How to quickly remove kidney stones using folk remedies at home

In modern urology, there are many different options for removing kidney stones. Any method can be used individually or in combination with each other.

The main methods are:

  • abdominal surgery
  • laparo-, endoscopic operations
  • instrumental crushing of stones with a laser in the kidney through a puncture made in the lumbar region
  • contact crushing of stones with a laser followed by their removal through the urinary tract
  • remote crushing of stones by ultrasound (ESWL)
  • conservative, non-surgical treatment methods. Today, these are the most preferred and safest methods of therapy.

A set of conservative treatment measures is aimed at dissolving kidney stones and allowing them to pass naturally in the form of sand through the urinary tract. It includes diet; treatment with tablets, medicinal herbs and herbal teas, physiotherapy (exposure to laser radiation with low-frequency ultrasound, exposure to currents and sound stimulation), spa treatment.

Tablets for kidney stones are divided into those prescribed for stones of a certain type, composition, and into drugs for general use to eliminate pain, inflammation and spasms.

Currently, herbal medicines are widely used to dissolve and remove stones, such as canephron, cystone, urolesan, phytolysin, kedzhibeling, madder extract, novanephron, fiturol, uronephrine, lessons. Preparations such as blemarene and uralite have a chemical structure and are used to dissolve urate and urate-oxalate stones. These drugs change the acidity of urine and slow down the synthesis of urea. Citrate suppositories, diuretics, B vitamins, magnesium oxide (asparkam), Aevit are used if stones are of oxalate etiology.

To treat phosphate stones, it is recommended to take drugs that acidify urine (benzoic acid, methionine ammonium chloride).

To relieve inflammation and pain, anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, diclofenac) and analgesics (baralgin) are used.

To relieve spasms and relieve renal colic - antispasmodics (no-spa, drotaverine, spasmalgon, Avisan, omnic).

Diuretic drugs (furosemide, veroshpiron) are used to remove small stones from the urinary tract.

If a concomitant infection occurs, antibacterial drugs are selected.

Oxalate stones are common and are also more difficult to treat. These calcium-containing stones, including salts of oxalic acid, look like stones with spikes and have a very dense consistency. Stones “scratch” the mucous membrane, irritating it and often leading to bleeding and anuria due to the fact that they block the urinary tract. Such stones require serious treatment.

Medicinal herbs: half-pol, bearberry, horsetail, birch and strawberry leaves, as well as various herbs are used along with tablets for kidney stones as an auxiliary or primary remedy.

In the treatment of urolithiasis, it is necessary to adhere to a diet and drinking regimen (30 g of ordinary water per 1 kg of weight). Dietetics divides kidney stones into acidic ones, which include urates and oxalates, and alkaline ones, which include phosphates and carbonates. If there are alkaline stones, eat acidifying foods, lean meat, fish, flour products with food, and in the presence of acidic ones, limit their consumption. It is recommended to consume vegetables, fruits, and dairy products in predominant quantities.

Folk remedies are widely used to dissolve kidney stones. Of all, the most effective is a simple watermelon. It has diuretic properties and is rich in trace elements, potassium, magnesium and vitamins. Watermelon can be eaten in unlimited quantities with small quantities of black bread. It is recommended to take a hot bath in the evening. Watermelon is quite useful for gout.

The most effective and most effective is the combination of drug therapy with the simultaneous use of low-intensity laser radiation in combination with low-frequency ultrasound. This interaction has a gentle effect on the kidneys and urinary tract and has a minimal percentage of complications, in contrast to instrumental interventions.

The use of magnetic-infrared laser therapy for acute and exacerbation of chronic forms of pyelonephritis leads to a significant improvement in microcirculation in the source of inflammation, an increase in the concentration of medications, tablets for stones, herbal infusions by 25-35% in the affected organ, a reduction in the duration of the inflammatory process in general in 1.5-2 times.

Under the influence of laser radiation with an ultrasonic frequency, the stone vibrates in a pulsed mode. The process of destruction of stones occurs gradually and the stone in the form of fine sand is excreted in the urine without damaging the urinary tract. This allows you to avoid pain and carry out treatment on an outpatient basis.

The inflammatory process is relieved, pain is reduced, urine flows out, and the structure of the stone is disrupted.

When are folk remedies for kidney stones resolved?

You cannot begin treatment without a urological examination: determining the pH of the urine, the chemical composition of salts, the number and size of stones, and their location.

Men with prostate adenoma are prohibited from using folk recipes for removing stones; this will lead to exacerbation of prostatitis and possible blockage of urination.

For stones larger than 5–7 mm, alternative treatment is inappropriate; it can cause serious injuries in the urinary tract, exacerbation of pyelonephritis and blockage of the ureter. This will lead to hydronephrosis of the kidney and emergency surgery.

When there are salt crystals or small pebbles, crushing using traditional methods gives a good effect. This treatment is also used for prevention when salt deposition is due to genetic reasons.

What folk remedies remove kidney stones?

Their general effect is the dissolution of stones, antiseptic, diuretic, decongestant effect.

Top 1: herbal preparations

The composition of the collection depends on the type of kidney stones.

For urates and oxalates:

Ingredients: madder; motherwort grass, lingonberry leaves, sweet clover, immortelle.

Place one spoon of each plant in a thermos, pour boiling water (1 liter), and keep in the thermos for 1 hour. Drink a third of a glass before meals, for about a month.

For phosphates:

Ingredients: knotweed and goldenrod herbs, barberry berries, raisins.

Mix in equal parts, brew with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 1 glass of water. Infuse and store in a thermos. Take 1 tablespoon four times a day on an empty stomach. Course 3–4 weeks.

Top 2: black radish and honey

Take equal amounts of honey and radish juice and mix. Take a teaspoon before meals four times a day. Use this recipe with caution if you have gallstones. There is a danger of provoking acute calculous cholecystitis; removing kidney stones using folk remedies may result in surgery.

Top 3: Rose hip root

The rhizome must be dug up in late autumn, dried, and ground in a blender. Take 2 tbsp. powder per 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Drink before meals: half a glass 4 times a day for 2 weeks.

Top 4: cherry seed tincture

Break the seeds, pour 2 tablespoons of kernels into 150 ml of vodka, leave for 12 days in a dark cupboard. Drink 10 drops once a day, dissolved in a tablespoon of water. Do not exceed the dose, since amygdalin in cherry kernels contains hydrocyanic acid. If the exact dosage is observed, the tincture is safe, softens all types of stones well and removes them painlessly.

Top 5: Parsley and Celery Syrup

Finely chop 2 large celery roots and 1 kg of parsley with roots. Add 1 liter of water and 1 kg of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil and put it in a dark place for 3 days. Add another 1 liter of water and boil again. Take half a glass twice a day.

Top 6: removing kidney stones with watermelon

Eat watermelon for at least 1 month in a row, 2 kg per day. The dose per dose is 400–500 grams. It is not recommended to mix with food other than rye bread. Outside the watermelon season, dried watermelon rinds are brewed. The main effect of the method is diuretic. Allowed only with salts, sand, stones less than 3-4 millimeters.

Removing kidney stones using folk remedies should be combined with a diet and drinking at least 2.5-3 liters of fluid daily.

If you suspect kidney cancer, immediately stop self-medicating and trust our specialists.

The decision to crush kidney stones using folk remedies is a responsible step. Make an appointment at the R. M. Fronstein Urology Clinic and discuss all possible consequences with an experienced urologist. We wish you a speedy recovery.

Akopyan Gagik Nersesovich - urologist, oncologist, doctor of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category, professor of the department of urology of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov


What folk remedies will help overcome the disease?

  • To treat urolithiasis at home, it is recommended to drink compotes with black currants, lingonberries, and cranberries. You can also prepare decoctions of parsley, horsetail, dill seeds, birch leaves, and corn silk. Take 10 g of herb for 1 glass of water, then bring to a boil and let it brew. The decoction is taken in accordance with the recommendations of a urologist.
  • Honey will help remove kidney stones smoothly. To do this, you need to drink a glass of honey water every morning after waking up. It is prepared as follows: dissolve 1 tsp in one glass of water. honey Duration of treatment – ​​from 1 to 6 months. Preference is given to dark varieties of honey.
  • You can use fresh or dried apple peel to treat kidney stones at home. You need to prepare tea: 2 tsp. apple peel, pour a glass of boiling water, then leave for 15 minutes. The decoction should be drunk like regular tea.
  • Another effective remedy is rosehip roots. 2 tbsp. l. roots need to be poured with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. Allow the drink to cool, then take 1 glass 3 times a day.

During the treatment of urolithiasis in men with folk remedies, it is recommended to drink large amounts of water (at least 1.5 liters per day). The following products should be excluded from the diet: coffee, cocoa, alcohol, spices, strong meat broths, fried and smoked meat, milk and dairy products. You should eat 2-3 apples daily; these fruits prevent stagnation of urine and the formation of uric acid.

If you are familiar with the problem of kidney stones and you want to improve your health under the supervision of a good doctor, contact the Urology Clinic named after R. M. Fronshtein of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (State Urology Center). Here, effective treatment is selected for each patient, taking into account the diagnostics performed. The clinic’s doctors independently develop and improve methods of treating diseases in the field of urology. When submitting an application on a weekday, the patient will be able to get an appointment within a few hours.

How to remove kidney stones using folk remedies?

Once diagnosed with kidney stones, home treatment seems like a tempting alternative to many. A person thinks: why take medications or do complex procedures if you can just drink some decoctions and everything will go away? But this is self-deception.

Very often, in attempts to cure urolithiasis on their own, people only make it worse. As a result, the stones grow or begin to move along the urinary tract, injuring them. Why is this happening? The fact is that without special medical knowledge, dissolving stones is not so easy. Patients are treated using recipes found on the Internet, which at best will be useless.

If you have kidney stones, treatment, medications and necessary procedures can be obtained at the Bilyak Clinic. Modern technologies for removing stones from the urinary tract are used here.

Is it possible to treat kidney stones with folk remedies at home?

Urolithiasis most often affects people aged 30 to 50 years. The disease can be asymptomatic until its most severe manifestation – renal colic. In this case, the patient will require emergency medical care. If you have kidney stones, treatment with folk remedies will help improve the condition. However, such therapy should be considered only as an addition to the main treatment. Consultation with a urologist is mandatory.

A kidney stone is a hard deposit made up of salts and minerals. Small formations usually do not cause discomfort; they sometimes come out of the kidney on their own. Medium and large stones cause severe pain when trying to pass through the urinary tract.

Why is self-medication for kidney stones harmful?

When it comes to health, self-activity is harmful. Without knowing exactly where the stones are located, what their composition is, or their sizes, a person cannot remove them correctly. On the one hand, he thinks correctly: if the formation of stones is the result of a chemical reaction, then there must be a reaction that destroys them. But the problem is that you don’t always know what substances the stones are made of. And there are no universal recipes.

Traditional medicine keeps many legends for gullible people: a herb that dissolves kidney stones, miraculous decoctions, the healing power of potato tubers and much more. In fact, the longer you delay professional treatment, the more you can harm yourself.

Here are the possible consequences:

  • Folk remedies will not work - everything will remain as it was. The most harmless scenario, as far as one can even talk about harmlessness in case of urolithiasis. The situation will not get better, but it will not get worse either.
  • The stones will begin to increase in size - a popular scenario. This happens due to the fact that you do not know the exact chemical composition of the stones and select the wrong remedy. And it not only does not dissolve deposits, but also accumulates them.
  • The stone moves and injures the urinary tract - a fairly common problem. When diagnosed with kidney stones, treatment with folk remedies can really be effective. But the consequences will not please you. The deposits begin to dissolve and become mobile. They loosen and begin to change their position. As a result, the stone moves and either blocks the urinary tract or injures it.

Quite often, patients with urolithiasis are taken to the hospital in an emergency. For example, a broken piece of stone gets stuck in the ureter, disrupting the flow of urine. There are other options - the walls of the bladder and other parts of the urinary system are damaged. Quite often this problem has to be solved surgically. Therefore, before you remove kidney stones using folk remedies, think carefully about whether you are ready to take such a risk.

Recipes for preventing stone formation

Diuretic herbs will help prevent urolithiasis. These include:

  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;
  • rose hip;
  • corn silk;
  • horsetail;
  • wild carrots (seeds);
  • yarrow.

They are taken in the form of decoctions or alcohol infusions - drink 1-2 tablespoons per day. If you have tiny kidney stones, herbal treatment can even remove them without harming the body. But this rule applies only to those stones whose diameter does not exceed 10 mm.

In addition to herbs, honey, fir oil, apple peel tea, beet kvass, and lemon juice are often used to prevent urolithiasis. This helps prevent the formation of deposits or remove them at very early stages. But if you have large

amni in the kidneys, treatment with folk remedies is dangerous. It is better to consult a doctor for professional help.

What about medications?

Sometimes doctors prescribe special medications for patients with urolithiasis. Today their names can be easily found on the Internet. Therefore, people naively think that they can prescribe medicine for themselves. This approach is very dangerous. Firstly, it can act in vain - it does not dissolve the stone. Secondly, the same scenario is possible as with traditional methods of treatment.

Without special knowledge, there is no way you can guess which pills break up kidney stones. Moreover, it is not always possible to do this with the help of medications. This practice is possible only for some types of stones, and only in the early stages. With large deposits, medications can play a cruel joke - slightly loosen them and move them from their “home” place. And then - blockage of the urinary tract, disruption of the outflow of urine, injury.

If you have kidney stones, medication treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. He selects suitable drugs taking into account the type of stones, their size, and the characteristics of the body. This is the only way you can be sure that the drugs will not harm you.

To prevent the stones from appearing again

Urolithiasis is notorious for its relapses. And although we are now increasingly able to completely get rid of kidney stones, it is not only the method of removing them that is important, but also the appropriate recovery and prevention of relapses. A good urologist will tell you how to adjust your diet and drinking after surgery. Prevention largely depends on the type of stone, but there are several general recommendations: drink more water, eat less salt and animal proteins.

In addition, to prevent the recurrence of stones, it is important to understand the reasons for their appearance - and eliminate them. These may be disorders of the endocrine system or other diseases that cause disturbances in the outflow of urine. Kidney stones are formed due to various strictures (narrowing of organs), vesicoureteral reflux, and in men, for example, due to prostate adenoma.

Regular examinations and following the doctor's recommendations are important components of treatment that are most often neglected, but which will help prevent the recurrence of stones.

How to effectively cure kidney stones?

In modern medicine, many ways to remove stones have appeared, and people are still chasing folk remedies. This is simply absurd. After all, instead of drinking dubious potions, you can completely remove deposits in 1-2 procedures. Quickly, without surgery and risks.

You can get such help at the Bilyak clinic. Laser and ultrasound lithotripsy methods are used here. The stones are destroyed by special impulses, crushed and then removed from the body naturally.

Stop looking for how to remove kidney stones using folk remedies! Sign up for a consultation and they will select a suitable and safe removal method for you. Contact us to find out more about the procedure!


What diuretic herbs help with kidney stones

What herbs help with kidney stones

Very often, people do not know what herbs to take for kidney stones, and reviews on the Internet do not add clarity. However, it is known that some herbs clearly have a positive effect:

Such plants remove fluid from the body and have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Also, the list of diuretic herbs for the kidneys against sand and against stones includes:

Important! Before you start treatment with drugs, find out if you have any contraindications to their use.

Buy bearberry (leaves) on our website


There is an opinion that urolithiasis and renal colic are mainly male problems. Today this is not the case: the ratio of men and women with kidney stones is leveling out, and urolithiasis is becoming more common in women.

Another common misconception is that kidney stones must be removed. In fact, the stone may well pass on its own, and in other cases it is enough to undergo a course of treatment with drugs prescribed by the urologist. But what is really true is that the stone needs to be preserved and given to the doctor. Based on laboratory examination of the stone, treatment is prescribed.

There is another myth, almost the opposite of the previous one: stones can be removed from the body at home. Not at all: there are no studies confirming that sour drinks, diuretic herbs, beer and fir oil will really help get rid of kidney stones. They can cause harm, so it is important to remember that treatment should be prescribed only by a specialized specialist.

Herbs for treating kidney stones

Removing kidney stones with herbs will be faster if you know what exactly to drink, because the formations differ in their structure and composition. Patients are often concerned about oxalate kidney stones, for which the following herbs can be used:

According to statistics, this disease usually worries men, but women more often develop complex stones that are more difficult to remove. However, herbs for kidney stones in men and women are equally effective.

Advice! If you have kidney stones, treatment with folk remedies and herbs should be complemented by diet, exercise and maintaining fluid balance (at least 2 liters of fluid per day).

Stones in the kidneys

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is a disorder of human metabolism, endogenous or exogenous. In this case, the acute phase of the disease occurs at the last moment. The patient suffers from sharp pain in the lumbar region.

He cannot find a place for himself; he cannot lie, sit or stand normally. A person remains in this state from several hours to several days. Often the pain goes away when the stone leaves the ureter. In some cases, the acute phase of the disease may be complicated by relapses associated with the genitourinary system.

Stones or concretions form in a person’s kidneys over the years. They vary in size and composition. Some reach the size of small grains of sand, others grow into coral-shaped formations several millimeters in diameter. Stones are localized at different levels of the urinary tract:

  • upper calyx;
  • middle and lower calyx;
  • bladder;
  • pelvis;
  • ureter.

The movement of stones along the ureters is accompanied by severe cutting pain. But in the first stages the disease is asymptomatic. Most often, the diagnosis of urolithiasis is made when sand or stones are found in the patient’s urine.

Attention! In the acute phase, the patient experiences “renal colic.” This is a specific symptom in which a person feels a cutting pain in the lumbar region.

The attacks may go away completely and appear again within a short period of time. Renal colic may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever and frequent urge to go to the toilet.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient will need to undergo a series of tests and diagnostic procedures. A clear marker of the presence of the disease is the thickness of urine. So the liquid may be too dense or, on the contrary, diluted. Her weight changes accordingly. Any deviation from normal urine weight may cause urolithiasis.

Herbal teas that destroy kidney stones

Many experts recommend using herbal remedies for kidney stones. Complementing one another, together they greatly increase the effectiveness of treatment. The most effective fees include:

In addition, the list of the best herbs for crushing and removing kidney stones includes knotweed, saxifrage and moraine.

We wish you good health and good mood! You can buy all the medicinal plants necessary for making medicinal mixtures in the PhytoContinent store. We have collected for our customers the best and most effective health recipes that will help you get rid of various ailments forever.

Buy half-palm (erva woolly) (leaves) on our website


Anatoly Mamaev, 53 years old, Klintsy

I am an elderly person and every year I try to undergo a general medical examination. And for the last time, doctors discovered sand in the kidneys, although there were no obvious symptoms yet, but I didn’t want to let everything take its course and then suffer from renal colic. My wife said, we will be treated with herbs and plus another three liters of water every day. My daughter ordered a special herbal mixture for me, and also rose hips for general strengthening, she took everything from this website “PhytoContinent”. Everything was delivered quickly, without any complaints, the herbs themselves in the packages were fresh, aromatic, the kind you won’t find in pharmacies. With so much fluid per day, I ran a little, of course, almost every ten minutes, but it’s a sin to complain, I’d rather run, but my kidneys will be healthy. And you know, at the next check everything was fine, no sand and especially no stones. Well, in general, according to the advice of doctors, you need to monitor how much water you drink a day, and try to move more so that even in old age you do not know about urolithiasis.


Treatment of urolithiasis and kidney stones

To treat urolithiasis, it is necessary to carry out timely preventive measures to prevent the formation of urinary stones in the kidneys. Moreover, this is exactly the case when neglecting the simplest rules of prevention can negatively affect the health of the urinary tract.

To prevent the formation of stones and sand you need to:

  • Follow a suitable diet (depending on the type of metabolic disorder) aimed at maintaining an optimal urine reaction;
  • Drink “soft” drinking water; if it is impossible to use it for drinking constantly - at least during an exacerbation of the disease;
  • Once a week, arrange fasting days, replacing regular food with vegetables and fruits with a high water content (apples, cucumbers, watermelons);
  • If there are no contraindications (heart or kidney failure), drink 2-3 liters of fluid daily.

Treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies

When treating kidney stones with folk remedies, the following methods of alternative medicine provide invaluable assistance.

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of rosehip roots into a glass of water and bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes, then leave until cool. Drink a glass 3 times a day, duration of use is 30-40 days, then after a 10-12 day break, repeat the treatment. A decoction of rosehip roots has the property of destroying crystalline stones to the state of sand.
  • If the presence of kidney stones is confirmed, it is useful to take one teaspoon of watercress juice 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is at least 3 weeks.
  • Birch sap has proven itself well in the treatment of nephrolithiasis, which should be drunk a glass a day for a month.
  • It is recommended to consume strawberries and blueberries, both individually and in a mixture.
  • Fresh red currant juice is useful for lactic acid nephrolithiasis, take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • For oxalate stones, it is recommended to take nettle juice (dioecious) - take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  • Rowan juice helps in the treatment of kidney stones; you should drink 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. Course duration is 30-40 days.
  • Pear compote (from fresh or dried fruit) is also shown. Take 4 times a day, half a glass.
  • Crush the shell of the egg from which the chicken hatched into powder. Mix with red wine and take 10g daily.
  • Mix 0.5 liters of cucumber, carrot and beet juice in a three-liter jar, add the juice of 10 lemons. Add boiled cold water until the jar is full. Drink half a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. After 3 weeks, check for the presence of stones and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Collections of medicinal herbs for urolithiasis

  • Prepare a medicinal mixture from wormwood and fragrant rue leaves in a ratio of 1:2. Soak the mixture in wine until moist, then dry and grind to a powder. Take 2 g of the product 3 times a day with 50 ml of cherry juice.
  • The following collection consists of a large number of components. To prepare it you will need: lavender spikelet (herb), black currant (leaves), birch (leaves), ivy bud (herb), juniper fruits, hop cones - 10g each; lingonberry (leaves), plantain (leaves), white acacia (buds) - 20 g each; nettle leaves and knotweed (grass) – 30g each; 60 g each of strawberries and horsetail (shoots). Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture with one glass of boiling water, then leave for 2 hours. Drink the strained infusion in a third to half a glass, adding the same amount of hot water at each dose, 3-4 times a day for a month. Taking this collection for a long time helps get rid of stones and prevents the development of infection in the urinary tract.
  • Prepare the following mixture - mix equal amounts of corn silk, bearberry leaves, bean leaves, and green oat straw. Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 1 hour. This is the daily norm, it must be distributed into 6-8 doses per day. Take for 2-3 weeks.
  • Grind horsetail and flat-leaved eryngium and mix in equal proportions. Brew 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Drink the strained infusion half a glass 2-3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. After 3-4 weeks, the stones will pass painlessly in the form of sand.
  • Prepare a collection of 20g of tartar (herb) and blackcurrant (leaves), 25g of rowan (fruit) and the same amount of hop cones, add 15g of anise fruit. Brew 2 tablespoons of the collection with 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink half a glass of the strained warm infusion 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - 3-4 months, after a week's break, repeat treatment.
  • Mix, pre-chopped: birch leaves (4 parts), lingonberry leaves (3 parts), black currant leaves (2 parts), barberry root (2 parts), wheatgrass root (5 parts), petals of rose hips or cinnamon (2 parts) , horsetail (4 parts), St. John's wort (3 parts), cinnamon rose hip root (7 parts). Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 6-7 hours. Take warm, strained infusion half a glass 4 times a day. The duration of the course is one and a half to two months, then a break of 8-10 days and re-treatment; in total you need to carry out three such cycles.

How to remove kidney stones using folk remedies?

Even our grandmothers can tell us how to remove kidney stones using folk remedies, because previously there was no such abundance of medications to get rid of these salt stones. Also, dissolving kidney stones using folk remedies is a more affordable method of treatment than surgery or removing stones with a laser.

Treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies is possible only in the initial stages of the disease and only after consulting a specialist.

The duration of treatment may vary depending on the characteristics of the body and the size of the stone.

Folk remedies used for crushing kidney stones and removing them are mainly medicinal plants, their seeds, fruits and roots. The following tools are widely used:

  • Rose hip. For medicinal purposes, not only the fruits of this plant are used, but also the roots, which have a choleretic and antibacterial effect. Rosehip relieves inflammation and is a multivitamin, which can significantly improve the patient’s general condition. It is important to remember that you cannot use rosehip decoction for oxalate stones - it can only accelerate their formation.
  • Knotweed. Thanks to its rich chemical composition, it gently and painlessly cleanses the kidneys and dissolves stones in them. The silicic acid contained in this plant promotes the crushing of stones and their excretion in the urine.
  • Parsley. A decoction of the leaves and stems of this plant is rich in potassium ions. With regular use, stones quickly dissolve and, due to their pronounced diuretic effect, are eliminated. It is not recommended to use parsley root during pregnancy - a miscarriage may occur.
  • Flax seeds. Effectively remove toxins and have anti-inflammatory properties. They contain fiber, lignins, polysaccharides, lecithin and other beneficial substances. The decoction must be diluted with warm water before use, as it initially turns out to be very thick.
  • Pol-fell (erva woolly). It is a potassium-sparing diuretic and contains a large number of useful elements (potassium, calcium, flavonoids, amino acids, etc.). This plant restores the body’s water-salt metabolism, cleanses the body of waste and toxins, and promotes the dissolution of kidney stones. The decoction, which includes half a stick, should be stored for no more than two days.
  • Bearberry (bear ears). It is important to know that in acute forms of urolithiasis, the use of this medicinal plant is contraindicated (the diuretic effect is achieved by irritating the internal tissues of the kidneys, which is useful only for small stones).
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