5 ways to get rich from scratch at home, tips for beginners

Many people, despite the age of information technology, have to live on the verge of poverty. This is due to the peculiarities of thinking. Often the poor do not even try to change the situation, since, in their opinion, it is impossible to become rich and successful without a successful combination of circumstances and connections. Although today there are many types of income, including passive, and the opportunity to master almost any profession. Only psychological attitudes prevent people from getting rich.

To become a successful and rich person, you need to act and actively move towards your goal.

Why do some people get rich easily?

The inability to achieve high income is primarily due to the attitudes that were passed on to a person by his parents. The child adopts moral standards, life experience, and attitude towards money. Later, he unknowingly repeats the path of his parents. The latter emphasize the need for hard work and give financial issues a negative connotation. Therefore, a rich man, having lost property, will quickly restore his fortune, but a poor man will never be able to achieve success.

The difference between the mindset of the poor and the rich

There are many differences between the thinking of rich and poor people:

Differences in the thinking of rich and poor people.

  1. Attitude to fate. The rich prefer not to depend on circumstances and determine their own future. They choose a profession, field of activity, place of work, method of investment, etc. The poor more often obey circumstances dictated by the situation or other people. They are ready to do a job they don’t like because their parents chose the specialty instead of them. They remain in an aggressive team because of the relatively high salary. The poor rarely consider opportunities to get rich.
  2. Goals. The rich are trying to switch to passive income. They value time and consider wealth not to be money, but to be able to do what they love and pay attention to themselves. The poor primarily strive to earn money. For this reason, even with a relatively high salary, they feel dissatisfied and continue to live as before.
  3. Tendency to take action. The rich pay little attention to dreams. They spend more time doing things. The poor spend most of their lives making plans, but their plans rarely pay off.
  4. Adaptability. The rich easily adapt to new conditions. They perceive information quickly and are not afraid to act differently than their competitors. The poor prefer already proven paths, even if they know where it leads. Any change in plans causes them at least big problems.
  5. Finding mentors. Rich people always use other people's experience. They value time, so they prefer to avoid mistakes. A mentor helps not only reduce training time, but also sets the right atmosphere, maintains motivation, and does not allow you to give up. The poor have difficulty learning from other people's experiences, especially positive ones. They can react to the latter aggressively, with irritability. The poor prefer to remain in the social group of their level, but such an environment limits them.
  6. Lack of envy. The poor rarely admit it, but other people's successes upset them, make them feel awkward and insecure. This happens even if the interlocutor does not try to belittle other people's dignity. The rich perceive other people's achievements much more calmly. They try to gain experience from this first of all.
  7. Self confidence. A wealthy person knows his strengths and weaknesses well; he has many achievements, including those that are not related to finance. He knows that even if he breaks even or loses his fortune, he will be able to rebuild his career and return his investments. The poor person is unsure of the future and himself. Sometimes he has depressive thoughts.
  8. Gaining experience. The rich are lifelong learners. They look closely at new trends, master applied specialties, and adapt to changing market conditions. Sources of experience include mentors, books, forums, webinars, etc. The poor, at best, believe that a diploma is enough for them. Their skills and abilities are divorced from the actual state of affairs. They don't see the need to spend time and money on self-improvement.
  9. Attitude to money. For the rich, finance is a tool. With their help, he increases his income. For the poor, money is the goal.
  10. Desire to work for yourself. A rich person understands well that there are many intermediaries between him and the final buyer of a product or consumer of a service. And they take most of the income for themselves. It is more profitable to work for yourself in order to avoid intermediaries and regulate profits yourself.

What attitudes prevent ordinary people from making good money?

Ordinary people are primarily hindered by habits. For example, this may be expressed in a negative attitude towards money if parents have spent their entire life convincing the child that all rich people are thieves.

Another problem is fear of the new. Fear of the unknown prevents you from changing your job, profession, or mastering alternative types of income. A person believes that it is better to do it little by little, but steadily, than to take risks.

Often a poor person, having become rich, still remains poor. This happens because of the habit of living in the old way. A poor person does not invest money for profit; he keeps it to himself while it gradually depreciates due to inflation. Any change in conditions returns a person to his previous financial state. He becomes poor again after a large purchase, an accident, dismissal from his previous job, etc.

The other extreme is also dangerous – wastefulness. A poor person wants to be rich in the eyes of others if his parents have taught him this since childhood. Therefore, he takes out loans, buys expensive smartphones and cars, and spends a lot of money on useless things. As a result, even with good earnings, there is nothing left for yourself. Additionally, a person gets stuck in debt obligations.

How to become rich: 10 laws of wealth

There are 10 laws of wealth, the observance of which will help you become significantly more successful:

  1. Subconscious choice.
    Every person has the life that he chooses for himself. Initially, everyone is charged with happiness. However, as they go through life, many change their path. That’s why it’s so important to overcome your internal block.
  2. Honesty.
    Success can only be achieved in an honest way. Money that was obtained by deception will not bring happiness. It is worth considering that they have a certain energy. It should be creative, not destructive.
  3. All-consuming desire.
    To achieve success, you need to want it very badly. Only desire and desire helps transform your dream into reality. At the same time, you need to want it constantly and very strongly.
  4. Target.
    Having a clear goal helps you get the motivation you need. It is important to clearly define it. At the same time, you need to feel yourself at the end of the path. It is worth considering that wealth cannot be the goal. Money is only a tool to achieve it.
  5. Perseverance and will.
    The result depends on human actions. You can't succeed if you lie on the couch. It is important to move forward and not stop. You need to learn to overcome failures and difficulties. Every fall helps you rise.
  6. Faith.
    To achieve success, you need to believe in yourself. There is no need to look for reasons or justify yourself. A person can do anything, that’s why it’s so important to charge yourself with faith.
  7. Planning.
    Having set a goal, you need to make a detailed plan for achieving it. Moreover, it must include a number of successive steps. This will help you control your movement towards the goal.
  8. Successful management.
    There are certain laws and rules in business. They definitely need to be studied carefully.
  9. Cost control.
    True wealth is impossible without the ability to spend money rationally.
  10. Charity.
    After achieving success, you should think about helping other people. This will help you feel more confident and make even greater profits.

Basic principles of rich thinking

If a person decides to become rich, he should first start with his thinking. You shouldn’t jump into action right away. In this case, any failure will deprive you of motivation and reinforce incorrect attitudes.

Constantly looking for ways to increase income

To become less dependent on finances, you first need to get passive income. This will require investment. To obtain them, you need to increase your income level. In the future, passive income also needs to be increased, since most investments are unreliable, and the value of money decreases due to inflation. Only this approach will allow us to remain at least at a stable level.

Accomplishing small goals

Psychologists advise never to set the bar too high at the beginning of your journey. There is no need to dream of your first million, having an average salary. It is better to set yourself small tasks that will be easier to complete. For example, reading a book, mastering a skill, or reaching a new level of earnings. This will help you stay motivated.

To achieve financial success, you need to set clear and realistic goals.

Don't be jealous

Envy is a bad feeling that makes a person reinforce negative attitudes. A poor person automatically tries to find faults in someone who has achieved success. Thanks to this, the rule laid down by the parents is confirmed: all the rich are bad. A person wastes time and energy on envy that he could invest in himself.

Planning for the future

Planning helps optimize the process of getting rich, as long as it does not turn into illusions and dreams.

In conditions of limited time, a person becomes more attentive and motivated, he tries to complete more tasks. This helps to increase income, self-improvement and first investments.

Finding a Passive Source of Income

Passive income is related to investments. It requires much less labor, therefore it is conditionally unlimited. Its main disadvantage is risks, but they are minimized by gaining experience and proper distribution of the financial portfolio.

Active income exists as long as a person works. However, with age, endurance decreases, the ability to cope with large volumes of tasks is lost, and the need arises to devote more time to oneself. Another problem with active income is its limitation. A person cannot devote all his time to work.

Finding passive income is the first step towards gaining financial independence.

Thanks to investments, a person is able to earn more money with less labor costs. Passive income simultaneously becomes a safety net in case of sudden changes in circumstances.

Passive income is a source of income that does not require any effort or time.

Using a diary with success

People perceive their successes better when they are most visible. Psychologists advise keeping a diary in which even small achievements should be noted. This will help restore motivation after failures.

Constant self-development

Constant self-development is the only way to optimize the work process and avoid loss of wealth. Skills and knowledge are gradually becoming irrelevant. This is especially true for the most profitable areas.

A person who no longer understands trends well loses his audience and investments.

How to become a rich and successful woman

Many girls look at their successful friends and justify their failures with unattractive appearance, bad luck, and lack of start-up capital. In fact, becoming a rich and successful woman is not difficult.

To do this, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Believe in yourself.
    Sometimes simple praise from others for a job well done is enough for this. Parents often scold their children for failures. As a result, an incorrect stereotype is formed in the head. Strong people make every effort to believe in themselves again. This is the key to their success.
  2. Realize your uniqueness.
    It is impossible to find two identical women. In this case, we are not talking about appearance. Not every beautiful girl has a successful career or a good family. Often it is women with non-standard appearance who become rich and happy. This is due to the need to overcome difficulties, relying on efficiency and perseverance.
  3. Don't be afraid of failure.
    The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. At the same time, all failures need to be analyzed and ways to solve problems must be sought. Thanks to this, you will be able to accumulate the necessary experience.
  4. Stay optimistic.
    This quality is inherent in all successful women. Experts categorically do not recommend giving up. At the same time, a good mood affects those around you.
  5. Surround yourself with successful people.
    It is the environment that shapes a person's character. If there are dissatisfied people around, you will not be lucky either. It is best to communicate with positively minded women. This will help you radically change your life.
  6. Love your job.
    Even the most difficult or boring work can be done with pleasure. If the task is too labor-intensive, it needs to be divided into several stages.
  7. Avoid routine.
    This doesn't mean you need to constantly change your job or business direction. First of all, you need to work on yourself all the time. This will help improve your personality. Experts advise learning new hobbies and sports. You can also change your clothing style or appearance. Thanks to this, it is possible to awaken interest in life.

What practical skills are needed?

To become rich, you will need not only the right psychological settings. You will have to master practical skills that will optimize the process of making a profit and win over your audience.

Marketing knowledge

All ways to make a profit come down to providing some kind of service to other people. A person negotiates with partners, sells goods, sells intellectual property rights, etc. To do this, a potential client must first be interested.

Knowledge of the basics of marketing will help you build a strategy for sales and communication with clients.

The basics of marketing will help during negotiations, will allow you to identify the target audience and provoke them to provide the service.

Control of emotions

Poor people are used to acting on emotions, so they often lose money and clients. A rich person must learn to control his feelings, not give in to aggression and irritation, and be guided only by logic.

In everyday life, it is also recommended to get rid of negativity: because of it, a person spends a lot of effort and energy and prevents himself from developing.

Ability to live within your means

Having your own desires that increase motivation is good, but you need to live within your means. Extremes should be avoided. There is no need to buy cheap clothes if you can afford things in the middle price segment. Inexpensive fabrics tear faster and, as a result, cost more. At the same time, you should not buy too expensive things if this means you have to deny yourself something else. This is especially true for branded clothing and gadgets, which differ little from their analogues.

Strategic Thinking

To make a profit, you will have to quickly adapt, calculate the benefits, etc. Otherwise, you can accidentally end up in the red, for example, due to fluctuations in exchange rates or stock prices.

Strategic thinking is necessary to achieve success in your goal.

Ability to follow a schedule

A person who sticks to a schedule is the most productive. His body gets used to working by the clock. As a result, you manage to get more things done. You can adjust your schedule to suit yourself; you don’t have to live according to a general schedule. Having free time is welcome: this way a person will be able to relax without compromising other activities.

How to properly manage your profits

In order not to lose your achievements, you should learn how to manage your profits wisely and correctly.

There are several universal tips:

  1. Set aside at least 10% of your profits.
    Don't constantly buy luxury items. This will help you accumulate an impressive amount.
  2. Choose an effective way to store your saved money.
    You shouldn’t store your finances in a chest of drawers, because they can lose value. In addition, there is a temptation to spend a decent amount. It is best to choose a reliable bank and put money on deposit.
  3. Use cashback.
    Instead of a regular card, you should use a cashback card. It is advisable to choose options that allow you to cash out cashback.
  4. Engage in investing.
    This is a passive way to earn money. You can invest in securities. With profitable investments, you will be able to achieve good capital growth.
  5. Do charity work.
    10% of profits should be spent on charity. This helps to increase your prestige and degree of trust. In addition, such spending has a deep psychological meaning and helps you come to terms with your own mind.
  6. Refuse loans.
    As a result, you have to pay a lot more. Experts advise making do with the money you currently have.
  7. Reconsider your needs and start living within your means.
    Rich people live in comfort. At the same time, they are distinguished by self-control and do not allow themselves to spend all the money to the last penny.

Practical instructions for gaining wealth

After changing psychological attitudes and acquiring useful skills, they move on to action. The advice primarily concerns organizing your own business, mastering financial literacy, and finding a mentor.

At the initial stages you will have to work more, but in the future you will be able to reduce labor costs and increase income.

Determining your desired industry

You can't reach great heights in an industry that doesn't inspire you to grow. For this reason, you should choose your specialty especially carefully. It’s good if it becomes a paid hobby: then a person will be happy to improve his skills and increase his income. Stress levels will decrease.

Finding a Mentor

You can find a mentor on thematic forums, on social networks, at webinars, courses, etc. Like-minded people who have already achieved success will share their experience and help maintain motivation. They will partially protect you from mistakes and losses.

A mentor will help you solve problems or teach you something new.

Mastering financial literacy

Without the basics of financial literacy, it will be difficult for a person to switch to passive income. Books and courses will help him learn to plan income and expenses. Thanks to this, it will become clearer in what time frame it will be possible to achieve the desired goals. There will be more free funds that you can invest in your business.

The right investment

Investments provide passive income, but they come with risk. You need to be able to distribute your financial portfolio in order to stay afloat if you lose part of your investments. At the same time, before the transaction, it is necessary to calculate the possible profit taking into account expenses, unforeseen circumstances and inflation.

Promotion on social networks

Social networks are the main tool for attracting target audiences. If a person decides to open his own business, first of all he needs to create his own page or group, use advertising, etc.

Informed decisions

Any decisions must be made guided by logic. The human factor must be taken into account. You can’t do something out of emotion or allow yourself to be influenced. For example, you should not agree to a deal that is unfavorable for yourself, even if the interlocutor strongly insists. Debt should be avoided, even if there is an opportunity to quickly increase the funds received: expectations are not always met.

What is wealth

To the question “What is wealth?”, as well as to the question “How to become rich?” There is no one-word answer. Of all the existing formulations, I really like what Kiyosaki calls wealth. He considers this the amount of time a person can live comfortably without working. This definition more accurately reflects wealth, since measuring it in money is quite subjective. For some, 1000 dollars is quite a decent amount, but for others, even a million is not enough.

A truly rich person can be called one who has a source of passive income that allows him to increase his wealth. In fact, the question “How to become a millionaire” has a fairly simple answer - to find your own path, which will allow you to increase your capital, which will one day cross the 1 million mark. And there are enough assets where you can invest your money. A modern investor can use several financial instruments at once. There is a large selection, and everyone will be able to choose what suits them only, so that they can forget what it’s like to live from paycheck to paycheck.

Useful literature

Useful books include Let's Talk About Your Income and Expenses by Carl Richards. In his work, the author talks about economic fundamentals in simple language and gives recommendations. Achieving financial independence will become easier after reading the guide “How to Create a Personal Financial Plan and How to Implement It.” Vladimir Savenok explains to readers how to save wisely.

John Diamond is a man who went from being a poor man to the founder of an international fashion empire. This is a branding specialist whose services are used by many popular companies, including Nike. He wrote a motivational book, “Hungry and Poor.” It is recommended to read it at times when additional support is needed.

About the article


How to get rich "for an ordinary person from scratch ✔️ Tips✔️ Works


The ultimate guide on how to get rich ► Even from scratch ✅ How an ordinary person can become rich ✅ Ways to get rich in Russia ✅ How to create cash flow ✅ What practical skills are needed ✅ Really works


Artem Anoshkin


Investing in yourself

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Rule #4: Use your ideas

Nick Woodman in the photo from the site: Gazeta.Ru

Even if they seem like a failure to you, it's still worth a try. What if it was your development that brought you popularity, like Nick Woodman? The creator of the most famous and best-selling action camera, GoPro, has achieved everything he has today by doing what he has always been passionate about, using his intelligence and desire to achieve his goals to the fullest. It was his love for sports that led him to the idea of ​​​​creating a unique compact device that allows you to shoot in dynamics. Woodman himself says that if it weren’t for his passion for surfing, nothing would have happened.

His inquisitive mind worked in the right direction: after attaching a disposable Kodak to his wrist using a homemade cuff, Nick realized that his dream camera would have to withstand the test of water, constant movement and the elements. And for this you need an improved mount that will help hold the device in one position. The rest is history.

So take action and don’t be afraid to show your ideas to the world. Millionaires and billionaires are not passive observers of other people's achievements. They are all motivated people who use their abilities and believe in themselves.

Constantly learn and improve your skills

Sometimes you can hear that, they say, I finished school and university, why should I still study? Or, they say, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard - and nothing, a millionaire. I want to object: “Well, damn it, you’re not Bill Gates, and in your garage you don’t have a new microprocessor, but a refrigerator with beer!” And in the end, Gates studied all his life - without it, he would not have become what he eventually became.

In a word, it is necessary to study. In our time, there is nowhere without self-education. One of the recipes for becoming richer is to study. New knowledge will sooner or later be converted into money.

It is especially worth taking time to improve your financial literacy. You may not know how a leg differs from a hypotenuse, or a suffix from a prefix, but knowing that dividends are paid on stocks, and coupons are paid on bonds, what assets and liabilities are, how to save for retirement and how to return taxes is necessary.

And here’s another interesting article: 15 ways to start saving money with a small salary

Improve your professional category. This will help you grow in your position and increase your salary and, as a result, the cost per hour.

Habits of rich people

A rich person begins with thinking. Millionaires think differently, they have different habits that differ from the habits of ordinary people who earn little. Therefore, they know how to get rich in a crisis, and they exaggerate their capital during a market downturn, and not vice versa.

Here are some habits of the rich that influence their lives and how they make decisions about money:

  • self confidence;
  • positive thinking;
  • daily accounting of expenses;
  • working with the subconscious;
  • gratitude for everything in life;
  • helping others;
  • “pay yourself” – saving 10% of any income;
  • charity.

Working with thinking can be mastered at a training dedicated to this. Training is an effective way to improve skills in a short period of 2-3 days. How to get rich easily will no longer be a question once the millionaire mindset is developed.

Creation and patent of new products

If you are tech savvy and can come up with a new product, but you don’t have the money to implement it, you can sell the development patent to some large company.
Thus, your task is to come up with a product, make drawings and present it to potential buyers, explain how it works. If the deal is successful, you can make good money. You can also sell the results of your creativity. For example, if you wrote a song, music, a picture, or shot a film, you can register the copyright for this product and receive money when you sell your creations. This can be either a script for a short film or a hero for a video game - it all depends on your talent and imagination. The main thing is to try to create something unique, because no one needs copies of copies.

Ways to get rich for future millionaires

Let's now talk about specific ways to get rich. First, one word of caution: no matter how many ways you read about how to get rich, remember that only action can change your bank account balance. Not reading, not thinking, not fantasizing. Having found a suitable way to get rich, immediately apply it!

  1. Start business. Become the owner of a company with hired employees. They work, you get paid.
  2. Become an investor. Investing money with maximum profit is the ideal way to get rich, because then money makes money.
  3. Learn a new profession that pays more than your current job. This method is the simplest and is suitable for hired workers. If you build a career, your salary can rise to the skies, but there will also be a ceiling there.
  4. Improve your qualifications. To earn more at your current job.
  5. Leave your hired job and go freelance. This way, you can set your own fee, although you will also have to look for clients yourself.

There are a million ways to get rich. All of them will be variations of the categories mentioned above.

If you have set a goal on how to get rich quickly, you should do some math. Calculate how long it will take to implement each of the plans that come to mind. Timing, cost of associated expenses, prospects for new income growth - take everything into account! Everyone also has their own concept of “fast”.

Recommendations from psychologists

Psychologist's advice on how to become rich:

  • Believe in your business.
  • Appreciate what you have.
  • Be happy for the rich.
  • Use statements and affirmations.
  • Love money.
  • Be happy when paying bills, imagining that there is more money.
  • Set goals and make promises to yourself to become even richer.
  • Read educational books.
  • Find and “enter” the society of wealthy people.
  • Invest part of the money.
  • Reduce expenses, live according to income. Do not take out loans or mortgages.
  • Save some money.
  • Do charity work.

A person becomes rich initially on the inside. Internal attitudes, views and beliefs will change, life will instantly go in the right direction. If you constantly improve, understanding why it is necessary, the results will not keep you waiting.


The cliché is that the rich:

  • take into account expenses/income;
  • maintain a family financial plan/budget;
  • find sources of passive income.

Here we need to consider the philosophy of the two representatives. A poor person is sure that the money he receives needs to be spent, it is something like a reward. By buying certain things, he pleases himself, despite the fact that the products do not bring him pleasure. A rich man looks ahead, receiving 100 rubles per hour of work. Afterwards, he sets the goal of freeing up time to live the way he wants.

A rich person may give up immediate gratification in order to gain control over his life. Also, such people value time more than money, the poor are the opposite. Therefore, rich people have clear goals that are updated. The poor only dream without making any effort. This approach only makes you wait, and dreams remain unfulfilled.

Vdovin Ivan

  • More than 15 years in psychology
  • Owner of 2 successful businesses
  • Developed his own method “Key Therapy”
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Certified Hypnotherapist
  • In practice I use: Gestalt therapy, imagery therapy, body therapy, art therapy, hypnosis, Hellinger constellations
  • Helped over 100 clients
  • I invested more than 500,000 rubles in my education
  • My blog is visited by more than 1500 people per day


Relationships with the opposite sex

I made interesting observations. All successful “people” choose a partner not for love, but based on trust and respect for each other. It is clear that there is sympathy, but it comes in second place. It is important for a business person that he is not betrayed or stabbed in the back. Read more: psychology of relationships between a man and a woman in marriage.

The rest of the people in general believe in love and wait for the right person, without even trying to look better. Everything is somehow decided for them. Everything goes with the flow. And the results are deplorable, divorces and so on. Of course, there are exceptions, I do not deny. And I believe in love. But we have a 70% divorce rate, this is no good. And all because we live with the flow.


You don't have to play sports to become successful. But this is a very powerful impetus for development. Sport is about achieving results, and the more results you achieve, the more you want to achieve for yourself. This is a common and normal pattern. Once you are used to being successful, you will not want to return to your bottom. It's no longer comfortable there. You can replace sports with yoga or other practices. For example, QIGUNG.

Lazy Russian Qigong

A television

How many people I know who are constantly developing, they don’t watch TV. More precisely, broadcast channels. They only need a TV to watch movies that interest them. But they don’t watch news, politics and other reality shows.

Unsuccessful people still tend to lazily browse through the air channels, argue with the TV and talk about politics. Do you need it? All the same, the course of the country does not depend on your opinion. Better do 50 push-ups right now. It will be much more useful this way. I've now done 50 push-ups.

Read more: How to develop intuition


Let's continue. Have you seen successful people living like pigs? I haven’t seen it, but although I admit some cases. In fact, cleanliness and order in the house are equal to order in the head. The cleaner a person is, the purer his thoughts. And the right thoughts are precisely the key to success.

Poor people leave everything to chance, without even trying to change such a small thing as cleaning. I'm not talking about sterile cleanliness, but once a week, vacuuming and cleaning the bed after sleep is enough, in my opinion.

The value of time

For a rich person, the most valuable thing is time, not money. Money can be lost and returned, but time can never be returned. Everything that has passed has already passed and will remain only in memories. The more careful you are with your time, the better you will change. Poor people, unfortunately, do not value this resource and often fade into oblivion, spending all day in front of computers, TV, or constantly drinking. And life goes through their fingers.

I myself realized this, unfortunately, at the age of 29, and now I’m constantly catching up. Previously, I was only chasing money, but now everything has changed, time is more valuable to me. This is where efficiency increases.


Most people have a habit of spending whatever money they have. Even without being able to save or save. If you start investing your money, at least 30% of your income. You can earn a lot of money for your future this way. It’s clear that you need to know how to invest money, but you can learn this; there are a lot of different courses and schools.

But every person is a child at heart and he has a program - now he has money, which means he needs to spend it on pleasant things, chocolate, alcohol, some kind of trinket. I spent it and got positive emotions. Everything, “there is no more money, but you hold on.” That’s why poor people love momentary joys. But the rich, on the contrary, understand that if not now, then later I will definitely get everything I invested.

Guide to Changing Yourself.pdf


One of the most important points about why many people remain in the same place as 10-30 years ago. By postponing things for later, you are also postponing your entire life for later. But then it will be too late. Or, for example, your wardrobe is full of new, beautiful clothes, but they don’t put them on, thinking that I will wear them later. And so 1-10 years pass, the figure is already different and it’s too late to wear these things.

But these things are again stored, thinking that sooner or later I will lose weight and again fit into these bright dresses or a beautiful jacket. I would like to ask, why did you buy these things? How did our grandparents put away their best for a devotee? Yes, our time has changed, now the time is different, give up the habit of postponing for later, be happy now.

Set yourself goals and achieve them within the time frame you planned. Act first and rest later. Train your brain to solve problems

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