Four stories about how good vision changes the quality of life

A person receives most of the information from the surrounding world through vision due to the processing of various light impulses. It begins on the retina of the eye and ends in the occipital lobe of the brain.

At each stage of the path, the visual signal is processed several times - the image takes on the usual colors, volume, clarity, etc. Moreover, each of us does this unconsciously, literally in a split second, and has different types of vision. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Ways to improve vision

I inherited poor eyesight and am trying to improve it in any way possible. The main thing is that it is clear to me now: visual impairment is not a reason to look for someone to blame. Improving the quality of life is in our hands, persistent desire and a disciplined approach will help correct vision, relieve dryness and eye strain.

You should not expect a quick and miraculous cure, but a balanced diet, thoughtful exercise and regular visits to doctors will help maintain eye health and improve vision.

Training glasses

Improves vision in the short term. Viewing any object through a small hole allows you to reduce the scattering spot on the retina of the eye, and increase the clarity of the image and its sharpness for some time. Training glasses give rest to tense eye muscles and load weakened ones; the eyes get tired less when working with papers or information on the monitor, which may well slow down the decline in visual acuity. Added bonus: Relaxing even the eye muscles calms the nerves.

69100 results on Google. Cost from 500 rubles to almost 7,000

Vitamins to improve vision and proper nutrition

A nutritious, balanced diet improves vision: for example, it slows down the development of cataracts. Vitamins in tablet form, including vitamin A, which is important for vision, are needed if for some reason the body does not absorb them from regular food. There is more good news: there is research that eating dark chocolate temporarily improves eye function, increasing contrast and clarity of vision, which is especially noticeable when reading small text.

But the myth that carrots improve vision has a particularly funny explanation. The British government explained in this way the increased accuracy of pilots in the dark. In fact, as it turned out later, this was how the invention of radars was hidden from spies; it was they that really helped pilots detect targets better.

Vitamins help cope with fatigue, redness and irritation of the eyes

But keep in mind: if vitamins could instantly cure severe myopia, they would be sold as prescription drugs

Eye exercises

There are no exercises that will quickly turn minus 7 into one. But exercise is a good way to relieve muscle tension and get rid of headaches, dry eyes and other symptoms of fatigue; they improve blood flow to the retina. With small, less than 3 diopters, myopia, muscle tension can really improve visual acuity and relieve fatigue.

Draw shapes with your eyes, directing your gaze along the arrows

The exercises helped me a lot when I started working on the computer every day. Like any other muscle, unevenly and overused eye muscles contract into spasms and affect the shape of the eyeball, not to mention the constant feeling of fatigue, burning, foggy eyes and dryness.

Important to remember:

  1. Do eye exercises at least once a day, preferably at the same time;
  2. After charging, sit for a minute with your eyes closed. Consider this savasana, a pose of complete rest, after an intense yoga session;
  3. Take a break from working at the computer for at least a full minute once an hour.

Please note: if you have a retinal detachment or are recovering from eye surgery, active stimulation of blood circulation can lead to worsening vision. In addition, exercises are not recommended for inflammatory eye diseases, so that along with tear fluid and other secretions, the infection does not spread to healthy tissues.

Sports activities

Physical activity improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to all organs, including the eyes. This is not a panacea, but an excellent prevention of problems and a chance to improve visual functions.

The most useful sports are running, swimming and other low-intensity activities; the heart rate should not exceed 140 beats per minute. During training, the functioning of the ciliary muscle improves. It is responsible for the ability of the lens to elasticize and change shape when focusing.

Also, for low myopia, games that require constant switching of attention from the ball to the goal and to other players are useful - volleyball, badminton, tennis. Shifting your gaze from a distant object to a close one provides training for the eye muscles. Intense exercise, during which the pulse rises to 150-180 beats, is contraindicated for people with myopia. Acrobatics, weight lifting, and boxing can cause retinal tears and eye injuries.

Timely correction, regular examination by a doctor and a healthy lifestyle in general help improve vision.

Everyone can regain good vision

Each new school year prepares new loads for schoolchildren. On the eyes - because you will have to read a lot, look at a book, at a board or at a computer display. On the spine - because you have to sit at a desk for half a day. On your arms and shoulders - because you will have to carry heavy backpacks or briefcases. On the body as a whole - because you have to get up early every morning. On the nervous system - because the load will increase and increase, and the body will rest less and less. How can you not get some kind of pain here? Difficult. But it is possible. If you monitor your well-being and help your eyes, spine, arms, head, mood in time

Everyone can regain good vision

According to statistics, there are about 50 million myopic people in the CIS. And all over the world, every third person has poor vision. Do not believe advertising that promises to cure everything at once in a few sessions. You have worked for years to ruin your eyesight. It is you, not the doctor, who must work hard to fix it. Taking care of your eyesight should begin with restoring general health, as well as with eye hygiene and eye training.

In world ophthalmology, classical and latest techniques are used. These are sets of exercises, sunbathing, massage, washing, rubbing, relaxation, etc. Different peoples - Japanese ninjas, Indian yogis, Taoist masters - have accumulated their secrets at different times.

Today we will talk about eye hygiene, special exercises offered by hatha yoga, as well as the Slavic method of improving vision.

It's hard to look at one point

To understand how best to train vision, let's remember how our eyes work.

A wide range of normal human vision is provided by twelve muscles that synchronously rotate the pupils, as well as the eye lens (the lens of the eye), which can change its shape: if you look at a nearby object, it becomes convex, and if you look into the distance, the lens will be flat. The ability of the lens to change its shape is called accommodation.

In the distance, both eyes look almost parallel, and with near vision, the muscles bring the eyes together so that they converge at one point that we want to see. This reduction of the pupils is called convergence. The closer the point in question, the

more tension in the eye muscles. And the more often we look at close objects, the more trained these muscles become. They constantly strive to bring the point of view closer, as if they teach us to look only at close objects.

So the book could be read while holding it in an outstretched hand, but the brain centers, under the influence of the converging muscles, have accustomed us to the stereotype of close reading. Therefore, we place the book in front of us and bend low over it.

Which apple sees worse?

Myopic people are prevented from looking into the distance by overdeveloped convergent muscles. The lens of the eye has been convex for so long that it loses the ability to become flat. Therefore, in all myopic people, the eyeball is pulled back, and the image lies not on the retina, but in front of it. And all distant objects have blurry outlines. With this problem it is possible. Of course, you can fight with glasses - they focus the image exactly on the retina, objects are now clearly visible.

However, tension is still not relieved from the eye lens and muscles. They are working to the limit again. Myopia is progressing. You have to buy new, stronger glasses, which, in turn, put new strain on your eyes. And this process seems endless.

If you have vision problems (myopia or farsightedness, strabismus or amblyopia, astigmatism) and you don’t want to put up with it, rest assured, everything is in your hands. But keep in mind that if vision was impaired slowly, then it will be restored slowly. We are not talking about surgical, laser or contact correction, but about restoring your own normal vision naturally.

Don't overstrain your eyesight

Japan suffers the most from myopia. This is due to the fact that hieroglyphs are more difficult to perceive than letters. And when reading, the eyes are fixed for a long time at a short distance, which spoils the vision of many. To relieve excess tension in the eyes, which is inevitable during heavy mental workload, it is necessary to switch vision every 3-4 hours:

  • look into the distance for 5-10 minutes,
  • close your eyes to rest for 1-2 minutes,
  • then do 4-5 simple exercises that involve large muscle groups. You can perform any exercises for the muscles of the eyes, neck, back, and shoulder girdle.

For children, the recommendations are the same, but breaks need to be taken more often and longer: for children 12-14 years old - every 45 minutes, and for 15-17 years old - every hour, the break should last at least 15 minutes. We also recommend using exercises from yoga or ancient Slavic medicine, which we talk about in this review. You will immediately feel the fatigue disappear.

Doctor's advice

Avoid reading poorly lit or unclearly printed text. This forces the eyes to be too close to the book, which leads to excessive eye fatigue and fatigue of the neck and back muscles.

Use fluorescent lamps to illuminate your workplace. The great advantage of “daylight” is that the emission of such lamps is much closer to the spectrum of natural sunlight than that of incandescent lamps.

Don't read while lying down. In this position, it is difficult to ensure proper illumination of the book, therefore, the work of the eyes is even more difficult.

Reading on a bus or in a car is also harmful, since vibration constantly changes the distance from the eyes to the book, which causes unnecessary tension and eye fatigue. Under no circumstances should you read while walking.

Blue screens damage your eyesight

Today, displays and televisions are a constant presence in the lives of most of humanity. Visual fatigue is observed in the vast majority of people. To reduce it, various methods are used: turning on the light in the room, a color film on the screen, a special matte color-light frame edging the screen, etc. However, visual fatigue still continues

Doctor's advice

If you intend to buy a monitor, we advise you to meet the following conditions:

  • The monitor size must be at least 15 inches;
  • choose the screen as flat as possible;
  • picture resolution (the size of the working grain on the screen) should be as small as possible - 0.25 mm or less;
  • the frequency of horizontal and vertical scanning of the screen should be as high as possible;
  • color rendering adjustment must have a sufficient range;
  • be sure to sit for some time in front of the selected monitor, your subjective feelings are very important, since even the best monitor in terms of technical indicators can be poorly perceived by your eyes.

Try to position the display screen slightly above your eye level. This will create an “unloading” of those groups of periocular muscles that are most tense in the usual direction of gaze - down or forward.

Every 40-45 minutes of working at the computer you need to take a break, just like when reading.


Chameleons are so famous for their ability to change colors. But their visual system is just as amazing as their ability to change color. These reptiles can move their eyes independently of each other. That is, they can focus on two different objects in two different directions at the same time. This incredible power of the chameleon's eyes provides excellent 360-degree vision. Chameleons can also focus on objects with incredible speed.

Normal visual perception

Visual acuity is the ability of the eye to perceive two points located at a minimum angular distance from each other separately. In the countries of the former USSR it is customary to measure it in fractions of one. Then it turns out that:

  • 1 is normal vision, in which a person can read all the lines in the Sivtsev or Golovin table from a distance of five meters;
  • 0.9; 0.8; 0.7 and so on - low vision, in which a person is able to read only the corresponding number of lines in the table;
  • 0.01 and other variations of a hundredth part - very low vision, in which a person is not able to read a single line in the table, including the top one, and in the worst case, barely distinguishes light from darkness

When examining vision, the doctor checks first one eye, then the other - and in people with different acuity scores in different eyes, the combined acuity is usually higher than that calculated individually.

If a person does not see the top line of the table, then he is brought to it sequentially, at intervals of half a meter, until, finally, he is able to read the letters correctly. In this case, acuity is calculated very simply: you need to divide the distance from which the study was carried out by the distance from which the person was able to read.

It is interesting that the distance of exactly five meters was not chosen by chance: if a person has an eyeball of the correct shape, he sees most clearly in the conditional infinity, which begins when the distance to the object is exactly five meters. If it gets closer, the image will be distorted. The size of the offices usually does not allow you to move further.

Visual impairment in children

At different ages, visual impairment and ways to improve it differ, so next we will discuss specific age-related causes of visual impairment and ways to eliminate them.

If your vision is deteriorating, you should start with a fairly simple question: how old are you? This determines both the most likely diseases that impair vision and the ways to combat them.

Few people know that young children see quite poorly; the connection between the eyes and the brain is formed gradually, reaching one hundred percent clarity by about 4 years. Every year, doctors check how correctly the eye is forming, but visual acuity can be checked when the child begins to speak and is able to confirm: yes, I see this line, but not that one. Young children are farsighted, meaning they see distant objects better than close ones. This is not considered a disease, but only a feature of the formation of the eyeball and visual organs, which ends by 14-16 years.

Vision problems are detected in one child out of 20 preschool children and one out of four schoolchildren. If they are not treated, the child learns information worse.

The child closes one eye or tilts his head to the side, tries to sit closer to the TV or computer screen, holds the book very close, and complains of fatigue and headache after reading.Myopia or myopia is a vision defect in which the image is formed not on the retina, but in front of it. Objects up close are visible well, but far away - poorly. In children it can only be corrected with glasses. The main task at a young age is not to cure myopia, but to prevent its development.
Accommodation spasm or false myopia is a spasm of the ciliary muscle that occurs when the eyes focus on close (or distant) objects for a long time. The eye becomes overtired and loses the ability to change focus, as a result, distance (or near) visual acuity deteriorates. To eliminate the problem, ophthalmologists prescribe eye drops that dilate the pupil and relax the ciliary muscle. For prevention, eye exercises, physical activity, and nutritional enrichment are recommended.
The child complains of blurry lines, blinks frequently, squints, and rubs his eyes. Mild astigmatism occurs in most children and does not affect development, so its symptoms often go unnoticed. Astigmatism is a vision defect associated with a violation of the shape of the lens, cornea or eye, as a result of which objects in the field of vision are blurred and double.Strong is corrected in childhood only with glasses. These cannot be purchased at the transition; they are prescribed only after a serious examination.
The child has one eye wandering and looking in another direction, the child closes one eye or covers it with his handAmblyopia, or lazy eye, is a condition that develops in children under 7 years of age. The child discovers that one of his eyes sees better and begins to use it more often, which leads to a gradual deterioration of vision in the weaker eye. May lead to squint. Amblyopia and strabismus cannot be corrected with glasses alone. The less developed “weak” eye can be made to work by covering it with a second patch. Eye drops containing atropine blur vision in the active eye, again forcing the weaker one to turn on and develop. In serious cases, surgery is performed to strengthen the muscles of the weakened eye.

Orlova's table allows you to check the vision of preschool children who do not yet know the letters.
Visual impairment in children is most often caused genetically or is associated with injuries and high loads on the eyes. Young children often cannot describe what they feel, or simply do not understand what it is like to see well. Therefore, carefully monitor their behavior.

Current news about vision correction: presbyopia

People with good vision (emmetropes) begin to notice the first symptoms of presbyopia at the age of 40–45 years. When performing habitual visual work at a close distance, they experience discomfort: objects become blurry and there is no clarity in the image. At the same time, distance vision in emmetropes remains good. The pathogenesis of these symptoms develops due to a progressive decrease in the ability of the eye to clearly perceive objects at different distances, changes in the radius of curvature of the surface of the lens and its compaction. These factors affect the elasticity of the lens, resulting in poor near focusing.

In people with farsightedness (hyperopia), presbyopia begins earlier - at the age of 30–35 years. Hypermetropia contributes to the development of early presbyopia, and clients' vision deteriorates not only near, but also at distance.

A person with myopia does not notice age-related changes in vision for a long time, since with weak and moderate myopia it is enough to take off the distance glasses. Often such people choose the average correction option, and this affects the quality of visual perception. Over time, such glasses no longer cope with progressive presbyopia, and the person will need correct information about his vision.

If signs of presbyopia appear, it is important to contact an ophthalmologist, conduct a thorough examination and, most importantly, receive recommendations for vision correction. Some patients doubt and do not believe that they are developing presbyopia; in this case, you can take a test at home:

  • sit in front of the computer at a distance of 35 cm from the screen;
  • take the table of Landolt rings and put it in front of your eyes on the computer screen;
  • put on glasses or contact lenses that you use for long-term or regular wear;
  • look at the table with two open eyes;
  • record on which side there is a gap in the rings (right, left, top, bottom), if you did not see all the rings correctly, then repeat this the next day;
  • If the next day you again do not see the ring correctly, you need to have your eyes checked.

Uncorrected presbyopia can lead to a significant decrease in visual capabilities, negatively affect work and cause rapid fatigue.

The degree of presbyopia will depend on the individual's amount of accommodation and refractive errors. When diagnosing presbyopia, the doctor first assesses visual acuity, then selects additional correction for near (addition) and gradually strengthens it as necessary.

Today, humanity is trying more than ever to find the optimal way to correct presbyopia. Glasses and contact lenses are the dominant methods of correction, but over the past decades, numerous proposals for a surgical approach to the problem of age-related vision restoration have appeared. Methods of surgical correction of presbyopia include operations on the sclera and cornea, as well as intraocular interventions.

But this article will discuss the traditional and most common methods of correcting presbyopia - with spectacle lenses.

Modern manufacturers offer a huge range of optical lenses for the manufacture of glasses on the optical market. This lens has optical power (positive and negative), which is measured in diopters and can correct vision defects of any complexity.

Spectacle lenses are classified:

  • by material (polymer, mineral);
  • by optical effect (spherical, astigmatic, afocal);
  • by design (spherical, aspherical, biaspherical, individual, sports);
  • by the number of optical zones (monofocal, progressive, office, bifocal, trifocal);
  • according to their intended purpose (photochromic, color, blue blockers, for driving at night).

To correct presbyopia with spectacle lenses, the doctor must inform the patient about their various options:

  • Monofocal – for reading (good near vision);
  • Bifocal (good distance and near vision, no middle zone);
  • Trifocal (good vision at three distances: distance, near and intermediate, zones may vary depending on the client’s preferences);
  • Progressive (good vision at various distances);
  • Office (good visual perception from 1 to 3–4 meters).

Monofocal spectacle lenses provide visual acuity at a distance of 35–40 cm. In these glasses, the client does not see into the distance or at an average distance when moving his gaze. Over time, he will need glasses for distance and mid-range work. Monofocal glasses are very convenient for precise work with small details or texts.

Bifocal spectacle lenses provide excellent vision for both distance and near, with two optical zones. In the upper part of the spectacle lens there is a zone for distance, for near vision a segment is used (the optical power of the segment is higher than the optical power of the zone for distance by addition, which helps to compensate for the volume of accommodation). The bifocal lens zones are separated by a visible segment line. The disadvantages of bifocal lenses include:

  • lack of image in the middle zone,
  • lack of image integrity,
  • the appearance of an image displacement effect,
  • unaesthetic appearance.

Bifocals will replace two pairs of glasses, but will not solve all problems. They are not convenient for users who value the middle zone of high-quality visual perception.

Trifocal spectacle lenses have 3 optical zones: for distance vision, for near vision and for intermediate vision. All zones are separated by visible boundaries. Zones can have different sequences based on client needs. Unique lenses are made individually.

The most physiological way to correct presbyopia is correction with progressive lenses.

Advantages of progressive lenses:

  • the presence of a middle zone,
  • no leap of accommodation,
  • maintaining visual habits,
  • aesthetic appearance.

Progressive lenses are a complex optical product, the manufacture of which uses the latest scientific advances. At the top of the progressive spectacle lens there is a distance vision zone, the center of which is opposite the pupil when looking straight ahead with a natural position of the body and head, so the client wearing progressive glasses sees very well into the distance. For reading or other close work, there is a reading zone (distance diopter plus addition) at the bottom of the progressive spectacle lens. When reading or doing other work at close range, you must use the lower part of the progressive lens, which requires your gaze to move downward. Between the visual zones for distance and reading there is a zone for working at medium distances - a zone of corridor progression, which connects the upper and lower parts of the optical zones in the range of 10–20 mm.

The progression corridor has two indicators, they actively influence the quality of vision:

  • length is the space between the distance and near zones, which is influenced by the physical position of the body when viewed close up;
  • width – the area between aberration zones. The need to ensure changes in optical power along the surface of a progressive lens requires a smooth change in the curvature of the lens, which explains the appearance of aberrations in the lateral zones of the progression corridor. This indicator is influenced by the client’s addition and lens design, for example: the lower the client’s addition index, the wider the progression corridor, and the more technologically advanced the progressive lens, the fewer aberrations and the wider the progression corridor.

It is important to remember: it is impossible to completely eliminate unwanted distortions. Despite their complex design, progressive spectacle lenses are easy to use and provide high quality vision at all distances. Different types of progressive spectacle lenses differ in purpose, manufacturing technology, design, and the degree to which the individual parameters of the patient and the frame he chooses are taken into account. Many companies produce progressive lenses with a high base curvature, which makes it possible to produce progressive glasses with sports designs. Modern statistics show that every year the number of clients who use progressive lenses to correct presbyopia is increasing.

Office spectacle lenses are classified as progressive lenses, but are designed for indoor use; the depth of visual perception in these lenses can vary from 1 to 4 meters, depending on the wishes of the client and his diopters. Their feature is the absence of a distance zone, which makes it possible to maximize the progression corridor and improve the quality of vision at an average distance.

Currently, there are a wide range of solutions for vision problems, but none is universal. Among all the existing methods for correcting presbyopia, the most relevant are glasses - the most common type of vision correction.

Thanks to high-tech spectacle lenses, optics can offer clients to maintain high visual acuity, restore visual perception, and at the same time, each client can create their own individual and unique image.

Protecting the keenest eye

Eagles have two pairs of transparent eyelids. They use one pair while they are on the ground in a stationary position. The second one descends on the first one during the flight. Its task is to protect the sensitive eyeball from exposure to the sun, air pressure, tree branches and shrubs while hunting.

The eagle dives towards its prey with great speed, as a result of which its eyes can be injured or dry out from the wind. Double transparent eyelids prevent this without affecting the clarity of the picture.

Features of eagle vision

Bald eagle

The eagle's gaze covers a space of 275 degrees.

The bird sees the world around it from both sides of itself and from behind. His stereotypical vision allows him to accurately determine the shape of an object and the distance to it. That is why, soaring high in the sky, when a person can hardly see it from the ground, an eagle easily finds a mouse ten centimeters in size in a field.

With a sudden change, the eagle's eye outputs instantly adapt. During a dive, he does not lose sight of the victim for a second. In flight, the bird is able to search an area of ​​13 square kilometers.

Surprisingly, the one who has the best eyesight in the world sees poorly as a child. Newly hatched eaglets' vision is not so developed; the chick sees only as much as it needs to live in a cozy nest. Only as an eagle grows older do its eyes develop and its vision improve.

Eagles can distinguish colors, which is considered a rare phenomenon for birds. Compared to humans, they perceive shades much more accurately.

Another feature is the ability to accurately navigate in space even at maximum heights. The eagle determines the height, distance and depth of space. This ability does not fail them even when it is necessary to dive down. Otherwise, the eagle would not be able to overtake prey so beautifully and with lightning speed and avoid hitting the ground.

Thus, the eagle is the creature with the best eyesight in the world. He is the best hunter and navigation specialist on earth.

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Reading and vision

  • Under no circumstances should you read while lying down!
  • When reading, the distance from the eyes to the text should be at least 30 cm.
  • The light on the page should fall from above and to the left.
  • When reading, you need to take breaks from time to time, lasting 3-5 minutes.
  • To restore the eye muscle, be sure to do some eye exercises: blink; roll your eyeballs with your eyes closed; go to the window, relax, look into the distance or at flying birds.

How to improve vision?

The average vision on the planet is minus 3 diopters; every third person in the world suffers from myopia, and this number is growing. If myopia is slight, less than minus 3, doctors consider it not a problem, but an inconvenience.

Visual impairment is inherited, so severe myopia in parents is a reason to worry about the child’s vision in advance. Limiting the load on vision, as was previously thought, is useless. Recent studies show that children's vision declines especially strongly in winter, during short daylight hours, regardless of time spent reading, watching TV or studying in front of a computer monitor. The only way to prevent it is to walk as much as possible during the day. Small doses of atropine drops slow down the decline in vision.

Atropine in ampoules 2 times a day, 1-2 drops. Price 40-50 rubles.

There is another relatively effective method - special night orthokeratology lenses. They put pressure on the top layer of the cornea, thickening it at the edges and making it flatter in the center. Over 8 night hours, the geometry of the eye changes and focusing improves. During the day, the form is gradually restored, the effect disappears. Such lenses are prescribed to children starting from 7 years old, but it is worth remembering their disadvantages: lengthy, complex and expensive selection, high cost of the lenses themselves, possible complications - microbial and allergic conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcers, plus an unpleasant sensation of a foreign body on the eye , which can worsen a child’s sleep. Decide if the effect is worth it.

The advantages of night lenses are partial restoration of vision during the period of use, the disadvantage is the price from 20,000 rubles, a long selection process and possible complications

Regular vision checks for children are mandatory. Refusal of vision correction at an early age leads to serious problems at school and the development of diseases.

Vision correction using contact lenses

Lenses vary in length of wear. For example, one-day lenses from Bausch+Lomb Biotrue® ONEday are popular. They are made of HyperGel material, which is similar to the structures of the eye and tears, contains a large amount of moisture - 78% and provides comfort even after 16 hours of continuous wear. This is the best option for dryness or discomfort from wearing other lenses. There is no need to care for these lenses; a new pair is worn every day.

There are also scheduled replacement lenses - silicone hydrogel Bausch + Lomb ULTRA, using MoistureSeal® technology (MoistureSeal). They combine high moisture content, good oxygen permeability and softness. Thanks to this, the lenses are not felt when worn and do not damage the eyes. Such lenses require care using special solutions - for example, ReNu MultiPlus (Renu MultiPlus), which moisturizes and cleans soft lenses, destroying viruses, bacteria and fungi, is used to store lenses. For sensitive eyes, the ReNu MPS solution with a reduced concentration of active ingredients is optimal. Despite the softness of the formula, the solution effectively removes deep and superficial stains. For long-term hydration of lenses, solutions with hyaluronic acid, a natural moisturizing component, have been developed. For example, the universal solution Biotrue (Biotru), which, in addition to removing dirt, bacteria and fungi, provides 20-hour hydration of lenses due to the presence of hyaluronan polymer in the product.

Anti-fatigue drops

Sometimes the clarity of vision decreases due to eye fatigue. The lacrimal gland cannot produce enough tears, which causes the mucous membrane to dry out. In this case, you can help yourself at home.

Drops "Natural tear"

Drops "Natural tear"

This drug quickly penetrates the anterior wall of the eyeball, narrowing the reddened vessels and establishing the proper functioning of the lacrimal gland.

Eye drops "Floxal"

Quite a powerful drug used in medicine to treat ophthalmic diseases. For eye fatigue, it is enough to instill 1 drop 2 times a day for 7 days. A longer course of treatment will require medical intervention.

Eye drops "Floxal"

Visin eye drops

One of the most popular and effective medical drugs. Drops should be instilled strictly according to the instructions. Do not get carried away with long-term treatment to avoid side effects.

Visin eye drops

If after a week’s course there is no improvement, and the discomfort not only does not decrease, but rather increases, you should definitely make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Good vision in this case may be at risk due to an advanced viral or bacterial disease.

Vitamin complexes for the prevention of good vision

Products have appeared on the market of dietary supplements and vitamin preparations that can help maintain the necessary visual acuity:

Doppelhertz with lutein and blueberries

This vitamin complex has become widespread not only in the CIS countries, but also in Europe. Vitamins quickly penetrate the bloodstream and enter the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye through the bloodstream. The complex helps to quickly adapt to changes in light conditions, eliminate night blindness, and also maintain longer eye performance. It is worth drinking the complex in courses, taking a mandatory break for at least three months.

Doppelhertz with lutein and blueberries

Blueberry Forte

A fairly well-advertised vitamin complex, which includes vitamins A and C. According to the manufacturer, beneficial microelements contribute to a clearer perception of the picture, support the eyes during the period after surgery, and help with discomfort due to dryness and pain.

Blueberry Forte

Vitrum Vision

This drug has also become widespread in Europe and the CIS. The vitamins contain not only useful microelements, but also an extract from blueberries. The vitamin complex is recommended for constant work at the computer, for drivers driving at night, as well as for all those who want to maintain good vision.

Vitrum Vision

Proper nutrition for eye health

The most valuable foods for good vision are those that contain large amounts of vitamins A, E and C.

Proper nutrition for good vision

Below are tables of products containing these beneficial microelements in order of decreasing quantity per 100 g.

Vitamin A Rich Foods

Chicken liver11 mg
Cheremsha4.2 mg
Garlic2.4 mg
Acne1.2 mg
Butter0.5 mg

The required daily dose of the vitamin is 2 mg.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Rose hip1000 mg
Bell pepper250 mg
Kiwi180 mg
Cheremsha100 mg
Cauliflower80 mg

The required daily dose of the vitamin is 90 mg.

Vitamin E-Rich Foods

Any nuts6 mg to 25 mg
Dried apricots5.4 mg
Acne5.1 mg
Sorrel2 mg
Zander1.7 mg

The required daily dose of the vitamin is 180 IU.

When creating a menu, you should definitely take into account the amount of vitamins that you consume. If it is not possible to supplement your diet with the required number of useful microelements, you should seek help from vitamin complexes.

Gymnastics for good vision

Visual exercises for good vision

  • Exercise 1. Concentrate your attention on one point in the distance and quickly move your gaze to another point as close as possible to you. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  • Exercise 2. Perform circular movements first to the left side and then to the right. Perform for 2-3 minutes in 3-5 approaches.
  • Exercise 3. Move your eyes up and down for 2-3 minutes.
  • Exercise 4. Blink your eyes quickly for 1-2 minutes.
  • Exercise 5. You need to close your eyes tightly for 6-7 seconds and open them for the same period of time. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Exercise 6. With your arm extended, look at the tip of your middle finger for 1 minute. Repeat 5-6 times.
  • Exercise 7. At a distance of 2 meters from your workplace, you should hang a bright picture and look at it from time to time, letting your eyes relieve tension.
  • Exercise 8. Extend your index finger and move it up and down and move it from left to right. Do this exercise for 3-5 minutes.
  • Exercise 9. Just close your eyes, completely relaxing them for 5 minutes.
  • Exercise 10. Draw the number eight and the infinity sign in the air with your eyes. Repeat 5-10 times.

Eye massage for good vision

Eye massage can help improve vision

To normalize eye pressure

Having assumed a comfortable body position, gently touch your closed eyes with your thumbs and massage them clockwise for 3 minutes. This will help circulate the blood and reduce high blood pressure.

To relieve fatigue

Closing your eyes, do not strain them. With your index finger, press lightly on the center of the upper eyelid, holding the finger for 3 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.

To relieve fatigue and anti-stress

Having closed your eyes and first applied a little baby or usual cream to them, lightly tap your upper eyelid with your fingertips for 1 minute.

You should massage your eyes in this way at least 3-5 times a day. After just one week of performing the procedure, you will notice improvements.

Video - How to maintain good vision for life

Vision and place of residence

According to ophthalmologists, visual acuity also depends on the soil of the place where a particular person lives. So, for example, in the territory of Tula, where the soil is rich in all kinds of microelements, there are much fewer myopic people than in Arkhangelsk, where the soil is extremely poor.

Short daylight hours also have a negative effect on vision. Therefore, residents of the southern regions of Russia are less likely to suffer from all kinds of eye diseases than those who live in the North. For example, in the Chechen Republic, per 100 thousand people, only about 850 people wear glasses, and in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug there are already more than 8 thousand.

Visual impairment in adults

School, college, work. Textbooks, notes, papers, monitor. Eye strain increases. The progressive decline in vision usually stops by this point, but new lifestyle factors appear that negatively affect the eyes. There is also good news: adults usually do not hesitate to wear glasses, do not experience problems with lenses, and if the organs of vision have already completed their formation, operations are available to you to help you see better.

The only way to avoid visual impairment as an adult is to visit a doctor regularly. And take care of yourself, some symptoms signal such problems when the clock is ticking.

A burning sensation, sand in the eyes, a sensation of a foreign body, a feeling of dryness.Dry eye syndrome often appears when working hard in front of a monitor, because when we think, we blink less often. The situation is aggravated by dry air, tobacco smoke, wind, hormonal processes, side effects of medications, and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane. Treated with moisturizing drops.
A feeling of pain, profuse and uncontrollable lacrimation, redness of the eye.Photokeratitis is a burn of the cornea of ​​the eye. Threatens those who sunbathe without dark glasses, look at welding or the sun. It usually goes away on its own. Of course, if you weld without protection, looking at the bright sun regularly, the cornea will lose its ability to recover and become cloudy. Just wear dark glasses.
Floaters before the eyes, flies and cobwebs.Destruction of the vitreous body - two-thirds of the eyeball is occupied by a gel-like transparent substance between the lens and the retina. With age, it liquefies, and individual fibers stick together, casting a shadow on the retina. Some diseases also aggravate the situation: cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, injuries to the head, eyes and nose. The good news is that it is not dangerous and affects almost everyone. The bad news is that you won’t be able to recover much either. Sometimes drops help, increasing blood circulation in the eye and helping the floaters to “dissolve”, but no one guarantees success. Usually one gets used to the shadows in the eye and stops noticing it. But be sure to go to the doctor and get an ultrasound of the eye to make sure that it is a harmless disease and not a serious retinal detachment.
A spot that suddenly appears before the eyes, a “curtain” that covers part of the field of view, a deformation of the objects in question.Retinal detachment is the separation of the retina from the choroid and can lead to blindness. In the early stages, symptoms are almost invisible. It is treated surgically or with a laser - the shells are reconnected and “welded” to each other. The risk of retinal rupture or detachment increases with high myopia, injuries, inflammation, and high physical activity.

I have spots in front of my eyes, destruction of the vitreous body. It doesn’t interfere with life much, but it’s practically impossible to treat. With DST, I can’t wear lenses and have changed my mind about having surgery. When the world around you is visible too clearly, floaters are especially annoying. Life is much easier with glasses, and with dark-tinted glasses I almost forgot about the problem.

With DST, it always seems like your glasses are dirty with something, especially if you look at white snow, a bright sky or paper

In adulthood, symptoms of visual impairment can signal both simple fatigue and serious and dangerous conditions. Only an ophthalmologist can help you figure it out.

How to use a computer safely

Nowadays, the vast majority of people spend many hours in front of the computer. “When working at a monitor, we focus our gaze on one point. Because of this, some oculomotor muscles stop working completely, while others, on the contrary, are in constant tension. This overworks the eyes, which can result in deterioration of vision,” says Sergei Chub, an ophthalmic surgeon at the St. Petersburg eye microsurgery clinic “I SEE”.

In addition, according to the specialist, when constantly looking at the screen, a person, without noticing it, begins to blink much less frequently than required. Normally, we blink about 18 times per minute, and when continuously looking at one point, this number is reduced to two or three times. This causes gradual depletion of the tear film, and, as a result, the occurrence of dry eye syndrome. It not only causes significant discomfort, but also weakens the protection of the eyes from infections. Therefore, every 20-30 minutes you need to be distracted from the monitor, and it is best to get up from the table.

Find a comfortable chair with back support that allows you to sit up straight while working. A hunched back when sitting at a desk negatively affects not only your posture, but also your vision. According to the specialist, the eyes should be at a distance of 50 centimeters from the monitor, and the gaze should be directed to the center of the screen.

Choosing a monitor is very important both for eye health and for comfortable and productive work with a computer. If the screen flickers and the picture seems fuzzy or even slightly double, then it needs to be replaced. It is best to purchase a monitor with a high resolution of 1920x1080 pixels and an image refresh rate of at least 60 Hz.

“It is better to abandon the use of a liquid crystal display (LCD) in favor of a light-emitting diode (LED),” says Sergey Chub.

It produces a clearer image and its light is much softer. It is less irritating to the retina and allows you to blink frequently enough without depleting your tear film.”

When working at a computer, lighting and external contrasts play an important role. Make sure that the display is not exposed to sunlight or reflections from the lamp. At night, the screen brightness should be reduced. On many modern devices, this function works automatically and is regulated by a light sensor or time indicators. If it is not there, then the screen must be configured manually. Be sure to provide your workplace with additional lighting that will softly illuminate the space around the computer. Any sharp contrasts, according to the ophthalmic surgeon, are harmful: they distract the gaze and irritate the eyes. It is important that the color of the table and the space behind the monitor be calm and light. This way, the white light of the monitor will not stand out too much from the general background. Direct rays of light are also extremely harmful. Lighting should be diffused by frosted shades or lampshades so as not to harm the eyes.

For those who already suffer from visual impairments, such as myopia, anisometropia, astigmatism, proper organization of the workplace is doubly important. “They need to work in corrective glasses correctly selected by an ophthalmologist, because their eyes get tired especially quickly,” says the expert. “Refusal to wear glasses or incorrect selection of lenses can cause the development of very serious diseases, often incurable: strabismus and amblyopia (lazy eye syndrome).”

When dry eye syndrome occurs, the doctor prescribes "natural tears" to relieve the patient's discomfort and maintain normal tear film until the cause of the disease is eliminated. During the treatment process, it is important to limit eye strain: work less with the computer and phone, blink more often, wear sunglasses outside.

Who has the best eyesight in the world?

There are many animals that can be proud of their eyesight. Cats distinguish objects in almost complete darkness, flies see 300 frames per second, cockroaches notice movement with a displacement of only 0.0002 millimeters.

But the one with the best eyesight in the world soars majestically in the sky. This is an eagle that sees food on the ground from a height of 3 km. He finds food even under water and under snow. From above, an eagle can easily recognize an approaching storm and any other threat. It is not without reason that the nickname “Eagle Eye” has been given to the most accurate and sharp-sighted warriors since ancient times.

How to improve vision?

Treat what is being treated, correct what is being corrected. There are only three proven methods for long-term vision correction - glasses, contacts and surgery.


The simplest, most common and understandable way to improve vision. Before the advent of glasses, individual polished crystals or pieces of glass were used as vision-enhancing devices for one eye. The first glasses for farsighted people appeared in the 13th century, and in the 14th century they began to make frames with concave lenses for nearsighted people. If a few decades ago the need to wear glasses could cause some unpleasant feelings, now the choice of frames is so wide and interesting that even those who do not necessarily need to wear glasses wear glasses.

The lenses in trifocal glasses consist of three zones: the upper one allows for near vision, the lower one for distance vision, and the central part is adapted for mid-distance vision. There are lenses with diopter transitions inside the lens. Chameleon glasses with photochromic lenses darken when exposed to ultraviolet light. This is very convenient in the summer: you don’t need to carry black glasses with you, you don’t need to insert tinted lenses with diopters into their frames in order to see normally.


Both the advantage and disadvantage of contact lenses is that they are in direct contact with the cornea. This means that the frame does not interfere, the glass does not fog up, and the temples do not rub.

The quality of lenses is related to two parameters:

  • The permeability of the material prevents hypoxia, a deficiency of oxygen in the cornea, which causes a feeling of “fog” in the eyes and burning.
  • Convenient hygiene, failure to comply with which can lead to infections.

The best option for these parameters is silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses for one day. They allow oxygen to pass through better than others and do not require complex manipulations with the solution.

Strictly follow the wearing regime:

  • Reusable lenses need to be washed with a special solution.
  • Do not touch lenses with dirty hands under any circumstances (and do not allow others to do so) and do not rinse with water when the solution has run out.

There are also continuous wear lenses: they can be left in place for up to 30 days. But it is better to always have a supply of daily lenses on hand in case chlorinated pool water, salt water or sand gets into your eyes.

This is what a thin silicone hydrogel tint lens for daily wear looks like. It won’t turn black eyes into light ones, but it will add brightness to gray or blue ones.


Over the past 20-30 years, surgeries have become commonplace. The laser reshapes the cornea, which is not working properly, so that the image is focused exactly where it is needed. Surgeries correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Studies show that surgery produces the best results when correcting not the highest deviations from the norm - yes, this is not a panacea and does not guarantee lifelong sharp vision.

It is important to know that the operation takes only 10-15 minutes and is done under local anesthesia. The laser cannot move like a surgeon's hand, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

There are also limitations: the operation is not performed before the age of 18, because the eye is still growing, and after 45, because age-related changes begin.

The following correction methods are distinguished, from the most expensive to the cheapest:

  • LASIK is a quick and painless procedure that removes layers of the cornea and changes its position. The most modern method is called femto LASIK because it is performed with a femtosecond laser. This is the name given to a new generation of ultrafast lasers that generate pulses lasting 1 femtosecond (1 femtosecond is equal to one quadrillionth of a second).
  • LASEK is a procedure that changes the shape of the outer layers of the cornea and its curvature. LASEK has a longer recovery period and can be painful. This procedure also has a more difficult post-operative period, but is generally considered a fairly successful procedure.
  • Photorefractive keratectomy PRK (PRK) is similar to LASEK surgery, but instead of reshaping the cornea, the epithelium is reshaped. You will need to wear therapeutic contact lenses for several days after surgery.

The downside of the surgery is that it is a relatively new method of vision correction. The long-term effects have not yet been adequately studied. The percentage of cases with possible complications varies from 0.5% to 6% or more, depending on the methods used.

Laser surgery permanently changes the properties of the cornea, which can prevent, for example, accurately measuring your intraocular pressure to diagnose and treat glaucoma. In addition, there is always some chance of complications such as blurred vision, inflammation of the cornea due to infection, or a halo effect - a halo around light sources in the dark.

Glasses are the easiest way to correct vision. If you lead an active lifestyle and play sports, you will be more comfortable wearing lenses. The operation will solve the problem for a long time. If you are willing to pay and take the risk.

Four stories about how good vision changes the quality of life

“The wave washed away my glasses while surfing.”

Garik Shapovalov, 30 years old, event host
Vision before surgery: minus 2.5 in one eye, minus 2.75 in the other

Myopia is a family problem, both of my parents wear glasses, and I put on glasses in the fifth or sixth grade.

Already from my first year at the Higher School of Economics, I began hosting events, weddings, and advertising campaigns, that is, working for the public and with a microphone. For quite a long time I have been involved not only in holding, but also in organizing events, which means I have to keep everything under control - installation, arranging dishes at a buffet or banquet, adjusting the light, the readiness of dressing rooms for invited artists, the cleanliness of the paths along which guests will pass. There are a million details, so good vision is essential.

When you're on set for 10–12 hours, your lenses start to hurt your eyes, and your glasses can break. I had such a case: my team was organizing the opening of a new restaurant. As a host, I greeted the guests and accidentally collided with one of them; the frame of the glasses could not stand it, the glasses fell into two halves. It’s good that I always had lenses with me, otherwise I would have had to conduct the event “by touch.”

I have my own difficulties with lenses: I put the first set on for two hours, and took it off for almost three. Then I got used to it, of course, although my eyes are very sensitive. Plus, I'm allergic, so only daily lenses were suitable for me. But in 2020, due to inflammation, they were banned too, so I had to go back to glasses.

Garik Shapovalov Photo from personal archive

This summer we went on a honeymoon to Sri Lanka. I am fond of surfing, but on the second day my glasses were suddenly washed away by a wave. Again the lenses came to the rescue, but they too can be washed away in the ocean.

While on vacation, I accidentally saw a post from a friend who shared the joy of vision correction. I wrote to him, he answered all my questions and reassured me.

So immediately upon my return, I started looking for a clinic and settled on 3Z. The day before the examination, I took off my lenses and went to see a doctor. The first impressions were pleasant, although the bank of client trust was filled slowly: I looked at the equipment, the staff, and tormented the doctors with questions, to which I always received adequate answers. Based on the diagnostic results, we settled on the classic Femto Super LASIK technology.

The most important thing for me was to understand when I could return to an active lifestyle. The doctors assured that it was already on the second day.

Clinic 3Z: Femto Super LASIK is a “classic” of modern methods of vision correction. The most versatile technology. This means that all unpleasant sensations during the recovery period are minimized: the very next day after the operation you will see the world clearly without glasses or contacts.

I waited two weeks after removing the lenses and came for the operation. Before her, there was a new eye check, after which I was taken to get ready - they gave me a suit, like in American films, and a hat. I announced the operation on my Instagram, my followers were interested, so I suggested doing a live broadcast. But the doctors did not allow it.

There are several medical staff in the operating room, all wearing masks. I lay down on the couch, my head was fixed, and painkillers were dripped into my eyes. I asked questions, the doctor answered and commented on his every action, because of this, the fear receded.

The first laser (femtosecond) took about 15 seconds, then the cornea was treated with an excimer laser, and at the end the eye was washed with water. The whole operation took about ten minutes. I was taken to a dark room, given a sedative, and I fell asleep for two hours. Then they gave me dark glasses and I went home.

3Z (or “Tri-Z”) is the largest federal network of modern ophthalmological centers in Russia. The first clinic was opened back in 2003 - since then our doctors have performed about 190 thousand operations - laser vision correction using various technologies, cataract and glaucoma surgery, vitreoretinal surgery.

You begin to see well almost immediately after the operation. On the second day you go for examination again. The clinic is located at VDNKh, so I asked: can I take a bike and ride? The doctors answered that there was no problem - you couldn’t engage in water sports, and a little physical activity wouldn’t hurt. I drove around the entire park and, watching the drops of water, made several circles around the fountain. I saw everything: small details, emotions on people’s faces.

I felt a real rush of happiness and thought: “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” I wanted to keep walking and compare the quality of vision with my friends - I couldn’t describe this thrill. After the operation, both comfort and, of course, confidence became many times greater. I noticed that I began to smile more often: even in the gray autumn, you see many beautiful little things that you had simply missed before. But this can only be fully understood by those who have seen the light, those of us who have not had good eyesight since childhood.

“I didn’t see the death of Corrado Cattani”

Arina Ponomareva, 39 years old, Headsover designer

Vision before surgery: minus 4.5 in one eye, minus 4.75 in the other

My vision deteriorated as a child. I remember at school we had a TV in the hall and during breaks we watched the series “Octopus.” And it was on that day when they showed the episode in which Corrado Cattani is killed, I forgot my glasses at home and could not see anything: everyone crowded around the TV and it was impossible to get close.

I didn’t like glasses, neither for driving nor for life. Again, given my myopia, they turned me into a woman with small eyes, and I could not allow that to happen. So, as soon as the lenses came out, I started wearing them. And it got to the point that my eyes began to dry out and by ten o’clock in the evening nothing but sand was falling out of them.

My cheerful man loved it when in the evening I took off my lenses and turned into a blind chicken. Taking advantage of the moment, he immediately began to make terrible faces and tease me, and instead of a face I saw only a pancake. I probably decided to make the correction out of spite, so that nothing would escape my gaze.

Clinic 3Z:

What we call “one hundred percent vision” is the average standard of visual acuity. But some people have a tendency to have so-called telescopic vision, when the acuity exceeds 100 percent. This depends on the natural structure of the retina. Visual acuity is most often checked using the Sivtsev-Golovin table: the line below separates an indicator of 100 percent from a higher one. You can check whether you have a predisposition to telescopic vision during a consultation with an ophthalmologist or during preoperative diagnostics.

Of course, I knew about this possibility, but I put it off for a long time. Given my rhythm of life - constant flights, training, meetings - it was difficult to allocate even a day for the operation. So the boyfriend's teasing served as good motivation. In addition, I came up with another important incentive for myself - a trip to Kenya on a safari.

I had the operation four years ago. I came driving myself, and for some reason, relying on the successful experience of my friends, I decided that I could easily get home. But in the end I had to use my brother’s help.

Arina Ponamareva Photo from personal archive

After consulting with a doctor, I chose Femto Super LASIK technology. Everything went quickly and painlessly, my only mistake was watching a video the day before about how the operation was performed. This is definitely not worth doing. Afterwards I spent a couple of hours at the clinic and went home.

I didn't expect it to be so cool. You get up from the couch and at that moment you are shocked that you see perfectly. It is fantastic. I still have dreams—and this is one of my worst nightmares—that my eyesight is failing. But it doesn't fall. At all.

I went to Kenya a month after the correction. This trip was so inspiring that I got the idea to create decorative animal heads. Immediately after returning I made the head of a hippopotamus. As a result, the hobby grew into a whole project, and the Headsover brand appeared. Now the collection includes lions, bulls, elephants, and now I’m working on a panther. So, largely thanks to vision correction, my business appeared. The only question I now ask myself is: why didn’t I do this earlier?

“During skydiving, I tied a shoelace to the temples of my glasses.”

Grigory Shirvanyants, 38 years old, simultaneous interpreter, journalist

Vision: both eyes minus 4.5

When I was four years old, I was in a car accident and received a severe blow to the head. It is believed that this is what affected the vision. I prefer the version that I really loved to read, especially at night, by the light of a flashlight. By the age of ten, my parents saw that my vision was falling quite quickly and, when it became minus 3.5, they sounded the alarm. I had scleroplasty (an operation to strengthen the sclera of the eyeball), after which my vision was fixed at this level. Until the seventh grade, I only wore glasses during lessons. But, as I got older, I started actively hanging out with girls, and a problem emerged: I didn’t recognize them on the street. This was a serious motivation to start wearing glasses all the time.

Grigory Shirvanyants Photo from personal archive

Then lenses appeared in life. There was no discomfort, but I developed conjunctivitis a couple of times due to inexperience. And of course, this is inconvenient: you have to carry the solution and a container with you in case you wake up not at home in the morning. And in general, both glasses and contact lenses are an inconvenience for those who lead an active lifestyle. I write about yachts, cars, motorcycles, often do test drives, and go on business trips. Mobility and the best possible vision are important to me.

Clinic 3Z:

ReLEx SMILE is the most modern vision correction technology, after which a person recovers as quickly as possible. It involves minimal intervention into the structure of the cornea, and after the operation, some people return to the gym the very next day, drive a car and work at the computer. Ideal for an active lifestyle.

When I went skydiving for the first time in 2001 or 2002, I was told to take off my glasses. The next time I was already a scientist and stocked up with shoelaces, which I used to tie the temples. I once fell so hard on a ski slope that the glass of my glasses flew out of my glasses frame. I was water skiing and the lens just washed out of my eye. By the age of 34, my vision slowly sank to minus 4.5, and for my birthday my family gave me vision correction. The operation was quick and painless. Afterwards I came home and went to bed. I woke up four hours later and realized that everything was fine. In the evening of the same day I was already sitting with friends in a restaurant, and the next day I was shooting at clay pigeons with a gun - I was doing clay pigeon shooting at that time.

Since then, I have never thought about glasses and contacts again. By the way, after the correction I bought my first motorcycle. It’s such a thrill to open your helmet at low speed and enjoy the views, without fear that a grain of sand will fly under the lens and ruin all the fun.

“I didn’t see the man of my dreams”

Elena Chigvintseva, 30 years old, producer, casting director

Vision: both eyes minus 4

I lived with poor eyesight for 20 years. Already in the fifth grade I had to wear some scary glasses and was forced to wear them in class. From about the age of 13, I wore glasses constantly. My appearance is extraordinary, the frames were always beautiful and, in general, suited me, but my childhood complexes won out: I was never photographed wearing glasses and never wore them on dates. With myopia such as mine, glasses significantly make the eyes smaller, and the gaze becomes less wide-open. After school I started experimenting with lenses, but quickly found out that they didn’t suit me. None.

Wearing glasses darkened my life. It is impossible to play sports, dance, or swim. In the end, perhaps due to my blindness, I did not see the man of my dreams.

Elena Chigvintseva Photo from personal archive

I dreamed of correction for a long time, but did not know how to approach this matter. I carefully studied the issue, made sure that the operation was not complicated, and decided to do it.

Clinic 3Z:

One of the most time-tested vision correction technologies is LASIK. It has existed on the ophthalmology market for 30 years, and the first correction using this method was carried out in Russia. Now this is the most affordable method of vision correction, but patients at the 3Z clinic in Moscow can choose: the clinic operates using six technologies - from classical to the most modern. The average time of exposure of the patient's cornea to the laser is only 27 seconds. Your doctor will help you choose the optimal technology after a thorough diagnosis.

The most important thing is the attitude. You have to lie down, exhale and convince yourself not to run away this second, but just be patient and survive. It was scary only at the very beginning, but when they did the second eye, I was already singing. The most important thing is that it doesn't hurt at all. Apart from being proud of myself that I had taken a step towards my dream, I experienced nothing else. After the operation, I slept for three hours, and in the evening I admired the views from the window and looked at signs, license plates and other details that I simply had not noticed before. And I started working the very next day.

Since only three days have passed, I still don’t believe that this is forever: instead of the 4-5% that I saw before the correction, I now have 120% sharpness without glasses or contacts - and it’s wonderful.

Prepared by Anastasia Ryzhkova

The 3Z clinic in Moscow gives Snob readers a 30 percent discount on preoperative diagnostics, and also reduces the cost of vision correction using any technology by 15 thousand rubles for both eyes. Make an appointment by clicking on the link, and then call the specialist call-. The promotion is valid until January 31, 2019. The promotion is available for people over 18 years old&

LLC "TRI-Z-MSK" License No. LO-77-01-016239 dated June 20, 2018.

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.


One of the amazing things about dragonflies is their large globular eyes. Each dragonfly eye is made of 30,000 facets and is located in different directions. The result is incredible 360-degree vision. This allows them to detect even the slightest movement in their surroundings.

Dragonflies can also detect ultraviolet and polarized light, which are outside our visual spectrum. All these qualities play a huge role in dragonfly navigation.

Owls have very interesting, large front eyes. This eye positioning provides a great advantage for owls - incredible binocular vision, or the ability to see an object with both eyes with greater depth perception. Even animals and birds whose eyes are on the sides of their heads do not have such excellent vision.

Surprisingly, instead of eyeballs, the owl's eyes are shaped like tubes. Also, their eyes cannot rotate like ours. But they can move their head 270 degrees in left and right directions. This gives owls a much broader vision. To adapt to a nocturnal lifestyle, owls also have excellent night vision, which brings in millions of light-sensitive retinal rods.

Visual impairment in the elderly

Age-related changes in vision are inevitable and begin around 40-45. By the age of 60, the muscles weaken, and the eye focuses less and less. Myopic people have a slight advantage: for them this process begins a little later. Unfortunately, in old age there are enough diseases that threaten vision loss. We remind you again and again: regular visits to the doctor and attention to your own health only grow in importance with age.

After 60, deterioration of vision is not just unpleasant, it threatens blindness, so regular examinations with a doctor are very important.

Objects close up are less visible, objects farther away are better.Farsightedness or hypermetropia is a feature of the eye in which images of objects are focused behind the retina.Reading glasses will be required. Laser correction is possible.
In the evening, vision is better than in bright light; violation of contrast, objects appear double. Cataracts develop when the lens loses its clarity. Almost everyone over the age of 80 has cataracts. In the early stages there are practically no symptoms. Cataracts are successfully treated by replacing the clouded lens with an artificial one.
Rainbow circles and spots before the eyes, pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, narrowing of the field of vision.Glaucoma is a large group of eye diseases characterized by a constant or periodic increase in intraocular pressure with subsequent development of typical visual fields, decreased visual acuity and optic nerve atrophy.The most effective treatment is considered to be a combination of drug therapy (drops) and laser surgery, which creates a path for the outflow of intraocular fluid and reduces intraocular pressure.
Darkening or streaking in the field of view, clear font in the middle of the page appears blurry, straight lines appear crooked, colors fade, and it is difficult to read road signs or see distant objects.Macular degeneration is an age-related disease of the retina. The blood vessels that supply blood to the macula (macula) on the back of the eye, which is responsible for clear vision, are affected. Leads to partial or complete blindness. The progression of the disease can be stopped or slowed down by quitting smoking, taking vitamins and antioxidants, and laser surgery of affected vessels.

The main causes of blindness among adult patients are diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, and age-related retinal degeneration. None of them are related to time spent in front of a computer, TV or book.

Why vision deteriorates and how to protect it

The living conditions of the average person are not very conducive to maintaining good vision.
We spend most of the day staring at either a smartphone or a monitor. We see everything worse, but we realize when the situation can only be corrected by serious treatment. A problem that almost everyone who spends a lot of time in front of a monitor has encountered is computer vision syndrome. What Is Computer Vision Syndrome? . You've probably noticed that after just a couple of hours of continuous work at the computer, your eyes get tired, burning and redness appear, and the image on the screen blurs. This is because the eyes need to rest.

At least once every 45–60 minutes you need to take a break from work for at least 10 minutes and do gymnastics. The exercises are elementary: alternately hold your gaze on the tip of your nose, and then move it into the distance, rotate your eyes first to the right, then to the left, alternately move your gaze to the right, left, up and down. All movements should be slow and smooth. A very simple option: go to the window and look into the distance for a few minutes.

Blue light from monitors and gadgets tires Blue Light and Your Eyes eyes and can damage retinal cells. As much as possible, try to reduce the time you spend in front of the screen, and switch your smartphone to night mode. Add foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin to your diet - pigments that can protect the retina from exposure to blue light. Leaders of Nutrients: Lutein + zeaxanthin in terms of their content are spinach, sweet peppers, parsley, pistachios, zucchini and green peas.

If you already have nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, this does not mean that good vision cannot be restored. There are two options for the development of events: glasses or lenses and laser correction. In the case of glasses and contacts, you will need to periodically check your vision, and if it gets worse, order new ones.

Laser correction is a quick and radical solution to the problem. It is performed on patients from 18 to 45 years old, and the rehabilitation period is usually minimal. For example, at the Excimer clinic, the operation takes 10–15 minutes, and taking into account the preparation and examination after correction, everything will take 2–3 hours. In just a couple of days you can play sports and work at the computer.


The tarsier is a small primate found in the forests of Southeast Asia. Its most striking feature is its large eyes, which have a diameter of up to 1.6 cm. Compared to body size, these are the largest eyes of any mammal in the world. Just like an owl, the tarsier's eyes cannot move. Because they are fixed in the skull.

Instead, tarsiers can move their heads 180 degrees left and right. This helps them to know what is going on around them. They are nocturnal animals that only become active at night. But their large eyes give them excellent night vision. In addition, they have a keen sense of hearing. Both of these qualities help tarsiers detect prey in low light conditions.

How to improve vision?

Undergo preventive examinations. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating vitamin-rich foods helps prevent cataracts. Maintain a healthy weight and monitor your sugar levels because in type 2 diabetes, damage to the retina can lead to blindness. Correct existing problems to avoid new ones. Protect your eyes from dryness and ultraviolet radiation, give them rest. Follow the development of science - new technologies and drugs that improve vision appear frequently.

You need to undergo an examination once a year, and after 50 years - twice a year.

Working at the computer.

How to protect your eyes if it is impossible to reduce the time spent in front of the monitor? To prevent drying out of the cornea, you can use, for example, 10 types of artificial tears. It needs to be instilled one drop into both eyes every two hours for people who work at a computer during the day. The fact is that when working with a monitor, the eye concentrates, “forgets” to blink and dries out. Normally, a person should blink about 20 times per minute, but, as a rule, it turns out 8-10 times. This is not only due to PC conditioning and temperature changes that also contribute to the “drying” of the cornea. It is important that the background of the monitor is green or gray. The blue color of the screen is toxic to the eyes and can cause accommodation disorders (malfunctions of the mechanism that allows you to focus on an object, regardless of its distance from the eye: myopia, farsightedness). There are special glasses to protect your eyes when working with a computer. Is their action real? Most likely this is a commercial offer, and there is no scientific evidence about their benefits to the eyes. Another thing is glasses for motorists. They really help drivers see better during twilight. These glasses are similar to regular sunglasses, the only difference is the yellow-orange color of the glass, which allows you to see surrounding objects more clearly. People with visual impairments can apply a special yellow filter to their diopter glasses and the effect will be the same.


With all my love for reflexology, it would be strange not to know about the points that stimulate the eyes and increase visual acuity. I use finger pressure on these points every day. Considering the specific nature of the work, in my case such prevention is vital. I share with you too!

First of all, these are points located directly around the eyes:

How to maintain good vision Near the inner corners of the eyes, closer to the bridge of the nose (number 3 in the picture).

Under the lower eyelid approximately in line with the center of the eye (number 4 in the picture).

On the outer corners of the eyes. Tung-tzu-liao point (number 5 in the figure).

Near the tip of the eyebrow (number 6 in the picture).

We massage these points with a fingertip for a few seconds. I move along the line: first - the points at the bridge of the nose, then - under the lower eyelid, then - in the outer corners and, finally, at the tip of the eyebrow.

Important: never press too hard with your fingers!

The skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate and sensitive. The effect is not enhanced by pressing force. The most important thing is regularity. Massage these points daily, and you will not only maintain good vision, but also improve microcirculation in the tissues around the eyes. And this is the prevention of wrinkles.

We massage the points around the eyes with closed eyes. Simultaneously from both sides. Other useful points for improving and maintaining visual acuity:

In the very center of the earlobe.

At the base of the skull, on the back of the neck.

About 3 folded fingers apart on the inside of your hand.

The exercises recommended by hatha yoga are best done with eyes closed in order to conserve energy and use its reserve for self-regulation of the body. 1. Central fixation:

Focus your eyes on an object located far or near for about a minute. Keep your eyes open normally, but without blinking, until tears begin to flow. The distance to the object is at least 48 cm, the posture is comfortable and relaxed. The gaze can be fixed, for example, on the tongue of a burning candle or on a black mug pinned to the wall. The smaller the item to fix, the better. After several months of mastering central fixation, you can move on to contemplating pure water. Pour water into a beautiful vase and contemplate the center of its reflection from ordinary light for about 10 minutes. The vase must be positioned so that the focus of the reflection is in the center of the plate; you should contemplate this shiny surface. Central fixation on the water reflection, on the fiery tongue of a candle, was considered by ancient yogis to be soothing for the eyes. A powerful subject of central fixation is the contemplation of various natural objects, such as water or the sky. If there is a calm backwater with a shiny mirror surface of reflected natural light, do not miss the opportunity to sit quietly and look at the surface of the water.

2. Contemplation of the nose.

Sit comfortably, relax, keep your neck straight and fixate the tip of your nose with your eyes. Contemplate it for 1-2 minutes and then close your eyes. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times. After completing this series, close your eyes to rest.

3. Contemplation of eyebrows.

After a minute's rest with your eyes closed, fix your gaze on the point between your eyebrows. Hold this for a minute or two. Close your eyes to rest.

4. Contemplation of the right shoulder.

Keep your body straight, neck and head firm. Fix your eyes at the end of your right shoulder. Stay like this for 1-2 minutes. Then close your eyes to rest.

5. Contemplation of the left shoulder.

Same as the right one. It is useful to combine all four exercises into one. Performing them strengthens the muscles of the eyeball, enhances natural fixation and accommodation.

Eye massage

Stroking closed eyes, vibration, pressure, palm massage and light kneading have a good effect on blood circulation and nerves.
The most common massage technique is with two fingers - the index and middle - in the form of a figure-of-eight movement. Along the lower edge of the eye, move towards the nose, along the upper edge of the eye - above the eyebrows. This movement is repeated 8-16 times. Washing the eyes
Cold water is good for stimulating the organs of vision. After muscular exercises, you can immerse your face in cold water 3-4 times for 3-4 seconds, or, taking water in your palms, throw it several times into your open eyes. Never miss the opportunity to make eye contact with one clean, cold water while on vacation - near a stream, a spring, a mountain river, a waterfall.


  1. In preschool age, vision problems can go unnoticed and affect the child’s school performance and development. Regular visits to your doctor are important. Limiting reading time and working at the computer does not affect vision.
  2. In adulthood, carelessness and lack of attention to oneself threaten loss of working capacity. Only a doctor can help distinguish harmless symptoms from dangerous ones.
  3. In old age, blindness is threatened by diseases, which can be avoided by a healthy lifestyle - weight control, quitting smoking. After 50, you should be examined by a doctor twice a year.
  4. Timely correction, regular examination by a doctor and a healthy lifestyle in general help improve vision. Exercises for the eye muscles are relatively effective for mild myopia or eye fatigue.
  5. To choose an individual treatment, it is better to consult a doctor and follow the regimen.

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October 8 is World Sight Day, October 20 is World Statistics Day. We decided to combine these two reasons and collected 10 facts about vision. With numbers!

  • Almost 1.5 billion people around the world have some form of vision problem. Scientists estimate that this figure will increase in the coming years.
  • According to the World Health Organization, 90% of people with visual impairments live in low-income countries. Unfortunately, these people do not have access to quality medicine.
  • In Russia, treatment is provided at the proper level. However, surveys show that 49% of Russians do not have their eyesight checked. But many serious diseases can be completely cured if they are detected in the early stages. You can check your eyesight, seek help from an ophthalmologist, or pick up glasses or contact lenses in Perm and the Perm region in the Point of View Optics salons - every year 80 thousand patients and clients trust us to take care of their eye health.
  • Another reason to think about eye health is that a third of Russians developed vision problems during the self-isolation regime. 71% of people complain of decreased visual acuity, 52% of respondents indicated discomfort in the eyes, 40% reported dry eyes, and 38.5% reported the appearance of “spots”, black spots or flashes. There is clearly no point in postponing a visit to a specialist this year.
  • Thanks to vision, a person receives most of his knowledge about this world. The eyes process information at a rate of 10 million bits per second (a bit is the smallest unit of measurement of information). All senses together process about 11 million bits.
  • At first, newborn babies see at a distance of no more than 40 cm. The mother’s face is approximately how far away from them during feeding.
  • Our eyes widen when we see our loved one. American scientists conducted an experiment and found out that the pupils become almost 50% larger when we look at the object of our sympathy.
  • Scientists estimate that the average person blinks about 7,900,000 times a year, or about 15 times per minute. And for good reason. Blinking keeps our eyes well hydrated.
  • A little about colors. The rarest eyes on the planet are green. There are only 1-2% of them. This color occurs due to the presence of lipofuscin pigment in the iris.
  • The rarest color is the most popular. According to the UK Department of Health, 27% of English women prefer green contact lenses, 26% choose a purple tint, and 18% want to become blue-eyed.

Beach season: readiness No. 1

American Betty Webster does not win races, blinks no less often or more often than anyone else, and does not have phenomenal eyesight at 89 years old. She was included in the Guinness Book of Records thanks to the world's largest collection of sunglasses. In 2020, when the record was set, there were 1,506 models. Betty has been collecting glasses since 1999, many of them were given to her by friends who learned about her unusual hobby. Such a collection could only appear in Hawaii, where the beach season lasts at least 11 months a year!

American Betty Webster entered the Guinness Book of Records for having the world's largest collection of sunglasses.

When taking care of your eyes, the number of glasses frames and natural characteristics are not the main thing. Much more important is visual hygiene and its timely correction. They will help, if not become a Guinness Book of Records record holder, then at least see the world clearly and improve the quality of life.


Veronica Seider recognizes faces at a distance of 1.6 km

Veronica Seider is the woman with the sharpest eyesight in the world, able to see the face of someone she meets at a distance of 1.6 km. This is 20 times more than typical for an ordinary person. Veronica is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most vigilant person on the planet.

Veronica Seider was born in 1951 in West Germany. The girl was particularly keen-sighted since childhood, but at first few people took her abilities seriously. At school, the girl surprised teachers and classmates, but they became seriously interested in her extraordinary vision in 1972 , already at the University of Stuttgart.

The university conducted experiments, during which they found that Veronica easily recognizes faces located a water mile away from her, and also determines the distance to the object. Based on the results of more in-depth experiments and analyses, scientists came to the conclusion that the student’s vigilance is 20 times higher than that of a typical person.

Veronica could rewrite the text from 10 printed pages on a sheet of paper the size of a postage stamp. During the experiments, she wrote 10 poems this way without using a magnifying glass. In addition, the most keen-sighted girl is able to distinguish many more colors than others. She sees the spectrum of each color, not just the result.

Despite her unusual abilities and official recognition of the world record, the biography of Veronica Seider is very prosaic. She chose to become a dentist and live her life in her homeland without attracting attention.

Such keen vision is a paranormal phenomenon that has never been encountered in anyone else. The human eye has not yet been fully studied. Scientists are looking for new methods to restore and develop vigilance, looking for ideas from nature.

Vigilance does not depend in any way on the size and number of eyes. Almost all insects have very poor vision. And some animals, especially those hunted by predators, are endowed with panoramic vision .

Read also: Chandra Bahadur Dangi is the shortest man in world history

Among the amazing people, it is worth noting another woman - Natasha Demkina, whom nature awarded with X-ray vision.

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Eye testing equipment

Medical clinics are filled with sophisticated equipment for diagnosing and treating eyes. Improvements in technology make it possible to detect diseases in the early stages and restore lost vision almost without a trace.

But ensuring prompt inspection at places of work or study, in institutions of regional centers and villages requires maximum efficiency with minimal investment. Therefore, ophthalmologists around the world do not use electronic devices, but the invention of Soviet doctors.

What is the norm?

The fact is that ideal vision must correspond to a group of parameters:

  • refraction, which is 0;
  • acuity, at which the normal vision is 1 or 100%;
  • intraocular pressure - 22-24 mm Hg. in a healthy adult.

Good refraction of the eye, in simple words, is when the image falls exactly on the retina. In this case, the analyzer sends the correct impulse to the brain, and we see a clear, clear, legible picture. Diopters are a unit of measurement of refraction. When asking your doctor about your health, remember that normal vision is not a question of how many diopters you have, because ideally there should be 0.

Statistics and its indicators.

They say that every year in Ukraine the number of people whose eyesight is deteriorating is growing. Why is this happening? I can’t say that vision is getting worse, it’s just that more and more people are turning to specialists not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of vision problems. The fact is that the work of many now depends on “communication” with the computer, and this is a significant strain on the eyes. If the ability to see well deteriorates, a person may lose his job, so he tries to prevent possible problems, and this is very good. Although there are people who are in no hurry to see an ophthalmologist, even if they have obvious vision problems. This is especially true in villages. For example, in Ukraine, 250,000 patients with glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure) are registered, and according to the World Association of Glaucomatologists, the same number are at home unexamined. There are more than 500,000 children with vision problems registered.

Preventive methods

If the mother or father wears glasses, you should pay attention to the child's vision. Supplement routine examinations at 3,6 and 12 months with home diagnostics.

By the age of three, you should be tested for myopia, as at this age the risk of detecting the disease increases.

An adult should rest his eyes both during working hours by changing his occupation, and at night by sleeping for at least 8 hours. Increase the amount of vision-healthy foods in your diet: sea fish, eggs, fruits and berries, legumes.

Don’t forget about age-related changes; when you retire, try to do eye exercises every day. Don't ignore headaches - they often become harbingers of diseases of the visual apparatus.

Bates exercises

Help tone muscles, promoting their healthy development. Gymnastics also has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, thereby reducing the risk of stagnation and vascular atrophy. Thus, daily performance of these simple activities reduces the likelihood of increased IOP and the occurrence of diseases of the organs of vision.

In addition, do not forget to perform a light massage with your fingers - from the temple to the nose and back. A “trick” with warm palms will help relieve fatigue: rub your hands, place them on your closed eyelids, slightly bending your fingers into a bowl shape. After a few seconds, you will feel fresh and energized when you open your eyes.

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