Why is a 24-hour urine test prescribed during pregnancy?

The composition of daily urine is the most important indicator of the condition of the entire body of a pregnant woman and is much more informative than the analysis of a single morning dose. One of the signs of the development of pathological processes is the appearance of protein and its compounds in the urine.

Diagnosis of proteinuria is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy, since it is during this period that disturbances in protein metabolism can provoke serious diseases of the fetus: damage to the central nervous system, heart and kidney disease, nephropathy.

Toxicosis of pregnant women

The amount of urine excreted by a person over a certain period of time is called diuresis. Measuring its indicators allows you to assess the ability of the kidneys to concentrate and excrete urine.

A woman carrying a child undergoes many different blood and urine tests, which provide constant monitoring of her health. One of the most common methods of examination during pregnancy is to study the parameters of daily diuresis - the volume of urine excreted by the expectant mother within 24 hours.

The results of assessing the daily norm of urine allow us to draw a conclusion about the amount of water consumed by a pregnant woman, the intensity of the functional activity of the sweat glands and urinary organs. In our article we will provide answers to the following questions:

  1. Why is it important to know the rate of daily diuresis during pregnancy?
  2. How to properly collect biological material for research?
  3. What amount of urine excreted during the day is considered normal?
  4. What are the reasons for deviations from the norm?

Healthy kidneys excrete 67–75% of the absorbed volume of fluid within 24 hours. With a normal diet (drinking 1 - 2 liters per day), daily diuresis ranges from 800 to 1500 ml. The minimum daily volume of urine, with which all metabolic products and toxic compounds can be released, is 0.5 l.

From 0.55 to 1 ml of urine is excreted per minute, which is necessary to calculate renal clearance, which determines the state of functioning of these organs.

As you know, while carrying a child, a restructuring of all systems in the mother’s body occurs; it now functions for two. The daily norm for a pregnant woman is 60-80 percent of the fluid she drank in 24 hours.

A pregnant woman gains a very large part of her body weight from fluids, because the volume of circulating blood increases significantly, and water is also necessary for the formation of amniotic fluid around the fetus. Usually a woman drinks a lot during this period. For this and a number of other reasons, the amount of urine excreted increases, and the number of trips to the toilet also increases.

The daily diuresis rate during this period ranges from a liter to 2, as you can see, it does not differ radically from that of other women. Typically, the amount of urine in 24 hours increases after 22 weeks, because at this time the baby reaches a decent size and puts pressure on the bladder.

Stress, physical exercise, and various diseases (preeclampsia, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, heart and kidney pathologies) can disrupt the normal values ​​of this important indicator. Any deviation in the mother’s body affects the child, which is why a pregnant woman needs to closely monitor her condition.

Measuring daily urine output is very important. Despite the development of modern medicine, this method remains relevant.

Gestosis in pregnant women (or late toxicosis) is one of the most common complications of pregnancy, occurring in the second half of pregnancy, leading to dysfunction of organs and systems. According to the severity of its course, it is divided into dropsy of pregnancy, nephropathy, preeclampsia and eclampsia.

And Srolko ordered to obey me today. We went out through the dark door. Tee-Pee lay down in the ditch, and I sat down and looked at him. “You’re crazy,” he said. - It's with the blacks. Only howls when Dan y. “Let’s go around the house and look through the window into the living room,” said Caddy. how much not to laugh.

The kinesthetic sense can be greatly enhanced by the body control method. In six months, it will become completely worn out from constant use if it expires. In one of the tennis matches of the 1994 season, I was seriously injured and experienced. “—the latter will lead to sloppy movements and a state of collapse.

spoon of apricot, mix everything and add 3 c. Should and use for enlarged pores and blemishes, in addition, men can. After 10-15 minutes, when the mask is dry, remove it with light circular movements from below. Solyanom u. Vinegar restores the acid shell; apples contain pectin and have a healing effect.

Or frostbite. 5 hours. Fruit (vitaminized) for pregnant women. Stir 1 how to lose weight with cumin oil. spoons how much oil. spoons of almond oil and 1 tbsp. Grate the cucumbers. spoons of infusion of orange blossoms or flowers, how much urine should pregnant women have per day, 0.5 tsp. Do not expose the skin to sudden changes in temperature, this can lead to burn spots.

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the collection and close. Cold also dries out the skin and makes it rougher during pregnancy. Fruit (vitaminized) masks. spoon for 1 glass of water: oak bark, plantain, c. Made from yolk and vegetable oil with the addition of bee honey and some fruit or vegetable juice. spoon of bergamot oil, 0.25 tsp.

Question 2011-11-21 16:22:13 how much urine should a pregnant woman excrete per day with a liter of water drunk. Some women complain of isolated cases of vomiting in the morning, while others suffer from uncontrollable vomiting around the clock.

Some women often wonder: how long should toxicosis of pregnant women last?

Every day should be from 800 to 1500 ml. The color of healthy urine is straw yellow. Have you asked? 14:03:16 / 2009-01-16 (Elena). Tatyana Borisovna, how much urine should a pregnant woman produce per day? More than she drinks or less? For some reason, I heard 2. ANSWER. Diuresis should be positive.

Daily amount of urine. A healthy person excretes approximately 1500 ml of urine per day. However, this amount can vary over a fairly wide range, amounting to approximately 3/4 of the total amount of liquid drunk during the day. The morning portion of urine is 150-200 ml. An increase or decrease in daily urine volume is an important clinical indicator.

Polyuria - an increase (over 2000 ml) in the daily amount of urine under physiological conditions is observed in the third trimester of pregnancy, after the end of menstruation, with insufficiency of protein foods.

Polyuria is observed in some kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, hysteria, heart disease during the period of swelling, nutritional dystrophy, and is especially pronounced in patients with diabetes insipidus (4-6 liters or more per day).

Polyuria should be distinguished from frequent urination, which is caused by other causes, such as inflammation of the bladder.

Oliguria is a decrease in the daily amount of urine (less than 500-300 ml). In healthy people, oliguria can occur with limited drinking, increased sweating, physical activity, work in hot shops, etc.

Oliguria is observed in kidney diseases such as glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure, pyelonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, etc.

Anuria is a complete cessation of urination. This is a very serious symptom, the cause of which can be severe kidney damage (acute nephritis, transfusion of incompatible blood, acute renal failure), abdominal trauma, acute peritonitis, renal colic, ureteral catheterization, shock. In a number of diseases, only a delay occurs, and not a complete cessation of urination.

Ischuria is urinary retention in the bladder as a result of impaired spontaneous urination. The cause of ischuria can be lesions of the prostate gland in men (inflammation, adenoma, cancer), stricture (narrowing) of the urethra, impaired contractile function of the bladder.

During the day, most of the urine is excreted during the daytime - 75-80% of the total amount. An increase in the volume of the night portion is a symptom that occurs with certain kidney diseases, prostate hypertrophy, and diabetes insipidus. The predominance of nocturnal diuresis is called nocturia.

Any woman, being pregnant, cares that the pregnancy ends successfully - with the birth of a healthy and strong baby. Multiple tests are designed to help determine how normal the pregnancy is and whether there is a threat to the fetus due to the health of the mother.

Urine according to Zimnitsky during pregnancy is most often prescribed for suspected kidney problems.

When prescribing this analysis, the rules for collection and delivery are different: collection occurs at strictly defined hours, and portions are not mixed, each is stored in its own jar. All jars are delivered to the laboratory.

Prepare 8 containers. You should go to the toilet for the first time at 6 a.m.; you do not need to collect this portion. The time of first urination should be recorded. Then the scheme is as follows: the day is divided into 8 time intervals of 3 hours. All urine released within 3 hours is collected in one container.



Normally, about a third of the daily urine should be excreted at night. If one or more containers remain empty, they are also taken to the laboratory.

The rate of daily diuresis during pregnancy is somewhat different from that of men, children or women who are not in an “interesting situation”. In this case, it is mandatory to take into account not only water or other drinks, but also all liquid dishes that were eaten by the expectant mother during the day.

Diuresis during pregnancy can vary significantly. As a rule, it fluctuates between 60-80%. If fluid begins to accumulate, the amount of urine produced decreases significantly. The expectant mother develops swelling under her eyes, on her face, arms and legs.

If your daily urine output has decreased during pregnancy, this should be a good reason to visit your doctor's office. This condition may indicate impaired renal function, which is far from uncommon among expectant mothers. The fact that a woman has an increased urge to urinate during pregnancy is absolutely normal, so do not be alarmed. The fetus simply grows, starting to put pressure on the walls of the bladder and kidneys. As soon as the baby is born, everything will immediately improve.

Daily urine protein content

A certain amount of total protein in urine can be found in every person. During pregnancy, the normal value of this indicator is considered to be a concentration of up to 0.03 g/l. An increase in this figure is referred to as “proteinuria.”

However, this phenomenon is not only a sign of a pathological process (cystitis, urethritis, nephritis), but may also have physiological causes:

  • the predominance in the diet of a pregnant woman of a large amount of protein foods - dairy and meat products;
  • severe stress;
  • moral exhaustion due to worries about the upcoming birth.

The conditions for collecting biological fluid are simple and differ little from all the above rules. It is important for a pregnant woman to control urination; on the eve of collecting urine, exclude salty and acidic foods from the diet and limit meat consumption.

The main indication for determining the level of total protein in daily urine is the diagnosis of such a dangerous disease for the expectant mother as gestosis, which occurs with edema

Before each emptying of the bladder, you need to wash the external genitalia; all portions of urine are collected in a large container prepared in advance. On the morning of the next day, the last portion is collected, the total volume is measured, then the urine is poured into a special small container in the amount of 100–150 ml and delivered for analysis.

Of course, carrying out constant examinations is not a very pleasant companion to pregnancy, but the positive aspects of the period of waiting for the baby to be born will smooth out these sensations - you need to remember that many changes in health status can be easily diagnosed by the state of urine. In conclusion of all of the above, I would like to note that it is very important to donate urine for research to proven modern laboratory centers.

  • How to collect a daily urine test during pregnancy
  • Urine rate per day for pregnant women in liters
  • Why collect all the portions per day?
  • Preparing for analysis
  • Zimnitsky test
  • Glucosuric profile
  • Daily urine test for protein during pregnancy

Often, closer to the end of pregnancy, a woman begins to show signs of gestosis - late toxicosis, especially if she was previously diagnosed with various chronic diseases. In such cases, doctors immediately check the daily protein in the urine. Visually, you can notice a change in color and transparency: the urine in the jar is cloudy and there is sediment.

The protein norm is up to 0.03 g/l. What does increased daily protein indicate? First of all, doctors suspect that the kidneys are not doing their job. The reason for this may be a heavy load during pregnancy, especially if the woman has previously suffered from chronic pyelonephritis. The dose of protein increases with inflammation of the urinary tract, but this phenomenon is temporary.

How much urine do you need to take a protein test? Usually they use a sample from daily urine, less often - all urine if they do a Zimnitsky test.

In addition to protein and sugar content, doctors are interested in indicators such as:

  • color;
  • transparency;
  • density.

Each of them has a lot to say to an experienced specialist. The woman’s task is not to panic, even if abnormalities are detected, but to calm down and trust her doctor. He will make a decision, prescribe a suitable diet and prescribe medications if necessary. Today you can successfully bring your pregnancy to a successful conclusion even in the presence of serious pathologies, so you should expect the best and follow all the doctor’s instructions.

How to prepare

This study does not require special preparation. It is recommended to prepare in advance:

  • special containers designed for collecting urine 8-9 pcs.;
  • a notebook and pen in which you need to write down the amount of fluid you drink (then the doctor checks this information when he receives the test results);
  • set an alarm clock or ask relatives to wake you up at night.

This will not be difficult for pregnant women, since many suffer from sleep disturbances. Also, do not change your usual diet.

The amount of liquid should be normal and not exceed the normal amount. Do not forget that some foods can affect the physiological parameters of urine.

To obtain reliable results, it is recommended to exclude them from the diet for several days. These include: beets, smoked, salted foods. You should also not take diuretics on the day of the test.

What is the reason for the decrease in the amount of urine?

It happens that the normal rate of urine output decreases. This phenomenon is called oliguria, the causes of which may be:

  • insufficient drinking regime;
  • diseases of the paired organ;
  • constant diarrhea;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncology;
  • stones.

Sometimes the volume of urine does not exceed two hundred milliliters per day. This is a sign of developing anuria caused by renal failure, shock, urethral spasms, and intoxication. The patient needs to visit a doctor to prevent negative consequences.

Polyuria - an increase (over 2000 ml) in the daily amount of urine under physiological conditions is observed in the third trimester of pregnancy, after the end of menstruation, with insufficiency of protein foods. Polyuria is observed in some kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, hysteria, heart disease during the period of swelling, nutritional dystrophy, and is especially pronounced in patients with diabetes insipidus (4-6 liters or more per day). Polyuria should be distinguished from frequent urination, which is caused by other causes, such as inflammation of the bladder.

Oliguria is a decrease in the daily amount of urine (less than 500-300 ml). In healthy people, oliguria can occur with limited drinking, increased sweating, physical activity, work in hot shops, etc. Oliguria is observed in kidney diseases such as glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure, pyelonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, etc.

B.M. Lifshits, V.I. Sidelnikova

The volume of urine and the frequency of urination in a healthy person depend on the amount of fluid consumed, foods and air temperature. Daily changes in the direction of decrease in medicine are referred to as oliguria. This pathology can occur in absolutely healthy people. But most often this condition is provoked by changes in the parenchyma, leading to renal failure.

Several factors are identified that provoke a decrease in the rate of urine excretion:

  • Poor, insufficient nutrition;
  • Small amount of fluid consumed;
  • Poisoning, including drug poisoning;
  • Taking contraceptives by women;
  • Increasing the intake of diuretics;
  • Cystitis;
  • Inflammation of the prostate ducts;
  • BPH.

If normal urination is impaired, this should definitely alert you. Especially if such cases are not isolated. Most pathologies leading to abnormal urine output are detected in the early stages. For an accurate diagnosis, sometimes a routine urine test and examination of the genitourinary system is sufficient.

It is advisable to know how much an adult should write. Maybe there is no reason to panic. The daily volume is determined independently; it should not be less than 1.2-1.5 liters. If these indications are less than over a long period, then you should contact a urologist or endocrinologist. Diabetes in the early stages is the most common reason that is associated with a decrease in the amount of daily urine.

How to collect daily urine for analysis for pregnant women

That is why, on the eve of collecting urine, a woman needs to:

  • prepare a container for the biomaterial - this can be a special container purchased at a pharmacy, or an ordinary large glass container that needs to be thoroughly disinfected;
  • exclude salty, spicy and smoked foods from the diet, as well as foods that can affect the color of urine (carrots, rhubarb, cherries, beets).

It is better to collect biological fluid in a plastic container; you can purchase it at a pharmacy chain or medical equipment store

There are special kits on sale, they include a container with symbols in liters, a container for urination and transferring biological fluid to a large container, a urine stabilizer (20% hydrochloric acid solution) and a plastic cup for collecting biomaterial from a large container.

To correctly pass a 24-hour urine test, a pregnant woman needs:

  1. Release the first portion of urine in the morning into the toilet, but be sure to record the exact time of urination.
  2. Before each urination, perform thorough hygiene of the external genitalia.
  3. After each emptying of the bladder, add the resulting biological fluid to a prepared large container.
  4. Record the entire volume of liquid consumed within 24 hours (including first courses, juices, tea).
  5. Store biomaterial in a cool, dark place (temperature should not exceed 8 degrees).
  6. The last collection of urine should occur after the first one was missed, for example - if urination began at 7.00, and this portion was not placed in the container, the collection procedure must be completed at 7.00 of the next day.
  7. It is necessary to donate the collected biological fluid as soon as possible after the last emptying of the bladder, otherwise the test results may be inaccurate.

Depending on the type of research, either a large container is delivered to the laboratory center, or the required amount is poured into a smaller container - this must be agreed upon with the laboratory assistants.

And now we want to sequentially consider the studies that are carried out from 24-hour urine.

The specialist prescribes a comprehensive examination and tests. The patient will have to keep a record of the processes of urine excretion and record its approximate volume.

The doctor may prescribe general tests of urine and blood, biochemistry, ultrasound of organs located in the abdomen and pelvis, MRI of the brain, urethrography, CT, excretory urography of a paired organ, bacteriological analysis of urine and blood.

There are several analysis options:

  • Determination of daily diuresis, with the help of which it will become clear whether fluid is retained in the body. The study is prescribed for pronounced and hidden edema, late toxicosis.
  • Examination of 24-hour urine for protein loss. Prescribed for suspected gestosis - late toxicosis, nephropathy of pregnancy.
  • 24-hour urine test to study the glucosuric profile. Necessary for assessing carbohydrate metabolism if gestational diabetes mellitus is suspected.
  • Urine sample using the Zimnitsky method. It determines daily diuresis, daytime and nighttime. Normally, daytime diuresis predominates over nighttime diuresis.

Before you start collecting a pregnant woman’s daily urine, you need to purchase a special 2-liter container from the pharmacy.

All urine collected during the day should be poured into it. The entire collected volume will not be needed for analysis - for the study, you need to pour 100-150 ml from the total volume into a plastic container (after stirring well). In some cases, all urine excreted during the day is required for analysis (the obstetrician-gynecologist will warn you about this).

Buy plastic jars with lids at the pharmacy or supermarket.
Each portion of urine should flow into them, without gaps.
Drain the urine into a common container and store it in the refrigerator.

No more than 2 hours should pass between the time of collection of the last portion and the receipt of urine in the laboratory. Otherwise, the results may be unreliable.

There are special kits on sale to make it easier to collect and properly store daily urine. They consist of:

  • graduated container;
  • transfer tube with a needle at the end;
  • transport tube – this is where the biomaterial is delivered for analysis.

Before going to the toilet, you need to wash yourself thoroughly so that part of the vaginal microflora does not end up in the urinal, which can distort the result. To prevent vaginal discharge from getting into the samples, cover the vaginal opening with cotton during urination.

Women who are prescribed a test have a question: why collect daily urine from pregnant women? Is it possible to do without it? Isn't a regular test done in the morning enough?

Daily urine must be taken if the doctor needs to accurately determine not only the presence, specific gravity, but also the ratio of the following components:

  • creatinine;
  • urobilin;
  • glucose;
  • bilirubin;
  • ketone bodies;
  • salts;
  • protein and albumin.

Creatinine is an indicator of how the kidneys are functioning. Exceeding its amount indicates that there are serious disorders in the body: perhaps there is an inflammatory process in the urinary tract or renal failure is developing, the first signs of which are usually hidden and are revealed only during analysis.

The level of urobilin is an indicator of the quality of the liver and biliary tract. It may increase with congestion in the liver and with the breakdown of red blood cells, for example, with Rh conflict.

There should be no glucose in the urine. If it appears, this is a reason to donate blood for sugar and in the future closely monitor this indicator, as it may indicate the development of gestational diabetes. However, if the appearance of glucose was detected in the urine once, while everything is fine in the blood, this may turn out to be a false alarm.

In the second half of pregnancy, gestosis may develop, and its first indicator is the appearance of ketone bodies in the urine. Acetone in the urine, especially in the morning, may indicate that the fetus did not have enough glucose overnight and the breakdown of fats in the mother’s body has begun in order to provide the baby with the necessary nutrients.

Protein should be no more than 0.03 g/l. If the result of the analysis says “Traces”, then this is the norm. If the number is >0.03, it is worth checking the kidneys. Losing protein is not a good sign. An inflammatory process cannot be ruled out. Protein grows when:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal failure;
  • developing gestosis.

The transcript of the study analyzes the composition of the detected salts. It can be used to judge the tendency to certain metabolic disorders.

To avoid distortions in the analysis, a woman must follow the rules for collecting urine. Collecting urine per day during pregnancy assumes that all urine released during this time should fall into a container, from which a portion will then be taken for a laboratory test.

About a day before delivery, exclude from the menu:

  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • coloring products.

On the day of delivery, drink 1.5-2 liters of any liquid per day (including soups, fruits with a lot of juice).

Start giving in the morning, but the first portion of urine should not fall into the container. If you got up at 7 am and went to the toilet, don’t take the first portion, but just write down the time you urinated.

Take a notepad and pen - write down in a table how much water you drank, how much urine you passed and when. Of course, it is difficult to do this in milliliters, but it is approximately possible, and using a special container you can do this accurately.

A pregnant woman may be prescribed another test: Zimnitsky's test. It is similar to the previous one, but assembled differently.

General urine test - 1-2 in the field of view. Urine analysis using the Addis-Kakovsky method - 2,000,000 per day. Expectant mothers are recommended to sleep 10 hours a day! Pregnant women should sleep longer than the average person.

The analysis involves determining the time of day when urination occurred most actively. The norm is the ratio of daytime and nighttime diuresis within 3:1 or 4:1. If there is a significant decrease in the amount of urine excreted throughout the day, one should speak of anuria or oliguria.

A feature of changes in the volume of excreted urine is prematurity of infants or breastfeeding. In this case, a reduction or excess of the norm is not considered a deviation from the norm.

Another point taken into account when determining the volume of urine is the amount of fluid consumed. To obtain a representative result, it is recommended to record the entire volume of liquid consumed.

The patient revises his drinking diet during illness:

  • reduces the amount of dyes in the liquid;
  • mineral water as recommended by a doctor;
  • coffee is prohibited;
  • tea recommended from herbs without adding lemon;
  • fruit drinks, juices with the permission of doctors.

Calculating daily diuresis is not so difficult. This can be done independently, but some advice from medical personnel will still be required. Firstly, the measurement should begin in the morning - at 6 o'clock. The urine that has accumulated overnight is released into the toilet, and all subsequent portions are collected in graduated containers.

When entering information into the table, it is important to take into account all sources of liquid intake: not only drinks and first courses, but also fruits, vegetables, berries, etc. Even solid foods contain water (cereals, pasta, bread, nuts, legumes, chocolate). Subsequently, by comparing the total amount of fluid received and urine excreted, the water balance (normal, positive or negative) is determined.

Having understood what diuresis is, it is necessary to move on to an equally important question - how much urine should be excreted by the body of an absolutely healthy person?

First of all, the amount of urine depends on how much liquid a person has consumed per day. For adults this should be at least 2 liters. If normal daily diuresis is 75%, then about one and a half liters of urine should be released in 24 hours. For pregnant women, these indicators may differ slightly, but we will talk about this later.


This is a bilateral inflammation of the kidneys, predominantly affecting the glomeruli of the kidneys (small vessels). With this disease, the basic functions of the kidneys are disrupted: the formation of urine and the removal of toxic and unnecessary substances from the body. The incidence of glomerulonephritis among pregnant women is about 5-7%.

The causes of this disease are most often: chronic tonsillitis, meningococcus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus, viridans streptococcus, hepatitis B virus, salmonella, viruses of acute respiratory diseases. In pregnant women with glomerulonephritis, proteinuria is observed from 0.036 g/l to 30 g/l. Sometimes, especially in the second half of pregnancy, when acute glomerulonephritis appears, it can initially be mistaken for gestosis, since its symptoms are similar: severe swelling of the entire body and high blood pressure. But, as a rule, test results clarify the situation.

Treatment of glomerulonephritis during pregnancy is carried out exclusively under the supervision of doctors and includes: taking a course of antibiotics allowed during pregnancy, treating edema and hypertension, and maintaining kidney function until they are completely restored.

Daily diuresis during pregnancy: how to calculate it

In medicine, diuresis is the release of urine over a certain period of time. Accordingly, daily diuresis is the release of urine during the day. The volume of diuresis in healthy people normally ranges from 500 to 2000 ml.

Daily diuresis allows you to judge the intensity of kidney work throughout the day. Its amount depends on several internal and external factors. The volume of daily diuresis is influenced by the amount of fluid drunk, the intensity of sweat secretion, air temperature, and kidney function.

Why do you need to know daily diuresis during pregnancy?


This is an inflammatory process in the renal pelvis, which is caused by various microorganisms, such as gram-negative ecterobacteria, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida type fungi, which multiply due to the problematic outflow of urine in the urinary tract and the formation of infectious focus in the body. The source of infection is very often a purulent-inflammatory process, for example, skin furunculosis, carious teeth, gallbladder infection, sexually transmitted infection or respiratory tract infection.

Inflammation of the kidneys in a pregnant woman is most often caused by the growing uterus, which with its volume puts pressure on the internal organs, including the kidneys, as a result of which the passage of urine through the ureters is difficult. Also, the occurrence and exacerbation of pyelonephritis is observed due to hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman during the entire prenatal period.

Treatment of pyelonephritis is usually carried out in a hospital. The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, uroantiseptics, ureteral catheterization, positional therapy, detoxification therapy and physical therapy. For general strengthening of the body, the doctor prescribes vitamins without fail.

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