Take care of your eyes! Ophthalmologist on the benefits of sunglasses

Incorrect selection of diopters

The main cause of eye pain when wearing glasses is the discrepancy between the optical power of the lenses and the vision indicator. This may be a consequence of independent selection of optics, a doctor’s mistake made during the examination, or a change in the degree of refractive error. Also, some people have different visual acuity in the left and right eyes. This factor is taken into account when lenses are selected in the ophthalmologist's office. Wearing the wrong glasses is not only difficult, but also dangerous. They cause headaches and eye pain, the eyes quickly get tired, which leads to general fatigue. Moreover, there is a risk of further deterioration of vision.

Causes of pain after wearing glasses

The main reasons for eye pain in new glasses:

  • Incorrect diagnosis. Inexperienced ophthalmologists often make mistakes when choosing diopters. A doctor’s mistake is not just an unnecessary waste of money, but also complicates the patient’s life. If the glass has a different optical power, a person strains his vision to see some details or small print.
  • Incorrect distance between optical centers of lenses. When filling out a prescription for a product, it is important to take this factor into account. Often people themselves make mistakes when buying a correction product, paying attention not to the parameters, but to the appearance. The distance between the centers of the lenses is important, because if the focus is incorrect, the muscles are too tense, they try to bring the pupils to the center. This leads to spasms that are painful. If you wear glasses for a long time with an incorrectly selected distance between the pupils, strabismus occurs.
  • Small frame. The lenses fit, but the frame is small. The temples should not float freely or be too compressed. In the second case, the temples put a lot of pressure on the temporal region and behind the ears and rub. This leads to pain and disruption of peripheral blood circulation in the superficial tissues of the head.
  • Deterioration of visual perception. You should consult an ophthalmologist 2 times a year if your vision is rapidly deteriorating. If you use old glasses, but your visual perception has deteriorated since the time you bought them, your eyes begin to strain when doing any household chores.
  • Adaptation. Bifocal lenses take some getting used to. Discomfort occurs in most patients. If an unadapted patient wears it for a long time, not only eye pain will appear, but also nausea, dizziness, and migraine. The adaptation period is up to 10 days. In the first few days, you are allowed to wear bifocals for a few hours, gradually increasing the wearing time. The patient must focus on his own feelings.

How to choose the right glasses?

Selecting eyeglasses can be simple or complex. In the first case, glasses are selected to correct myopia and farsightedness, in the second - to correct astigmatism and presbyopia. Regardless of the type of spectacle optics, to select it you will need to go through several procedures:

  • visometry - determination of visual acuity;
  • autorefractometry - assessment of the condition of the cornea and refraction - the ability of the eye to refract light rays;
  • trying on glasses.

Two weeks after selection, it is recommended to visit the clinic again for a follow-up examination.

Take care of your eyes! Ophthalmologist on the benefits of sunglasses

Poor quality glasses, especially if worn regularly, can negatively affect your vision. Ophthalmologist Tatyana Matnenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology at Omsk State Medical University told Omsk Here about how to choose the right sunglasses for children and adults.

— Can sunglasses costing 500-1500 rubles be good?

— I wouldn’t focus on price; you should pay attention to the properties of the glasses. First of all, when purchasing, we must think about eye protection and safety. If we talk about the pricing policy in our region, then from 900 rubles you can buy glasses with good ultraviolet protection.

— What characteristics should good sunglasses have?

— If we assume that we will use lenses every day, then, first of all, they must protect against ultraviolet radiation. Modern lenses can be made of either glass or plastic. You can check whether your glasses protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation: opticians usually have a device that can determine the level of ultraviolet protection of sunglasses lenses.

Ultraviolet light can be harmful to the eyes. There are three types of rays:

  • Type C rays are blocked by the ozone layer,
  • Type B rays are blocked by the superficial structures of the eye, such as the cornea and conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eye),
  • Type A rays can penetrate deeper, be absorbed by the lens, penetrate it, and also affect the retina, which provides vision.

We must remember that the changes that occur in the retina may be irreversible and may not appear immediately. Therefore, you need to take the choice of glasses seriously. Some lenses have anti-reflective properties, this is an additional option. There are photochromic lenses that can change the darkening intensity of the lens depending on the weather. If there is not much sun outside, then the lens will be lighter, and if the sun is shining brightly, then it will be dark. This happens automatically without the participation of the holders of such points.

If we talk about colored glasses, for example, pink, blue, green, then it is worth remembering that color can affect both mood and the level of intraocular pressure. For example, it was previously recommended for patients with glaucoma to wear green glasses, since this spectrum is considered calming.

Our eyes have protective mechanisms against direct sunlight: in bright light, the pupil narrows and the flow of rays decreases. When we put on glasses, the pupil, on the contrary, dilates in the dark, and we must choose ones that will not let harmful rays through to the retina. If you neglect this, then over time you can provoke various pathologies of the lens, cataracts (clouding of the lens) or macular degeneration (degenerative changes in the central zone of the retina, leading to a significant decrease in visual acuity - editor's note).

— Do I need to wear sunglasses in cloudy weather?

— Sunglasses can be worn all the time. Usually the eyes signal to us that the light is bright enough, the person begins to squint, and at this moment it would be nice to have a pair of sunglasses with him. If we take our region, it is believed that the number of sunny days is comparable to the southern coast of Crimea. In winter or autumn, in cloudy weather, you may not need glasses, but if there is bright snow outside that blinds your eyes, it is better to wear this useful accessory.

— Is it possible to choose one pair of glasses and wear them all year round, or is it necessary to have several different ones with varying degrees of UV protection?

— Our eyes need maximum protection from ultraviolet radiation. If the UV protection is 400, then it is close to 100 percent. In addition to the already listed cataracts and macular degeneration, if you refuse to use glasses, melanoma of the choroid may develop. In the Omsk region, from 12 to 20 cases of such diseases are registered annually, and if a patient is diagnosed with melanoma, then it is not so much about preserving vision, but about preserving life, because ocular melanoma behaves very aggressively. It is believed that the prevention of this disease is precisely protection from ultraviolet radiation. I repeat that an already purchased pair of glasses can be checked in optics using a spectrometer. Typically, glasses are marked UV-400 or 380, which corresponds to 99 and 95 percent protection against sun rays. If it is not possible to go and check the glasses, but it is interesting to find out the degree of protection, then pay attention to the color of the skin of the eyelids: if it does not tan, then the degree of protection of the glasses is high.

— Do children need to wear sunglasses and how to choose them correctly?

— If children are outdoors in direct sunlight, their eyes must be protected. If these are young children who do not always agree to wear glasses, they are recommended to wear wide-brimmed Panama hats to protect their eyes from exposure to sunlight. Otherwise, you can get a burn to the cornea of ​​the eyes, which will be characterized by photophobia, lacrimation, and decreased vision. The culture of using sunglasses must be instilled from childhood, because the retina is given to us for life, we must take care of it, since the risks of developing pathologies especially increase with age.

To make the right choice, you need to buy glasses with your child, try on the frame so that it has the correct fit on the bridge of the nose, a good length of the temples, which are sometimes made flexible for reliable fixation, then the glasses will not fall off during outdoor games.

— Can bad sunglasses ruin your eyesight?

- Yes, bad sunglasses, if we mean lack of ultraviolet protection, this is a dangerous thing. When harmful rays hit the retina, the deep structures of the eye can be destroyed, which can lead to loss of visual acuity.

— Where to buy sunglasses, since they are sold not only in opticians, but also in regular clothing stores?

— If this product is from a trusted brand and has a certificate, then I think you can make a purchase in a clothing store. But when buying your first pair of sunglasses, I would recommend doing it at an optician, because the requirements for glasses may be different for different people, and at an optician you can get qualified advice from a specialist. For example, a person with low vision and refractive errors can choose sunglasses with diopters, while a driver can choose photochromic, anti-reflective lenses. Today, the choice of frames and spectacle lenses is very wide.

The period of getting used to new glasses

New glasses can cause various unpleasant symptoms: headaches and eye pain, dizziness, increased fatigue. Some people complain about:

  • enlargement or reduction of objects;
  • changing the contours of visible objects;
  • incorrect estimation of distance.

Often these symptoms go away within 7-10 days. It is necessary to give the eyes the opportunity to adapt to the new optics. The adaptation period depends on individual physiological characteristics and the type of glasses. Thus, astigmatic lenses are quite difficult for many people to tolerate. It takes longer to get used to such spectacle optics. How to speed up the adaptation process? Do not wear glasses for a long time in the first days. Use them for 2-3 hours, increasing the wearing time by 1 hour daily. If pain occurs, remove the lenses and rest your eyes. Do some exercises to relax your eye muscles.

How to help your eyes

If your eyes hurt from glasses, you should undergo an examination at an ophthalmologist. Repeated diagnostics will help you understand why your eyes hurt after wearing glasses, and what needs to be done in each specific case, the better to use eye drops.

  • For lotions on the eye area, you can use an infusion of black or green tea. A cotton swab or pad soaked in tea should be held over closed eyes for about 15 minutes.
  • If, after using new glasses, your eyes hurt while using the computer, it is recommended to take breaks for 10 minutes after every 50 minutes of working at the monitor. The eyes should rest and relax. You should do several special gymnastics exercises for the eyes.
  • A light eyelid massage and palming exercise help to relax the eyes. Close your eyes tightly with warm palms for 5 minutes, imagining the color black.
  • If your eyes hurt even without glasses, experts advise periodically looking at a leaf or other green object. This technique helps to relax and calm the eyes.

Author: ophthalmologist Kuryanova Irina Valentinovna

Date of publication: 05.12.2019 11:23

Uncomfortable frame

Sometimes the cause of pain in the eyes is an incorrectly selected frame. It should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. If the temples compress the temples too much, the head begins to hurt, as well as the eyes, and dizziness occurs. With very narrow glasses, the patient often has to look over the lenses, which leads to overstrain of the eye muscles.

How to choose comfortable glasses? The choice of frames today is more than varied. Try to evaluate as many models as possible until you find the perfect one. Contact a specialist who will help you choose frames based on your face shape. Having chosen a suitable model, try it on. Test your new glasses. Leave them on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Make sure that the frame does not put pressure on your temples or slide down, and that the lenses provide high-quality correction.

What to do if your eyes hurt?

If you are concerned about eye pain while wearing glasses, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist. He will help identify the cause of such sensations and advise what to do. The most commonly offered options are:

  • re-examination of vision and selection of a more suitable means of correction;
  • using contact lenses instead of glasses;
  • choosing a more convenient frame and glass design.

In most cases, one of these actions is enough to forget about discomfort and pain.

Intolerance to glasses

Some patients never get used to eyeglasses. This most often occurs in people with high degrees of refractive error, as well as in the presence of astigmatism. If you cannot adapt to glasses, you need to find an alternative method of correction. One of them is contact lenses. Most modern models are made of soft hydrogel-based materials. Such ophthalmic products have virtually no contraindications and are suitable for almost everyone, including children and the elderly. If it is not possible to wear not only glasses, but also contact optics, you will have to resort to laser vision correction or surgical treatment of the pathology.

Eyes hurt from glasses - causes, consequences - About eyes

Pain in the eyes can occur as a result of overwork when working at a computer or with papers: the eye muscles become overstrained because they focus only at one distance, dryness appears due to infrequent blinking and the operation of the air conditioner. In this case, rest and certain exercises help eliminate the pain. This is the most common cause of eye discomfort, but not the only one.

Eye pain: causes, possible diseases, consequences

Pressing pain in the eyes

The second common cause of discomfort is increased intraocular pressure - in this case, it seems as if the eye is squeezing something out from the inside.

Factors such as:

  1. Headache, muscle or vascular spasm.
  2. A sharp change in atmospheric pressure (weather change).
  3. Drinking alcohol or smoking;
  4. Increased concentration of attention on one point;
  5. Inflammatory process, glaucoma.

Discomfort is associated with the pressure of the fluid in the vitreous body on the membrane of the eye. Most often, it goes away on its own after some time if there are no pathological changes.

Pressing pain in the eyes causes the fluid in the vitreous body to press on the membrane of the eye

Attention! Contact an ophthalmologist if the pressing pain is unbearable, prolonged or regular. High blood pressure that occurs too often can lead to glaucoma. Elderly people and those whose parents had a history of it are most susceptible to this disease. Glaucoma is dangerous because it leads to decreased vision and even blindness.

Mechanical damage to the eye

Acute pain, especially when looking away, is most likely caused by a foreign object entering the mucous membrane. The pain may intensify when the eye is rubbed, so this should not be done - the particle can damage the membrane of the eye or the eyelid, then the discomfort will remain even after removal.

And in some cases, the entry of a speck that could not be immediately removed by washing or frequent blinking can cause the onset of an inflammatory process.

Therefore, if you cannot get rid of a foreign object on your own, and the pain intensifies, consult a doctor: he will evert the eyelid and easily remove the source of discomfort.

Damage to the eye can be caused by improper wearing of contact lenses, bruise, mechanical impact, or burn. For example, when welding, ultraviolet radiation damages the cornea, causing irritation and pain, clouding, tearing, and difficulty looking at the light. There may be severe pain when opening, as the eyelids are tightly closed. This phenomenon is called electroophthalmia.

Mechanical damage to the eye can be caused by welding

Attention! After a welding burn, you should not scratch your eyes, rinse them, or use eye drops; you should immediately consult a doctor. The sensations are similar to the presence of a foreign object, but the above methods will only increase irritation and pain.

Swelling of the eyes or swelling of the eyelids with pain

Tearfulness and swelling of the eyes are most often caused by sinusitis, ARVI, and appears due to general intoxication of the body. This may also be a manifestation of an allergic reaction during the spring-summer season or when using new cosmetics. Eye irritation can be caused by an infection or the following diseases:

  1. Stye: scales appear on the eyelids, there is redness and itching, it can also be dacryocystitis.
  2. Inflammation of the sinuses, difficulty breathing (sinusitis).
  3. Quincke's edema is an allergic reaction to foods, pollen or cosmetics.
  4. Diseases of the stomach or liver, cardiovascular system, if the tumor is only in the lower eyelid.

A stye on the eye can cause eye pain

First aid for swollen eyes! Rinse with tea leaves or a weak solution of boric acid, apply hydrocortisone ointment or castor oil. Compresses made from cucumber or potatoes can help, and they are absolutely safe.

Eye inflammation: conjunctivitis

The conjunctiva is a protective transparent film that prevents the entry of foreign particles and ensures the secretion of tear fluid. It can become inflamed, watery and fester for many reasons - due to damage by bacteria, viruses, fungus. This occurs due to rubbing the eyes with dirty hands, hypothermia, bright light, overwork, or a general viral disease.

3 types of conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis affects only one eye, while bacterial infection affects both. Chronic disease can be caused by long-term negative effects - tobacco smoke, chemicals, vitamin deficiency. Conjunctivitis is a fairly common disease that can be easily treated with eye drops. Inflammation in the choroid of the eye is called “uveitis”.

How to deal with eye pain?

You can improve your well-being on your own when you are sure that the discomfort is not associated with a serious illness:

No. What causes the pain How to treat

1Working at the computerAfter spending a long time at the computer, when your eyes dry out and become overstrained, a burning sensation appears, you need to use special moisturizing drops, blink, do gymnastics (look in different directions, corners, into the distance) and give your eyes a rest
2Foreign bodyIf the pain appears due to the entry of a speck, then rinse the eye and warm up. But if it is a bruise, a stick prick or a burn, consult a doctor immediately
3Migraine, headache, blood pressureWhen discomfort occurs due to a migraine, headache or change in blood pressure, floaters appear, it hurts to look at the light, lie down to rest in a dark room, limit exposure to sound sources
4Contact lenses or glassesDiscomfort when wearing contact lenses or glasses indicates their improper use, expiration date, or incorrect selection. Get rid of the provoking factor and contact an optician to select new accessories for vision correction
5Barley or conjunctivitisBarley and conjunctivitis go away on their own; drops of Ophthalmoferon (for a viral nature of the disease), Albucid or Levomycetin (for a bacterial infection) will help relieve the condition.

Visit an ophthalmologist immediately if there is mechanical damage to the eye, a burn, sharp acute pain, dull pressure for more than 2 days, or deterioration of vision.

If you have eye pain, consult an ophthalmologist

Keep in mind that eye pain can be caused not only by diseases of this organ, but also by rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis or other health problems. A visit to a doctor will relieve you of doubts, and timely treatment will prevent you from feeling worse. Do not neglect the specialist’s recommendations, follow the treatment regimen.

To prevent painful sensations in the eyes, do eye exercises every day, periodically get up from the table, move your gaze, and let them rest. Do not touch your eyes with your hands, and if necessary, then only after disinfecting them. Use proven cosmetics, preferably hypoallergenic.

Why do my eyes hurt from glasses and what to do? Delivery of contact lenses and glasses in Moscow and Russia

Glasses are still the most popular means of correcting refractive errors. However, some people experience pain in their eyes when wearing glasses. With what it can be connected? Let's look at the causes of pain and find out what to do in such cases.

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