Efficacy of blueberry preparations in ophthalmology: clinical observations

The healing composition of blueberries

Blueberries contain a large number of microelements and vitamins.
Northern blueberries contain substances that are essential and necessary for the human body. These are acids:

  1. apple;
  2. dairy;
  3. amber;
  4. lemon;
  5. sorrel

Vitamins: B, A, C, B1, E, B2, PP, carotene.

The berries contain polysaccharides, amino acids, tannins, and flavonoids. Thanks to such a diverse, rich composition, blueberries are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The beneficial effects of the berry components are extensive.

Macroelements and microelements:

  • potassium;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

The effect of blueberries on the organs of vision

There is an opinion that blueberries have a comprehensive positive effect on the visual organs. However, this is not entirely true. There are both scientifically proven facts and statements that scientists have yet to find out. The composition of the berries is still not fully understood, and not enough research has been carried out.

One of the most reliable properties officially recognized by medicine is that eating blueberries restores the retina in cases of retinopathy. This is a pathological process of a degenerative nature, developing as a consequence of diabetes and high blood pressure. The therapeutic effect of berries for humans is due to anthocyanins.

There is evidence that using the product is useful for dry eye syndrome. This pathology is characterized by insufficient production of tear fluid or a change in its physicochemical properties, as a result of which the surface of the eyeball is deprived of natural protection. Studies on blueberries indicate that blueberry extract in combination with fish oil helps eliminate the syndrome and associated headaches.

Some of the insufficiently confirmed facts include the following. Some scientists claim that the extract extracted from the berries has the ability to reduce intraocular pressure. And other experts have discovered the ability of blueberries to have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision in cases of glaucoma.

Medicinal properties of the berry

The beneficial properties of blueberries are perfect for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.
Blueberries contain antioxidants that strengthen the heart, prevent heart attacks and blood clots, and protect against infections and inflammations. A positive effect on the digestive system has been established.

Stabilizes the functioning of the stomach, helps eliminate diarrhea and constipation. Destroys dysentery bacillus and typhoid bacteria. Helps against heartburn and gastritis, increases acidity.

The glycoside myrtilline, contained in blueberries, has the effects of insulin. Therefore, the berry lowers blood sugar levels and improves the functioning of the pancreas and stomach.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, blueberries support the body against colds, inflammation of the nose and throat, and reduce headaches. Treats kidney diseases, genitourinary system and hemorrhoids.

Carotenoids, the color pigments of berries, heal the retina and improve blood circulation in the blood vessels of the eyes.

How to use blueberries to improve vision?

The most important condition under which blueberries will improve your vision is the correct dose of anthacyanins.

It has been scientifically proven that the required daily dose of antacyanins, which will be completely absorbed by your body and will have the desired therapeutic effect, is 50 mg! (increasing the dosage, according to clinical trials, does not enhance the effect of use)

Therefore, you should not think that eating a bucket of blueberries at one time will dramatically improve your vision.

Remember that the effect of blueberries is cumulative, it does not appear immediately, so the course of its daily consumption should be at least 4-7 weeks.

Therefore, do not be surprised that if you eat a couple of glasses of fresh blueberries in the summer at intervals of several weeks, your vision will remain the same.

Correct doses of blueberries

So, as we have already found out, in order for blueberries to help improve vision, they must be consumed in the correct dosage - 50 mg.

  • If you use fresh blueberries, this is approximately 3 tablespoons per day.
  • For dried blueberries -1 tablespoon per day. It will need to be soaked overnight in a glass of hot water and eaten in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • If you drink blueberry juice, check its composition; it should contain at least 30% blueberry concentrate. The dose of juice can be from half to 1 glass per day.

Interesting video about the beneficial properties of blueberries

Be sure to watch this interesting and very useful video about blueberries. I recommend!!!

Blueberries improve vision

In addition to the healing effect on vision, blueberries have a beneficial effect on most organs and systems of the body.
The composition of blueberries is rich in retinol and zinc. These substances have a positive effect on visual acuity. Ophthalmologists use blueberry extract to treat and prevent eye diseases. Berries help treat astigmatism, myopia, and farsightedness. Blueberry anthocyanins accumulate in the tissues of the eyes and heal them: they protect against inflammation, improve the condition of the retina, and prevent the formation of blood clots in the walls and vessels of the organs of vision.

To support vision, the berry is eaten in certain doses. Doctors have found that the retina needs 50 mg of anthocyanins daily. In the morning, before meals, eat 5-6 tablespoons of fresh or frozen blueberries. You can have 2 dessert spoons of dry berries.

Blueberries do not exhibit healing properties immediately; the course of treatment is 1 month.

Based on the berry, healing complexes for the eyes have been developed and produced in the form of capsules, tablets, syrup and dragees. The doctor prescribes the medicine to the patient after an individual examination.

These are the following drugs:

  • Blueberry Forte - produced in capsules by Pharm-pro. Contains blueberry extract, rutin, vitamin C, lutein and zinc. Used for children after 3 years of age.
  • Blueberries from Evalar – biologically active additives, small tablets. Contains blueberry extract, zinc, lutein, vitamins B, C, rutin. Allowed for children over 3 years old.
  • Blueberries with beebread - dietary supplement from Tentorium, in the form of gray balls. Main components: honey, bee bread, blueberries. In addition, it contains vitamins A, C, B, beeswax, trace elements, acids.
  • Ophthalmic complex with blueberries – vitamins in capsules. Contains blueberry fruit extract, taurine, zinc, lutein, selenium, vitamin E. Can be taken by adolescents over 12 years of age.

Vitamins with blueberries are prescribed in the following cases:

  1. frequent work at the computer;
  2. patients over 50 years of age and older;
  3. cataracts, astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness, glaucoma;
  4. increased stress at school;
  5. diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  6. varicose veins.

In order to prevent eye diseases, vitamin complexes with blueberry extract are drunk in the fall and spring. Before using it for eye treatment, it is advisable to undergo a doctor’s examination, receive an individual prescription and then follow the instructions.

Interesting things about blueberries

Blueberries are so popular that there are many legends about them. Here is one of them. This happened a long time ago, when gnomes lived in the northern forests. These forests were famous for their untold riches. Having learned about them, people began to look for them, searching everywhere. It became dangerous for the dwarves to live next to people, and they left. For a long time they wandered through the forests without a roof over their heads and food. And only a blueberry bush sheltered them, giving them long-awaited protection and food. In gratitude for this, the gnomes settled this bush wherever they appeared.

The Russian name “blueberry” is given to the berry because it stains your hands when the juice gets on them. Having learned about the coloring properties of blueberries, their juice began to be used as a dye for leather and fabrics, and artists began to prepare their own paints from them.

The plant got its Latin name Vaccinium from the word “vacca”, which means “cow”. Blueberries earned this name due to their initial use on the farm: their leaves were fed to livestock, in particular cows.

Benefits of blueberry leaves

Blueberry Forte is one of the popular vitamin complexes containing blueberries.
The leaves of the berry are used to improve the condition of the human body. The composition contains saccharides, glycosides, essential oils, and organic acids. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant and immune stimulant. The leaves are rich in minerals and contain calcium, iron, selenium, manganese, potassium, magnesium. Remove toxins, reduce glucose levels in the bloodstream, stabilize the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and eliminate inflammatory processes.

The leaves are used in the form of infusions, lotions, decoctions and compresses. Foliage has a healing effect on a number of diseases:

  • decreased vision;
  • dry cough;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • colds;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • skin inflammation.

An infusion of blueberry leaves contains a glycoside that prevents the appearance of cataracts. You need to take 3 incomplete tablespoons of leaves. Grind in a food processor or meat grinder. Pour 3 cups boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Take 1 glass 2 times a day.

Active components of Elixir Blueberry eye syrup:

Aloe extract according to Filatov is used to relieve eye fatigue under high visual loads and to prevent disturbances in the functioning of the visual analyzer . Lutein is one of the main pigments responsible for high visual acuity and is involved in neutralizing aggressive light exposure, including ultraviolet and ionizing radiation. Blueberry extract activates blood microcirculation and metabolism at the tissue level, contains substances that improve the eye's adaptation to different lighting and enhance visual acuity in the twilight. Taurine is involved in the process of photosignal transmission, stimulates the regeneration and metabolism of eye tissue.
Blueberry fruit juice, with syrup to improve vision , is exceptionally rich in anthocyanins - pigment substances from the group of glycosides. It is blueberry anthocyanins (myrtilline, petunidin, cyanidin, etc.) that are powerful antioxidants that protect cell membranes from the aggressive effects of free radicals, especially in the eye structures. Blueberries effectively improve blood flow in the retina , strengthening the walls of capillaries in it and reducing their fragility, improves vision, normalizes microcirculation in the retina, relieves fatigue and redness from the eyes. B vitamins, contained in blueberries increase brain activity, improve memory, attention, thinking, and protect against the occurrence of neurological pathologies: Alzheimer's disease, acquired epilepsy, senile dementia. The unique combination of natural components in blueberries can even delay the aging process of the body, and at the cellular level.

Aloe leaf extract in eye syrup - has a unique composition: vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, folic acid, beta-carotene and choline . Thanks to these components, metabolism in the eye lens is normalized and clouding is prevented, which is the prevention of cataracts. Aloe nourishes the body with minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc, chromium, magnesium , thereby maintaining a constant chemical composition of the eye lens. Aloe is a real “green pharmacy” for the body: it destroys staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, has an immunostimulating effect, removes toxins, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and breaks down cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and cortex adrenal glands, normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder, relieves inflammation in the bile ducts, is used for pancreatitis, diabetes and various metabolic disorders.

Dihydroquercetin with Blueberry Elixir syrup is the strongest bioflavonoid with pronounced antioxidant activity, which is many times greater than the effect of other similar substances - the “standard” among antioxidants. Strengthens, cleanses and tones blood vessels, including the smallest capillaries, protecting the organs of vision from a wide range of ophthalmic pathologies, increases visual acuity, resists dystrophic and sclerotic changes in the eye, improves blood supply, and promotes oxygen saturation of cells . In addition to the healing effect on the organs of vision, dihydroquercetin increases the endurance of the cardiovascular system, is a natural hepatoprotector, has anticancer activity, acting as an anticarcinogen, it prevents the pathological transformation of healthy cells and the development of malignant neoplasms, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the bronchi and lungs, improves microcirculation, relieves inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes in various diseases of the respiratory system, has an antidiabetic effect, neutralizing the effects of excess sugar on the body, improves the condition of the skin, increasing the elasticity, smoothness and firmness of the skin.

Calendula flower extract, for improving and restoring vision , is useful for the body, primarily due to the content of lutein (substances from the group of natural organic pigments - carotenoids, is a type of xanthophylls - fat-soluble yellow pigments), which has a light-absorbing and antioxidant effect, neutralizes free radicals, abundantly formed during photosynthesis, and plays a photoprotective function, dissipating excess light energy. This pigment is extremely important for eye health ; it is not produced in the human body and only comes from food or special dietary supplements. The highest concentration of lutein is observed in the macula - in the macula, the very center of the retina, where the beam of light is focused. Lutein protects the retina from destruction caused by both external and age-related factors. The greater the density of the substance in the macula, the lower the risk of retinal damage. A constant lack of lutein first leads to deterioration of vision, and then leads to retinal damage. Age-related macular degeneration, in which retinal cells begin to die, is often the result of a lack of lutein in the body.

Mesoflavone (DMAE), for vision functions , is a natural substance that replenishes acetylcholine deficiency in the body, normalizes lipid metabolism, and has an antioxidant and detoxifying effect. Removes the aging pigment – ​​lipofuscin – from cells. A lack of acetylcholine impairs the regulation and functioning of the entire body. Mesoflavone improves blood properties, capture and transfer of oxygen to tissues, significantly stimulates brain function, enhances memory, concentration, and improves sleep. DMAE is one of the most important components for prolonging life and rejuvenating the body. DMAE increases the body's energy status, increases skin elasticity, and improves its appearance. DMAE protects cells from free radical damage. Acetylcholine makes our body a single whole, being a neurotransmitter or neurohormone responsible for transmitting signals between nerve cells, both in the brain and throughout the central nervous system. DMAE helps maintain the unity of all body systems, preventing imbalance.

Taurine in eye syrup Blueberry Elixir - without this sulfur-containing amino acid, normal cell formation in the tissues of the whole body is impossible. Taurine is necessary to protect the eyes from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation , reduces the risk of developing cataracts and triggers metabolic processes in various organs, including the retina, increasing the immunity of the visual organs; is able to stimulate the normalization of the functions of cell membranes, as well as improve the conditions for the conduction of nerve impulses; promotes restoration and renewal of cells affected by dystrophic eye diseases.

How to preserve berries and leaves

An ophthalmologist should prescribe medications containing blueberries, followed by periodic monitoring of vision.
Blueberries are stored dried, frozen and fresh.

Fresh fruits are stored in the refrigerator. Clean the berries from debris, do not wash. Take a container with holes for air access. Iron utensils cannot be used. Place paper napkins at the bottom of the container. Place the berries on top and place on the middle or bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The berry is stored for 8-10 days.

Freezing blueberries is a longer storage method. Take dry small dishes. Sort the berries and spread them in a thin layer. Place the container in the freezer for 3 hours. Place frozen blueberries in a sealable bag. Store for 1 year.

Dried blueberries retain the beneficial properties of fresh berries. Sort the fruits, rinse, leave in a colander for 1 hour to dry. Then dry the berries in the oven, electric dryer or air.

Air drying will take 8-10 days. To preserve vitamins, it is advisable to dry blueberries in a dark place. Dry in electrical appliances at 40 degrees. Then increase to 60 degrees. To dry the berries evenly, stir gently. Pour the finished fruits into linen bags or paper bags. Keep in a cool place. Store for 2 years.

Blueberry leaves are collected in the spring, dried and brewed into tea, and tinctures are prepared. The following tips will help you properly dry and preserve raw materials:

  1. It is forbidden to place leaves in the sun. Dry in the shade, in a ventilated area. Leaves are kept in the oven or dryer at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.
  2. After drying, the leaves should be green. Remove dark and brown leaves and do not use.
  3. To preserve the beneficial qualities, place the leaves in linen bags. The fabric must be breathable. When storing, check the foliage for mold and midges.
  4. If storage rules are followed, dried leaves should be used within 1.5-2 years.

Preparation of blueberries

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To prepare blueberry remedies at home, the berries can be purchased from suppliers, grown in your garden, or collected yourself in the forest.

The most difficult way is to cultivate blueberries in a personal plot. Blueberries are a rather finicky shrub, so planting them must be taken very seriously: study special literature, prepare the soil. To grow it yourself, you need to purchase a garden variety blueberry bush. When planting, the root of the shrub should contain a lump of soil.

You need to buy blueberries at specialized fairs or from large suppliers in markets. There, the raw materials undergo radiological and toxicological control. To buy high-quality blueberries, you need to know how to choose them correctly:

  1. You need to buy blueberries during their harvest season.
  2. Berries must be dry when purchased.
  3. Blueberries should not have a sour smell - this is a sign of spoilage.
  4. Try a few berries: they should not be bitter. Why are blueberries bitter? Bitterness in berries can appear when honeysuckle, which has a bitter taste, gets into the mass of berries, or when the berries spoil.
  5. You cannot buy blueberries at spontaneous markets - it is dangerous to your health!

Self-picking of fresh berries is popular among the population of our country. To go pick this berry yourself, you should find out when blueberries ripen in this area. Whether blueberries will be beneficial or harmful depends on the conditions under which they are collected. In order for blueberries to show all their beneficial properties, you need to know where to collect, how to collect and how to store the raw materials of this plant. The chemical composition of the raw material depends on where the shrub grows. Blueberries collected in environmentally unfavorable areas can be harmful to health. Therefore, it needs to be collected in the forest far from industrial zones, roads and railways, livestock grazing areas, landfills, sedimentation tanks, and agricultural lands.

After picking blueberries yourself, there are always a lot of leaves among the berries, so you need to sort through the harvest. How to sort blueberries quickly? A simple device made of an inclined rough surface (cardboard, board or thick fabric) with slats on the sides converging downward will help with this. The berries will roll down the inclined surface, but the leaves and crushed berries will remain on the surface.

How to preserve the beneficial properties of berries? Blueberries retain the maximum amount of nutrients:

  • frozen;
  • dried (you can also dry blueberry leaves);
  • grated with sugar.

Do I need to wash berries before harvesting? The answer to this question depends on the harvesting method. Before drying or canning blueberries, they must be washed. If you decide to freeze the berries, you should not wash them: they may burst when frozen.

You can also make preserves from blueberries (juices, compotes, jams, preserves, syrups). It should be borne in mind that heat treatment partially destroys the beneficial substances of the berries. A popular and tasty blueberry preserve that can be used all year round is jam, for example, blueberry jam with citric acid.

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • citric acid – 1/3 teaspoon.

The berries for jam are washed and thrown into boiling water for 3-4 minutes. At this time, prepare sugar syrup. When the sugar is completely dissolved in water, the prepared berries are poured into it. Cook the jam over medium heat for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat, add citric acid and pour into sterilized jars. This method of making jam is gentle on the beneficial substances contained in the berries.

Contraindications for use

Treatment with fresh blueberries and preparations with extract has the following contraindications:

  • intolerance by the body to the composition of the fruit;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • frequent stomach upset;
  • diabetes;
  • children under 3 years old.

Blueberries and their beneficial properties will support the health of the body, improve the quality of human life: relieve stress on the eyes, stabilize the blood flow of the retina, blood vessels in the eyes, and normalize metabolic processes. Blueberries are not only a delicious berry, but also an effective medicine used in ophthalmology and other fields of medicine.

You can learn even more information about the beneficial effects of blueberries on the body and vision in particular from the video:

Effect of Elixir Blueberry syrup for the eyes and organs of vision:

  • Provides prevention of decreased visual acuity, development and progression of eye diseases.
  • Improves twilight vision and color perception.
  • Neutralizes aggressive light effects.
  • Relieves eye fatigue.
  • Stimulates the regeneration of eye tissue.

The effectiveness of the product extends not only to the organs of vision, but also to the entire body as a whole , ensures adaptation to stressful conditions, and has bactericidal, antioxidant, radioprotective and angioprotective properties. In addition, the components of the syrup protect the eyes from UV radiation, ionizing radiation, improve the structure of fibers and cells of connective tissue, restore the outflow of intraocular fluid and pressure in the eyeball, accumulate in the tissues of the retina, strengthening its vessels and reducing the fragility of capillaries, improve blood supply to the eyes . stimulate the synthesis of the visual pigment rhodopsin, increase visual acuity, improve metabolism, stabilize cell membranes, and ensure the constancy of the electrolyte composition in the cytoplasm of eye cells.

Elixir with blueberries stimulates the processes of regeneration (restoration) and reparation (healing) in case of damage to eye tissue, which makes it possible and necessary to use this drug in the pre- and postoperative period during surgical interventions on the organs of vision.

Mesoflavone introduced into the drug provides support from the autonomic nervous system and intracellular detoxification.

Blueberries for children's eyesight

Blueberries for children are useful for strengthening the visual analyzer and improving vision. Before introducing it into your diet on an ongoing basis, give a small amount of berries, about a tablespoon. The fruits have no contraindications, however, there may be individual sensitivity to the active compounds, which will manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction.

The preventive and therapeutic dosage for children is slightly less than for adults. You can start from the age of 7-12 months, adding a few berries to purees or drinks. It is better not to give whole fruits to a very young child, but to chop them first. Blueberries should be given with caution to children who suffer from constipation, as they have a strengthening effect. The maximum number of berries, provided the product is well tolerated, is not limited.

Blueberry Recipes

There are several recipes that can be made from blueberries to preserve their beneficial properties. A tasty and easy-to-prepare dish is jam. Jam with whole berries is especially useful.

Jam recipe

In order to make the dessert, you will need 1 kg of blueberries and 700 g of sugar. A step-by-step jam recipe that allows you to preserve all the benefits of the berries:

  1. The berries are sorted, damaged fruits and foliage are removed. Good fruits are thoroughly washed and placed in a convenient container.
  2. The blueberries are sprinkled with sugar and left for 3-4 hours. It is important that it has time to produce juice before heat treatment. At this time, jars for sealing jam are prepared and sterilized.
  3. Place the blueberries and sugar on low heat and stir constantly so that the mixture does not stick to the walls of the dish. Cooking time – 5 minutes.

The finished delicacy is laid out in jars and rolled under the lids. To make the jam thick, you need to add more sugar. Store the finished product in a cool, dark place.

Recipe for blueberries in their own juice

Berry in its own juice is just as healthy as fresh berries. It retains all nutritional properties because it is not subjected to heat treatment. According to the classic recipe, you can prepare not only blueberries, but also any other types of berries: currants, cherries, etc. The main thing is that the required proportion of berries and sugar is observed - 1:2. That is, if you harvest 2 kg of blueberries, you will need 4 kg of sugar.

Fruit harvesting algorithm:

  1. The berries are washed, transferred to a convenient container and crushed with a submersible blender.
  2. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar and mix thoroughly.
  3. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved in the blueberry juice.

Blueberries in their own juice are stored under closed lids in a cool place. It can be consumed for 1 year. Sugar acts as a preservative and prevents the berries from spoiling.

What are anthocyanosides?

Pharmaceutical preparations based on blueberries are most often aimed at improving vision and restoring visual functions. The berry owes its effect to the anthocyanosides it contains. This is an organic compound, a pigment that gives fruits a characteristic color, belonging to the group of flavonoids. Due to their similarity to the tissues of the retina and the ability to accumulate in the tissues of the ocular apparatus, anthocyanosides well protect the organs of vision from ultraviolet exposure.

They have a beneficial effect on eye health, improve blood flow to the retina and vascular elasticity. This is an excellent prevention of diseases of the visual apparatus and protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Regular intake of blueberry supplements and fresh berries improves visual acuity, especially at night. Anthocyanosides suppress the pathological mechanisms of cataract formation and lead to a reduction in myopia.

Description of the composition of berries and how they are useful

The berry is native to North America. It allowed residents of cold regions to survive in times of famine. Blueberries grow only in dense forests and it is almost impossible to find them in open meadows.

Blueberries are berries that are similar to blueberries. They differ little in external characteristics. But the tastes of the fruits are completely different. Blueberries have a neutral taste - sweetish or sour. Blueberries have richer sweet and sour notes. It is impossible to say which berry tastes better, because it all depends on a person’s preferences.

Another difference between blueberries and blueberries has to do with the growing conditions. The first crop can only be grown in the wild. It is difficult to get berries, but they can be ordered through online stores. Blueberries, unlike blueberries, are grown on a summer cottage and a harvest is obtained that is no different in quality or beneficial properties from wild ones.

If we compare blueberries and blueberries in terms of usefulness, then the advantage can be given to the latter berry. Both crops contain approximately the same amount of microelements, but blueberries contain more vitamins and beneficial acids.

Blueberries are the leader among berries in terms of manganese content. Due to this property, the berry was previously used to treat scurvy.

The nutritional value of blueberries is 43 Kcal per 100 g. This indicator is relevant only for fresh berries. If we consider the same amount of dried product, then its energy value will be much higher.

Let's take a closer look at what beneficial components are contained in berries, and what daily requirement each of them covers.


  • K – 24%;
  • C – 16%;
  • B2 – 8%
  • B6 – 3%
  • E – 2%.

B vitamins are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and stimulate brain function. C or ascorbic acid supports the immune system and allows it to fight dangerous infectious pathogens. Vitamin E frees the body from harmful substances, improves the condition of the skin and maintains its youth. Vitamin K is involved in digestion processes and saturates the body with the necessary energy.


  • manganese – 18%;
  • iron – 5.4%;
  • magnesium – 3.7%;
  • potassium – 2.7%;
  • calcium – 1.4%.

Microelements ensure normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which is important for maintaining hormonal levels. They are responsible for the normal supply of oxygen to internal organs and acids.

In addition to vitamins and microelements, blueberries contain acids that are beneficial for humans:

  • lemon – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands in the epidermis and improves skin condition;
  • oxalic acid – reduces the severity of headaches;
  • apple – reduces the risk of cancer formation, strengthens blood vessels
  • chitinous – reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

If we consider the difference between blueberries and blueberries in terms of usefulness, it should be noted that the former contains much more antioxidants, which remove free radicals and prevent cancer. Blueberries are the leader in pectin content and they better cleanse the intestines of harmful substances.

Contraindications and side effects

The consumption of natural blueberries and preparations based on their fruits may be undesirable in some cases.

Contraindications for use:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas.

It is equally important to maintain a reasonable dosage. Our body's daily need for this berry is covered by eating a handful of fruits. If overused, allergic reactions may occur, the functioning of the digestive system may be disrupted, and other negative reactions may occur.

Judging by the reviews of patients taking blueberry preparations, these remedies really help with a number of diseases. In particular, blueberries with lutein improve visual acuity, help get rid of photosensitivity and relieve eye fatigue.

The benefits of blueberries are undeniable; they are a real storehouse of vitamins and unique organic compounds that have a beneficial effect on our body. The fruits of this plant have long been used to improve visual function, digestion, and strengthen the body during illness. The use of blueberries has its own characteristics; in particular, it is necessary to exclude possible contraindications in order to minimize harm. Modern research confirms the beneficial properties of this valuable berry, which will help prevent and treat many diseases.

The most popular Blueberry supplements

Solgar, Blueberry Complex, Ginkgo for Vision Plus Lutein, 60 Veggie Capsules - iHerb Reviews: 933 Price: $17.99 Economy Shipping!!!

Jarrow Formulas, Blueberry Grape Skin Polyphenol Complex, 280 mg, 120 Veggie Capsules - iHerb 360 Reviews Price: $24.03 Economy Shipping!!!

Solgar, Blueberry Extract, 60 Vegetarian Capsules - iHerb 255 Reviews Price: $11.62 Economy Shipping!!!

Irwin Naturals, Vision Sharp, Complete Nutritional Supplement for Healthy Eyes, 42 Liquid Softgels - iHerb 54 Reviews Price: $19.99 Economy Shipping!!!

NuNaturals, Blueberry Extract, 2 fl oz (59 ml) - iHerb 46 reviews Price: $0.

Table of applicability of drugs with Blueberries

  • Retinopathy 360-600 mg/day of a standardized, 25% anthocyanoside extract Blueberry extract may be effective in strengthening the blood vessels of the eye and improving vision in people with diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy.
  • Type 1 Diabetes 160 mg twice daily of standardized, 25% anthocyanoside blueberry extract Blueberries may reduce the risk of some diabetes complications, such as diabetic cataracts and retinopathy.
  • Diabetes Type 2 160 mg twice daily standardized 25% anthocyanoside blueberry extract Blueberry extract may reduce the risk of some diabetes complications such as diabetic cataracts and retinopathy.
  • Atherosclerosis As recommended by a doctor, Blueberries may help prevent platelet aggregation.
  • Cataracts As recommended by a doctor Blueberries - contain large amounts of flavonoids called anthocyanosides, which can protect the lens and retina from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of cataracts.
  • Diarrhea On doctor's advice, Blueberries are traditionally used in Germany for adults and children with diarrhea. Only dried berries should be used as berry juice may worsen diarrhea.
  • Edema As recommended by a physician, Flavonoids such as anthocyanosides (from blueberries) may be effective in relieving swelling, however the anti-edema effect of these flavonoids has not been well studied.
  • Glaucoma 60 mg twice daily In a preliminary study, supplementation with anthocyanins (flavonoids found in blueberries) improved the condition of patients with normal-tension glaucoma.
  • Macular Degeneration As recommended by a physician, blueberry supplements may help prevent and treat early stage macular degeneration.
  • Night blindness As recommended by a doctor, Blueberries contain flavonoids that increase the rate of regeneration of pigment used in the eyes for night vision. Blueberry supplements may improve dark adaptation in people with poor night vision.

Background: green - scientifically proven, orange - insufficient evidence, White - no research done

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