Prevention of prostatitis in men at home

Simple ways to prevent illness

Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland - in most cases becomes chronic. This disease is closely related to irregular sex life, physical inactivity, and dietary errors. With prostatitis, the gland increases in size, begins to compress the urethra, seminal tract, and as a result, urination and sexual function disorders appear. Prostatitis is often complicated by prostate adenoma.

To ensure effective prevention of the disease, you need to start with changing your lifestyle.

Any urologist will note that prevention at home is, first of all, avoiding frequent consumption of alcohol, smoking, and preventing hypothermia. The strategy is also aimed at improving the quality of sex:

  • regular sex;
  • exclusion of interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • prevention of STIs.

You should also balance your diet in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals - eat more plant foods, fermented milk, and cereals. Red meat and animal fats should be reduced in favor of fish and vegetable oils.

Down with bad habits!

Smoking, alcohol and drug use play a major role in the development of prostatitis. All these factors reduce immunity, cause vasospasm, and disrupt microcirculation. This leads to the fact that inflammation in the prostate is caused even by normal microflora that constantly lives in the human body. For example, enterococci and E. coli. What to do?
Stop smoking, alcohol and drugs. Toxic substances are harmful not only to the health of the genitourinary system, but also to the entire body as a whole.

Man's health

Sedentary work, unbalanced diet and bad habits - all this affects the reproductive functions of men. Chief urologist of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development Dmitry Pushkar talks about how to remain a man.

Try to maintain your immune system with proper nutrition and adequate physical activity.

Tablets - systemic means

Typically, medications are recommended for men whose risk of prostatitis is increased, or who already have early signs of the disease on ultrasound. Antiviral drugs-interferon inducers are often prescribed - such drugs increase the body's resistance, increase local and general immunity, so the inflammatory process in the prostate gland subsides. The following drugs are usually recommended:

  • Isoprinosine;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Amiksin.

If a man has a chronic inflammatory process in the urinary system, it is important to undergo treatment on time, because the infection is highly likely to spread to the prostate. It is necessary to drink the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor (Metronidazole, Norbactin), and then take the drug Urovax (1,450 rubles) based on bacterial lysates for a month. It improves local immunity and prevents recurrence of acute infections.

Among the medications for prostatitis, prevention is carried out using the following:

  1. Prostanorm
    (320 rubles). Contains St. John's wort, Canadian goldenrod, licorice, and Echinacea purpurea. Prostanorm contains a large amount of rutin (at least 5%), has an analgesic, prostatotropic, anti-inflammatory effect. Improves blood microcirculation in the gland.

  2. Prostamol Uno
    (1800 rubles). The tablets contain creeping palm extract and are used for any benign processes in the gland and to prevent them, improve the functioning of the urinary tract.

  3. Fitoprostan
    (1150 rubles). A large number of vitamins, bioflavonoids, plant extracts relieve inflammation, normalize prostate metabolism, and remove all existing symptoms.

Also, to prevent the disease at home, you can drink the medications Prostalamin with animal prostate juice, Lycoprofit, Prostate Forte, and homeopathic lozenges Afala 2-3 times a year.

The importance of prostatitis prevention is growing

Why has chronic prostatitis turned from a minor problem into one of the most common diseases? The reason for this is a radical change in lifestyle. For a huge number of people, a sedentary lifestyle has become habitual; the number of workers spending half the day at a desk in the office is constantly growing. In addition, modern people have less and less time for sports and other types of physical activity. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvic organs deteriorates, and stagnation of blood and lymph develops in the prostate gland. It is one of the leading causes of the development of prostatitis and makes the prostate more susceptible to other damaging factors: stress and overload, decreased immunity, and urinary retention. Today, this factor has become more important than infections.

According to scientific reviews, prostatitis occurs in 40-70% of men of reproductive age (Hellstrom et al. 1997), and in 40-50% of cases it becomes the cause of male infertility (I.F. Yunda, 1989). If previously it was believed that chronic prostatitis was a disease of older people, now it is very difficult to set the lower bar - the disease often occurs in young people. Thus, issues of preventing this disease concern almost all adult men. If you have already fallen ill with chronic prostatitis, then prevention is still not removed from the agenda - it serves as a warning against exacerbations and complications of the disease.

Suppositories for prostatitis

This dosage form is highly effective in the initial stages of the disease and for preventing exacerbations of an existing chronic form. Suppositories easily dissolve in the rectum, their components quickly enter the gland tissue.

The most famous suppositories for prostatitis are Vitaprost.

Like other medications, Vitaprost is not cheap (1,200 rubles). Its high price is due to the presence of an expensive component - animal prostate extract. The substance acts selectively specifically on the male gland, allowing:

  • reduce swelling, inflammation;
  • normalize secretory function;
  • stimulate the tone of surrounding muscles;
  • improve urination;
  • reduce thrombosis;
  • improve blood microcirculation.

The drug is administered once a day before bedtime, the course can range from 10 days to 3 months. Prostopin suppositories (600 rubles) do not have such a powerful effect, but they are ideal for preventing pathology. They contain honey, bee bread, propolis, pollen and stimulate local immunity; they are also suitable against diseases of the rectum. Suppositories are prescribed in a course of 10-20 days twice a year.

The most important

To prevent the development of prostatitis, use condoms, consult a doctor promptly if you notice suspicious symptoms, and always carefully follow your doctor’s instructions during treatment.
Move more, give up alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Tags:

  • Men
  • Sex
  • Bladder
  • Reproductive system
  • Pain

1 comment • To leave a comment you must be an authorized user

  • e.tihomirova My husband did not have infections, but prostatitis still appeared, although he was not 30. I dragged him to the doctor, who examined him and prescribed Vitaprost, praising us for coming right away and not putting off the visit. Now my husband is completely healthy, the suppositories helped, we are planning to have a baby.)

Dietary supplements as a means of prevention

Dietary supplements can serve as both prophylactic agents and are included in a comprehensive treatment course. There are different forms of dietary supplements - some have a specific effect and are intended directly to improve the function of the male gland. Others are needed to optimize blood supply and supply more nutrients.

General additives should be as follows:

dietary supplementEffect on the male body
With ginkgo bilobaOptimize blood flow, eliminate congestion
With horse chestnutRemove venous congestion, increase vascular tone
With Omega-3,6,9Strengthens prostate regeneration processes
With B vitaminsAccelerate the restoration of damaged tissues, remove inflammation
With vitamins A, E, seleniumReduces the aging process of the reproductive system, fights free radicals

Among targeted dietary supplements, doctors recommend Prostadoz with palm fruit extract, selenium, green tea, zinc, and vitamin E. Prostasabal has a similar composition, but additionally contains echinacea and ginkgo biloba. Mens Formula Prostate has a rich composition - 8 extracts, several amino acids and vitamins, minerals. All these remedies are suitable for the prevention of prostatitis.

Preventive examinations

It is advisable for all men to undergo a preventive urological examination once a year. This is especially true for representatives of the stronger sex over 40 years of age. The fact is that in adulthood, the number of risk factors for the development of inflammation increases markedly: hormonal levels change, various chronic pathologies accumulate, and physical activity decreases. To identify diseases at the initial stage, it is advisable to visit a urologist at least once a year, undergo a preventive ultrasound, and undergo basic tests.

Prostate massage

Massage is indicated for most men over 35-40 years old; it is intended for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. If, if you are prone to the disease, you start taking massage courses on time, there is every chance of avoiding its development. Massage helps:

  • activate blood circulation;
  • eliminate venous and lymphatic congestion;
  • improve the production of prostate secretions;
  • increase potency.

Usually the massage is performed by a urologist; it is performed through the rectum and is an unpleasant procedure, although it does not cause pain. But learning how to make it at home is not difficult, because there are more acceptable options. Massage is done through the area of ​​the lumbar and sacrum, lower abdomen by stroking and rubbing. The main thing is to correctly determine the exit points of the nerves that approach the male gland, or act on the area of ​​its projection.

If you decide to massage through the anus, there are special devices and exercise equipment on sale. If they are absent, you can also conduct a session: lie on your side, bend your legs, insert your index or middle finger in a latex glove into the rectum. Next, you need to feel the gland on the inner surface (it is about the size of a nut) and gently massage it. After the session, a few drops of juice will be released, this will mean a successful massage. It must be repeated daily 10-15 times 2-3 times a year.


The danger of this disease is that if it is not treated, the painful condition can significantly worsen, and early preventive measures can stop the progression of the unpleasant pathological process.

Many men after the age of sixty have problems with urination, and after the age of seventy, these disorders are observed in 80% of all men.

This occurs as a result of an increase in the size (hyperplasia) of the prostate gland, which puts pressure on the urethra, which runs through the center of the prostate gland, and the bladder, which lies above the prostate gland. Over the years, the bladder valves lose their firmness and elasticity, become flabby and weaken. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma) is a very common problem and can significantly worsen the quality of life of modern men.

To treat urinary disorders that occur with prostate adenoma, alpha1a adrenergic blocking drugs Tamsulosin (Omnic) and Alfuzosin (Dalfaz retard) are used; early initiation of treatment with them can reduce the likelihood of surgical intervention.

These drugs do not have a negative effect on sexual function and do not affect libido or potency. True, men need to remember that during treatment with alpha-blockers they should not drive vehicles or perform work that requires increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Another group of drugs - inhibitors of the intracellular steroid enzyme 5-alpha-reductase is represented by Finasteride (Alfinal, Penester, Finast), which converts the male sex hormone testosterone into the more active 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone, resulting in a decrease in the content of the latter in the blood, prostate tissues, in the liver and skin and thereby improves urine flow and reduces symptoms associated with adenoma. When using the drug, side effects may occur: gynecomastia, sexual dysfunction, decreased libido, impotence, dizziness, back pain, allergic reactions.


To prevent prostate adenoma, doctors recommend the use of herbal and organo-medicines designed to restore the functions of the male genitourinary system and reduce the symptoms of prostate adenoma, such as the famously advertised Prostamol Uno, but I would like to draw the attention of men to peptide complexes that have a wide range of biological activity.

Speaking about the benefits and effectiveness of peptide drugs, I would like to recall the well-known saying: “everything new is well-forgotten old.” Peptide preparations were obtained on the basis of natural peptide bioregulators from the tissues of young animals. Penetrating into the cells of the body, peptides stimulate the synthesis of proteins, which are the basis of all organs and tissues, in the desired biological rhythm and in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body. But most importantly, they restore self-regulation processes, after which the cells begin to work as in a young healthy body. The use of peptide bioregulators isolated from the prostate gland of young bulls is considered the most appropriate and pathogenetically justified in complex treatment and for the prevention of urological diseases.

Today, a wide range of their biological activities is known. The most important properties are their ability to have anti-inflammatory and immunotropic effects, restore the tone of the smooth muscle of the genital organs and affect blood flow in the microvasculature. They help restore hemodynamics of the prostate gland, reduce swelling and reduce inflammation . The drugs do not have mutagenic, teratogenic or unwanted (toxic) side effects.

Biologically active peptides obtained from bovine prostate tissue have anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet and prostate-protective effects. All these therapeutic effects are organotropic, i.e. concern exclusively the prostate gland and bladder of men. It is the organotropic effect of the peptide bioregulator SAMPROST that makes it possible to pathogenetically treat diseases of the prostate and organs that have common functional connections (bladder, ureters and urethra).

Pathogenetic treatment means that the drug prevents the development of various pathological mechanisms of the disease that lead to the final formation of the disease.

SAMPROST is used to prevent stretching of the prostate sinuses, stagnation of prostate secretions, thrombosis of prostate vessels; normalizes blood clotting and prevents excessive thrombus formation. Immune mechanisms are stimulated, this increases immunity to infections and prevents excessive proliferation of microflora in the prostate secretion, thereby reducing the titer of the pathogenic pathogen.

All of the listed effects of the drug are due to bioregulatory peptides, which are its active components. Peptides belong to the class of cimetidines - biologically active substances that transmit signals from one cell to another without the participation of hormones. Cimetidines are analogues of hormones that act exclusively locally, in a specific organ, and thereby ensure the coordinated work of all cells of a given biological structure, i.e. SAMPROST cimetidines act on prostate cells in men, ensuring the coordinated work of all its cells, due to which its functional parameters are normalized.

Despite the intramuscular procedure for administering the drug, and not in the form of suppositories or tablets, men agree to it, recognizing the effectiveness of using SAMPROST a.

For intramuscular injection, the contents of one bottle with 5 mg lyophilisate are dissolved in 1 ml of any of the following liquids: saline solution, sterile water for injection, 0.25–0.5% novocaine solution. SAMPROST lyophilisate powder, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of an allergic reaction to novocaine. If an allergic reaction is suspected, it is better to dissolve the lyophilisate in saline or sterile water for injection.

Important! The solution for intramuscular administration is prepared immediately before use. You cannot prepare it in advance, as the drug loses its properties. After preparing the solution, it is drawn into a syringe and injected into the muscle. For injection, it is better to choose a place where the muscles are well developed and close to the skin, for example, the thigh or shoulder.

You should not self-medicate; before injections, you must consult a specialist doctor. The dosage and duration of use are determined individually, taking into account all the characteristics of a particular male body. While using the drug SAMPROST, it is necessary to do an analysis of prostate secretions. To date, no cases of overdose have been identified; the drug does not interact with other drugs, therefore it can be used simultaneously with other drugs in complex therapy.

The drug SAMPROST has a relatively low cost and is sold in pharmacies with a shelf life of 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Each person’s body is individual, but there are also general gender health problems that develop over time and under certain circumstances. Modern pharmacology, providing knowledge about the mechanisms for controlling the functioning of human systems and organs using biologically active compounds, allows us to solve many of these problems, thereby significantly improving the quality of our life.

N.G. Preferansky, Doctor of Pharmacy, Prof.

Exercises against prostatitis

Physical exercise will help optimize blood circulation in all pelvic organs. In fact, exercise is enough to prevent prostatitis if this disease has not yet begun to develop. Later, you need to combine drug treatment and gymnastics.

It is best to do exercises in the morning, along with a morning warm-up.

Physical exercise is contraindicated only for those whose disease has reached an acute stage, or who currently have other infectious processes in the body. Yoga has proven itself well for preventive purposes; you can also practice swimming and water aerobics.

Popular exercises are:

  • moving across the floor while sitting on the buttocks;
  • squats;
  • "birch";
  • "bike".

It is also recommended to try to hold the pressure of urine while urinating - this trains the muscles and prevents the development of prostatitis and adenoma.

The use of the Kegel complex for preventive purposes

To prevent the disease, Kegel exercises are considered the most effective complex that improves blood supply and muscle function of the prostate and perineum in men.

Before you begin, you should decide where the muscles of the perineum are located: during urination, you must voluntarily stop and resume urination. At the same time, you will feel the tension of certain muscles, which will be the muscles of the perineum.

You can begin performing an exercise that consists of tension tasks, as well as a series of sharp and smooth muscle contractions. Smooth contractions are carried out due to slow relaxation and contraction, sharp contractions are carried out by a rapid change in tension and relaxation. Tension exercise consists of prolonged contraction of the perineal muscles, holding and gradual relaxation.

Each exercise must be repeated at the beginning of classes 5-7 times with a gradual increase to 35-40. The Kegel complex is best performed every day 3-4 times. A full course of exercises will not take much time. You can do it in your free time, anywhere. At the same time, the effectiveness of the complex in terms of prostatitis prevention is quite high.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine usually advises the use of various plants that improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, relieve and prevent inflammation, and increase potency. For example, a man can use the following recipe:

  • mix St. John's wort herb and mint leaves in equal parts;
  • pour half a liter of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the mixture;
  • cook in a water bath for 10 minutes;
  • let cool;
  • drink 100 ml twice a day;
  • course - 21 days.

Traditional healers also advise consuming more parsley - this plant is very beneficial for the male reproductive system. Healthy foods include pumpkin seeds and honey. It is better to combine alternative therapy with other methods - then the effectiveness will increase.

Thermal procedures (sauna, ice hole)

Properly carried out thermal procedures have a beneficial effect on the prostate, as they activate blood circulation in the tissues and help increase local immunity. However, if relaxing in a bathhouse or sauna is accompanied by drinking alcohol and eating junk food, and the man suffers from chronic prostatitis, the risk of relapse of the disease in this case increases significantly.

When visiting a bathhouse or sauna, it is not recommended to alternate thermal procedures and exposure to low temperatures - diving into cold water or dousing. Sudden changes in temperature cause stress, which causes vasospasm and disruption of the genitourinary system, which can serve as a trigger for the development of prostatitis.

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