Pumpkin seeds with honey - step-by-step recipe with photos on Povar.ru

Nature has given man everything to be healthy. You just need to learn to use all the gifts for your own benefit. One such natural remedy is honey and pumpkin seeds. Almost everyone knows how useful these two products are separately, and today it is worth discussing in detail the beneficial properties of honey with pumpkin seeds.

Benefits in the composition

Not only is honey with seeds an incredibly pleasant tasting treat, it is valued for its rich composition. It is based on vitamins and microelements, among which the following components stand out:

  • alpha-linoleic acid – effectively regulates brain activity, improves blood circulation, prevents the appearance of cholesterol, which has a positive effect on the circulatory system of the human body;
  • protein of plant origin – used as a building material for muscle tissue, almost completely absorbed, which compares favorably with protein products of animal origin;
  • arginine is a very important essential amino acid that prevents the growth of cancer cells (according to studies conducted by scientists, it is known that consuming foods rich in this acid reduces the risk of developing prostatitis in men);
  • vitamins (in particular vitamin K) - the vitamin composition of the mixture is very rich, but it is vitamin K that is released due to the fact that it is a catalyst for the absorption of calcium.

Even in ancient times, the benefits and harms of honey with pumpkin seeds were carefully studied by doctors, and this is not surprising, because the beneficial properties of this mixture are simply amazing in their diversity. Regular consumption of honey with seeds can reduce the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques on blood vessels, and thereby reduce the likelihood of developing serious cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, the mixture’s ability to relax the nervous system, increase resistance to stress, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stop attacks of nausea is noted, and the possibility of treating diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems in men and women is also separately noted.

Benefits for men

The benefits of pumpkin seeds with honey for men are extraordinary. It has already been said above that consuming this mixture helps prevent the development of prostatitis. However, the fact that pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of zinc, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the secretion of testosterone, the main male hormone, also deserves special attention. It is testosterone that is responsible for normal potency, and it is easy to guess that regular consumption of a product rich in zinc provides excellent prevention of the development of problems with the main male function. And this is not an exaggeration, because any man is very afraid of potential problems with potency.

Honey with pumpkin seeds is included in the treatment of prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland, which is accompanied by frequent but not complete emptying of the bladder, problems with erection, and can lead to the development of infertility.

Additional prevention in the development of prostatitis and problems with potency is provided by the fact that honey with seeds prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques and maintains blood flow at a normal level.

Pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis: properties and recipes

Prostatitis is an unpleasant disease that affects 80% of Odessa men over the age of 30. Unfortunately, traditional medicine is not always effective in solving this delicate problem. If the inflammation is caused by an infection, the recipe for pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis must be combined with drug treatment. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. The sooner qualified assistance is provided, the higher the chance of continuing your previous life without consequences.

What's the secret?

One of the most popular methods of treating prostatitis is pumpkin seeds. What's the secret? Contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins that stimulate the immune system. Healthy fats, macro- and microelements and a large amount of zinc are incredibly important for men's health. Even from school, parents and teachers explained to the growing generation how beneficial raw pumpkin seeds, rich in zinc, are. In young boys, a lack of zinc causes delays in sexual development, and in adult men, intimate life becomes disordered.

Not only does pumpkin contain essential zinc, but its affordability makes it more popular than other methods. Of course, if you can ensure that you eat oysters daily, you can do without it. They contain a much higher amount of zinc, so they are considered a natural aphrodisiac.


If you include daily consumption of pumpkin seeds with honey in your diet, there will be no trace of prostatitis. The recipe for a miracle cure is simple:

  • Raw pumpkin seeds must be thoroughly washed and crushed. 0.5 kg is enough for the course;
  • Mix them thoroughly with a glass of honey. Approximate quantity – 200g;
  • Until completely thickened, send the mixture to the refrigerator and store at a temperature from +2 to +5;
  • Form balls with a diameter of approximately 1.5 cm from the frozen mass;

The composition is ready! Such medicinal balls must be dissolved every morning, an hour before breakfast. The prepared quantity is enough for exactly one full course. The second method is somewhat simpler, does not require thickening and saves time:

  • Grind the pumpkin kernels thoroughly using a coffee grinder. Use only raw seeds;
  • Mix the seeds with honey. Approximately 0.4 kg;
  • Mix the mixture and store in the refrigerator;
  • This remedy must be consumed daily, before breakfast. Slowly dissolve 1 teaspoon under your tongue. This amount is enough to complete the course.

When treating a delicate problem, inflammation of the prostate gland, the main thing is timeliness. Don’t put off going to the doctor and preventive methods. Rehabilitation after proper therapy and its duration completely depend on the advanced stage of the disease. You can find out more about the treatment of prostatitis on the website mprostata.com.

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What are the benefits of honey with seeds for women?

The benefits of pumpkin seeds with honey for women deserve special attention. The fact is that the same pumpkin seeds that enhance the production of the male hormone testosterone have an equally noticeable effect on female hormonal levels. Substances that are part of pumpkin seeds normalize the secretion of hormones, which has a positive effect on fertility, the functioning of the digestive system, and a woman’s mood, which is expressed in improving the appearance of her skin, hair and nails.

Experts recommend consuming honey with seeds during pregnancy, because these ingredients help get rid of toxicosis, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as heartburn. Breastfeeding girls should consult a doctor before using this mixture, because the ingredients that are included in its composition are quite allergenic, so this issue should be approached with the utmost caution.


Regular consumption of honey with pumpkin seeds in a couple, that is, both men and women, increases the likelihood of pregnancy even if the guy has problems in this matter. A mixture of these ingredients is often included in comprehensive fertility treatment programs.

Benefits for adults and children

Categories of people who are recommended to consume pumpkin seeds: children and adolescents, pregnant women, athletes, older men. However, when combined with flower nectar, dosages must be taken into account.

Benefits for men:

  • establishing hormonal levels, activating testosterone production;
  • improvement of potency, return of sexual activity;
  • prevention of infertility, prostate adenoma;
  • assistance in building muscle tissue;
  • restoration of physical endurance.

Pumpkin seeds combined with honey are used for prostatitis due to their ability to eliminate inflammatory processes. The combination of components also eliminates blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, improves metabolism and the quality of intimate life.

Benefits for women:

  • relief during menopause;
  • prevention of infertility, diseases of the genital organs;
  • preventing the appearance of polyps on the walls of the uterus;
  • combating heartburn, toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy.

The combination of ingredients is used in cosmetology. Properties: fights dandruff, oiliness, dryness and brittleness of hair. Benefits for the skin include eliminating wrinkles, acne, and dullness. Zinc stimulates hair growth.

The main benefit for children is getting rid of parasites when medications cannot be taken for some reason. Pumpkin seeds also improve the functioning of the digestive tract when taken together with honey. The use of a healthy mixture by a nursing mother will help the normal growth and development of the child. The main thing is not to get carried away and follow the dosage.

Is there any harm?

Naturally, many are interested in the question of whether pumpkin seeds and honey are harmful. However, we can only be glad that these products do not cause any harm to the human body. Yes, and what harm can there be from the gifts of nature, which were literally created so that a person could live a long time and without problems. And as mentioned above, you just need to use them correctly.

Naturally, contraindications for pumpkin seeds with honey consist of individual intolerance to the components of this mixture. This product should be consumed with caution by people who suffer from gastritis with high acidity, because the ingredients may increase acid levels. And it is not recommended to use honey with pumpkin seeds in children under three years of age.

Reception scheme

Pumpkin seeds prepared at home with honey for prostatitis according to recipes from traditional healers are recommended to be taken in combination with pharmaceutical products.

A course of treatment is prescribed, the dosage regimen depends on the type of dosage form. For example, sweets are consumed within a month. At the end of the period, a break is taken for 0.5 years, then the course is repeated. For preventative purposes, the tasty treatment should be used annually.

Other formulations, for example, paste, must be taken 2 times a year. The duration of one course is 1 month.

Attention! Despite all the undoubted effectiveness of the effect, the composition alone will not be able to cope with exacerbations of the disease!

Careful adherence to the dosage and treatment system will help avoid the development of the disease and its transition to a chronic form.

Small conclusion

The beneficial composition and properties of honey with pumpkin seeds make them an almost indispensable component on every person’s table. This product is rich for men, especially for their prostate gland, and for women, and not only by improving the functioning of the reproductive system, because the large amount of vitamins in the mixture allows it to be used as a kind of elixir of youth and beauty. At the same time, regular use of the product allows you to normalize metabolism, improve immunity and prevent the development of infections. What drug from the pharmaceutical industry can boast such a spectrum of action with a complete absence of side effects?

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