Nephrostomy: selection of catheter and urinal. Lifestyle changes

Which urinals for nephrostomy to choose?

The nephrostomy bag is selected based on the patient’s condition and what lifestyle he intends to lead. Bedside products are recommended for bedridden patients, and leg products that are attached to the thigh or lower leg are recommended for those who can move.

The volume of the urinal also depends on the patient’s position: for those who are lying down, it is better to focus on 1.5-2 liters, for those who move around an apartment or ward - up to 1.5 liters, and for people who continue to lead an active life - up to 800 ml. In any case, it should be emptied regularly - best when the bag is two-thirds full. If it is too full, there is a risk of urine refluxing through the tube back into the renal pelvis.

For proper functioning of the drainage system, the urinal should be located below the level of the kidneys. This also helps prevent urine backflow.

To increase the length of the urinal tube, you can use an additional nephrostomy adapter (also known as a connector or nephrostomy adapter), which adds +20 cm to the length of the tube.

Tips for caring for reusable urine bags

Patients with a urostomy or urinary incontinence must use a urine bag 24 hours a day throughout their lives. To prevent complications that may arise from the constant presence of a urine collection bag on the patient’s body, it is important to properly care for it.

  • The urine collection bag should always be below the bladder .
  • Avoid kinking drainage tubes, especially at night.
  • Taking a horizontal position, fix the bag of the device to the bed.
  • Monitor the filling of the urine receiver bag.
  • Make sure that all valves and tubes of the device are tightly secured and closed.
  • The urine collection bag is equipped with a special valve to control the reverse flow of water; it is sealed, so that leakage or return of urine into the urinary tract is impossible.
  • When working with a urine collection bag, remember personal hygiene and hand washing.
  • When changing the urine bag, you must ensure that the connecting tube is clean.

  • The catheter (if any) is washed with special solutions, and only if it is suspected of being blocked.
  • A patient with a urine bag should drink more fluid to reduce the concentration of urine.
  • After emptying the urine collection bag, rinse it with warm running water.

Nephrostomy: home care

The most common complication that patients experience after nephrostomy is infection and inflammation due to insufficient care. In the hospital, a doctor does this, but at home, caring for a nephrostomy becomes the task of the patient or his family. This should be done regularly, carefully and in the correct manner.

Nephrostomy care: algorithm of actions:

  1. First of all, you should give up sports, physical activity and limit vigorous activities, because the most important thing is to prevent the tube from falling out, being displaced or deformed,
  2. Keep the skin around the nephrostomy clean and dry - special sterile fixing bandages are used for this. In the first 2 weeks, the dressings are changed every day, and then once every 2 days. If it gets wet or dirty, it must also be changed. Technique:
      after removing the old dressing, clean the skin around the tube with a gauze swab and saline solution within a radius of 5-6 cm around the tube,
  3. let dry,
  4. treat with an antiseptic,
  5. apply a new bandage.
  6. Washing the nephrostomy is a mandatory element of care, because... the catheter tube gradually becomes clogged due to sediment from salts, fibrins, etc. contained in the urine. Technique:
      disconnect the catheter from the urine bag,
  7. wipe its tip with an alcohol wipe,
  8. draw 5 ml of saline solution into the syringe and rinse the tube until clear liquid flows out of it,
  9. again clean the end of the catheter with an alcohol swab,
  10. connect the urinal tube to it.
  11. Changing the urine bag should be done once a week. If there is an odor, the bag is damaged or dirty, then more often.
  12. Changing the drainage tube is carried out by a doctor, usually once every 2-3 months or less, depending on the diagnosis and type of catheter.

All nephrostomy care procedures should be carried out after thoroughly washing and disinfecting hands, wearing disposable sterile medical gloves.

Collecting urine for analysis using a urine bag

Collecting urine for analysis using a urine collector is different for children and adults.

In children, the procedure is performed by placing a sterile urine bag for the period of time necessary to fill the bag with the required amount of urine.

What needs to be done to properly collect urine for analysis from a child?

  • Before placing the urinary receiver, we toilet the child’s genitals, and always with soap.
  • After washing, thoroughly dry your child's skin in the genital area.
  • We wash our hands with soap, or you can treat them with a disinfectant solution.
  • Place the child on his back on a flat surface.
  • Open the bag with the urine bag.
  • The inlet of the urinal is sealed with paper that needs to be torn off.
  • The inlet ring around it is treated with adhesive material for tight contact with the baby's skin.
  • The receiver must be fixed in such a way that the long part of the bag is lowered down.
  • The urine collector retaining ring is not fully closed. You need to glue it to the genitals so that the place where the ring breaks is fixed on the perineum.
  • When the urine collection bag is filled with the required amount of urine, you should remove it and, without pouring the urine anywhere, deliver it to the laboratory.

In adult patients, urine is collected more often in a hospital or clinic setting. The nurse does this.

You can collect urine for analysis directly from the urine collection bag by disconnecting it, from the drainage tube, or from a special hole for collecting urine in three-component urine collection bags. It is advisable to install a new sterile urine bag before taking the test.

Life with a nephrostomy

Obviously, the lifestyle changes after the installation of drainage: people who are accustomed to physical activity and sports are forced to give them up, but this is necessary for the proper functioning of the nephrostomy. There are a number of simple recommendations that make life easier with kidney drainage:

  • choose loose clothes,
  • always empty your urine bag before leaving home,
  • follow the rules of hygiene - then there will be no unpleasant odor,
  • fix the nephrostomy catheter well on the skin,
  • Avoid sudden movements.

By the way, about hygiene - after installing a nephrostomy, you cannot wash for 2 days, but then bathing becomes necessary. The main thing is to keep the catheter exit point dry. To do this, the nephrostomy is disconnected from the collection bag and covered with polyethylene, for example, a bag. The package is secured with a waterproof plaster. When wiping, you need to act carefully so as not to pull out the tube.

After healing, the skin around the catheter can be gently washed with soapy water and patted dry with a towel. But it is better to avoid swimming in baths, pools or natural bodies of water.

A separate issue is underwear for nephrostomy. After surgery, the patient does not need to sort out his wardrobe. You can wear casual clothes, as before the operation, the main thing is to properly secure the catheter with a bandage to prevent it from being accidentally pulled out or dislodged.


For adult men suffering from moderate or severe urinary incontinence, there is a special modern development - the urocondom. As is clear from the name itself, this item looks like a regular condom. It is put on in exactly the same way (except that in urological models there is an adhesive base for secure fixation), but it is intended for efficient and comfortable urine collection. The urological condom is connected to a special container designed to collect and subsequently drain the accumulated fluid. Thanks to this, the outflow of urine does not cause irritation or any other discomfort.

Uroponoms are compact, economical, practical and very easy to use. They are produced in two types: with adhesive and self-adhesive. They are quite elastic and do not interfere with free blood circulation.

With the correct size, urocondoms do not slip, do not interfere and fit securely to the body, completely eliminating the possibility of urine leakage. With this convenient and miniature device, you can relax and not worry: nothing will give away your little secret.

Each urological condom is sealed, sterile, packaged in a separate individual package and intended for one-time (one-day) use. Uroponoms are very easy to use and are ideal for daily wear under your usual clothes, they do not make any noise and do not in any way restrict your freedom of movement. They are many times more pleasant to use than adult diapers or catheters.

You just live your normal life, go to work or visit, communicate with friends or colleagues, relax with your family, feel like a full-fledged person and don’t even think about the problems associated with urinary incontinence all day long.


How to sleep with a nephrostomy?

Before going to bed, the catheter tube must be glued to the skin with a regular adhesive plaster - approximately 3 cm away from the nephrostomy itself. You can attach the tube to your side or stomach. If you fix the catheter on the thigh, there is a risk of pulling it out if you move your legs involuntarily during sleep.

If the nephrostomy is removed from one kidney, then you can choose a position that is comfortable for you on the opposite side or stomach, but if the nephrostomy is installed in both kidneys, then you should sleep only on your stomach.

What can you eat if you have a nephrostomy?

After removal of the nephrostomy there is no diet; you can eat the same as you ate before the operation. But you should pay attention to the amount of fluid you drink per day. The daily intake should be at least 2 liters.

Is it possible to work with an withdrawn nephrostomy catheter?

If your position does not require heavy physical labor, then you can work; otherwise, work is contraindicated. But, nevertheless, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor.

Urine collection bags, sterile, for single use

  • Children's urinal for girls / boys 100 and 200 ml Manufacturer: MEDEREN, China from 4.60 rub.
  • Children's urine bag 100 and 200 ml | Manufacturer: China / Germany from 4.50 rub.
  • Adult urinal 1000 ml / 2000 ml. | Manufacturer: China / Germany from 20.00 rub.
  • Foot-mounted urinal (wearable) 500/750 ml. | Manufacturer: China / Germany from 45.00 rub. Adult urinal 1000 ml, 2000 ml. | Manufacturer: AMS-Med, Russia - TEMPORARILY NOT FOR SALE!)

Children's urinal 100 ml. for boys and girls | Manufacturer: MEDEREN, Israel

A children's urine bag is a sterile plastic bag with a measuring scale and a volume of 100 ml. The urinal has a hole with a hypoallergenic adhesive coating around the edges, thanks to which the urinal is securely glued to the skin around the genitals of children. Designed to facilitate urine collection in children.

  • Made from transparent polyethylene;

  • For boys and girls, universal;
  • Hypoallergenic sticky fixing layer;
  • Clear lateral graduation of the bag in ml;
  • Packaging: individual – 100 pcs., transport – 5000 pcs.;
  • Sterile (ethylene oxide), non-toxic, pyrogen-free;
  • The period of preservation of sterility is 5 years from the date of sterilization;
  • Intended for one-time use.

, Israel. Price: 4.60 rub. Children's urine bag 100 and 200 ml

Price: 4.40 rub.

Children's urinal (urinal for girls, urinal for boys) - 100 and 200 ml. — intended for collecting urine from small (including infants) children for subsequent analysis. Pediatric urinal - is a transparent rectangular bag with a capacity of 100 ml or 200 ml with an oval hole and a special hypoallergenic sticky fixing device made on a foam basis (the protective film is removed before use), which ensures a secure fit and allows easy sticking and removal. The fixing layer eliminates the possibility of urine leakage. The volume of collected liquid is easily read from the scale (10 ml divisions) located on the front translucent side of the urinal.

The urinal for babies has a universal design suitable for boys and girls. Children's urinals are sterile and intended for single use. Packaging: Packed in individual sterile plastic packaging, in a cardboard box of 100 pcs, transport box: 1000 pcs. / 5000 pcs. Shelf life: 5 years. Manufacturer:

"Vogt Medical Vertrieb GmbH" , Germany "Ningbo Greetmed Medical Instruments Co., Ltd ", China (aka "INEKTA") "Jiansu Suyun Medical Materials Co., Ltd" , China "Jiangsu Yada Technology Group Co., Ltd" " , China "Changshu 3S medical device Co., LTD" , China (t.m. "UNICORNMED")

Children's disposable urinal PRICE:

Universal children's urinal 100 ml - 4.50 rub. (China) / 5.40 rub. (Germany) Children's universal urinal 200 ml - 4.70 rub. (China) / 5.60 rub. (Germany)

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