How to make bruises under the eyes: draw a black eye!

The main principles of disguising bruises and bags under the eyes

Dark circles or bruises that women try to cover up can be due to various reasons.
They are often a constitutional feature. In some women, the skin around the eyes is thin and light, which allows the vascular tissue to be clearly visible. Sometimes blue under the eyes appears due to insufficient sleep. To eliminate a defect, you need to find the cause of its occurrence. Correctly selected makeup will help you visually get rid of dark circles under your eyes. You can cover bags under your eyes with various commercially available cosmetics. For example, it is possible to disguise problem areas with the help of corrector and concealer.

It is known that foundation cosmetic creams are hypoallergenic, have a light texture and are durable. The effect after application lasts about 16 hours. The benefits also include color variations. Thus, every woman can choose a cosmetic product according to her skin tone to disguise defects.

It is recommended to learn from cosmetologists or makeup artists how to disguise dark circles under the eyes using cosmetics. Here are the basic rules for correcting blue under the eyes:

  • using a cream stored in the refrigerator to tighten pores and tone the skin;
  • purchasing a concealer that is half a shade lighter than the base skin color, and has a light texture (with a moisturizing effect on dry skin);
  • refusal to use foundation and powder due to the peculiarities of their consistency;
  • applying blush;
  • skin care using cosmetics based on collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid;
  • use of creams with SPF.

Advice! Highlighter and concealer contain reflective particles that help disguise wrinkles and make circles less noticeable.

Many women are interested in how to properly hide circles under their eyes. To disguise skin defects, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • To hide dark circles under the eyes, the face must be carefully prepared before applying makeup. Apply a cream with a moisturizing or softening effect to the skin. Oily skin requires hydration.
  • The area around the eyes should be coated with a primer that has light-scattering properties. This will smooth out skin unevenness and wrinkles. It is recommended to cover up dark circles under the eyes with a cosmetic product called concealer. It is applied to the primer. The corrector should be selected according to your skin tone.
  • You can completely even out the skin in the eye area using a tinted concealer. It should not have a greasy consistency.
  • The makeup is completed with a highlighter, which is applied from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Loose powder is also applied around the eyes, which has a brightening effect (translucent shade).

Important! Makeup should be as natural as possible. Purple or green eyeshadow usually highlights imperfections in the skin rather than helping to hide a black eye from an impact.

How to properly mask at home

Disguising bruises is not difficult. We stock up on the necessary supplies and boldly go into battle

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