Prostate adenoma and prostatitis. What are the differences

What is the difference between prostate adenoma and prostatitis?

In fact, there are quite a few differences.
They relate to the following factors:

  1. Time of onset of the disease.
    Prostate adenoma is usually diagnosed in men aged 45–50 years, and prostatitis also affects younger representatives of the stronger sex
  2. First symptoms.
    As a rule, with prostatitis, patients complain of unpleasant sensations (including quite severe pain), and with adenoma – of urinary disorders
  3. Causes.
    Prostatitis is an inflammatory process and can be provoked by genital tract infections, and prostate adenoma is the growth of tissue due to various factors
  4. Clinical picture.
    Acute prostatitis is often accompanied by chills and fever, and the adenoma occurs without signs of infection
  5. The nature of pain.
    Inflammation is characterized by acute pain in the groin, perineum and rectum. A tumor in its early stages may not manifest itself in any way. Even if pain occurs, it is insignificant

Both pathologies are characterized by impaired sexual function.

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Causes of prostatitis development

The disease develops mainly under the influence of microorganisms that penetrate the prostate gland from various sources. As a rule, prostatitis occurs against the background of sexually transmitted infections.

The disease develops mainly under the influence of microorganisms that penetrate the prostate gland from various sources.

Some experts classify congestive prostatitis as a separate group. This disease is provoked by poor circulation in the pelvis. Against this background, inflammation occurs. The infection sets in quite quickly. As a result, congestive prostatitis becomes chronic.


It cannot be said that aspen bark for prostate adenoma is dangerous for the body. But those patients who used infusions noted undesirable consequences:

  • intestinal upset and disgust;
  • constipation;
  • skin rash and irritation;
  • weakness and dizziness.

Infusions of aspen birch bark contain a large number of tanning components that strengthen. Therefore, it is necessary to include foods, vegetables and fruits in your diet to loosen stool. These are kefir, beets, apples. Baking soda diluted with water works well. 1/5 tsp dilute with warm water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. It is not advisable to consume this drink for people suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

Prostatitis can occur in two forms: acute and chronic.

Not in all cases, acute prostatitis occurs with pronounced symptoms.
Some men report only general malaise, mild pain and a temporary weakening of sexual function. The acute form is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the perineum
  • aching feeling under the scrotum
  • increase in body temperature
  • pain during defecation
  • increased frequency of urination
  • frequent painful urge to urinate
  • erection disorders

Patients also complain of purulent and mucous discharge from the urethra, shooting pain in the perineum and groin, overstimulation, and painful ejaculation.

Important! Not in all cases, acute prostatitis occurs with pronounced symptoms. Some men report only general malaise, mild pain and a temporary weakening of sexual function. These symptoms of a sluggish form of prostatitis resemble prostate adenoma, which can lead to errors in diagnosis.

Chronic pathology is characterized by 3 main groups of symptoms:

  1. Painful.
    Men complain of pain in the rectum and lower back, shooting sensations, tingling and “pins and needles” in the groin, thighs, perineum and back. Against this background, the patient may become nervous. Men also report bouts of sweating and chills.
  2. Urinary dysfunction.
    Men complain of a sluggish stream of urine, difficulties when trying to empty the bladder, and frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  3. Sexual function disorder.
    Patients note a decrease in sexual desire, lack of ejaculation or its prematureness, and difficulties with a full erection. Infertility often occurs due to prostatitis

The pelvic nerves are often involved in the pathological process. As a result, additional symptoms are added to the main symptoms of prostatitis. They consist of hot flashes and increased temperature in the evenings, tachycardia, as well as mood swings and problems with concentration. Some men complain of fatigue and drowsiness during the day, suspiciousness, a feeling of a lump in the throat, increased salivation, weight gain (without changes in diet and physical activity).

The cause of benign growth of gland tissue is a change in testosterone metabolism in the cells.

Symptoms of proliferation of gland tissue

The difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma lies in the main symptom. With a benign tumor, urinary disorders always come to the fore.

The difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma lies in the main symptom. With a benign tumor, urinary disorders always come to the fore.

They are usually divided into 2 groups:

  1. Irritative signs.
    Patients complain of an increased urge to urinate, the need for regular nighttime bladder emptying, and urinary incontinence.
  2. Obstructive signs.
    They are a consequence of narrowing of the urethra due to the growth of the gland. Manifested by the need to strain when urinating, a weak stream of urine, and dripping of it in drops

As the disease develops, the kidneys, ureters and pelvis are involved in the pathological process. This leads to increased blood pressure, lower back pain, constant thirst, itchy skin, weakness, and a general deterioration in well-being. Patients develop pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Men also complain of suppressed sexual function. Infectious complications of prostate adenoma are also detected. In some cases, stones form in the bladder. Signs of varicose veins (if any) may also worsen.

Principles of treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Disease therapy is carried out using various groups of drugs.

Treatment of prostatitis is aimed at:

  • suppression of the inflammatory process
  • stopping the active proliferation of bacteria
  • improving lymph outflow and blood circulation in the pelvic veins
  • prevention of chronicity of the pathological process

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For these purposes, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, as well as venotonics and blood thinners. Enzyme agents and immune response stimulants are recommended.

Treatment of prostate adenoma is aimed at:

  • reduction in gland volume
  • restoration of normal urination

To solve these problems, patients are prescribed alpha-blockers, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, herbal medicines and other drugs.

Both with prostatitis and prostate adenoma, potency restoration may be required. For this purpose, combination preparations based on herbal components and other components are prescribed.

Both with prostatitis and prostate adenoma, potency restoration may be required. For this purpose, combination preparations based on herbal components and other components are prescribed. The drugs can be used simultaneously with the treatment of underlying pathologies. When taken correctly, they do not harm the body.

Important! Any medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. It can change the clinical picture and lead to diagnostic difficulties. In addition, self-prescription of medications can cause deterioration in well-being. You should also not stop taking medications on your own!

In some cases, diseases are treated surgically. It is prescribed when conservative therapy is ineffective or inappropriate for one reason or another.

As a rule, surgical interventions are relevant at stages 2–3 of prostate adenoma.

The main operations include:

  • TUR (transurethral resection)
  • laser treatment
  • laparoscopy
  • interventions using the da Vinci robot

All operations are minimally invasive. They reduce damage to healthy tissue and provide a short rehabilitation period.

The surgical technique is selected by the doctor based on the available indications, the patient’s concomitant diseases and his individual characteristics.

The surgical technique is selected by the doctor based on the available indications, the patient’s concomitant diseases and his individual characteristics.

Successful treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis also includes:

  1. Quitting bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse)
  2. Exclusion of animal fats, as well as canned foods, smoked and fried foods
  3. Restriction in the diet of simple carbohydrates
  4. Intake of sufficient fluid into the body (at least 2 liters of water)
  5. Regular visits to your doctor. You should contact him even if there are no signs of pathology. This will allow timely identification of all changes and prevent the development of complications.

The healing properties of aspen for prostate adenoma

Aspen leaves, buds, young shoots and bark have healing properties. The extract of this tree is included in many drugs for the treatment of various ailments, but this ingredient is especially often used in the treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system, namely prostatitis, cystitis and urinary incontinence.

The healing properties of aspen bark for prostate adenoma are as follows:

  • the plant eliminates the inflammatory process in the organ;
  • the benefit also lies in rapid relief from the symptoms of the disease;
  • the healing components of aspen have an antimicrobial effect;
  • useful in the treatment of this disease and the diuretic effect of the constituent ingredients;
  • another equally important property of aspen is its ability to relieve pain and strengthen defenses;
  • In addition, aspen composition can treat viral diseases.

The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the presence of the following components:

  • tannins;
  • resinous ingredients;
  • salicin is a natural analogue of aspirin (it is this substance that provides the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects of the drug);
  • flavonoids.

It has been proven that salicin can inhibit the production of prostaglandins, leukotrienes and cytokines, which are responsible for redness, inflammation and throbbing pain at the site of pathology. Thanks to the astringent properties of tanning components and salicin, an unfavorable environment is created for the development of pathogenic bacteria and viruses that are the culprits of the disease.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

  • Experienced doctors.
    Our specialists have been involved in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate pathologies for a long time. They have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out a wide range of manipulations
  • Possibilities for quick diagnostics.
    Our specialists use expert-class equipment. It allows you to make a diagnosis on the day of treatment
  • Individual approach to therapy.
    Treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma is provided taking into account the type and stage of the disease, the characteristics of the patient, as well as his existing concomitant diseases
  • Conservative therapy using modern techniques
  • Modern methods of surgical treatment.
    At MEDSI, surgical interventions are performed using a laser and a da Vinci robot. Laparoscopic operations and TUR (transurethral resection) are performed. This allows you to reduce the risks of interventions and the duration of the rehabilitation period
  • Comfort of visiting clinics.
    They are located near the metro. In addition, we have made sure there are no queues and are ready to receive patients at a time convenient for them.

To undergo treatment for prostate adenoma or prostatitis and find out the difference between these diseases, we advise you to make an appointment with a doctor at the MEDSI clinic by calling (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will answer all questions. Recording is also possible through the SmartMed application.

Specialized centers

  • Standards of the International Association of Urology
  • High-precision diagnostics using cutting-edge equipment
  • Modern high-tech operating rooms and hospitals

More details

Treatment of prostate adenoma with aspen bark

Correct use of the bark significantly corrects both the condition of the prostate and pathologies of the bladder and organs of the urinary system.

There are many options for using raw materials. It is even allowed to chew pieces of wood shell before eating. But be prepared for an astringent bitter taste.


One of the easiest ways to use aspen bark is to prepare a decoction:

  • take 50 grams of raw materials and pour one liter of boiling water;
  • keep the solution in a water bath for half an hour;
  • let the resulting broth stand for four hours, covered with a thick cloth.

This “elixir of health” is consumed three times a day before meals, 30 ml. Duration of admission is a month. Store the decoction in the refrigerator.

Aspen decoction in a duet with echinacea is useful and effective:

  • pour 100 grams of bark with a liter of boiling water;
  • keep in a water bath for twenty minutes;
  • let the solution brew for three hours;
  • pour boiling water over 30 grams of dried echinacea and leave for three hours;
  • Strain the resulting liquids and store in different containers.

Take the product by making a mixture of 1 tsp. spoons of aspen broth and 3 tsp. Echinacea products, three times a day after meals. The course of therapy is six weeks.

Aspen raw materials as a component of decoctions increase sexual desire and restore erection.


To prepare decoctions, shavings or finely chopped pieces are used, and grated aspen bark is used for tincture. The tincture is made as follows:

  • pour 100 grams of grated raw material with a glass of alcohol;
  • leave the mixture for two weeks;
  • strain and store in a cool place.
  • add 20 drops of the resulting tincture to water or tea three times a day before meals for a month.

Another effective tincture option: infuse aspen bark with vodka (one part of the bark to ten parts of vodka) for a week. Take one teaspoon of the product three times a day. The course of treatment is one month.


The original tasty and effective recipe for aspen kvass is popular among men:

  • fill a three-liter container halfway with the starting raw materials;
  • add a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of high-fat sour cream;
  • pour cooled boiled water over the ingredients;
  • Place in a warm room for fermentation for two weeks.

Take a healthy drink, one glass in the morning and evening. After consuming your daily dose, add a spoonful of sugar and water to the container. Drink kvass for a month and a half.


Aspen extract is available in pharmacies - an extract of valuable elements from a plant component. This remedy significantly increases the effect of the drug and reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

Take aspen bark extract 15 drops three times a day. As a supplement, doctors advise consuming flaxseed oil and low-fat cottage cheese. These products reduce the course of treatment and increase the effect of aspen bark.

It should be understood that treatment of prostate adenoma using herbal medicine methods does not give immediate results. Only conscientious, consistent repetitions bring relief and healing.

In advanced forms of the disease and compression of the urethra, drastic measures must be taken. If the patient does not show positive dynamics, then surgical intervention is possible.

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