Why does swelling occur after eyelid tattooing and how to remove it?

How does permanent makeup affect the skin around the eyes?

Pigments are introduced to a depth of 1–2 mm. The result lasts for 4–5 years. No procedures are required to remove dyes, as with a classic tattoo.

Benefits of tattooing:

  • makeup is always perfect - an experienced master makes all the lines on the eyelids symmetrical, which is impossible to repeat on your own with the help of decorative makeup;
  • no need to reapply paint;
  • does not flow, does not wash off under the influence of moisture;
  • saving time - no need to remove or apply makeup.

Pigments for eyelid tattooing differ from the inks used for permanent tattooing.
Main differences:

  • non-carcinogenic, do not harm human health;
  • the composition contains no toxic components;
  • high-quality preparations do not change color over time;
  • after 1–2 years, paints lose color until completely discolored, although the density of the layer is significant;
  • neutral pH of the ink eliminates the risk of tissue burns.

The procedure for introducing pigment into the eyelids is accompanied by tissue damage. A tattoo artist must have a medical education and follow the rules of asepsis. There is no risk of injury or complications.

Eye care after permanent makeup.

After the procedure, the skin needs care. The swelling goes away after a day or two, and crusts appear at the site where the arrows were applied. Deleting them is strictly prohibited. In addition, during the healing process you should adhere to the following rules:

  • During the first week, you should not apply decorative cosmetics to your eyes;
  • Treat the tattoo site with wound-healing ointment;
  • You can wear contact lenses only after complete healing;
  • For a week, avoid visiting the solarium and sauna;
  • Do not stay in the open sun until complete recovery;
  • Discharge in the areas where the permanent is applied should be carefully removed with a swab moistened with chlorhexidine.

The effect of the procedure, with proper care, lasts up to three years. As the pigment fades, correction is carried out.

Causes of swelling after eyelid tattooing and how long it lasts

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The skin around the eyes has virtually no sebaceous glands. It is thinner than in other parts of the face and body, rich in small vessels and nerve endings. Any inflammatory process or minor injury is accompanied by the development of edema and severe pain.

If you follow the rules of asepsis and the technique of applying paint, the size of the swelling after tattooing is insignificant; due to the structural features of the skin of the eyelid, it will react to damage with the appearance of inflammation.

After tattooing it goes away on its own within a few hours. In particularly stubborn cases - within 2 days. The body has enough time to get used to the pigments and begin the process of healing the damage.

If the swelling does not go away from the eyelids within 2 days, it is not normal. If the eye does not open or other unpleasant symptoms appear, you should urgently contact a medical facility to have it removed.

Relieving swelling at home

The cosmetologist who performed the procedure should tell you the method of care. During the healing period, asepsis rules should be observed. Do not touch with your hands, rub your eyes, or be in dusty rooms. It is undesirable to perform work associated with tension in the facial muscles.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs, juices and pulp of some vegetables will help relieve swelling from the eyes after eyelid tattooing.

All lotions and decoctions should be at a pleasant temperature. Do not heat or overcool the eye area. A piece of ice will relieve swelling, but the likelihood of inflammation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve is extremely high.

Recipes for edema from folk herbalists:

  1. Medicinal herbs have an aseptic, anti-inflammatory effect and promote wound healing. It is recommended to use decoctions of wormwood, calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile or plantain, coltsfoot. For 1 teaspoon of plant material you will need 250 ml of boiling water. Pour, wrap, let it brew. Use as a lotion on the eyelid after tattooing.
  2. Black tea is prepared similarly to a decoction of medicinal herbs. It is forbidden to add sugar. Dip cotton pads in tea leaves and treat the area of ​​swelling. The shelf life of the finished product is 1 day.
  3. Kefir, cottage cheese, grated potatoes - the mechanism of action against swelling after a tattoo procedure is unclear, but its effectiveness has been proven in practice.
  4. Cabbage leaf - it should be thoroughly mashed. The best option would be an eye mask made from crushed leaves.
  5. Honey is a natural antiseptic. The liquid product is used to lubricate swelling on the face.

During the period of adaptation to pigments and regeneration of the skin after tattooing, it is forbidden to visit the sauna, bathhouse, and swimming in the pool and other bodies of water should be avoided. You should not apply alcohol-containing preparations to your eyelids, do iodine nets, or do facial massage. Increases swelling and may cause burns.

How to remove swelling of the eyelids after tattooing

In the first few days after the procedure, special care is required for the skin of the eyelid. Drugs are prescribed that promote wound healing. The use of cold compresses, antiseptic solutions, and herbal diuretics helps relieve swelling. If the swelling persists for 4 days, move on to more radical methods.

General recommendations

You can get rid of swelling at home. What to do to remove swelling:

  1. Use a cold compress. Ice is placed in a dry, thick cloth and then applied to the swollen area. The compress is applied for 3–5 minutes, repeating the procedure several times a day.
  2. Drink enough fluids.
  3. Use herbal diuretics. For example, parsley decoction, rosehip tea, yarrow tea.
  4. Do not irritate swollen skin. It is contraindicated to rip off the crusts, apply compresses from tea bags and raw potatoes, and various oils.

Drug treatment

During the healing period, it is recommended to use Panthenol ointment. The ointment is applied to clean skin in a thin layer 4-5 times a day. In most cases, the use of other medications is not required; they are prescribed only in case of complications. In this case, diuretics, antihistamines, glucocorticoids and antibiotics can be used - the choice of agent depends on the pathology.

Group of drugs Indications Explanation and method of application
Antihistamines Allergic reaction (moderate or mild) Allows you to reduce the manifestations of allergies, including swelling of the eyelids.

This group includes: Suprastin, Loratadine, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin.

To reduce symptoms, it is enough to take 1 tablet per day.

Glucocorticoids Severe allergic reaction Glucocorticoids have a pronounced antiallergic and anti-edematous effect. The most commonly used are topical steroids (in the form of ointments). These drugs include: Hydrocortisone ointment, Prednisolone ointment, Fluocortolone ointment (Ultralan), Dexamethasone ointment (Esperon).

The ointment is applied to clean skin 3 times a day in a thin layer.

In case of a severe allergic reaction, glucocorticoids in tablet form can be used, but they are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

Diuretics Severe facial swelling If swelling is severe, the doctor may prescribe diuretics. It is not recommended to use them on your own, as this is associated with a high risk of side effects. The doctor will explain how much and how often you need to take the drug.

Used: Furosemide, Torsemide (Torsid), Hydrochlorothiazide (Hypothiazide).

Antibiotics Bacterial infection Prescribed for the development of purulent inflammation. In such cases, antibiotics from the group of penicillins or cephalosporins are used.

How to recognize dangerous swelling

Any deviation from the norm after the procedure may be a sign of a dangerous complication. If you follow the rules for performing tattooing and the recommendations of a cosmetologist, the swelling is almost invisible and should go away on its own within 2 days.

Warning signs:

  • redness of the skin around the eye and eyelid;
  • pain when blinking after tattooing;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the eyeball;
  • nagging pain;
  • eyelid ptosis;
  • spread of edema to nearby tissues;
  • lacrimation;
  • the appearance of bruises after the tattoo procedure;
  • changing the contour of the eyebrow;
  • nasal discharge;
  • swimming of the palpebral fissure with swelling;
  • eyelids hurt when moving the eyeball;
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of crusts, pus, mucous discharge.

The reasons for the development of swelling after tattooing can be allergies to the dye, infection of the eyelid with pathogenic flora during the procedure and failure to comply with the rules of asepsis after the cosmetologist’s manipulations.

You should consult a doctor. An ophthalmologist will examine and evaluate the nature of the damage after tattooing. Treatment depends on the causes of the pathology. Antibacterial therapy and antiallergic drugs are used; in case of injury, surgical intervention is possible.

Rules for care after a tattoo procedure

The normal healing rate for eyelid swelling after pigment application is 3-4 days, provided hygiene is maintained.

Expert recommendations:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe for 2 weeks after tattooing - the arrow will simply burn out. Before going outside, apply sunscreen to your skin.
  2. The condition of the skin and its reaction to injury are individual. Use the medications prescribed specifically for you.
  3. Do not touch the crusts, do not steam them, do not peel them off. The probability of infection and swelling of the eyelids is 100%.
  4. Remove peelings and decorative cosmetics - let the skin recover.
  5. Do not apply homemade ointments or hormonal medications. Do not wipe with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The care product will be selected by a doctor or tattoo artist. Use products based on panthenol.
  6. Follow normal hygiene rules.

How quickly the swelling goes away after permanent eyelid makeup depends on individual characteristics, the professionalism of the artist and the client’s behavior after the procedure.

If the upper eyelid begins to swell and alarming symptoms appear, then you should not remove the swelling with home remedies, but urgently consult an ophthalmologist. It will allow you to minimize the unpleasant consequences of a newbie’s work or neglect of recommendations for care after tattooing.


The tattoo artist will give recommendations on how to care for your eyelids after the procedure and tell you what you can and cannot do. Usually, it is forbidden to wet your eyes during the first day. Then, for 1–3 weeks (until complete healing), you should not rub your eyelids, tear off scabs, use decorative cosmetics, or visit baths.

How to relieve eye swelling after eyelid tattooing will depend on the cause. Sometimes traditional methods are enough, sometimes drug therapy is required. In any case, treatment should begin 1-2 days after tattooing.

Watch a video about how professional artists do eye care after tattooing.

Drug therapy

  1. Allergy to pigment is treated with antiallergic drugs: tablets “Cetrin”, “Tavegil”; drops “Dexamethasone”, “Allergodil”, “Opatanol”; Hydrocortisone ointment. Local agents are applied to the swollen area every 1–2 hours.
  2. The infection requires antibacterial agents: Tobrex ointment, Tetracycline. Ointments are applied to the area of ​​swelling.
  3. Systane and Visine drops will help relieve inflamed eyelids. They will reduce redness and swelling.
  4. To speed up healing, you can use Bepanten cream and any moisturizing eyelid creams.


Home remedies include ice made from purified water or herbal decoctions. Make compresses with ice. To do this, you need to wrap the ice in a soft cloth and apply it to the eyelids for a few seconds, 5-6 times a day.

It is effective to apply cotton pads soaked in a cool infusion of herbs (calendula, cornflower, sage, coltsfoot, chamomile) for 15 minutes.

Permanent makeup is a popular procedure. Many beauty salons offer it. Choose a professional responsibly and read the reviews. Follow care instructions. Observe the condition of your eyelids after tattooing for 1–2 days. If symptoms persist, seek medical help.

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