also includes continuous work at the computer, prolonged viewing of television, which also adversely affects the activity of the muscular work of the eyes.

Why vision deteriorates in the evening: the main causes of hemeralopia

Experts identify several reasons that cause twilight and night vision disorders.

Heredity. In some cases, hemeralopia is present in a person from birth and persists throughout life.

Lack of vitamin A. Retinol is one of the most important vitamins for vision. It is part of rhodopsin (visual pigment) and plays a critical role in the process of light perception. The daily intake of vitamin A for adults ranges from 800 to 1000 mcg. If, for one reason or another, not enough retinol enters the body, a person’s night vision deteriorates and “night blindness” develops.

Eye diseases. Hemeralopia may be a symptom of some ophthalmological diseases. Poor vision in the dark and at twilight may indicate degenerative changes in the retina, inflammatory diseases of the choroid and retina, optic nerve atrophy, glaucoma and other eye diseases. As a rule, in such cases, “night blindness” is not the only symptom and is accompanied by other clinical manifestations of the disease.

Eye fatigue. Another common reason why vision decreases in the evening is eye fatigue. If you spend all day in the office at the computer, watch a lot of TV, do sewing or other work that requires good near vision, then in the evening excessive muscle tone occurs. This leads to the fact that distant vision in the evening deteriorates noticeably. The danger of frequent eye fatigue is that regular overstrain of the accommodative muscles can sooner or later lead to myopia, and then appropriate correction will be required.


The presence of asthenopia is characterized by a number of symptoms:

  1. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes appears. It should be noted that ignoring this indicator can lead to the development of conjunctivitis or blepharitis.
  2. Vision ceases to have its former clarity. This symptom serves as a signal of increased fatigue. In this regard, the temperature of the eyes may also increase, which is the main cause of impaired visual clarity.
  3. There is noticeable redness of the eyes. This deviation may be accompanied by itching, burning and tearing.

The manifestation of symptoms of asthenopia can cause a person discomfort in everyday life. This is a call from the body that it is necessary to eliminate the indicators of tired eyes syndrome. Symptoms of asthenopia, which are long-lasting, can provoke the development of a systemic disorder of the body, and also serve as a springboard for the emergence of various kinds of complications. This is why it is so important to identify violations and address them.

Causes of computer problems in children and adults

The key cause of asthenopia is severe overstrain of the eye muscles.
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In children, it is associated with prolonged exposure to a TV or computer screen, reading or doing homework in poor lighting.

In adults – chronic lack of sleep, prolonged work at the computer, changes in blood pressure and other diseases of the visual organs.

Causes of eye fatigue syndrome:

  • Features of work;
  • Mild headaches;
  • Changes in intraocular pressure;
  • Wrong choice or wearing of lenses/glasses;
  • Diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes of the ENT organs;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Abuse of alcohol, coffee and medications;
  • Excessive dryness of indoor air due to the use of air conditioners or heating devices;
  • Surgical operations on the organs of vision;
  • Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins B, C and A;
  • Age-related changes affecting vision.

If the problem is not addressed in a timely manner, the symptoms can become chronic and lead to visual impairment and even blindness.


To diagnose asthenopia, it is necessary to conduct methodological studies of the visual apparatus. This is done in order to eliminate doubts that local symptoms may be subject to, because they are often inherent not only to tired eye syndrome.

Modern diagnostic methods involve a comprehensive study of visual impairment. Often, asthenopia is caused by incorrectly selected contact lenses or poor quality care for them. Modern comprehensive analysis contributes to highly effective treatment, and therefore is an integral process in the fight against asthenopia.

Diagnostics is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Checking the accommodation reserve.
  2. Checking fusion reserves.
  3. Checking visual acuity.
  4. Checking for the absence or presence of strabismus.
  5. Checking the nature of vision using a special test.

Such an analysis is almost impossible to carry out at home. Always before starting a diagnosis and contacting a specialist, a person pays attention to the local (initial) symptoms. In this regard, it is very important not to delay the process and not try to avoid going to the doctor. Despite the fact that asthenopia is a still unrecognized disease, and only a prerequisite for further problems in the field of ophthalmology, it is important to understand that this syndrome has very serious consequences if it is ignored at an early stage.


The main reasons for the development of pathology:

  • Migraine;
  • Colds, infections, ARVI;
  • Albinism (lack of pigment in the iris);
  • Radiation exposure;
  • Wearing lenses and, as a result, irritation of the corneal structure of the eye;
  • Excessive UV exposure without proper protection;
  • Lack of melanin, sometimes its absence;
  • Examination by a doctor with forced dilation of the pupil;
  • Aging of the lens structure with age;
  • Constantly sitting in front of TV and PC monitors;
  • Taking certain specific medications.

There is ophthalmia of the snow type, when it is very painful to look at snow in the bright sun. It is very important to wear protective equipment while welding and avoid looking directly into the sun, because this can cause permanent damage to the cornea of ​​the eye.

Provoking factors and diseases

Let's take a closer look at the main reasons for the development of photophobia:

  • Working at a computer monitor - the mucous membrane gets tired, becomes dry, and reacts negatively to light stimuli.
  • Conjunctivitis - the delicate mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed under the influence of allergens, fungal, bacterial, and viral infections. Treatment includes the use of special anesthetic drops and rinsing with antiseptics. Depending on the form of inflammation, antihistamines, antibacterial drugs, remedies for fungi and viruses are prescribed.
  • Glaucoma - a sharp increase in pressure in the eye cavity always causes a deterioration in visual function and distortion of the fields. The shade of the pupil may change - to azure, green. Pathological disorders are caused by problems with the outflow and inflow of fluid inside the eye. Stress, eye diseases, and hormonal treatment can also lead to the development of glaucoma. All patients over the age of 60 years automatically fall into the risk group.
  • Migraines are neurological disorders of a chronic nature. The headache is severe, but usually appears on one side. They provoke attacks of nervous system disorders, problems with blood pressure, weather changes, stress, staying in an unventilated room, and other factors. The pulsation is enhanced by bright light, very loud sounds, and strong aromas. You can cope with an attack by taking a bath, shower, washing your hair, or having a massage.

Try to avoid physical and emotional stress, as it causes various problems.

  • Myopia – with this pathology, the eye muscles are constantly overstrained, which can lead to painful sensations in the head. Incorrectly selected spectacle correction products can provoke headaches.
  • Arterial hypertension - increased pressure increases the sensitivity of the organ of vision; various unpleasant symptoms can manifest themselves.
  • Injuries - the consequences of blows to the head, eyes, foreign objects, burns are difficult to predict in advance. Against this background, photophobia may also develop.
  • Overwork – if you constantly work at a computer, the optic nerve may become tired, and your eyes will begin to react sharply to light. Symptoms worsen after lunch.

This is only a basic list - it can include head infections, strokes, encephalitis, influenza, brain abscesses, rabies, neuralgia, VSD, tumors, Horton's syndrome.

The problem may lie in impaired blood circulation in the eyes, in which valuable components cease to flow in sufficient quantities to the organs of the visual system. With sinusitis and sinusitis, it is also often painful to look at bright light.


Asthenopia is treated with a complex of actions aimed at correcting ametropia. By selecting glasses or contact lenses, the symptoms of the syndrome can be eliminated. This method helps eliminate extracular pathology, which is often accompanied by asthenopia. If spasms of accommodation were identified during diagnosis, relaxation of the ciliary muscles should be promoted. This can be achieved with eye medications.

There are also alternative treatment methods. These include various simulators for exercises to accumulate reserves of accommodation and divergence, using lenses and prisms, as well as the use of laser stimulation and specialized computer programs.

Asthenopia can be cured only after the causes of its occurrence become clear. Based on the classification of the syndrome, asthenopia has 5 forms: refractive, asthenic, spasmodic, accommodative-muscular, muscular-accommodative. The spasmodic form is inherent only in the accommodative type, which is explained by the cause of its occurrence - a spasm of accommodation. To overcome asthenopia, it is very important to understand the classification. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective and therefore useless.

There is an opinion that human eyes are part of the brain, which is located in the periphery. The retina is an analyzer that receives, processes and transforms external energy into impulse. When asthenopia appears, the information received is distorted, so a person may no longer perceive objects clearly. To establish the correct functioning of the retina and prevent the appearance, development and transformation of tired eyes syndrome, you need to avoid continuous work at the computer, prolonged viewing of television, reading in dimly lit places or in an incorrect position, regularly do eye exercises, and conduct psychophysical training.

Computer and vision

After working at a computer monitor for a long time, almost everyone notices symptoms of eye fatigue, and sometimes the following:

  • Discomfort in the eyes and their irritation.
  • Feeling of "sand".
  • Pain and burning when blinking.

Doctors call such symptoms “computer vision syndrome.” Quite often, it is accompanied by “dry eye syndrome”.

Such conditions are the result of fatigue of the eye muscles, which are in constant tension, which causes spasms and pain. Normally, a person blinks approximately every 5 seconds, which is at least 11 thousand times a day. But when his gaze is focused on the computer monitor, his eyelids close almost 5 times less often, because his eyes have to strain to see the image through the continuous flickering of the screen. It is this reason that doctors call the main one that worsens vision. True, there are other negative influence factors that should also be taken into account when taking measures to protect your eyesight from the computer.


A person cannot always influence the causes that contribute to eye fatigue. Therefore, it is important to carry out regular prevention to prevent the occurrence of asthenopia. For these purposes, it would not be superfluous to take vitamins for the eyes, train the visual muscles, control the lighting of the workplace, and in some cases, use perforation glasses to relieve excess stress of accommodation.

According to statistics, those people who take breaks during long work (which contributes to excessive eye strain) are much less likely to develop tired eyes syndrome than those who neglect this rule. The same applies to people who take the correct posture while reading and take into account the sufficiency of lighting in the room where they spend their leisure time or work.

When choosing lighting for your office or home, you need to focus on lamps that produce soft, warm light. Thanks to this, the eyes will perceive such lighting as natural, which means it will have a beneficial effect on vision. Lamps that generate cold light contribute to additional tension in the eye muscles, so it is worth getting rid of them, especially since there is an alternative.

By nature, people tend to get tired when it gets dark. In poor lighting, the retina sends a signal to the brain that it is time for the body to rest. Therefore, as soon as any activity is accompanied by poor lighting, additional stress is placed on vision, which leads to eye fatigue syndrome. Even watching TV in an unlit room provokes asthenopia, let alone working at a computer for a long time, continuously creating drawings, or driving in the dark. It is clear that these factors cannot always be eliminated, so only regular exercise and taking vitamins will help the eye muscles always remain in good shape.

Prevention and proper treatment of asthenopia make it possible to give a favorable prognosis regarding the prevention and eradication of tired eye syndrome. Health to you and your loved ones!

How to relieve eye fatigue

If eye fatigue is associated with systemic diseases, then it is initially necessary to eliminate the root cause. When the visual organs become tired from prolonged work at the computer, special exercises and certain medications will help.


Special exercises will help eliminate visual fatigue. When working at a monitor, it is recommended to do them every hour:

  1. Make circular movements with the eyeballs, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  2. The head is motionless, they look first to the right and then to the left.
  3. They look up and then down.
  4. First they close their eyes and then relax their eyes. It is necessary to do up to 20 such approaches.
  5. They blink frequently. This exercise helps increase the volume of tear fluid.

Exercises for the upper body will help eliminate fatigue. This can be tilting or rotating the head. To relieve tension throughout your body, you can sit down or jump in place several times.

After gymnastics, you should apply cotton pads soaked in strong tea leaves to your eyelids for a few minutes.

Drug treatment

Some medications may also be included in the treatment regimen. The most commonly prescribed eye drops are:

  • Cationorm. This drug helps to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyes and relieve irritation. These drops can be applied without removing contact lenses.
  • Oftagel. This is a long-acting drug in the form of a gel. It will help quickly remove dryness and irritation. Can be used at night for additional moisturization of the mucous membrane.
  • Visine. A drug with a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. Helps eliminate tension and inflammation. Recommended for use when working at a computer for a long time.
  • Oksial. This medicine helps to quickly eliminate all symptoms of eye fatigue. Reduces swelling and inflammation, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. A contraindication is intolerance to individual components contained in the composition.

Use moisturizing drops as needed. Preparations in gel form should be placed in the conjunctival sac no more than 2-3 times a day.

Any medications can be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional methods

Some folk recipes will also help solve the problem. Most often, for eye fatigue, the following alternative medicine methods are used:

  • Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, add chopped parsley and a little water. The resulting mass is placed in ice trays. The cubes are used to rub the skin around the eyes.
  • Brew a strong decoction of chamomile or linden. Cotton pads are soaked in the decoction and applied to the eyelids.
  • Fresh cucumber slices are applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • Grate the potatoes, add raw protein to the potato mixture and mix. Wrap the resulting puree in gauze and apply it to the eyelids.

Peppermint will also help eliminate fatigue. You can brew tea based on this herb. Mint infusion is also suitable for making lotions.

If you have an allergy, then it is better to avoid using any medicinal herbs.

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