Vitamins "Aevit" for the skin around the eyes: reviews. How to use Aevit for wrinkles

What is Aevit

“Aevit” is essentially a vitamin complex, which includes vitamins A and E. In pharmacology, they are also called retinol and tocopherol. With a lack of such elements in the human body, the following is observed:

  • blood stagnation;
  • dry skin;
  • the appearance of gray spots on the dermis;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • memory losses;
  • hair loss.

Vitamin complex "Aevit"

Vitamins A and E can be obtained from food. But, in order to make up for the deficiency, you will need a kilogram of beef liver or a pack of butter, about 500 grams of oats or peanuts. Such abundance can harm your figure. The drug "Aevit" will help compensate for the lack of vitamins. By the way, “Aevit” for wrinkles around the eyes has excellent reviews.

The product is sold in pharmacies. There it is sold in three forms:

  1. in the form of edible capsules;
  2. in the form of ampoules for subcutaneous injections;
  3. in the form of creams and ointments.

What to choose? Here it is important to build on personal preferences. An injection will work the fastest. The product from the ampoule can be added to cream or even hot water when taking a bath. Capsules are similar to vitamins. They enter the stomach and are almost immediately absorbed into the walls. Creams are used to improve the health of the dermis.

The drug is not an expensive drug and has virtually no contraindications. It should be used with caution by pregnant and nursing mothers, children and the elderly.

"Aevit" can be used as a prophylactic agent to combat wrinkles. During laboratory and clinical trials, it was proven that the product can quickly smooth out the dermis, restoring its healthy appearance, shine and radiance. So it's worth a try!

Eyelid skin care options

  1. Use the vitamin complex in its pure form, rubbing the liquid with your fingertips from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones. After removing excess oil, apply eye cream to your skin.
  2. Masks with Aevit:
  • potato Add the contents of one Aevita capsule to one teaspoon of boiled or fresh potato pulp and apply to the eyelids. Potatoes have a pronounced lifting effect, the vitamin has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • with parsley. Mix the greens and stems of the cockerel, crushed until they release juice, with Aevit (1 capsule per 1 teaspoon of greens), apply to the skin around the eyes. This mask perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, helps get rid of dark circles, puffiness, and redness;
  • oatmeal Mix oatmeal cooked in milk (without adding salt or oil) with vitamins at the rate of 2-3 capsules per 2 teaspoons of oatmeal. Attention! Oatmeal must be cooled; vitamins cannot be added to a hot product! A mask with oatmeal nourishes the skin well and smooths out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  • with cream. Mix high fat cream and vitamin Aevit (proportion one to one), apply to the skin of the eyelids. The peculiarity of this mask is that it can quickly cope with excessive dryness and flaking. The cream can be replaced with any full-fat dairy product of your choice;
  • with banana. Mix banana puree with a vitamin complex (proportions - one to one). Choose a fresh banana, not overripe. The effect of such a mask will be to get rid of bruises, bags, dark circles and other cosmetic defects.

After any mask, do not forget to apply cream to the skin.

Aevit in cosmetics gives amazing and quick results. Numerous positive reviews and a fresh look from women who use vitamins regularly are worthy confirmation of this. Try it and see for yourself!

Aevita ingredients do not lose their healing properties when they come into contact with herbs, vegetable juices, and dairy products. This allows you to make a variety of nourishing masks at home.

IMPORTANT: Mixtures prepared for masks cannot be stored; they are made immediately before application to the skin.

The mixture is applied to the eyelids in a supine position, with eyes closed. Masks around the eyes are applied half-sitting or lying down. After this, you need to relax and lie down quietly. After the time planned for the procedure is over, the mixture should be rinsed off with clean water and a moisturizer should be applied.

With potatoes

This mask nourishes the skin well, smooths out wrinkles and creates a lifting effect in the crow's feet area. To prepare the mixture, use one capsule of Aevit oil and boiled potatoes.

  1. Boil one potato until crumbly and mash with a fork until smooth.
  2. Oil from the capsule is added to the “puree”.
  3. After mixing, the mask is applied to the eyelids and skin around the eyes.

It is better to immerse the peeled tuber in hot or boiling water, this way vitamins and microelements are better preserved. You need to boil the tuber in a small amount of water to preserve the beneficial substances (all of them are water soluble).

You can also use raw potatoes for this mask. Peel a small potato and rub it on a fine-mesh grater. The oil from the capsule is added to the pureed mass, and after mixing, it is applied to the skin. Raw potato mass is a good remedy for inflammation, redness, and peeling of the skin.

READ MORE: Eye injections for retinal dystrophy: diagnosis and treatment

With cucumber and wheat flour

All the ingredients in this composition are very beneficial for the thin skin around the eyes. The pulp and peel of a fresh cucumber contains several B vitamins and microelements (iodine, iron, silicon, phosphorus). This vegetable is rich in water and perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Substances contained in wheat flour contribute to the elasticity and firmness of thin skin. This mixture needs a little flour; it plays the role of a binding component.

  1. A small fresh cucumber (or a piece of a large cucumber) is grated on a fine-mesh grater.
  2. Squeeze the oil from one capsule into the resulting mass.
  3. Add a little wheat flour to the mixture and mix. It should be a thin paste.
  4. Apply the mixture with your fingers to the skin around the eyes.

With greens

Aevit contains a form of vitamin A called retinol palmitate. It has the following useful qualities:

  • regulates cellular metabolism in tissues;
  • prevents the development of bacteria and viruses;
  • protects the skin from the aggressive effects of external factors;
  • accelerates epithelial cell division;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • increases cellular immunity;
  • helps cure mild forms of skin cancer;
  • retains moisture in cells;
  • stimulates blood circulation in small vessels;
  • increases the protective properties of fabrics.

Vitamin E in the Aevit complex is presented in the fat-soluble form of alpha-tocopherol acetate. It has the following effect:

  • strong antioxidant;
  • normalizes metabolism in tissues;
  • removes excess pigmentation;
  • regulates microcirculation processes and improves cellular nutrition;
  • moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • promotes skin renewal;
  • has whitening properties;
  • rejuvenates the epidermis and accelerates cell regeneration.

Thanks to this, the use of Aevit allows you to achieve positive results:

  • pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and fine wrinkles almost completely disappear;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • skin looks more elastic, firm, youthful and less sensitive;
  • acne disappears;
  • sensitivity and irritability decreases;
  • pores narrow;
  • skin cells are restored faster.

All this allows Aevit to be used in the fight against the manifestations of aging facial skin.

User reviews

Reviews from grateful users for the miracle product

The Aevit product is used all over the world to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. It has gained a positive reputation among women and men from all over the world! Reviews about the drug speak for themselves. Below are just a few of them.

Alena, Perm: “My skin is naturally very dry and dull. In order to look fresh, I had to apply makeup to my face for about an hour every day. I was especially depressed by the area around my eyes: small wrinkles simply did not allow me to sleep peacefully. I read about Aevit on the Internet. I decided to try it at my own risk... I saw the first results literally in a week. To say that I was amazed is to say nothing. Now I recommend it to all my friends. It’s cheaper and more effective than all expensive creams and, especially, plastic surgery.”

Angela, Maykop: “The problem of residents of the South is sun-dried facial skin. I have suffered from wrinkles in the eye area since I was 20 years old. Nothing helped. I was even ready to go under the surgeon’s knife just to save myself from this nightmare. I heard about Aevita in the hospital near the doctor’s office. I used Aevit in ampoules and added it to my anti-wrinkle cream. Of course, they did not go away completely, but they became much less noticeable. The skin smoothed out and took on a radiant appearance.”

Andrey, Moscow: “It is generally accepted that for men, self-care is akin to something cosmic and alien. Therefore, I cannot go to a regular store for anti-wrinkle cream - they will misunderstand. I decided to go to the pharmacy and told the pharmacist that I wanted to give my wife a miracle cure for wrinkles around the eyes, no money would be spared. The pharmacist advised me to save money and buy Aevit, which I gladly did. I found information on the Internet about how to use Aevit. I have now completed the course. As a result, I was really impressed. My colleagues even joke: when, they say, did you have time to get plastic surgery?”

How to use Aevit for wrinkles around the eyes?

You can use Aevit to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes in different ways. It all depends on the form in which you purchased the product: in the form of capsules, ampoules or cream: if you use Aevit cream, then it is enough to apply it to clean facial skin. It is advisable to do this in the evening so that after using the drug for several hours you do not expose the skin to various influences in the form of moisture and cosmetics.

You can use the cream for as long as necessary. For some a month is enough, for others three to five. It all depends on the age of the person and the condition of his skin. The cream should not be applied over decorative cosmetics. It will not be able to penetrate the pores, it will simply remain a film on the surface.

Rules for taking Aevit

Capsules are taken orally once a day for one month. It is advisable to take vitamins at a strictly defined time in the morning, then they will be better absorbed and will bring maximum beneficial effect. You should drink Aevit with plain water without gases or sugar. It is better to do this before or after meals, not during. During the course of taking the drug, it is important to limit the intake of other medications (as far as possible, naturally), and avoid drinking alcohol.

"Aevit" from ampoules can be immediately applied directly to the skin (the area around the eyes). But masks with the addition of the drug are considered more effective. So, you can take a simple baby cream and add a couple of drops of Aevita there. Try this mask: take three teaspoons of white yogurt, add a spoonful of honey and a couple of drops of Aevita. Apply to clean, dry skin and wait 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water and enjoy the effect. It will be instant. The dermis around the eyes will smooth out and become fresher.

A potato-aevit mask will help remove dryness along with wrinkles: boil 1 potato tuber and mash it, add 5 drops of the drug to the resulting mass. Apply to skin. It is important that the puree is slightly warm: not hot, but not cold. After 15 minutes, remove the mask. After a week of such procedures, wrinkles will become noticeably smaller. In general, you can mix almost everything with Aevit: from cucumber to oatmeal.

Cosmetics based on "Aevit"

How else can you use Aevit for the skin around the eyes? The use of the drug has already been described above, but there are other ways. For example, you can make a cream according to the following recipe: add the contents of 1-2 capsules to a regular face cream and use it for 1-2 months.

You can make masks with Aevit and oatmeal.

It is noteworthy that it is suitable not only for aging, but also for problematic skin prone to rashes. In this case, the drug can be used as a vitamin lotion. To do this, you just need to puncture the capsule and apply its contents to your face.

To eliminate puffiness under the eyes, a potato mask is suitable. It will help restore freshness and youth to the skin. The mask is prepared according to the following recipe: you need to boil a potato and make a puree from it, add the contents of the Aevita capsule to 1 tablespoon of potatoes. The mask is applied to the skin under the eyes for 20 minutes, then it should be washed off with water. Despite the positive reviews, it is important not to forget that Aevit is first and foremost a medicinal product. And it is better to use it after consulting a doctor.

Overuse of topical application is not recommended. The course of skin nutrition should not exceed 30 days. Otherwise, the skin may get used to the drug, reducing its effect.

Conduct a reaction test

Allergy test

An allergic reaction when using Aevita, although rare, does occur. You can find out about them from reviews of “Aevit” for wrinkles around the eyes. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is advisable to conduct a reaction test before use. This needs to be done if a person:

  • susceptible to allergies;
  • recently suffered a serious illness;
  • has skin rashes;
  • changed his place of residence;
  • suffered severe stress;
  • has digestive problems.

The reaction test involves applying a drop of the drug to the skin. Please note that Aevit must be in liquid form - this is either an ampoule or a cream.

Do you need to do a test if you are sure that you are not allergic to vitamins A and E? Yes. Because the drug contains other excipients: oils, organic compounds that can cause an unexpected reaction: from the appearance of a rash to Quincke's edema.

Apply a drop of Aevita to clean skin in the elbow area. If within 12 hours from the moment of application the skin in this area has not changed color, you do not feel itching or irritation, a runny nose or cough does not appear, feel free to use the drug to get rid of wrinkles in the eye area. Reviews from those who are already using the product are only positive.

Action of "Aevit"

Why is it recommended to use Aevit for the skin around the eyes? Reviews from doctors about this drug confirm that it really helps to cope with the lack of such important vitamins as E and A in the body, eliminating associated skin problems. It is known that a deficiency of these vitamins often leads to loss of health and youthful skin. As a result, pallor, peeling or rashes appear on it.

It should be understood that these problems may be the consequences of health problems. This fact cannot be excluded. It is advisable to consult a doctor and be examined for allergic reactions, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

Reviews from cosmetologists and doctors

Not only ordinary users, but also doctors and cosmetologists who use the drug in their professional activities speak positively about Aevita.

Irina Grigorieva, Samara: “I am a practicing dermatologist and I know what happens to the skin when there is a lack of vitamins. Sometimes very young patients come to me, and I cannot call their skin condition normal. We begin to understand, it turns out that the problem is in nutrition and poor lifestyle. What I advise: quit bad habits and start taking Aevit. The product has few side effects and is suitable for almost everyone. I myself use it periodically as needed. I can say for sure that nothing better has been invented yet.”

Anastasia, Izhevsk: “I have been working in the field of cosmetology for about 10 years. I have been using the drug “Aevit” from the very beginning of my career. Inexpensive and practical, effective. Here are the main advantages of this product. The only thing I can advise on my own: you don’t need to self-prescribe the drug to yourself. Go to a doctor or cosmetologist, get tested if possible. Uncontrolled use of drugs can lead to disastrous results.”

Ingrida, Tyumen: “In our beauty salon we use only very expensive drugs that are expensive. Once a woman came to see me; she was already well over 50 years old, with perfect skin around her eyes. I asked her: what is the secret? And I was surprised when she told me that she uses Aevit. The drug is inexpensive, but what an effect. I was impressed. And now, instead of expensive products, I use my native Aevit and have never regretted it.”

Cheap and accessible - “Aevit” will become an indispensable assistant in the fight for beauty. If you use the product regularly (in courses every six months), the effect will be impressive. There will be no trace of wrinkles around the eyes. It is important to use the dosage correctly, monitor your own body’s reaction, and not rely only on the reviews and wishes of specialists. You can purchase the drug in pharmacies. "Aevit" is certified and licensed, is considered a safe product, and is available without a doctor's prescription.

Why does vitamin E, which is included in Aevit and food products, have such a rejuvenating effect on the skin? Watch the video for the answer:

♦ Category: Facial care.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the benefits of using Aevit vitamins for the skin around the eyes (reviews, price, effectiveness)? Firstly, the composition of the drug allows it to be used for various cosmetic skin care procedures. It contains all the vitamins it needs.

The product is suitable for home use. In addition, it is quite inexpensive (about 50 rubles per package).

Like any other remedy, this drug has its pros and cons. Why is it recommended to use Aevit for the skin around the eyes? Reviews about these vitamins mainly reveal their positive aspects. They help eliminate signs of aging and lack of vitamins, prolonging the youth of the skin.

Despite this, Aevit has some disadvantages. For example, the drug contains a high concentration of vitamins. Therefore, it can be used only according to the instructions to avoid overdose.

It is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In some cases, it may provoke allergic reactions.

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