Crow's feet around the eyes: treatment and prevention

The appearance of even one small wrinkle on the face can upset any woman. This also applies to the folds around the eyes, because the latter are not just the “mirror of the soul,” but also one of the main “weapons” of a woman, thanks to which she is able to attract the attention of everyone around her.

When “crow’s feet” appear under the eyes, representatives of the fair sex do not experience the most pleasant emotions, believing that these are the first signs of maturity, even if their age allows them not to think about the aging process for a long time. You can fight this unpleasant phenomenon. Moreover, through the use of preventive measures it can be avoided.

Why do crow's feet appear?

They do not always indicate that maturity is just around the corner.

There are a number of other reasons why wrinkles appear around the eyes:

  • The problem can be caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics. Excessive use of such products can aggravate the skin condition;
  • The appearance of “crow’s feet” may be due to the structural features of the face, as well as the active use of facial expressions. Wrinkles form faster in girls who often frown and squint. Unfortunately, positive emotions such as smiling and laughter also contribute to the problem. That is why another popular name for such wrinkles is “smiles”. To delay their appearance, try to get rid of negative emotions, and it is also recommended to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from frequent squinting;
  • The worst enemies of our skin, as well as the body as a whole, are lack of sleep, bad habits, improper daily routine, fatigue;
  • Stress, neuroses, and depression have no less negative effects on the dermis. Such conditions contribute to the appearance of “crow’s feet” around the eyes, since they can cause spasms in the vessels, interfering with normal blood flow and the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the dermis;
  • Every cell in our body needs minerals and vitamins. In their absence or deficiency, the body loses the ability to function normally, and all organs suffer from this, including the skin;
  • Dehydration and lack of moisture in the dermal tissues also lead to this problem. These factors can be avoided by using moisturizers, as well as protecting the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Methods for getting rid of crow's feet

There are plenty of ways to smooth out the skin around the eyes, as well as measures aimed at ensuring that facial defects appear as late as possible. So the methods can be divided into:

  • preventive;
  • medicinal.

If by using preventive measures it is possible to delay as much as possible the moment of the appearance of “radiance” of the skin near the eyes, then therapeutic measures are aimed at restoring the elasticity of the dermis in case of existing cosmetic defects. Let's look at both measures to have a beneficial effect on the periocular area.

Salon treatments against crow's feet

To get quick results, many girls turn to them.

To eliminate wrinkles from the eye area, the following methods are used today:

  • Biorevitalization. It consists of administering injections with hyaluronic acid, which fills wrinkles with moisture. This substance also helps the dermis begin to independently produce collagen, which is necessary for skin rejuvenation. This procedure also allows you to get rid of pigment in this area of ​​the skin;
  • Botulinum therapy. The procedure also has another name – non-surgical lifting. It involves the introduction of substances such as Botox, Lantox, Xeomin, Diosport. Through these injections, wrinkles are filled and the facial muscles in this area are blocked, due to which existing “crow’s feet” are smoothed out and new ones do not appear;
  • Plastic surgery. This is the most radical method, so before resorting to it, it’s worth trying other ways to eliminate “mixiness.”

Causes of crow's feet

Although most women are sure that the “rays” around the eyes are a sign of aging skin, in fact this is not the case; wrinkles form at a young age due to the characteristics of a particular area. The skin in this area is devoid of fat, which is why it is several times thinner than the epidermis in other areas of the face. The facial muscles are located in a special way around the eyes; the skin is folded in the area, which forms small paws.

Wrinkles become more noticeable and deeper in the presence of provocative factors:

  • dry skin type;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • weakness of the periocular muscles;
  • improper or insufficient facial care;
  • rich facial expressions;
  • poor diet, bad habits and constant lack of sleep;
  • refusal of glasses or contact lenses, because of which a person with poor vision has to constantly squint;
  • disturbance of water-salt metabolism due to diseases of internal organs.

Eye exercises

The impact of these manipulations on the muscles and skin of the face can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to these actions, they are toned, gaining firmness and elasticity.

You can train your facial muscles through the following exercises:

  1. We draw a green (or any other color) dot on the paper, moving the last one away from us by 1.5 meters. We carefully peer at the point for 10 seconds, and then turn our gaze to any object located closer to you, without moving your head;
  2. This exercise will also help get rid of the “crow’s feet” that appear around the eyes. Close your eyes, trying to tense all the muscles of your face, and then sharply open your eyes, relaxing the first ones, quickly move your gaze upward;
  3. Move your gaze left and right without moving your head;
  4. Move your eyes first clockwise and then in the opposite direction. In this case, no movements are performed with the head.

Each of the listed exercises should be performed 4-5 times.

Eyelid area massage

You need to massage the eyelid area very carefully, without pressing hard. It is extremely easy to stretch the skin further, making the problem worse. Any base oil must be applied first.

There will be no benefit from one massage session; a course of regular procedures is required

Sessions are carried out daily or every other day in monthly courses (repeat after 3–4 months):

  1. Massage your temples with smooth circular movements.
  2. Tap with your fingertips along the contour of the eye sockets from the bridge of the nose along the superciliary arch to the temple and in the opposite direction along the lower eyelid. Walk over it in small spiraling and wave-like movements.
  3. Press the bridge of your nose moderately hard 3-5 times.
  4. Press the fingers of one hand to the temple, with the index and middle fingers of the other, stroke the lower eyelid towards the bridge of the nose.
  5. Without lifting your fingers from your temple, outline your eyebrows with your fingertips and lightly pinch them.
  6. Press your palms tightly against your eyes, and after 3-5 seconds, tear them away with force.
  7. Complete the session by lightly stroking your face along the massage lines.

When doing any facial massage, follow the lymph flow lines

Video: eyelid self-massage

DIY massage

These are no less useful procedures than muscle training.

Here's how to properly do a facial massage at home for the eye area:

  1. Using the pads of your fingers, we perform gentle massaging movements in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes. Next, we perform the same manipulations in the area of ​​the extreme points of the eyebrows;
  2. We close our eyes as tightly as possible for a few seconds. At the same time, with our fingers we pull the skin in the eyebrow area upward;
  3. We perform a similar manipulation to the previous one, but we need to pull the skin down in the cheekbone area;
  4. Use the pads of your index fingers to make movements around the eyes. In this case, you need to cross the bridge of the nose with both fingers.

All these movements need to be performed 6-7 times.

Massage, like muscle training, will help improve blood flow in the skin tissues, due to which oxygen and nutrition will flow to it more actively, and wrinkles on the face will gradually smooth out.

Along with these procedures, you can also use masks that will help get rid of the “crow’s feet” that have formed around the eyes.


The notorious "crow's feet" appear after 25 years - not the most pleasant discovery. Modern cosmetology, of course, offers a whole arsenal of tools in the fight against age-related changes: all kinds of creams and masks, procedures, Botox injections and plastic surgery - and everything so that you can easily say “stop!” wrinkles.

But is there a way to achieve amazing anti-aging results without breaking the bank? Eat! Facial gymnastics truly works wonders - it prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and makes existing ones less noticeable, serves as a powerful preventative against acne, strengthens the skin of the face, increases tone and eliminates puffiness.

There is a reason to show you an exercise that will restore the skin around the eyes, remove crow's feet and visually enlarge your eyes. And you can also:

  • raise your eyebrows high
  • restore youthful eye size
  • distribute tissue evenly over the temporal and zygomatic areas
  • improve peripheral vision
  • relax and lengthen the orbicularis oculi muscle

The outer part of the eyes will become wider and softer, this is noticeable immediately after the first execution!

✔ How to do it: place one hand behind your head, place your fingers on the temple area. Place the fingers of the other hand on the cheekbone towards the ear. Gradually and gently stretch the work area in the vertical and at the same time in the horizontal directions. Horizontal tension is ensured by pulling the working surface towards the temple. The application is performed on oil or cream for one minute. Fingers should press the skin without moving it to the sides. The pressure should be of medium strength - not too soft, but not too strong. The entire time you perform the technique, you must “open” the eye area. Make sure that the movement is very slow - fabrics do not like fast movements!

ATTENTION! Follow safety precautions. Perform the exercise without straining the occipital region, pointing your chin slightly down.

It is advisable to perform the technique for smoothing out crow's feet around the eyes while looking in the mirror to control the process. Be careful not to form folds or creases on your face while performing the exercise.

Folds in the corners of the eyes, crow's feet, appear when we smile or laugh. Both muscles of laughter, the main (zygomatic) and secondary, are connected to the skin of the corners of the mouth and lift it and the skin of the cheeks to the corners of the eyes during their contraction. When we smile, we do not create wrinkles around the eyes, since temporary folds of the skin straighten out when the smile passes, and the muscle contracted when smiling relaxes. But, if a smile is just a habitual facial expression, and one of the muscles is constantly a little tense, then this habit gradually turns the ray folds into permanent wrinkles around the eyes. In the same way, it creates wrinkles around the eyes and frequent habitual squinting. And, if the skin has also lost its elasticity and become too sluggish, the process of turning temporary folds into wrinkles around the eyes will take place quite quickly. You can stop this process, get rid of crow’s feet, and remove expression wrinkles around the eyes by learning to always return the corners of the eyes (lower eyelid) to their normal position after smiling or squinting, that is, completely relaxing the muscles that form a smile or squinting, as well as increasing elasticity and vitality skin of this area.

To get rid of crow's feet, let's first check for the presence of chronic tension in the corners of the eyes. Can you lower your lower eyelids a little with a feeling of relaxation around your eyes? If you can, then remember this state so that you can return to it as often as possible and make it familiar, natural for yourself. Try to get used to the fact that every time after squinting, the lower eyelid completely relaxes and lowers. With such a new habit, not only will the cause of wrinkles around your eyes disappear, but your eyes themselves will seem to become larger. Perhaps the reason for the formation of wrinkles around your eyes is different. Without using your fingers, pull the corners of your lips towards the center. Do you feel the skin of your cheeks moving towards the corners of your mouth and the resulting feeling of relaxation on your cheeks near the corners of your mouth? If such a feeling occurs, it means that one of the laughter muscles is chronically slightly tense and pulls the skin upward, gradually creating wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. In this case, you need to more often pay attention to the tension near the corners of the mouth and return the lips to a normal, relaxed state in order to make this position of the corners of the lips habitual.

See also:

Face Gym/Asha Bachanni. Crow's Feet - exercise for crow's feet

Upper eyelid tissue lifting

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes

Folk recipes for fighting crow's feet

As we have already understood, the main cause of eye aging is deformation of their muscles, as well as the forehead and temporal region. For this reason, lymph stagnation occurs and blood supply in this area deteriorates.

Folk recipes for skin care masks, which are aimed at combating facial wrinkles around the eyes, are quite diverse. By applying them regularly you can achieve good results. Delicate skin will become softer and more elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and your face will glow with youth.

Aloe mask

Any woman wants to be beautiful, regardless of age, so often, in addition to creams from well-known brands, masks and compresses are used, prepared independently from natural ingredients. To remove crow's feet in the eye area at home, you should remember that the prepared composition is applied to the skin with tapping movements without rubbing.

Popular recipes:

  1. Chopped cucumber slices are mixed with lemon juice (1/2 tsp), yogurt (2 tsp) and vitamins A and E capsules. Apply the product to the area around the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cotton pads are soaked in juice squeezed out of parsley and placed on closed eyelids. After 15 minutes, the face is rinsed with cool water.
  3. Initially, asparagus (1-2 stalks) is grated, the juice is squeezed out and mixed with olive (almond) oil (10 ml). Cotton pads soaked in the composition should be placed on the area near the eyes for half an hour.
  4. A mixture of banana pulp and cream is prepared (1 teaspoon of each ingredient) and placed on the eyelids. After 15-20 minutes, the product is washed off with water.

Masks and compresses can be made from any product, but it is advisable to adhere to the dosages specified in the recipes. Before the session, you should test the product for possible allergies.

How to remove crow's feet and wrinkles around the eyes

Botox injections. Today, this is the most popular and sought-after method for correcting facial wrinkles.

Facial mesotherapy is microinjections of a medicinal product based on hyaluronic acid in the form of individually selected cocktails, which are injected into the middle layer of the skin. Such cocktails may include minerals and vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants, amino acids and other substances. Mesotherapy acts from the inside and promotes the active launch of skin regeneration processes. As a result, it is rejuvenated, the complexion improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is moisturized and enriched with beneficial nutrients.

The use of fillers - volumizers (drugs that restore skin volume). These dermal fillers are effective ways to correct fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. They not only eliminate static wrinkles around the eyes, but also restore lost volume to soft tissues. The effect lasts for a year, after which the injections must be repeated.

Microcurrents. Microcurrent facial therapy is a soft and delicate hardware technique for facial rejuvenation. During this procedure, a pulsed current of low voltage and with different frequency characteristics affects the skin, muscle tissue, lymphatic and blood vessels. Microcurrents help increase energy reserves in cells, change the resting potential on membranes, normalize metabolic processes, and have a lymphatic drainage, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

  • Effects of microcurrent therapy.
  • improvement of skin microcirculation, which ensures sufficient delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells and timely removal of toxins;
  • increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin, tightening the skin due to the activation of fibroblasts;
  • normalization of trophism and skin moisture;
  • optimization of the sebaceous glands, narrowing of pores, getting rid of acne on the face;
  • stimulation of local and humoral immunity to prevent and eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • normalization of melanocytes (cells that produce pigment) and acceleration of melanin breakdown, which helps improve complexion and reduce signs of skin photoaging;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • elimination of facial swelling;
  • elimination of bags under the eyes and dark circles under the eyes;

RF lifting (radio wave lifting) is a safe and painless rejuvenation technique based on the effect of radio wave pulses on the skin. The lifting effect is achieved by uniformly heating the deep layers of the skin to a certain temperature.

This leads to remodeling and activation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which allows you to tighten and tighten the skin, restore skin firmness and elasticity, reduce the number of wrinkles, and narrow enlarged pores on the face.

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