Why is urine bright yellow?

Possible reasons

Bright lemon-colored urine in women or men is most often observed when the drinking regime is not followed: the body receives too little water.

The concentration of pigments in urine may also increase for the following reasons:

  • frequent intense sweating, for example, during the summer heat;
  • acute intestinal diseases;
  • taking medications that have a laxative effect;
  • swelling due to certain pathologies.

    Urine that is bright lemon-colored in women or a different shade can be caused by the above diseases

However, in pregnant women, this anomaly is explained differently: such changes in the color of urine occur when late toxicosis develops.

With this pathology:

  • blood pressure increases;
  • The limbs and face begin to swell;
  • possible periodic change in urine color from light yellow to darker, and vice versa. In this case, the liquid becomes cloudy and has a specific odor.

Late toxicosis is a dangerous condition that can cause serious complications not only in the mother, but also in the fetus she is carrying. Therefore, medical assistance in this situation is absolutely required.

Lack of fluid in the body

One of the most common reasons for the formation of lemon-colored urine is an acute lack of fluid in the body. If you don't drink enough water, you can become dehydrated, a condition that affects your overall health. If, on the contrary, there is a lot of water in the body, then the urine becomes transparent.

When the body lacks fluid, the kidneys begin to reabsorb the water that remains in the tissues.

Intestinal infection

Dehydration can also be caused by an intestinal infection, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

In this case, a person may not only change the color of his urine, but also experience other unpleasant symptoms:

  • heat;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • general weakness.

All of these abnormalities can have dangerous consequences, so measures aimed at getting rid of symptoms and treatment should be taken as soon as possible. If the problems do not disappear within a couple of days, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Dangerous diseases

Bright lemon-colored urine in women or men can signal the development of health-threatening diseases. This symptom, in addition to dehydration, may indicate chronic heart failure, and sometimes the development of liver cirrhosis. In this case, plasma slowly leaks into the abdominal cavity, which leads to ascites, the blood becomes thick and viscous.

If you cannot independently identify the cause of the bright lemon-colored urine, you should under no circumstances expect the anomaly to disappear on its own. Otherwise, the moment may be missed when it is still possible to correct the situation without dangerous consequences for the body. You should pay attention to whether there are any other symptoms in addition to light-colored urine.


Prolonged stagnation of urine in the kidneys is called hydronephrosis. According to statistics, women are more likely to suffer from this disease. In men, the development of this disease can lead to prostate cancer. With hydronephrosis, a lot of fluid accumulates in the renal cups, which leads to dysfunction of the renal system and the formation of pyelocaliceal pathology. There are 2 main types of hydronephrosis. This disease can be infected and aseptic.

Expectant mothers often suffer from hydronephrosis. The disorder occurs when hormonal levels change, which affects the rhythm of contraction of the ureter. Doctors call the final trimester the most dangerous, because during this period pressure on the ureter will be exerted by the enlarged uterus. To control the situation, it is necessary to constantly take urine samples for analysis.

Other reasons

Bright yellow urine may not always indicate the presence of a disease or abnormality.

For example, color may vary due to:

  • the body performs metabolic processes. In this case, the hereditary factor plays a major role;
  • a large amount of salt in the body, which is deposited in the tissues, forming kidney stones;
  • physiological jaundice in children. Pathology occurs and goes away in the first 30 days of life;
  • taking certain medications. In particular, vitamins A, B and C, medications for cystitis, some types of antibiotics, as well as tablets and capsules that contain orange and yellow dyes can affect the color of urine;
  • consumption of certain foods. This applies to confectionery products and various sausages, which contain a large number of food additives. This same product group also includes carbonated drinks;
  • eating vegetables and fruits that contain large amounts of orange pigment. These include citrus fruits, carrots, beets, and pumpkin. Drinks made from these products also contribute to the saturation of urine with pigment.

If the color of urine changes once, this does not indicate illness. However, if this occurs over several days, a doctor's consultation is required.

Yellow urine in children

Yellow urine in a child often appears due to food poisoning and stomach upsets. Among other things, even babies are not immune from diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. In addition, children are very active and energetic, so they lose much more fluid per day than adults.

Bright yellow urine in a newborn baby is also not uncommon. In babies who have just been born, urine can have a different shade - from carrot (brick) to completely transparent (although this happens extremely rarely). This is due to the fact that the kidneys and urinary tract are not yet sufficiently developed. In a few days everything will get better and your worries will disappear.


Diagnostic measures are prescribed based on the patient’s complaints. To accurately identify the reasons that caused the formation of bright lemon biological fluid in women, a specialist prescribes a urine test for an ultrasound of the kidneys. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy.

The color of urine that is changed is not a diagnosis. The analysis of urine in men, women or children is carried out comprehensively: an assessment of transparency is given, the specific gravity of the biological fluid, the content of protein, sugar, salts in it, as well as the cellular composition are determined. All these indicators are related to each other. For example, if the concentration of dissolved substances increases, the color becomes more saturated and may take on a bright lemon or other shade.

In addition to a urine test, diagnostic measures also include a blood test.

When diagnosing, the following is carried out:

  • intravenous urography;
  • CT scan;
  • retrograde pyelogram;
  • radionuclide research.

Thanks to microscopic examination, it is possible to find out how much the thickness of the vessels has changed, as well as to identify the presence of protein in folded capillaries and tubules.

There are 4 additional ways to study biological fluid:

According to NechiporenkoThis method allows you to identify the number of blood cells contained in 1 ml of urine. This study is carried out in order to confirm and clarify the location of inflammation
Bacteriological cultureThanks to this method, it is possible to identify pathogenic microorganisms and find out which substance will help destroy them. Based on the results obtained during the study, one or another antibiotic is prescribed. The doctor will know exactly which drug should be prescribed. Bacteriological culture is an effective diagnostic method. However, it is often abandoned because it has the disadvantage of a long waiting period for results.
Identification of individual substancesWith this method, individual substances are detected, such as acetone or bile pigment
According to ZimnitskyWhen conducting a Zimnitsky study, the specific gravity of urine is determined throughout the day. This is the main method for assessing kidney function.

Rules for collecting urine for the Zimnitsky test

The kidneys are the main excretory organ. This paired organ, important for the human body, had double protection. In some cases, when the functioning of one of the kidneys is disrupted, the other takes on an increased load. She continues to work for herself while fulfilling her mate's responsibilities. For this reason, symptoms of the disease may not appear for a long time. The color of the urine will change, but this is unlikely to be so easy to notice.

Indicators obtained during a general blood test will be important in diagnosis:

  • hemoglobin content;
  • leukocyte formula;
  • the rate at which red blood cells settle.

Biochemical research is also of great importance, in which the concentration is determined:

  • urea;
  • squirrel;
  • nitrogen;
  • cholesterol.

Urine of bright lemon color in women or men can become due to pathologies that are not directly related to the excretory system. Timely diagnosis will help preserve health and life.

During diagnosis, intravenous urography may be prescribed: x-ray of the kidneys. The picture is taken after a special iodine-containing dye is deliberately injected into the blood. It will help monitor the movement of urine through the urinary tract and identify any blockages. Thanks to intravenous urography, it is possible not only to diagnose the condition of the kidneys, but also to determine where the obstruction is located, and also find out its length.

Treatment methods

If your urine turns bright yellow, it is important to first remember what you recently consumed. It is possible that you will have to make some changes to your drinking regime, as well as exclude certain foods from your diet. This primarily concerns food, which changes the color of biological fluid to bright yellow. You will also have to reduce physical activity and possibly stop taking medications.

It is important to pay attention not only to the color of urine, but also to how you feel. If a person feels well, then there is no need to panic. This may be normal, especially if you are taking vitamins or have a dietary disorder. To calm your nerves, it is better to stop taking pills and avoid coloring products

It is important to maintain a drinking regime - drink at least 2 liters of plain, clean, colorless water every day.

If following the recommendations described above does not lead to the desired effect, you should consult a doctor. If you experience additional pain in the lower back or abdomen with bright lemon urine, and if all this is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, you should urgently seek medical help. It is possible that the patient has serious problems with the excretory system.


Bright lemon-colored urine in women or men may indicate hydronephrosis, which is stagnation of urine in the kidneys. As soon as the disease is confirmed, it is necessary to begin effective therapy without delay. The doctor will prescribe medications that will be aimed at reducing pain and destroying harmful microflora. Treatment for hydronephrosis depends on what caused the disease and its severity.

Treatment goals:

  • removing accumulated urine and reducing pressure on the kidneys;
  • preventing permanent kidney damage;
  • eliminating the cause.

At the initial stage of therapy, it is necessary to restore the outflow of urine. This can be done using a special tube inserted into the ureter. When the urine has been drained, and therefore the pressure on the kidneys has been reduced, you can move on to eliminating the causes of fluid accumulation. If the causes are stones, they are removed surgically or broken up with ultrasound. If urine accumulation occurs due to a narrowed ureter, stenting or surgical repair is performed.

If the cause of hydronephrosis is prostate adenoma, the doctor will prescribe medications. If there is no positive effect, you will have to resort to surgical methods. If the disease appears as a result of pregnancy, then there is no need for treatment. However, periodic kidney drainage (urine removal) is required. To normalize and restore the flow of urine, a special operation is performed, the choice of which depends on the causes of stagnation.


Catheterization is performed if a tumor is found in the prostate gland. This operation is also performed for sclerosis of the bladder neck.

The essence of catheterization is as follows:

  1. The place where the ureter narrows is widened using a ureteral stand.
  2. An endoscope is inserted to perform retrograde pyelography.

Percutaneous nephrostomy

This operation is carried out as follows: with the help of ultrasound, an external drainage is installed into the organ cavity, thanks to which urine will pass into an external collection system.

Endoscopic method

This method is used for stones that interfere with the normal movement of urine. Any operation can completely or partially eliminate the cause of compression of the kidney. However, its outcome depends on what stage the disease is currently at.

Open surgery

Open surgery is performed if the following indications exist:

  • tumor in the retroperitoneal region;
  • pathological increase in the thickness of blood vessels;
  • the presence of stones that cannot be eliminated either by the endoscopic method described above or by shock wave therapy;
  • presence of retroperitoneal fibrosis.

How to prevent hydronephrosis

To prevent the occurrence of hydronephrosis, you need to listen to the following recommendations from doctors:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • promptly treat and prevent infectious diseases, including those that are sexually transmitted;
  • follow diets that require eating foods low in salt;
  • give up alcoholic drinks and, accordingly, anything that may contain alcohol.

It is possible to prevent the development of the disease and avoid its complications only with strict adherence to all the above points, as well as with timely examination.

General recommendations

To prevent urine color change, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Drink enough water: drink at least 2 liters of plain water every day. To ensure that urine always remains the color it should be, compliance with this recommendation cannot be neglected. This rate increases with an active lifestyle and intensive sports. You also need to drink more water during the summer heat, because the body quickly uses up liquid through sweating.
  2. Take timely measures aimed at treating the genitourinary system. Most often, the color of urine changes due to pathologies in this area.
  3. Pregnant women should only take medications prescribed by their doctor. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This can lead to side effects, one of which is bright lemon-colored urine.
  4. Before consuming brightly colored foods, you need to prepare for the fact that the color of your urine may change. In this case, there is no need to worry: it is enough to increase the volume of water consumed per day. It will facilitate the rapid removal from the body of all pigments contained in food and drinks.

Change in urine color in men

Bright yellow urine in men often indicates liver problems. Thus, heavy physical activity, addiction to beer, smoking, and heavy food play a significant role in this. Thus, the liver gradually ceases to cope with its functions, which immediately affects the fluid secreted by the kidneys - urine. This may explain why urine is yellow and smells.

Despite the fact that cystitis is a disease that often occurs in women, men can also become infected with it. An unpleasant odor, a change in the color of urine, a burning sensation and pain when emptying the bladder - all these alarming signs should be a good reason to visit a urologist’s office. It is better to solve the problem immediately, since cystitis can become chronic, and then it will be impossible to get rid of it completely.


Possible consequences and complications

The long-term morphology of the disease significantly impairs the performance of the kidneys, and ultimately leads to renal failure.

Prolonged stagnation of urine in the kidneys can cause the following complications:

  • high blood pressure;
  • pyelonephritis;

  • the appearance of stones;
  • secondary reduction in kidney volume;
  • progressive inflammatory processes throughout the body, which can lead to the death of the patient.

Bright lemon-colored urine in women or men may result from taking certain medications or eating foods that contain dyes. However, a light yellow color may also indicate serious pathologies. Ideally, urine should be pale yellow, close to straw color.

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