Blown eye - symptoms, treatment


To avoid eye irritation:

  • Avoid drafts;
  • Protect your eyes with glasses when walking in windy conditions;
  • Avoid standing directly in front of the air conditioner and keep a distance from the fan;
  • Do not stick your head out of the car while driving and do not lower the windows too low;
  • When riding a bicycle or motorcycle, wear safety glasses or a helmet;
  • Do not wash your face with too cold water and do not swim in cold springs and ponds;
  • Eat less cold foods (ice cream, ice).

To prevent infection, prevent acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, and also follow the rules of personal hygiene.


There are the following reasons why the eye may blow out.

  1. Staying under air conditioning for a long time . When such equipment operates at very low temperatures, the room becomes very cold, so the person in it can catch a cold, including inflamed eyes. A fan has the same effect if it is directed directly at the individual’s face.
  2. Presence of drafts resulting from opening windows.
  3. Staying in a cool room or outdoors in windy weather immediately after water procedures.
  4. Traveling in public or private transport near an open window.
  5. Sticking your head out of the window while the car is moving at high speed.

Symptoms and treatment of eye inflammation

Colds of the eyes have a pronounced character. It can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • redness of the eyelid, white (entirely or in the form of a mesh);
  • itching, burning and pain when moving the eyeball;
  • tearfulness;
  • the appearance of a compacted swelling from which pus is released (barley);
  • purulent discharge around the edges of the eyes after sleep;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • sore eyes in bright light.

In a child, cold symptoms of inflammation of the eye are accompanied by severe swelling and redness, purulent discharge and tearing. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, since you can only harm a fragile body. Therefore, you need to urgently seek help from a pediatrician and an experienced ophthalmologist. The only thing you can do to help your baby at the initial stage is to wash the inflamed and sour eye with strong, warm tea. But, the product must be freshly brewed, not contain flavorings and other additives (an allergic reaction may occur) and sugar. For lotions, you should use cotton pads, which are soaked in tea and gently washed over the inflamed eye. If both are sick, each is washed with an individual solution. Further prescription of medications is the prerogative of the doctor, who must take into account the patient’s age, his individual characteristics, the nature and complexity of the disease.

But in order to cure the disease, both in children and adults, it is necessary to find out the nature of the inflammatory process (infectious, bacterial, allergic). This can be done only after diagnosis. When the doctor determines what caused the inflammation, then therapy will be prescribed. What to treat depends on this, since antibacterial drugs are not effective for infectious inflammation, which means the treatment will be ineffective and time will be lost, which can lead to deterioration in visual ability.

Inflammation of a bacterial nature, for example, barley, is most often treated with the antibiotic Albucid. It may be in the form of drops or ointment. The use of a solution of Penicillin, Erythromycin and tetracycline ointment is also prescribed.

If the conjunctiva is affected, drugs such as Ciprofloxacin, Levomycetin and other eye drops that contain an antibiotic are used.

When eye inflammation is caused by viral pathogens, then of course it is necessary to treat with antiviral agents. You can use Interferon, Ophthalmoferon, Dexamethasone and so on.

But we must remember that the use of the above-mentioned medications without consulting a doctor is unacceptable, since self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

As first aid for colds in the eyes, in addition to strong tea infusion, you can use other folk remedies. They are unlikely to be able to defeat the disease, but they may well alleviate the course of the disease and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

And so, at the first signs of inflammation, chamomile or calendula decoctions can be used as lotions, but you need to be careful with this remedy, since plants can cause allergic reactions.

For barley, make a lotion from garlic juice, apply a cut aloe leaf to the sore spot, apply a compress from crushed burdock root to a pulp

But all these manipulations should be done extremely carefully so that the juice does not get into the eye.

It is important to think about the immune system during treatment. Therefore, it’s good to take vitamin complexes and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

Colds of the eye: concept, symptoms, treatment - “Healthy Eye”

Cold eyes are one of the most common inflammatory processes of the visual system. The disease can be multifaceted and treatable.

However, the therapy method should be prescribed only after identifying the source of inflammation. Today we will talk about what an eye cold is, what infections can affect the visual system and methods for treating the disease.

The concept of the term “blow out the eye”

An eye cold is a pathology that can affect a person at any age. The fact is that the natural protective environment of the eyeball is a tear. The liquid protects the eye from infection and dangerous bacteria, reduces friction when blinking and washes the eyeball from small particles of debris.

Considering that a tear is a liquid-like substance, it tends to evaporate, and with a strong flow of air masses, the process accelerates several times. Drying of the mucous membrane increases the friction of the membrane on the eyelids. As a result, microtraumas form in the eyes, through which bacteria and infections penetrate the visual system.

As a result, an inflammatory reaction of the body begins to develop in the apple of the eye, which is popularly called “eye cold.” It manifests itself in the form of an abscess formed in the area of ​​the hair follicle, the walls of which, as they mature, stretch and burst, releasing the contents out.

The term “nadulo” is used in connection with the occurrence of infection with the wind, so the patient can explain to the ophthalmologist what happened to him.

It’s quite easy to catch a cold, and the main reasons for the development of inflammation can be:

  • Prolonged exposure to a fan or air conditioner;
  • Walking in windy weather;
  • Draft;
  • Excessive consumption of cold foods.

There are also factors influencing the onset of the disease:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Chronic stress;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Injured organs of the visual system;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Taking certain medications.
One of the main reasons for the development of an inflammatory infection is Staphylococcus aureus.

What eye diseases can be caused by wind?

Initially, a cold eye appears as irritation. In this case, symptoms should be eliminated as soon as possible, since delaying therapy can lead to a viral or bacterial infection.

If the eye is damaged by pathogenic microorganisms, there is a risk of developing one of the following diseases:

  1. Barley. It is found in inflammation of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland, manifested as a purulent formation on the eyelid. Most often, the infection manifests itself through infection with Staphylococcus aureus, which, when multiplying, causes swelling and deformation of the eyelid.
  2. Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Infectious lesions are caused by bacteria of various types, as well as herpes and adenovirus.
The disease is contagious and can be transmitted by contact or airborne droplets.
  1. Ophthalmoherpes. It appears in various parts of the visual organs (cornea, eyelid area). After the first defeat, it remains in the human body. Appears with reduced immunity.
  2. Blepharitis. An infectious disease that affects the inner area of ​​the upper eyelid.
  3. Dacryocystitis. Inflammation of the tear duct, interfering with natural tear production. It manifests itself in swelling of the sac, and if delayed and contacting a specialist, it is eliminated surgically.

Timely diagnosis and medical treatment of a cold eye will help prevent vision deterioration.


Initially, viral and bacterial damage to the eye manifests itself in the form of itching, redness, swelling, light reaction and tearing. Subsequently, as the infectious process develops, a lesion is formed for centuries. The viral disease manifests itself in temporary loss of vision, weakness and headache. In some cases, patients noted an increase in body temperature.

The main general signs of the onset of the inflammatory process of the organs of vision are as follows:

  • Redness of eyelids;
  • Swelling;
  • Itching;
  • Burning;
  • Tearing;
  • Painful reaction to light;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the ear area;
  • Purulent discharge.
If the above signs are detected, the patient should visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

The initial stage of an eye cold manifests itself in simple irritation of the mucous membrane. If the eye is affected by a viral infection, enlarged lymph nodes and the presence of pustules are excluded. Bacterial inflammation manifests itself in purulent discharge.


To treat colds of the sciatic nerve, a set of procedures is used that relieve symptoms.

Self-medication for this disease is dangerous, because the resulting complications can only be cured in an inpatient setting. Several treatment regimens have been developed.

  • The patient is turned over on his stomach, placed on a flat bed, there should be a pillow or a folded thin blanket under the chest. Cover, but only so that there is no pressure on the body.
  • Under no circumstances should you heat damaged parts of the body, because this will not relieve the pain, but will intensify it and lead to swelling.
  • Treatment should be carried out by a neurologist or general practitioner; in case of severe pain, it is recommended to call an ambulance. Pain medication may be used when transporting the patient to the hospital to establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

You cannot do any form of treatment on your own. This can aggravate the situation, cause allergies and other side symptoms, including burns or swelling of the damaged part of the body.

Only a neurologist can correctly assess a person’s condition and prescribe the necessary medications and procedures. He conducts diagnostics and collects anamnesis.

The main goal of therapy for a cold of the sciatic nerve is to relieve pain, eliminate physical activity, and ensure peace. This reduces the load on the nerve and prevents the development of edema.

Cold eye: symptoms, treatment with medications and folk remedies

You can often hear from people with signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane that they have a cold in the eye. Contrary to popular belief, this condition is dangerous. If a person thinks that he has a cold in his eye, he needs to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

This is especially true for individuals with severe clinical manifestations. This is due to the fact that a cold is often accompanied by a viral or bacterial infection.

In this case, after carrying out diagnostic measures, the doctor draws up the most effective drug treatment regimen.


Tears act as eye protection. This liquid has powerful bactericidal properties and destroys pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the mucous membrane. In addition, the tear wets it, preventing friction during blinking. The protective liquid also helps cleanse the eye of dust and small debris.

When a person is in an area with strong winds, the tear begins to evaporate rapidly. Naturally, this is a physiological process, but under such weather conditions it accelerates significantly.

As a result, the mucous membrane begins to rub against the eyelids and dry out, and microtraumas appear on it. At this stage, a person realizes that he has a cold in his eye. This is evidenced by pronounced irritation.

Increased evaporation of tears is dangerous because pathogenic microorganisms and dust begin to accumulate in the eyes. A natural consequence is the development of the inflammatory process.

How to get cold eyes:

  • Stay in the area of ​​air flow from a fan or air conditioner for a long time.
  • Walking outside during strong winds.
  • Be in a drafty room.
  • Consume cold foods in large quantities.
  • Ride in a car with the windows open or on a motorcycle without a helmet.
  • Go outside in windy weather immediately after water procedures.

Thus, the development of the inflammatory process is closely related to weather conditions. That is why, during a visit to the doctor, you can tell the specialist that the wind blew through your eyes.

Clinical manifestations

The disease is usually difficult to miss. If a person has a cold in the eye, the symptoms appear quite specific.

Clinical manifestations:

  • Hyperemia of both the conjunctiva and eyelids.
  • Painful sensations.
  • Itching, burning.
  • Excessive tearing.
  • The presence of a sensation of a foreign object in the eye.
  • Exudate release. Pus accumulates on the eyelashes and in the corners of the eyes.
  • Increased sensitivity to light.
  • Swelling of tissues.
  • The presence of painful seals on the eyelids.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes located near the ears.
  • Increased body temperature (in isolated cases).
  • Visual impairment.

If a person has a cold in the eye, it is not at all necessary that all of the above symptoms will appear.

When the first alarming signs occur, you should contact an ophthalmologist. A visit to a specialist should especially not be postponed for persons whose eyes are cold, fluid is leaking from the eye, and the eyelids are very swollen.

The doctor can make a diagnosis during the initial examination. In addition, a specialist is able to determine the presence of a viral or bacterial infection by external signs.

In the first case, the lymph nodes do not enlarge and no pus is released. When a bacterial infection is attached, on the contrary, exudate always forms. Moreover, it can even be released from the surface of the eyeball.

If the eye is cold, but there is no infection, then pus is not released and the body temperature does not rise.

In order to identify a pathogenic microorganism, the doctor may prescribe bacterial culture.

Remedies to eliminate signs of irritation

If a cold is not accompanied by pronounced clinical manifestations, it is enough to use products whose active components relieve dryness and redness. If your eye is blown, your doctor can tell you which drops to buy.

As a rule, ophthalmologists prescribe the following drugs:

  • "Visine." The active component of the drug is tetrizoline hydrochloride. During treatment, blood vessels narrow and swelling is eliminated. You need to put drops in your eyes 2-3 times a day.
  • "Oxyal". The active ingredients are boric and hyaluronic acids. The drops have pronounced moisturizing, antipruritic, anti-edema and vasoconstrictor properties. Depending on the degree of irritation, the product should be used from 1 to 6 times a day.
  • "Systane" The composition of the drug is identical to natural tears. The drops not only eliminate irritation in a short time, but also moisturize the mucous membrane.

If side effects occur, it is recommended to complete therapy with the selected drug and consult an ophthalmologist.

Treatment in case of viral infection

In such a situation, it is necessary not only to relieve symptoms, but also to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

It is important to understand that in this case, the active activity of the virus is observed not only on the surface of the eyes, but throughout the body.

In this regard, if you have a cold in your eye, your doctor should tell you how to treat the disease if complications arise, based on the results of bacterial culture.

If you have a viral infection, your doctor may prescribe:

  • Drops whose active component is human interferon. This is a specific protein that is synthesized in the body to destroy viruses. Examples of drugs: “Ophthalmoferon”, “Okoferon”, “Aktipol”. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed if the eyes are affected by entero- or adenoviruses. In the first 3 days of treatment it is necessary to apply eye drops every 4 hours. Then the drug can be used 2-3 times a day until the clinical manifestations completely disappear.
  • Ointments, the active component of which is intended to combat the herpes virus. In most cases, doctors prescribe Acyclovir. A more expensive analogue is Zovirax. According to the instructions for use, Acyclovir eye ointment can be included in the treatment regimen even for young children. Judging by medical reviews, the drug extremely rarely causes side effects. According to the instructions for use, Acyclovir eye ointment must be squeezed onto your finger. The length of the strip with the product should not exceed 1 cm. Then the drug must be placed behind the conjunctival sac.

It is important to remember that self-medication is unacceptable. The selection of drugs is carried out only on the basis of laboratory diagnostics.

Treatment in case of bacterial infection

In this situation, the use of antibacterial agents is mandatory. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • "Albucid". This is an antimicrobial drug whose active ingredient is sodium sulfacyl. The product must be used 4-6 times a day.
  • "Tetracycline". To date, this is the most effective antibacterial agent for the eyes. The instructions for use for tetracycline ointment indicate that it is effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. But you need to purchase the product only with an active ingredient content of 1%. According to the instructions for use, tetracycline eye ointment may otherwise be harmful. You can use the drug up to 5 times a day.
  • "Sofradex". The product has antipruritic, antibacterial, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties. The drops contain three active components: framycetin sulfate, dexamethasone, gramicidin. The drug must be used every 4 hours.

Most often, the same medication is sold in two forms at once (ointment, drops). The difference between them is the degree of effectiveness. The drops are quickly washed off with tears, but the ointment remains on the mucous membrane for a long time.

As practice shows, most often the disease develops in children who like to look out of the open window of moving vehicles. The symptoms appear the same as in adults.

If alarming signs occur, it is recommended to show the child to an ophthalmologist. When a bacterial flora is detected, doctors most often prescribe Albucid and Tetracycline; in case of a viral flora, Ophthalmoferon, Interferon, and Dexamethasone are prescribed.

It is important to remember that self-medication is unacceptable. You can only use traditional methods before consulting a doctor to alleviate the child’s condition.

Homemade ointments

The most effective are the following recipes:

  • Take a medium-sized onion and bake it in the oven until soft. Grind using a blender. Add 20 ml of aloe juice and 10 g of honey to the resulting mass. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Use the resulting ointment externally three times a day.
  • Take 40 g of butter, 10 g of wax, 20 ml of calendula-based decoction, 10 g of honey. Place all components in one container. Place the pan in a water bath. Once the butter and wax have melted, remove the container from the heat. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Cool. Apply the ointment externally 3-4 times a day.

Before the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Despite the fact that these ointments should be used externally, you must remove contact lenses in advance.


If your eye gets very cold, what should you do? Folk remedies will help relieve unpleasant symptoms.


  • Take 10 cornflower flowers and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 1 hour. Strain. Moisten a piece of gauze in the resulting liquid and apply it to the affected eye.
  • Take 10 g of plantain seeds. Pour 100 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 1 hour. Moisten a gauze cloth in the resulting liquid and apply to the affected eye.
  • Take a few chamomile flowers and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Use liquid for compresses.

It is important to remember that any plant is a potential allergen. If signs of an adverse reaction occur, treatment using alternative methods must be completed.

Possible consequences

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, a viral or bacterial infection develops. The active activity of pathogenic microorganisms can lead to the development of the following ailments:

  • Barley. This term refers to inflammation of the sebaceous duct or ciliary bulb.
  • Conjunctivitis. In this case, the mucous membrane of the eyeball is affected.
  • Blepharitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids.
  • Dacryocystitis. This is a disease, the course of which is accompanied by inflammation of the lacrimal canal.

Thus, in order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Recommendations from experts

To avoid the development of the disease, ophthalmologists advise following the following rules:

  • Do not stay in drafty rooms.
  • In windy weather, protect your eyes with sunglasses.
  • Position yourself as far away from the air conditioner as possible.
  • Don't lower your car windows too low.
  • When riding a motorcycle, wear a protective helmet.
  • Do not wash your face with too cold water.
  • Reduce the consumption of cold foods to a minimum.

Compliance with these rules will not only protect your eyes from colds, but will also serve as an excellent prevention of ARVI.


If a person has a cold eye, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane begins to be damaged and cannot protect the visual organ from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

The active life of the latter often leads to such unpleasant diseases as blepharitis, barley, conjunctivitis, etc. In order to make you feel better before going to see a doctor, it is permissible to use traditional methods.


Inflammation of the eye due to a cold

If a person says that he has a cold in his eye, one should distinguish between true inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane, which can be provoked by any irritants: cold air, dust, light, etc.

It should be noted that irritation of the mucous membrane is the optimal conditions for the penetration of bacterial, viral or fungal pathogens into the organ, which should be taken into account.

Why does inflammation occur in the eyes?

Is it possible to get a cold in your eye? Like any other organ, the eye is susceptible to the influence of negative mediators of infectious and non-infectious origin. The following reasons can provoke the occurrence of foci of inflammation:

  • infectious (bacteria, unicellular organisms, fungi, viruses);
  • traumatic (impacts, exposure to acids or alkalis);
  • allergic (reaction to medications, cosmetics).
  • blepharitis and keratitis;
  • corneal ulcer and stye;
  • phlegmon and tenonitis;
  • boil and iritis;
  • conjunctivitis and exophthalmos;
  • dacryocystitis and neuritis;
  • eyelid abscess and canaliculitis.

All of the above diseases, to one degree or another, provoke inflammatory reactions in the organ. To understand what kind of disease could lead to failures, let's look at the most common of them in more detail.


Conjunctivitis is a disease characterized by inflammation in the outer lining of the eye. The main causes of the disease include:

Depending on the type of causative agent of the disease, conjunctivitis can be:

Optic neuritis

  • inflammation of the brain;
  • infectious diseases (flu, sore throat, otitis media);
  • post-traumatic complications;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • diabetes and gout.

If a person has a cold in the optic nerve, the symptoms of the disease will be:

  • loss of vision;
  • decreased perception of shapes and colors;
  • deterioration of peripheral vision;
  • pain during eye movement;
  • presence of a blind spot in the field of vision;
  • increased pain with physical activity.

Neuritis is one of the most severe eye diseases and therefore requires immediate treatment.

If a person has double vision due to a cold in the optic nerve, this may indicate destruction of the outer sheath of the nerve. Untimely treatment can lead to complications and complete loss of vision.

Principles of treatment

What to do if you have a cold in your eye? The principles of drug therapy are determined by the location of inflammation and the type of pathogen:

Features of antibacterial therapy

If a person has a cold in the eye, the symptoms of the disease will not take long to appear. In most cases, abscesses indicate the bacterial nature of the infectious agent. To eliminate it, pharmaceutical products such as:

Treatment of optic neuritis

  • Naproxen is a drug based on pionic acid, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. A strong lipoxygenase inhibitor that helps inhibit platelet aggregation;
  • Nimesulide is a non-steroidal drug with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Inhibits cyclooxygenase, which prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are mediators of edema and tissue inflammation;
  • Carbamazepine is an inhibitory and antidepressant drug that has a pronounced anticonvulsant effect. Reduces the frequency of spontaneous contractions of icons.


I have a cold in my eye, how to treat it?

To eliminate inflammatory reactions in the eyeball, tear ducts or eyelid, it is necessary to determine the type of infectious agent.

In drug therapy, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents are used to eliminate infectious and inflammatory reactions.

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Causes of eye colds

The cause of the disease is most often “awakened” Staphylococcus aureus, which accompanies almost all people throughout their lives. But infection is also possible if you rub gas with dirty hands, be in a dusty environment, or swim in bodies of water with not very clean water.

Factors that can trigger the onset of the disease:

  • recent severe infections;
  • stressful situations;
  • hypothermia;
  • exposure to scorching sun rays;
  • eye injuries;
  • pregnancy period;
  • sinusitis;
  • treatment with immunosuppressants, cytostatics, prostaglandins.

Symptoms of a cold eye

The eye turns red and constantly waters.

The mucous membranes of the organs of vision do not have protection in the form of skin, so they are vulnerable to various types of influences. When the eye is blown, the following disorders may occur:

  • pain, itching, burning in the eye area;
  • redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids;
  • discomfort when blinking and turning to lateral vision;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the orbit;
  • lacrimation;
  • increased sensitivity to light, photophobia, constriction of the pupils;
  • pus discharge accumulating on the eyelashes and in the corners of the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • narrowing of the palpebral fissures;
  • blurred vision.

Such symptoms can occur individually or in combination, depending on the cause of the inflammatory process. Pathological processes are observed in the eye itself and in the periocular area. If your eyes are blown out, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • seals on the eyelids, accompanied by pain;
  • skin rash;
  • enlarged lymph nodes near the ears;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature.

The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane.

When the eye is droopy, it is swollen and painful, and mechanical irritation occurs. If it is not treated immediately after the first signs appear, an infection may develop and the organ of vision will be affected by bacteria or viruses. They can provoke the development of one of the following diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis. Inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eyeball.
  • Barley. The eyelash bulb or sebaceous duct on the lower or upper eyelid becomes inflamed.
  • Dacryocystitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the lacrimal canal, which is responsible for the drainage of tear fluid.
  • Blepharitis. The mucous membrane that covers the inner area of ​​the upper eyelid becomes inflamed.

“Blown” ear (otitis media)

Surely everyone knows how unbearable ear pain is. Otitis is especially common in children, but this does not mean that adults are immune from such troubles. Main symptoms of otitis media:

  • aching or shooting pain inside the ear;
  • when pressing on the tragus, the pain only intensifies;
  • Decreased hearing or sensation of a foreign body inside the ear;
  • the temperature may rise to subfebrile or febrile levels, depending on the process.

What to do if your ear does blow out? Of course, you should see a doctor. This is especially necessary if the pain is accompanied by other manifestations:

  • Discharge from the ear, incl. purulent or mixed with blood.
  • Constant pressing headache (especially in the sinus areas) and high fever.
  • Swelling around the ear.
  • Loss of control of facial muscles (usually on the injured side).
  • All the described symptoms do not decrease within 2 days or more.

Important! If previous sensations of sharp and severe pain suddenly stop, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

As a rule, otolaryngologists prescribe drops based on antibiotics, antiseptics, and corticosteroids. They may already contain painkillers, but painkillers (usually paracetamol or ibuprofen) can also be prescribed in tablet form.

For swelling of the mucous membrane, vasoconstrictor drops are used to help relieve pressure inside the Eustachian tube. In such situations, antihistamines are also used - they will help reduce swelling.

“Blown” ear: how to help yourself at home?

  • Warm compress – it should never be hot. And under no circumstances start heating the ear area if you notice that purulent or bloody discharge is oozing from it.
  • Drops based on boric alcohol. This is the good old method, which everyone, young and old, knows about. Before instilling drops into a cold ear, the drops should be slightly warmed to room temperature. And then drop 2-3 drops into the sore ear and cover with a cotton swab. But you should not use them constantly and for a long time - this can lead to a burn to the mucous membrane of the ear.

Rinsing for sore eyes

Washing helps remove small particles of dust or any other allergen.

1) The freshest juice from clover that grows in the meadow must be diluted with boiled liquid in a ratio of 1/1.

2) Throw 5 g of bird cherry flowers into 100 ml of liquid, steam and use. After this procedure, you will also kill the number of microbes living in the eyes.

3) Boil the onion in a glass of liquid, add 10 g of honey. It is necessary to cool to medium temperature and rinse the eyes. The redness is said to disappear quickly, especially when the eyes are sore after wind.

4) Boil an armful of parsley in 1500 ml of liquid and leave for 5 hours. It is recommended to rinse three times a day. If your eyes are very sensitive to such herbs, you can add a few rose petals.

5) Rosemary, pansies, marshmallow root (6 g of powder/150 ml of cold liquid, leave for 10 hours), thyme (2 spoons/glass of liquid), thyme, pinnate Kalanchoe, and violets in the form of infusions have received good reviews for rinsing. The inflammation is relieved immediately.

6) Dip cotton material in dill juice, squeeze and apply to eyes for 15 minutes.

7) Take a spoonful of cumin, pour 200 ml of boiling water, and cook over low heat for 3 minutes, add a small spoonful of cornflowers and plantain. You need to stand for the rest of the day and filter. Drip 2 drops 5 times a day for a week.

8) Pour 2 tablespoons of millet into 1000 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Drain the broth, cool and rinse your eyes 30 minutes before bedtime.

If you have blepharitis (secular inflammation), wrap cotton wool around a match and lubricate it with brilliant green. The brilliant green will immediately be absorbed into the pores without leaving a trace. If you wish, add a drop of castor oil and 10 drops of brilliant green.

When your eyes are still watering, start drinking apple cider vinegar in a 1/1 ratio. Try massaging your earlobes. Place tea bags on your eyes frequently, which will make the skin under your eyes feel fresher.

Train yourself to always wash your face with cold water. Splashing water with your palms will be useful, which is a tonic massage.

Aloe. Aloe will help a lot. It is necessary to squeeze out the juice and prepare a solution with a ratio of 1/10. Such a remedy will relieve all inflammation and remove barley (if any).

Calendula. You can also clear suppuration with the help of calendula. Take 40 g of flowers and pour 1000 ml of hot liquid. Wrap tightly and leave in a clay container overnight. Now wet the napkin and apply it to your eyes. Keep it until it cools down. Change 6 times.

Also take equal amounts of calendula petals, cornflowers and eyebright herb.

St. John's wort. If there is copious discharge of purulent mucus, rinse the eyes with warm liquid infused with St. John's wort.

In general, the eyes need cold. If the inflammation does not go away, try applying cold compresses.

To prevent inflammatory processes, never rub your eyes with the inside of your fingers, especially in the morning. After all, when you wash your face, you can introduce an infection. It is necessary to wipe the eyes either with a handkerchief or with the outer part of your fingers.

Stop using cosmetic items that irritate your eyes. It is necessary to warm up your eyes every hour.

Treatment in case of viral infection

In such a situation, it is necessary not only to relieve symptoms, but also to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. It is important to understand that in this case, the active activity of the virus is observed not only on the surface of the eyes, but throughout the body. In this regard, if you have a cold in your eye, your doctor should tell you how to treat the disease if complications arise, based on the results of bacterial culture.

If you have a viral infection, your doctor may prescribe:

  • Drops whose active component is human interferon. This is a specific protein that is synthesized in the body to destroy viruses. Examples of drugs: “Ophthalmoferon”, “Okoferon”, “Aktipol”. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed if the eyes are affected by entero- or adenoviruses. In the first 3 days of treatment it is necessary to apply eye drops every 4 hours. Then the drug can be used 2-3 times a day until the clinical manifestations completely disappear.
  • Ointments, the active component of which is intended to combat the herpes virus. In most cases, doctors prescribe Acyclovir. A more expensive analogue is Zovirax. According to the instructions for use, Acyclovir eye ointment can be included in the treatment regimen even for young children. Judging by medical reviews, the drug extremely rarely causes side effects. According to the instructions for use, Acyclovir eye ointment must be squeezed onto your finger. The length of the strip with the product should not exceed 1 cm. Then the drug must be placed behind the conjunctival sac.

Bleeding eye: what to do and what are the reasons?

The main factors contributing to the development of this disease are:

  • the presence of strong drafts, which we do not seem to notice, although the threat of eye inflammation when the windows are wide open is great;
  • walking against strong winds, especially after showering or washing your hair;
  • careless attitude towards the air conditioner turned on at full power;
  • driving a car at high speed with the windows open close to your eyes or your head sticking out.

However, very rarely the real cause of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye is drafts or strong wind. If the eyelids become swollen due to inflammation of the eye, this may be an alarm bell that the cause may be hidden elsewhere and carry with it more severe and dangerous consequences for a person.

Inflammation of the eye can also occur for the following reasons:

  • contact with the mucous membrane of large particles and mechanical damage to the eye;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic reaction;
  • insect bites in the area of ​​the upper or lower eyelid;
  • cosmetic procedures, such as eyelash extensions or tattooing.

Sometimes, when there is strong wind, a foreign body can enter the eye, damaging the surface of the eye and causing further inflammation. Sometimes such a body may not be visible to the naked eye, and doctors will have to remove it.

When women's eyelids become swollen and painful, the whites of the eyes become covered with a red network of blood vessels, and their vision slowly deteriorates, it is most likely an infection. The most popular diagnoses are stye and its varieties, for example, cholazion.

Both formations arise on the inside of the lower or upper eyelid and look like bumps or spherical lumps from the outside. At first they are invisible, but gradually increase in size and begin to get in the way. In this case, severe itching and even an allergic reaction occurs. The root cause of barley or cholazion may be disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the endocrine system.

If you are bitten by insects, you do not need to see a doctor. It is enough to try not to touch the painful eyelid and take a couple of anti-allergenic tablets, for example, the classic Suprastin.

We should also talk about cosmetics, to which there may be an allergy, which manifests itself in this way, or cosmetic procedures performed in dubious beauty salons by unprofessional artists. If a woman recently had some kind of procedure done by a cosmetologist, for example, artificial eyelash extensions, and after some time she complains that her eyelids hurt, the culprit is a bad technician or low-quality glue. You should also approach cosmetic tattooing carefully.

Blown vision organs main reasons

The main factors contributing to the development of a cold eye:

  • strong drafts;
  • walking in strong winds, especially after washing your hair or taking a shower;
  • prolonged stay in a room with air conditioning that maintains a low air temperature;
  • traveling in a car or other form of transport at high speed, with the windows open or with your head hanging out the window.

Children's eyes are more vulnerable to colds.
Even a child can blow out the eye. The causes of a cold in the organ of vision in childhood are the same factors - drafts, wind, drop in temperature. A baby's eye is more sensitive and more easily susceptible to inflammatory processes than in adults. Due to the increased vulnerability of the visual organs in children, the task of parents is to ensure eye protection from negative external influences.

However, inflammation of the organs of vision due to drafts or wind is rare. More often, the main causes of the inflammatory process are the following factors:

  • entry of microbes into the eye area, for example, staphylococcus, herpes;
  • mucosal injury;
  • exposure to aggressive environments - dust, alkali.

Blown eye symptoms, treatment features

Risk factors

The following factors increase the risk of developing inflammation in the area of ​​the eye tissues and mucous membranes:

By avoiding the above situations, a person significantly reduces the likelihood of blowing out the eye in the summer, and also saves himself from a whole host of unpleasant consequences that accompany this manifestation.

How to determine what has blown out the eye? The following signs should be highlighted here:

  • development of increased tearfulness;
  • the occurrence of persistent burning and itching in the eyes;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • photophobia and narrowing of the palpebral fissures;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

First aid

If you suspect that your eye has been blown out, it is first recommended to rinse it with a tea solution. This solution makes it possible to cleanse the mucous membrane, relieve irritation and partially eliminate inflammation.

If you have a cold eye and a stye appears on your eyelid, you should immediately apply a dry compress. Any warming agent is suitable for this, for example, a boiled egg or kitchen salt heated in a frying pan, wrapped in a cloth.

My eye is blown out - what to use?

Drug treatment here involves the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. If we talk about the most affordable means in terms of price and quality, it is worth noting the following:

  1. Visine activates the lacrimal glands. The use of drops helps eliminate redness in the whites of the eyes, moisturizes the eye membranes, and relieves irritation.
  2. Levomycetin has a disinfecting and antibacterial effect on tissues. The drug is extremely effective when it is necessary to relieve unpleasant symptoms in the case of colds or infectious lesions of the eye tissue.
  3. Albucid inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, depriving bacteria of the ability to reproduce and parasitize on the mucous membranes of the eye.


Traditional medicine methods can also eliminate unpleasant symptoms if the eye is blown. What to do when you don’t want to use pharmacological drugs?

When the eyes become suppurated, it is worth using a weak solution of boric acid to wash them. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it should be diluted with the water in which the onions were cooked (a small amount of honey can be used).

If your eye is blown, the use of seaweed called fucus will help relieve the condition. You can buy them at almost any pharmacy. To prepare a healing solution for washing the eyes, just brew 3 tablespoons of seaweed in a thermos. After a day, the cooled tincture must be poured into ice molds and placed in the freezer. When your eyes are very sore as a result of inflammation, you should wipe them with frozen cubes around the circumference before going to bed. Unpleasant symptoms disappear within about a week.

When the eyes are inflamed, it is extremely important to stop the spread of negative manifestations to tissues that have not yet been affected. To avoid serious health consequences, do not rub the problem area during treatment. If possible, you should also avoid using cosmetics.

If possible, you should also avoid using cosmetics.

How to treat a child's eye blown out. Inflammation of the upper eyelid has cleared up - Doctor

An inflammatory disease of the organ of vision of viral etiology is popularly considered to be a cold.
So they say that the child has a blown eye, but the true cause of the illness is bacterial microflora. The development of infection is often provoked by negative factors, such as drafts, hypothermia, and prolonged swimming in cold water.

The child’s body does not yet cope well enough with various infections and, in the presence of negative effects, manifests itself as a painful symptom.


Among the reasons that provoke the development of bacterial microflora are:

  1. Staying a child under an air conditioner with a cold air flow;
  2. Going outside with poorly dried or wet hair;
  3. Draft or the baby staying under an open window or balcony;
  4. Frequent intake of cold foods such as ice cream, popsicles, cold drinks;
  5. Driving with the windows open or looking out of the window of a moving car.

For a child with a weakened immune system, simply walking outside in windy weather can cause inflammation of the eye organ. Eye colds do not always manifest themselves against the background of viral or infectious flora.

It is important to determine the cause of the disease and direct recovery therapy specifically to it. When parents note that their child has a cold eye, this may be a simple lack of vitamins in a growing body.


The main symptoms of colds of the organ of vision include the following aspects:

  • redness of the mucous membrane and eyelid;
  • there is a burning sensation and pain;
  • the child complains of discomfort when moving the eyeballs;
  • the baby actively produces tears;
  • an inflamed abscess appears on the outer side of the eyelid - stye;
  • in the morning, the child cannot open his eyelids due to pus sticking together. The crust on the eyelashes is usually yellow or greenish;
  • the baby's eyes become puffy;
  • visual function is significantly reduced;
  • photosensitivity increases.

If a child has blown out an eye, and the cause of inflammation lies in the viral microflora, then accompanying symptoms include headache, increased body temperature (the body turns on its protective function and tries to overcome the virus on its own). Lymph nodes become enlarged. Other symptoms characteristic of a viral disease are also observed.

Recovery therapy

To prevent a negative reaction from the child’s body, windy places and drafts should be avoided. Do not allow the baby into the room where ventilation is carried out. Avoid long walks in very cold weather. If a child blows out an eye, treatment should be started immediately.

It is recommended to contact your local pediatrician or ophthalmologist. The doctor will prescribe medications in the form of drops or ointments. Albucid (antibiotics in the form of eye drops) is widely used. It is prescribed both for the treatment of existing eye colds and for the prevention of severe symptoms.

If the ophthalmologist has diagnosed barley, then solutions of Penicillin, Gentamicin or Erythromycin are used to eliminate it. In some cases, it is more effective to use ointment. The most common is Tetracycline.

To treat conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology, along with Albucid, it is necessary to include drugs such as:

  1. Ciprofloxacin (broad-spectrum antibiotic);
  2. Phloxal;
  3. Levomecitin.

If the nature of the disease is viral, then Interferon, Ophthalmoferon, Dexamethasone are prescribed as medicine. These medications should only be used if prescribed by your doctor.

Traditional recipes for treating eye colds

If it is not possible to see a doctor promptly, you should take treatment methods from traditional medicine. It is necessary to rinse the organs of vision with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. The procedure will alleviate the baby’s condition and reduce inflammation.

These procedures can only temporarily relieve the symptoms of the disease. The main reason remains. Its treatment requires qualified help. Among folk recipes, compresses made from yogurt or tea leaves stand out. Aloe juice lotions are allowed.

You can apply a compress of grated burdock root. A similar effect is achieved by using a decoction of millet for rinsing. Yarrow decoction perfectly relieves inflammation. To prepare, you will need a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of chopped herbs.

When the broth is cooked and cooled, the eyes are washed with it or lotions are made.

It is possible to prevent colds in the organs of vision by general procedures for strengthening the immune system. It is recommended to maintain proper nutrition, exercise hardening, conduct sports training and lead a healthy lifestyle.


What to do if your eyes are blown

You can often hear from a person with an inflamed eye that he blew out the eye

To avoid risking your vision, it is important to start treatment as quickly as possible. But it can be prescribed only after the cause of inflammation has been determined.

Let's talk about what it means when your eyes are blown out, the symptoms and treatment of this condition, as well as its prevention.

What does it mean to “blow out the eye”?

The eye's natural defense is tears. It has a bactericidal effect and kills microbes that have entered the mucous membrane and moistens it, reducing friction when blinking. With its help, small specks of dust and debris are washed out of the eyes.

Tears, like any other liquid, tend to evaporate. And in the wind, the evaporation is so intense that the mucous membrane begins to dry out. As a result, the friction of the membrane on the eyelids increases, its surface is irritated, and microtraumas appear. Since there are few tears, microbes, along with debris and dust, settle in the eyes. Inflammation begins. People say about him that “his eyes were blown.”

It's easy to get a cold in your eyes if:

  • Stay exposed to air flow from an air conditioner or fan for a long time;
  • Walking in a strong wind;
  • Create a draft in the apartment;
  • Overdo it with cold foods;
  • Ride a motorcycle or bicycle without a helmet, as well as with open car windows (or stick your head out of the window while riding);
  • Exposure to the wind immediately after swimming (especially in cold water).

One way or another, eye inflammation is closely related to exposure to wind. Therefore, the word “blown” is very suitable to describe to the doctor what happened to the eyes.

Eye diseases caused by wind

When the eyes are blown out by the wind, irritation begins. It is mechanical in nature. If it is not eliminated soon after the first symptoms appear, an infection develops. This means that the organ has been infected by pathogens: viruses or bacteria. They can cause one of the following diseases:

  • Barley - inflammation of the ciliary bulb or sebaceous duct on the edge of the upper or lower eyelid;
  • Conjunctivitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball (conjunctiva);
  • Blepharitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the inner surface of the upper eyelids;
  • Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal canal, which is responsible for the drainage of tears.

If you treat these diseases in time, you can avoid the consequences associated with deteriorating vision.

But if you treat it incorrectly, or ignore the disease altogether, complications are possible in the form of keratitis - inflammation of the cornea, the condition of which determines visual acuity.

With further spread of the infection, iritis (inflammation of the iris) and even iridocyclitis (simultaneous inflammation of the iris and ciliary body) are possible. As a result of these diseases, visual ability is reduced, and in rare cases disappears completely.

Blown eyes: symptoms

You can tell if your eyes are blown out by the wind by the following signs:

  • Hyperemia of the eyelids and conjunctiva (redness);
  • Burning, itching and pain;
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • lacrimation;
  • Purulent discharge that accumulates in the corners of the eyes and on the eyelashes (they can stick together after sleep);
  • Increased sensitivity to light;
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • Painful lumps on the eyelids, white peaks (heads of ulcers) on them;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes near the ears;
  • Increased body temperature (not always);
  • Decreased visual acuity.

Cold eyes do not necessarily have to show all the symptoms. Their totality depends on the type of developing disease:

  • In case of viral infections, lymph nodes cannot be enlarged, barley is completely excluded. Therefore, there should be no heads, no purulent discharge either. Possible diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis or keratitis.
  • With bacterial infections there is always pus. It is secreted either from the surface of the eyeballs or from the head of ripened barley. Lymph nodes may be enlarged, but not necessarily. All of the above diseases are possible, including barley.

If the eyes are simply puffy, but there is no infection yet, then the following are excluded: fever, purulent discharge, enlarged lymph nodes.

Treatment for colds in the wind

If you notice symptoms of irritation or infection brought in by the wind, consult an ophthalmologist. He will conduct an examination and determine the disease. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a prescription and tell you how to treat your eyes.

Irritated eyes

If you experience signs of irritation, you need to take measures to relieve it. To do this, you need to moisturize your eyes and remove redness from them. Moisturizing and vasoconstrictor eye drops can handle this. The table below provides an overview of suitable drugs for this.

NameActive ingredientActionMode of applicationPrice
VisineTetrizoline hydrochloride.Vasoconstrictor, decongestant.Instill 2-3 times a day, 1 or 2 drops.350 rubles for 15 ml.
OksialBoric and hyaluronic acids.Moisturizing, vasoconstrictor, decongestant and antipruritic.Instill 1 to 6 times a day, 1-2 drops, depending on the degree of irritation.450 rubles for 10 ml.
SystaneComposition that imitates natural tears.Moisturizing, relieving irritation.Apply 1-2 drops into eyes as needed.480 (520) rubles per bottle of 10 (15) ml.

Attention! If a child has eye irritation, keep in mind that Visin drops can only be used for children over two years of age. Oxial and Systane can be instilled from birth if there is no individual intolerance to the components included in the drug

Before using drops, consult your pediatrician and ophthalmologist.

Viral infection

If, in addition to irritation, there is a viral infection, it is necessary to select drops that would help kill the virus. But remember that it lives not only on the surface of the eye, but throughout the body.

And only the immune system can cope with it when it has accumulated a sufficient number of special cells. But the drops will help quickly relieve inflammation from the eyes and reduce the risk of consequences and complications.

However, complete recovery will occur only after the immune system has overcome the virus throughout the body.

So how to treat a viral infection in the eyes? There are two types of drugs:

Drops containing human interferon - a protein produced in the human body to fight viruses (Ocoferon, Ophthalmeron, Actipol). Suitable for eye damage caused by adenoviruses or enteroviruses. For the first 2-3 days, 1-2 drops of the selected drug are instilled into each eye every 4-6 hours. Then, until the symptoms disappear completely, the same number of drops 2-3 times a day.

An eye ointment containing a substance to combat the herpes virus (Acyclovir, Zovirax). To treat the eyes, it is necessary to apply strips of ointment 1 cm long 3-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

Attention! Antiviral drugs for the eyes have no age restrictions. Therefore you can use them even for a newborn baby

However, in this case, the single dose is reduced to the minimum - 1 drop of the drug will be enough for drops with interferon. If the eyes are affected by herpes, then it is enough to place a strip of ointment 5 mm long behind the eyelid.

Bacterial infection

If the eyes are damaged by bacteria, the selection of bactericidal or antibacterial agents is required: drops or ointments.

However, stye (a problem most often encountered by children) usually goes away on its own without drug therapy immediately after the head of the abscess breaks through.

In other cases (bacterial conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and dacryocystitis), antibacterial therapy is mandatory.

Attention! Sometimes the same drug is available in two forms at once: ointment and drops. The fundamental difference between them is their therapeutic effectiveness and ease of use.

The drops are quickly washed off along with the tears, while the ointment remains on the mucous membrane for a long time. But the ointment causes discomfort and interferes with activities that require visual attention from a person.

Therefore, it is more convenient to use drops during the day, and to put the ointment behind the eyelid at night.

A brief overview of antibacterial drugs for the eyes is given in the table.

NameActionActive ingredientMode of applicationPrice
Albucid (drops)Antimicrobial.Sulfacyl sodium.1-2 drops 4 to 6 times a day.50 rubles for 10 ml.
Tetracycline (ointment)Antibacterial.Tetracycline.Place a 1 cm long strip behind the eyelid 3 to 5 times a day.40 rubles for 3 years.
Sofradex (drops)Antipruritic, antiallergic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory.framycetin sulfate, gramicidin, dexamethasone.Apply 1 or 2 drops every 4 hours.300 rubles for 5 ml.
Floxal (ointment and drops)Bactericidal, antibacterial.Ofloxacin.Place strips behind the eyelid (1.5 cm long) 2-3 times a day.150 rubles for 3 years.
Instill 2 to 4 times a day, 1 drop.180 rubles for 5 ml.

Attention! When treating a bacterial eye infection in children, keep in mind that Tetracycline is contraindicated up to 8 years of age, and Sofradex - up to 1 year. Albucid and Floxal can be used for infants if the drug is recommended by a doctor

Traditional methods

People who catch cold in the wind treat their eyes using the following methods:

  • Chamomile. Brew 2 tablespoons of dried flowers in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave until completely cooled, strain. Moisten cotton pads with the infusion (you can’t just use cotton wool) and rinse your eyes with them from the outer corner to the inner. Use a separate cotton pad for each eye to prevent self-infection.
  • Black tea. Instead of chamomile, you can use regular, strongly brewed tea. But it must be natural, without flavors, dyes and other additives.
  • Calendula. An infusion of dried calendula flowers is prepared in the same way as from chamomile. It is applied in the same way.
  • Curdled milk. Soak a cotton pad in fresh yogurt and apply the compress to your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  • Aloe juice. Squeeze out the juice of the agave (or buy it at the pharmacy) and make a compress, as with yogurt.

Important! Dr. Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky points out that for viral infections, lotions, compresses and eye washes are ineffective. They help with irritation and bacterial damage to the eyes.


To avoid eye irritation:

  • Avoid drafts;
  • Protect your eyes with glasses when walking in windy conditions;
  • Avoid standing directly in front of the air conditioner and keep a distance from the fan;
  • Do not stick your head out of the car while driving and do not lower the windows too low;
  • When riding a bicycle or motorcycle, wear safety glasses or a helmet;
  • Do not wash your face with too cold water and do not swim in cold springs and ponds;
  • Eat less cold foods (ice cream, ice).

To prevent infection, prevent acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, and also follow the rules of personal hygiene.

It is very easy to blow out your eyes even in hot summer weather. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself and avoid situations that could harm the health of the visual system.

If you still cannot avoid irritation or inflammation, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist for a diagnosis. Only after clarifying the nature of the disease can the doctor prescribe adequate treatment

Remedies to eliminate signs of irritation

If a cold is not accompanied by pronounced clinical manifestations, it is enough to use products whose active components relieve dryness and redness. If your eye is blown, your doctor can tell you which drops to buy.

As a rule, ophthalmologists prescribe the following drugs:

  • "Visine." The active component of the drug is tetrizoline hydrochloride. During treatment, blood vessels narrow and swelling is eliminated. You need to put drops in your eyes 2-3 times a day.
  • "Oxyal". The active ingredients are boric and hyaluronic acids. The drops have pronounced moisturizing, antipruritic, anti-edema and vasoconstrictor properties. Depending on the degree of irritation, the product should be used from 1 to 6 times a day.
  • "Systane" The composition of the drug is identical to natural tears. The drops not only eliminate irritation in a short time, but also moisturize the mucous membrane.

If side effects occur, it is recommended to complete therapy with the selected drug and consult an ophthalmologist.

Eye diseases caused by wind

When the eyes are blown out by the wind, irritation begins. It is mechanical in nature. If it is not eliminated soon after the first symptoms appear, an infection develops. This means that the organ has been infected by pathogens: viruses or bacteria. They can cause one of the following diseases:

  • Barley - inflammation of the ciliary bulb or sebaceous duct on the edge of the upper or lower eyelid;
  • Conjunctivitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball (conjunctiva);
  • Blepharitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the inner surface of the upper eyelids;
  • Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal canal, which is responsible for the drainage of tears.

If you treat these diseases in time, you can avoid the consequences associated with deteriorating vision. But if you treat it incorrectly, or ignore the disease altogether, complications are possible in the form of keratitis - inflammation of the cornea, the condition of which determines visual acuity. With further spread of the infection, iritis (inflammation of the iris) and even iridocyclitis (simultaneous inflammation of the iris and ciliary body) are possible. As a result of these diseases, visual ability is reduced, and in rare cases disappears completely.

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