Recipe for treating cataracts with honey and propolis

The healing properties of bee glue for eye health

Bee glue contains a large number of vitamins and beneficial components. It is the varied rich composition that provides the healing effect on the human body. Propolis extract for the eyes is a broad-spectrum medicinal product. It exhibits the following activity:

  • relieves pain;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • regenerates cells;
  • fights viruses and bacteria;
  • strengthens local immunity.

In folk medicine, bee glue is known as a natural antibiotic. What is very important is the effect of the drug, it does not have a negative effect on the body, does not inhibit beneficial microflora. In addition, the natural medicine is compatible with other medications, including antibiotics.

Indications for use

Due to the wide range of effects on the organs of vision, ophthalmologists quite actively use bee products in their practice. It is effective for the following ophthalmic diseases and eye diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • initial stage of myopia;
  • cataract;
  • blepharitis;
  • violation of the integrity of the cornea.

As a rule, preparations based on bee products are prescribed together with vitamin complexes and other medications. Treatment with bee glue can be alternated with mummy therapy and honey water. This integrated approach significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy. Eye drops with propolis are used not only to treat diseases; the api product is also used to improve vision.

How is it used to treat eye diseases?

Due to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antifungal effect, the extract is used to treat eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, cataracts, incipient myopia, corneal diseases, blepharitis, diabetic retinopathy, burns, corneal ulcers.

The use of the drug in combination with other medications and vitamin complexes increases the effectiveness of treatment and prolongs its effect.

Conjunctivitis and corneal burns

Instill 6-10 times a day, 2-3 drops into each eye. Helps reduce irritation, pain, lacrimation, swelling. In advanced cases, recovery occurs after 3–4 weeks, in the lungs – the next day.


Dilute celandine juice and propolis solution in a ratio of 1 to 3, instill 2 drops before bedtime.

Restoring lens transparency and preventing cataracts

The course of treatment lasts from 6 months to a year. Every day, 2-4 drops are instilled into both eyes.

For farsightedness and myopia

For a month, drink the tincture once a day before meals (10–12 drops) and drop 2 drops into both eyes. After instillation, be sure to do exercises: rotating the pupils in a circle, down, left, right. To enhance the effect, ophthalmologists also recommend using preparations containing blueberries.

Recipe with propolis for eyes

Drops with propolis are available in pharmacy chains and specialized stores. But if you wish, they can be easily prepared with your own hands; the main thing is the presence of the main component. In order for the manufactured drug to bring only benefits, it is important to know how to make it correctly.

Aqueous tincture of propolis at home effectively improves vision and eliminates inflammatory processes. The recipe is quite simple to prepare, you will need:

  • bee glue - 10 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

Propolis is crushed, poured into a container, water is added, then placed in a water bath. The solution must be heated until the apiproduct is completely dissolved, then it is poured into a thermos, where it is infused for 48 hours. After preparation, the infusion is filtered. The finished product is used for instillation, as well as for creating compresses.

This aqueous solution of propolis has a 10% concentration of the active substance. Due to the absence of ethanol in its composition, it is prescribed to pregnant women and children.

Cooking recipes

Currently, in home medicine there are several recipes for making propolis-based eye drops with your own hands. With their help, you can quickly get rid of ophthalmic ailments, improve vision, and relieve irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Below are the most effective prescription formulas that have received an overwhelming number of positive reviews.

How many calories are in honey?


Healing propolis extract is an effective drug for preventive purposes that can increase visual acuity, relieve inflammation, and activate tissue regeneration. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to prepare homemade tincture:

  1. Take 10 grams of pure propolis.
  2. Dilute it with 100 grams of water.
  3. Boil the solution in a water bath.
  4. Take a sterile gauze bandage and strain the prepared mixture through it.

The resulting liquid is poured into a hermetically sealed glass vessel and placed in the refrigerator. It can be used as eye drops with propolis or as a base for compresses.

Water infusion

Pure water-based propolis for the eyes is an effective remedy that can cope with ophthalmic ailments. Below are step-by-step instructions for preparing it:

  1. Prepare 10 grams of pure bee glue, put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Grind the propolis ball, grinding it into crumbs.
  3. Fill the resulting dust with 100 grams of filtered water.
  4. Place the vessel with the mixture in a water bath and heat until the components are completely dissolved.
  5. Pass the liquid through the gauze bandage.

This infusion is perfect for treating children, pregnant and lactating women. Being absolutely harmless and non-toxic, it carefully cares for the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Eye drops

Propolis drops with royal jelly will help relieve fatigue, soothe inflamed corneas, improve pupil function and strengthen the eye capillaries. Acting as a good preventive measure for diseases of the organs of vision, they are able to relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time.

So, how to make eye drops:

  1. 10 grams of propolis are crushed, poured with 100 milliliters of cold filtered water and placed in a water bath.
  2. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 60 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. The liquid is poured into a clean glass vessel.
  4. Add 2 grams of royal jelly and shake well.

How and when to use drops?

In order to achieve maximum effect using propolis drops, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists.

In case of corneal disorder

So, if the integrity of the cornea or conjunctiva is damaged, 2 drops should be instilled 4 to 6 times a day. The maximum duration of therapy is 1 month. But as a rule, relief occurs already on days 2–3 of therapy. The pain, lacrimation and swelling subsides. To consolidate the results, you should apply eye drops for another week after the symptoms disappear.

Restoring lens transparency

In order to restore normal transparency of the lens, you need to drip 3 drops once a day for 6–12 months. The same therapy is used to prevent the occurrence of cataracts.

Foreign body entry

If a foreign body gets into the eye, you need to rinse it with a water decoction 3-5 times a day until the condition improves, but no more than 3 days. If there is no positive dynamics during this time, you should consult a doctor.

Optic nerve atrophy

For optic nerve atrophy, 1 drop is dropped into both eyes three times a day, the course of treatment is 10 days. Next, give the organ of vision a five-day rest. A total of 3 such courses are recommended.

Vision correction

To correct vision and eliminate dry eye syndrome, manipulation is carried out 2–4 times a day. Drop 2 drops of propolis into each eye. The duration of treatment is 1.5-2 months. If vision deteriorates due to myopia or farsightedness, it is recommended not only to apply the drug topically, but also to drink it orally.

To prepare a drinking solution, 1 tsp. extract is diluted in a glass of water. Take 20 minutes before meals, 1 time per day.

For microtrauma of the cornea

To heal microtraumas of the cornea, eliminate the consequences of chemical burns, conjunctivitis, propolis in water for the eyes is used for a month. In this case, you need to follow the following scheme:

  • the first 3 days - 2 instillations per day;
  • from 3 to 6 days - 3 manipulations;
  • from 7 to 9 days - 4 instillations, etc.

According to this scheme, the number of therapeutic procedures is increased to 6 times, instilling 2 drops of medicine. A gradual increase in dosage allows for a gentle effect on the affected areas, eliminating unpleasant sensations. The drug restores damaged tissue well and fights infectious diseases.

Before using the drug, shake it thoroughly.

In order to get the best effect, after instillation you should do eye exercises. Namely, perform circular rotations with your eyes, look in all directions in turn.

Pharmacy analogues

If it is not possible to prepare the tincture yourself, then you can buy a ready-made solution at the pharmacy. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor. Examples:

  1. Aqueous propolis extract with bee milk for eyes. Ingredients: oose, water, bee brood, vitamins, minerals and phenol compounds. The healing properties are aimed at relieving fatigue, normalizing blood flow and improving visual acuity. It is recommended to instill 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day. Standard course is from 12 to 20 days.
  2. Aqueous extract of propolis "ProAqua". Drops are used as a complex of vitamins for the eyes. The product is effective against many diseases. To prevent overwork and cataracts - 2 drops in the morning and evening. For inflammation or damage to the cornea - 2 drops up to 10 times a day.
  3. A.P.V. eye drops. The infusion consists of an extract of dark propolis and shungite water, saturated with silver ions. The product is recommended for use in glaucoma, myopia, cataracts, inflammation of various natures (viral, infectious, fungal). Water with silver ions enhances the antimicrobial effect.

Pharmacy analogues of homemade bee glue tincture consist of the same components. Some manufacturers use silver-enriched water or supplement the composition with substances beneficial to the eyes.

Eye treatment using the Zhdanov method

Propolis-based eye drops made using the Zhdanov method are becoming increasingly popular. There is a distinctive feature of Zhdanov’s eye drops. To prepare the medicine, ionized water is used, obtained by infusing it with shungite.

Shungite water is purified from harmful microorganisms, heavy metal salts, and pesticides. In addition, it enhances the medicinal effect of propolis. In pharmacy chains you can find APE drops created according to this principle.

This drug is effective in treating eyes with glaucoma, cataracts, and retinopathy. Eye drops quickly cope with inflammation. The Zhdanov method of eye treatment increases the resistance of the visual organ to negative environmental factors (wind, dry air, ingress of microparticles).

Restrictions and contraindications

Before starting natural medicine therapy, you should visit an ophthalmologist. Get examined, receive advice and recommendations regarding treatment.

Propolis is a waste product of bees, therefore there is a possibility of an allergy to preparations with bee glue. If there is a negative reaction after instillation (itching, redness, increased lacrimation), therapy should be stopped. It is recommended to take an antihistamine. This will allow you to relieve the symptoms of intolerance to the api product as soon as possible.

There are cases when there are no signs of allergy, but the patient experiences discomfort when instilled. Then reduce the concentration of the active substance by adding saline solution or boiled water.

The use of the medicinal properties of propolis in ophthalmology gives very good results. The drug is of natural origin, so its use is allowed for pregnant women and children. You can find numerous positive reviews about treatment with this method. And they prove that propolis can not only cure eye diseases, but also increase visual acuity. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of specialists, observe the dosage regimen and the duration of the treatment course.

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