Urinalysis: comparing results obtained using test strips with results from quantitative methods

Updated: June 19, 2021, 9:49 Expert: Davydov Denis Sergeevich

At the first signs of the disease, the child is prescribed a urine test in order to see a full picture of all abnormalities and prescribe treatment in a timely manner. Such examinations are prescribed to children both in case of illness and for preventive purposes. Examination of the urinary fluid is one of the best ways to check the condition of the organs, which will additionally tell how effective the treatment is.

Urine analysis is prescribed to a child for prevention or to identify possible diseases in his body.

Results of laboratory tests on urine: norms and causes of deviations

Considering the number of indicators that a clinical urine test provides, deciphering a laboratory test tells a lot. It will point out a number of pathologies that may be present in the body and show how the organs function. A table with normal results that are acceptable in children will help you navigate the indicators.

COL or COL LTColorStraw yellow or yellow (yellow)
Clarity or CLATransparencyTransparent
VVolumeTo correctly diagnose the disease, it is enough to take 20-30 ml
SmellNo strong odors
The SG norm in the analysis depends on the age of the child
DensityFor newborns1008—1018
2-3 years1010—1017
4-12 years1011—1021
ProteinAbsent, but allows minimal presence (small)
GluGlucoseNot detected
UbgUrobilinogenNorm URO in the analysis of children 1.8-6.4 µmol
bldRed blood cellsUp to 2 visible ones that come into view
leuLeukocytes in the field of viewThe girl has7—10
The boy has5—7
ASKascorbic acidBut
Epithelium0—1 in the field of view, if VTC is indicated, it means enlarged
SlimeAbsent (may be allowed in small quantities)

To see an accurate picture of the state of the body, a general blood and urine test is prescribed simultaneously. Most laboratories report the readings in abbreviated form. The main ones: ASA - ascorbic acid, norm - normal amount, small - small, and turb - service mark, and VTC - increased level of epithelium.

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- [kɔl] nm 1080; lat. collum → cou I ♦ 1 ♦ Vx Cou. Mod. Loc. Se hausser, se pousser du col: se faire valoir, prendre de grands airs. “Elle s en croit.” Il ya sa mère aussi, qui se pousse du col" (Sartre). 2 ♦ Partie étroite, rétrécie (d… … Encyclopédie Universelle


- col·po·scope; col·po·stat; col·pot·o·my; col·ter; col·ub·ber; col·u·bri·na; col·u·bri·nae; col·u·lus; col·um·ba·ceous; col·um·ba·ri·um; col · um · bary; col·um·batz; col·um·bel·la; col·um·bel·li·dae; col·um·bif·er·ous; col·u·mel·la; col · u · mel · lar;… … English syllables


— COL. sm La partie du corps qui joint la teste aux espaules, la prononciation ordinaire dans la pluspart des phrases, c est Cou. Long cou. grand cou. gros cou. le col court. le cou, ou le col tors. mal de cou, ou mal au cou. mouchoir de col, ou … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française


- COL, coluri, sn (anat.) Parte mai îngustă, mai strâmtă a unui organ sau a unui os. – Din fr. col. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 06/28/2004. Sursa: DEX 98 COL s. (anat.) col uterin = cervix; col vezical = cervix. Trimis de siveco, 08/05/2004. Sursa:… …Dicționar Roman


— can refer to: Contents 1 Things 2 Places 3 Languages ​​4 Abbreviations 5 Groups … Wikipedia


— COL.
sm Voyez Cou, quant à la partie du corps qui joint la tête aux épaules.Col. sm Terme dont on se sert dans différentes phrases par analogie à cette partie du corps humain dont on vient de parler. f♛/b] On appelle Le col de la vessie … Dictionnaire de l»Académie Française 1798

Çöl Dəllək

— Municipality… Wikipedia


— → con col élément, du lat. cum. V. co et com. ⇒COL(I) , COLO(N) , (COL , COLI , COLO , COLON), élément préf. Premier element de compos. correspondant au subst. côlon et entrant dans la formation de termes appartenant au domaine médical. A. Sur… … Encyclopédie Universelle


- col. col. abbreviation for column * * * col. UK US noun [C] (plural cols.) WRITTEN ABBREVIATION for column: a vertical row of words or numbers: »See the Evening Advertiser, page 2, col. 1. "The table shows graduate employment alongside the... ... Financial and business terms


- col. 〈Buchw.; Abk. für lat.〉 columna (Spalte) * * * col. = columna(Spalte). * * * Col., Abkürzung für den Bundesstaat Colorado, USA. * * * col. = columna (Spalte) ... Universal-Lexikon


— sustantivo femenino 1. Brassica oleracea. Planta crucífera comestible, de tallo grueso, hojas anchas, flores pequeñas, blancas o amarillas que se cultiva en los huertos: Prepara las coles con patatas muy bien. Locuciones 1. col de Bruselas… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española


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The English language is replete with so many abbreviations that entire dictionaries are compiled to understand what is said and written. Abbreviations can be classified in different ways:

  • by area of ​​application
  • type
  • by visualization method
  • by similarity of sound.

Most abbreviations are built like an acronym.

An abbreviation can be initialized, that is, the initial letters of the constituent words are used for abbreviation.
Another type of abbreviation is called alphabetic.
There are also mixed types. They are also found in English.

Test strip testing

Using test strips, you can test your urine at home for the content of glucose, leukocytes, nitrites, acetone, and determine the pH.
Outwardly they look like a strip of cardboard with a reagent applied to it. This is a good opportunity to check your urine test at home without a doctor's prescription. The transcript of the analysis will be ready in about 5 minutes. In case of a positive reaction, part of the strip changes color to a certain color, after which it must be checked with the scale located on the package. The test strip will indicate the following indicators:

  • glucose;
  • leukocytes;
  • total protein;
  • acetone;
  • specific gravity and pH;
  • nitrites.

When using test strips, do not overextend the allotted time and do not touch the indicator so as not to smear more accurate results.

Abbreviations in correspondence

In business correspondence, many abbreviations are used, from job titles: CA - certified accountant, CEO (chief executive officer) - senior officer to specific terms: col. (collection) - collection, collection; b/l (Bill of lading) - bill of lading/waybill

When filling out the address cell on an envelope, people do not write Street in full, replacing it with the abbreviation St - street.

And in the letter itself, the recipient, seeing the combinations of the letters “pls”, “ppl”, “Q.” can easily read: please, people, question.

Biochemical indicators

To check the kidneys and genitourinary system, a biochemical urine test is often prescribed, which includes indicators such as protein, sugar, ketone bodies, urobilinogen and bilirubin. It will take about a day to get results. To understand what is acceptable, the table below shows urine analysis indicators that are normal and abnormal:

IndexNormReasons for rejection
GlucoseCloser to 0, but for newborns a slight increase is normalIncreases with high consumption of sweets or presence of disease
Protein0—0.08 g per dayUrinary tract inflammation or tumor
BilirubinKidney stones or liver problems
Urubilinogen or ubgNo more than 10 µmolLiver failure or inflammatory bowel disease
Ketone bodiesNoneDiabetes, stress, fasting

What does the color of urine mean?

In most cases, changes in the color of urine are temporary without serious consequences, but sometimes such changes can be the result of an infection or other serious illness.

The most common changes in urine color that are not caused by disease:

  • pink-red – beets, blueberries, aspirin, cephalosporin antibiotics;
  • brown – taking bear ears, sulfonamides;
  • greenish-yellow – rhubarb, Alexandrian leaf;
  • deep yellow – taking riboflavin, furagin, 5-NOK;
  • colorless urine - after drinking heavily.

Possible changes in urine color due to diseases:

  • the color of strong tea (beer) – pathology of the liver and gall bladder;
  • reddish tint (the color of “meat slop”) – inflammatory kidney diseases, hemoglobinuria, hematuria;
  • colorless or slightly yellow – a symptom of advanced renal disease, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus;
  • dark yellow with a green tint - usually indicates jaundice;
  • greenish-yellow – significant content of pus in the urine;
  • dark, almost black – hemolytic anemia;
  • whitish - a significant amount of phosphates, lipids.

How to properly prepare and take a sample?

If errors occur during the urine collection process, the result may be incorrect.
Often the results give incorrect readings because the analysis was collected with errors. A poor urine test in a child is not an accurate indication of the disease. Possible reason: incorrect collection. There are a number of recommendations that should be followed. It will be much more difficult for a small child to explain the course of action.

Preparation rules

  • Proper dinner. Regardless of the type of analysis, it is better to exclude fried, salty or spicy food in the evening.
  • Proper hygiene. It is necessary to wash the child’s genitals with plain water without soap so that inclusions do not affect the result.
  • Morning gathering. After sleep, urine is most concentrated and provides the most accurate results.
  • Temperature. Timely delivery with normal storage is the key to reliability.
  • Vessel. It is better to purchase a special sterile jar. Collection in any cleanly washed jar is allowed.

Abbreviations for SMS

A striking example of such an abbreviation is specific combinations for writing SMS. A whole language has been invented from hundreds of words, understandable, however, to both the sender and the addressee. Let's say you receive a message from an English-speaking subscriber: ADIDAU BILY, this is not a network error, this is a confession: “All Day I Dream About You Because I Love You.”

Several Yet:

Abbreviations are used not only in messages sent through modern gadgets, but also in completely traditional correspondence.

Geographical, phonetic, visual abbreviations

Abbreviation of geographical names

, such as states, provinces and even individual cities are far from uncommon in the English language. An example would be the abbreviation for the District of Columbia DC or the city of Washington, WA.

An interesting type of abbreviations - phonetic and visual

. The first are based on the consonance of some words and numbers. 10Q is similar to Thank You, 2ez is similar to Too easy. F2F - to Face to Face (face to face) and in written speech replace these expressions.

Dimension abbreviations

As in Russian, English often resorts to abbreviations when writing various measurements. A barrel is designated as bbl, a foot is ft, an ounce is oz, a quart is qt.

tense abbreviations in English

, are written as an acronym, for example, the names of the months: Apr. , Aug./Ag., Dec. They are pronounced in full form: April, August, December.

Others, say, indicating the time of day: am, pm – spelled out, that is, the way they are written.

Symbolic abbreviations

very common. Many of them are international in nature.

The number is indicated by the sign #, “and” - &, the dollar is written as $, the pound sterling and euro correspond to the symbols £ and €. The copyright symbol is ©.

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