Blurred vision - causes and treatment

If fog appears in the eyes, this may be a manifestation of pathologies such as cataracts, clouding of the cornea, pathological changes in the retina, inflammation of the optic nerve, asthenopia. Depending on the etiology of the disease, symptoms vary. To determine the cause of blurred vision, you should consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe effective therapy.

Causes of foggy eyes

The causes of fog before the eyes mainly mainly include the following development mechanisms:

  • Clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye due to inflammatory diseases, injuries, burns or dystrophies.
  • Clouding of the lens of the eye due to cataracts. With age, the lens, which is located inside the eye, begins to lose its transparency. This is the most common cause of blurred vision in patients over 60 years of age.
  • Retinal disease (diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, chorioretinitis, uveitis)
  • Diseases of the optic nerve. At the initial stage of inflammation of the optic nerve, vision is foggy and slightly blurred - the very first symptom. Then there is pain in the eyeball when moving the eye.
  • Refractive errors (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism). The most common reason. Eliminated with glasses or contact lenses. When wearing contact lenses, blurred vision may occur. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor to rule out inflammation of the cornea.
  • Instillation of eye drops. Normally, some eye drops may cause short-term blurred vision.
  • Secondary cataract. After cataract surgery, a white fog may appear in front of the operated eye after some time. This indicates the development of cloudiness in the lens bag.
  • Computer vision syndrome. After intensive work at the computer and overwork, a complaint often arises that vision is in a fog. This is caused by a spasm of the muscle that focuses the image in the eye.

Treatment: which methods are effective?

Drug therapy

Treatment tactics are determined by the doctor; self-medication is prohibited. Depending on the cause of fog in the eyes, drops and liniments are recommended, shown in the table:

Against dry eyes"Lecrolin"
The drug "Artificial tear"
"Systane Ultra"
Vitamins"Strix forte"
"Okuwait Lutein Forte"
"Vitrum Vision forte"
"Complivit Oftalmo"

Other methods

To see better, it is recommended to wear corrective glasses and contact lenses to eliminate fog. If you are tired, it is recommended to make ice compresses or lotions with a decoction of chamomile, sage, string, and St. John's wort. To do this, pour 5 g of the plant into 200 ml of hot water, let it brew, cool, filter and apply a cotton pad soaked in the product on the right and left eyes. The haze will pass and vision will improve if you do daily exercises: moving your eyeballs up/down, sideways and diagonally. If the fog in the eyes does not go away, surgical intervention is recommended - laser coagulation, vitrectomy, extracapsular extraction.

Causes of fog in one eye.

Some inflammatory eye diseases (keratitis, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis) may be accompanied by symptoms other than blurred vision in one eye. And it is these symptoms that prompt people to see a doctor. These include:

  • pain in the eyes
  • redness of the eyes
  • loss of a specific area of ​​vision in the visual field (visual field loss)


As already mentioned, fog before the eyes is only a symptom of the disease, so its elimination is possible only by treating the cause that caused it. Thus, vision correction with glasses and contact lenses solves the problem in case of refractive error. In addition, the right glasses will remove fog in the initial stages of cataracts.

In all other cases, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease and this should be done as soon as possible. Therefore, if you constantly or periodically begin to experience fog before your eyes, be sure to consult a specialist.

The doctors of our clinic have extensive practical experience and are ready to help the patient in solving any, even the most complex ophthalmological problems. However, the sooner you seek help, the better results you can guarantee.


It is difficult to make a diagnosis based on the patient’s descriptions, since visual sensations are individual. Therefore, analyzes and computer studies are carried out:

  • blood and urine tests - deviations in the content of enzymes, hormones, sugar, cholesterol in the blood will indicate systemic diseases that affect vision, for example, diabetes;
  • ophthalmoscopy - examination of the fundus will determine the condition of the retina, choroid, optic nerve;
  • biomicroscopy - a method for detecting inflammation, swelling, adhesions, blood cells in the tissues of the eye;
  • tonometry - measurement of intraocular pressure.

A blood test helps detect metals, radionuclides that poison the body and the optic nerve.

Computed tomography will allow you to see the structural features of the eye on a three-dimensional model and track the dynamics of the development of pathology.

Additional research:

  • blood pressure measurement;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, thyroid, pancreas, heart.

A comprehensive examination will determine the underlying disease in which blurred vision arose as a symptom.

Causes and risk factors

DST is a consequence of the natural physiological process of aging of the human body, therefore, by a certain age (40-60 years), most people notice the appearance of flying flies to one degree or another. However, there is no clear age limit. Floaters can also appear in adolescence.

Myopic people are at risk of early development of vitreous destruction. The higher the degree of myopia, the higher the risk of developing DST and the appearance of floaters. Mechanical injuries to the eye, inflammatory processes in the eyes, metabolic disorders and many other factors that are difficult to systematize can lead to DST and the appearance of floaters.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic techniques are selected by an ophthalmologist and therapist depending on the clinical picture. First of all, it is important to collect a complete history to find out the primary cause of the disease.

All about Tobradex eye drops
Features of the color blindness test are described in this article.

What is lacrimation

Diagnosis always begins with assessing visual acuity using the Sivtsev table. The following types of research can be used :

  • Biomicroscopy using an ophthalmological microscope is necessary to assess the presence of inflammatory processes on the surface of the eyes. The technique makes it possible to detect uveitis, as well as the presence of adhesions in the middle membranes of the eye;
  • Ophthalmoscopy allows you to identify lesions and diseases of the fundus;
  • Measuring intraocular pressure;
  • Blood sampling for general and biochemical tests. Allows you to detect inflammation in the body and exclude diabetes;
  • MRI and CT scan of the brain if diseases of this organ are suspected.

Because foggy eyes are a symptom of many different illnesses, it is critical to discover the primary source of the problem before seeking appropriate treatment.

Video from a specialist about the symptom


According to experts, the most common cause of blurred vision is glaucoma, accompanied by increased intraocular pressure. This condition certainly leads to a decrease in visual acuity, at the same time there is a feeling of a slight veil before the eyes. Meanwhile, glaucoma may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Significant pain in the temples and eyes;
  • Rare but intense headaches;
  • The appearance of halos and rainbow circles around the light source;
  • Feeling of fog before the eyes.

For glaucoma, as well as for retinal vasospasms, an ophthalmological examination is prescribed, which can reveal both corneal edema and shallowing of the anterior chamber of the eye. And in case of neglect of the condition, excavation of the optic disc may also be observed, along with its pallor.

Cataract and uveitis

Often, blurred vision is a consequence of cataracts and uveitis. And if cataracts can be identified by clouding of the lens or vitreous, then uveitis may not have clearly defined signs. The only thing is that there is a gradual decrease in vision, accompanied by clouding with dark-colored floating spots. But the usual signs of the disease, such as photophobia, severe pain and redness, can appear only in acute iritis or iridocyclitis. However, if there is a rush of blood to the perilimbus or constriction of the pupils, then this may clearly indicate acute anterior uveitis.


What, strictly speaking, is considered historical and epochal? Probably, the summit in Aktau is historic from the point of view that for the first time after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a certain new status of the Caspian Sea was fixed at the level of the Convention adopted by all Caspian states. But it is impossible to say that all issues have been resolved. The Convention has outlined many issues, but nevertheless their elaboration and refinement will apparently continue for quite a long time, perhaps even years at the bilateral and multilateral levels. That is, the development of various mechanisms, the solution of those provisions that have been fixed, will take quite a long time. And, I think, not very simple. As for determining the status of the Caspian Sea, it probably had to be done sooner or later. This was necessary for the countries of the southern Caspian Sea, namely Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iran, which lay claim to developing fields on the southern Caspian shelf, laying pipelines, etc. This was extremely important for them. Was this important to us? Don't know; perhaps from the point of view of this process gradually approaching some logical conclusion. But in general, there was no vital need for us in this. Regarding the security issue. Yes, of course, it is important to indicate the point about the military presence in the Caspian Sea of ​​countries foreign to the region. And I hope that this will make it possible, sooner or later, to resolve this issue finally and irrevocably. At the level of declarations, the fact that the Caspian five are not interested in the presence of third countries in the Caspian Sea has been voiced before. This was voiced during meetings at past summits, during the preparation for this summit, and during meetings of Foreign Ministry officials. This is now spelled out in the Convention. This is undoubtedly a step forward. Although this point in itself in this Convention is a little vague. It says that the countries of the Caspian five are against the presence of military bases and the use of aggression against each other. But, in general, this means that if some bases are deployed by non-regional countries that declare that they do not want to use force against their neighbors, then it seems that this is possible. Why am I saying this? Moreover, the formulation should be clearer, but the current formulation is woven from the Caspian fog and leaves for the future a certain loophole regarding the fact that if a military base is not aimed at the interests of neighboring states, then theoretically it can be present there. At least, in the event of a change of regimes, if desired, such a loophole can be found in this Convention. Another thing is that, of course, in any case this will be followed by all sorts of tough steps from the neighbors. But, nevertheless, if someone wants it, it can be done. That is, it cannot be said that this issue has been finally, completely and forever resolved. No wonder Kazakh Foreign Minister Kairat Abrahmanov said that “Astana will not place US military bases in the Caspian Sea.” But he explained that “Kazakh-American agreements provide for the rail transit of cargo necessary to continue operations in support of the Afghan government.” This is exactly what we were talking about - a kind of vagueness and doublethink. As for Afghan transit, the situation is complicated. In fact, Afghan transit was carried out through a number of post-Soviet countries and continues to do so. He hasn't gone anywhere. This issue became relevant to the Caspian Sea after it was decided to carry out this transit through two Kazakh ports on the Caspian Sea, including through Aktau, where the fifth summit took place. Another thing is that the Kazakh side says that only non-lethal cargo for the Afghan operation will be transited through the ports of Aktau and Kuryk. But the main problem here is that Russia had exactly the same agreement regarding the transit of these goods under President Medvedev. However, in 2020, Russia recognized the decree on the procedure for the transit of weapons and military equipment through the territory of the Russian Federation for international assistance and security forces to Afghanistan as no longer in force, but it is a fact that such transit existed before the Ukrainian crisis. Which, in fact, is what all the former Soviet Central Asian republics are referring to. As far as I understand, at one time, neither Tajikistan nor Uzbekistan could conclude their transit agreements without Russia’s consent, because transit without Russia’s consent would have made no sense. Therefore, they are not directly, but they are explaining the problem to us: what are you reproaching? Because ports on the Caspian Sea will now be used. But this does not contradict existing agreements, and this is indeed the case. In general, several decisions were made at this summit that raise questions. For example, the possibility of laying a pipeline along the bottom of the Caspian Sea is being declared. We are talking about a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan through the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan, and then through Georgia and Turkey to the EU, which, of course, creates competition for the Turkish stream and our other pipelines. Previously, the Russian Federation opposed this. True, she argued all this with issues of ecology, seismicity and other things. Iran also opposed this quite harshly. Once upon a time there was a Western concept of a southern energy corridor, into which this pipeline theoretically fit. Time has passed since then. Both Azerbaijan's gas reserves and Turkmenistan's gas reserves are overestimated; now they are assessed as much more modest. Maybe this influenced the position. In any case, at the last summit both Russia and Iran signed the Convention with a provision on the pipeline. It is known that Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan have long dreamed of such a pipeline. In any case, if they decide to do it, they simply won’t succeed. But the very fact of the appearance in the Convention of a clause allowing this theoretically is, of course, obvious. This situation raises questions about both the Russian and Iranian positions. Iran behaved rather strangely at this summit. The Iranians agreed to the definition of territorial waters. Previously, Iran demanded a sector for itself - and not a small sector, but 20-25% of the entire Caspian Sea. It was clear earlier that this requirement was obviously impossible to fulfill. Now Iran has 25 miles (15 miles are territorial waters, 10 miles are economic zone). Previously, the Iranians did not agree to this. Typically, Iranians are not inclined to concede on any issue. In this case, they agreed to a version of the Convention that had previously caused them rejection. By the way, President Hassan Rouhani (Rouhani) at the summit twice drew attention to the fact that agreements must be considered by parliament, hinting that if these agreements are not implemented, then the Iranian parliament will take it and not ratify anything. Among other things, on security issues, Rouhani said vaguely, but also interestingly: “Iran expected more from this summit on security issues.” From which I conclude that behind the scenes of the summit, among other things, at the bilateral and multilateral levels, some kind of bargaining took place, perhaps, so to speak, related to interests not directly related to the Caspian Sea. Otherwise, Russia’s position on pipelines is surprising; Iran’s position on issues of water and seabed division, pipelines, security, etc. is even more surprising. Although there are more statements on the issues of division of waters and the bottom that will still need to be worked out on a bilateral basis than final decisions. And the heads of state say quite frankly that the work will continue for more than one year. There remains uncertainty regarding the status of the Caspian Sea in a geographical sense. The fact is that previously the debate revolved around what the Caspian Sea is - a lake or a sea. Iran insisted that the Caspian is a transboundary lake. Accordingly, each of the five countries could count on 20% of the sea with all the oil and gas fields on the bottom. And suddenly, for some reason, a strange formula is adopted, as Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said: “The Caspian is not a sea or a lake.” The question is important. Because if the Caspian is a little bit of a sea, then the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea applies - a 12-mile sovereign zone for each country and neutral waters in the middle of the sea, which do not exist now. And if there is a little lake, then you get a completely different partition configuration. What does this mean - not a sea or a lake? Hanging question? Yes. This issue requires further study. If the Caspian Sea is not regulated by either the law of the sea or the law relating to transboundary lakes, then it is necessary to develop some kind of own rules of law. Because the five countries that have signed the Convention declare that, in addition to the fact that there are seas and transboundary lakes, there is some other status. That is, we are creating a precedent in international law. But simply declaring this is not enough; it is necessary to develop special, specifically for the Caspian, existing norms for the application of law in this body of water. It is clear that in this case we can limit ourselves to five-party agreement. Theoretically, we do not need UN approval at all. But practically this means that a whole series of agreements regarding the division of the seabed and everything connected with it still need to be finalized. There is no final clarity yet. Maybe those who are conducting these negotiations have it? But it doesn’t exist at the public level. This worried the Iranians very much, because if the Caspian Sea is a transboundary lake, they could lay claim to a much larger piece of Caspian resources. Why did the Iranians compromise here too? Surprisingly enough, Iranians are generally not inclined to compromise. Perhaps the compromise was a consequence of the fact that the situation around Iran had generally worsened. For example, at the last summit there were prospects for the West concluding a nuclear deal with Iran and lifting sanctions. Now the situation for Iran in terms of international security and relations with the West has undoubtedly worsened. Maybe this somehow influenced Iran's position. There may be a connection. I won't pretend that I know her, because I don't know her. But I will repeat once again that perhaps we are talking about some backroom deals, exchanges that have nothing to do with the Caspian issue. Maybe the Americans are going to impose sanctions not only on Iran, but also on all those who trade oil and gas with Iran. Perhaps a compromise option is being worked out here, which could be beneficial to Iran, intended to become some kind of alternative, some kind of way out of this situation. At least in a format that makes this situation easier. Who knows? Maybe in this situation, the Iranians will benefit from a pipeline under the Caspian Sea - what if they connect there or something like that? I think this is a matter of further negotiations, but the very fact that the Iranians made concessions cannot just be taken out of thin air. Is it possible to link the packages of new sanctions against Russia announced by the US Congress and the US State Department with the Caspian Convention? Theoretically, it is possible to connect anything with anything if you want. Both Iran and Russia now find themselves in a rather difficult situation. Perhaps this is what led to certain concessions on both our and the Iranian sides. But, another thing is, I don’t really understand what dividends can be obtained from these three remaining countries in this top five - Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan? To say that all sanctions problems can be solved through them would be an exaggeration. Among other things, any oral behind-the-scenes agreements very often turn out to be insignificant in practice when certain new factors come into play. It’s probably possible to fantasize about this topic from a cospirological point of view. In conclusion, we can recall the title of one of the books by Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov, who wrote a lot about the Caspian region: “The End and the Beginning Again.” I think that this formulation can be applied generally to the whole world, to any historical period at any historical point.


There are no strict recommendations on how to prevent the appearance of fog in the eyes. To avoid problems, you must follow a daily routine and give your eyes a rest after heavy exertion. Proper nutrition is important to enrich the body with useful microelements and vitamins. In addition, it is important to perform eye exercises after prolonged eye strain. And if signs of the disease appear, you should contact a specialist in time to diagnose the disease at an early stage of development.

Foggy eyes are a symptom of numerous diseases of the eyes and other organs. If the pathology is observed for a long time, you should not put off visiting a doctor, because clouding in the eyes is often a sign of serious diseases.

Also read about what macular degeneration of the eye is here and how to restore vision with the help of night lenses in the article.

Possible diseases

In some cases, foggy eyes are a symptom of an illness, and often the fogginess is short-lived and bilateral.

  • Brain diseases, for example, encephalopathy, stroke or cystic formation in the cerebral regions. Almost always, a disorder is observed when the disease is localized in the occipital regions of the brain;
  • Temporary and short-term fogginess can be caused by impaired blood circulation and vascular diseases of the brain;
  • Poisoning with certain types of toxins (ethanol and methanol). With regular exposure to toxic substances on the body, fog in the eyes can develop into a chronic form and subsequently affect visual acuity;
  • Any type of glaucoma causes an increase in intracranial pressure, which leads to blurred vision due to vasospasms. The disease is almost always accompanied by nausea and severe headache.

Bilateral fog in the eyes can be associated with chronic endocrine and cardiovascular diseases, for example, this symptom often accompanies diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease and angina. Plus, cases of pathology occurring in renal failure have been described.

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