How to whiten the skin around the eyes and lighten under-eye circles

Causes not related to health

Why might dark circles appear if everything seems to be fine with your health? Causes:

  • Regular lack of sleep and chronic fatigue.
  • Periodic stress.
  • Bad habits provoke stagnation in the blood vessels, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of blue spots.
  • Dark circles under the eyes (puffiness) can appear in people who spend a lot of time looking at a computer monitor or TV screen.
  • Nutrition, namely excessive consumption of salt, smoked and canned foods.
  • In women, the cause of dark circles under the eyes is often the use of low-quality cosmetics, their abuse, or an allergic reaction to any component. For example, to disguise a skin problem, many girls apply foundation, thereby closing the pores and blocking the flow of oxygen.
  • Due to prolonged exposure to sunlight on the epidermis, not only pigmentation appears, but also swelling.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Age – over time, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag. Fatty tissue fills the resulting voids, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of pouches.
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Causes: Why does the skin darken?

A common cause of dark circles and bags under the eyes is fatigue and nervous exhaustion. In this case, they signal a lack of oxygen in the brain and disruption of normal blood circulation. This also includes incorrect body position during sleep, uncomfortable clothing, and even disproportionate underwear.

Orthopedic pillows fix the head so that it is in line with the body. If you sleep on a feather bed that is too low or, conversely, high, the venous and lymphatic outflow of fluids is disrupted. The same thing happens when wearing a small bra or shirts with a narrow collar. The result is a swollen face with “tired”, dark eyelids.

Do not forget about the characteristics of the body. Each person is individual. Some people have too thin skin through which capillaries, vessels and veins are visible. This gives the appearance of dark circles.

Other causes of dark circles under the eyes:

  • Age-related muscle weakening. There is a huge amount of muscle tissue on the face. Most of them, without gymnastics and special massages, relax with age. The result is crow's feet, drooping eyelids and dark spots.
  • Hormonal changes. This phenomenon often occurs in girls during pregnancy, lactation, and also during menopause. It is caused by the release of a large number of “unusual” hormones.
  • Weight gain or sudden weight loss. Here the reason lies in a sharp change in metabolic rate and deterioration in lymph drainage.
  • Injury. In this case, red, burgundy and yellow circles appear (during the healing process). Injuries include impact loads, tattooing, eyelash extension sessions and even lens changes.


Unfortunately, most often circles under the eyes are symptoms of diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. As a rule, such bruises are accompanied by concomitant signs of an ongoing illness. This may include swelling, cyanosis of the extremities, and increased body temperature.

How to visually determine the cause of circles under the eyes:

  • Brownish, purple and yellow circles indicate liver damage. Pay attention to the shade of the whites of the eyes. If it also becomes close to yellow, this is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Most likely, the liver is damaged by toxins or the hepatitis virus.
  • Gray bruises are characteristic of kidney failure. Such circles accompany swelling of the eyelids, problems with urination and other signs of diseases of the excretory system.
  • The most noticeable bruises are those associated with the cardiovascular system. These are blue circles and bruises under the eyes, sometimes with a slight greenish tint. If the walls of capillaries or blood vessels are fragile, they may appear slightly red.

DETAILS: White spots on the hands are the main reasons for their appearance on the skin

Allergic reactions can also cause dark circles under the eyes. This is how allergies to alcohol, nicotine and some types of antibiotics manifest themselves.

Diseases that cause dark circles under the eyes:

  • Nervous breakdowns, neuroses, psychosomatic diseases.
  • Hernia in the upper spine, injuries to the neck, shoulder girdle.
  • Diabetes mellitus, heart failure, heart disease and other diseases of the circulatory system. This also includes vegetative-vascular dystonia, thrombosis, and low blood clotting.
  • Any thyroid disease. This is a purely female manifestation of thyroid disease. Bruises occur when there is an excess or lack of iodine, disruption of the butterfly gland, or injuries to the front of the neck.
  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. As a result of asthma and other similar diseases, oxygen starvation occurs. It manifests itself in a bluish tint of the skin around the eyes, cyanosis of the lips and difficulty breathing.

Dark circles under the eyes are a disease

If the above factors do not apply to you or you have eliminated them, but the circles have not passed, in this case you should look for the cause in the internal problems of the body. What do dark circles under the eyes mean?

  • Kidney disease causes swelling under the eyes.
  • Blue circles indicate lack of oxygen, heart disease or hypertension.
  • Yellow circles with a brown tint are harbingers of liver disease.
  • Brown spots under the eyes indicate high blood sugar, as well as problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Often the cause of dark circles under the eyes in women is hormonal imbalances.
  • Black or gray circles indicate blood stasis, in the worst case, cancer.
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    In these cases, only a doctor can determine the exact cause.

    Physiological reasons

    In general, any changes in skin color indicate serious malfunctions in the body. Especially if dark circles do not go away for a long time. But why do they arise?

    1. Fatigue. The most common cause of dark circles under the eyes is lack of sleep and overwork. The norm for healthy sleep for an adult is 8 hours a day. If you don't get enough sleep, especially if this happens regularly, your eyes become overtired, the blood vessels of the eye dilate and allow more blood to pass through to saturate your exhausted eyes with oxygen. This can be observed especially often among those who constantly work at the computer. Often dark circles under the eyes due to overwork are accompanied by bags. The lower eyelid swells due to stagnation of lymphoid fluid. To make sure that bags under the eyes have appeared due to overwork, you need to pay attention to the eyeball. During periods of overvoltage it increases.
    2. Eye strain. If your job involves constant eye strain, this may be the reason for the appearance of dark circles. This includes seamstresses, various artisans, jewelers - those whose work involves small details. Separately, I would like to say about those who work at the computer. The monitor screen produces a huge amount of flickering glare that affects the eye lens. This leads to severe eye fatigue. If your profession involves working at a computer, you need to regularly look away from the screen, do gymnastics, and look into the distance.
    3. Aging. Over time, the skin of any person ages, loses elasticity, and becomes looser. This leads to the fact that it is no longer able to support the subcutaneous tissues, and the eyelid droops. The blood vessels also cease to be in good shape, they allow more blood to pass through, and the lower eyelid darkens. Dark circles under the eyes are a natural process of aging.
    4. Bad habits. Frequent consumption of drugs or alcohol leads to intoxication of the body, many tissues are deprived of oxygen supply. With regular consumption of drugs or alcohol, the circles under the eyes have a characteristic bluish tint.
    5. Nervous shocks. If a person often experiences stress, becomes depressed, his body is exhausted, and the nervous system works to the limit. A large amount of adrenaline, which is released into the blood, contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels. This often leads to micro-tears - for example, after overexertion, blood capillaries are visible on the whites of the eyes. The skin on the lower eyelid is very thin, so any changes in the subcutaneous tissue are visible to the naked eye. With this condition, the circles under the eyes acquire a brown and gray tint.

    Oil for dark circles under the eyes

    The oil is used not only in its pure form, but also as part of masks. Let's consider which one most effectively combats this problem.

  • Coconut - helps not only to even out the color of the epidermis around the eyes, but also has a nourishing and rejuvenating effect. The composition includes acids, minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for the skin.
  • Castor oil – eliminates dark circles under the eyes due to fatty acids. It also nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Almond – has a whitening property, which, in turn, helps restore the color of the epidermis. Regular use of this oil also helps smooth out wrinkles.
  • Lavender – quickly eliminates problem areas on the skin. Helps cope with inflammatory processes, itching and flaking.
  • Pink - great for delicate skin, eliminates not only circles under the eyes, but also makes the capillary network less noticeable.
  • Lemon – contains coumarin, which normalizes blood circulation.
  • Sandalwood - quickly restores the normal color of the epidermis and also cleanses the skin.
  • Ointments and creams

    The products in this group, which include vitamins, macroelements and natural ingredients, are the most affordable and fairly effective way to get rid of an unpleasant symptom. They nourish and moisturize the skin around the eyes and have a cooling effect. It is better to use ointments and creams containing vitamin A, C, E, and hyaluronic acid. In this case, the correct application of the cream is of great importance - with point movements in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

    It is considered incorrect to apply the cream with chaotic rubbing movements; this can aggravate the situation and make the bruises even more pronounced.

    If bruises occur as a result of injury, you should use agents that resolve hematomas - Troxevasin, Heparin ointment, Indovazin.

    How to use oil

    How to properly apply oil - a folk remedy for dark circles under the eyes?

  • Before using the product, an allergy test must be done. To do this, apply the oil to the bend of the elbow and wait ten minutes. If no rashes appear, then you can use it.
  • Please remember that the skin around the eyes is very delicate, so excessive or improper use may result in thermal burns.
  • If the oil is used in its pure form, it is preheated to room temperature.
  • Apply a thin layer, while gently massaging with fingertips.
  • Masks

    Below are effective homemade masks for dark circles under the eyes.

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    No. 1. From bread. A small bread crumb is poured with milk and waited ten minutes for it to soak. Make a paste and apply a thin layer to clean skin for literally fifteen minutes. The mask not only copes with dark circles, but also tones, moisturizes, whitens and soothes the epidermis.

    #2: Dairy products make excellent folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes.

    In a deep bowl, mix 20 g of finely chopped fresh parsley, 20 g of cottage cheese and 10 ml of milk. Mix thoroughly and leave for twenty minutes. After just three procedures, a positive effect will be visible.

    Mix 30 ml of sour cream, 15 g of chopped parsley and the same amount of green tea leaves. The paste is applied for a quarter of an hour, and in the morning the face is wiped with ice cubes.

    Combine heavy cream and chopped fresh cucumber in equal proportions. In fifteen minutes the product will be well absorbed into the epidermis.

    A thick mixture is made from cottage cheese and bee nectar, applied to the required areas and left for 25 minutes. After that, moisten the cosmetic disc in cold water and wipe off the remaining mask with gentle movements.

    No. 3. Nut remedy. A tablespoon of walnuts is crushed, and 30 ml of any essential oil and three drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice are poured into the resulting pulp. The composition is applied under the eyes and left for no more than twenty minutes.

    No. 4. Potato. One fresh potato is chopped on the finest grater. Pour into a deep plate, add 30 mg of bee nectar and the same amount of olive oil. After the product is thoroughly mixed, apply for half an hour. The procedure is done twice every seven days.

    No. 5. Tomato. Tomato juice (20 mg) is mixed with lemon juice (10 ml). Gently apply to the problematic epidermis and wait ten minutes. This manipulation is done every day for a week.

    No. 6. Turmeric mask. Thirty grams of turmeric is combined with the same amount of tomato juice, you should get a mixture with the consistency of a thick paste. The medicinal composition is applied for ten minutes. The procedure is done daily until the desired result is obtained.

    No. 7. Mask with starch. 30 g of potato starch are dissolved in 60 ml of warm water, the mixture is stirred with a spoon for about five minutes. Add 60 g of crushed banana pulp and apply immediately. The procedure lasts fifteen minutes.

    No. 8. Egg mask. Beat one yolk first. When it becomes foamy, pour in 10 milligrams of olive oil. The product is applied with massage movements. When you feel the skin tightening, you can rinse with warm water.

    No. 9. Soda remedy. First make a decoction of chamomile. To do this, pour ¼ liter of water into a saucepan and pour in 60 g of inflorescences. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for ten minutes. Leave under the lid for forty minutes, then filter. Then 100 ml of the finished broth is mixed with 30 g of soda. The cosmetic disc is generously moistened with the product, the area around the eyes is treated and washed after fifteen minutes.

    No. 10. Gel mask. To prepare this miracle mask, you need to stock up on the following ingredients: fresh cucumber juice (100 ml), aloe and Kalanchoe leaves (you will need 25 g of each plant), 4 g of leaf gelatin. The foliage of the plants is crushed and the juice is squeezed out, it is combined with the other ingredients and kept in a steam bath for five minutes. A warm mask is applied for twenty minutes.

    How to choose an eye cream?

    Framed by well-groomed and healthy skin, the eyes become more expressive and attract attention. To keep the area around the eyes young and smooth as long as possible, it is recommended to use specialized cosmetics.

    One of the main helpers in the fight against dark circles and expression lines is eye cream. It may differ in composition and purpose. For example, if the main problem is dark circles under the eyes, then you should purchase a cream with a whitening effect.

    If you are concerned about the appearance of crow's feet and small expression wrinkles around the eyes, then it is recommended to use nourishing and moisturizing creams with an anti-aging complex.

    In women over 30 years old, the eyes look more tired, and the elasticity of the skin of the eyelids is no longer the same as in youth. To keep your face and eyes looking young as long as possible, cosmetologists recommend using a cream containing hyaluronic acid and collagen every day. A big plus is the presence of grape seed or avocado oil in cosmetics.

    In older age, eyes and eyelids need intensive care, so ladies whose age threshold has crossed 40 years may give preference to cosmetics with a lifting effect.

    • retinol, which brightens dark circles;
    • hyaluronic acid, which helps smooth out wrinkles;
    • vitamin complex and fruit acids, allowing you to restore a healthy glow to your face.

    The cream is not the only remedy for getting rid of dark circles and maintaining youth. The eyes and delicate skin of the eyelids need additional care, so it is recommended to make homemade masks from natural ingredients once or twice a week.

    To quickly eliminate dark circles under the eyes, it is best to use a cucumber mask. The recipe for its preparation is simple: fresh cucumber needs to be grated on a fine grater or crushed into a paste and applied to the eyes. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

    To combat pigmentation and dark circles, an egg-lemon mask is perfect. To prepare it, you need to mix one yolk, a teaspoon each of lemon and potato juice, and add a little olive oil. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the eyes. After 15 minutes, the mask can be washed off with water.

    It is important to understand that the struggle for the beauty and youth of the eyes lies not only in cosmetic procedures, but also in a healthy lifestyle.


    Compresses are an equally effective folk remedy for dark circles under the eyes. Let's look at a few popular recipes.

    No. 1. Dill compress. Pour a glass of boiling water into a saucepan, add 20 grams of chamomile inflorescences and dill seeds, leave for ten minutes. After which it is filtered, the grounds are divided into two parts and wrapped in a bandage. The remaining liquid is also divided in half, one part is cooled, the other is heated. Bags of grass are first dipped in a warm broth, applied for ten minutes, and then in a cold one, and the same manipulation is performed. The procedure is done daily for about 30 days.

    No. 2. Compress from thermal water. Two cosmetic discs are moistened with liquid and placed in the freezer for ten minutes. After this time, the discs are taken out and applied to problem areas for 20 minutes.

    No. 3. Herbal compress. Five grams of cornflower chamomile inflorescences are poured into a glass of boiled water. Leave under the lid for fifteen minutes, filter, moisten cosmetic discs and apply for a quarter of an hour. You can make ice from the decoction and treat the desired areas.

    No. 4. Parsley remedy. Pour 30 g of chopped parsley into ¼ liter of hot water for ten minutes. Strain, moisten gauze pads, place on the area under the eyes and leave for ten minutes.

    No. 5. Green tea compress. Pre-brew strong tea, moisten cosmetic discs and place them on the eyelids, leave for five minutes. The procedure is done three times a day.

    No. 6. With flax seeds. Take 30 g of raw materials and make flour using a coffee grinder. Add 10 ml of bee nectar and 50 ml of heated milk. Mix thoroughly, moisten the bandage pads and, without squeezing them, apply to the problem skin. After fifteen minutes, you can wash your face with cool water.

    No. 7. Cucumber. The fresh vegetable is cooled for about an hour in the refrigerator, cut into round slices and applied to the eyelids. The procedure lasts about twenty minutes and is carried out twice a day.

    No. 8. Sage remedy. For ½ glass of hot water you will need 10 grams of herb. The ingredients are combined and infused for fifteen minutes. After that, the grass is filtered, the grounds are laid out on two pieces of gauze, and applied to problem areas for ten minutes.

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    No. 9. Cherry compress. Apply cherry pulp to the area under the eyes and wash after ten minutes. They also make ice from cherries and treat the desired areas.

    No. 10. Product from birch leaves. Pour 30 grams of foliage into a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, filter and apply cool infusion to dark circles.

    Folk remedies

    Compresses, masks, lotions prepared at home according to folk recipes do an excellent job of lightening and refreshing the skin of the eyelids. Regular use of such simple procedures will return your face to a healthy and beautiful appearance.



    For them you need to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbal collection: chamomile, string, calendula, dill, parsley.
    The herbs are poured with hot water and kept for an hour. Then the liquid is filtered and divided in half: one half should be cooled and the other left warm (temperature about 36 degrees). Soaking soft napkins or cotton wool discs in warm and cold broth, the lotions are alternately applied to the eyes.

    Decoctions for this procedure can be made either from one individual herb or from a mixture of them.

    "From celery root"

    Squeeze the fresh juice of this plant, after chopping the root on a grater. Wet cotton pads in the resulting liquid and apply to the eye area for 10 minutes. Then lubricate the skin with a rich cream, since the juice not only has a whitening effect, but also dries out the skin. For this reason, people with dry skin should avoid the product.


    Dip cotton pads in slightly warmed milk and apply to eyes for 20 minutes. Take a dairy product with a high fat content. You can enhance the effect of the product by adding a small amount (half a teaspoon) of vegetable oil.


    Dilute two tablespoons of almond oil with a teaspoon of water and mix well. Apply napkins or discs soaked in the mixture to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour. Make a mask before going to bed. Do not wash off the remaining oil traces until the morning.



    To whiten problem areas on the face, the most popular is a compress made from raw potatoes. It can be done in two ways:

    1. Cut the potatoes into slices and apply to your eyes for a quarter of an hour.
    2. Grated potatoes, with the peel (but thoroughly washed!), can be placed in gauze bags and applied to the eyelids for 25 minutes.

    The mask is used twice a week, and the course of procedures is a month.


    This product can be used in the same way as the previous product, alternating the methods of preparing the compress. Once a week, cucumber circles are applied to the eyes, the second time - crushed pulp, wrapped in gauze. The compress lasts for 20 minutes.

    Cucumber and potato juice do not contain irritating acids, so they do not cause burning, redness or itching.

    "From parsley root"

    Prepare a paste from parsley root by grinding it on a fine grater. After placing the product in bags, proceed in the same way as in the two methods above.

    "Cosmetic Ice"

    Freeze herbal infusions, green and black tea in molds.

    And use, alternating this product to wipe the skin around the eyes. Use 2 cubes twice a day.


    "From parsley"

    This plant has a unique whitening effect and can be safely used to remove dark skin under the eyes. Such masks will not only cope with bruises, but also make the skin more hydrated.

    Take parsley leaves (you can also use the stem if it is soft), chop thoroughly and grind with one spoon of oil. To do this, you need to choose natural butter.

    The ingredients are mixed to form a creamy form, which is applied to the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements. Keep the mask on for about half an hour.

    It's better to do it at night.

    Oil can be replaced with sour cream.


    Crumble a piece of white bread and pour the required amount of milk over it, so that the crumb is completely covered with liquid and well saturated with it. After 5 minutes, grind the mixture until smooth and you can apply the mask. You need to do this for 20 minutes, then carefully remove with a napkin.


    Grind the peeled nut kernels (walnuts or pine nuts) in a coffee grinder. Two teaspoons of ground product is enough. Add a spoonful of heavy cream to it and stir. If you are not allergic to lemon, you can add a little lemon juice.

    But in this case, you need to act with the mask very carefully, making sure that the composition does not get into your eyes.

    Keeping time on the skin is 20 minutes.


    Dry and mash thoroughly washed berries.

    Mix 1 spoon of strawberry mass with 1 spoon of sour cream. Keep for 15 minutes.


    Today there are a huge number of pharmaceuticals that will help cope with this problem. Let's get acquainted with the list of the most popular ointments for dark circles under the eyes: “Lioton”, “Bezornil”, “Troxevasin”, “Relief”, “Curiozin”, “Afulim”.

    What effect can be achieved:

    • improve vascular tone and blood flow;
    • relieve swelling;
    • reduce capillary fragility;
    • even out skin color and get rid of dark circles;
    • ointments have an analgesic effect.

    When to avoid using ointments:

    • during pregnancy;
    • in case of personal intolerance to any component;
    • for eye diseases;
    • with inflammatory processes on the face;
    • for injured skin (burns, fresh scratches, frostbite, ulcers).

    Massage at home

    Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes include massage. Correct and regular implementation of the procedure gives a good result, namely, it removes swelling and restores the natural color of the epidermis.

    It is important to remember: the skin in the area under the eyes is very thin and delicate; any incorrect pressure can stretch or injure the skin. Therefore, the entire procedure is carried out with light, stroking or lightly patting movements.

    To perform a massage, do the following exercises.

  • Close your eyes, gently press your fingers (index, ring and middle) to the closed eyelid. Do circular movements - ten exercises in each direction.
  • Leave the fingers in the same position, make circular movements with the eyeballs, also 10 times in each direction.
  • The middle and index fingers are connected together, and the number eight is drawn on the closed eyelid. The movement is repeated 12 times.
  • Gymnastics

    Let's look at how to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes using gymnastics. Exercise restores blood circulation and also saturates cells with oxygen. The procedure must be done daily, each movement is repeated five times.

  • You need to find any point directly and fix your gaze on it, then look up, return to the starting point and look down.
  • Proceed to rotations in a circle. Do this first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • They fix their gaze on the tip of their nose and move it to any object on the side.
  • Close your eyes tightly, open them and blink three times.
  • Prevention

    In order not to solve the problem, it is better to prevent it; simple prevention tips will help with this.

  • The first thing you need to do is maintain a healthy sleep routine. It is best to do this on your back, and the pillow should be comfortable.
  • Take proper care of your skin. Any cosmetic products should not be overused or rubbed heavily into the skin.
  • Before going to bed, be sure to wash off your makeup.
  • The menu should contain products containing vitamins C, B and A.
  • Avoid stressful situations whenever possible.
  • Experts recommend giving up bad habits, including some foods.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air are recommended.
  • In this article, we looked at what helps against dark circles under the eyes. With proper and regular procedures, you can get rid of the problem in a short time.


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