Carrying out uroflowmetry and interpreting the results

Friday, October 16, 2020

High-quality diagnostics to identify various problems associated with urination and the entire genitourinary system is necessary for everyone. Uroflowmetry is performed using a special device that gives accurate results. And experts in the field help solve problems based on research data. It's safe, fast and inexpensive. Does not require additional examinations. But what is uroflowmetry and how is it done?

This is a method for identifying malfunctions in the genitourinary system during the process of urination. The muscular lining of the bladder is checked for its ability to contract and resistance to PUS. This is an examination method in which the speed of urine movement during emission is measured to record tone, check the state of muscle contractility and patency of the urethra.

Uroflowmetry is a clinical method for non-invasive study of urodynamics. It consists of recording the volumetric flow rate of urine and other physiological parameters during urination. Allows you to obtain information about the functional state of the detrusor and patency of the urethra.

Reasons for diagnosis

The examination is prescribed by a doctor to patients with the following indications:

  • BPH;
  • cancer;
  • uncontrollable urination;
  • retention of urine in the system and inability to emit;
  • failure to urinate caused by diseases of the nervous network.

Adenoma is an age-related disease in older men caused by hormonal changes. The risk level increases after about 40 years of age. It is the growth of tissue with the formation of benign tumors that put pressure on the urinary canal and causes difficulty urinating.

Prostate cancer is a serious disease in men. Due to accelerated cell division, a malignant tumor is formed with the appearance of metastases. If not treated on time, it can be fatal. Older men should be examined for timely detection of this disease.

Urinary incontinence is a common condition in women. This is flow without the urge to urinate. The risk group is women over 40 years old. The causes of incontinence are:

  • detrusor failure;
  • weakening of the urethra or sphincter;
  • relaxation of the pelvic support systems (occurs after pregnancy and childbirth, pelvic surgery, age-related);
  • stress, pathologies of the excretory system.

Urinary retention in the system is often caused by pathologies or is a consequence of diseases such as enuresis, neurosis, adenomas and others. This condition is dangerous because urine can enter the kidneys and awaken foci of infection. Therefore, diagnosis should be carried out in time and treatment should be started in order to avoid sad consequences and complications.

Failure of urination due to nervousness is also a fairly well-known reason. Many diseases come from disorders of the nervous system. Neuroses, stress and the so-called neurogenic bubble. Most often this condition is accompanied by urinary retention rather than incontinence.

Benefits of the procedure

Uroflowmetry is one of the early diagnostic methods. According to reviews from patients at the Promedica clinic, it does not cause any discomfort. The examination is absolutely safe because:

  • the integrity of the urinary organs and urethra is not compromised;
  • no medical instruments are used;
  • there are no side effects (suppuration, inflammation);
  • There are no contraindications based on gender or age.

Do not delay a visit to a medical doctor if you begin to notice a thinning stream of urine, a decrease in its pressure, episodes of delayed urination or an increase in its duration, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, a frequent urge to urinate and other discomfort. These symptoms require close attention and qualified professional help.

Our specialists will help identify even hidden forms of disorders and prescribe timely treatment. This will allow you to return to a rich and fulfilling life. To find out the price of diagnostics or an appointment with a urologist in Belgorod, contact our administrator in a convenient way.

Preparing for uroflowmetry analysis

Many people are interested in how to prepare for uroflowmetry. To obtain accurate results, it is necessary to perform high-quality preparation for the procedure. It is necessary to exclude some points of influence:

  • The patient should come to the examination with a full, but not full, bladder.
  • The environment in the analysis room should be calm and intimate so that the person does not experience the discomfort associated with the inconvenience of the presence of someone else.
  • The muscles should be relaxed. It is necessary.
  • The person must be warned in a timely manner about the procedure itself and told about all its stages from start to finish.

Thus, the result from uroflowmetry will be high-quality and accurate, which is what is required of it.

Complications during uroflowmetry

This is a safe procedure, however, complications can be caused by the patient’s health condition, so it is necessary to discuss with the doctor all the issues related to this manipulation.

Factors that lead to incorrect uroflowgram:

  • during urination there were movements or the patient was tense;
  • some medications.

How and where uroflowmetry is performed

Where to do uroflowmetry. This service can be obtained from urology specialists at the Men's and Women's Health Clinic in Moscow. The analysis is paid, its price is 600 rubles.

During the examination, the patient is positioned on a special toilet. Urination should occur as usual, without straining or acceleration. The urine is collected in a special reservoir equipped with a sensor, and the data is displayed on a chart. The meter displays any deviation from normal flow. It happens that the procedure is repeated several times. It all depends on your situation and the extent of the disease.

Research procedure

Uroflowmetry is carried out in a natural position for a person: standing for men, sitting for women.

Stages of the procedure:

  • The patient is taken to a special room and introduced to the device. 5 seconds after pressing the “start” button, you need to urinate into a special funnel. The device is connected to a computer and records the urine flow rate in milliliters per second. During the procedure, the patient needs to calm down and relax.
  • When urination is completed, you must wait 5 seconds and turn off the device.
  • The computer analyzes the data and as a result produces a graph that the doctor deciphers. Using these data, you can determine how difficult urination was. The norms are different for each age and gender. For example, in a healthy man, the rate of urine outflow is 10-15 ml/sec, and the time to empty the entire bladder is 20 seconds.
  • Next, to complete the clinical picture, an ultrasound of the bladder is performed to determine the level of residual urine. It should be no more than 30 ml.

Based on the procedure data, decisions on further diagnostics are made. To accurately determine the diagnosis, a comprehensive urodynamic examination is necessary: ​​dynamic uroflowmetry, ultrasound of the bladder, cystometry and laboratory tests.

Advantages of uroflowmetry:

  • Non-invasive method;
  • Can be repeated many times, which allows you to view the picture in dynamics;
  • Simplicity and naturalness of implementation.

Interpretation of uroflowmetry results

Your doctor will be the best person to tell you about the diagnostic results. If you are interested, here are the rules and transcripts.

Urination rate: men 15 ml/sec, women - 20 ml/sec. Average speed is above 10 ml/sec.

The rate of achieving the highest speed is 4-9 seconds.

The volume of urine is from 200 to 500 ml. The minimum is 100 ml.

The interval for the start of urination is up to 40 seconds.

Table of norms by age

Patient age Men (per second) Women
From 5 to 7 years 9ml-10ml 9ml-10ml
From 8 to 14 years 11ml-12ml 14ml-15ml
From 15 to 45 years 20ml-12ml 17ml-18ml
From 46 to 66 years old 11ml-12-ml 17ml-18ml
From 67 to 80 years 8ml-10ml 17ml-18ml

Do not forget that your doctor will tell you in more detail and comprehensively about the test results. And only on the basis of its findings should treatment be carried out.

In this article, you learned what kind of uroflowmetry analysis this is, where and how this diagnosis is carried out, and what its cost is. If you are concerned about discomfort and pain in the genitourinary system, do not delay and immediately contact a specialist. It is very important to identify any deviations and their causes in a timely manner so that this does not lead to more serious consequences.

You can do this analysis at the men's and women's health clinic in Moscow. There are also specialists in the field of urogynecology and neurourology. They will help you solve many problems at good prices with the highest quality approach to each client.

03.31Uroflowmetry600 rub.

Urodynamics and uroflowmeters: what is important to know?





Dynamic UFM uroflow meter from Medetron

The Dynamic UFM uroflow meter from the Czech company MEDETRON is used to assess the functionality of the lower urinary tract in urological and urogynecological practice.

More details

More details

More details

✔️ Available studies: filling/emptying cystometry, combined cystometry, profilometry, VLPP, BLPP, uroflowmetry, electromyography, video-urodynamics, rectal manometry, volumetric vector analysis and others;

✔️ Fully Russified WinDynamic software with unique analytical capabilities and advanced functionality: customizable report forms, the function of overlaying previous results on the current study, statistics on the types and number of studies for the entire period of work, integration of data from the video module, obtaining a preliminary conclusion based on the results of the KUDI and others;

✔️ Ergonomic all-in-one design: the maneuverable mobile stand includes all system components, as well as a personal computer with WinDymanic software and a touch screen. The mobile stand can be made in any color scheme of the user's choice;

✔️ High measurement accuracy and European quality of execution (manufactured in the Czech Republic);

✔️ Wide range of diagnostic capabilities at an affordable price;

✔️ Dynamic Proxima KUDI system is 8 universal channels (P, V), 2 EMG channels and a video module for synchronous video recording;

✔️ Available solutions: uroflowmeters with wired and wireless data transmission with a Dynamic UFM weight sensor, the expert-class urodynamic system Dynamic Proxima and the urodynamic system for routine studies Dynamic Mini

Unique non-invasive pelvic floor muscle training systems VOLEM HnJ-7000 and HnJ-1000M

More details

Active systems for training and rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles using biofeedback therapy :

  • for the prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence
  • initial stages of pelvic organ prolapse
  • sexual dysfunctions (erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction, anorgasmia)
  • syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, proctological disorders and others.

VOLEM systems do not require the insertion of rectal or vaginal probes , and the patient does not need to undress to undergo training.

Monitoring of muscle activity is carried out using a sensor built into the seat of the chair and a belt to monitor abdominal pressure. VOLEM HnJ teaches the patient the correct tension/relaxation of muscles, including the correct performance of a set of Kegel exercises and its modifications to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

VOLEM systems are used in men and women of any age, as well as in pediatric patients in the treatment of urological, gynecological, proctological disorders, as well as in sexual medicine.

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Treatment of neurogenic bladder diseases

The treatment process for such diseases is quite lengthy and requires special attention from both the attending physician and the patient. First, treatment is prescribed to prevent all inflammatory processes in the bladder, and then they begin directly to restore urinary functions. Treatment of the hypotonic form of the disease will take a little longer than the hypertensive form. To restore normal functions, special exercises are prescribed to restore healthy bladder tone. The procedures include exercises to develop the pelvic muscles, as well as various physiotherapeutic methods for treating urinary problems. Sometimes medications or electrical muscle stimulation are used for treatment. In severe forms of the disease, they resort to artificial removal of urine through a special catheter several times a day. This procedure is painless, will relieve discomfort and speed up the course of treatment. With the help of such procedures and with the correct recommendations of the doctor and with the responsible implementation of all prescriptions, you can cope with a disease that is quite uncomfortable and brings a lot of inconvenience. The main thing is to consult a urologist in time, correctly diagnose the disease and quickly begin treatment. Then the time for treatment will be minimal, and the treatment methods will be the simplest and most comfortable.

What is uroflowmetry?

Uroflowmetry is a method for studying a number of parameters of the urine stream, which is used to assess urination. It is a non-invasive study, that is, it does not require the installation of a catheter or other urological instruments in the urethra or bladder. It is performed using a uroflowmeter device, which gives accurate results of measuring the volume and speed of urine flow. With its help, you can evaluate the patency of the urethra, the functioning of the bladder and detrusor (the muscle that expels urine).

The procedure is completely painless, easily accessible (Moscow), and has a reasonable price. No special preparation required.

Uroflowmetry is indicated for the following conditions:

  • History of benign prostate adenoma;
  • Prostate neoplasm;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Difficulty urinating;
  • Sluggish stream;
  • Increased urination time;
  • Portioned urine output;
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • Chronic prostatitis;
  • Sclerosis of the bladder neck;
  • Overactive bladder.

In all cases, functional or organic changes in the bladder occur. If you have these symptoms and diseases, do a test to evaluate your urinary function. Patients who did the study in the early stages of their diseases were cured faster compared to advanced situations.

Popular questions

How to prepare for uroflowmetry?
An hour before urofluometry you need to drink about one liter of water. Thanks to this, the bladder will be as full as possible by the time the measurement begins. The urge to urinate should be pronounced and strong. This will ensure the most accurate results, since if the volume of urine is insufficient, the test results cannot be considered reliable. In some cases, repeating the procedure is required to obtain objective data. Otherwise, the analysis does not require special preparation. Before the examination, the doctor will definitely explain the features of the technique and answer all your questions in detail.

What are the normal values ​​for uroflowmetry?

Urofluometry allows you to analyze a number of important indicators of the functioning of the genitourinary system. Normally, the average rate of urination should exceed 10 ml per second. During normal functioning of the body, the maximum rate of urination in men should exceed 15 ml per second, in women - 20 ml per second. The highest speed in normal condition is achieved within 4-9 seconds. For the results of the study to be objective, the volume of urine for analysis should be about 150-500 ml. The smallest volume at which the analysis results are taken into account is 120 ml. There is also a standard time during which urination begins. This indicator should be less than 10 seconds. However, it is important to take into account the psychological aspect, since the study can cause emotional discomfort in the patient and increase this time period.

How is this diagnostic method carried out?

The procedure is non-invasive, safe and painless. The patient needs to come for the test with a full bladder and a strong urge to urinate. The apparatus for urofluometry is a special toilet in the form of a funnel. To get results, you simply urinate into the device. In this case, it is better not to move, since any additional vibrations may distort the examination result. The system will register a number of indicators, display them on the monitor, and decipher the graph and numbers. After this, the doctor will analyze the information received and explain the results to the patient.

Name of service (price list incomplete)Price, rub.)In installments*

* You can read more about the conditions here - Treatment on credit or in installments.

Our doctors

Khromov Danil Vladimirovich

Urologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category

35 years of experience

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Perepechay Dmitry Leonidovich

Urologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category

40 years of experience

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Kochetov Sergey Anatolievich

Urologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category

34 years of experience

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Mukhin Vitaly Borisovich

Urologist, Head of the Department of Urology, Candidate of Medical Sciences

34 years of experience

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