How to do palming for the eyes, video by Zhdanov

Palming is a special exercise for the eyes that allows you to restore vision. The exercises were developed by Dr. William Horatio Bates. The idea behind the method is to give your eyes a rest by closing them. Central to the Bates hypothesis is the assertion that errors of refraction cause tension, the opposite of which is relaxation.

Relaxation is achieved during rest by closing the eyes. Every person does this when he feels tired or unpleasant. When serious problems arise, a person covers his eyes with his hands. When performing palming, you need to close your eyes, covering them with your palms in order to protect yourself from the irritating effect of light, unlike solarization of the eyes, everything is the other way around.

How to do eye palming according to Zhdanov?

Before palming, rub your palms together vigorously to warm them up. If you are palming in hot weather, the heat may cause a feeling of discomfort; in this case, it is better to briefly immerse your hands in cold water before palming. When performing the exercises, your palms should rest on your cheekbones and your fingers should rest on your forehead.

The palms are placed in such a way that not the slightest ray of light reaches the eyes. This way you can achieve maximum eye relaxation.

Palming can be performed in a sitting position:

  • During palming, the neck and spine should be in one straight line, the body should be positioned in such a way that it achieves maximum relaxation.
  • Place your elbows on the table or on your knees.
  • The wrists and fingers are relaxed.

Palming - effective exercises for the eyes

Palming should be practiced constantly in small quantities. Just close your eyes with your palms for just half a minute, and you will feel cheerfulness and new strength even in the middle of a busy day. Correct execution of this exercise is the key to perfect relaxation of the eye muscles. If you can achieve this state and see a clear dark space in front of you, then this will immediately be reflected in the quality of your vision. In this case, you can expect constant and long-term improvement. Along with the increase in visual acuity, you will immediately notice that you will no longer have pain in the eye area, constant headaches, migraines or other painful sensations that are directly related to constant stress. The more complete the relaxation achieved during palming, the longer the beneficial effect will be. If you do palming poorly, it will only give a short-term effect. Only a small proportion of people master this seemingly simple method from the very beginning. So don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. In addition, even the slightest relaxation of the eye muscles serves as the first step to complete relaxation. It is much easier to climb to the second and subsequent levels. The most difficult thing is to move a stone, but rolling it along an inclined surface is much easier.

I would like to note that some categories of people are unable to achieve tangible results even after constant and diligent palming . Often such people can master the palming method only after auto-training, but if this does not give a positive result, it is better not to engage in this exercise. Perhaps the reason is the habit of incorrectly focusing your vision, so active palming may harm your eyes rather than improve them.

Starting position: straighten your fingers on either hand and place the palm of your hand on your face. Place the little finger of your second hand across the base of the fingers of the hand that is already covering your eyes. After this, the arms must be crossed so that they resemble an inverted check mark, similar to the letter delta of the Greek alphabet, which has no base. The place where the little fingers intersect will become something like the temple of glasses on the bridge of the nose, and the hollows of the palms will be located above the orbits of the eyes. During palming, the eyes must be closed at all times. Don't strain your fingers; try to relax your elbows and hands as well. In order to achieve the desired relaxation, rest your elbows on the table top or knees. The neck should be in line with the spine, in other words, don't slouch. If you experience pain or other unpleasant sensations in your elbows, you can decide to place a small pillow on your knees and rest your elbows on its soft surface. If you feel the urge to bend over, do so with the entire surface of your back, without hunching over.

Each person places their palms on their face in a way that is comfortable for them. You don't need to follow all our instructions exactly. It’s better to choose the position in which you feel comfortable.

Palming technique


  • Close your eyes.
  • Place your palms, bent into a cup shape, over the area around the eyes so that the base of the palm touches the nose.
  • Place the first phalanges of the little fingers on top of each other, crossing them on the bridge of the nose at an angle of 90°, and cross the fingers on the forehead.
  • Palms do not touch eyes.


  • When performing palming, you should experience complete comfort, coziness and warmth.
  • Choose a convenient time and place to do the exercises so that no one distracts or disturbs you.
  • Try to relax, relieve tension in the muscles of your face, shoulders, neck and other parts of the body.
  • At this time, you can listen to classical music, let your thoughts soar freely, think about pleasant things.
  • Put away unpleasant thoughts and promise to deal with them later.


  • When finishing palming, removing your hands from your face, do not open your eyes immediately - wait a few seconds, and then open them.
  • Everyone determines the required duration of the exercise individually, 4 minutes is the minimum, 5 minutes is the permissible optimal time.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Bates

William Bates, a US ophthalmologist, invented a vision restoration technique popular in the 19th and 20th centuries. He believed that all visual impairments are associated with excess tension in the extraocular muscles, which stretch and compress the eyeball to see distant and near objects. Bates also believed that mental fatigue in the brain also contributed to poor vision.

Even in the time of Bates, this theory contradicted the knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the organ of vision, and in 1984 its inconsistency and pseudoscience were completely proven. Currently there are followers of Bates' teachings. This is V.G. Zhdanov, as well as the famous Mirzakarim Norbekov from Uzbekistan.

Despite its scientific inconsistency, many people with visual impairments resort to eye gymnastics, according to Bates. Below are basic eye exercises.


The essence of the exercise is to close your eyes with your palms for a fairly long time. First, the palms are warmed up by rubbing them. Then, resting their elbows on the surface of the table, they close their eyes with their palms cupped. The palms are removed from the face only after all light spots, flashes, etc. have disappeared and a completely black background appears.

After this, as followers of this practice note, vision becomes much better and clearer. The exercise can be repeated as much as you like, but be sure to do it before bed and when you feel tired eyes. From a scientific point of view, this exercise allows the eye to be lubricated with tears, eliminating the symptoms of dry eye, but it does not restore vision.


Bates believed that refractive errors were associated with psychosomatics. That is, he, in fact, denied myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism as independent diseases, linking their development with mental fatigue.

Of course, this is pseudoscientific, but to this day it is used by patients to relax and even treat the eyes. The exercise is carried out in the same way as palming, but at the same time you need to remember any pleasant memories, or imagine a calm ocean shore.


This method suggests imagining various objects as completely black in 3 seconds. The second way is to practice in front of Sivtsev’s table. The patient is 5 meters from the table on the wall. In this case, the table must be illuminated.

You need to look at the smallest optotype (letter) that is visible to the eye, then close your eyes and imagine this letter in black and large font. After 10 seconds, the eyes open and vision becomes clearer.

Rocking and moving

It is recommended to perform the exercise using the Sivtsev table. The gaze is fixed on the largest letter for a few seconds, and then moves to the second line. So they get to the very last distinguishable line and return to large characters.

Then you need to quickly move your eyes from one letter to another until the letters begin to vibrate. According to Bates' theory, this exercise has a beneficial effect on the eye muscles, relaxing them.


From the beginning, the palming exercise is performed. After this, the gaze is fixed on any letter of the table for 3 seconds, and then palming is performed again. Removing your hands from your eyes, you need to blink rapidly for 20 seconds, turning your head from side to side.


Bates argued that sunlight was very good for the eyes. This has been refuted by many scientists. Bright sunlight causes clouding of the lens, degeneration of the conjunctiva (pterygium develops) and causes burns to the retina. In addition to damaging the eyes, sunlight negatively affects the skin, causing the development of melanoma. The exercise is as follows: initially you need to look at the sun through your palms.

Next, the palms are removed, and you need to look through the eyelids. After your eyes get used to the bright light, you need to gradually open your eyes slightly, trying to look at the sun for as long as possible. Bates' followers modernized this technique - you no longer need to look at the sun, and the exercise is carried out with oblique sun rays in the shade.

In addition to the exercises, Bates forbade his patients from wearing glasses, claiming that they only worsened their vision. Even today, many practicing ophthalmologists are faced with echoes of this theory.

When prescribed glasses, patients do not want to wear them, due to the fact that it will impair their vision or even lead to blindness. This is completely untrue.

Correct correction reduces eye fatigue and the development of computer syndrome and dry eye syndrome, eliminates headaches and lens opacities. Overall, 100% vision achieved through glasses or contacts significantly improves everyday life.

How often should I do it?

Palming should be performed daily, repeating 3-5 times during the day, or better yet, more often. You can visualize while doing the exercises. Visualization is also an effective exercise, since any mental activity can find a corresponding physical manifestation. When you look “mentally”, the eyes react in a similar way, however, the reaction of the eyes is more pronounced than the muscles of the hand; the eyes are closely connected with the brain.

For some, prolonged palming promotes a greater degree of relaxation and allows them to see a darker shade of black. Others, on the contrary, can successfully perform palming for a short time, after which they experience tension.

Palming should be performed at every opportunity. Closing your eyes for a few seconds and covering them with your palms helps keep your eyes alert. In cases where palming with both hands is inconvenient, you can cover one eye or simply close your eyes as if you are dozing.

Gymnastics for eyes with farsightedness

Physical exercises for hypermetropia and presbyopia are an effective way to correct impaired vision. Of course, you should not forget to wear glasses: if you do not do this, then no exercise will be effective.

Exercises for Presbyopia

For presbyopia and general cases of decreased vision, the following therapeutic and preventive course of gymnastic exercises for the eyes is recommended:

  • Sit on a chair, keep your back straight. The muscles throughout the body should be as relaxed as possible.
  • Focus your gaze on an object that is located in the distance or on the street. Don't take your eyes off the subject. Turn your head so that your eyes remain in the same position. You should perform up to 10 turns in each direction.
  • Extend your hand in front of your eyes to a distance of about 30 cm. Focus your gaze on your fingers, and then lift them up and look at any other object located outside the window on the street.
  • Sit on a chair, fold your hands at the back of your head, bend your back back. Bend down as much as possible and repeat this exercise about 15 times.
  • Sit on the sofa, massage the neck and back of the head.

Exercises for children

For very young children, you can do the following exercises:

  • Using your fingertips, massage the area around the eyeball, keeping your eyelids closed. Massage the eye for half a minute, then pause for 30 seconds. Repeat these steps 5 times.
  • Lay the baby on his back and attract his attention with a toy. Next, it is slowly brought closer to the eye in the form of a “snake”. Repeat this exercise several times.

Older children can be asked to see the grimace on the face and try to copy it. The child can alternately open or close his eyes, squint them. This exercise improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the eyes.

They conduct training sessions with school-aged children. It is useful to engage in the following sports:

  • tennis;
  • cricket;
  • basketball;
  • volleyball;
  • badminton;
  • golf.

Any sports activities are carried out in moderation. If done regularly, they help improve vision and eliminate signs of farsightedness. The exercises are designed to strengthen the eye muscles.

Visualization of "blackness"

The quality of darkness that appears when palming is an indicator of the condition of your vision. Scientists have found that blackness in the field of vision develops independently and improves vision. You can experiment with “visualizing blackness” while palming; this technique can be very effective.

The object of visualization can be any black objects that you can think of and imagine how they quickly change each other. You can scroll through the letters of the alphabet, but the font must be black. When you reach the letter “I,” you need to compare its blackness with the blackness surrounding your field of vision. If the letter has a blacker color, imagine that it blends into the surrounding background. This process is repeated several times until the blackness becomes intense.

Exercises to relax your eyes

It is recommended to combine the palming method with the following exercises for the visual organs:

  • turns the eyeballs left and right, up and down, do them 10-20 times;
  • turn the eyes clockwise and in the opposite direction, do 5 times each in each circle;
  • mentally imagine a clock in front of you, concentrate your gaze on each number, starting from 1 to 12, you can do the same actions in the opposite direction;
  • drawing numbers from 0 to 9 with the eyeballs;
  • close your eyes tightly, then relax them; if a person’s eyes hurt very much during this exercise, he feels discomfort, it is recommended not to do it;
  • a person sits straight on a chair, moves his gaze upward towards his forehead (mentally dividing it in half), his gaze moves down to the very bottom towards his chin, the exercise is carried out slowly;
  • moving the gaze to the nose, then moving the eyes to their normal position, the exercise is done 5-10 times;
  • moving the gaze diagonally from the top corner to the bottom and vice versa.

The above techniques can be used in conjunction with palming or separately. You can perform the exercise with your eyes open or closed.

These are the easiest exercises that can be done at any time of the day, in any environment, even at work. In addition to working with the eyes, it is necessary to relax the whole body. To do this, you need to sit in a chair or lie down completely. Relax every muscle of the body as thoroughly as possible, starting from the heels to the top of the head. Often, overexertion of the entire body negatively affects vision function.

Mental relaxation is also possible. Walking in the fresh air is recommended, you can spend time in a cafe, meet with friends. It is important to take a break from work and other things that worry a person. If he is in a state of depression, stress, neurosis, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist. He will conduct sessions, identify the cause of the condition, and prescribe effective methods of therapy.

The result obtained from the exercise

If palming is successful, it is one of the best ways to relax the eyes and all other senses. This method allows you to achieve complete relaxation, which persists after opening your eyes. At the same time, a person’s vision improves for a long time, pain in the eyes decreases for a long time, headaches disappear, as well as pain in other parts of the body.

Such cases are rare, but they do occur. With little relaxation, a significant part of it is lost when a person opens his eyes, and the small part that is preserved is retained for a short time.

Palming for eyes video. Zhdanov:

In the case when palming is not carried out very well, you can save only part of what has been achieved and for a short time. But a small degree of relaxation is also useful, since it allows you to achieve a greater degree of relaxation of the eyes.

By performing palming every day and several times, we will be able to hone this practice, and over time we will achieve complete relaxation of the muscles of the eyeball and see a rich black color when performing palming. And together (during palming) or after it, you can perform eye exercises.

Dear readers and guests of the blog about methods of being healthy, leave your comments and share your experience of performing this amazing and simple exercise to relax our eyes. Love and Gratitude!

The effectiveness of eye exercises for astigmatism

A visual defect, especially in children, is sought to be eliminated before permanent distorted vision develops. To do this, for astigmatism, they resort to glasses with cylindrical or combined glasses and contact lenses.

It is believed that acquired traumatic astigmatism gradually levels out over time, if not completely, then at least partially. It is more difficult to combat drug-induced astigmatism if it is necessary to constantly take certain substances that affect the shape of the cornea.

But in all cases, it is necessary to maintain strength and uniform tension of the oculomotor muscles, which are not only responsible for the movement of the eyeball, but also for its shape. It is very important to prevent visual fatigue, otherwise the accommodative capabilities of the eye are reduced.

To reduce the degree of astigmatism, there are various types of “eye gymnastics”. This kind of exercise increases blood circulation in the eyeball and surrounding tissues, makes muscles stronger, and eliminates fatigue from visual stress.

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