Prostatitis is a long-term and intractable disease in men

October 15, 2020

The main question that arises for a patient who has been diagnosed with chronic prostatitis is whether it can be cured forever. Although more than half of mature men suffer from disturbances in the functioning of the prostate, urinary retention associated with prostatitis, erectile dysfunction is rightly perceived by many as tragic.

Any illness that has developed over the years is difficult to heal completely. But with chronic prostatitis, there is every chance of restoring organ function and potency even in advanced cases. The secret is that you need to exclude pathogenic causes, start treatment as early as possible and carry it out comprehensively. In subsequent years, you will need to regularly perform maintenance procedures recommended by your doctor.

How does chronic prostatitis occur?

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This is usually the result of untreated or poorly treated acute prostatitis. However, this is not a rule; sometimes the patient may simply not notice the onset of the disease. The first changes occur very slowly, without causing much discomfort. Eventually serious problems begin, which forces you to see a doctor.

In most cases, prostate inflammation is caused by bacteria. Research shows that bacteria can be found in the urethra of most men, but the prostate of a healthy man is always a sterile environment, since the secretion secreted by the prostate gland kills pathogens.

When the body is weakened due to a cold, lack of vitamins, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, this important function of the prostate is disrupted, and “unwanted guests” penetrate the glands, causing inflammation.

Chronic prostatitis

There are also inflammations of the prostate caused by living organisms that parasitize the cells of the mucous membranes of the human genital and urinary tract - chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma. They act as an intermediate between viruses and bacteria. Diagnosing these inflammations is not easy; special equipment and expensive reagents are required. According to scientists, such infections are transmitted only through sexual contact; it is impossible to become infected with them at home.

Unfortunately, many men avoid prostate tests, although they are painless, but psychologically unpleasant.

What leads to chronic prostatitis

  • Hypothermia (especially legs and pelvis)
  • Irregular sex life
  • Sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol (especially strong drinks), spicy foods
  • Sexual infections

A correct and accurate diagnosis and determination of the form of chronic prostatitis can only be made on the basis of an examination, which necessarily includes an analysis of prostate secretions with bacteriological examination or sperm culture, ultrasound and digital rectal examination of the prostate . The list may expand depending on the specific clinical situation.

My advice: do not skimp on examination , since a correctly established diagnosis is the key to successful treatment of chronic prostatitis.

What is the difference between acute and chronic prostatitis?

The symptoms of acute prostatitis and its treatment do not cause serious problems, but the chronic disease is one of the most complex and controversial both from the point of view of diagnosis and from the point of view of treatment. This situation appears to be due to the fact that it has long been believed that such a small organ as the prostate should not attract much scientific attention. After all, no one has yet been recognized as disabled due to chronic prostatitis!

However, recently chronic prostatitis has received a lot of attention, especially abroad. In the United States, it is estimated that a quarter of all men who see a doctor each year suffer from prostatitis.

Prostate diseases are associated with privacy, so the doctor must be very careful when talking with the patient. But most patients do not understand the essence of this disease, and therefore are dissatisfied with the treatment and the doctors themselves. They, in turn, try to send dissatisfied patients to another place. Many patients believe that this is an incurable disease, so there is no need for treatment, and they come to their senses when their symptoms worsen significantly.

Men are the most unbalanced and are concerned about the deterioration of potency as a result of untreated or poorly treated chronic prostatitis. This complication not only destroys family life, but also often changes the character of a man. Having lost the joy of life, such a patient becomes a social problem.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis without the use of drugs

Thanks to non-drug methods of therapy, it is possible to increase the concentration of antibacterial drugs in the tissues of the gland, but not exceed the recommended doses.

For this purpose, the following techniques can be used:

  1. Laser therapy;
  2. Phonophoresis;
  3. Electrophoresis;
  4. Microwave hyperthermia applied transrectally.

To implement the latter method, the temperature is selected individually. If the device is set in a temperature range of 39 to 40 degrees, it is possible not only to increase the concentration of the drug in the organ, but also to activate immunity at the cellular level, relieve congestion, and get rid of bacteria. If the temperature range increases to 40-45 degrees, then it will be possible to achieve an analgesic and sclerosing effect.

Transrectal massage is applicable if the man has no contraindications for this, namely, a differential diagnosis has been made with prostate adenoma and there are no stones in the organ.

Magnetic and laser therapy are used in combination. The effect is similar to the effect of microwave hyperthermia at 39-40 degrees, but a biostimulating effect is added due to the laser effect on the organ. This method also helps with vesiculitis and epididymo-orchitis.

What do people with chronic prostatitis usually complain about?

Complaints depend on the form of the disease, it is important which part of the prostate is affected more, what is the nature of the damage.

Sick men experience difficult-to-describe discomfort in the lower abdomen, pelvic area and genitals. The patient is worried about a “restless” bladder - this organ and the prostate are connected. As a result, some men need to go to the toilet immediately, and urination is often associated with great discomfort and even pain.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen with prostatitis

The patient may also experience pain in the penis, tingling, pain in the testicles, groin, sacrum, even pain during bowel movements. Patients often indicate that the pelvic area is sensitive to cold - they feel uncomfortable on a cold seat, and are no longer attracted to swimming in cold water. Just by looking at the driver's seat, you can determine whether he has prostatitis or radiculitis. The first one likes to stay warm.

But there are a number of conditions that are not yet inflammation of the prostate, but only create excellent conditions for its occurrence. This is an overflow of secretions or the so-called congestive prostate, an overflow of venous blood - a hyperemic prostate.

Pathologies can be caused by various factors - hypodynamics, forced uncomfortable position (drivers), vibrations transmitted to the pelvic area, excessive alcohol consumption, diseases of the pelvic organs close to the prostate.

The prostate is negatively affected by interrupted and prolonged sexual intercourse, promiscuity and diseases of the genital organs.

What factors should be excluded to cure prostatitis forever?

The disease is caused by causes that cause stagnation of lymph, decreased blood supply to the muscles and pelvic organs (bladder, prostate, rectum), impaired immunity:

  • prolonged sitting, habit of sedentary activity;
  • practice of coitus interruptus;
  • prolonged abstinence, unrealized sexual intercourse;
  • hypothermia;
  • frequent constipation;
  • excessive use of tobacco and alcohol.

Against this background, a bacterial infection easily penetrates the prostate and causes a whole range of symptoms. According to statistics, in the 80-90s of the twentieth century, when men still wore long johns in winter, the incidence of prostatitis was lower.

Why does the disease sometimes worsen, sometimes subsides?

Exacerbations are usually caused by a cold, as well as hypothermia of the legs and arms. In the summer, when it is warm, prostatitis is less of a concern for men; the disease worsens in spring and autumn, especially after a “healthy” swim in ice water.

Exacerbation of prostatitis after a cold

Most patients feel their condition worsen after spicy foods, smoked and fried foods, beer, sour wine, and champagne. In such cases, you need to follow a strict diet.

In cases where the stagnant component is more pronounced, sexual intercourse significantly alleviates the condition.

Is it difficult to treat this inflammation?

Very difficult. It requires a lot of patience and perseverance not only from the patient, but also from the doctor. Currently, more than 100 types of drugs are used, and there are several dozen methods of treatment. Almost every patient with chronic prostatitis needs to be treated individually.

Since time immemorial, the truth has been known: “Chronic prostatitis must be treated while the disease lasts.” One of the main reasons for treatment failure is stopping treatment when signs of improvement appear.

How to start treatment on time

Most often, patients seek help when pain and dysfunction become unbearable, and their body temperature rises. A decrease in the outflow of prostatic secretions can lead to a deterioration in sperm quality and cause male infertility.

In the photo: doctor's appointment

In our clinic, doctors will select individual methods for any form and stage of prostatitis, but the success is greater the earlier treatment measures are started.

The initial manifestations of the disease may be subtle: heaviness in the groin after overwork, a slight change in the force of the stream when urinating. It is important to immediately and without hesitation contact a urologist, and not wait for it to go away on its own.

Acute prostatitis can be completely cured until it becomes chronic. In order to permanently cure chronic prostatitis, more effort and material investments will be required. With an old process, when rough scars and adhesions have formed in the prostate, complete recovery cannot be achieved. But proper treatment of exacerbations and preventive procedures will remove symptoms to an acceptable level.

What men need to know

  • The prostate is seriously damaged by physical inactivity and prolonged uncomfortable forced posture. Those who spend their working day sitting should do at least gymnastics for the pelvic floor muscles.
  • It is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet high in vitamins, protein, and eat more vegetables and fruits. But it is not recommended to adhere to the now fashionable vegetarian diet.
  • Consume antioxidants - alpha and beta carotenes, vitamins E and C. They neutralize free radicals in the body caused by environmental pollution.
  • Avoid spicy, fried, pickled foods, especially those seasoned with hot sauces, mustard, pepper, and horseradish.
  • Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol. Smokers who care about the prostate, potency and fertility should give up this bad habit.
  • Sexual life should be normal, in accordance with a man’s constitution and sexual temperament. It is forbidden to abstain from sexual intercourse. Avoid platonic sexual relations, which will cause the prostate and pelvic organs to become engorged with blood.

Quitting alcohol and smoking

It is important to know

Inflammation of the prostate gland is an inflammation of its glandular tissue, affecting the prostate tubules that remove secretions. With prostatitis, small abscesses may occur, which, without treatment, merge, forming larger inflammatory foci or abscesses. Sometimes even stones can form.

Keeping the genitals clean is important for both the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. An empty prostate is a healthy prostate, and its natural emptying is sexual intercourse.

Chronic prostatitis is still considered a serious and shameful disease; this fact especially affects the mood and general well-being of men. Patients' ability to work is reduced and the problem often affects family stability.

According to some data, almost half of men over 25 years old suffer from chronic prostatitis. This is the most common disease in men.


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To identify the disease, you need to visit a urologist or andrologist. First, the doctor will collect anamnesis: listen to complaints and ask questions. Then he will conduct a visual examination and digital examination of the prostate. Additionally, the following types of research may be needed:

  • Bacteriological examination of urine.
  • Microscopic examination of prostate secretion.
  • Ultrasound of the prostate.
  • Spermogram.
  • Urethral swab (to detect sexually transmitted infections).
  • Prostate biopsy.
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