Nocturnal emissions: signs, causes and methods of prevention

A considerable number of men in adolescence and adulthood suffer from such a phenomenon at night as wet dreams - ejaculation that did not occur during masturbation or sexual intercourse. This is an uncontrolled process that did not occur at the will of a man. Many people want to prevent this unwanted manifestation of the body, that is, find out a way to get rid of wet dreams.

Boys who are going through the first stages of adolescence consider nocturnal emissions shameful, even though wet dreams are considered normal and do not cause any harm. Many of them are thinking about how to get rid of wet dreams. A wet dream occurs due to a lack of sexual contact. They can also sometimes bother men who are sexually active. Dreams of an erotic nature can lead to uncontrolled ejaculation during sleep. Therefore, getting rid of wet dreams is not considered mandatory.

Causes of the phenomenon:

  • Inflammation of the elements of the reproductive system. In this case, treatment of the source of the cause is required, after which the emissions stop.
  • Due to the tumor, blood penetrates into the seminal fluid. If the tumor has contact with the reproductive system, emission becomes a complication. In this case, you need to contact an oncologist.
  • Impaired functioning of the parts of the brain that are responsible for erection and ejaculation.
  • Stress. A teenager or an already mature man experiences fear before each new attack of eruption. Frequent emotional and physical rest, evening walks in the fresh air are necessary.


Why do nocturnal emissions occur?

You won’t be able to diagnose the disease on your own; you need to see a doctor.

Wet dreams are a phenomenon that cannot be controlled. After all, thanks to this, the body gets rid of excess amounts of seminal fluid. Various factors can provoke involuntary ejaculation of semen.

This could be erotic fantasies before bed, a memorable attractive image of a representative of the fair sex or a scene from an explicit film, an intimate dream, or being in close proximity to a girl.

Growth spurt

While girls grow actively between 11 and 12 years of age, for boys this period occurs at 13–14 years of age. Over the course of this year, they gain an average of 10–15 cm, and some up to 25! By the end of puberty (by the age of 16–17), boys, as a rule, become on average 13 cm taller than their girlfriends, have heavier bones and almost twice as much muscle mass. And, although growth zones finally close only by the age of 22–25, after 16–17 years old boys no longer grow so noticeably.

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Correct reaction. Rapid muscle and skeletal growth requires a lot of protein and calcium. Therefore, feed your sons meat and dairy products, give beans and cereals. As well as vitamin-rich greens, vegetables and fruits. But limit the amount of fast food and fast carbohydrates so as not to provoke weight problems and metabolic disorders. Also, during this period, a teenager needs full sleep - at least 8, and preferably 10 hours a day. By the way, it is during sleep that growth hormone is most active - do not forget to tell your son about this if he wants to become tall.

Wet dreams against the background of a full sexual life

If involuntary ejaculation during night sleep occurs during a man’s full intimate life or during regular masturbation, then the cause of wet dreams may be the development of pathological processes in the reproductive system.

It is not possible to identify the disease on your own; you need to see a doctor. The doctor will assess how active the guys’ sex life is and prescribe an examination to identify pathologies in the reproductive organs. Only after this will it be possible to talk about further actions.

Activity in intimate life is measured individually for everyone. If it is enough for one man to have sex once a week, then another will need it almost every day. Everyone has their own norm, which can only be determined by a specialist.

The occurrence of nocturnal emissions is possible when the hormonal balance in the body is disturbed. The culprit for this may be increased production of testosterone, which is a male sex hormone. In this case, to get rid of involuntary ejaculation, it is enough to normalize the hormonal levels.

If everything is in order with the level of hormones in the body, you will need to undergo a thorough examination to detect other pathological processes. The following diseases can cause nocturnal emissions:

  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms in endocrine organs.
  • Hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex.
  • Pseudohermaphroditism.

With the development of these diseases, ejaculation will not be the only symptom. It will always be accompanied by other symptoms, which should prompt the man to undergo an examination.

Reasons why wet dreams occur

Teenagers who have reached the onset of puberty but have never had sexual intercourse are most susceptible to wet dreams. They are most tormented by the question of how to avoid wet dreams. Activation of the gonads in a teenager causes uncontrolled ejaculation. The growing body develops hair on its body and its voice becomes low. During the period of growing up, the production of sperm becomes more active, along with this the ability to fertilize an egg appears. Sexual desire intensifies, and with it nocturnal emissions begin to occur, which are considered an indicator of the normal development of the male body. Such ejaculation begins at the age of 15 and becomes rare with normal sexual life.

In mature men who do not satisfy their own sexual needs, such an uncontrolled process also occurs. For example, if a person is isolated from female society. A wet dream is considered normal if it occurs no more than three times every seven days. In a young organism, emission occurs four times in a week and a half. If ejaculation occurs every night, this may indicate a possible psychological problem. In this case, you need to contact a specialist. He will advise on this issue and give several recommendations.

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Diseases of the central nervous system often cause wet dreams in men. Uncontrollable erection appears in adolescents. In this case, fatigue, lack of strength, frequent headaches, erectile dysfunction and decreased libido occur. The eruption of semen is observed during the day and at night, resulting in stress and painful expectations.

Wet dreams - what is the norm?

On average, wet dreams should occur once every 1-12 weeks.

It is impossible to determine what the norm of nocturnal emissions is. This value is individual for each person, as is the required frequency of sexual intercourse. If a man does not experience involuntary ejaculation at all, then this is a deviation. If they appear every day, then this is also not recognized as the norm.

Doctors note that on average, wet dreams should occur once every 1-12 weeks. But these standards are not exact; they may deviate upward or downward, depending on many factors.

5–7 years: tell about the stork

At 5–7 years old, children ask: “Where did I come from?” Parents begin to talk about the seed in dad’s stomach, how it can get into mom’s stomach. Children's books about sex are also full of interesting pictures that practically depict sexual intercourse.

Are such specific details necessary at this age, and how to explain the word “sex” to a child? There is no need to dump all the information on children until they are interested in it. This can lead to early sexualization and unhealthy interest.

There is no need to dump all the information on children until they are interested in it.

A fairy tale about a stork would be quite suitable. Tell us how you were waiting for the baby, how you prepared, how you already loved him, and finally the stork brought him. We can say that when two adults love each other, they have children.

If you have another child, and the older one observed the pregnancy, a trip to the maternity hospital, here you can tell about a seed that got into the stomach and began to grow.

How to avoid wet dreams in your sleep?

If, during the diagnosis of the reproductive system, the doctor did not reveal any pathological changes, it will be much easier to normalize the number of ejaculations during sleep. It is impossible to say exactly how to get rid of nocturnal emissions. But doctors note that there are some methods that can affect the frequency of spontaneous semen discharge.

First of all, experts recommend having regular sex life. At the same time, it is important that intimate intimacy completely satisfies the man, both physiologically and psychologically. With complete satisfaction, erotic dreams and fantasies will not arise.

In addition to improving your sex life, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To live an active lifestyle. You need to exercise regularly or just do a simple set of physical exercises every day. At the same time, you cannot overload the body, otherwise you may not expect any benefits.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Choose a comfortable mattress, pleasant bedding, and comfortable underwear to ensure a good night’s sleep.
  • Eat right and stay hydrated.

It is also very important to work on your psycho-emotional state. After all, many men perceive spontaneous nocturnal ejaculation as a dangerous pathology. As a result, he develops constant anxiety and the inability to relax before bed. If you cannot normalize your psychological state on your own, you should consult a specialist.

To stabilize the psycho-emotional background, you can pay attention to traditional medicine based on natural ingredients that have a calming property. The most popular means are the following:

  1. Mint tea. To prepare, pour a small spoonful of the crushed plant into a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Before use, add honey or sugar as desired. Take the remedy before bedtime.
  2. A decoction based on motherwort. 2 large spoons of herbs are poured into 600 ml of hot water and allowed to brew for a couple of hours. Drink half a glass before going to bed.
  3. A decoction of chamomile and valerian. The plants are mixed in equal quantities, 10 g of the mixture is separated, poured with a liter of water, and left to infuse for 60 minutes. Take home medicine 50 ml three times a day.

If nocturnal emissions are considered pathological, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Therapy will depend on what kind of disease is detected.

8–9 years old: dispense information in doses

At 8 or 9 years old, children can ask specific questions about sex. It is better to answer only what the child asks, not to give unnecessary information - to give facts in doses.

1 Draw the child’s attention to the biological differences between boys and girls. It is better to start the first conversations with biological information, about the external differences between boys and girls.

2 Tell about mom’s and dad’s cells. That a baby comes from a cell from the father and mother, which then develops in the mother’s tummy. The result is such beautiful children.

3 Buy a book about sex that was written specifically for children. How do the cells get into the mother's belly? There is no need to answer this question in advance and explain to your child about sex only if he asks. Here you can suggest looking at a book for children about sexual relationships.

4 Explain the variations of words that the child may hear from other people or read on the Internet.

How to cause a wet dream?

The absence of nocturnal emissions can lead to a man’s poor psychological state

Nocturnal emissions in men during sleep are normal. If they are completely absent, then we are talking about a deviation. In this case, the man thinks about how to induce voluntary release of seminal fluid.

There are many reasons for the absence of wet dreams. Doctors divide them into two groups: pathological and physiological. The first category includes the following:

  1. The development of anejaculation, that is, the complete absence of sperm production.
  2. Hormonal imbalance in the body.
  3. Taking certain medications.

The physiological group of reasons for the absence of nocturnal ejaculation includes factors such as:

  • Regular intimate life.
  • Frequent masturbation.
  • Childhood, not yet puberty.
  • The age when sperm production stops completely.
  • Increased fatigue.

Also, the culprit for the lack of nocturnal emissions can be a man’s poor psychological state. This also includes frustration, that is, denial of the importance of intimate life. Despite the fact that ejaculation during sleep is an involuntary and uncontrollable phenomenon, such a psychological attitude can negatively affect the normal frequency of emissions.

Pathological causes

There are certain conditions and diseases that, by interfering with the functioning of the reproductive system, can disrupt its natural processes. Possible symptoms include nocturnal emissions. Their frequency may exceed reasonable limits, which will begin to bring discomfort to the man. We are talking about the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • temporary hormonal imbalance;
  • inflammation of the internal genital organs;
  • tumors in the testicles;
  • diseases of the brain or spinal cord.

In all of these situations, it is necessary to combat the underlying cause of the disease, and frequent eruptions may be a signal for diagnosis. Finally, a sign of physiological abnormality are cases of wet dreams in childhood before puberty, which also requires medical attention.

In a certain sense, some researchers draw a parallel in these processes between the female and male body. For example, there is an opinion that a similar phenomenon should be considered the eruption of secretions from the uterine and Bartholin glands, occurring outside of sexual intercourse. This peculiar wet dream does not occur very often in women, and is also regarded as the norm.

Signs of pathology

If nocturnal emissions occur as a result of the development of pathological processes in the sexual sphere, then they will certainly be accompanied by other symptoms. These may include the following manifestations:

  1. Soreness, burning sensation in the urethra when semen is released during sleep.
  2. Discharge of blood or pus along with semen.
  3. Presence of daytime emissions.
  4. Maintaining a painful erection for a long time. This phenomenon is called priapism. Even after the release of semen, the sexual organ remains in a state of arousal.
  5. Deterioration of erectile function, potency, decreased libido.

Important! Such manifestations cannot be ignored and should not be tried to be cured on your own. Problems in intimate life can eventually lead to complete impotence.

How to switch your child's attention away from masturbation if he does it too often

Reasons for early onset of masturbation and frequent masturbation in a child:

1 Self-soothing. Not enough love, cold distant relationship with mom. Increased anxiety.

2 Psychological relief. Too many demands, psychological overload, tough routine, too many activities. Neurosis.

3 Sexualization. Early conversations about intimate relationships. Parents flaunt their relationship, kiss, hug, talk about sex, watch movies in front of their children. They walk around half naked, touching each other and children in different places. Kiss on the lips. Wash the genitals thoroughly.

What to do? It is necessary to partially shift the child’s attention from masturbation to other things:

  • Come up with a joint activity so that the child feels attention, love, warmth.
  • Transfer fixation from the genitals to physical activity - sports, swimming pool, dancing.
  • Switch the eroticism that is “spread” throughout the body to combing your hair before bed.
  • Dress the child in loose underwear and maintain hygiene

You can go to a neurologist or child psychiatrist to take a course of medications that will reduce anxiety.

Voice mutation

In adolescents, the larynx grows and, under the influence of hormones, the vocal folds lengthen and thicken. The thyroid cartilage changes especially dramatically, forming the Adam's apple (Adam's apple). As a result, by the age of 14–16, the sonorous treble is replaced by a baritone (or tenor). But until the process is completed, the voice can “float”, either going to the lower levels, or breaking into the crow of a rooster. And if the growth of the larynx lags behind the growth of the skeleton, then a tall guy can still speak in a child’s voice.

Question answer

How to understand that a teenager has entered adolescence?

Correct reaction. Jokes aside - during this period, boys already have complexes about any reason. But warn your son: let him try not to strain his voice to avoid the appearance of so-called screamer's nodes, which can cause his voice to become hoarse. Protect the boy from colds and any strain on the ligaments - they can prolong the mutation. If your son is engaged in vocals, it is better for him to temporarily join the choir as a soloist. And if the mutation process is accompanied by voice failures or wheezing, then it is better not to take up singing at all. A voice that does not change for a long time is a reason to contact a phoniatrist, a doctor who will teach a teenager to speak “like an adult.”

Acne (pimples)

Androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands, so a teenager’s skin becomes oily and acne-prone.

Correct reaction. Buy special therapeutic and preventive cosmetics for problem skin, make sure that the teenager carefully observes hygiene, in the morning and at night he washes himself not with soap, but with antibacterial foam. Make sure that the boy does not squeeze pimples, and put alcohol toners away. If necessary, take your son to a dermatocosmetologist. Severe acne requires complex treatment.

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By the way

During puberty, half of the boys, due to the growth of hormones, develop gynecomastia - enlargement of the mammary glands of varying degrees of severity. For most guys, swollen breasts will “deflate” on their own in a year or two, when the hormonal storm subsides a little. But some teenagers will need help from a doctor.

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Ways to combat wet dreams

When considering possible options for how to get rid of wet dreams, it is necessary to take into account that it is impossible to completely protect yourself from such a phenomenon, but it is quite possible to minimize the frequency of involuntary erections. This is especially true for those who have not predominant nocturnal emissions, but daytime ones, which is associated with many inconveniences.

The following are basic recommendations that describe how to prevent the possibility of uncontrollable ejaculation:

  1. You should not wear too tight underwear: this provokes physical irritation of the penis;
  2. It is necessary to plan your daily routine in such a way that there is enough time for both physical and mental activities, as well as for rest and sleep. Early rise is recommended;
  3. Dousing yourself with cold water in the morning also reduces the likelihood of wet dreams during the day or at night;
  4. During the day and before going to bed, you should ventilate your living space;
  5. You should not eat before bed: your last meal should take place 3-4 hours before your night's rest. Portions should be moderate;

  1. You should sleep on a hard surface and cover yourself with a blanket that is not too warm;
  2. It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and regularly change underwear and bed linen;
  3. It is advisable to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  1. Exercising helps to expend more testosterone: this reduces the likelihood of wet dreams or daytime ejaculation;
  2. You should not watch erotic films before going to bed. Ejaculation in a dream can occur even if a man has watched a horror movie, since such videos cause excessive excitement and stimulation of the nervous system.

Specific treatment, provided there are no various pathologies, is not required. Some men believe that frequent wet dreams can be dealt with using sedatives. This should not be done, especially without a doctor’s recommendation.

Wet dreams in boys who are in adolescence can cause shame, anxiety, awkwardness, and isolation. That is why parents should explain to teenagers the mechanism of this phenomenon and suggest ways in which its frequency can be reduced.

The most effective way to get rid of wet dreams is to have regular sex.

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