Do's and don'ts - lifestyle with glaucoma

Is it possible to work on a computer if you have glaucoma?

With the development of technological progress, perhaps the worst thing is happening to human vision. In the modern world, most people spend a huge amount of time at the computer, which is why the number of patients with various visual impairments is increasing rapidly, and their age is becoming younger. The greatest danger is the fact that many eye diseases are asymptomatic, and eventually loss of vision may occur. An example of such a disease is glaucoma. What to do if this disease is diagnosed? Is it possible to continue spending time in front of a computer monitor, and in the same amount? Or should you forget about the existence of the computer forever, so as not to harm your eyes even more?

Eyes and computer: degree of risk

Many people prefer to lead a sedentary life, spending a lot of their time in front of a computer monitor. As a result, the risk of acquiring diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids and others increases significantly. In addition, working on a computer for many hours causes great harm to the eyes. Numerous vision problems may occur, such as:

  • Dry eye syndrome due to infrequent blinking.
  • Myopia and farsightedness, which only progress over time.
  • Increased eye fatigue and impaired accommodation.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.

The most common diagnosis doctors make is myopia. However, regular long hours of work on a computer can cause the development of glaucoma.

Risk factors

You should not think that just spending a long time in front of a computer monitor can provoke glaucoma. After all, not everyone who sits at a computer for hours develops this disease. In addition to visual stress and myopia, the following factors contribute to the occurrence of pathology:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Constant stress.
  3. Excessive consumption of drinks that cause stimulation of the nervous system: strong tea, coffee, energy cocktails.
  4. A large number of cigarettes smoked per day (more than 20).
  5. Dry ozonated indoor air.
  6. Working on a computer for many hours. According to scientific research, people who spend at least five hours a day at the computer and do not take any preventive measures put themselves at a significant risk of acquiring glaucoma.

If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, can you work on a computer monitor?

During such work, the eyes experience significant stress. A person does not change his body position for a long time and looks intently at the screen. Even healthy eyes are harmed by these actions, let alone the negative impact on existing glaucoma. Many people with this pathology wonder about the possibility of working on a computer. Maybe it’s still better to avoid working on a computer if you have glaucoma?

Ophthalmologists do not categorically prohibit working at a computer, even if a person is diagnosed with glaucoma.

This requires compliance with simple rules, following which you can prevent a sharp increase in intraocular pressure. If you follow these rules, you do not need to give up working at the computer, and this is very important, because in the modern world, the work activity of almost every person is in one way or another connected with computer technology.

Rules for working at a computer with glaucoma:

  • Work breaks every 45-50 minutes. They must be at least 15 minutes. During the pause, you should step away from the computer and walk to another room or just look out the window.
  • Good lighting of the area behind the monitor. It is prohibited to work indoors without any light source. You should organize your day so that you spend time in front of the computer in the first half of the day.
  • Exercises for the eyes. Special training helps strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.
  • Taking medications. Medicines will help lower intraocular pressure.
  • Minimum stress. Regular stressful situations have a negative impact on overall health, including the visual organs. That is why experts advise avoiding psycho-emotional stress.
  • Systematic examination by an ophthalmologist. This will allow you to maintain control over the dynamics of the disease and help prevent a critical condition.

If your work involves constantly being in front of a monitor, you should definitely rest fully at home. Moreover, this vacation should include sports, walks, communication with family, but under no circumstances sitting in front of the computer or TV.

What is prohibited?

What work is contraindicated?

Doctors emphasize that heavy physical activity that causes fatigue is prohibited. If during work the patient often makes flexion and extension movements of the neck, then the negative symptoms of glaucoma intensify. There are no restrictions on minor visual strain when the profession requires reading, writing reports, or drawing sketches. You should not do housework that requires you to bend your neck. It is necessary to select cleaning devices that allow you to maintain correct posture.

However, it is necessary to monitor the lighting level. Very bright light and darkness equally negatively affect visual abilities. You can also embroider and knit, but if you feel overexerted, you should stop. Working on a computer shouldn't take long either. Periodically, you should pause and massage your eyelids or exercise to relax your visual muscles.

Pain in the organs of the visual system can occur as a result of increased pressure due to constant nervous tension.

An unstable psycho-emotional state caused by constant stressful situations provokes a jump in intraocular pressure and the appearance of pain in the eye area. Therefore, you cannot work under constant nervous tension. You can take sedatives, but you should take into account the possible side effects and negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract that tablet drugs have. Representatives of the following professions should change their field of activity or reduce the number of working hours:

  • farmers;
  • movers;
  • miners;
  • professional athletes;
  • workers in hot shops.

Contraindicated exercises

Physical exercise for glaucoma should not cause muscle strain. Increased fatigue of the body accelerates degenerative processes in the retina, so intense exercise in the gym should be avoided. Lifting heavy weights is not recommended, so powerlifting is not recommended. However, regular therapeutic exercises with minimal stress, which are selected individually depending on the stage of the disease, are necessary. Useful activities include yoga, stretching, calm swimming and Pilates. However, head tilt exercises should be skipped. You must exercise 1-1.5 hours a day and no more than 3 times a week.

Methods of transportation

You should not use sleeping pills that increase intraocular pressure. The most dangerous are Unisom and Donormil; approved drugs include Ivadal and Sanval.

Before flying on an airplane, you should consult your doctor and take enough medications into the cabin.
You can fly on airplanes if you do not experience frequent surges in intraocular pressure. However, before flying, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist, since in severe cases, symptoms may intensify. Modern aviation uses advanced technologies to help maintain normal levels of pressure and the amount of oxygen, but during overload or poor atmospheric conditions a strong increase in blood pressure is possible.

It is not recommended to travel by plane from little-known private airlines. It is necessary to take a sufficient amount of medications into the salon. However, it is important to take into account the restrictions on the carriage of tablets from airlines. Driving a car with glaucoma is not prohibited, however, in the postoperative period, a break should be taken on the visual organs. Long-distance drivers need to take more frequent breaks. You should not drive at dusk or at night, as increased eye strain in the dark increases the symptoms of glaucoma.

Use of tobacco products

Living with glaucoma excludes smoking cigarettes, hookah and taking snuff. Nicotine and combustion products provoke vasospasm, which leads to pressure surges, and also cause oxygen deficiency. A particular danger of smoking is that toxic substances enter the optic nerve. Snuff also has a negative effect on blood vessels. It is impossible to treat glaucoma and regularly use tobacco products.

Visit to the bathhouse

Temperature changes cause an increase in intraocular pressure, so going to the bathhouse or sauna is prohibited.
Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures causes an attack and increased symptoms of the disease. Bathing for glaucoma is strictly prohibited. You should also not take a steam bath in various types of saunas or go to the beaches to sunbathe. Diving into ice water, which is often practiced during bath procedures, and glaucoma are incompatible, as it causes a jump in intraocular pressure. In bright sunlight, it is recommended to use protective equipment - tinted glasses, hats, scarves.

Can I drink alcohol?

Doctors recommend a healthy lifestyle for glaucoma and avoiding drinks that cause pressure surges. Ophthalmologists add coffee and tea to the red list, but alcohol is also the most dangerous.

Alcoholic drinks are contraindicated as they cause an increase in blood pressure and dilation of small vessels in the organs of vision. This reaction of the body can lead to hemorrhage in the retina, cornea or nerve endings, due to which even a healthy person can go blind. The harmful effects of alcohol in large doses can lead to a rapid deterioration of visual abilities, a decrease in the visible spectrum and the appearance of blind spots. It should be borne in mind that some groups of medications prescribed for glaucoma are poorly compatible with alcohol.

Preventive measures to prevent glaucoma

You should take care of your health, including your eyesight, not only if you discover any problems. Every person, and especially an active user of computer technology, should be aware of the need for preventive measures aimed at preserving vision. These measures are especially necessary if there is a hereditary predisposition to glaucoma.

Recommendations that will help prevent the occurrence of eye diseases:

  • giving up bad habits (smoking causes the greatest harm);
  • maintaining the correct work and rest schedule;
  • doing eye exercises;
  • moisturizing the eyes with special drops;
  • control of indoor humidity indicators;
  • Regular visits to an ophthalmologist.

As you can see, the rules are very simple, but to preserve your vision, they require constant implementation. In addition, when diagnosing “myopia,” one should not neglect the recommendations given by the doctor regarding the correction of visual acuity. After all, this pathology is a very important factor that can provoke the appearance of glaucoma.

Glaucoma and the computer - is it possible to work behind a monitor?

When working at a computer, the organs of the optical system are greatly strained. In this case, a person sits in one position for a long time and looks intently at the monitor. Even for healthy eyes this is a real challenge. In patients with glaucoma, this results in double the workload. Does this mean that people suffering from glaucoma should give up the computer completely? And what should patients whose work is directly related to monitors do? The answer is clear: there is no need to completely exclude the computer from your life. However, for patients with glaucoma there are a number of simple rules, the implementation of which will help maintain a normal level of intraocular pressure.

Below are the recommendations of doctors:

  • It is necessary to pause every 45-50 minutes. During this time, you should do relaxation exercises, walk, go into another room, or just look out the window.
  • It is important to ensure proper lighting of the workplace. It is prohibited to work in conditions of poor visibility. Therefore, the first half of the day is optimal for studying with a computer.
  • It is important to do eye exercises regularly. This will strengthen the eye ligaments and extraocular muscles.
  • Do not skip taking medications that reduce blood pressure by reducing the amount of aqueous humor inside the eye.
  • It is very important to regularly visit an ophthalmologist who will monitor intraocular pressure and, if necessary, prevent the development of critical situations.
  • Severe emotional tension and stress should be avoided.

Glaucoma and computer: what is the risk

Constantly working for many hours at a computer terminal can cause a decrease in visual acuity. Is there a risk of increased intraocular pressure? The article talks about how strongly glaucoma and the computer are interconnected, what factors will cause the disease and how to reduce the risk to the eyes.

Computer and vision: how serious is it?

The negative impact of prolonged sedentary work with a computer is undoubtedly. In addition to the risk of cervical osteochondrosis, scoliosis and hemorrhoids, an office worker can damage their eyesight. The main eye problems can be:

  • rapidly progressing myopia;
  • dry eyes due to decreased blinking;
  • accommodation disorders leading to chronic eye fatigue (asthenopia);
  • farsightedness;
  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • increased intraocular pressure with constant overstrain and impaired drainage function.

The risk of myopia is highest. However, often myopia in combination with constant computer loads predisposes to the development of glaucoma.

Glaucoma and computer: risk factors

Many people look at the monitor screen every day for a long time, but not everyone experiences an increase in intraocular pressure. In addition to visual stress and increasing myopia, the following factors play a major role in the occurrence of glaucoma:

  • hereditary predisposition, expressed in congenital changes in the shape of the eyeball;
  • the presence of long-term chronic stress;
  • consumption of stimulants in large quantities (coffee, strong tea, energy drinks);
  • smoking (20 or more cigarettes per day);
  • dry ozonated office atmosphere;
  • duration of daily work at the computer.

Scientific studies have shown that the risk of getting glaucoma is significantly higher among clerks who work at least 5 hours a day, do not comply with preventive measures and have constantly worsening visual acuity.

Prevention of glaucoma in computer scientists

  • limit or completely stop using stimulants;
  • quit unhealthy habits;
  • strictly adhere to the work and rest schedule, getting up every hour from the monitor or doing eye exercises;
  • improve humidity in the office;
  • regularly use moisturizing eye drops;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

Considering that myopia is an important factor contributing to the development of glaucoma, one should not neglect the means of correcting visual acuity recommended by a doctor.

Risk factors for developing glaucoma

The following symptoms indicate the onset of glaucoma:

  • visual reaction is impaired;
  • frequent headaches begin to bother you;
  • seeing double;
  • feeling of discomfort in the eyes.

The key factor in the development of this disease is genetic. Glaucoma can also occur due to:

  • frequent stressful situations;
  • excessive passion for coffee and energy drinks;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • long-term sitting at the computer.

Fortunately, the occurrence of irreversible pathological changes in the organs of vision can be avoided. To do this, you need to regularly visit an ophthalmologist and follow preventive measures.

Remember, contacting a qualified eye specialist is the first thing to do if there are prerequisites for the development of the disease.

Glaucoma and computer

My job is 100% of my working time behind the monitor.

Tell me, how much time can you actually spend at the computer if you have glaucoma? What contributes more to the progression of glaucoma - a computer or work associated with physical activity (some kind of cleaner, for example).

I apologize for the stupid questions, but there is simply no understanding of who can work with such a diagnosis.

Hello, what is more important, what causes more stress in your life - the computer or the job as a cleaner? For glaucoma, it is not recommended: stress, working with a tilted head for a long time (especially in narrow and closed-angle conditions), insufficient blood circulation. Therefore, working at a computer, in my opinion, is more preferable.

Another question is how long - it is advisable to take short breaks of a few minutes once an hour, approximately. All this is quite real. By the way, a little rational physical activity is also useful - it improves blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure if it is low. A sedentary lifestyle is about PCs, cars and hypermarkets.

It is important to understand that the process is generally age-related and a slight deterioration is inevitable, but it does not manifest itself in everyone. And it is important to treat and observe correctly so that the process does not get out of control. See Patient Information. and articles on the site itself (see under the forum logo)

Glaucoma and alcohol

Lifestyle with glaucoma

Most people with glaucoma can lead a normal life, but some dietary rules must be followed.


Coffee Tea

. Within an hour of drinking coffee or strong tea, a moderate increase in intraocular pressure may occur, but this effect is so minimal that no glaucoma patient ever refuses these drinks.

A glaucoma patient should not limit himself to fluid intake, but he should take it evenly throughout the day; he should drink an adequate amount of fluid, but in small portions.


. Small amounts of alcohol, especially wine, are well tolerated and even have beneficial effects on the heart and circulation. A patient with glaucoma can safely drink alcohol in small quantities even daily. In the case of an acute attack of closed coal glaucoma, drinking a large amount of strong alcoholic drinks can cause a decrease in intraocular pressure for several hours, but this should not be abused.


is one of the most serious risk factors threatening human health. Smoking also affects the occurrence of eye diseases. Thus, smokers are much more likely to experience eye diseases such as retinal vascular obstruction, maculopathy, cataracts and others, and at an earlier age than non-smokers. In old age, smoking is a risk factor for the development of increased intraocular pressure.

Leisure and sports

Regular physical activity is just as important for a patient with glaucoma, as is mandatory rest and adequate sleep. Physical activity tends to cause a decrease in intraocular pressure, except in cases of pigmentary glaucoma, in which physical activity increases intraocular pressure. Exercise is also recommended for patients with significantly reduced blood pressure to stimulate and stabilize blood circulation. Patients who already suffer from visual field constriction should be made aware of their condition. They can only play certain sports.

. When diving with a mask, the fluctuation in intraocular pressure is insignificant. Patients who have severe optic nerve damage should avoid diving.


. Changes in the level of intraocular pressure occur in glaucoma patients in the same way as in healthy people: in a sauna it decreases and then recovers to its original level within an hour. But there is no evidence that a sauna can be beneficial for glaucoma.

Air travel

. Typically, a rapid decrease in atmospheric pressure on board an airplane does not cause problems for glaucoma patients: there is artificial atmospheric pressure inside the airplane, which compensates for much of the natural pressure drop that occurs at high altitude. The eye quickly adapts to a new situation. In this regard, a slight decrease in atmospheric pressure does not cause a significant increase in intraocular pressure. Nevertheless, patients suffering from glaucoma and severe circulatory disorders and making frequent flights should consult their ophthalmologist.


. Playing wind instruments can lead to a temporary increase in intraocular pressure. Patients with glaucoma who play these instruments should consult an ophthalmologist.

Useful to know what not to do if you have glaucoma


With glaucoma, in addition to the fact that it is necessary to follow all the instructions of the treating doctor, it is very important to maintain a rational lifestyle to preserve vision and prevent relapses of the disease. If you contact an ophthalmologist in a timely manner, when the diagnosis is made at an early stage of the disease, the severe consequences of glaucoma can be prevented. But you should know that even if there are no symptoms of the disease, it must be treated constantly.

Glaucoma itself is dangerous because increased intraocular pressure in the closed space of the eye causes compression of blood vessels, which leads to hypoxia or reduced oxygen supply to the eye tissues. And hypoxia leads to edema, and then to atrophy of the optic nerve and retina.

To help yourself and not harm yourself, you should know how to act correctly and treat this situation calmly. Do not neglect your disease, as glaucoma is an insidious enemy. You can simply go blind within two hours after a severe attack of headache, without even suspecting that it was an attack of glaucoma. By adhering to not so complicated rules, you can avoid this.

Every patient should know that it is impossible to provoke an increase in intraocular pressure with glaucoma. Prevention of relapses of glaucoma comes down to reducing daily fluctuations in intraocular pressure.

The influence of emotional and physical stress on the course of the disease

Medicine has not yet fully studied the mechanism of glaucoma development. However, it is known that the disease categorically does not tolerate stressful situations and emotional and physical stress. Please note that prolonged physical activity with a tilted head can cause an increase in intraocular pressure. The lens of the eye, which moves downward, can block the outflow of intraocular fluid, which can trigger an attack of glaucoma.

You should, if possible, avoid situations that cause a rush of blood to the head:

  • Mopping floors
  • Wash
  • Picking berries
  • Work on a personal plot

It is worth buying yourself a low bench for doing housework. If you have a vegetable garden, you should work while sitting on it, weeding the beds.

Light physical activity is not contraindicated for glaucoma. However, strict rules must be followed. Do not perform exercises with sudden turns and tilts of the head. You can't stand upside down. Lifting and carrying heavy objects is strictly prohibited. The permissible load weight is no more than 3 kg in each hand.

Reading, embroidering, knitting and other activities that cause eye strain should be done in adequate lighting.

When driving a car you should follow some rules:

  • You should not drive a car at dusk or at night.
  • In bright light, you should use special sunglasses.

The main taboos for patients with glaucoma

1. Bright sunlight.

You cannot be in sunny weather without sunglasses. Doctors recommend using glasses with green lenses with a high degree of protection from sunlight. The green color of the lenses not only reduces intraocular pressure, but also calms the nervous system.

Avoid wearing sunglasses with very dark lenses. This leads to an increase in intraocular pressure, as they greatly obscure the environment.

2. Staying in the dark for a long time.

You should not stay in a dark room for a long time. Avoid watching TV with the lights off. The TV should not be the only source of lighting. Even during night sleep, people with glaucoma are advised to turn on a night light.

3. Poor nutrition and large amounts of liquid.

People with glaucoma should not overeat. Excessive consumption of spicy, salty and smoked foods can increase blood pressure, which in turn will lead to increased intraocular pressure. You should avoid drinks containing caffeine. Coffee and strong tea contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels, which can cause an attack of glaucoma.

Eating concentrated meat or fish broths and meat by-products can increase intraocular pressure. Patients should limit fatty meats, sour cream, butter, sweets and simple carbohydrates.

The amount of fluid consumed should not exceed one and a half liters per day. A large volume of fluid can increase the secretion of intraocular fluid, which will subsequently cause fluctuations in intraocular pressure. Liquid means not only water, but also soups, juices, milk, etc.

You should not drink more than 200 ml of liquid at one time. It is better to distribute your daily fluid intake into several doses. You should not drink in one gulp. It also stimulates the secretion of intraocular fluid.

4. Improper bowel function.

We should not forget about proper bowel function. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to irregular bowel movements and constipation. During constipation, intraocular pressure can rise significantly (up to 50 mm Hg when the norm is 18 mm Hg).

5. Incorrect body position during sleep.

You should not sleep without pillows. A low head position during sleep causes stagnation of intraocular fluid. The head should be raised. After sleep, it is best not to lie in bed, since intraocular pressure may increase in the morning. To reduce it, you should perform a physical warm-up.

6. Ambient temperature.

The disease does not like exposure to low temperatures. Patients are not recommended to stay in the cold for long periods of time. Cold baths can also cause an increase in intraocular pressure. Walking in the fresh air and general hardening can have a positive effect on the course of the pathological process in glaucoma.

Overheating can also trigger an attack of glaucoma. In hot weather, the head should be protected from the sun. It is better if it is a hat with a large brim or a cap. Visiting a sauna or steam bath is not recommended. A long stay at a hot stove is also excluded.

Nicotine and alcohol for glaucoma

The eye has structures that produce fluid and drainage systems that drain this fluid. Normally, these processes are in a state of dynamic balance. Once an imbalance occurs, temporary or permanent increased intraocular pressure occurs.

The optic nerve begins to suffer first. Smoking not only causes a narrowing of blood vessels, causing tissue hypoxia, but also has a pronounced toxic effect on the tissue of the optic nerve.

There is a myth among alcohol lovers that drinking small amounts of strong alcoholic beverages reduces intraocular pressure. This is partly true. Blood pressure may drop two hours after drinking 50 ml of alcohol. But you should know that after some time a jump in intraocular pressure may occur. In addition, alcohol has a destructive effect on the optic nerve.

The danger of self-medication

It is strictly forbidden to increase or decrease the dosage of the prescribed drug, even if for some reason eye drops were missed. The time interval between administration of the medicine should be approximately the same. When administering the drug twice, it is optimal to instill the drug in the morning and evening before bedtime.

Before using drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. The use of atropine is strictly prohibited. You should definitely report your illness when communicating with doctors of other specialties.

Even if all measures are taken to combat the disease and recommendations are followed, you should not neglect to visit an ophthalmologist for a follow-up examination. This also applies to those individuals who have undergone surgical or laser treatment for the disease.

Glaucoma can be asymptomatic, causing pathological changes over a long period of time. Do not delay a visit to the doctor if you experience the following symptoms: eye strain, blurred vision, rainbow circles, pain in the eyebrow area, severe headaches. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This can lead to complete loss of vision.

When moving, you should take from your doctor an extract from your medical history with a detailed description of the course of glaucoma and its treatment.

Due to its high prevalence and high percentage of visual disability among human eye diseases, glaucoma is one of the leading medical and social problems in ophthalmology. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment will help preserve vision for a long time.

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Glaucoma is one of the most severe and common eye diseases, leading to vision loss. The exact cause of this disease is still unknown. Although it has been established that this is mainly an increase in intraocular pressure due to a disturbance in the outflow of intraocular fluid or its intense influx.

Glaucoma can be congenital (very rare), primary or secondary. There are two forms of it: simple and stagnant.

In its simplest form, the disease develops slowly over decades and is limited only to an increase in intraocular pressure and minor visual impairment.

In the case of chronic glaucoma, pain in the eyes and periodic blurring are felt. When a person looks at a light source - a light bulb, a candle, a moon - he sees rainbow circles. Tears flow from the eyes, especially when the temperature changes. There are attacks of severe pain, vision decreases, up to complete loss. Feeling dizzy and nauseated to the point of vomiting. Such attacks may occur once every few months. However, when the disease is very advanced, then weekly.

Constantly high intraocular pressure kills the nerve endings in the retina, which are almost impossible to restore.

Both scientists of official medicine and traditional healers have carried out a lot of observations and research in the treatment and prevention of glaucoma. They argue that it is impossible to treat the eye separately from the whole body. If a person has glaucoma and hypertension, then it is also impossible to treat one at a time. First we look for the cause of the disease. To cure glaucoma, you first need to pay attention to the blood vessels. The disease begins with vascular sclerosis. Due to vascular sclerosis, blood pressure disturbances occur and intraocular pressure is disrupted. Sometimes glaucoma occurs as a result of injury, disease of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, or stomach.

Early diagnosis and treatment are very important. High blood pressure affects all systems in the body, in particular the nervous, cardiovascular, and all organs. Therefore, it is undesirable for people diagnosed with glaucoma to drink alcohol, strong tea, and coffee. You should limit the consumption of any liquid and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Reduce or even abandon spicy food seasonings, pickles, and smoked foods. And you can eat milk, vegetables, and fruits to your fill. Avoid physical and neuropsychic stress. You cannot stay in a darkened room for a long time. During the day you need to be outside more often and move. Night sleep should last at least seven to eight hours. You need to sleep on a high pillow. If the head is on a low pillow, then blood and fluid stagnate in the eye, and this contributes to increased pressure.

Patients with glaucoma should not bend low, wash floors, weed beds, or do laundry. Perform light work indoors with good lighting. Do not overheat your head, do not overstrain your eyes with dark glasses.

The earlier you start treating glaucoma, the better your success.

Traditional healers have noticed: if you rub your upper eyelids with honey diluted in half with water before going to bed, the intraocular pressure does not increase.

And scientists prove that a lack of vitamin C in the body causes glaucoma. Therefore, if a person consumes five grams of vitamin C every day, and also vitamin D and calcium, then this not only prevents glaucoma - even the initial stage of this disease recedes. It is also argued that vitamin B6 regulates intraocular pressure.

Date: Monday, December 27, 2010

Visio complex, colloidal phytoformula

Compensates for the deficiency of carotenoids, vitamins and minerals during increased eye strain, improves vision in low light conditions;

• helps increase antioxidant protection of the organs of vision (protects eye tissue from the effects of free radicals);

• improves blood microcirculation in the structures of the eye;

• helps reduce the risk of cataracts, retinal degeneration, age-related visual impairment, eye damage due to diabetes mellitus (diabetic retinopathy).

Ingredients: Lutein, zeaxanthin (carotenoids), taurine (amino acid); extracts of blueberries, Ginkgo Biloba, silymarin fruits; selenium, zinc; vitamins A, D, E.

Nutrikon Selenium, granules, 350 g

helps neutralize free radicals, protects organ cells and tissues from damage by free radicals; has radioprotective properties, prevents carcinogenesis and mutations of the genetic apparatus of cells; has sorption properties, prevents the absorption of radioactive, carcinogenic and toxic substances from food, including nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, antibiotics, heavy metals; normalizes intestinal functions, eliminates constipation; has a mild choleretic effect, reduces the risk of cholelithiasis;

Flavigran-eyebright, granules, 90 g

Flavigran-eyebright is recommended for the prevention and enhancement of the effect of drug therapy for ophthalmological problems:

* damage and inflammation of the membranes of the eyeball and eyelids;


Next articles:

  • Glaucoma attack what to do
  • Check for glaucoma and cataracts
  • December 17, 2020

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Do's and don'ts - lifestyle with glaucoma

Glaucoma is a serious and offensive irreversible eye disease, when eye pressure is increased, the world around you gradually narrows until complete blindness occurs. Contraindications for glaucoma place certain restrictions on a person, but if you adapt to them, you can lead an almost full-fledged lifestyle. Vision, if the rules are followed, will be preserved for many years.

Physical exercise

If glaucoma is detected, light physical activity is allowed - walking without a load over short distances, physical education, swimming. During these activities, you should not strain your eyes. Particularly noteworthy are forward bends - they are dangerous for glaucoma and should be avoided.

Work in the garden

Patients with this pathology often have a question: is it possible to work in a vegetable garden, garden plot, flower garden, and so on. In such work, you should be especially careful, try to avoid staying upside down for a long time - in this position, the blood rushes strongly to it, which creates increased pressure even in the healthy eye. Such loads in glaucoma can cause serious complications, including sudden blindness.

If it is necessary to carry out such work, use a special device that will allow you not to bend over and at the same time cope with the work normally.

Sports activities

Active sports with glaucoma are contraindicated.

You cannot lift weights; you can carry a load of no more than 3 kg in one hand.

run long distances, in general anything where you have to exert yourself. You should also limit swimming in pools with chlorinated water.

Any exercises associated with bending and sudden movements are prohibited - all this leads to a rush of blood to the eyes and an increase in intracranial pressure, which means an increase in glaucoma.

Exercise and glaucoma

Are physical activities and sports allowed? What should be the lifestyle with this pathology of the visual organs?

A patient diagnosed with glaucoma is contraindicated from overexertion, both during physical labor and psychologically. In stressful situations, you should use valerian.

Such patients often ask the question: is it possible to work on a personal plot, in a country house, in a vegetable garden?

If a person works for a long time with his head bowed, the pressure inside his eye can rise sharply, which can even result in sudden blindness. The reasons for this phenomenon are clear: if you hold your head down for a long time, some displacement of the lens occurs, which makes it difficult for the fluid to move inside the eye and immediately increases the pressure.

When working in the garden, use a special chair

Such contraindicated types of physical labor include the following work:

agricultural (weeding, harvesting, hilling, digging up land, etc.); construction; associated with lifting and carrying heavy objects; around the house, performed with your head tilted down, etc.

To avoid unnecessary stress when working in a tilted position, you should purchase a comfortable chair or other device, the use of which will allow you to perform all types of physical labor in a sitting position, which will prevent prolonged tilting of the head.

You can avoid working with your head tilted if you use tools and special equipment, agricultural and household appliances.

If we consider physical education classes, the requirements will be the same:

you should not tilt your body, especially at a fast pace; Sharp tilts and turns of the head are not recommended; It is not allowed to lift weights more than 2.5-3 kg with one hand.

Professional sports involving not only physical activity, but also emotional tension and stress, are strictly prohibited.

Patients with glaucoma are recommended to sleep on high pillows so that the head is in an upright position. In the morning, when a working person wakes up, it is necessary, while in bed, to do a short physical warm-up before getting up to avoid a sharp increase in intraocular pressure.

A patient with glaucoma is advised to sleep on high pillows


The eyes are sensitive to changes in temperature, especially if the change is contrasting. Therefore, a person should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not take a general contrast shower - it provokes an increase in eye pressure, which is then difficult to normalize
  • Be careful during the cold season, try not to freeze, as this increases eye pressure
  • In the hot season, wear a hat and avoid bright sunlight
  • Severely limit visits to baths and saunas - no more than once every 3-4 months, when taking a shower or bath, do not use too hot water.
  • You should not overheat or get too cold - all this causes attacks of glaucoma.

What medications are contraindicated for glaucoma?

Some groups of medications that can cause a sharp jump in intraocular pressure are strictly contraindicated for patients with glaucoma. These include various sulfodrugs, the side effect of which is a narrowing of the angle of the anterior chamber, accompanied by swelling of the lens. Many antispasmodics and antihistamines are also prohibited, which cause dilation of the pupil of the eye, which makes it difficult for excess fluid to drain from the eye. Various analgesics also have a bad effect on eye health, causing the lens to swell and the anterior chamber of the eye to narrow. This reaction is especially typical for the popular aspirin.

Many other drugs are used with caution for glaucoma:

  • Oral contraceptives - the female hormones estrogen and progesterone affect intraocular pressure and cause fluctuations in hormonal rhythms.
  • Medicines for general and local anesthesia. Some of them can cause increased eye pressure, so be sure to tell your doctor about your diagnosis before surgery.
  • Nitroglycerin and other nitro-containing drugs. They are usually prescribed for coronary heart disease. The main feature is a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which can lead to temporary loss of vision.
  • Preparations for constriction and dilation of the pupil. They are especially dangerous for patients with open-angle glaucoma, as they provoke a sharp increase in IOP.

In short, a person diagnosed with glaucoma should carefully read the instructions for all medications taken, studying how it affects organs and vision. Better yet, do not take any medications without consulting a doctor.

SEE ALSO: Glaucoma is serious Blood test for glaucoma Eyes hurt, cataracts and glaucoma What drops to prevent glaucoma Everything new in the treatment of glaucoma viscocanalostomy


If glaucoma is diagnosed, you should also reconsider your diet and nutrition system, as this also affects the course of the pathological process. Properly selected products will slow down its progression, while ignoring simple requirements can speed it up. In principle, there are few dietary restrictions, and if it is balanced, they will be almost invisible. Basically, foods that are not healthy for a healthy person are prohibited. By eliminating them, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in overall health.

So, if you have glaucoma, you should exclude it from your diet.

  • fatty foods
  • smoked meats
  • spicy dishes
  • a large number of sweets and confectionery products
  • strong tea and coffee

Also limit your intake of sugar and salt.

The patient also needs to adhere to the drinking regime. In summer, this should be at least 2 liters of water per day; in winter, less is acceptable.

Alcohol and smoking

Alcoholic drinks for glaucoma are absolutely contraindicated, even very weak ones - alcohol contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, which means an increase in pressure, both arterial and intraocular. So glaucoma and alcohol are absolutely incompatible. The same applies to smoking. Both of these habits also lead to toxic damage to the optic nerve and its atrophy. They significantly accelerate all pathological processes in the eyeball.

Smoking hookahs and electronic cigarettes lead to the same results.


With glaucoma, there are a number of prohibitions when taking medications. Some of them can seriously complicate the course of the disease and cause its exacerbation. When prescribing them, it is necessary to notify your doctor about the presence of glaucoma in order to replace such drugs with their analogues or even use physiotherapeutic methods or herbal medicine.

Prohibited medications include

  • Medicines used for anesthesia - some of them increase eye pressure
  • various sulfopreparations - when used, the angle of the anterior chamber narrows, resulting in swelling of the lens and an increase in intraocular pressure
  • many antispasmodics and antihistamines, which cause pupil dilation
  • Aspirin should be used with caution
  • female oral contraceptives - changes in hormonal levels have a bad effect on eye pressure.

Lifestyle with glaucoma

Glaucoma is an insidious disease. Proceeding with almost no symptoms, it can one day lead to complete blindness.

When you are diagnosed with glaucoma, you must keep in mind that only if you carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations can you avoid worsening the disease. In addition to regular examinations, to preserve vision, you should avoid situations that provoke an increase in intraocular pressure.

Glaucoma itself is dangerous due to the fact that the increased intraocular pressure associated with this disease leads to compression of the blood vessels, which, in turn, can lead to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the eyeballs. Hence, consequences such as atrophy of the optic nerve and retina.

Today it is known that glaucoma “does not tolerate” any excessive stress - both physical and emotional. Prolonged stay in a position with a low bowed head leads to a sharp increase in intraocular pressure, and a person can simply go blind after a severe attack of headache.

The fact is that when you tilt your head, the lens of the eye moves slightly downward, which blocks the outflow of intraocular fluid and provokes another attack.

If possible, you should avoid activities that involve bending over - washing floors by hand, hand washing, excavation work on the site. If you still have to do any of the above, it is better to buy a low stool and do the work while sitting.

Exercise and exercise are not contraindicated, but exercises that involve sudden head tilts or turns should be avoided.

Lifting heavy objects is unacceptable - the maximum load should be no more than 2.5-3 kg per arm. Any delicate work involving eye strain should be carried out in excellent lighting. The same applies to working on a computer.

If you have glaucoma, you should not drive in the dark. During the daytime, you must wear sunglasses. The bright light of the sun is generally taboo for people with glaucoma.

The ideal means of protection against it is glasses with special green lenses, produced specifically for people with glaucoma. These glasses have a high level of protection from UV rays and help reduce intraocular pressure.

Nutrition for glaucoma

People with glaucoma should not overeat or drink large amounts of liquid. In addition, smoked meats, salty and spicy foods, as well as strong tea and coffee should be excluded from the diet - all these products tend to increase blood pressure.

Body position while sleeping is also important. It is necessary to sleep on a fairly high pillow, otherwise stagnation of intraocular fluid is possible. In the morning, blood pressure tends to rise, so after waking up you need to do a little warm-up.

Contraindications for glaucoma include monitoring the air temperature in the room. Prolonged exposure to cold or overheating can trigger an attack of glaucoma, so they should be avoided.

Smoking and drinking alcohol if you have glaucoma are strictly prohibited. Smoking can cause narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and tissue hypoxia, as well as toxic damage to the optic nerve. Alcohol acts in a similar way, also increasing blood pressure.

Today it is known that glaucoma “does not tolerate” any excessive stress - both physical and emotional.

Finally, self-medication and arbitrary increase or decrease in the dosage of medications prescribed by a doctor should be avoided. Before taking any new medication, you should consult an ophthalmologist. It should be remembered that regular examinations by a doctor and careful attention to yourself can prevent the development of the disease.

Why is this disease so dangerous?

There is always a small amount of fluid inside the eyeball that provides nutrition to the eye. It constantly circulates, that is, it is formed and flows freely from the eye chambers. With glaucomatous changes, the outflow of fluid is disrupted. It accumulates and puts pressure on the eye from the inside, increasing intraocular pressure (IOP).

Excessive pressure inside the eyeball negatively affects vision. Over time, it leads to optic nerve atrophy. For a person, this threatens a gradual, subtle decrease in vision, up to its complete disappearance.

A feature of decreased vision in glaucoma is its decrease on the sides. Due to the fact that central vision is the last to be lost, the person himself does not feel the problem. Therefore, it is important to regularly measure intraocular pressure after 40 years of age. The outcome of elevated IOP in an unfavorable case is irreversible blindness and disability.


Glaucoma itself can seriously disrupt your normal lifestyle, especially if it is diagnosed late enough. If you regularly take the prescribed treatment and follow the doctor's instructions, the course of the disease will slow down. But there are also unforeseen situations, since glaucoma has become much “younger”.

If you have glaucoma, you should not sleep on a low pillow - it should be high enough and hard enough so that intraocular fluid does not accumulate and there is its outflow. After waking up, you need to get up immediately.

If it is impossible to sleep on a high pillow, you can purchase a special bed with a raised backrest, or place something under the legs of the bed so that the edge on which you place the pillow is higher.

Pregnancy and lactation

Today, alas, no one is surprised by glaucoma in young women. It occurs in both pregnant and lactating women. In itself, it does not interfere with pregnancy and lactation, but the stress associated with this period can aggravate the condition of the eyes. And the drugs themselves for the treatment of glaucoma enter the baby’s blood through the placenta, since it is not a barrier for them. Treatment during this period must be carried out under the special supervision of both an ophthalmologist and a doctor managing the pregnancy. Natural childbirth is prohibited, as it creates increased stress on all muscles and blood vessels, and therefore on the blood vessels of the eyes. It is not uncommon for small vessels in the eye to burst even in healthy women, let alone a patient! Therefore, only a caesarean section is necessary.

During lactation, you should also be under the supervision of an ophthalmologist and regularly check your eye pressure and visual field. Eye drops for glaucoma are most often recommended to be replaced with others, since they can pass through the bloodstream into breast milk and cause visual impairment in the child. During lactation, it is necessary to regularly examine the baby's vision to prevent the development of glaucoma in him.

Glaucoma in children

Unfortunately, this phenomenon occurs quite often, there is even congenital glaucoma. To prevent the disease from getting worse, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors.

For children, there are the same restrictions as for adults, the main thing is not to overstrain your eyes.

Some sports are prohibited for children - strength sports and those where you need to strain your eyesight, as well as gymnastics.

Air travel

Until the recent past, air travel was strictly contraindicated for a person diagnosed with glaucoma. But modern airliners are equipped with all climate control systems, they maintain constant pressure, so you can fly on such planes.

TV and computer

Today it is impossible to imagine your life without a computer. For many people, their work involves it, and they have to sit in front of a screen for many hours. The question of whether it is possible to work on a computer with glaucoma is especially acute for these people, because this inevitably strains a person’s eyes. The pressure in them always increases, even in a healthy person, but with glaucoma this happens much stronger and faster. So a person with this disease should be especially careful and follow the correct work schedule.

Working at a computer with glaucoma

Computers have actively penetrated human life.
It is not electromagnetic radiation that causes the most harm, but long-term use of a PC. Glaucoma progresses over years and gradually leads to complete blindness, which cannot be prevented.

The pressure in the eye constantly increases, a person has to live with it.

To avoid fluctuations and deterioration of visual perception, patients need to lead a correct lifestyle and pay special attention to working at a PC, which greatly overstrains the eyes and leads to an increase in IOP. Long-term work at the computer certainly affects the rate of development of the disease.

Why is a computer dangerous for glaucoma?

The most unpleasant thing about glaucoma is that this disease does not manifest itself immediately, but over time.
This is where there is a direct connection between long-term sitting at the computer and strain on the visual organs, which in turn leads to a pathological change in the condition of the eyeball. People who suffer from this disease, but often work at the monitor of a laptop, netbook, etc., are interested in how to handle this electronic device in order to avoid excessive strain on the eyes.

Ophthalmologists strongly recommend minimizing screen time, as this has a significant impact on the development of glaucoma.

Most modern people tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle precisely because they work at the computer for a long time. As a result, the risk of developing diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis) and visual organs increases significantly.

It's no secret that spending many hours on the computer negatively affects a person's health, especially if he suffers from eye diseases. In addition to the progression of glaucoma, prolonged sitting at a computer leads to the following problems:

  • the occurrence of dry eye symptoms;
  • violation of accommodation;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory eye diseases;
  • increased intraocular pressure.

What is glaucoma

Glaucoma is a progressive pathology that leads to irreversible blindness. The disease is associated with increased intraocular pressure, which destroys retinal cells and leads to atrophy of the ocular optic nerve. As a result, visual signals do not reach the brain.

Visual perception deteriorates, the visibility area is limited. Main symptoms of glaucoma:

Non-surgical eye treatment in 1 month.

  • pain;
  • rainbow circles when looking at bright light;
  • hyperemia;
  • the quality of vision decreases.

A sudden attack of glaucoma is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting and weakness. The pain radiates to the heart and abdomen, and the person’s general condition worsens.

Causes and symptoms

You cannot wear contact lenses if you have glaucoma after undergoing eye surgery. The duration of the ban is determined by the ophthalmologist.

Chronic disease of the organs of vision leads to a gradual deterioration of visual abilities. Modern medicine cannot completely cure glaucoma, but together with proper nutrition it can slow down the process of degeneration. Glaucoma occurs when intraocular pressure is constantly elevated, which negatively affects the condition of the nerve fibers. Hypertension and poor blood microcirculation observed in diabetes increase the risk of developing pathology. Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system also provoke glaucoma. The main symptoms include:

  • surges in intraocular pressure;
  • vasoconstriction;
  • blurred vision;
  • oxygen starvation of tissues;
  • atrophy of nerve fibers in the area of ​​the organ of vision;
  • redness of the eyelids.

Rules for working at a computer with glaucoma

The computer is used for work, obtaining information, communicating with family and for entertainment. If you have glaucoma, it is not prohibited to work on a PC; you just need to follow some rules that will help keep your eyes healthy in such a stressful rhythm.

  • sit at a distance of 50 cm from the monitor;
  • look down at the PC screen, eyes should be 10 cm above the top edge of the monitor;
  • remove stains on time, they cause additional stress;
  • take breaks every 45 minutes, doing eye exercises (helps you relax, relieve tension, fatigue will not set in quickly);
  • Adjust the lighting of the workplace, do not work in the dark at the PC;
  • watch your blinking, blink more often, otherwise dry keratoconjunctivitis may occur;
  • if necessary, use moisturizing drops prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

According to the labor law, you cannot work on a personal computer for more than 6 hours. If a person is forced to work more, set a reminder on his phone or PC to take off for gymnastics and take longer breaks.

Precautionary measures

It’s not for nothing that glaucoma is called an insidious disease. The later the pathology is discovered, the more the optic nerve is damaged and the sooner blindness approaches.

If you experience discomfort while working at a PC, you should give your eyes a rest. Do gymnastics to relax the extraocular muscles and improve blood circulation in the eye.

If dryness occurs, use moisturizing drops. Instill the medicine according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor, do not abuse the drug if the instructions do not allow more than 4 uses.

You should be more careful about the health of your visual analyzer. If pain, asthenopia or other unpleasant signs appear, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

An extraordinary examination is carried out if there is a feeling of fullness, especially in the morning, with periodic blurring of visual perception. During this time, you should limit any visual stress and not use any medications so that the doctor can accurately determine the IOP level and prescribe treatment.

Prevention of complications

Eye disease can be prevented even if there is a hereditary predisposition. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Rejection of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the microcirculation of the visual apparatus. They disrupt the transport of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Wear loose clothing. Constrictive things in the neck area, caps that pinch - disrupt blood circulation.
  • Measure intraocular pressure. Carry out diagnostics at least once a month. If the disease is actively progressing, more than 3 times.
  • Observe dietary restrictions. Remove fatty soups, smoked meats, fried foods, pickled foods, flour and bakery products from the diet. It is recommended to switch to a healthy diet (PN), steam or bake, and eat more fruits and vegetables. Reduce the volume of fluid in developing glaucoma.
  • Maintain a work and rest schedule. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Do not use stimulants or limit their use.
  • Maintain optimal humidity levels in the office and at home.
  • Don't overexert yourself. This applies to both physical and psycho-emotional stress.
  • It is necessary to limit the duration of reading, knitting and embroidery, and working with small parts.
  • Patients with glaucoma need to monitor their temperature. Hypothermia or overheating leads to an increase in IOP; this should not be allowed.

What to change in life with glaucoma?

In addition to the following rules for living with glaucoma, there are a number of prohibitions:

  • Self-medicate. You cannot treat yourself on the advice of friends or neighbors. This can lead to worsening and progression of the disease. Treatment and medications should only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Music playing. You should avoid playing wind musical instruments, since tension during playing affects intraocular pressure.
  • Body weight control. To do this, you need to eliminate baked goods from your diet. Obesity can trigger the appearance of glaucoma, as well as complicate an existing disease.
  • Control of the gastrointestinal tract. Frequent constipation, in which a person strains hard, increases intraocular pressure. You need to monitor your diet or consult a doctor to make defecation easier.
  • Lack of sleep and insufficient rest. This leads to overwork of the body in general and the eyes in particular. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day on high pillows, and take 15-minute breaks every hour at work, especially if the patient is sitting at a computer.
  • Restrictions on labor in a summer cottage. Standing upside down and in the sun is not safe when living with glaucoma. In hypertensive patients, this can cause a hypertensive crisis. All activities on the ground should be carried out while sitting on a low bench, without tilting your head. It is better to wait out the hottest time of the day in the shade. For the same reason, you should not do household chores in an inclined position or with your head down.
  • Staying in the dark. If a patient has angle-closure glaucoma, darkness dilates the pupils. And this leads to increased IOP.
  • Exacerbation of illnesses. Glaucoma often appears against the background of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and atherosclerosis. It is necessary to monitor the condition of concomitant diseases and prevent exacerbation.

What not to do?

Drivers are prohibited from driving all day long. If necessary, you should use sunglasses during the day (ophthalmologists recommend green glasses, as they have an effect on normalizing intraocular pressure). It is better for drivers not to drive at night.

Those who work outdoors (market sellers, postmen) during the cold season should avoid hypothermia and be examined by a doctor more often. Patients with glaucoma should avoid night work and contact with pesticides, especially volatile ones, if the posture involves prolonged neck bending.

Glaucoma and alcohol

Alcohol provokes the development of the disease. Drinking strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, cognac) is dangerous for glaucoma. Alcohol sharply dilates blood vessels, causing blood to rush to the head. Then vasospasm occurs. Such pressure surges in the eyes can trigger the progression of the disease.

In addition, drunk people often fall and hit their heads, and head injuries accelerate the course of the disease. In addition, alcohol poisons nerve cells and their processes, causing the death of the optic nerve and the inner lining of the eye (retina). Occasionally drinking light wine in small quantities is allowed.


The disease can also develop as a result of smoking. Toxic substances contained in cigarettes contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels, which inhibits the outflow of intraocular moisture. The pressure in the eyes is consistently elevated, which leads to disease.

Nicotine has a detrimental effect on the optic nerve. Cigarette smoke getting into your eyes is also dangerous. Glaucoma may be accompanied by conjunctivitis, cataracts, and macular dysfunction on the retina.

Stay in the bathhouse

You can visit baths and saunas if we are talking about hygiene procedures. Steaming and overheating the head are contraindications for glaucoma. This may lead to a seizure. If, after visiting a bathhouse, your eyesight becomes blurred or your vision deteriorates, or pain or pain appears in your eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Air travel

Airplane travel is dangerous for people with glaucoma due to high atmospheric pressure. If you have glaucoma, flying on airplanes is dangerous. If a flight is necessary, you should consult a specialist. After all, the higher the plane rises, the more the atmospheric pressure drops and the eye pressure increases.

At an altitude of more than 11 km, very little oxygen enters the blood, which affects the blood vessels of the eyes. In severe stages of the disease, if retinal detachment has occurred, flight should be abandoned.

You should also remember about changing time zones, to which the body must adapt. Changes in climate and time affect blood pressure, which can trigger an attack of glaucoma.

The influence of emotional and physical stress on the course of the disease

Medicine has not yet fully studied the mechanism of glaucoma development. However, it is known that the disease categorically does not tolerate stressful situations and emotional and physical stress. Please note that prolonged physical activity with a tilted head can cause an increase in intraocular pressure.

The lens of the eye, which moves downward, can block the outflow of intraocular fluid, which can trigger an attack of glaucoma. You should, if possible, avoid situations that cause a rush of blood to the head:

  1. Mopping floors
  2. Wash
  3. Picking berries
  4. Work on a personal plot

It is worth purchasing a low bench for doing housework. If you have a vegetable garden, you should work while sitting on it, weeding the beds. Light physical activity is not contraindicated for glaucoma. However, strict rules must be followed. Do not perform exercises with sudden turns and tilts of the head.

You can't stand upside down. Lifting and carrying heavy objects is strictly prohibited. The permissible load weight is no more than 3 kg in each hand. Reading, embroidering, knitting and other activities that cause eye strain should be done in adequate lighting.

When driving a car you should follow some rules:

  • You should not drive a car at dusk or at night.
  • In bright light, you should use special sunglasses.
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