Rupture of eye capillaries

Most often, capillaries burst on the face, legs and arms. They bring anxiety and confusion into our lives, affecting our lack of self-confidence and self-confidence, this is especially evident when they burst capillaries on the face, arms, and chest.

Tiny, thread-like, pink or blue lines that appear on the face, arms, or legs are nothing more than broken capillaries. On the legs, they are also known as varicose veins. On the face, the vascular network is known as rosacea and can also be combated.

Broken capillaries are often blue or red-blue in color. They rarely go away on their own and require medical intervention. The medical term that describes this condition is called rosacea.


Capillaries can remain in an expanded state for a long time and not burst, but then, under the influence of some reason, they rupture, which can be determined even visually. The prerequisites may be different: overload of the lower extremities, injuries, hormonal imbalance. The main reason that a vessel burst is considered to be the weakness of its walls, due to which it cannot withstand even a slight load.

High blood pressure plays an important role in this: it automatically increases the pressure in the smallest vessels, from which they also begin to suffer. Hypertensive patients should periodically examine their skin: burst capillaries are an alarm bell that indicates that an undetected increase in pressure has occurred. Such people must strictly adhere to the regimen of taking medications prescribed by the doctor and not refuse treatment. Vessels may have pathological fragility and react even to changes in weather.

Let's consider the main reasons for capillary fragility according to most experts:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • injuries;
  • increased physical activity;
  • problems in the endocrine sphere.

After a stroke or heart attack, people often complain that their blood vessels burst. This condition must be reported to the treating specialist. This suggests that a stroke or heart attack may recur, so it is necessary to follow doctors' orders to avoid a relapse.

A very common condition in our time - vegetative-vascular dystonia - can cause vascular fragility. This pathology is not life-threatening for the patient, but requires that he constantly monitor the condition of his blood vessels. If problems with blood vessels are observed frequently, then you should consult a doctor with a specific complaint. This way you can identify the problem in time, preventing it from becoming chronic.

Why is vascular fragility often observed in athletes? This is especially true for those who are building muscle mass. The muscles increase significantly in volume, and the smallest vessels do not have time to grow enough to fully supply them with blood. Therefore, the load on the capillaries increases many times over, and they cannot cope with it. In this case, you can get out of the situation by taking appropriate medications aimed at maintaining and strengthening blood vessels - Ascorutin, vitamin C, and vitamin complexes.

What other reasons could there be for vascular fragility? These are conditions of the reproductive system such as cysts, abortions, menopause, childbirth, and hormonal treatment. External factors also have an impact: frequent ultraviolet baths in solariums, chemical peels, hypothermia, injuries. If a vein in your arm bursts, you can assume an allergy to some substances, in particular to household chemicals. In this case, you need to avoid contact of the skin of your hands with such products and work exclusively with gloves.

Capillary fragility is caused by a lack of certain vitamins. So, if there is not enough vitamin C or P in the body, this leads to the fact that the vascular walls lose their elastic properties. In addition, symptoms such as chills and blueness of the skin on the legs and arms are also observed. Most often this happens in the autumn and winter.

Causes of the phenomenon

It is difficult to identify the exact reasons why a capillary on the face burst. Experts combine them into the following conditional groups:

  • Hereditary. Genetic predisposition is considered one of the most common causes of capillary wall fragility. Sensitive skin reacts to any external irritants: from special care products to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In this case, the skin of the face must be provided with reliable protection from negative influences. To do this, you can use creams designed for sensitive skin.
  • Age. Over time, the skin ages. This process is accelerated by bad habits (drinking alcohol and smoking). Therefore, people over 40 years old often experience problems with blood vessels.
  • Stressful. This group of reasons includes the use of low-quality cosmetics, sudden temperature changes and work in hazardous industries (chemical industry enterprises, oil refineries, etc.).
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes negatively affect the condition of blood vessels. Cuperosis is most often diagnosed in overweight patients. This is associated with an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood serum and plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of internal systems and organs. In this situation, it is necessary to be examined in a medical institution and begin to eliminate the pathology that was the root cause of the condition.
  • Cosmetic procedures. Too frequent visits to the solarium, peeling and other salon procedures also negatively affect the condition of the skin and blood vessels.

There are factors that increase the likelihood of developing rosacea. The risk group includes:

  • people working outside in the cold;
  • mothers of many children;
  • infants (due to the lack of subcutaneous fat);
  • people with high blood pressure.

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Two groups of drugs can be used:

  1. Local medicines are available in the form of ointments, creams, and gels.
  2. Preparations for oral use (tablets and capsules).

Basically, medications are aimed at, have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the formation of blood clots. The greatest effect is achieved when both groups of drugs are used together. The frequency of use and the specific type of drug will be advised by your doctor.

How is it diagnosed?

In order to find out how far vascular damage has progressed, such diagnostic methods are used. It is necessary to pinch a fold of skin in the chest area: this place is chosen because there are practically no accidental injuries there, which means that the pinch method will be indicative. When a bruise forms, it is concluded that the vessels are significantly affected. A specialist can conduct a similar test by tapping the same area with a special hammer.

The tourniquet method involves tightening the arm in the shoulder area with a tourniquet to stop the outflow of venous blood without interfering with the circulation of arterial blood. Then remove the tourniquet and inspect the place where it is applied. If petechiae have formed there, it is necessary to treat the blood vessels.

Vascular problems are often accompanied by certain symptoms: dizziness, black spots in the field of vision, vascular networks clearly visible through the skin, chills, bruises after very minor physical interactions.


First of all, it is necessary to find answers to the question of why capillaries burst on the legs, arms, and other parts of the body. It is necessary to find the pathology that provokes this problem, and only after that begin to solve it. Practice shows that getting rid of the problem of vascular fragility is quite difficult, but this cannot be ignored.

Monitor your blood pressure carefully and try to keep it within normal limits. A specialist may recommend taking vitamin supplements. Vitamin C improves blood transport through the vascular system. Under the influence of vitamin P, vascular elasticity is restored faster.


When the capillaries in the legs burst, a person begins to feel some discomfort in the lower extremities. Namely: in the evening the legs may swell, a feeling of fatigue and pain, a feeling of heaviness and twisting. With such symptoms of burst capillaries, for prevention you can perform a number of physical exercises, therapeutic exercises or massage.

This stabilizes blood circulation and evenly distributes blood flow. In addition, before heavy work, it is recommended to wrap the affected areas with an elastic bandage and wear compression garments. This way you can prevent the formation of capillaries on your legs.

Broken capillaries: symptoms and diagnosis

Broken capillaries are easily visible on your skin. Symptoms include:

  • Thin, thread-like lines
  • A web-like network of red lines
  • May be reddish, purple or bluish
  • May cause itching and pain
  • Measurements between 1-3mm
  • Commonly found on the chin, nose, cheeks

Red thread-like patterns on the surface of the skin make this condition easy to diagnose. However, doctors may also perform clinical tests to determine if any underlying health condition is causing the broken capillaries. They can carry out the following tests:

  • CT scan
  • MRI
  • X-rays
  • Liver function tests
  • Analyzes

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They may also carry out other relevant tests to identify any abnormalities. Depending on the diagnosis, they will treat your condition.

Why blood vessels burst on the body, and what to do about it

Why is there a problem?

Most often, burst vessels are discovered after injury. A small bloody rash may remain at the site of the bruise or bruise. But petechiae that arise spontaneously should be especially wary, because they can be a sign of a serious disease.

The most common reasons for a blood vessel to burst:

  • injury;
  • allergic reaction;
  • blood infections;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • childbirth;
  • side effects of treatment for skin diseases;
  • side effects of chemotherapy;
  • aging process.

In any case, blood vessels burst when their walls become less elastic. Sometimes the cause of deterioration in the condition of blood vessels may be a change in hormonal levels.

A burst vessel looks unattractive, but in itself is not dangerous

In more rare cases, the following diseases can provoke the destruction of small vessels:

  • meningitis (inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord);
  • leukemia (blood cell cancer);
  • sore throat caused by bacterial infections;
  • sepsis (body-centered inflammatory response to bacterial infection).
  • dieting;
  • frequent use of scrubs;
  • frequent visits to the sauna;
  • refusal to use the cream in frosty weather.


However, in order to determine the cause and prescribe treatment, a dermatologist will need to review the patient's medical record.

During the diagnosis process, the following questions may arise, the answers to which are best prepared in advance:

It is worth preparing answers to the dermatologist’s questions in advance.

A dermatologist may also order a blood or urine test to check for an infection or virus. If necessary, an ultrasound scan of the affected area may also be performed to look for hidden fractures or abnormal tissue damage.


Unfortunately, if a vessel under the eye bursts, you should not expect it to heal or resolve on its own.

It is useless to treat the damaged capillary itself, but you can prevent the occurrence of new foci of subcutaneous bleeding by adhering to the following rules:

  • if burst vessels have already been noticed, then it is necessary to avoid for several months all procedures that involve the use of vacuum, rollers, and powerful lasers;
  • If blood vessels on the legs burst, then you need to stop using rough scrubs, massages, and wraps. But the use of fruit acids is not prohibited.
  • Do not rub or pull damaged skin;
  • wash your body only with warm water, not hot or cold;
  • avoid visiting the sauna, solarium;
  • protect the skin from frost with fatty, oily creams;
  • adhere to a balanced diet, paying special attention to the presence of vitamin C;
  • no smoking;
  • keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. In particular, red wine provokes rupture of capillaries.

Official treatments

Treatment methods for subcutaneous bleeding can be divided into 3 categories.

Eradicating the causes of bursting blood vessels in the hands and body as a whole

For this purpose, systemic antiviral and antibacterial drugs can be prescribed. If blood vessels in the fingers burst as a result of taking medications, prebiotics are prescribed.

Reducing areas of subcutaneous bleeding

The so-called anti-rosacea preparations contain extracts of plant substances extracted from saxaul and celandine. These extracts stimulate blood circulation and help keep capillary walls firm and elastic. If you use anti-rosacea drugs at the first signs of the appearance of burst capillaries, you can prevent a further increase in areas of subcutaneous bleeding.

Celandine extract in the cream will help prevent the development of foci of rosacea

Retinoid creams can help get rid of small broken capillaries by increasing collagen production in the skin. In fact, the capillaries will not disappear anywhere, they just may not be visible on renewed skin.

Anti-inflammatory creams containing green tea or brown algae extract reduce excessive blood flow to affected areas of the skin and also help make damaged capillaries invisible.

Removal of already burst vessels

Electrocoagulation fights broken blood vessels by sending an electrical impulse to the affected area. This method may not be suitable for a child.

Laser and electrical impulse will get rid of the problem

Home treatments

If the blood vessels have already burst, then completely removing them at home is unrealistic. However, there are several proven folk remedies that effectively help reduce redness.

You need to grind the aloe leaf into a paste and rub the affected areas before going to bed. You must first wash your skin with green or black tea. Leftover pastry can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

The recipe for an aloe mask is very accessible and simple.

Green tomatoes

Parsley leaves


Despite the fact that home methods for getting rid of broken capillaries cannot harm your health, since they are applied externally, you should consult a dermatologist before starting to use them.

Causes and risk factors

Rupture of the capillaries of the eye is associated with damage to one or more blood vessels that transfer their blood content to the bulbar conjunctiva, vitreous body or retina. The reasons for the destruction of the ocular capillary can be different.

Subconjunctival bleeding is often caused by minor and non-worrisome causes, such as coughing or exertion that causes excessive pressure.

In contrast, broken capillaries in the vitreous and retina should always be evaluated by a physician, as they may indicate the presence of underlying pathologies that need to be treated (eg, hypertension, macular degeneration, side effects of medications, diabetes, etc.).

Subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs when a small blood vessel ruptures and bleeds on the bulbar conjunctiva. The conjunctival epithelium contains numerous capillaries (usually these small blood vessels are visible when the eye is inflamed), which are quite fragile and their walls can easily break.

Possible causes of rupture of eye capillaries at the subconjunctival level:

  • excessive physical exertion (such as heavy lifting, but can also occur due to vomiting, excessive sneezing or coughing);
  • severe increase in blood pressure (as with hypertension);
  • sudden change in blood pressure during labor (shaken baby syndrome);
  • minor injuries (vigorous rubbing of the eye, penetration of a foreign body, improper use of contact lenses, etc.);
  • taking anticoagulants and supplements (such as aspirin, warfarin, and ginseng);
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy;
  • minor postoperative complications in refractive surgery (example: Lasik for the correction of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism);
  • Sometimes, loss of blood in the eye can also be a sign of other types of eye diseases (such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, uveitis, or serious infections);
  • Sometimes, rupture of eye capillaries can be determined by more serious conditions: increased intracranial or intraocular pressure, blunt trauma, skull fracture, or bleeding disorder.

Rupture of the ocular capillaries at the level of the vitreous body can occur in the following cases:

  • retinal detachment;
  • macular degeneration;
  • diabetes and diabetic retinopathy;
  • pathologies of the circulatory and vascular system;
  • glaucoma;
  • uveitis;
  • retinal hemorrhage.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes are prepared using available ingredients. A one-time use of any technique will not give the desired result - a continuous course of procedures is needed.

Green tomatoes

Cabbage leaves

Fresh cabbage leaves are removed from the stalk, scalded with boiling water, wrapped in cellophane and placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours. The procedure is carried out immediately before going to bed the next day: wipe problem areas on the legs with apple cider vinegar and wait until the excess moisture evaporates, after which cold leaves are applied to the treated areas and bandaged, or put on stockings. Keep the compress on your feet all night. The minimum number of procedures is 15.

Turpentine baths

First you need to prepare an emulsion: pour 250 ml of turpentine and 40 ml of camphor alcohol into a 1.5 liter container, then bring the volume to 1 liter with hot water and mix thoroughly (the emulsion should turn white). Pour half the hot water into the bath (37 degrees). In a container, mix 10 ml of the resulting white emulsion (after thoroughly mixing it until smooth) with a liter of water and pour it into the water.

Subsequently, every day we increase the amount of emulsion by 1-2 ml. Sensitive areas of the body should be covered with plastic wrap or generously lubricated with Vaseline. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

You can also use herbal decoctions (lemon balm, linden flowers, valerian root, chamomile or oak bark) for bathing.

Exercise stress

Rhythmic exercises (shaping, aerobics, water aerobics and others) or yoga are perfect for people with protruding capillaries on their legs. You cannot perform weight lifting exercises or prolonged static loads.

The vibration exercise has proven itself well in people with: take a standing position, spread your legs about 20 cm from each other, rise on your toes and sharply lower your heels to the floor. It is recommended to do 10-15 exercises in 3-4 approaches during the day (more often). During this type of exercise, the leg muscles actively contract, which helps to increase the tone of the veins and strengthen the vascular walls.

Why blood vessels burst on the body, and what to do about it

Why is there a problem?

Most often, burst vessels are discovered after injury. A small bloody rash may remain at the site of the bruise or bruise. But petechiae that arise spontaneously should be especially wary, because they can be a sign of a serious disease.

The most common reasons for a blood vessel to burst:

  • injury;
  • allergic reaction;
  • blood infections;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • childbirth;
  • side effects of treatment for skin diseases;
  • side effects of chemotherapy;
  • aging process.

In any case, blood vessels burst when their walls become less elastic. Sometimes the cause of deterioration in the condition of blood vessels may be a change in hormonal levels.

A burst vessel looks unattractive, but in itself is not dangerous

In more rare cases, the following diseases can provoke the destruction of small vessels:

  • meningitis (inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord);
  • leukemia (blood cell cancer);
  • sore throat caused by bacterial infections;
  • sepsis (body-centered inflammatory response to bacterial infection).
  • dieting;
  • frequent use of scrubs;
  • frequent visits to the sauna;
  • refusal to use the cream in frosty weather.


However, in order to determine the cause and prescribe treatment, a dermatologist will need to review the patient's medical record.

During the diagnosis process, the following questions may arise, the answers to which are best prepared in advance:

It is worth preparing answers to the dermatologist’s questions in advance.

A dermatologist may also order a blood or urine test to check for an infection or virus. If necessary, an ultrasound scan of the affected area may also be performed to look for hidden fractures or abnormal tissue damage.


Unfortunately, if a vessel under the eye bursts, you should not expect it to heal or resolve on its own.

It is useless to treat the damaged capillary itself, but you can prevent the occurrence of new foci of subcutaneous bleeding by adhering to the following rules:

  • if burst vessels have already been noticed, then it is necessary to avoid for several months all procedures that involve the use of vacuum, rollers, and powerful lasers;
  • If blood vessels on the legs burst, then you need to stop using rough scrubs, massages, and wraps. But the use of fruit acids is not prohibited.
  • Do not rub or pull damaged skin;
  • wash your body only with warm water, not hot or cold;
  • avoid visiting the sauna, solarium;
  • protect the skin from frost with fatty, oily creams;
  • adhere to a balanced diet, paying special attention to the presence of vitamin C;
  • no smoking;
  • keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. In particular, red wine provokes rupture of capillaries.

Official treatments

Treatment methods for subcutaneous bleeding can be divided into 3 categories.

Eradicating the causes of bursting blood vessels in the hands and body as a whole

For this purpose, systemic antiviral and antibacterial drugs can be prescribed. If blood vessels in the fingers burst as a result of taking medications, prebiotics are prescribed.

Reducing areas of subcutaneous bleeding

The so-called anti-rosacea preparations contain extracts of plant substances extracted from saxaul and celandine. These extracts stimulate blood circulation and help keep capillary walls firm and elastic. If you use anti-rosacea drugs at the first signs of the appearance of burst capillaries, you can prevent a further increase in areas of subcutaneous bleeding.

Celandine extract in the cream will help prevent the development of foci of rosacea

Retinoid creams can help get rid of small broken capillaries by increasing collagen production in the skin. In fact, the capillaries will not disappear anywhere, they just may not be visible on renewed skin.

Anti-inflammatory creams containing green tea or brown algae extract reduce excessive blood flow to affected areas of the skin and also help make damaged capillaries invisible.

Removal of already burst vessels

Electrocoagulation fights broken blood vessels by sending an electrical impulse to the affected area. This method may not be suitable for a child.

Laser and electrical impulse will get rid of the problem

Home treatments

If the blood vessels have already burst, then completely removing them at home is unrealistic. However, there are several proven folk remedies that effectively help reduce redness.

You need to grind the aloe leaf into a paste and rub the affected areas before going to bed. You must first wash your skin with green or black tea. Leftover pastry can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

The recipe for an aloe mask is very accessible and simple.

Green tomatoes

Parsley leaves


Despite the fact that home methods for getting rid of broken capillaries cannot harm your health, since they are applied externally, you should consult a dermatologist before starting to use them.

Guest – August 22, – 10:58

Vessels burst on the right side of my stomach, what could it be? My blood pressure has been low lately, and I’m suffering from headaches.

Guest – January 10, – 00:17

Please tell me, does asparkam strengthen the walls of blood vessels?

Guest – August 8, – 16:41

After washing the floor, a sharp pain suddenly appeared in the ring finger

left hand, swelling, blue discoloration along the vessels. What could it be?

How to treat broken capillaries on the face? Will home remedies help?

Telangiectasia cannot be cured. However, you can treat it. Treatment for broken capillaries mainly depends on the diagnosis. If rosacea causes broken capillaries, your doctor will try to treat the rosacea to minimize the occurrence of broken capillaries.

Not all treatments work for everyone with broken capillaries. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor to find out which treatment method is right for you. Here are treatment options for broken capillaries:

Topical Retinoids

Retinoids are used to treat many skin problems and can reduce the appearance of capillaries. However, be careful as retinoids can cause redness and itching.

Laser therapy

Doctors use lasers to destroy damaged capillaries. This may involve a bit of pain and discomfort and may also cause damage to the skin initially. However, your skin recovers quickly.


In this process, the doctor injects sclerosing agents to seal the visible vessels and make them disappear. Although this process may be painful for a few, not everyone experiences discomfort and pain. The recovery period is very short.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

This therapy is similar to laser therapy. However, the lasers used in IPL penetrate deep into your skin layers without causing any damage.

Take a course of Ascorutin

Ascorutin is a vitamin complex that strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

There is no scientific evidence to establish whether natural remedies or ingredients can minimize the occurrence of broken capillaries. However, you can take care of your skin at home and follow these steps to prevent further deterioration:

  • Avoid Washing Your Face with Hot Water

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Hot water can further damage your blood vessels. Even if you use warm water, be gentle when using it on your face.

  • Use a Cold Compress

Whether it's a bag of frozen peas or an ice pack, it can provide great relief. Immediately after sun exposure, apply a cold compress to prevent broken capillaries.

  • Aloe Vera Massage

Aloe vera has a soothing effect on the skin. Although it cannot help with broken capillaries, Aloe Vera can help soothe other skin issues like rosacea and reduce redness. If your broken capillaries are a result of rosacea, aloe vera gel may help.

  • Minimize Sun Exposure

Avoid exposing your skin to harmful UV rays during peak hours. Wear sunscreen and cover yourself properly if you go out.

  • Control Your Alcohol Consumption

Drink in moderation. Check with your doctor and ask if it is normal for you to drink in moderation or if you need to quit smoking completely.

This is a common skin problem and anyone can get it. However, certain factors make few people vulnerable to broken capillaries.

Home remedies

If laser treatment of broken vessels does not completely eliminate the problem, they need to be strengthened. To improve the condition and strength of the capillaries on the face, you can prepare masks at home.

Day mask

Take the following ingredients: Blueberry extract, mimosa, butcher's broom leaves, colgan rhizome, cypress seeds and grape oil. The components are taken in a 1:1 ratio. After preparation, lubricate your face with a mask, you can put a napkin on top, previously soaked in hot water. Wash off the mask and apply a special cream. The duration of therapy is two months.


Choroid plexuses and asterisks on the face are removed by a compress of squeezed parsley juice with the addition of milk. Soak gauze in the solution and apply to the affected area for half an hour. It is advised to apply lotions every two days.

Night mask

Consists of saphora extract, dandelion root, calendula flowers, grape seed oil. Distribute the mask evenly over the entire surface of the face, blot off excess cream with a napkin.

Juice treatment

To cure rosacea, use fresh cabbage juice; it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Due to its bitterness, it is a little unpleasant; it can be diluted with carrot juice. You can use plum juice; it contains vitamin P, which strengthens blood vessels.

Medicinal herbs for rosacea include chamomile and calendula (marigold) flowers. These solutions are suitable for daily washing and wiping the skin of the face.

Aloe helps strengthen the vascular wall, you can also take the following infusion: Take a spoonful of chokeberry, two tablespoons of hawthorn (flowers) and mistletoe leaves. Place the ingredients in a thermos and pour boiling water. Take half a glass a day three times.

Treating the problem in a child is quite problematic, since children may be allergic to medicinal plants.

How to get rid

Before starting treatment, you need to undergo a full medical examination to identify the factor that led to the development of the problem. There are many reasons why a vessel on the face can burst, which makes diagnosis extremely difficult. However, there are many general techniques that can prevent complications and solve the problem.


To prepare the mask you need to take the following components:

  • blueberry fruit extract;
  • mimosa leaves;
  • grape oil;
  • cypress seeds;
  • galangal roots;
  • butcher's broom leaves.

The ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio and mixed thoroughly with each other. The mask is applied to the places where the capillaries on the face have burst, after which it is covered with a napkin moistened with warm water. You need to keep the product on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and treat the problem area with a special cream. Duration of treatment is 7-8 weeks.


A compress of milk and parsley juice can also help if blood vessels on the face have burst. To do this, a piece of gauze needs to be moistened with a decoction of these ingredients.

It is recommended to apply lotions every 2 days for half an hour.

Juice treatment

Couperose can also be treated with cabbage juice. It contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins. The drink is a little bitter, so it is better to dilute it with fresh carrot juice. Additionally, you can use plum juice. It contains vitamin P, which helps strengthen blood vessels.

Calendula marigold and chamomile flowers can also be beneficial if the capillaries have burst. It is recommended to wipe the skin of the face with compositions based on them and wash your face in the morning.

Aloe effectively strengthens vascular walls. To prepare a tincture of this plant, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn flowers, 1 tbsp. l. chokeberry and 1.5 tbsp. l. mistletoe leaves. The components must be placed in a common container and filled with boiling water. You need to drink ½ glass 3 times a day.

Gymnastics for the face

Gymnastic exercises for the face can also cope with this problem. It is important to choose the right nourishing cream composition.

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Experts recommend performing the following set of exercises daily:

  • stretch your lips and try to depict the shape of a tube with them (hold for 5-7 seconds);
  • open the oral cavity as wide as possible (do at least 5 repetitions);
  • Stretch your cheeks with your palms;
  • smile widely and fix the resulting grimace;
  • inflate and deflate your cheeks (do at least 4-7 repetitions).

These manipulations must be carried out extremely carefully, otherwise the vessels may burst even more.


The drugs are most often used as an adjunct to hardware treatment. An integrated approach allows you to quickly remove a burst vessel on the face.

The effect of such medications is aimed at strengthening the vascular walls and preventing relapses of the pathology. Effective medications include:

  • Ginkgo biloba, Pinogen - promote the removal of metabolic products from blood vessels;
  • Omega-3-alpha-linoleic acid - increases the elasticity of capillaries and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • Ascorutin - increases the strength of capillaries and reduces their permeability.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe local ointments. In this case, it is advisable to check the compatibility of the cream composition with your skin type by applying a little product to a small area of ​​skin. In the absence of negative effects, problem areas can also be treated with ointment.

Laser coagulation

This method of treating rosacea is one of the most gentle. After this procedure, the patient does not have any scars or scars.

The laser coagulation technique involves the following:

  1. The inflamed capillaries are heated to optimal temperatures and soldered together. For this purpose, a pulsed yellow laser is used. In this case, the skin around the problematic vessel is not affected and does not heat up.
  2. Removal is carried out by alternately directing the laser to problem points.
  3. After laser coagulation, the skin becomes lighter, and a day later a crust appears on it.
  4. Skin color should be completely restored within 90 days.

New vessels are formed in the treated area and do not burst.


This technology involves filling the capillary with a special substance that glues its walls together. As a result, the vessel ceases to participate in blood circulation and gradually dies. Types of sclerosis:

  • Foam-Form. The mixture is brought to a foam state. Allows you to treat the symptoms of rosacea.
  • Microsclerotherapy. In this procedure, the sclerosant is injected using a thin needle.
  • Echosclerosis. The substance is introduced through laser scanning.

Important information: Forest classification of bleeding

If vessels on the face have burst and sclerotherapy has been chosen as a therapeutic technique, it must be taken into account that this procedure can lead to deterioration/loss of vision and stroke, and the clinic must have a special license to perform it.

Ozone therapy

During this procedure, the area in which the blood vessels on the face have burst is treated with a special ozonated mixture. For patients with rosacea, ozone is introduced directly into the cavity of the blood vessel using injections. The ozonized solution activates biochemical oxidation reactions, eliminating the inflamed capillary. This procedure is safe and is done in special beauty salons. In addition, ozonation not only eliminates broken blood vessels, but also has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Nutrition rules

If you have rosacea, it is recommended to avoid eating marinades, salty foods, seasonings, spices, hot sauces, chocolate products, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

To prevent the formation of a burst vessel on the face, it is advisable to use vitamin complexes.

Why is there a problem?

Most often, burst vessels are discovered after injury. A small bloody rash may remain at the site of the bruise or bruise. But petechiae that arise spontaneously should be especially wary, because they can be a sign of a serious disease.

The most common reasons for a blood vessel to burst:

  • injury;
  • allergic reaction;
  • blood infections;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • childbirth;
  • side effects of treatment for skin diseases;
  • side effects of chemotherapy;
  • aging process.

In any case, blood vessels burst when their walls become less elastic. Sometimes the cause of deterioration in the condition of blood vessels may be a change in hormonal levels.

In more rare cases, the following diseases can provoke the destruction of small vessels:

  • meningitis (inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord);
  • leukemia (blood cell cancer);
  • sore throat caused by bacterial infections;
  • sepsis (body-centered inflammatory response to bacterial infection).

Separately, it is necessary to consider the reasons for the appearance of burst blood vessels on the face. The peculiarity is that if a network of burst vessels appears on the nose and cheeks, then in 90% of cases the reason for this is heredity. Also, the reason that a blood vessel burst on the face may be:

  • dieting;
  • frequent use of scrubs;
  • frequent visits to the sauna;
  • refusal to use the cream in frosty weather.

Disease prevention

A person suffering from dilation of blood vessels and capillaries on the face must take preventive measures to eliminate the defect. To get started you need:

  • Eat properly and balanced.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Visit the solarium less and stay under the scorching sun for a long time.

Not recommended:

  • the use of scrubs and peels, as they scratch the surface layer of the skin;
  • lotions that contain alcohol, this additionally dries out the skin;
  • cream containing honey and menthol.

Cause of broken capillaries or blood vessels on your face?

The exact cause of capillary rupture or telangiectasia is unclear.

However, several factors can cause broken capillaries. They include:

  • Aging (blood vessels weaken with age)
  • Skin trauma (bruising can cause broken capillaries)
  • Genetic factor
  • Excessive exposure to sun and wind (damages blood vessels and brings them closer to the surface)
  • Side effects of medications (possibly enlarged venules)
  • Side effects of taking corticosteroids (result in thinning skin and breaking capillaries)
  • Pregnancy (increased pressure on venules)
  • Surgical incision
  • Acne
  • Excessive alcohol consumption (affects blood flow and causes liver problems)

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During pregnancy, your chances of getting broken capillaries increase. The growing fetus puts excessive pressure on the blood vessels, rupturing them. Hormone therapy or taking birth control pills can also cause capillaries in the face to break down.

You can also inherit this condition. It is called hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) . Five genes are thought to cause this problem, and of the five, only three can be identified. Only 1% of people inherit this condition.

In addition to these causes, telangiectasia or broken capillaries can be a symptom of an underlying health condition. These include:

  • Bloom's syndrome (a rare genetic disease. Broken capillaries are one of its symptoms.)
  • Liver disease
  • Flammeus mole or port wine stain (a large patch of skin discoloration caused by a capillary malformation)
  • Ataxia telangiectasia (rare inherited condition of body systems)
  • Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
  • Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome (a condition combining Port wine syndrome and varicose veins)
  • Rosacea (chronic skin condition)
  • Xeroderma Pigmentosum (a rare condition that increases UV sensitivity of the skin and eyes)
  • Spider angioma (blood vessels collect closer to the surface of the skin)
  • Sturge-Weber syndrome (a disorder affecting the nervous system)

Conditions that affect your connective tissues can also cause capillaries to break down. These include lupus, dermatomyositis and scleroderma.


However, in order to determine the cause and prescribe treatment, a dermatologist will need to review the patient's medical record.

During the diagnosis process, the following questions may arise, the answers to which are best prepared in advance:

  1. When did the patient first notice that the vessel had burst?
  2. Are any other symptoms associated with subcutaneous bleeding?
  3. Has the patient participated in contact sports or fighting?
  4. Have you had a vacuum massage in the last few weeks?
  5. Has the patient visited a cosmetologist (especially if a vessel on the face has burst)?
  6. Does the area with subcutaneous bleeding hurt or itch?
  7. Do any of your blood relatives have areas of broken blood vessels?

You should also tell your doctor if you are taking any herbs, dietary supplements, or medications. Drugs such as aspirin, steroids, or anticoagulants can cause bleeding under the skin. Detailed answers to the above questions will allow the doctor to obtain information about why blood vessels in the hands and the body as a whole actually burst.

A dermatologist may also order a blood or urine test to check for an infection or virus. If necessary, an ultrasound scan of the affected area may also be performed to look for hidden fractures or abnormal tissue damage.

What to do if a capillary bursts in the eye?

A capillary burst in the eye - what to do and why did this happen? As a rule, the condition is not complex and does not require medical intervention. The network of capillaries that penetrate the human visual organs is responsible for normal blood circulation and the delivery of nutrients to adjacent tissues.

The walls of the tubes are quite fragile and can rupture with the formation of small hemorrhages. Some patients do not feel pain, and a burst blood vessel is often noticed only in the mirror; for others, the hemorrhage brings significant discomfort.

Types of eye capillary ruptures

Depending on where the eye capillaries break, there are 3 different types of hemorrhage:

  1. Subconjunctival hemorrhage (or hyposphagma ): This is the most common type of capillary rupture in the eye. The process involves the space located just below the conjunctiva (the clear surface of the eye). With subconjunctival hemorrhage, blood spills due to the rupture of small superficial capillaries located between the sclera and the conjunctiva. This form of bleeding is not usually associated with changes in the eye or vision.
  2. Vitreous hemorrhage : A ruptured capillary in the eye affects the vitreous (between the back of the lens and the retina), which is physiologically transparent. Collecting blood in the vitreous cavity prevents light from reaching the retina, causing significant loss of vision.
  3. Retinal hemorrhage : rupture of the eye's capillaries involves the vascularized portion of the retina. Retinal hemorrhage may result from trauma or a sign of systemic vascular disease (diabetes, venous occlusion, etc.); Due to these pathologies, the choriocapillaris and retinal vessels are damaged with the release of blood, which forms spots in the deep layers of the retina. These lesions are associated with severe eye changes.
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