Epiretinal membrane (cellophane macula)

Film on the human eye

Blurred vision, even for a short period, causes anxiety. It can last for different times and varies in intensity. Most often, the condition occurs in the morning or after eye strain while working at the computer. In some cases, the feeling of a film on the eye goes away after blinking, sometimes wiping and moisturizing the eyes is required.

This condition is often accompanied by other symptoms:

  • unpleasant burning and itching;
  • sensitivity to light;
  • the appearance of “flies” and spots;
  • weakness.

The veil, in combination with the listed signs, may be a signal not only of the onset of a disease of the visual organs, but also of the nervous system, so it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist to establish the correct diagnosis.

The appearance of the film is more often observed in older people. This neoplasm consists of overgrown tissue of the conjunctival membrane. The pathology is called pterygium.

At the initial stage, the film covers only part of the cornea and does not interfere with vision. The danger of the disease is that the pterygium grows, gradually closing the pupil, and this already leads to blindness. The film may appear on one eye or two at once.

What should you pay attention to when purchasing film?

The presented anti-reflective films are used only for those display images and monitors in which the distance from the picture to the glass with the film glued does not exceed 2 cm. Otherwise, the clarity of the picture may decrease, and the picture itself may acquire dark shades.

Anti-glare film, buy

which can be used for all types of screens, is intended for monitors with a diagonal of 30 inches and above. Such restrictions are established due to the specific features of the anti-glossy effect of the product, namely the influence of imagery on small fonts.

It is important to note that after applying film or glass, the brightness and saturation of the image may drop by up to 10%. This is especially noticeable on glossy surfaces with a household matrix and brightness, while when used on professional high-brightness panels, this effect is not so pronounced.

Also, after applying the protective film, the viewing angle of the device screen or advertising display will be reduced to 110 degrees. For computers, this feature will be a good advantage, as it will limit the view of what is happening on the monitor for strangers.

Even the highest quality anti-glare film for the monitor

, which has an excellent matting effect, will produce some moiré - a slight distortion of colors and a mesh or grainy pattern. The moire effect is especially noticeable when working with small fonts and closely spaced inscriptions, but when playing videos and displaying images, viewers will not notice it.

Film in the eyes - reasons

There are many factors that provoke the appearance of a neoplasm:

  1. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation - the disease is more common among residents of southern countries, where there are many sunny days and high radiation intensity.
  2. Injuring mechanical effects of dust, small particles, sand. These negative factors are enhanced by the wind, which irritates the mucous membrane.
  3. Genetic predisposition - pathology can be transmitted between relatives within the family.
  4. Frequent inflammation of conjunctivitis - the mucous membrane is affected by adenoviruses, bacteria, and allergic irritants. Each inflammatory process leaves scars and leads to changes in tissue structure.
  5. Spending a long time in front of a computer monitor causes dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes.

The conjunctiva of the eye has many blood vessels and nerves, so it reacts sharply to any impact. The mucous membrane consists of two layers: epithelium (upper) and deep (submucosal).

The conjunctiva performs a protective and moisturizing function; inside it there are glands responsible for the production of tear fluid. With prolonged exposure to negative factors, its epithelium is transformed, the connective tissue grows and a white film appears before a person’s eyes.

In addition to pterygium disease, blurred vision and blurred vision are caused by the following reasons:

  • Refractive diseases (farsightedness, astigmatism), the problem is corrected by wearing glasses, lenses, and laser therapy.
  • Dry eye syndrome – due to insufficient hydration, the cornea dries out and vision becomes cloudy. This occurs as a result of deterioration of the tear film.
  • Cataract is a disease of older people caused by clouding of the crystal.
  • Glaucoma is a visual impairment caused by intraocular pressure.
  • Taking certain medications (oral contraceptives, corticosteroids).
  • Inflammation of the optic nerve.

Film on the eyes of a newborn

Obstruction of the tear ducts is the main reason why babies have a film on their eyes. This is a rare disease, dacryocystitis, which occurs in 5% of infants.

The reasons for its occurrence:

  1. abnormal development of the tear ducts;
  2. absence of a tear duct;
  3. injury to the face with obstetric forceps.

During the period of intrauterine growth, the baby's nasolacrimal ducts are blocked by a gelatinous film. It prevents amniotic fluid from entering the respiratory tract.

With the first cry of the newborn, the film should break, and if this does not happen, the tear duct remains closed. Pathology leads to congestion in the lacrimal sac, causing inflammation of the eyes.

Signs of dacryocystitis can be easily noticed not only by the pediatrician, but also by the mother:

  • tears flowing without crying;
  • purulent discharge in the corners of the eyes;
  • redness and swelling of the lower part of the eye.

An ophthalmologist should diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment after examining the newborn. Drugs are prescribed to relieve symptoms of inflammation. The therapy uses antiseptic rinsing, eye drops and massage. As the baby grows, the film should break by 6-12 months; if this does not happen, a surgical incision will be required.

More rarely, the cause of the appearance of the film is lipodermoid. This is a movable light yellow elastic fold located on the outside of the eye. It is a congenital pathology and does not increase during life. The formation is firmly connected to the lacrimal gland, so its removal is rarely performed.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The following factors cause pathology are identified:

  1. Underdevelopment of tear ducts or their absence.
  2. Damage to the facial area with obstetric forceps.
  3. Anomalies in the development of the structure of the nose or the lacrimal canaliculus itself.

If the film remains, then the outflow of tears does not occur and they accumulate in the bag, which leads to inflammation of the eyes in newborns. Thus, a stagnant phenomenon with the addition of infection is observed.

If the tear duct becomes inflamed, the necessary measures should be taken.

Dacryocystitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Constantly watery eyes.
  2. Purulent discharge from the eyes, which characterizes inflammation.
  3. Redness and swelling of the lower area of ​​the eye.
  4. Purulent discharge appears after a week, since this is the time when the disease develops at its peak.
  5. Tear fluid stagnates in the sac, which is manifested by swelling at the base of the eye and redness.

If this disease occurs in a newborn, then usually by 6 months (at least by a year) the film breaks through.

Film in the eye: what to do?

Ophthalmologists distinguish two stages of development of the film on the human visual organ:

  1. There are no symptoms or manifestations of the disease.
  2. Swelling, burning, irritation occurs, vision deteriorates, and active growth of the tumor is observed.

Treatment of the film is not carried out with medications or folk remedies; there are no drugs for its removal. Getting rid of pterygium is possible through surgery.

At the first stage of the disease, the ophthalmologist does not prescribe surgery. Small lesions are taken under observation. If the condition and size change, surgical intervention is immediately prescribed. At this stage, it is impossible to delay the operation, its complexity increases, and there is a high risk of relapse.



- a special dosage form made of polymers, used to provide medical care mainly in ophthalmology.
10. Ophthalmic medicinal films. Rice. 11. Laying an ophthalmic medicinal film on the conjunctiva of the eyelid. L. p. - elastic oval-shaped plates measuring 9 X 4 X 0.3 mm, weighing 14-16 mg, made from a soluble non-toxic synthetic copolymer of N-vinylpyrrolidone, acrylalide, ethyl acrylate and containing a dosed amount of the active drug or several drugs. L. p. have the property of prolonging the effect of drugs and have advantages over such ophthalmic drugs as drops, ointments, suspensions, etc. They allow more precise control of drug doses, prolong their action, and make it possible to use the drugs once a day, increase the therapeutic concentration of drugs in the conjunctival cavity, reduce the consumption of drugs and their toxic effects, and reduce the duration of treatment. course 2-3 times. L. and. allow you to avoid painful procedures, in particular subconjunctival injections of drugs.

The technology for the production of drugs containing pilocarpine, neomycin, sulfapyridazine, atropine, and dicaine has been mastered. Research is being conducted to further expand the range of pharmaceutical products and include in them the main drugs used in ophthalmology.

L. p. are intended to provide treatment. help with viral, bacterial, allergic and other diseases of the organ of vision, as well as for the prevention of postoperative complications during cataract removal, keratoplasty, glaucoma. In the conjunctival sac, the lump is moistened with tear fluid, becomes soft, turns into a gel and resolves within 20-60 minutes. L.'s ability to dissolve in the conjunctival sac distinguishes them favorably from previously used ophthalmic films prepared with polyvinyl alcohol, and from foreign ophthalmic membrane films that require removal from the eye.

Rice. 2. Comparative curves characterizing the dynamics of drug delivery into the conjunctival sac and reflecting the advantage of the action of medicinal films: 1 - with the introduction of a 1% neomycin solution; 2 - with the introduction of an ophthalmic medicinal film - neomycin. Rice. 3. Comparative curves characterizing the dynamics of drug delivery into the cornea and reflecting the advantage of the action of medicinal films: 1 - with instillation of a 0.1% idoxuridine solution; 2 - with the introduction of an ophthalmic medicinal film - idoxuridine.

A single administration of L. p. provides a therapeutic concentration of drugs for 24-48 hours. The dynamics of the entry of some L. into the eye tissue is shown in Fig. 2 and 3.

The sensation of a foreign body under the eyelids that occurs after the introduction of L. p. usually disappears after 5-15 minutes. Only in some cases, the unpleasant sensations last longer, and therefore it may be necessary to discontinue L. p.

Rice. 1. Plastic cases for packaging ophthalmic medicinal films.

Special plastic cases have been developed for packaging L. items (Fig. 1), allowing them to be removed individually. There are other forms of packaging - glass bottles or individual packaging in synthetic film and metal foil. L. p. are stored in a dry place, the shelf life is 2 years or more, depending on the drug they contain (list A and B).

Basic forms of ophthalmic medicinal films (OMFs). GLP-sulfapyridazine is used once a day for acute conjunctivitis, erosions and ulcers of the cornea, chemical. burns of the conjunctiva and cornea, electrophthalmia and corneal infiltration after removal of a foreign body, epidemic Koch-Wicks keratoconjunctivitis. GLP-sulfapyridazine is used during preoperative preparation of patients and in the postoperative period. Its dissolution time is 15-40 minutes. From subjective sensations, patients sometimes note lacrimation, which stops after 2-5 minutes. after placing the film in the conjunctival sac.

GLP-neomycin contains 1200 units of neomycin sulfate. It is used for erosions and ulcers of the cornea, acute conjunctivitis, exacerbation of chronic diseases, conjunctivitis, after removal of a superficial foreign body of the cornea or conjunctiva, for the prevention of infection in non-penetrating and penetrating eye wounds and eye burns. The film dissolves in the conjunctival cavity in 40-60 minutes. The use of neomycin in the form of films for patients suffering from keratitis promotes the formation of more delicate scar tissue.

GLP-kanamycin contains 1200 units of kanamycin. It is used for acute bacterial conjunctivitis, post-traumatic corneal erosions, superficial purulent infiltrates of the cornea and is administered once a day. Treatment period is 3-5 days. For severe purulent ulcers of the cornea, the film is prescribed 2 times a day. During this period, the administration of antibacterial agents under the conjunctiva or inside is canceled. Significant improvement is noted after 3-4 days of treatment, recovery - on the 9-15th day. To prevent infection after removal of superficial foreign bodies from the cornea or conjunctiva, a single application is sufficient, and after surgery on the eyeball it is administered once a day. GLP-kanamycin is effective for sanitation of the conjunctival cavity during preoperative preparation of patients.

GLP-idoxuridine contains 0.5 mg idoxuridine (IDU). In experiments and clinics, the high therapeutic effectiveness of GLP-IDU has been established when used once a day. The film is prescribed for various forms of herpes viral eye infections.

GLP-florenal contains 0.2 mg florenal; stable at room temperature for at least 2 years. GLP-florenal is used in the treatment of patients with viral eye diseases.

GLP-atropine contains 1.6 mg of atropine, dissolves within 25-50 minutes, does not cause irritation or toxic reactions to eye tissue. Used to dilate the pupil; put once a day, in some cases - 2 times.

GLP-dicaine contains 0.75 mg of dicaine; the film is used for patients with severe pain in the eye due to trauma, burns, inflammation, as well as for tonography, gonioscopy and other eye procedures.

Anesthesia usually occurs faster and is deeper and longer lasting than with triple instillation of Dicaine solution.

Rice. 4. Curve characterizing the effectiveness of the effect of ophthalmic medicinal film-pilocarpine (after the arrow) on daily fluctuations in intraocular pressure in grade III glaucoma compared to pilocarpine solution (before the arrow): the values ​​of intraocular pressure (mm Hg) are plotted on the ordinate axis. .

GLP-pilocarpine is used as a miotic and antihypertensive agent. The maximum decrease in ophthalmotonus occurs after 1.5 hours and remains at this level for 4-6 hours. Constriction of the pupil begins after 20-30 minutes. after the introduction of a film with pilocarpine, the maximum miosis lasts from 2 to

4 hours The duration of miosis is 6-8 hours. In initial and advanced glaucoma, moderately elevated and high intraocular pressure decreased by 3-15 mmHg. Art. with the administration of GLP-pilocarpine once a day. The greatest hypotensive effect occurs in the first 8-10 hours. after laying the film and remains at the compensation level during the day (Fig. 4).

GLP-dexamethasone contains 5 μg of dexamethasone. The film is used for serous iritis and iridocyclitis, herpetic keratitis and keratouveitis in the scarring stage, allergic conjunctivitis, allergic keratitis, eye burns, post-traumatic keratitis and iridocyclitis, as well as in the postoperative period after antiglaucomatous operations, keratoplasty, cataract removal and artificial lens transplantation.

Summarized information about some SLPs is given in the table.

Table. Duration of action and indications for use of some ophthalmic medicinal films (ODFs)

Ocular medicinal film Duration of action with a single use of GLP Indications for use
GLP-sulfapyridazine 24-48 hours Acute bacterial conjunctivitis, corneal erosion and ulcer, preoperative preparation of patients, prevention of bacterial infections in trauma, eye burns and in the postoperative period, Koch-Wicks epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
GLP-neomycin 48 hours The same
GLP-kanamycin 24 hours The same
GLP-idoxuridine 12-24 hours Eye diseases caused by herpes simplex virus and herpes zoster
GLP-atropine 3-5 days To dilate the pupil
GLP-dicaine 60-90 min. For local anesthesia of the eye
GLP-pilocarpine 6-8 hours To lower intraocular pressure in glaucoma
GLP-dxamethasone 24 hours Allergic conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, postherpetic keratitis, eye burns, spring catarrh, after surgery on the eyeball


Maichuk Yu. F. New drugs and dosage forms for the treatment of viral eye diseases, in the book: Viral eye diseases, ed. K.V. Trutneva et al., p. 117, M., 1977; MaychukYu. F. et al. Ophthalmic medicinal films, Vestn, ophthalm.. Ha 6, p. 73, 1974; Khromov G.L. n d r. Initial assessment of the prolonging properties of biosoluble polymers for ophthalmic medicinal films, Pharm. Chem., journal, vol. 8, 6, p. 24, 1974, bibliogr.

Yu. F. Maychuk; A. V. Davydov (techn.).

How is surgery performed?

Preparation for excision of the film begins 24 hours in advance; from this time on, it is forbidden to take aspirin and other blood thinners. The operation is performed with a scalpel or laser.

The latter option has significant advantages:

  • the laser cauterizes the vessels, eliminating bleeding;
  • no stitches required;
  • rehabilitation occurs faster;
  • pain is less pronounced.

Surgical or laser excision occurs under local anesthesia. The film is cut to the sclera, eliminating the formation takes 30 minutes.

After surgery, the patient wears an eye patch. The doctor prescribes special drops that prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

At the end of the operation, the patient remains under observation for several hours. If severe pain occurs during this period, you must inform your doctor, who will prescribe painkillers. Do not wash your eyes with water for several days.

Unfortunately, relapses of pterygium are common. If a new growth occurs, you should consult your doctor again.

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