Eye drops when working with a computer - a review of the best drugs with instructions, composition, indications, price

When working at a computer, the visual load on the eyes increases, visual acuity and organ blood circulation deteriorate, and dry mucous membranes and discomfort occur. To prevent these unpleasant symptoms, drops are used for computer-tired eyes.

They are presented in pharmacies in several groups - vasoconstrictors, moisturizers and cornea protectors, vitamin preparations to improve nutrition of the organ of vision.

Which drops will help depends on the symptoms that arise, the frequency and duration of work at the computer, compliance with dosing rules, and some individual characteristics.

Not all medications are compatible with contact lenses; in many cases, constant removal of contact lenses and installation are required 15-20 minutes after instillation.

The effectiveness of eye drops when working at a computer

The medicine for computer fatigue in the form of drops has a complex effect on the organ of vision, depending on the type:

  • relieves stress due to excessive visual load;
  • moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eye, improves the condition and viscosity of the tear fluid;
  • interacts with the tear film and remains on its surface for 3-4 hours;
  • protects against dryness and irritation, makes wearing contact lenses comfortable;
  • removes redness of the eye;
  • heals the cornea.


One of the groups of drugs used for computer fatigue are moisturizing drops against corneal dryness. In pharmacy organizations they are represented by the following varieties:

  • keratoprotectors of various viscosities (Visomitin, Hypromellose-P, Defislez, Lakrisifi, Slezin, Natural Tear, Oftolik, Vidisik, etc.);
  • moisturizing ophthalmic solutions (Hilo-Komod, Vid-Komod, etc.);
  • tissue repair stimulator (Korneregel), which has a moisturizing effect.

Depending on the viscosity, moisturizing drops are divided into:

  • with low viscosity (Ophtolik, Hilo-Komod, Lakrisifi, Natural Tear, Oksial, Defislez, etc.);
  • with high viscosity (Korneregel, Systane, Vidisik, etc.).

Vasoconstrictor drops used in ophthalmology to eliminate fatigue from excessive visual stress, redness and swelling of the choroid include Visin and its analogues for the main substance - Naphthyzin, Polinadim, Okumetil.

Vitamin drops can be used in courses of Taufon and Taurine.

Moisturizing drops

An ophthalmologist selects eye drops. Self-medication can seriously harm you, because harmless symptoms can hide serious illnesses.

Drops of “artificial tears” will help eliminate the symptoms of computer syndrome. Moisturizers are divided into drops with high and low viscosity.

Low viscosity products

Let's look at the most effective drops that relieve computer eye pain.


Oftolik belongs to the group of products for protecting and moisturizing the cornea. Fatigue and irritation of the eyes after the computer causes disruption of the lacrimal glands and drying out of the mucous membrane. Ophtolic, in turn, helps to increase fluid volume, moisturize the mucous membrane, stabilize the tear film and soften the cornea.

The active ingredients of the drug are povidone and polyvinyl alcohol. The active ingredients have a keratoprotective effect, that is, they not only moisturize, but also protect the mucous membrane.

Once on the surface of the mucous membrane, the drops relieve eye strain and reduce the risk of tear film rupture. Generally speaking, polyvinyl alcohol is similar in its properties to the action of mucin, which is produced by the conjunctival glands.

Usually Oftolik is prescribed two drops three to four times a day. It is worth considering the fact that the active ingredients of the drugs actively interact with other drugs. Thus, polyvinyl alcohol in weak acids and alkalis can soften or even completely dissolve, and in strong acids it is completely destroyed. When interacting with phosphates, a precipitate may form. When reacting with borax, the solution can turn into a gel.

A contraindication to the use of Oftolic is intolerance to its components. In some cases, experts consider it advisable to use drops during pregnancy, but there is still no clinical data regarding the safety of use for pregnant women.

The use of Oftolic is associated with the risk of an allergic reaction. Patients may complain of pain, redness, and blurred vision. In this case, treatment with Oftolik should be stopped and the doctor should be informed about the incident.

Oftolik are good eye drops for fatigue


This is another effective remedy used to protect and moisturize the eye. The drops contain hyaluronic acid, which is found in eye tissue. The medicinal solution essentially adheres to the surface of the eye, creating a uniform tear film. It does not affect visual acuity and is not eliminated by blinking. Doctors prescribe Hilo-Komod one or two drops three times a day. Long-term use of the product is also possible due to the absence of preservatives and the presence of natural ingredients.

Other eye drops can be used after thirty minutes. If the doctor also prescribed eye ointment, then drops are instilled first, and then the ointment is applied.

The only contraindication to the use of Hilo-Komod is hypersensitivity to the active components. When using the product in reasonable dosages, no side effects have been identified. Drops should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation, since there is no data regarding the possibility of using the product during these periods.

Hilo-Komod is often prescribed to people who work at a computer.


Eye drops restore, stabilize and reproduce the optical functions of the tear film. Moreover, Lacrisify prolongs the therapeutic effect of ophthalmic drugs, protecting the cornea from their irritating effects.

Gilan eye drops

Hypromellose, the active ingredient of the drug, is a cornea protector. And benzalkonium chloride, which is part of the composition, is known for its disinfection properties. It also has a bactericidal effect on gram-positive microflora and some types of yeast fungi.

Lacrisify is prescribed one or two drops up to eight times a day. The drug is not prescribed to children and pregnant women. Acute infectious and inflammatory processes of the eye are another contraindication for use.

The product can cause sticking of the eyelids, burning, irritation and allergic reactions. Lacrisify is incompatible with drugs containing metal salts. After instillation of the eyes, profuse lacrimation is possible, which is why it is not recommended to use the drug immediately before driving a car or doing work that requires high concentration and attention.

Lacrisify will help tired eyes

Natural tear

Drops help compensate for the deficiency of tear fluid production. Additionally, the product moisturizes the cornea and mucous membrane in case of emerging pathologies. The active component of Natural Tears is Duasorb, which is similar to the composition of human tears. Once on the surface of the mucous membrane, the active component is evenly distributed and interacts with natural tears. This results in the formation of a stable gel-like film that protects against drying out and further irritation.

The active substance does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, thereby eliminating systemic side effects. The moisturizing effect of Natural Tears lasts for several hours. The drug quickly relieves itching, burning, irritation and dryness.

Instill the product one or two drops as needed. Sometimes an allergic reaction may develop.


This ophthalmic preparation contains hyaluronic acid and electrolytes. It reduces dryness and excessive eye fatigue, and also relieves irritation symptoms such as itching, burning, and redness.

Oxial promotes the formation of a thin polymer film that protects against drying out. Along with this, hyaluronic acid stimulates the healing of microdamages of the cornea. It is worth noting that Oksial relieves the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, but does not eliminate the cause itself.

The product has virtually no contraindications. Side effects are rare, but sometimes an allergic reaction may occur.

Oxial is prescribed when your eyes begin to hurt due to computer use.


The drops have keratoprotective, softening and lubricating properties. They stimulate the regeneration of the tear film, which speeds up the healing process of damaged eye tissue. Already on the third to fifth day after the start of use, a noticeable improvement occurs.

You can use Defislez four to eight times a day, one to two drops. In some cases, your doctor may decide to use eye drops every hour. As for side effects, sometimes an allergic reaction may occur. Some patients complain of eyelids sticking together.

High viscosity products

Typically, such drugs are used for serious damage to the tear film. Let's look at the list of the best drops.


The drops have a pronounced regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. The high viscosity of the product ensures long-term contact with the damaged area of ​​the mucous membrane. Dexapanthenol is the main active component of the drug, which accelerates the healing process. The active substance is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Kornegel is available in the form of a gel. In some cases, the product causes blurred vision, burning and redness. It is even possible to develop an allergic reaction. Kornegel can be used simultaneously with other eye drops. It is important to maintain a five-minute interval, with the gel being added last. During therapy, driving and operating complex machinery is prohibited.

Kornegel is a moisturizing eye drop with increased viscosity.


This is a keratoprotective agent, which, in essence, is a substitute for natural tear fluid. Oftagel retains tear fluid for a long time. It forms a protective film on the surface of the cornea and provides a comfortable level of humidity.

The drug is prescribed one drop one to four times a day. Oftagel is not addictive and can be used for a long time.


Systane is a drug from the group of rehydrants that is used to moisturize the eye. The special consistency of the solution eliminates mechanical effects on the mucous membrane of the eye. During the day, the moisturizing drops are gradually washed away along with the tear fluid.

Systane is instilled one or two drops as needed. Side effects and cases of overdose have not been described.


This is an artificial tear preparation, which is available in the form of a hydrogel. Carbomer is the main component of Vidisica.

Place one or two drops into the conjunctival sac, after which you need to blink to distribute the product evenly. After use, short-term visual impairment may occur.

If your eyes are tired from the computer and there is tension, then Vidisik can help you

List of the best drops

Drops have many properties:

  • eliminate discomfort;
  • remove discomfort;
  • moisturize the cornea;
  • eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the visual system after the computer.

When choosing products, you need to familiarize yourself with the frequency of instillation, possible restrictions and instructions.


Cationorm is a unique cationic emulsion designed to eliminate severe eye discomfort that occurs throughout the day. It moisturizes for a long time and eliminates symptoms such as eye fatigue, itching, burning, and the sensation of a foreign body in the eyes. Emudia restores all three layers of the tear film and is able to stop the further development of dry eyes that occurs due to prolonged work at the computer. Does not contain preservatives, they can be used in conjunction with contact lenses.


To quickly eliminate occasional discomfort and eye fatigue after prolonged work at the computer, eye drops with ultra-high molecular weight hyaluronic acid - Ocutiarz - are perfect. The drops do not contain preservatives and are stored for 6 months after opening the bottle; they can also be instilled onto contact lenses.

Visine classic

Refers to vasoconstrictor drugs, available in regular bottles and disposable droppers. Designed to relieve swelling and redness of the conjunctiva due to exposure to a computer monitor and other harmful factors (dust, air due to the operation of an air conditioner or battery, CL, cosmetics). When instilled, it can lead to blurred vision, dilated pupils, irritation of the conjunctiva and allergic reactions.

The product is not intended for permanent, long-term use.

When used with contact lenses, the optics should be removed and replaced 15-20 minutes after instillation. Cannot be used for glaucoma and retinal dystrophy.


The drug, which has an antiallergic and vasoconstrictor effect, is used to eliminate signs of irritation of the organ of vision. The most common symptoms when working at a computer are redness of the eyes, swelling of the conjunctiva, increased photophobia and lacrimation, discomfort and burning. Also reduces itching and foreign body sensation.

The medication cannot be used for dry eye syndrome, glaucoma, and diabetes. It is important to read the instructions before purchasing and using.


An analogue of Visin based on tetrizoline, produced in Italy. Octilia contains linden and chamomile extracts, therefore it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The difference between the medication is that it can be used from 3 years of age (Vizine is prescribed from 2 years of age) and is available from pharmacies with a prescription.

Drops based on plant extracts - cornflower, chamomile and sweet clover.

They moisturize the cornea, relieve inflammation, relieve fatigue and tension after excessive visual stress. The advantages of the medication are hypoallergenicity (not suitable for people with sensitivity to herbs in the composition) and the creation, after instillation, of a film on the surface of the eye that protects from the negative effects of damaging factors (dust, dry air, ultraviolet radiation). Can be used when wearing CL.

Systane Ultra

Designed to protect the eyes from irritation, dryness or burning during prolonged work at the computer. Can be used without removing contact lenses. Provides eye hydration and comfort when working, does not cause blurred vision.


The drug provides hydration and protection of the cornea and is intended for the treatment of dry eye syndrome. Stimulates the production of tear fluid and improves the stability of the tear film. Used exclusively in adults as prescribed by a doctor.


Emoxipin is used exclusively on the recommendation of a specialist for hemorrhages and microhemorrhages in the eye to strengthen the capillary wall, reduce swelling and redness of the mucous membrane. It has substitutes in composition - Emoxy-Optic, Vixipin, Emoxybel.

Artelak Splash

Available in regular vials and droppers for one-time use with the UNO attachment. Artelak Splash contains hyaluronic acid, provides eye hydration, eliminates discomfort when wearing contact lenses, and dry eyes due to the impact of a computer monitor on the organ of vision.


Homeopathic medicine. Okulohel is used to relieve inflammation and irritation of the organ of vision, photophobia, lacrimation and eliminate increased eye fatigue during prolonged work at the computer and other excessive visual stress.


It is used as an additional remedy for computer fatigue, if the patient is diagnosed with corneal dystrophy or damage due to wearing lenses, or any eye injuries. The drug moisturizes the cornea and promotes its healing.

Causes of visual discomfort

In fact, the reasons why vision deteriorates is not the PC monitor, but several other factors.


Expert opinion

Danilova Elena Fedorovna

Ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating eye diseases in adults and children.

There is a big difference between how the eyes perceive a picture in real life and on the screen. In the process of evolution, the eyes “learned” to perceive visual information in reflected light. The picture displayed on a self-luminous monitor is less bright, less contrasty, consists of many luminous flickering dots (pixels) without clear boundaries, and it is difficult for the visual analyzer to perceive the object in this quality. Therefore, they have to strain more, focusing first on one point or another, in order to maintain the integrity of the visible image on the monitor, which causes them to overexert themselves. Thus, blinking occurs much less frequently, which leads to dry eye syndrome.

Another cause of overstrain is the constant need to look from the keyboard to the screen and read texts. Since these objects have varying degrees of illumination, clarity, and brightness, the eyes become overtired and vision deteriorates.

Another violation of visual function is called spasm of accommodation - the ability to distinguish objects at different distances equally clearly, while focusing on one of the objects near or far causes the eye muscle to relax and tense. Being close to the monitor while working causes excessive tension in the ciliary muscle that controls the lens, which in turn leads to myopia.

Inexpensive and effective drops

Low cost and stable, good effect for computer fatigue are typical for the following eye drops:

  • Taufon is a domestic drug for nourishing eye tissue, enriching it with vitamins, indicated for retinal dystrophy, corneal injuries, cataracts and glaucoma, as a prophylactic for age-related changes and excessive visual stress;
  • Taurine is a cheap substitute for Taufon;
  • Polynadim - prescription eye drops to relieve redness and swelling of the eye mucosa;
  • Visoptic - a medicine in composition, indications, restrictions on use and treatment features is identical to the original drug Vizin, differs in price - it is approximately 1.5-2 times lower;
  • Defislez is a drug for restoring and stabilizing the properties of the tear film, it acts quickly - 2-3 days after instillation, the redness of the mucous membrane decreases, the healing process of damaged eye tissue occurs;
  • Licontin Comfort - drops are designed to ensure comfortable wearing of contact lenses, eliminate dryness and eye fatigue during prolonged work at the computer; when instilled, they do not require removal of contact lenses.

Symptoms of eye fatigue

The main symptoms of asthenopia include:

  • Short-term pain in the eyes, the area of ​​the superciliary arch;
  • Increased lacrimation or increased dryness of the eye mucous membranes;
  • Redness of the mucous membrane, dilation of blood vessels;
  • Rapid fatigue of the eye muscles;
  • Photosensitivity;
  • Formation of flickering spots, flies and dots;
  • Image distortion, ghosting;
  • Increased irritability;
  • High intraocular pressure;
  • Feeling of pain in the shoulder blades, neck, upper back.

Discomfort caused by eye fatigue leads to emotional and physical stress, stress, and ophthalmological problems.

More often, asthenopia occurs in people who spend a lot of time at the computer or who, due to their occupation, strain their eyes excessively. There may be more reasons for this syndrome.

How often to drip when working at a computer

It is advisable to decide with your doctor which drops to choose for eye fatigue. It is important to discuss the frequency and duration of medication use. When using several products at the same time, find out in what sequence and at what intervals to use them correctly.

Depending on the drug, drops are instilled 4-5 times a day; some moisturizing solutions can be used up to 10 times. Replacing the medication is necessary if there is a need for more frequent instillation than indicated in the instructions.

How to put eye drops correctly

To obtain the best effect from the use of eye drops, it is necessary to correctly introduce them into the mucous membrane of the eye.

The process of drug administration:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to wash your hands so as not to introduce additional infection into your eyes.
  2. Eye drops for computer fatigue, restorative and vasoconstrictor are administered in the same way: onto the cornea or into the conjunctival sac.
  3. Apply strictly 1 drop at a time.
  4. If there are problems in only one eye, the medicine must be administered in the second.
  5. To prevent the medicine from spreading, you should take a horizontal position.
  6. When administering drops, do not touch the edge of the bottle or pipette to the eyelid or mucous membrane.
  7. Control the number of procedures performed. Strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not exceed the dose. It is recommended to apply eye drops strictly according to the instructions or no more than 4 times a day.

Consumer Reviews

Galina: With constant work, my eyes get tired from the computer, I can’t change my profession. I tried several medications before Systane Ultra, but they didn’t help. The last drops perfectly moisturize the eyes and can be used with contact lenses. The disadvantage is the high price (approximately 550-730 rubles).

Andrey: I work as a programmer, and have been troubled by poor eyesight since childhood. Due to the constant presence of the monitor, it worsens even more, causing pain in the eyes, lacrimation, redness of the eyes and dryness. The pharmacy advised alternating Taufon and Visin to nourish the eyes and eliminate discomfort. The result is noticeable, your eyes get tired less when working at the computer.

Inexpensive eye drops for fatigue

The range of ophthalmic solutions available from pharmacies without a prescription is very wide. If you need to quickly eliminate symptoms and minor eye fatigue, you can give preference to inexpensive remedies. It should be remembered that the price of such solutions is completely justified - they will not give anything other than moisturizing and relieving irritation.

Inexpensive drops for computer eye fatigue are recommended for people who spend a minimal amount of time in front of a monitor. The following solutions are in particular demand among consumers:

  • Artelak is an ophthalmic liquid based on hyaluronic acid. The cost of 1 plastic bottle with a volume of 10 ml is 464-510 rubles. Artelac helps stabilize the tear film, relieves redness and fatigue of the cornea. Of the contraindications, the instructions indicate only individual intolerance to the components in the composition.
  • Taufon is an anti-cataract agent based on taurine. Prescribed for corneal dystrophy, cataracts, and retinal injuries. Taufon is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. The average cost of a 10 ml bottle is 126 rubles.
  • Vitafacol is an ophthalmic sterile solution based on sodium succinate, adenosine, and cytochrome. The drug improves retinal nutrition, prevents the development of cataracts, and relieves fatigue. During use, it can occasionally provoke a burning sensation and hyperemia (redness) of the conjunctiva. The cost of a 10 ml bottle is 250-300 rubles.

Useful video

An additional measure to improve vision, reduce the negative impact of the computer on the eyes and relieve fatigue is to do exercises. They require little time, but the benefits are significant.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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