Methods to combat swelling after biorevitalization

After the age of 25, the production of elastin and collagen decreases significantly, which manifests itself through the appearance of minor problems. Against the background of a decrease in the production of these active substances, gravitational sagging, dryness, and folds appear.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid to eliminate fine wrinkles is called biorevitalization. Side effects after the procedure are not common. An obvious side effect is the appearance of swelling, which is characterized by a long-term nature.

Characteristics of the procedure

Manipulation is indicated in the presence of cosmetic defects:

  • small wrinkles on the face that appear after 30 years;
  • decreased level of elasticity of the skin;
  • burnout or lightening of areas of the epithelium;
  • intense evaporation of moisture from the surface of the dermis;
  • severe dryness of the face;
  • the appearance of areas with peeling;
  • formation of pigmented areas;
  • acne formation;
  • intensive work of the sebaceous glands.

Light anesthesia is allowed before the procedure. The essence of the technique is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin, which saturates the skin with moisture.

The introduction of the substance in a minimal amount provokes the natural production of its own anti-aging components. The acid takes an active part in the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. Hyaluronic acid acts as an antioxidant and effectively prevents early aging.

Methods to combat swelling

If swelling causes you discomfort or you cannot wait for it to subside, you can use drugs that affect the vascular walls. Troxevasin gel helps well in such cases, but you must first consult with a cosmetologist.

Lip area

To reduce lip swelling after increasing hyaluronic acid, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • you can do a light massage - this will improve blood circulation;
  • After the session, it is advisable to immediately apply ice, but you should not do this too often;
  • do not smoke and do not drink alcohol or spicy foods;
  • you can apply a chamomile compress;
  • take antihistamines;
  • do not be under the sun and do not go to the sauna or swimming pool.

To prevent swelling after injections of hyaluronic acid into the lips, you must:

  • before the session it is better to take an allergy preventative;
  • a few days before the session, avoid alcohol and take analgin;
  • do not pump during menstruation;
  • Do not apply decorative cosmetics to your lips for two to three days.

Under eye area

To relieve swelling under the eyes, you should understand that the eye area is delicate and sensitive, and you should not use aggressive methods of influence in the form of massage or cooling.

To prevent swelling from progressing, you need to know what is prohibited during this period, namely:

  • using moisturizer;
  • use of cosmetics;
  • drinking plenty of water.

To relieve swelling in the area around the eyes, it is recommended to use homeopathic remedies such as Lymphomyosot and Arnica.

Under any circumstances, remember: hyaluronic acid is a substance that is compatible with our body and, as a rule, does not cause serious complications. For a successful procedure, choose a qualified specialist and a quality product.

Side effects of biorevitalization

Side effects develop due to non-compliance with the rules of the procedure or due to restrictions on its implementation. Contraindications to manipulation are:

  • acute infectious lesion;
  • periods of exacerbation of herpes;
  • purulent formation in the puncture area;
  • rheumatoid type arthritis;
  • sugar pathology;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • predisposition to keloid scars;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • thin blood;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Due to biorevitalization, side effects are possible:

  • swelling;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • point hematomas;
  • tubercles after drug administration, which is associated with long-term resorption of the substance under the epithelium.

We recommend reading: Swelling after blepharoplasty

The occurrence of an adverse reaction after manipulation is rare and is an atypical skin reaction. Emergency medical care is required if there are additional symptoms:

  • uneven distribution of swelling on the surface of the skin;
  • flaws cause physical discomfort;
  • the swelling has become significant.

In particularly difficult situations, surgical intervention is necessary to eliminate side effects.

Prevention after the procedure

If you find swelling of the entire face after the procedure, there is no need to panic. This reaction of the body is normal and goes away on its own after complete restoration of the cells. After the procedure, you must also follow some important recommendations:

  • avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • Do not use cosmetics (powder, blush, foundation, etc.) for several days;
  • during the rehabilitation period, avoid exposure to heat, as this promotes the breakdown of hyaluronic acid (do not visit baths, solariums, or take a hot bath);
  • It is also better to postpone active sports for a few days.

Drinking alcohol provokes the appearance of edema, so after the procedure it is better to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for at least several days, but even better for two weeks.

Causes of puffiness around the eyes

All causes of moisture retention in the eye area are divided into two segments:

  • external;
  • internal.

Among the external causes that provoke side effects after biorevitalization are:

  • insufficient professionalism of the cosmetologist;
  • facial cleansing was not carried out before biorevitalization;
  • non-compliance with recommendations after the procedure;
  • ignoring contraindications for manipulation;
  • increased dosages of the drug used;
  • improper administration of hyaluronic acid;
  • ignoring hand sanitization before manipulation;
  • uneven distribution of the substance under the skin;
  • injection of a substance into the area around the eyes.

To correct errors, it is necessary to introduce a component that breaks down hyaluronic acid. These substances include hyaluronidase. If recommended doses are exceeded, swelling is observed for about 2 weeks.

Internal factors provoking swelling of the visual apparatus are:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • disturbances in kidney function;
  • alcohol intoxication.

If there are obvious contraindications to the procedure, it is possible to carry out the manipulation in a gentle manner. To do this, the drug is administered using a long needle, when pulled out from the surface of the skin, a small amount of the component is released. The procedure is used to eliminate small wrinkles from the surface of the face.

The norm is the presence of swelling for 3 or 4 days after the procedure. If swelling persists for more than 1 week, you should consult a doctor.

How to relieve swelling after biorevitalization

If you don’t have time to wait for the side effects to decrease on your own, then you should know how to remove or reduce swelling after biorevitalization. In order to minimize the rehabilitation period, the following rules must be observed:

  • You should not drink a lot of liquid until the unpleasant effect passes. The consequence of fluid accumulation in such a delicate area of ​​the face can be further aggravated by excessive and even unwise consumption of water, which is retained by hyaluronic acid. Alcohol is also among the substances prohibited: it itself can also cause swelling.
  • You cannot use decorative cosmetics during the rehabilitation period. The components can cause even more harm to already vulnerable skin, therefore, in order to reduce, rather than increase, the duration of rehabilitation, it is better not to expose it to additional negative effects.
  • Moisturizing creams and other products that saturate the dermis with moisture are prohibited. Since bags under the eyes are caused by the property of hyaluronic acid to “bind” water, additional addition of fluid helps to increase its concentration under the skin.
  • There is no need to do various types of massages and pinching such a delicate area. Additional trauma to this area will bring nothing more than aggravation of the unpleasant effect.

There are pharmaceutical products aimed at alleviating this type of condition:

  • Arnica . The drug is aimed at reducing the severity of defects under the eyes thanks to its composition, including extracts of plantain, chestnut and arnica. It must be used as follows: twice a day, apply a thin layer to well-cleaned problem areas. The product will also help relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Lymphomyosot – homeopathic drops for oral use. The course intake consists of 15 drops, pre-dissolved in a glass of clean still water, drink daily for 10 days. Taking the medicine is prohibited during pregnancy and individual intolerance to the composition, and failure to comply with these contraindications can lead to serious consequences such as an allergic reaction.

Watch this video about the causes and methods of getting rid of swelling after biorevitalization:

What to do to relieve swelling

To relieve swelling due to the biorevitalization procedure, it is not recommended:

  • mask swelling;
  • apply foundation to the damaged areas;
  • frequently touch your face with your hands;
  • cool biorevitalization areas with pieces of ice;
  • expose your face to low temperatures;
  • apply care and moisturizing creams to the face after the procedure;
  • It is undesirable to drink large amounts of water.

To eliminate swelling from the face you will need medications:

  • Arnica. The product is applied several times a day. The medicine belongs to the homeopathic category.
  • Lymphomyositis. The drug can provoke the resorption of hyaluronic acid.

To reduce swelling in the facial area, it is possible to use traditional methods:

  • Contrast wash. The water for washing should not be too cold or hot.
  • Cold tea. It is advisable to brew strong tea and let it brew. Soak a cotton pad in warm liquid and place it on top of the swelling.
  • Cut the cucumbers into circles and apply to the injection sites of hyaluronic acid.

Prevention rules will help you avoid swelling:

  • Before making an appointment with a cosmetologist, check the reviews and whether he has a certificate to carry out the work;
  • warn a specialist about health problems;
  • check the expiration date and manufacturer of the cocktail intended for injection under the skin;
  • minimize possible allergies to injected substances;
  • before manipulation, reduce fluid intake;
  • After the procedure, it is not advisable to apply makeup to the face during the entire rehabilitation.

Compliance with the rules before manipulation will significantly reduce the likelihood of side effects due to biorevitalization.

How do you understand that swelling under the eyes is no longer the norm?

A large number of women experience bags under their eyes after injections. This area of ​​the face is considered extremely delicate. Many cosmetologists do not recommend touching this area under the eyes, as in most cases this leads to negative manifestations.

If you have undergone a biorevitalization procedure and are experiencing swelling, do not rush to get upset. Such misunderstandings quite often go away within 3-4 days without any special intervention or treatment. The maximum rehabilitation period is usually one week. This period is quite enough for the bags under the eyes to decrease or disappear completely.

If swelling does not go away after the specified period, it is worth visiting the specialist who performed the injections. During an in-person examination, he will help identify the causes of the incident and promptly eliminate them. In some situations, you should not hesitate if the bags under the eyes after injections are excessively large, cause you discomfort, appear unevenly, or resemble an allergic reaction.

Biorevitalization: before and after photos

Patients who often undergo such procedures are recommended to take “before and after” photographs in order to get a real idea of ​​the result obtained, its advantages and disadvantages.

Useful video

Biorevitalization allows you to reduce fine wrinkles and even out the facial contour. However, as a result of the technique, side effects are possible that provoke pathologies or non-compliance with the rules of preparation for the procedure. Limiting the liquid you drink the day before the procedure and studying contraindications to its implementation will help reduce the likelihood of developing negative manifestations after the rejuvenation technique.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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