Orange urine during pregnancy: what does that mean?!

Urine color during pregnancy

When expecting a child, the female body experiences maximum stress, as it performs functions for two. During this period, doctors regularly examine the woman and prescribe a number of tests that help determine the presence of developmental pathologies in the woman or fetus. One of the available and reliable assessment methods is urine analysis. The tone of the discharge indicates the general health of the expectant mother and child.

Does urine color change during pregnancy?

From the moment of conception, the color of urine changes due to various factors. Some are natural, such as dietary changes or medications. Other factors signal disruptions in the body and disturbances in the functions of internal organs due to increased load.

What color should it be

The color scheme of urine directly depends on the level of urates, urochromes, uroerythrin and urobilin in it. Brightness is directly related to the volume of liquid you drink. Transparency is due to the presence of mucus, leukocytes and red blood cells.

The urine color of an expectant mother varies from straw to deep yellow.

The main reasons for changes in the tone of urine at different stages of pregnancy:

  • in the first weeks, the color may change due to toxicosis, which can lead to dehydration of the body. The discharge may become dark, as the lack of fluid leads to a concentration of salts;
  • at the end of pregnancy, progressive gestosis can be determined if the urine has become darker or less transparent, and the presence of protein indicates the presence of inflammation.

Color Changes: Possible Causes

The color range of urine can range from light to mustard shades.

The tone of urine can be influenced by both natural processes and other factors:

  • metabolic rate affects the brightness of the discharge, as well as the amount of fluid drunk and excreted;
  • The color of urine can change from eating fruits and vegetables with persistent pigmentation. An orange-colored discharge appears when carrots predominate in the diet, and a burgundy tone is colored by frequent intake of beets;
  • while waiting for the baby, the color of the discharge may be affected by the functioning of renal filtration;
  • Red, dark, or bright yellow urine may be due to certain medications.

Colorless white

Colorlessness indicates a low level of urobilin and other components, which may be a sign of diabetes. Pregnancy is quite often accompanied by specific gestational diabetes. Its characteristic signs are the consumption of large amounts of fluid, a feeling of dry mouth and an increased volume of discharge.

This color may appear when a woman uses diuretics to reduce swelling.

The cause of colorless urine is the presence of chronic renal failure.

Bright yellow

This color is given to urine by taking medications and vitamin complexes.

For the full development of the baby in the womb, folic acid is prescribed. The body does not absorb these drugs; they are excreted by the kidneys and give the urine a rich color.

Also, the bright yellow color of the discharge while waiting for the baby may indicate a lack of fluid in the body of the expectant mother.


If the urine takes on a brownish tint, this is a symptom of problems with the liver and gallbladder. This indicates diseases such as cholecystitis and viral hepatitis.

During pregnancy, the liver of the expectant mother experiences a huge load, which during this period must work for two and remove all the waste products of the baby. The main symptoms of liver disease:

  • yellow tint to the skin and sclera;
  • light stool;
  • itching and skin irritation;
  • sleep problems;
  • tearfulness.


While waiting for the baby, pathological reasons may arise for changes in the color of the discharge.

Red and pink shades in urine are a signal of the presence of blood elements in it, which indicates the presence of diseases such as pyelonephritis and glomurulonephritis.

Gestational pyelonephritis among expectant mothers is quite common. In addition to changes in the color of urine, body temperature rises, pain occurs in the back and abdomen, and frequent and painful urination occurs. Glomerulonephritis is quite rare and its symptoms include facial swelling and high blood pressure.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, pain is concentrated in the lower abdomen, the color of urine becomes pink and is accompanied by discomfort in the urethra.

There are also other factors that can give a red tint to urine, such as eating beets. The vegetable has persistent pigments that can color urine. In this case, this process is natural and does not require turning to specialists.

Clear, odorless urine with cloudy spots

The appearance of flakes in the urine is a sign of the development of urethritis and developing cystitis.

What color is urine in women immediately before childbirth?

Immediately before birth, the color of urine should remain natural. If it has changed, become darker and the discharge has become cloudy, then this may be a signal of the development of gestosis.

Reasons for color change and when you shouldn’t worry

The color of the discharge constantly changes under the influence of the following factors:

  • morning, afternoon or night;
  • climatic conditions;
  • health status;
  • physical activity of the expectant mother.

Among healthy people, the tone of urine is always different, as it depends on the amount of liquid, food and medications taken. While waiting for the baby, changes in shade are affected by a complete change in the woman's metabolism.

The main reasons for color change are:

  • external conditions. According to physiology, the color of urine in the morning is darker than in the daytime. The amount of liquid consumed also directly affects the color of urine. If the expectant mother drinks a lot of water and other drinks, the discharge becomes lighter, and when dehydrated it becomes darker;
  • Food. This group of products has pigments that, when consumed, are not destroyed and come out unchanged. Uncharacteristic shades after consuming such products, namely a pink tint in the discharge occurs from cherries, blackberries, beets, and from rhubarb, urine turns green. If the menu consists of carrots, then the urine takes on an orange tint. This effect can also be caused by unnatural food dyes, which are not recommended for use while expecting a baby;
  • medications. During pregnancy, doctors prescribe various medications, the most common being multivitamins. This product produces a bright yellow discharge.

What to do if there are deviations from the norm?

If the expectant mother notices changes in the color of her urine, and she has not eaten foods that color it, then she should contact a gynecologist. The specialist assesses the woman’s condition, the presence of acute or chronic diseases.

In no case is it recommended to self-medicate, since changes in shade may indicate the development of various pathologies and inflammations.

For this reason, in order to reduce the risks for both the health of the woman and her baby, you should consult a doctor for diagnostics and to find out the reasons for the changes.

If a woman has been diagnosed with a disease, then specialists will select treatment taking into account her situation.

To summarize, the color of urine changes while waiting for the baby, and this does not always signal the presence of pathology. Urine can change color due to various factors, one of which is physiological in nature.

Also, discharge can change color due to the use of medications and food.

But at the same time, if the expectant mother notices an unnatural tone of urine, then this is a reason to consult a doctor so as not to trigger the development of diseases.

Treatment and preventive measures

In order not to worry once again about your health and the health of your baby, you need to follow simple tips:

  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke under any circumstances;
  • balance the amount of liquid you drink per day;
  • reduce the consumption of salt and foods with food dyes;
  • do not use medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • avoid excessive physical activity and stress;
  • walk outdoors more often.

What does the color of urine tell you about during pregnancy?

One of these signs was a change in the color of urine during early pregnancy, when obvious symptoms of the event had not yet been observed.

Herb celandine and human chorionic gonadotropin

A long delay in menstruation, coupled with a “salty craving” are important signs that the tummy will soon begin to round, but simple tests on the color of urine and its reaction to various influences helped determine how soon it will “pull.”

The simplest test that can confirm or deny a suspected pregnancy is based on almost scientifically plausible experience.

  1. Noticing that the color of urine had become lighter, and its excreted volume had increased, the girls hurried to get fresh celandine grass;
  2. The jelly of this plant contains substances that can color the urine of a pregnant woman dark lilac;
  3. If a drop of celandine juice in light yellow urine acquires the color of lilac, pregnancy can be assumed to be 99%.

Human chorionic gonadotropin

It's all about human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is produced by the membrane of the embryo from the first days of conception. A non-pregnant woman does not have this substance in her body.

  • The hormone begins to be produced only after implantation of the fertilized egg in the body of the uterus and doubles every 48 hours until 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, after which the level decreases slightly;
  • The journey of a fertilized egg to the inner lining of the uterus takes about a week, less often – 10 days;
  • And only after implantation the body is rebuilt to preserve and develop the fetus;
  • The “magic” of hCG begins only from this moment, which means that it was possible to determine pregnancy with the help of celandine only 10 days after intercourse, and not earlier.

Our great-grandmothers knew nothing about this human chorionic gonadotropin, but the test turned out to be almost perfect.

Modern pregnancy tests are based on the same type, giving an almost 100% answer to the question of concern when menstruation is late (read the article The most sensitive pregnancy test>>>).

Know! A doctor can give 100% information after receiving the results of urine and blood tests in order to firmly diagnose pregnancy based on their results - the detection of the “pregnancy hormone” and its amount.

But not a single doctor, not a single herb, will be able to recognize pregnancy 3-4 days after fertilization, due to the complete absence of gonadotropin in the female body.

And the color of urine has absolutely nothing to do with it!

Urine tests and color during pregnancy

You will have to take urine tests multiple times throughout your pregnancy. This is done to evaluate kidney function and overall health and well-being during pregnancy.

  • Urine and blood are what can show the inflammatory process in the initial stages, although you may not yet feel unwell.
  • Does urine color change during pregnancy?
  • If the woman is completely healthy, then no.

By the way! The urine of a healthy pregnant woman does not differ in appearance from the urine that was produced by the genitourinary and excretory system before pregnancy.

  1. However, since all systems of the body work under increased load, there is a decrease in immunity, and in the later stages there is also pressure from the fetus itself on the internal organs.
  2. All this can lead to the “awakening” of those diseases that have been “dormant” for a long time without manifesting themselves.
  3. A change in the color of urine is one of the signs of an “awakened” or acquired disease, which a mother can detect on her own without taking a test (see also the article: Bad urine test during pregnancy>>>).

Everything is going as it should!

  1. The color of normal urine is all shades of yellow – from pale lemon to light rye. This color corresponds to the healthy urinary system of the expectant mother;
  2. The color of urine also depends on bile pigments (urobilin, hematoporphyrin, etc.
    ), which are filtered by the liver and excreted by the kidneys during the processing of food, medicinal or other substances;
  3. If a woman takes medications for pregnant women containing folic acid, vitamins B-12 and C, then a bright yellow urine color during pregnancy will be the norm, up to orange hues;
  4. If she ate blackberries or cherries and dined on a beetroot salad in the evening, then the darkening of the urine in the morning to a beetroot-red color is also the norm (read the article about how much blackberries you can eat during pregnancy?>>>);
  5. Deep orange is the result of excessive consumption of carrots or pumpkin;
  6. The consequence of drinking strong tea or rosehip drink is dark urine during pregnancy.


Dark color of urine during pregnancy in the 1st trimester may be due to a lack of water in the body, when you develop toxicosis and have constant nausea.

For information on proper nutrition and drinking during pregnancy, see the book Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother>>>

Know! When analyzing urine in the laboratory, its color, density and specific gravity will be taken into account. The higher the concentration, the more saturated the color. Pale color corresponds to low specific gravity.

Based on the compliance of these parameters, the doctor determines how the pregnancy is going and whether a hidden threat has appeared for the baby and his mother. In the 1st-2nd trimester, if there is no threat, the test is taken once a month. In the last stages - every week.

Read about changes in the female body at the end of pregnancy in the article 3rd trimester of pregnancy>>>.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

  • Slight fluctuations in the color of urine during pregnancy at different stages are not a reason to panic.
  • Panic for a pregnant woman is an unacceptable phenomenon, just like greatly changed urine color, accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms.
  • What color of urine should cause concern during pregnancy?
  • If the urine has acquired a dark, rich red-brown, brown or black-red color, and the feces, on the contrary, have sharply lightened and become almost white;

These are the first signs of hepatitis. Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes is sign No. 2.

All these signs are the result of non-excretion of bilirubin through the intestines due to infectious inflammation of the liver.

  • A similar picture is observed with severe anemia in a pregnant woman.
  • Urine is pale yellow, almost without pigment, urination is increased. When shaken, the liquid foams easily. This is a symptom of kidney dysfunction or developing diabetes;
  • Urine is rich red in color, with mucous flakes and purulent clots. Most likely cystitis. Accompanying headache, fever, surges in blood pressure – pyelonephritis (bacterial inflammation of the kidneys). Most often observed in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy;
  • Poisoning leads to the appearance of urine that is deep purple, almost black. This color is due to pathological hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) with increased release of hemoglobin;
  • If a pregnant woman has not taken medications containing methylene, and the urine has turned beryl blue, then we may be talking about hypercalcemia - a pathology of the parathyroid glands or the onset of an oncological process;
  • The obvious presence of blood in the urine the color of sour meat juice is a violation of the integrity of blood vessels due to injury or the beginning of self-destruction;
  • Another danger of the appearance of blood in the urine of pregnant women is hematuria - an infection of the birth canal associated with impaired health of the genitourinary system and blockage of the drainage of secreted fluid.

Causes: kidney stones, lupus, severe forms of diabetes. Accompanied by severe lower back pain, vomiting, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

Attention! All these changes require immediate consultation with a gynecologist!

  1. A urine test is a good, simple and easy test that can help the observing doctor notice problems in the course of pregnancy in time and prescribe reasonable treatment.

Color of urine during pregnancy, what color is urine in pregnant women

The color of urine can change during pregnancy, and there are many reasons for this. Waiting for the birth of a baby is a serious burden on the mother's body. During pregnancy, not only hormonal levels and body shape change, but also malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs often occur.

Why can the color of urine change in pregnant women? In what cases is this considered normal, and when is it better to hurry up and seek medical help so as not to cause harm to the baby growing in the stomach, as well as to your own body? We will answer these other questions in our article.

Does urine color change during pregnancy?

A change in the color of urine during pregnancy is considered a natural phenomenon that develops in response to various changes in the mother’s body. But what color of urine in pregnant women is normal, and what is a sign of the development of disorders?

In the early stages

What color urine should be during pregnancy is of interest to many women because of the popular belief in determining the sex of the child.

Naturally, this technique has no scientific basis, because the color of urine in the early stages of pregnancy is affected by:

  • toxicosis, due to which there is a possible risk of dehydration;
  • the amount of liquid you drink;
  • addiction to certain foods;
  • taking folic acid.

During pregnancy, you cannot risk your health, because you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the baby growing under your heart, so if you notice a change in the color of your urine in the early stages, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

In the later stages

The color of urine during pregnancy can be influenced by many reasons. In the last trimester, special attention should be paid to this issue, because a change in the color of urine may indicate developing gestosis, as well as other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Preeclampsia is characterized by a triad of symptoms:

  1. Swelling and pastiness of the limbs.
  2. High pressure.
  3. The appearance of protein in urine.

The development of this condition poses a threat to mother and child, so carefully monitor your well-being.

Reasons for color change

Normally, during pregnancy, urine can have various shades of yellow: from pale light straw to rich mustard.

What color is urine in pregnant women? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Even if you go to the laboratory where they take tests on expectant mothers, each jar of urine will have its own shade, and almost all of them are a variant of the norm.

The change in the shade of urine excreted is influenced not only by the natural processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, but also by other factors:

  • Color saturation depends on the speed of metabolic processes, as well as on the volume of fluid consumed and excreted.
  • Eating certain vegetables or fruits can change the color of urine. For example, the predominance of carrots in the diet gives an orange color to urine during pregnancy, and frequent consumption of beets turns it into a burgundy-red hue.
  • Some groups of drugs can give a dark, red or deep yellow color to urine.
  • Features of the functioning of renal filtration of urine during pregnancy.

What do the different shades say?

If the color of urine changes during pregnancy, this may be an alarming signal indicating the development of pathological conditions in the body of a pregnant woman.

Red tint

Red urine during pregnancy is an alarming sign. Urine acquires this color when it contains an admixture of blood.

This can occur with the following diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • The color of urine with pyelonephritis will also be red.

The processes are accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition, hyperthermia often occurs, and the patient complains of the development of pain attacks.

Some dishes (vinaigrette), as well as the use of medications, can give a pink tint to urine.

Colorless urine

Clear, light yellow urine indicates that the woman is drinking large amounts of fluid, causing the urine to become low-concentrated. It is necessary to carefully monitor the color of urine during pregnancy, and if for several days it has not ceased to be colorless, this may lead to increased leaching of salts and minerals.

Orange tint

The most common cause of this coloration is taking multivitamin complexes and folic acid. Vitamin B9 is not fully absorbed, so some of it is excreted unchanged in the urine. Nitrofuran drugs and carrot juice can also give urine an orange color.

Dark yellow shade

Caused by high concentration of urine. Often occurs due to dehydration of the body, which occurs with insufficient water intake, as well as with toxicosis in the early stages. In addition, in the morning the content of substances in the fluid secreted by the kidneys is higher, so the urine has a more intense color.

Brown, brown-green tint

It is a pathological symptom that indicates problems with the gallbladder or liver, especially if other signs of hepatitis and cholecystitis are present:

  • yellowness of the sclera and skin;
  • discolored stool;
  • emotional disturbances;
  • skin itching.

In such a situation, immediate contact with a doctor is required.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

The color of urine during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, often changes for physiological reasons. However, it is necessary to pay attention to its shade, because in some situations this may indicate the development of diseases.

Be sure to visit a doctor if you find that:

  • the urine became cloudy, foreign inclusions appeared in it - flakes, admixtures of pus, blood;
  • urine has acquired a rich brown color, while complaints characteristic of liver pathology are disturbing;
  • simultaneously with the change in shade, pain occurred in the kidney area;
  • the color suddenly changed for no apparent reason.

Pregnancy is not a condition when you can ignore the body’s reactions. If you have any suspicions about the development of disorders, it is better to tell your gynecologist about this so that he can refer you to the right specialist. He will tell you what color urine should be in pregnant women and help get rid of developing pathology.

Treatment and preventive measures

If a pregnant woman notices a change in the color of her urine, there is no need to panic right away. You need to reconsider your diet:

  • exclude coloring products;
  • give up salty, spicy foods and spices;
  • do not abuse dairy and protein products;
  • do not adhere to a strict diet;
  • maintain water balance;

If, after eliminating all extraneous factors, the color index of the urinary fluid does not return to normal, you should think about a violation of the kidneys, especially if, in addition to everything else, turbidity and foreign impurities have appeared, even if there are only a few of them. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor after taking a urine test.

Having deciphered the results of the analysis, the doctor will decide on treatment tactics. To treat complex pathologies of the urinary system, a woman will need hospital treatment. At the same time, she will be prescribed antibiotics without fail, choosing milder drugs with minimal effects on the fetus. Vitamins and immunostimulating drugs may also be prescribed.

To treat kidney pathologies, a special position is used: the patient is placed on her side with a healthy kidney, her legs are bent at the knees. The foot end of the bed is raised above the head. This reduces the uterine pressure on the bladder and urinary tract.

In milder cases, antibiotic therapy will not be necessary. In treatment, herbal preparations are used that have a diuretic effect and improve the functioning of the bladder. This therapy is used, for example, for cystitis.

For more information about the reasons for changes in urine color during pregnancy, see the following video.

Before urine becomes clear again, the patient will need to undergo tests. If the urinary fluid becomes cloudy as a result of vitamins taken or food eaten, then biological material should be re-collected for analysis and provoking factors should be excluded. If during pregnancy the urine becomes cloudy for other reasons, then you need to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, which often includes taking approved medications and folk remedies. Prevention consists of unquestioningly following doctor's orders, maintaining a diet, personal hygiene and avoiding stressful situations.

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