Eyelash mite - description, treatment, prevention

Traditional methods of combating eyelash mites

In the fight against such a disease as demodicosis, the following plants are used: celandine, wormwood, chamomile, oak bark. Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from them. They wipe the eyelids or apply lotions to the affected area. Anti-tick ointment can also be prepared at home. Dissolve 2 Trichopolum tablets in one teaspoon of castor oil. This mixture is applied to the eyelids before bedtime. Sunflower oil with celandine is also used. The fresh root is filled with oil and placed in a sunny place. After two weeks, the mixture is squeezed out and poured into a dark container. A small amount is rubbed into the eyelids. If the parasite has settled in the nasopharynx (frequent rhinitis), then you can instill this substance into the nose (2 drops each). Another effective remedy is streptocide. The tablets are crushed and the powder is applied to the affected areas. You can also wipe your eyelid with calendula tincture. However, you should be careful not to get it in your eyes.

Treatment of demodicosis

The very first and most important rule is not to self-medicate! Hormonal drugs that the patient prescribes to himself are especially harmful.

Therapy (about 4 weeks) consists of an integrated approach and the use of antibacterial, immunoregulatory, acaricidal, antihistamine, anticholinesterase drugs in combination with local agents.

The use of ointments based on tar, sulfur and ichthyol - zinc thyol and mercury - and other medicines: phosphacol, armin, tosmilen helps. Metronidazole-based drugs are used orally. To clean the eyelid of scales on the eyelashes, you can use alcohol-based infusions of calendula and eucalyptus. Demodex Complex preparations have an excellent effect on ticks. For eyelash growth, rubbing burdock oil is effective.

Along with medications, you can also use folk recipes for the treatment of eye demodicosis. A very effective remedy is a decoction of wormwood. You need to prepare an infusion of 2-3 tablespoons of wormwood per 1 liter of water. The broth should sit for 2-3 hours. The product is taken 50 ml every day according to a certain schedule (the first day - after an hour, the second - after two, and all subsequent days - after three). The course of treatment is 6 days. Not only is the tick destroyed, but also the intestines are regulated (you can add 1 tablespoon of honey to remove the bitterness). This infusion in combination with chamomile, calendula, and celandine is good for washing the eyelids. Treatment with oak bark infusion will relieve swelling on the eyelashes. Ticks die from bitter and alkaline agents. It should be mandatory to use only sterile cloth for compresses.

Treatment with a compress of aloe juice will help well if you apply it to the eyelid every evening. You need to remove small particles from the eyelashes using a cotton swab, after moistening them in the infusion.

Eyelid massage will significantly speed up the healing process. Before applying the compress, you can massage your eyelashes for a few minutes. You need to move from the middle to the eyelash line, as if pushing the demodex mite out of the hair follicles. Treatment and massage are inseparable in complex therapy. First of all, you need to get rid of the infectious infection of the body and cure seborrhea. Symptoms may subside for a while, but the disease cannot be completely cured.


The following medications are used to treat demodex mites:

Treatment with folk remedies offers several methods:

  • cleansing eyelashes and eyes of scales using alcohol tincture of calendula or eucalyptus;
  • softening the skin when rubbing burdock oil;
  • homemade ointment is prepared from 2 Trichopolum tablets crushed into powder and 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, treat the eyelids at night, in the morning - everything is washed off;
  • a remedy with celandine is prepared from fresh roots and refined oil in equal proportions, the jar with the mixture should be kept in the sun for 2 weeks, then strained and poured into a dark bottle, stored in the refrigerator; before applying to the eyelids and around the eyes, the product is mixed with sour cream;
  • effective medicinal decoction of wormwood: 2 tbsp. l chopped dry herbs per 1 l of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes. and leave for 3 hours, filter through cheesecloth; The decoction is recommended to be taken orally for 6 days according to the following scheme: 1st – 0.5 tbsp. hourly, 2nd – 0.5 tbsp. every 2 hours; 3-6th – 0.5 tbsp. every 3 hours; The drink can be sweetened with honey.

Folk recipes against eyelash mites Recipes for preparing solutions for compresses and lotions for eyelids:

  • boil 1 tsp. oak bark in 1 tbsp. hot water for 5 minutes. – the decoction is used for lotions, which are applied in the form of a soaked napkin on the eyelids;
  • a compress of aloe juice, squeezed onto a sterile piece of bandage, is done several times a day to relieve inflammation;
  • grated fresh garlic, wrapped in a bandage, is applied for 30 minutes, the lotion should be changed every 10 minutes.

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of demodicosis of the eyes, since the skin in this area is very delicate.

To prepare an infusion of black currant berries, you need to pour four tablespoons of dry berries with two glasses of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for ten minutes. Allow to cool to room temperature. Soak the bandage in the broth and apply to the affected areas of the skin.

In addition to drug therapy, traditional methods can also be used. They will also help cope with the disease, but only in combination with medications. Before using any traditional methods, you should consult your doctor. Below are some of the traditional medicine methods.

Wormwood decoction

Wormwood is a good remedy against parasites, worms, demodex, and gastrointestinal diseases. A decoction or tincture is prepared from wormwood. For the treatment of demodex, a decoction of wormwood is best suited. Citvar wormwood seed is also used.

To prepare the decoction you need the following:

  • You will need to pour two tablespoons of dried herbs into a liter of boiling water.
  • Put on fire.
  • When the broth boils, turn off and cool.
  • Drink 50 ml per day for one week.

Thanks to the decoction, the process of getting rid of the tick will speed up.

Among the contraindications to taking wormwood are:

  1. allergy to wormwood;
  2. peptic ulcer;
  3. childhood.

Tansy tincture

Tansy tincture has similar medicinal properties to wormwood. To prepare, you need to pour boiling water over the dried herb and leave for 7-8 hours. Then take 100 ml half an hour before meals. With regular use plus drug therapy, there will be no trace of eyelash mites.

Tincture of calendula

At the moment, calendula tincture is sold in any pharmacy. She fights the symptoms of demodex very well. For example, pimples and blackheads. It is necessary to wipe the affected areas with tincture twice a day.


  • dries out pimples and blackheads, thereby reducing their number;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties.

Trichopolum has the following contraindications:

  1. hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  2. diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  3. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  4. liver failure.

Also, when taking the drug, the following side effects may occur:

  1. gastrointestinal disorders: vomiting, diarrhea, etc.;
  2. Central nervous system disorders: headache, sleep disturbance, irritability, etc.;
  3. allergic reaction.

Castor oil can also be used against eyelash mites. To do this, you simply need to apply the oil to the infected area three times a day.

Symptoms and signs of demodex disease

An ordinary inhabitant of human skin turns into a pathogen only when a malfunction occurs in the immune, endocrine, or nervous system. Getting into the hair follicles of the eyes, it causes:

The patient experiences souring of the eyes, tearing, loss of eyelashes, redness of the eyelids. There are complaints about rapid eye fatigue even with minor exertion, sensitivity to bright light, heaviness, and a feeling of sand. Foamy discharge collects in the corners of the eyes, and lumps of dried formations accumulate between the eyelashes. If the condition is neglected, eyelash growth may stop altogether, or they may grow in an irregular shape. Plaque, various papillomas, pustules, ulcers, and barley form along the edge of the eyelid. The symptoms of demodex disease are pronounced and cause considerable discomfort to the patient.

For a correct diagnosis, you need to go to a laboratory, where several eyelashes will be removed from you and examined under a microscope. If the number of individuals on each exceeds the permissible norm, begin treatment immediately. For a complete clinical picture, it is advisable to undergo examination by a gastroenterologist, gynecologist, or endocrinologist. Treatment will be effective only with a complete examination.

Reasons for the appearance and activity of eyelash mites

Demodectic blepharitis (demodectic mange of the eyelids) is a recurrent disease that is provoked by a microscopic opportunistic mite. It is more often diagnosed in adults, which is associated with excessive secretion of natural fat. Demodex is localized in the meibomian glands of the eyes, which are located on the edges of the eyelids.

Eyelash mites are present in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of more than 90% of people under the age of 60. The inflammatory disease itself is more common in women, which is associated with frequent hormonal fluctuations. The causative agent of demodicosis is transmitted by contact from infected people. But you can become infected with pathology only if the body’s reactivity decreases or the barrier function of the skin is impaired.

In 70% of patients with demodectic blepharitis, foci of inflammation are found on other parts of the body - the nasolabial fold, ear canals, and the middle part of the forehead. Active reproduction of parasitic mites on the mucous membrane of the eyes can be provoked by:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • frequent colds;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute infections;
  • secondary immunodeficiencies;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • bad ecology;
  • poor nutrition;
  • diseases and operations on the eyes;
  • frequent visits to the bathhouse;
  • lung diseases.

The opportunistic mite actively reproduces in the warm season, so ciliary demodicosis is seasonal. An increase in the number of pathogens is facilitated by high humidity, warm air, and increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

The mite feeds on natural fat and epidermal cells, so eye damage is more common in people with oily skin.

Treatment methods, medications and traditional recipes

How to get rid of eye mites? This is the most important issue for patients with demodicosis. A patient with such a disease should prepare for the fact that treatment will be long and difficult. At the same time, we should not forget that with timely treatment and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, you can completely eliminate the symptoms of demodicosis and forget about the unpleasant illness for a long time.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is the use of acaricidal agents. This can be a special treatment ointment for eye mites (Demalan, Stopdemodex, Blefarogel) or antiparasitic drops (Phosphakol, Tosmilen)

The patient should remember an important rule: each time before using acaricidal drugs, it is necessary to treat the eyelids. Alcohol infusion of calendula or Dimexide solution are good for this.

When telling how to treat eye mites, doctors recommend combining the application of acaricidal ointments and drops with eyelid massage: it is believed that parasites come out of the hair follicles during this procedure, so the effect of using medications is enhanced. The massage should be performed for 10 minutes. Circular movements should be made towards the eyelash growth line.

If the demadecous mite in the eye provokes the development of a secondary bacterial infection, the patient must use antibacterial drops (Tobrex, Ciprofloxacin, Levomycetin). To eliminate severe itching, it is recommended to use topical antihistamines (Acular, Okumetil).

Most ophthalmologists approve of the use of folk remedies in the complex therapy of demodicosis. These can be various compresses, ointments, lotions and infusions for treating the eyelids. Thus, compresses with aloe juice are recognized as one of the most effective means of alternative medicine in the treatment of demodicosis.

It is useful for a patient with demodicosis to know not only how to treat the disease, but also how to change their lifestyle during therapy. In order to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible and prevent a relapse, it is necessary to strictly observe personal hygiene measures, regularly change bed linen and completely renew all facial cosmetics. In addition, you should follow a certain diet, excluding fatty, sweet, spicy foods, and strengthen your immune system. In combination with the use of special medications, these measures will help eliminate demodicosis quickly and effectively.

Prevention and recommendations

In order to avoid the appearance of eyelash mites or relapse, it is necessary to follow a number of preventive measures and recommendations:

  • use only your own personal hygiene products;
  • regularly wash your face with hygienic soap;
  • Do not rub under any circumstances , even with clean hands;
  • always wash off makeup before going to bed;
  • monitor the oiliness of your facial skin;
  • food products must contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals ;
  • regularly visit a doctor for preventive examinations;
  • treat any infectious diseases in a timely manner;
  • in winter , take vitamin complexes or eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • lead an active lifestyle and play sports;
  • avoid severe stress and general fatigue ;
  • sleep enough time (at least 7-8 hours).
  • Eyelash mites are an unpleasant phenomenon. It causes a lot of inconvenience and interferes with your personal life.

    In addition, the disease can cause complications in the form of conjunctivitis or cataracts, so you need to start treatment as early as possible.

    It is important to monitor the condition of the body, which primarily includes hygiene and proper nutrition . Eyelash mites are not dangerous to a healthy body.

    You can learn how to get rid of eyelash mites at home from the video:

    Eyelash mite: symptoms and treatment with drugs and folk remedies.

    Fear of light, redness, irritability of the eyes for any reason, intolerance to cosmetics, eyelashes sticking together after the night, itching... All this can be a sign of various eye problems. But eyelash mites can also be the culprit. The symptoms of the lesion and its treatment should be known to everyone who does not want to suffer patiently and lose eyelashes one after another.

    Preparation of ointments and masks for demodex

    If a mite appears on the eyelashes, treatment can be carried out using ointments prepared at home. In this case, the composition may include both herbal ingredients and pharmaceutical preparations that are sold in pharmacies:

    Buy the drug Trichopolum, then in the evening pour castor oil into a large spoon, add two crushed tablets, apply the resulting mixture to the eyelids, gently rub in and leave until the morning. Take a glass, fill it with fresh celandine root, pour the product into a container, and pour a glass of sunflower oil. The glass jar with the mixture is kept warm for 14 days, after which it is filtered and the medicinal composition is stored in a dark bottle in the refrigerator. For treatment, the mixture is rubbed into the eyelids, instilled into the nasal passages, and lubricated the ear canals. You can add oily liquid to sour cream and use it as a face cream, applying it to the skin before going to bed. For demodex eyes, 6% apple vinegar can be used in treatment - it is used to lubricate the mite-affected eyelids, after closing them tightly. To wipe the face with pathology, you can use sour freshly squeezed juices. To prepare a healing mask, currant or lemon juice, celandine or blueberry juice is mixed with fresh egg white (for oily skin) or yolk (for dry skin). You can chop two sour apples and take fresh grated horseradish, the amount of which will be half the mass of applesauce. The mixtures are mixed and applied to a previously cleansed face. The mask should be kept on the skin for 15 minutes, but if a strong burning sensation occurs, it should be removed earlier. Then the mixture is washed off and the face is wiped with whey. Next, Lassara paste is applied to the skin - you can buy it at the pharmacy. In the morning, cleanse the skin with makeup remover milk or baby shampoo. For demodicosis of the eyelids, treatment can be carried out using an ointment prepared from fresh pig lard. The internal fat is melted in a water bath while the sulfur is ground in a porcelain mortar. After mixing the resulting ingredients (1.5 large spoons of fat, three grams of sulfur), two large spoons of birch tar are added to the mixture. Place the container with the mixture over low heat and bring to a boil, keep on the stove for another three minutes. Then the ointment is placed in a glass container and left until it hardens. The resulting product is lubricated on the skin before going to bed, and in the morning the ointment is washed off with water and baby soap. The duration of such treatment is three months.

    What do we know about him

    It resembles an oblong worm, only 0.1-0.2 mm in size. Compared to the subcutaneous mite, it behaves more aggressively and is more difficult to treat. A favorable habitat is the sebaceous glands on the human eyelids, nasolabial folds, eyebrows, neck folds, and forehead. The tick itself is harmless, but those products of its vital activity that it releases into the blood are considered harmful and even dangerous. The parasite does not make itself felt as long as the body is healthy, the person’s immunity is good, and he eats a balanced diet. If there is a malfunction in the immune system or hormonal background, you should immediately expect the appearance of acne on the eyelashes. It destroys hair follicles.

    When it comes into contact with the skin, the mite strives to immediately penetrate the sebaceous gland, where it feels comfortable and continues to actively mature: releasing toxins into the blood that provoke allergic reactions (inflammation of the eyes, runny nose, pimples on the face). Having developed to the sexually mature stage, the female lays about 25 eggs. Once in the sebaceous environment, they are released onto the surface of the skin. 25 eggs are 40 – 50 potential ticks. They find new sebaceous glands for themselves. The cycle begins to develop in a new way.

    Typically, the inflammatory process on the eyelids and eyelashes is accompanied by allergies in other parts of the body. You can diagnose mites by examining eyelashes from the lower and upper eyelids under a microscope. The slightest movement on them is a sign of the presence of a parasite.

    Symptoms, signs, diagnosis

    Demodex is not always dangerous for humans. Chinese scientists believe that in normal quantities it is even beneficial for the skin - with its help, PH is maintained at normal levels, a biocenosis is created that prevents the appearance of pathogenic flora. But as soon as the body’s immune system fails, the tick immediately begins its active activity .

    Demodecosis can be primary and secondary.

    In the primary form, the symptoms of the disease appear on healthy facial skin, that is, the problem is diagnosed for the first time. Secondary demodicosis is an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. Most often this happens in spring and autumn.

    Manifestations of demodicosis:

    • redness and swelling of the skin of the eyelids;
    • gluing eyelashes;
    • formation of a scaly muff at the base of the eyelashes;
    • flaky crust on the roots of the eyelashes;
    • excessive eyelash loss (about 10 per day);
    • blurred vision;
    • increased eye fatigue.

    The symptoms of demodicosis are similar to those of conjunctivitis. But after treatment, conjunctivitis does not manifest itself in the body in any way, unlike diseases caused by ticks.

    To confirm the diagnosis:

    • 2 eyelashes are selected from the lower and upper eyelids;
    • analyze the condition of the eyelashes under a microscope.

    The tick cannot be seen with the naked eye, but under magnification it can be easily identified by its movement. It is important not only to identify the tick, but also to analyze its numbers.

    It is generally accepted that 6 mites on 4 eyelashes taken for analysis is the norm. More numerous colonies can cause painful conditions, in which case treatment is required.

    How to treat demodicosis disease

    Itchy eyes - be vigilant, you may have gotten a parasite

    Treatment involves maintaining proper hygiene of the eyelids, which involves constantly washing them with cotton swabs treated with saline solution. Wash your face with tar soap in the morning. The patient must have his own towel and handkerchief. They are subject to mandatory boiling and steaming with an iron when ironing. Be sure to use disposable napkins. Complete refusal of cosmetics. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene prevents the occurrence of possible relapses of the disease, reduces the likelihood of re-infection, and makes treatment more productive. Massaging the eyelids with bunches of fingers will improve blood circulation, allow the rapid displacement of mites and the removal of toxins. To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, it is better to use versatile methods of tick control, as well as treat the disease in a complex manner. The healing potential of Demodex Complex allows it to be used for comprehensive treatment against mites in the eyes, face and body. Local drugs are used in combination with immunoregulatory, antihistamine, and acaricidal drugs. At night, the edges of the eyelids with eyelashes are lubricated with Hydrocortisone-POS or Dex-gentamicin eye ointment. In case of impaired metabolism, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract should be improved. Alcohol-based herbal tinctures of chamomile, tansy, calendula, used regularly

    Apply to the root zone of the eyelashes with extreme caution: avoid contact with the eyes. You should avoid alcohol and fatty foods

    Enrich your diet with a complex of vitamins and minerals.

    Only a doctor will prescribe topical medications against the eye parasite.

    What are the symptoms of eyelash mites?

    Affecting the eyelashes and the edges of the eyelids, the eyelash mite occupies the meibomian glands, which are related to the sebaceous glands and similarly secrete fatty lubricant to protect the eyelids from friction and tears. The parasitic tick population feeds on this fat.

    Symptoms of eyelash mite

    Signs of tick-borne lesions on the eyelids and eyes resemble classic chalazion, blepharitis or conjunctivitis, more often a combination of both. But the treatment of demodectic manifestations on the eyelids and eyes will differ in many ways from bacterial ones.

    • Demodicosis symptoms begin with redness of the corners of the eyes and the edges of the eyelids, as well as a persistent sensation of a foreign body inside the eye.
    • After sleep, the eyelashes turn out to be stuck together, and their base is covered with scales.
    • In the mornings, traces of a pus-like liquid are noticeable in the corners of the eyes and on the surface of the pillowcase.
    • The feeling of dryness in the eye intensifies, not only the conjunctiva is affected, but also the cornea.
    • The vascular network becomes intensely hyperemic, the eye looks sick, the eyelids become swollen and significantly reddened.
    • Sometimes several eyelashes may fall out.
    • In a neglected state, trophic processes occur in the cells of the cornea with loss of its sensitivity.

    Symptoms of eyelash mites may affect areas on the face, or may be limited solely to the eyelids and eyeball.

    Symptoms of subcutaneous mites in humans

    For your information! For persons with signs of conjunctivitis and blepharitis, it is important not to delay a visit to the doctor and begin treatment so that the mite does not harm vision functions. Treating the eyelids and eyes with favorite folk remedies like tea and urine will not help, but will aggravate and make the sore worse!

    Treatment of ocular demodicosis

    If a person ignores the symptoms of the pathology, then he has every chance of developing chronic demodicosis, which will worsen every six months. Therefore, when the first signs of ticks appear, it is imperative to undergo a course of quality treatment. But first you need to see a doctor and get diagnosed. This will help you choose the most suitable medications for successfully getting rid of eye mites.

    Therapy for demodicosis should combine drugs of different types of effects.

    No therapy will bring the desired result if a person does not strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and personal hygiene rules. Among the medications used to get rid of ocular demodicosis, antihistamines, antimicrobial, acaricidal and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. Each type is responsible for its own area. Antihistamines are needed to eliminate an allergic reaction caused by mite waste products. Antimicrobials heal wounds and reduce the risk of complications. Acaricides are necessary to destroy the parasites themselves, and immunomodulatory drugs enable the body to better fight ticks.

    The duration of therapy depends on the stage at which the problem was diagnosed. Treatment with medications lasts from 1 to 12 months, so you should not expect the disease to go away quickly

    It is important to complete the full course. This is the only way to achieve good results and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

    In addition to traditional medicine, traditional methods are often prescribed to eliminate eye mites.

    But in any case, it is very important to carry out the treatment correctly and pay great attention to eye hygiene, without which you should not expect a good result

    Parasites on human eyelashes

    Microorganisms constantly live on the human body. Some species are completely harmless and can only be seen under a microscope, while others can be dangerous under certain conditions. The latter includes a mite of the genus Demodex, 0.4 mm in size. The reasons why parasites begin active life have not yet been established. Experts have found that with a sharp decrease in immunity and the development of diseases, mites begin to inhabit eyelashes, eyebrows, ears and the nasolabial area.

    Demodectic mange of the eyelids is a disease caused by eyelash mites.

    Eyelashes often suffer from parasites; mites live in hair follicles. Typically, females lay eggs and then die. After 60 hours, offspring appear, which remain motionless for a long time; after 172 hours, the parasites become adults and penetrate the eyelash bulb.

    The interciliary mite itself is not dangerous; it feeds on dead cells. The development of the disease is promoted by its waste products, which cause severe allergic reactions. A sign of the onset of the disease is itching of the eyelids and redness of the eyes. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the disease can cause complete loss of eyelashes and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, and then a decrease in visual acuity.

    Traditional medicine tips

    The tick does not like the smell of antiparasitic herbs: celandine, tansy, wormwood. It was a decoction of the herb wormwood that completely cured many people from demodicosis of the eyelids. 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into a liter of boiling water, after which the broth is placed on the stove and slowly simmered for several minutes. After standing for 2-3 hours, you can start taking it orally around the clock, without disturbing the regimen: on the first day - half a glass (50 ml) hourly, on the second day - the same dose, but after 2 hours, subsequent days, from 3 to 6 -th, the same portion, but every 3 hours. Wormwood provides a comprehensive treatment: it kills eye mites while restoring intestinal function. Garlic vodka tincture with a pungent odor is considered an equally effective remedy. Half a liter of vodka is poured into a bottle of the same volume with a third filled with crushed garlic. Place in a dark place to infuse for a week, shaking the mixture occasionally. Strain out the liquid component and rub into the ciliary area several times a day, protecting the sclera of the eyes from contact with the solution. Herbal teas also help get rid of the disease, as do alcohol tinctures. It is quite possible to make medicinal ointments at home. If you mix 2 tablets of trichopolum, ground into powder, in a teaspoon of castor oil (castor oil), then the resulting oil mixture should be rubbed with a special stick into your eyelids before going to bed.

    Aloe juice can be used in combination

    The following ointment is effective: in the same proportion and in small quantities, so that the therapeutic effect does not disappear, mix: liquid birch tar, salicylic, zinc and sulfur ointment. It is applied to the skin of the face, excluding the eyelids.

    Care must be taken when applying around the eyes. You can compensate for skin dehydration with a cucumber mask, but the mite in your eyes will “go away” or hide

    Treating eyelashes and eyelids with a slightly acidic environment helps. To do this, food vinegar (not essence!) is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. With your eyes closed tightly, use a cotton swab to treat the eyelash area. The process of dissolving the tick shell in the vinegar medium occurs, and it dies. Medicinal aloe juice, which can be squeezed from crushed leaves, is used for compresses. They are applied to closed eyes. Aloe, like an infused aqueous solution of oak bark, removes inflammation and swelling.

    Having chosen one of the recipes, use it at regular intervals. Don't expect immediate improvement by trying something new every day. The treatment process is long. Positive dynamics should be expected two or even three months after the start of therapy. The main thing is to be patient, not to be nervous (so as not to aggravate the disease), and then everything will work out for you.


    Demodectic mange of the eyelids in humans (demodectic blepharitis) is a parasitic disease that is caused by a mite of the genus Demodex (Demodex folliculorum), also known as glandular acne.

    How to treat demodicosis of the eyelids

    Due to the high probability of self-infection, patients must strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules. To eliminate eye demodex, symptomatic and etiotropic therapy drugs are used. The former reduce the severity of local manifestations, and the latter destroy the causative agent of the disease and secondary infections.

    It has been established that ticks are especially active when the temperature and humidity of the environment increase.

    Before treating demodicosis of the eyelids with medications, consult a dermatologist. The treatment regimen is drawn up taking into account the symptoms of the pathology, the extent of the lesions and the presence of complications. In case of eye damage, ophthalmic drops and solutions are used to accelerate the regeneration of the conjunctiva.

    Before treating demodectic blepharitis with antibiotics, make sure that there are pathogenic bacteria in the affected areas. This is indicated by purulent inflammation of the eyelids and sticky scales on the eyelids.


    Treatment of demodex mites on eyelashes is carried out with anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, hormonal and antiprotozoal agents. The ocular form of the disease is treated with both systemic and local drugs - ophthalmic drops, ointments, gels. The following medications are used to kill mites on eyelashes:

    • antiallergic (Clemastin, Zyrtec, Telfast) – eliminate swelling, redness and severe itching;
    • antiprotozoal (Trichopol, Mistol, Metronidazole) – inhibit the reproduction of parasitic mites, thereby reducing inflammation and itching;
    • eye drops (Tsipromed, Alcipro, Medociprin) – eliminate purulent-inflammatory processes in the meibomian glands and conjunctiva;
    • antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin, Aknesept, Zerkalin) - destroy bacterial infections, which leads to a reduction in purulent inflammation of the skin.

    Eye drops for demodicosis are first-line drugs that are used to kill microscopic mites. In case of inflammation of the conjunctiva, Physostigmine or Phosphacol are prescribed. To moisturize the mucous membranes, artificial tear preparations are used - Vidisik, Artelak, Quinax.

    Care and diet

    Eyelash mites feed on the secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells. To prevent their reproduction, all foods that stimulate blood flow to the face and the release of natural fat are excluded from the menu:

    • spices;
    • natural coffe;
    • spicy dishes;
    • smoked sausages;
    • conservation;
    • egg white;
    • citrus;
    • cocoa.

    To stop eyelash loss, your diet includes lactic acid products, vegetables and fruits with plant fiber - cabbage, apples, pears. They contain bioactive components that accelerate the regeneration of the skin around the eyes.

    Particular attention is paid to hygienic care of damaged tissues. To prevent the proliferation of microscopic mites, you must:

    • clean eyelids and eyelashes of dirt before using eye drops and ointments;
    • wash with tar or laundry soap at least 3-4 times a day;
    • use blepharolotion to cleanse eyelashes of sticky scales;
    • Change the pillowcase on your pillow daily.

    Demodex lives outside a living organism for a long time, so during therapy it is recommended to wet clean the room 3-4 times a week. To kill mites, aggressive disinfectants and Chlorhexidine are used.

    Traditional methods

    Treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids in humans with folk remedies is carried out only as an addition to drug therapy. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs have an acaricidal (destructive) effect on parasitic mites.

    Treatment at home is carried out by the following means:

    • Wormwood decoction. 10 g of chopped herbs are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for several minutes. Soak gauze in the liquid and wipe the skin around the eyes 3-4 times a day. An antiseptic solution destroys ticks in humans, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation of the eyelids.
    • Tansy tincture. 15 g of raw material is poured with 200 ml of vodka and left in a dark place for 7 days. Wipe the affected areas with the solution 2-3 times a day until the swelling completely disappears.
    • Aloe solution. Mix equal amounts of boiled water with aloe juice. Gauze is moistened in the solution and applied to the eyelids 4-5 times a day.

    Demodicosis of eyelashes is also treated with tincture of calendula, linden and nettle. The solution is gently applied to the skin in the eye area with a cotton swab 2-3 times a day. To reduce inflammation and itching, salicylic acid is added to the tincture. When treating damaged tissues, avoid contact of liquid with the conjunctiva of the eyes.

    Causes of the disease

    Microscopic mites are present on the human body very often. But in small quantities it is impossible to notice them, and they do no harm. But this happens only until the moment the ticks begin to actively reproduce. This happens in a situation when the body's defenses begin to decline. Most often, this phenomenon is directly related to some internal process.

    Most often, the tick affects the head and face

    Often, the eye mite (Demodex) is activated when serious pathologies of the digestive system occur, including during exacerbations of chronic ailments. Often demodicosis often occurs with diseases of the endocrine system. Therefore, those people who suffer from hormonal imbalances in the body often have eye mites. In case of metabolic disorders, a similar situation arises.

    People who do not have physical abnormalities or pathologies often suffer from demodicosis. In order to reduce the functioning of the immune system, nervous overstrain or severe stress is enough.

    Therefore, you need to try to avoid stressful situations and monitor your psycho-emotional state. This will protect your body not only from skin mites, but also from many other problems.

    Experts also note that people who often subject their liver to serious tests are more susceptible to the development of demodicosis. That is, the problem can develop against the background of frequent consumption of fatty and spicy foods, alcohol abuse. For more information about the disease, see this video:

    Additional skin diseases are also a provoking factor for the development of demodicosis. If a person suffers from increased oiliness of the skin, seborrhea and other problems of this type, eye mites will multiply quickly, since all conditions will be created for this. Therefore, people with oily skin have to constantly take preventive measures in order to keep parasites in a low-active state.

    As for the occurrence of ocular demodicosis itself, any eye disease can become a provoking factor. Eye mites reproduce especially well when infected. Therefore, ocular demodicosis often occurs against the background of conjunctivitis. But it can also be a consequence of insufficient eye hygiene.

    Especially often representatives of the fair sex who are carrying a child encounter such a nuisance. During pregnancy, many changes occur in the body. The immune system often suffers, against the background of which chronic ailments are activated, including demodicosis.

    Excessive use of cosmetics may cause problems with demodex.

    For representatives of the fair sex, a problem can arise from the abuse of cosmetics and its improper use. Taking certain medications can also affect the body. Demodexes often begin to actively reproduce when using Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone.

    Treatment of eyelash mites with folk remedies

    Traditional medicine recommends alcohol tinctures of chamomile, calendula, and tansy for the treatment of eyelash mites, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. They lubricate the eyelids and eyelashes at the base. Lubricate with a cotton swab very carefully so that alcohol does not get into your eyes. To wash the eyes and eyelashes, tea leaves and tansy decoction are also used. But all these manipulations are only of a preventive and auxiliary nature, and without full-fledged complex treatment, they are not effective.

    That's basically all you need to know and not forget about eyelash mites and their treatment. But if you carefully and correctly monitor your body’s condition, taking the necessary personal hygiene measures, then this knowledge will remain only additional information for reflection.



    The disease is often chronic and relapses occur frequently. Treatment is always long and complex. For treatment to be successful, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of transmission of parasites from a sick person to a healthy person, and to prevent mating of parasites as soon as possible.

    Treatment for eye mites

    The following are harmful to ticks:

    • carbolic acid;
    • ether;
    • creosol;
    • tar;
    • medical alcohol;
    • salicylic acid solution.

    Birch tar

    With demodicosis, visiting a solarium, sunbathing, going to the pool, sauna and hot baths is not recommended. Peels and manual facial cleansing are prohibited. Do not overheat so as not to increase the activity of heat-loving mites.

    Demodex can live for a very long time in cosmetics, vegetable oil, and Vaseline. You cannot give your cosmetics to other people. If possible, you should use cosmetics in the form of sprays and stop applying mascara to your eyelashes.

    Demodicosis of the eyelids (eyes, eyelashes)


    It is advisable to switch to a plant-based diet and give up:

    • drinks containing alcohol, sweets;
    • sweets and baked goods;
    • fatty foods, sausages, lard;
    • pickles, marinades, preservation;
    • spicy foods, spices.

    Spicy foods should be avoided


    A simple eyelid massage helps speed up the treatment process. To do this, use clean fingertips to sweep the eyelids several times from top to bottom, towards the eyelashes. There is no need to press forcefully on the skin of the eyelids. It is useful to do such a massage before applying ointments and creams prescribed by a doctor.

    Eyelid massage

    Drug therapy

    Before applying any medications to the eyelids, cleanse the eyelids. The skin of the eyelids and eyelashes are wiped with alcohol tincture of calendula.

    It is important to avoid getting the tincture on the mucous membranes and use a new disposable cotton swab or cotton pad each time

    Table. Medications.

    Group of drugs or active substanceTrade names of medicinesDescription
    Eye drops, tear substitutes“Slezin”, “Hyphenlez”, “Natural Tear”, “Tobrex”Used to prevent dry eye syndrome. Reduce irritation, relieve burning sensation.
    Special eye gels"Oftagel", "Blepharogel 1 and 2"Used to reduce eyelid irritation and improve metabolism, as an antiseptic.
    Glucocorticosteroids"Dexamethasone"As an antiallergic agent.
    Antiseptics"Chlorhexidine" and "Dimexide"Designed for treating eyelids.
    Antibiotic drugs"Ciprofloxacin"For demodicosis for the treatment and prevention of secondary infection.
    Metronidazole (contained in 41 drugs)"Metronidazole"Has a pronounced antiparasitic effect. Helps restore the tone of the muscles and skin of the eyelids. Improves the activity of cellular immunity.
    Cholinomimetic agents"Phosphacol", "Physostigmine", "Carbohol", "Tosmilen"Helps clear the meibomian glands of parasites. Stimulates contractions of the orbicularis oculi muscles.

    For the treatment of demodicosis, Demalan cream or its analogue Demazol is often prescribed. This cosmetic product relieves inflammation, heals affected tissues, is harmful to parasites, and improves metabolic processes. The product is applied with a cotton swab to the edges of the upper and lower eyelids 2 times a day after using eucalyptus or calendula tincture to clean and disinfect the skin. Remains of the cream can be wiped off with a disposable napkin 15 minutes after application. The cream is used for a long time – one and a half months daily.


    Patients are often prescribed Sulfur and Ichthyol ointments, and antibacterial cream “Differin” for the treatment of facial skin affected by Demodex.


    To maintain immunity, patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, for example, Lutein Complex.

    "Lutein Complex"

    Physiotherapy is indicated: ozone and magnetic therapy.

    Ozone therapy

    Castor oil will help restore eyelash growth after treatment of the disease. This inexpensive product simply needs to be applied to your eyelids twice a day with a clean cotton swab.

    Way to success

    Directions of therapy:

    • reducing the number of demodex mites to normal;
    • weakening of symptoms of the disease;
    • eliminating the cause of failure of the antimicrobial protective functions of the skin;
    • increasing immunity,
    • fight against secondary infections;

    Additional therapeutic measures may be required after examination of the gastrointestinal tract, tests for immune and interferon status, as well as a general blood test.

    And finally, perhaps the most important thing in the treatment process is its objective duration, associated with the characteristics of the life cycle of the demodex mite. When your condition improves during treatment, it is very difficult to overcome the temptation to finish boring procedures, but you must be prepared for 3 months of carefully following all treatment instructions, otherwise everything will go down the drain.

    The thing is that a female tick is capable of reproduction for about 25-30 days. It is necessary to destroy pathologically growing Demodex colonies over the life of 3 generations, because their eggs have a protective shell that is invulnerable to the action of medicinal agents. When antiparasitic measures are combined with anti-inflammatory ones, after 2 weeks there will be an improvement in health, and the symptoms of the disease will no longer appear so clearly on the face. However, you clearly know that new enemies are on the way and you cannot relax. In addition, now you are unlikely to believe the stories about miraculous remedies that allow you to completely recover from ticks in 2 weeks.

    Points to pay attention to during treatment

    Only the attending physician should prescribe the necessary tests and, based on their results, carry out successful treatment, but the experience that patients have accumulated in the process of fighting this complex disease will not be superfluous:

    It is necessary to carefully observe personal hygiene measures in order not only to prevent self-infection, but also to protect your family members. Be sure to replace cloth towels with paper ones. Feather pillows should be avoided. It makes sense to temporarily switch to using pillows made of bamboo fibers, which can be washed periodically. Pillowcases need to be changed every morning.

    Considering that mites feed on all kinds of fats, it is better to switch to cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid, which also has a moisturizing effect. It is better not to use decorative cosmetics for now. An interesting option for the duration of treatment would be to choose elegant glasses with slightly tinted lenses without diopters. Such a change of image can be very successful. Regularly use moisturizing eye drops as prescribed by your doctor. No ophthalmic drug should be used without its supervision. Try not to react to any kind of stress, this is one of the key points for recovery. In the end, you can even make a bet with yourself whether you can treat life like a game for 3 months. There is a good reason to stick to a diet - exclude coffee, chocolate, eggs, spicy seasonings, as well as things that can trigger allergies, such as citrus fruits and red vegetables and fruits. Ideally, the diet should be vegetarian, but you can afford boiled meat and fish. Include oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, kefir, fermented baked milk, fresh vegetable salad, and herbal teas in your menu. All this practically coincides with the recommendations of diets for weight loss and therefore will only benefit your figure. Exposure to the sun should be limited. Visits to the bathhouse and swimming pool will also have to be cancelled. Every evening, do a simple but effective massage of the eyelids in the eyelash area. Hand movements should be symmetrical on both eyelids - 3 times along the eyelashes, 3 circular movements along the eyelids. Then repeat for 3-5 minutes

    There is no need to use special efforts, it is important that the massaging fingers are always moistened with a decoction of calendula flowers, this helps restore the activity of the lacrimal glands, but the most important thing is that this method of massage will lead to the release of mites to the surface of the skin, where under the influence of calendula and ointment they die. Then pat your face dry with a napkin and proceed to the procedures prescribed by your doctor.

    This therapeutic massage at home in no way replaces the professional massage that a doctor may recommend.

    Procedures using frozen cubes from herbal infusions of chamomile, witch hazel or calendula are very useful. Alternate the effects of ice and cotton pads soaked in the same but heated decoctions. This method is based on the fact that ticks do not tolerate exposure to contrasting temperatures well, and herbal treatment is also carried out at the same time.


    To prevent the signs of an eye mite from disturbing a person, it is worth carefully monitoring the state of the immune system, preventing it from weakening. To this end, eat a healthy diet containing plenty of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Pathology is less often diagnosed in people who lead a healthy and athletic lifestyle. To reduce the risk of eye mites, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day and avoid stress.

    An eye mite can cause a lot of trouble: itching, redness, pus, dryness, and so on. Eye mite treatment: medication, folk remedies.

    Are your eyelids red and bothered by itching? See your doctor. Eye mites, that is, demodex, are microscopic mites that live in the hair follicle of the eye. To identify mites on eyelashes, eyelashes are examined under a microscope. If a tick is found, the specialist prescribes treatment.

    Follow a few rules:

    1. Maintain personal hygiene. Use only a separate towel, cosmetics, pillowcase, etc.

    2. Antiallergic drugs will help reduce itching and relieve an allergic reaction.

    3. Gently lubricate your eyelids with alcohol tincture of calendula.

    4. Before going to bed, it is recommended to wash your face with antibacterial soap.

    5. For better effect, physiotherapy and magnetotherapy can be prescribed along with drug treatment.

    6. It is worth strengthening the immune system with vitamins and special supplements.

    7. After treatment of the disease, it is strictly forbidden to use old cosmetics for eyelashes and eyebrows. Since cosmetics can be a habitat for a parasite.

    What medications can treat eye mites?

    Treatment is only comprehensive.

    • eye drops that have antibacterial properties. For example, Tsipromed drops.

    • Treatment with folk remedies. We make soap masks from laundry soap. Lather the soap and apply the foam to the affected areas. Keep the mask on for an hour. Do the procedure several times a day. Blackcurrant lotions also effectively fight mites. You will need three tablespoons of dried currants, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Cool. Wipe the affected areas with the solution.

    By following all the recommendations and treatment after 30 days, you can forget about the harmful parasite.


    Demodicosis of the eye requires a visual examination, ophthalmological and laboratory testing. The eyelash mite Demodex provokes the formation of purulent masses and scales on the eyelids. If a disease is suspected, the following diagnostic methods are used:

    • Biomicroscopy of the eye is an ophthalmological examination, through which the condition of the vitreous body, fundus and conjunctiva is assessed. If a tick parasitizes the eyelids for a long period, this is indicated by inflammatory and degenerative changes in the tissues.
    • Microscopic examination is a diagnostic method that identifies parasitic mites in hair follicles. To carry it out, samples of the affected tissue are taken for further examination under a microscope.
    • A puncture biopsy is a histological examination of the contents of the sebaceous or meibomian glands. Detects acne and its metabolic products in the thickness of the skin.
    • Acarogram - counting the number of larvae and adults of parasitic mites on the skin. If more than 5-6 parasites are found in 1 cm2 of tissue, demodectic blepharitis is diagnosed.

    In case of multiple purulent discharge, demodex on the eyelashes is determined using a tape test. To identify secondary changes in the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin, additional laboratory tests are carried out.

    Treatment of demodicosis of the eyes

    A person diagnosed with demodicosis of the eye should be warned that this disease is contagious.

    An important condition for successful treatment is strict adherence to medical recommendations, which include adherence to personal hygiene rules. Along with treatment, all items of clothing, personal belongings and bedding of the patient should be disinfected.

    As a rule, demodicosis takes a very long time to treat, so if treatment is stopped prematurely, the risk of relapse of the pathology increases. In addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to exclude spicy and salty foods from the patient’s diet.

    The main objectives of treating eye demodicosis are:

    • elimination of pathogens;
    • restoration of affected areas;
    • normalization of immunity;
    • fight against allergies.
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