Urine leakage. Leakage of urine after urination. Treatment of urine leakage in men and women

About urine leakage

Urine leakage is an uncomfortable condition that has an unpleasant effect on a person’s life. This problem falls within the competence of several medical specialists - neurologists, urologists and gynecologists. Urine leakage is usually caused by certain pathological processes .
Treatment of the disease is determined individually in each case. Urine leakage can be divided into several types:

Stress leakage of urine occurs during the following symptoms: coughing, fast walking and other actions that provoke an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. With stress leakage of urine, the patient has no desire to urinate.

Urgent urine leakage is characterized by a strong desire to urinate and the patient does not have time to carry it out in time. In quite rare cases, a person may not experience the urge; urine leakage occurs suddenly .

Mixed urine leakage is characterized by several types of urine leakage, mainly in one patient. In most cases, this is a combination of stress and urgency incontinence and is most often observed in women of advanced age. In this case, patients' complaints are addressed to urine leakage with uncontrollable initial urges.

Overflow incontinence is a form of urine leakage that is common in men who are predominantly older and have prostate disease. Due to impaired urinary outflow, the bladder overflows and stretches, which causes this type of urine leakage.

Features of discharge during pregnancy and in babies

As in ordinary patients, discharge in pregnant women is classified into physiological and pathological. After successful conception, the fetus begins to grow, simultaneously causing compression and a constant harsh impact on the bladder. This explains why pregnant women have a more frequent urge to urinate when they find traces of several shades on their underwear:

  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • orange.

All of the above is a consequence of increased urine concentration in a compressed bladder. Hormonal changes in the body add to the complexity. But if this does not bring any unpleasant sensations or is not accompanied by health-threatening symptoms, then everything is fine.

But as soon as pain, pain, discoloration with a white tint, pus, unpleasant odor, bloody clots are added to the relatively natural list of phenomena, then it is worth informing your doctor about this. It is likely that the expectant mother is faced with urethritis or an infectious process, which poses a danger to the fetus.

Considering the most common diseases among children, which cause a typical response of the body with an abundance of secretions, doctors bring to the fore inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. Moreover, the complaints of boys will differ from those of girls, which is explained by their physiological characteristics.

The former experience pain, as well as:

  • burning during bowel movements;
  • blood in the urine;
  • itching all over the genitals.

Girls have to deal with pain localized in the lower abdomen, frequent urge to go to the toilet, and blood streaks. At an advanced stage, as during pregnancy, purulent inclusions are possible.

Urine leakage in men and women

Urine leakage in men and women usually begins to become more pronounced after the age of 60.

Urine leakage occurs much earlier in women than in men.

Most often, the disease manifests itself against the background of hormonal changes in the body (menopause in women), that is, during the transition to physical old age.

Urine leakage in men and women occurs for the following reasons:

  • Diseases of the spine and spinal cord;
  • For spinal injuries;
  • For bladder tumors;
  • With a neurogenic bladder;
  • Serious inflammation of the bladder, which is chronic (tuberculosis);
  • Prolapse and prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls;
  • Difficult long labor, or, conversely, too fast labor;
  • Gynecological surgery, such as removal of an interligamentous tumor, uterine extirpation;
  • Operations that are endourethral in nature;
  • Perineal injuries in women;
  • Serious inflammatory processes in the genital organs of a woman;
  • Prostate diseases in men, prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

Discharge without infection

Separately in medical practice there is a list of unnatural discharges in humans without infection. These include:

  • mechanical damage;
  • preparation before ovulation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • elderly age.

Unintentional damage to the integrity of the urinary canal most often occurs in children, or during the recovery period after surgery, when the patient has a catheter installed and removed. Urethral injury can also be caused by:

  • gynecological manipulations;
  • rough sexual contact;
  • misuse of sexual toys.

In case of injury to the mucous membrane, sometimes there is no discharge, but most often victims have to deal with bloody fluid, discomfort during urination, and burning. If you notice symptoms that threaten your health, you should immediately seek qualified help. Otherwise, one small damage or minor scratch will turn into the cause of the development of an incurable pathology.

Another reason is an allergic reaction to:

  • contraceptives or lubricants;
  • low-quality underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • intimate hygiene products.

As soon as a specific allergen enters the vagina or urinary duct, it immediately begins to provoke the formation of white, yellow, brown discharge. Often, the allergy is not accompanied by any pungent odor, disappearing within a few days after the problematic element is removed from everyday use.

Women who experience excessive secretion in the middle of the menstrual cycle, in the absence of serious concerns, are not sent to the doctor. After all, it simply ruptures the follicle, releasing the egg according to the physiological process in the woman’s body.

A relatively normal indicator is a change in the shade of urine in elderly people who complain of dark brown or bright orange urine. Sometimes it may include white veins. But itching suggests that the changes are pathological.

Urine leakage after urination

Urine leakage after urination is a disease that involves a deviation in the structure of the body system, subject to different treatment methods. In order to prevent and identify such a disease, you should undergo preventive checks from medical specialists.

Urine leakage after urination is caused by insufficiency of the bulbocavernosus muscle , which surrounds the proximal and middle portion of the urethra (urethra). Normally, after urination, this muscle contracts reflexively and facilitates the exit of urine from the urethra. Leakage of urine after urination is associated with retention of urine in the bulbar urethra, followed by discharge during movement or under the influence of gravity.


Treatment options depend on the etiology of the disease.

To combat leakage in the absence of an underlying disease, it is recommended:

  • carefully “squeeze” the urethra, i.e. place your fingers behind the scrotum and gently massage the bulbar urethra forward and upward to evacuate residual urine from the urethra;
  • perform a series of rhythmic movements of the pelvis before placing the penis in the panties;
  • Do regular exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Treatment of urine leakage

Our specialist doctors use the following effective methods to treat urine leakage in men and women:

  1. Conservative treatment. Perhaps in the case of urgent urine leakage in women, that is, when there is an overactive bladder. Also, conservative treatment of urine leakage can be prescribed to patients with a mixed form of urinary incontinence , when, along with insufficiency of the obturator mechanism in the urethra, there is an urgent component, that is, overactivity of the detrusor (the muscular lining of the bladder). In the case of urge incontinence, treatment consists of constant use of m-anticholinergics (Vesicar, detrusitol). In the mixed form, I usually prescribe these drugs before and after surgery for the correction of urinary incontinence (sling urethropexy, TVT operation, TVT-o); after the operation, the drugs are discontinued.
  2. Injections of botulinum toxin type "A" into the detrusor of the bladder. The method is used to treat urgent urine leakage, that is, urinary incontinence in women that occurs against the background of detrusor overactivity (overactive bladder). In urology, the drug produced by China, Lantox, is used; 200-300 units of the drug Lantox are usually injected transurethrally (using a cystoscope) into the wall of the bladder.
  3. Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence. Operation TVT, operation TVT-o (for women). The method is used for a stressful form of urine leakage (urinary incontinence due to stress, physical activity, coughing, laughing, sneezing) or a mixed form of urine leakage (stress component + detrusor overactivity). The operation is minimally invasive, its essence lies in the fact that a special synthetic loop is placed under the proximal (located closer to the bladder) urethra, which is subsequently “overgrown” with connective tissue and turns into an artificially created ligament that holds the urethra in its normal anatomical position (where where it should normally be) and thereby prevents the occurrence of urinary incontinence.

What to do if you have urinary incontinence

Any type of urine loss must be properly assessed to establish and clarify the final diagnosis. In many cases, simple lifestyle changes and exercises to tone the pelvic floor muscles are enough to overcome this problem. For women with more significant urinary incontinence in older age, referral to a specialist to discuss specific therapy is indicated. Most patients can be helped by a combination of medical or surgical treatment.

Diet and lifestyle

General health is very important. Here are some lifestyle changes that can help manage and alleviate some of the causes of urinary incontinence:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation.
  • Exercise regularly and lead an active lifestyle.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they can stimulate the kidneys to produce more urine.
  • Do pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) daily.
  • Have a map with the nearest toilets on hand.

Getting enough fiber helps with bowel function, which in turn helps minimize the risk of bowel incontinence. Most adults should aim to get between 25 and 35 to 45 grams of fiber per day.

Certain foods can irritate the bladder and increase inflammation, causing or worsening urinary incontinence. Potentially problematic foods and drinks include tomatoes, citrus fruits and highly acidic foods. Spices, alcohol and chocolate can cause bladder irritation and leakage. If you are unsure whether diet plays a role in the onset or worsening of your symptoms, keep a food diary and record what you eat and drink before these symptoms appear.

Surgery for urinary incontinence

There are a number of different surgical treatments for both stress and other types of urinary incontinence. The type of surgery recommended depends on a thorough assessment of your condition. The diagnosis is clarified using urodynamic examination and/or radiography or MRI imaging, as well as an individual discussion of the medical history with your specialist.

For stress urinary incontinence, available options include volumetric injections, mid urethral mesh implants, mid urethral native tissue (autologous) anchors, and artificial sphincter implants.

For urge urinary incontinence, possible treatments include Botox injections, transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (electroacupuncture), sacral nerve stimulator implants, etc. These interventions are individualized by your specialist to find the most appropriate treatment for your problem.

How to be prepared for the unexpected

Accidents happen! Despite your best efforts, "accidents" may occur unintentionally from time to time. There are several ways to help a woman feel more confident if she is leaking urine. Adult diapers are one option for staying dry in the event of a sudden large urine leak. Disposable pads worn in your underwear may be sufficient protection if you are prone to minor leaks. Waterproof underwear is another way to keep moisture out of your clothing. If episodes of bedwetting are a concern, disposable sheets can be placed on the bed to protect the mattress.

Additional information on the topic:


In clinical practice, it is customary to divide oliguria into 3 large groups:

  • Prerenal
    . The most common type of oliguria. A drop in diuresis is associated with a deterioration in renal perfusion as a result of bleeding, excessive repeated vomiting, profuse diarrhea, etc.
  • Renal.
    Oliguria is caused by kidney diseases: glomerulonephritis, acute tubular necrosis, interstitial nephritis, etc.
  • Postrenal.
    A small volume of diuresis is associated with obstruction in the urinary tract due to urolithiasis and ureteral stenosis.

Urinary standards

If the kidneys function normally, they ensure the elimination of substances that the body does not need along with urine. With infrequent bowel movements, the excretory function of the kidneys does not work, which can lead to serious consequences. A healthy person visits the toilet four to six times a day, completely emptying the bladder. The volume of urine output reaches one and a half liters. For women, the norm is to urinate up to nine times a day, which is due to their anatomical structure. In children, age matters.

The process of urination is regulated by the kidneys and if the functioning of the organ is disrupted, serious consequences may develop

If the body is additionally saturated with fluid, for example, by eating fruit, the portions of urine increase. With heavy sweating or digestive disorders, they, on the contrary, decrease. At night, much less urine comes out than during the day.

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