Eye exercises - gymnastics for those who work at the computer

Causes of computer eye fatigue

Prolonged use of a computer has the following negative effects on the visual organs:

  • concentrating your gaze on a nearby object, which significantly increases the risk of accommodation spasm;
  • frequent flickering of images that strains the eyes;
  • Incorrect brightness and contrast settings on your computer monitor contribute to excessively bright light;
  • prolonged glow, causing severe eye strain; the negative impact increases significantly if the monitor is viewed without room lighting.

All these factors can lead to various complications. Therefore, you should use your computer properly to reduce the load.

Hand exercises

Before sitting down to play or work at the computer, it is recommended to do a warm-up. These are special exercises that will allow you to relax your muscles and feel light. They don’t take much time, but if done regularly they can make your life a lot easier.

1. First, you should “warm up” your hands: rub them together with your palms, and then clench and unclench your fists several times and rub each finger successively.

2. Place the fingers of both hands on the table (the hands remain suspended and the hand rests on the fingers) and pretend that you are playing the piano. This exercise is good for warming up your fingers.

3. Make a fist and make rotational movements left and right. This exercise can be done with both hands at the same time.

4. Sit on a chair, lower your arms down - let them “dangle” freely above the floor. Relax your forearms, and then shake your hands in different directions, trying to use only the shoulder muscles in this process.

5. Extend your arm, palm up. Then use your other hand to pull your fingers down and fully extend your elbow. Repeat several times.

This is just a small part of the exercises. When performing them, it is not necessary to adhere to any systematic approach. You can warm up your palms or make rotational movements with your fists during breaks between gaming sessions or whenever you have a free minute.

Below you will find a video with several ways to warm up your hands and fingers between long gaming sessions from a physical therapist who has worked with the Counter Logic Gaming

, which help esports athletes maintain mobility in their hand joints.
Other exercises from 1-hp.org

Rules for working at the computer

When using a computer, you must follow a number of important rules every day:

  • correct body position when the person’s back and head are not curved;
  • the distance to the monitor must be at least 50 cm;
  • periodic rest without using a computer if it is used throughout the day or for more than 2 hours;
  • correct adjustment of the brightness and contrast of the monitor, which should be combined with the lighting of the room;
  • limiting computer work whenever possible.

Despite performing all the steps correctly, eye strain may occur. This condition can be eliminated with the help of eye exercises.

Reducing computer vision syndrome

To reduce negative visual problems (symptoms of CVD) when a child works at a computer, it is necessary to ensure that the child’s workplace is comfortable and properly lit.

The lighting in the room should be about twice as weak as usual. The monitor should be positioned so that bright light sources (the sun in the window, a lamp) are not reflected on the monitor screen.

Often the child uses the parents' computer. Therefore, it is simply uncomfortable for him to sit at it: the table or chair is too high, the monitor is located too high.

The child should be comfortable sitting at the computer. To do this, his posture must be natural:

- The head is not tilted too far forward or thrown back.

— The monitor should be positioned approximately 15 degrees below eye level.

— Your back should be straight, your shoulders relaxed. No need to hang over the keyboard.

— Hands should be on the table, the angle between the forearm and shoulder should be at least 90 degrees. The hands are slightly bent.

- Feet are placed on the floor or a stand, knees bent at an angle of at least 90 degrees (no need to bend your legs).

Gymnastics for the eyes

There are 15 simple exercises that can be done both indoors and outdoors.

If a person’s work involves using a computer, gymnastics must be performed every few hours:

  • Strong squinting of the eyes, then relaxation. This exercise can be repeated up to 15 times. If a person feels discomfort, stop the exercises.
  • Moving your gaze left and right, you need to consider objects that are as far away as possible.
  • Shifting your gaze up and down. In this case, the person should have the feeling that the eyes are moving to the forehead and chin.
  • Averting the gaze to the bridge of the nose, then relaxing the organs of vision, moving them to their normal location.
  • Movement of the eyeballs in a circle, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.
  • Moving your gaze diagonally. First you need to look at the upper left corner, then move it to the lower right. Then look at the upper right corner, move to the lower left.
  • Repeatedly blink your eyes frequently to once again improve the quality of blood circulation.
  • Acupressure using fingers. First, close your eyes. Pointed soft movements are carried out from the superciliary lines to the bridge of the nose, then massage the eyeballs with light circular movements.
  • Extend your right hand in front of you. Move the index finger up. The hand is moved to the right, the gaze moves behind it. Then the same movements are performed using the left hand.
  • Drawing various shapes with eyeballs. These can be numbers from 0 to 9, an infinity sign.
  • Take a simple pencil. Concentrate your gaze on it, at a distance of no more than 5 cm. Then move your gaze to the farthest object in the room.
  • A stamp is attached to the window. First, the gaze concentrates on it for several seconds, then moves to the farthest object outside the window. Such actions must be repeated 10-15 times.
  • Use your palm to completely close your eyes. You need to relax, think about something pleasant, about a good memory from the past. During this period, you can perform any gymnastic exercise from the above.
  • Bring the pencil closer to the bridge of your nose and look at it with your eyes. Then slowly move the pencil forward, while paying attention with peripheral vision to objects located around it.
  • One eye is covered, a pencil is placed near the temple of the other organ of vision. It is slowly moved forward, concentrating the gaze. Exactly the same exercise is repeated for the other organ of vision.

A combination of proper organization of the workspace and eye exercises is necessary. Then they achieve maximum effect.

Effective eye exercises when working on a computer – Website about eye diseases

In the age of modern technology, a computer is an integral attribute of work. It’s hard to imagine even the simplest office without a personal computer or laptop. Every day, office workers process a huge amount of information without leaving their workplace for a minute. .

When using a computer, a person blinks several times less often than usual. The mucous membrane dries out, and because of this, the eyes cannot relax. If you work in an office and use a computer to solve problems every day, then your eyes need periodic rest.

For this you need:

  • Exercise for the eyes when working at the computer.
  • Taking care of the mucous membrane of the eye.

The safe distance from the monitor to the eyes should be at least 60 centimeters


Through the eyes, a person receives 90% of the information from his environment. If the eyes are strained for too long, it leads to a slow loss of vision.

Eye exercises

Eye exercises are one of the most effective and safest ways to prevent various eye diseases. Exercises to maintain vision are available to anyone and are designed for people of any age, any profession.

The very first exercise is to rest your eyes. Sit up straight and relax. Without pressing your palms too tightly to your face, cover your eyes with your hands. This must be done so that no light penetrates between the fingers.

When these conditions are met, lower your eyelids. Thus, your eyes are closed and, in addition, covered with your hands. As you exercise, think about something good that makes you happy.

So, you will allow your eyes to rest twice.

This is how you perform an exercise to relax your eyes.

You need to finish the exercise like this: remove your hands from your face and slowly open your eyes after a few seconds so that they can get used to the light.

Through my fingers

To relieve tension from tired eyes, you need to perform the “Through Your Fingers” exercise. You need to proceed as follows:

  • position your palms so that your fingers are in front of your eyes;
  • your fingers need to be slightly open so that you can see through them;
  • turn your head first to the left, then to the right, while not holding your gaze on one thing, let your gaze slide through your fingers;
  • relax, breathe evenly;
  • repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

This is how a gymnastic exercise is performed

Writing with your nose

When performing the exercise, not only the muscles of your eyes relax, but also your neck. When the neck becomes numb, the blood supply slows down and the nutrition of the eyes is disrupted. The exercise “Writing with your nose” will help you avoid tension in this area.

Close your eyes and relax. Try writing a word in the air with the tip of your nose, as if your nose is a pen with which you can write and draw. Write individual letters or entire words. Draw the sun or clouds. The main thing is not to strain yourself.

Exercise allows you to rest your eyes and relax your cervical vertebrae.

Moving your eyes to the sides

This visual exercise should be repeated 10-20 times. The bottom line is that your eyes should move left-right, down-up. Don't force your eyeballs to strain; the exercise should be enjoyable. After five repetitions, give your eyes a few seconds to rest, otherwise you may feel dizzy.

This is how you need to do this exercise

Exercise "Big Circle"

This exercise involves making circular movements with your eyes. The head remains motionless and the eyes move in a circle. To make the task easier, you can imagine a watch dial in front of you. Move your gaze around him, first in one direction, then in the other.

After resting for a few seconds, repeat the exercise again. This time, moving your eyes along an imaginary dial, stop your gaze on each number. After finishing the exercise, slowly blink your eyes.

This circular motion is an eye exercise.

Endless Eight

The main condition for this gymnastic exercise: the head remains motionless, only the eyes move.

Draw an infinity sign in the air. Try to keep it large, but do not let the eye muscles overstrain, you should not feel discomfort.

Then draw the number eight in the air, also drawing it as wide as possible. Alternating these aerial patterns, repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

This is how this exercise is done

Look at the nose

Before this exercise, you should close your eyes for 10 seconds, then open them and blink quietly for a few seconds.

Relax and follow these steps: slowly move your eyes to the bridge of your nose so that you can see the tip of your own nose. Don't hold your eyes in this position for more than a couple of seconds.

The main thing is not to overdo it; doing this exercise for a long time can cause pain in the eye muscles.

This exercise is performed with smooth movements.

Near and far

The “Near-Far” exercise is one of the most effective for maintaining vision. First, look at a nearby object and concentrate all your attention on it.

Then turn your gaze to an object that is far away and, without looking away, concentrate on it. After that, look again at the object located near you.

Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.

This is how you need to do the exercise

Another simple and effective exercise is called “Square”. To do this, you just need to draw a square with your eyes. But the lines of the imaginary square must be straight, from corner to corner.

When performing a visual exercise, draw a clear square

The simplest and fastest exercises

A number of the simplest exercises for the eyes are known, if not to everyone, then to many. They are simple and do not require special conditions or a lot of time. You just need to remember their existence and ease of use.

A set of exercises for the eyes

Here are 12 simple exercises you can do daily

Also, for clarity, you can use video exercises

To summarize, it is necessary to mention the basic rules for caring for your eyes:

  1. The distance from the monitor to the eyes should be at least 60 centimeters.
  2. The office space must have sufficient light.
  3. A break from working with the computer should be taken every hour.
  4. During breaks, it is imperative to perform a set of eye exercises.

A set of eye exercises when working with a computer helps reduce eye strain and strengthens the eye muscles. Only daily exercise will benefit your eyes.

It should be remembered that when working at a computer, you need to take 10-minute breaks after every hour of work. When you systematically perform visual gymnastics, you will notice that your eyes get less tired by the end of the work.

These exercises will greatly benefit your eyes.


Eye exercises when working on a computer

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Any problems associated with the organs of vision cause a feeling of discomfort, a decrease in the level of performance and quality of life.

Special sensations arise when working with computer equipment, especially for those who are forced to stay near it for a long time.

Eye exercises when working on a computer are a necessary preventive measure to maintain the ability to see perfectly and perceive the world in full colors.

Causes and consequences

Special gymnastics is a method that allows you to maintain vision in its original state. A busy day at work and long hours spent at the computer have a negative impact on many systems of the body.

  1. The musculoskeletal system suffers.
  2. A forced static position creates tension in the muscle corset.
  3. Eyesight strains

As a result, by the end of the day, after sitting for several hours in a row in front of the monitor, a person feels:

  • muscles and eyeballs hurt;
  • there is dryness and a feeling of “sand” when you want to rub your eyes;
  • aching pain appeared in the torso that radiated to the neck;
  • flickering, “floaters” in the eyes;
  • there is redness on the mucous membrane, the surface of the sclera;
  • pronounced changes in blood pressure;
  • there is a decrease in concentration and attention, visual tension;
  • Fatigue, tension, and stress develop.

Often we are not even aware of the negative impact of a computer, taking it as a natural, necessary device for life, work, and when performing professional duties.

General Tips

Gymnastics will help you avoid many problems. For the eyes it must be done regularly. It should become a good habit, regardless of the number of hours spent in front of the monitor.

There are several general rules that anyone who decides to engage in vision and health prevention needs to know.

  1. If you wear glasses or contacts, it is better to take them off.
  2. All exercises should be performed only in a relaxed state. The gaze should not be intense.
  3. If you have pain in your back or neck, then first you need to do gymnastics for these areas.
  4. Inhale deeply, thereby enriching the body with oxygen. It's better to stand up a little and shake yourself.
  5. Effective rest for the eyes can only be achieved if you do not look at the screen. It is advisable to move from your workplace to another.

The principles of gymnastics will be useful for children and adults. General recommendations will set you up for a positive attitude towards life’s necessary rest from work or play, or communicating on social networks. Whatever you do, remember to protect your eyes. Specially created gymnastics will help with this. Training allows you to maximally strengthen the eye muscles and create conditions for maintaining vision.

Doing the basics

The presented set of exercises can be quickly memorized. There is nothing complicated about it. By repeating several times a day, you will avoid vision problems and feel great.

Take the chance to conduct an easy fitness course, this should be done immediately while you sit and read this article. You will definitely like this approach and will continue to use it.

  1. Relax your body. Lean back in your chair or chair. Shake yourself, arms, legs.
  2. Slowly close your eyes and immediately tense your muscles. Count to yourself 4 times. Open your eyelids and relax. Move your gaze into the distance, to the window, to another wall, counting up to 6 times.
  3. Focus your gaze on one point, looking at the tip of your nose. This should be done for 4 seconds, and then turn your gaze to another, more distant one.
  4. Without turning your head, look to the right, then to the left. Count to 8, moving your gaze first slowly, then quickly.
  5. Next, look down and up alternately 8 times.
  6. Circular movements in one direction, then in the other, also 8 times.
  7. Play the game “In the corner, on the nose, on the object.” It was once called "shooting with the eyes." Some women are great at looking at men this way. Jokes aside, this approach perfectly strengthens the muscles around the eyeballs.
  8. Blink quickly until your eyes feel sharp pain, then relax. This must be done within 1 minute. Afterwards, look into the distance. Repeat again.
  9. Look at any nearby object, then move your gaze to a distant object. This must be repeated several times, counting up to 30.

Repeat all exercises at least 6 times. At first, there is no need to give a heavy load. Get used to the pace gradually.

Charging is complete. Now your eyes need to relax. Lean back, think about something pleasant, turn on some music. Just 5 minutes is enough and you will feel a surge of strength and inspiration.

How to reduce the negative impact of the monitor

A few simple recommendations will help you avoid consequences:

  • determine the optimal distance from the eyes to the monitor, it should be at least 60 cm;
  • blink more often and thereby improve your vision;
  • carefully monitor your posture, avoiding muscle overload;
  • carry out light correction and screen settings;
  • the slope of the gaze is no more than 15 degrees;
  • work no more than 6 hours a day, taking short breaks, creating the body’s natural defense against overload;
  • as a screensaver for your monitor, choose a picture with moving objects that is pleasing to the eye;
  • Hang a picture on the wall in front of your eyes that you can look at for a long time.

Source: //lasik-ural.ru/preparaty/effektivnye-uprazhneniya-dlya-glaz-pri-rabote-na-kompyutere.html

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