Causes of dry skin around the eyes and treatment


Dry skin around the eyes due to eczema Causes of dry skin around the eyes include:


Dry skin around the eyes may be associated with climate changes. Humid and hot weather is the main culprit of dry skin. Additionally, any extreme weather conditions or sudden changes in it can aggravate the skin condition.

Skin damage

Damage to the skin can cause dry skin around the eyes. This occurs when the skin is exposed to constant irritations, such as cosmetics. Poor hygiene of cosmetic applicators can also lead to dry skin as harmful bacteria accumulate on brushes and sponges.

Exposure to harsh chemicals

If your eyes are exposed for long periods of time to certain chemicals in the cosmetic products you apply to your face, this can lead to dryness as the skin becomes thinner and more sensitive. Thin skin is naturally more susceptible to irritation from toxins and chemicals, including skin products and facial cleansers.

Dermatological diseases

These include:

  • Skin damage due to sunburn, which can cause severe burns to the skin of the eyes. You may also have dry skin around your eyes if you are exposed to welding rays.
  • Perioral dermatitis, which is a chronic condition accompanied by a skin rash that is usually caused by poor hygiene.
  • Blepharitis, which mainly affects the eyelids, causing inflammation, dryness and scaly skin.
  • Eczema can occur in areas around the eyes, including the eyelids. In addition to dryness, eczema makes the skin scaly.

Brief description of the problem

The outer layer of skin in this area is characterized by fewer rows of cells in the epidermis. It is thinner (about 3-4 times) than on any other part of the body. The epidermis of the facial skin has 8-10 layers, and the eye area has only 4-5. Elastin fibers are weakly expressed and are located in rings around the eyes from the outer to the inner corners of the lower eyelids and from the inner to the outer of the upper eyelids.

Sebaceous and sweat glands are absent on the skin of the eyelids, and there are no hair follicles. For this reason, these areas suffer from a lack of fatty lubrication and a rapid loss of elasticity. Fat cells have the ability to draw moisture from surrounding tissue. They are absent in the subcutaneous tissue of the eyelids, which is the cause of swelling under the eyes.

Another feature of the skin around the eyes is a large accumulation of blood vessels located close to the surface, due to which dark circles appear under the eyes.

These factors make the epidermis in this area of ​​the face vulnerable and sensitive. Early wrinkles appear under the lower eyelid and in the corners of the eyes, the skin dries out and swelling forms. Women are very worried, because increased dryness makes age-related changes more noticeable.

Basic principles of eye skin care

If dryness and accompanying itching, peeling, redness and pain are caused by an illness, treatment by a professional doctor is necessary. In other cases, regular care will help maintain and restore the beauty and youth of the eye skin - moisturizing, nutrition, protection from aggressive factors (see the list of reasons above).

The main thing is to use professional skincare cosmetics from well-established brands, for example, Revilab evolution, Reviline Pro (Russia), Danne Montague King (USA), Biologique Recherche (France).

In sunny weather, wear a hat and sunglasses if possible

Peptides for youth and skin elasticity

The main components in cosmetics for the periorbital area are cytomax bioregulators. These are Khavinson peptides, which restore the epidermis and dermis at the cellular level and provide noticeable results from home care.

Depending on the purpose, products with peptides are used daily, 1-2 times a week or in courses; The cream is applied to the skin with light patting movements. The visual effect is similar to expensive injection biorevitalization procedures in aesthetic medicine clinics.

Read more about what peptides are and how peptides work

Instead of Botox - face building! Tones muscles, promotes normal blood circulation and collagen production. Pre-application of anti-aging peptide serum to clean skin will enhance the effect of facial yoga.

The best thing for eye skin is rest and relaxation

Overwork and the stress of everyday life are reflected on the skin of the face, so follow three simple rules.

  • Set aside half an hour to an hour every day to relax and focus on yourself - without ringing your cell phone or checking email. This will help in the best possible way - both physically and emotionally, say dermatologists at the American Society for Clinical Investigation.
  • Eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep regularly, and reduce stress to a minimum. If it is not possible to avoid increased stress, the following will help cope with its consequences: contrast showers, passionflower, Ayurvedic teas, krill oil and other sources of Omega-3.
  • A couple of times a week, preferably in the morning, use peptide patches for dark circles and swelling and for emergency tightening. Glue them under the eyes on clean, dry skin, “to the bone” (to do this, carefully feel the edge of the orbital septum). They act similarly to injectable fillers - smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate bruises and dark circles under the eyes, and also have an anti-stress effect.

The procedure with peptide patches takes only 15–30 minutes. Bonus – painless, no side effects. There is no need to wash your face afterwards, just carefully remove any remaining product from your face.

Dry itchy skin

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest, so if it is dry and flaky, it may also be red and irritated. Dry skin around the eyes can occur for a number of reasons and results in itching and flaking. This may be caused by the following conditions:

  • According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, facial psoriasis can occur around the eyes, most commonly on the eyebrows. It dries out the skin, making it scaly.
  • Eczema can occur anywhere on the body and results in severe dry patches that become itchy, red and inflamed.
  • Blepharitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the eyelids due to malfunction of the sebaceous glands. This condition is characterized by red, itchy and flaky eyelids.

Some of the side effects of using cosmetics and makeup on the skin around the eyes are:

  • Contact dermatitis occurs due to an allergic reaction to certain irritants that touch your skin, causing itchy facial skin.
  • Cosmetics such as eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, or the tools used to apply them can accumulate bacteria over time, which will irritate the skin, dry it out, and possibly make it scaly.
  • Facial products can also irritate and dry the skin around the eyes.

Causes of peeling skin around the eyes

Dryness appears not only after applying or removing decorative cosmetics from the eyelids. Health problems are increasingly to blame. Comprehensive treatment with external and internal means is important.

External reasons

Factors that cause dry skin from the outside include:

  • insect bites;
  • poor quality or incorrectly selected facial skin care product;
  • unfavorable climatic conditions;
  • dry indoor air;
  • insufficient water intake;
  • lack of sleep.

After an insect bite, marks appear on the upper eyelid in the form of swelling and dryness. The skin also becomes inflamed and peels.

The epidermis on the face varies in sensitivity, thickness and amount of subcutaneous fat. On the upper and lower eyelids it is thin and without a layer, unlike other areas.

Therefore, manufacturers of care products have developed special skin care.

It is no coincidence that there are creams that are applied in the morning, during the day or only at night. They differ in composition and concentration of the main active components needed at a given time of day.

Therefore, choosing the wrong product or lubricating the skin surface with the same cream day and night will inevitably lead to dryness and flaking.

Many women make the mistake of starting to actively use cosmetics to hide fine wrinkles around the eyes. This should not be done, because early use can lead to dryness and flaking.

It is best to use moisturizing masks and creams that nourish the skin of the top layer. The first wrinkles appear when there is a lack of moisture, and you should not try to eliminate them as early as possible with anti-aging cosmetics. There is always an alternative care option that will not harm your eyes.

Too dry and hot a climate dries out the epidermis, taking away life-giving moisture from it. Therefore, before going outside, it is important to properly feed it and protect it, which is carried out with the help of special caring cosmetics.

In rooms where you have to stay for a long time, you can install a humidifier.

A deficiency of vitamins A, B, E, microelements, and insufficient water consumption during the day create a favorable background for dry areas around the eyes.

Insufficient sleep also negatively affects the health of facial tissues. Loss of elasticity of the epidermis, dryness, wrinkles and dull color are the result of inadequate sleep.

Internal reasons

Problems with the skin around the eyes appear not only under the influence of factors from the external environment. It is also necessary to take into account internal reasons, because in some cases they are dominant. Among them are:

  • allergies;
  • insufficient formation of tear fluid;
  • skin diseases;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Allergic reactions occur after eating certain foods, using cosmetics, medications, or contact with animals.

In this situation, the surface around the eyes turns red and peels. Sometimes it is not immediately possible to determine the cause, and therefore tests are performed to determine sensitivity to allergens.

Tear fluid normally moisturizes not only the surface of the eye, but also the mucous membranes and epidermis surrounding it. If there is insufficient secretion of it, dryness appears, and certain areas of the skin begin to peel off.

The area around the eyes requires careful care. There are specially developed cosmetics specifically for such sensitive areas.

Skin diseases, which include blepharitis and atopic dermatitis, are manifested by dry eyelids, in which the skin on the eyelids cracks. Therefore, treatment is aimed at combating the underlying cause.

How to take care of yourself?

Recommended skin care under the eyes:

  1. Choosing the right cleaning products. For care, you should use specially designed tonics, creams and liquids. The use of bar soap is not recommended. Do not wash your face with too hot or cold water. The optimal temperature should be close to room temperature.
  2. Daily hydration for sensitive skin. The main condition is that the product must be intended specifically for this area.
  3. Nourishing eye creams should contain regenerating and soothing ingredients. To moisturize, you should choose products that include hyaluronic acid.
  4. It is necessary to maintain water balance. You should drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gas per day.
  5. Canned and smoked products should be excluded from the diet. Salty, spicy and sweet foods are not recommended. Vitamins, minerals and trace elements found in large quantities in fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs are beneficial for facial skin.
  6. It is mandatory to use sunscreen with a high SPF factor. When exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, wearing sunglasses is required.
  7. It is necessary to stop smoking. Nicotine destroys vitamin C, necessary for the formation of collagen, the lack of which ages the skin prematurely.
  8. When applying a face mask, you should avoid getting it on the eyelid area.

Dry red skin

Possible causes of dry, red skin:

Fungal infections

Red, dry skin around the eyes can be caused by a bacterial infection such as ringworm. It is usually described as a ring-shaped, red, itchy rash. Sometimes crusting is present if the symptoms of infection are severe.

Environmental factors

External factors such as dampness, cold weather, and exposure to sunlight can cause redness around the eyes.

Other reasons include:

  • Allergies caused by atopic dermatitis.
  • Psoriasis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Rosacea
  • Soap and detergents
  • Chemical substances

Causes of dry eye skin

Dryness and inflammation of the eyelids can cause discomfort and sometimes pain. A properly selected moisturizer for the skin around the eyes, as well as careful care, help solve this problem. But at the same time, reasons due to health problems should be excluded.

More serious causes leading to dryness of the sensitive dermis of the eyelids are various diseases of the organs of vision. In this case, moisturizing eye cream will not help. To eliminate dryness, flaking or itching, you will need to see a doctor.

There are quite a few factors that cause dry eyelid skin. The main ones are:

  • diseases of the anterior part of the outer shell of the eyeball (cornea);
  • various infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • hereditary factors;
  • allergic reactions;
  • parasitic infection with demodicosis (eyelash mite);
  • insufficient production of tear fluid;
  • abuse of decorative cosmetics;
  • improper care;
  • exposure to aggressive external factors such as frost, cold wind, direct sunlight;
  • changes in the skin due to age;
  • deficiency of microelements or vitamins.

To prevent early fading of the eyelid dermis, as well as eliminate existing defects, such as dryness or flaking, you should choose a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream for the skin around the eyes. If the cause of inflammation and dryness of the dermis of the eyelids lies in the development of a certain pathological process, you need to visit an ophthalmologist. A specialist will help identify the cause and prescribe treatment appropriate to the disease.

Very dry skin

Very dry skin around the eyes is usually caused by makeup. Dry skin needs treatment as it is more susceptible to damage such as cracking and also increases the likelihood of wrinkles around the eyes.

Additionally, dry skin may indicate an underlying condition, and if it does not respond to treatment with cosmetics and home remedies, it is best to see a doctor. There are several possible causes of dry, red, flaky and itchy skin around the eyes:

  • Cold and windy weather in autumn and winter.
  • Sun exposure
  • Psoriasis
  • Dehydration
  • Skin care products

Treatment of peeling skin around the eyes

Organizing proper care for the skin around the eyes on your own is sometimes difficult. Therefore, when using cosmetics, it is important to follow the sequence of stages:

  • Cleansing.
  • Hydration.
  • Nutrition.

Following the exact sequence will soothe and moisturize the skin around the eyes.


The most successful option for the first stage among cosmetics is milk or cream. It is best to choose a care gel for a woman with normal skin that does not require a special approach. It is recommended to pay attention to a two-layer liquid, in which one removes any makeup. If the skin is inflamed and peeling, then the second layer is created specifically for it.

You need to take care of your face every day, and only then will you be able to avoid dryness and wrinkles. Cream used for cooking is also suitable as a cleansing agent. They perform a double function - they not only cleanse, but also nourish tissues.


It is important to choose the right products to take care of your facial beauty.
Normally, cells produce hyaluronic acid, which maintains youth and prevents drying out. Therefore, the choice should be given to cosmetics based on it. It is best to purchase hyaluronic acid in its pure form and add it to homemade masks. Another stimulant is aloe juice. It not only replenishes water deficiency in cells, but also accelerates tissue restoration.


When performing the last stage of facial care, problems usually do not arise. Almost any nourishing cream will do. The advantages of store-bought cosmetics are their thick consistency and hypoallergenicity. It is better to choose not a gel, but a cream that is saturated with fatty acids designed to eliminate dryness.

Other recommendations regarding lifestyle and sleep are also important. You can't sleep with your face on the pillow. Constant friction with bedding dries out the epidermis and creates a favorable background for the appearance of the first wrinkles under the eye or in the corner.

You should reconsider your attitude towards smoking. Nicotine has a detrimental effect on cells not only of the face. It turns the epidermis into a rough tissue reminiscent of parchment paper.

What to do when your eyelids itch?

What to do if your eyelids are dry and itchy? If you experience symptoms in which your eyelids itch and become red, you should immediately consult a doctor.

You should not postpone the visit if the pain is very severe, and pus comes out of the eyes and other discharge is observed.

Therapeutic measures will be different for each person, so there is no need to look for a universal answer to the question of what to do to eliminate annoying symptoms. Among the methods of treatment for the cause of peeling eyes, there are several:

In order for therapy to be successful, the diet must be balanced, minerals and special nutritional supplements must be taken. To get rid of dryness and cracks, you need to make masks with olive or almond oils.

Flaky skin can be softened with oatmeal, which is steamed with hot milk. Butter is added to this mixture. Applications made from bananas, carrots, boiled potatoes, and bread soaked in milk also help.

At home, you need to use tar soap, lubricate your eyelids with sulfur ointment, and wash your face with a decoction of oak bark. It is recommended to regularly make compresses from:

  • juniper;
  • linden;
  • fresh cabbage juice;
  • buckthorn.

Decoctions prepared with chamomile must be alternated, first using cold, then hot. But traditional medicine must be combined with drug therapy.

If the upper eyelid itches and peels, then you should not ignore this signal from the body. Most likely, it arose for a reason, and indicates certain problems with eye health.

Be that as it may, you should not self-medicate. In order not to harm yourself, you first need to establish the causes of peeling skin on the eyelids, and only then begin to act actively.

Dry skin under the eyes

If you have dry skin under your eyes, the reasons may be the same as we have already mentioned, namely:

  • Climate change
  • Skin irritation
  • Harsh chemical exposure
  • Sunburn
  • Dermatological disorder
  • Skin diseases around the eyes

Skin sensitivity is not easy to control, especially when it becomes dry, itchy and scaly. The situation becomes more complicated if you continue to use cosmetics such as mascara and eyelash curlers while you have allergies.

These signs mostly occur with dry eyelids, but they can be associated with skin conditions such as blepharitis. To be safe, do not treat allergies. The best action to take is to get diagnosed. If the skin around your eyes becomes very painful, consult a doctor.

Peeling under the eyes

Our face is a clear indicator of our lifestyle and existing ailments; it reflects almost all problems of the body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health, then your face will remain young and beautiful longer. But even the healthiest people experience a variety of visual manifestations of diseases, which cannot always be avoided.

What, for example, should you do when the skin under your eyes starts to turn red and peel? The most important thing is to find the reason. Actually, there are not so many reasons for this phenomenon. We will try to consider the main ones and find out methods for eliminating them.

Surely, people with dry skin will now remember themselves. Imagine coming home on a snowy winter day, when there is frost and wind outside, and you discover that the skin under your eyes has tightened and it has begun to peel. This happened due to the special thinness of the skin in this area, which, reacting to weather conditions, simply dried out quickly. Getting rid of this phenomenon is quite simple. It is necessary to lubricate problem areas with a soft nourishing cream. Be sure to apply it under your eyes before using makeup and only then feel free to go outside even in the bitterest frost. The skin will receive the necessary nutrients, and the cream base will create an additional barrier that prevents the action of an aggressive environment.

Allergies are one of the most common causes of flaking around the eyes. Especially if atopic dermatitis is diagnosed. It manifests itself as redness of the skin, peeling of its top layer, and periodic itching. This manifestation is very unpleasant, but in the chronic form of the disease it is absolutely inevitable. What to do in this case?

You need to know that atopic dermatitis is cyclical and appears periodically, at a certain time. Usually this is the spring and autumn period - the off-season. Therefore, for this period it is worth stocking up on antihistamines, coupled with special ointments that will relieve symptoms. As a rule, they use Lorizan gel, Allergozan and Sudocrem ointments (it is considered a baby cream and is great for minor skin problems, its consistency is very thick, with the necessary nutrients). In addition, you can use “Bepanten” - a cream with panthenol, a substance that quickly heals wounds on the skin and promotes its regeneration.

Before using any of the drugs, be sure to read the instructions carefully. But it’s better to consult a specialist, because you need to get rid of atopic dermatitis, and for this you need to know the cause of its occurrence.

The causes of this disease are very diverse. These are especially common:

  • Insect bites;
  • Food allergies;
  • Reaction to flowering plants and their pollen.

Atopic dermatitis can affect any area of ​​the skin of the face, but especially often the lesions are localized under the eyes, as well as around them, because the skin here is the thinnest and most sensitive. It is worth remembering that the success of treating peeling under the eyes mainly depends on the treatment of allergies, as well as the elimination of the factors that caused them.

It is necessary to mention that in women, redness, as well as peeling of the skin under the eyes, is often a one-time reaction that can occur to a certain brand of cosmetics. It is worth paying close attention to which lotion or foundation does not suit your skin. To be on the safe side, when purchasing, choose products labeled “for sensitive skin.” It has a more gentle composition and is easier to tolerate. While heavy creams and decorative cosmetics can cause very strong irritation.

If you are sure that the reaction that has occurred is caused by a cosmetic product, you should do a few simple manipulations. 1. Completely remove the cosmetic product. Moreover, this needs to be done not only with a special product (milk or tonic), but also with running water. In this case, you should not use soap, so as not to irritate the skin even more.

2. Make soothing lotions with healing infusions (chamomile, string) or use a healing cream with natural extracts. At the same time, any products must be proven and well tolerated by the skin. When there is no negative reaction to panthenol, you should use this remedy. True, it must be applied very carefully, making sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes. It is necessary to remember that after using the decoction, you will also need a nourishing cream. If it is difficult to choose the right one, you should buy a regular baby cream for babies in the first days of life. Its action is particularly gentle and does no harm at all, and relieves inflammation well.

3. Eliminate the use of the cosmetic product that caused the reaction and look for a replacement. In this case, the application of the alternative option should take place at least one day after the complete disappearance of the inflammatory reaction under the eyes.

So, as a conclusion, let us once again summarize the causes of redness and peeling under the eyes:

  • Physiological skin type (it is too dry and any atmospheric influences can lead to an undesirable reaction);
  • Allergic manifestations (there are many forms of allergies, as well as allergens, however, allergies are often hereditary in nature, so it is initially necessary to perform an allergy test, find out the allergen and try to avoid its exposure. Take antihistamines, use special ointments);
  • Single reaction to cosmetics.

In the medical department, everyone can undergo examination using the most modern diagnostic equipment, and based on the results, receive advice from a highly qualified specialist. The clinic is open seven days a week and operates daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Our specialists will help identify the cause of vision loss and provide competent treatment for identified pathologies.

You can make an appointment at the Moscow Eye Clinic by calling 8 8 (499) 322-36-36 (daily from 9:00 to 21:00) or using the online registration form.
Fomenko Natalia Ivanovna


The first thing you should do is rule out the presence of eye diseases. If they are, the doctor will prescribe treatment, which must be strictly adhered to. Infectious diseases are usually treated with antibiotic eye drops.

The treatment regimen for ophthalmological diseases is prescribed only by a doctor.

Suspect an allergy? Eliminate possible allergens and start taking antihistamines (tablets and/or gel). If antihistamines do not help with an allergic reaction, the doctor prescribes hormonal medications.

Read more about eye drops for allergies here.

Traditional recipes that are safe and ideal for sensitive skin help relieve redness quite well. This:

  1. Parsley compresses - fresh herbs are cut as finely as possible, placed in gauze bags, which are then applied to the eyes for 10 minutes.
  2. Lotions with chamomile decoction - make a decoction from a pharmaceutical herb, soak cotton swabs in it and apply to your eyelids.
  3. Baking soda – prepare a weak soda solution, soak cotton swabs or gauze in it and place them on your eyes for 15 minutes.
  4. Compress with dill – dill should be used in the same way as parsley.
  5. Tea bags are a simple and quick way that is always at hand. To achieve maximum effect, place wet tea bags in the freezer for 5-10 minutes before use.

Chamomile has a pronounced drying effect, so it is better not to use it if the skin is peeling.

Please note that folk recipes help relieve redness, but do not cure. If the problem comes back again, be sure to consult a doctor.

Read about the causes of red eyes in the article.

How to get rid of dry skin around the eyes?

Let's look at treatment methods, as well as folk remedies.


Use antibacterial gel. They will prevent the addition of staph infections, which are likely to worsen the condition.

Eczema is treated using moisturizing creams and lotions, and you may also need oral steroids. Eczema can also be treated with lotions and gels containing antihistamine, antifungal, antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or analgesic ingredients.

Use creams to moisturize dry skin around the eyes, such as Vaseline.

Home Remedies

Some of the best folk methods worth trying are:

Aloe vera

It does not treat the cause, but it calms well and removes the discomfort caused by dryness around the eyes.

Raw milk

Apply raw milk (unpasteurized) to the skin under your eyes. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off.

Cucumber juice

Apply cucumber juice to the affected area, leave until completely dry and use a good quality moisturizer.

Tea bag soaked in cold water

This method not only removes dryness, but also prevents the formation of wrinkles and increases cell regeneration due to its restorative properties.

Causes of dryness

The main reason, beyond our control, is the lack of sebaceous glands in this area of ​​the face and the thinness of the hydrolipid film that retains moisture. Therefore, increased dryness is inherent in all skin types without exception.

Another factor is the thinness and looseness of the epidermis under the eyes, which contributes to skin dehydration due to moisture evaporation. This is inherent in nature itself, but there are a number of reasons that further aggravate the situation.

Increased dryness of the skin under the eyes depends on the following factors:

  1. Seasonal weather. In the autumn-winter period, under gusts of cold wind, the eyes begin to water, and salty tear fluid, getting on the skin, leads to damage to the lipid barrier, also causing irritation. In summer, the sun's rays have a harmful effect on the delicate epidermis, making it rougher.
  2. Insufficient air humidity due to active central heating and air conditioning. In a dry room, the skin experiences an acute moisture deficiency.
  3. Illiterate care using low-quality cosmetics or inappropriate skin type. The damage is caused by unwashed makeup and homemade masks not intended for use in the area around the eyes.
  4. Allergies to irritants - allergens from inside and outside.
  5. Skin diseases such as blepharitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, which must be treated with the help of a dermatologist who prescribes effective medications and procedures.
  6. Nutrient deficiencies that occur when following a strict diet without animal and vegetable fats, which leads to a deficiency of essential fatty acids.

Fixing effect

As a rule, it is given by a variety of creams that are applied after all procedures. The cream applied is usually a night cream and is used before bed. The fact is that when a person rests, all regenerative functions in the body function better. That is, cell renewal occurs more intensively. Accordingly, if they are given food, they will absorb it much better.

The second is folk remedies. Everyone has probably seen these various photos with nourishing masks and other things. You should immediately focus on one important vegetable. Cucumber. No matter how funny it may sound, a cucumber mask has always been and remains one of the simplest and most effective folk remedies for moisturizing the skin. To do this, again, you don’t need to look for photo recipes, rummage through some old books or visit all the cosmetic stores. Everything here is simple and useful at the same time. Place two slices of cucumber on your eyes with your eyelids closed for 20 minutes. All! The most interesting thing is that on the third day there will actually be a noticeable improvement. Unless, of course, the dryness is due to internal metabolic problems. Of course, there are a number of other masks. But this remedy is one of the most effective.

In conclusion, I would like to say that to avoid dry skin, protect it from aggressive influences (frost, sun), establish a proper diet and diet, and organize quality sleep. A healthy and vigorous body is able to cope with any problems.

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