Ureterocele in women: causes, symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods

The question often arises about what it is - ureterocele in women. A photo of the disease is not included for ethical reasons. Ureterocele is a disease associated with blocking of the bladder and urinary canal by swollen venous areas and tissue deposits - tumors, cysts. This phenomenon is often congenital in nature and is considered an anomaly in the development of the genitourinary system.


What is included in the list of minor and pathological anomalies in the development of MPS:

  1. Narrowing of the orifice of the ureter, provoked by the influence of intrauterine infection or other unfavorable factors.
  2. Lengthening of the intramural part of the ureter. Develops against the background of taking potent medications.
  3. Loss or insufficient number of muscle fibers in the middle part of the urinary tract.
  4. Violation of the contractile function of the genitourinary system.
  5. Changes in the structure of the bladder.

Acquired disorders of the urination process include:

  1. Prolapse of the uterus.
  2. Overstrain of the walls of the ureter as a result of the impact of heavy load on the ligamentous apparatus. Occurs when lifting and transporting heavy objects and sports loads.
  3. Hydronephrosis is stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis.
  4. Violation of vascular tone.


Ureterocele of the bladder in women is a disease associated with urinary retention due to an anatomical defect of the urinary tract, or more precisely, as a result of bulging of the veins of the intravesicular space of the ureter. Diagnosing this condition is quite difficult, but thanks to the collection of anamnestic data and conducting a screening study, ureterocele is easily differentiated from other diseases of the genitourinary system. The most common and characteristic complaints of patients with this diagnosis are:

  • Unpleasant sensations when urinating.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Change in urine color from dark yellow to dark brown, sometimes even dark burgundy with cloudy sediment.
  • Shooting in the lumbar area.
  • Increased body temperature without visible cold symptoms.
  • Discomfort or pain in the perineum.
  • Spasms and shooting when changing body position.

With complete closure of the urinary tract, patients exhibit signs of intoxication:

  • nausea, vomiting, change in skin color;
  • the stomach increases in size;
  • A foul-smelling, purulent, bright green discharge appears.

In this case, the body temperature is in the abnormally high range of 39.5–40 degrees, antipyretics do not have any effect or lower the temperature for a short time.


Diagnostic measures for establishing ureterocele include several main stages:

  • Collection of anamnestic data. The specialist carefully studies the medical history, trying to find the factors that provoked the development of such a complex pathology.
  • Visual inspection. With inflammation of the genitourinary system, redness and swelling of the genital organs are pronounced. The internal space of the vagina also shows obvious signs of inflammation.
  • Palpation. The condition of the female genital organs, ureters, and kidneys is checked.
  • Laboratory diagnostics:
  1. General clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  2. Bacterial culture of urine.
  3. Blood chemistry.
  • Hardware examination of the pelvic organs and kidneys:
  1. X-ray using a special contrast agent. A contrast agent is a naturally occurring dye. It is injected through a syringe into the venous system near the affected area. Thus, the place of the greatest accumulation of negative substances - toxins, adhesions and other pathological changes in the patient’s body become very clearly visible on an x-ray.
  2. Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. Photos of ureterocele in women on ultrasound can be seen above.
  3. Cystography and cystoscopy are the use of high-precision instruments to collect analytical data on the extent of damage to the genitourinary system.

What methods are used to detect the disease?

At the first signs, you should contact a urologist. Women first need to visit a gynecologist to rule out pathologies of the reproductive system.

During diagnosis, the doctor listens to the patient’s complaints and then conducts research. These include:

  • General urine analysis. Almost always, when a cyst appears, it contains bacteria, leukocytes, salts, red blood cells and protein.
  • General blood analysis. Helps to see the inflammatory response. With frequent bleeding, anemia may develop.
  • Ultrasound of the bladder. The shape of the bladder and kidneys can reveal the presence of cysts, stones, and pathologies.
  • Cystoscopy. Helps to see the cyst from the inside. To do this, the endoscope is inserted through the urinary canal into the bladder.

Cystography and fistulography are also used. But since most patients present in emergencies, there is little time for diagnosis.

Surgery for ureterocele in women

As a rule, such a pathology of the urinary tract as a ureterocele is a congenital anomaly; in some cases, a ureterocele is formed due to blockage of the ureter due to urolithiasis. In both cases, this condition, in the absence of timely medical care, can lead to acute inflammatory processes and chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder (for example, cystitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis). Today, in medical practice, only the surgical method is used to treat ureterocele. It is important to note that the decision on surgical intervention is made by the attending urologist after a thorough diagnosis.

After the patient is scheduled for surgery, a therapeutic course of antibiotics is administered. This will help minimize the development of inflammatory processes in the postoperative period.

The complexity, volume and scale of surgical intervention depend on the size of the ureterocele and the degree of development of the disease.

What kind of disease is this?

A cyst is a multilocular tumor that develops in the bladder area. This disease is dangerous because it can burst at any moment. To prevent this from happening, surgery is used.

At the very beginning, the tumor is small in size, but if germs or bacteria enter it, it can increase to 15 centimeters. If you suspect this neoplasm, you should contact a specialist; in this case, there is no need to self-medicate.

Transurethral puncture

If the pathology has not led to the development of pathological irreversible processes in the kidney and bladder, then treatment of ureterocele in women such as transurethral puncture is indicated. Such surgical intervention is usually performed on an outpatient basis, without admitting the patient to a hospital. The advantage of this method is that no traumatic surgical incisions are made; a medical cystoscope is inserted through the female urethra into the ureter, the ureterocele is cut and the contents are pumped out. The entire procedure takes no more than half an hour, and postoperative recovery proceeds quickly and without serious complications.

Features of a bladder cyst

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Cysts appear in the duct of the bladder, which is called the urachus. It can exist in the body for quite a long time without showing itself in any way.

This disease is more often diagnosed in men. If it is large in size, the cyst can be felt in the navel area. In women, it is most often detected by pain during menstruation. The same symptom in both men and women is the sensation of a full bladder, even after emptying it.

It is worth noting that depending on the stage of development, it manifests itself differently.

Open operations

Open abdominal operations on the ureters today are performed quite rarely, since abdominal incisions significantly slow down and complicate rehabilitation. In addition, to prevent the sutures from coming apart in the ureter, it is necessary to use an inserted internal catheter, which causes a lot of inconvenience for the woman. In the postoperative period, in order to prevent the development of inflammatory processes, an antibacterial course is recommended. It is important to note that, despite the forms and stages of ureterocele, this pathology has a good prognosis with timely surgical correction.

How to prevent its occurrence?

For the urinary tract to function properly, you should:

  • avoid prolonged exposure to frost;
  • monitor intimate hygiene;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • treat inflammatory processes in a timely manner.

Remember that the sooner a cyst is detected, the easier the treatment procedure will be. If it is detected at an early stage and there are no complications, everything can come down to drug therapy.


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Folk remedies

Any problems in the genitourinary system can not only greatly worsen the patient’s quality of life, but also provoke many complex diseases that are difficult to treat. The cyst-shaped pouch that appears with this disease causes constant urinary retention, but the patient may, at the same time, feel frequent urges. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that it gradually develops, new, more unpleasant symptoms appear, and after a while the patient may feel more pain.

I would immediately like to warn you that this disease is treated only in two main ways, one of which is medicinal, and the second is surgical. The choice of one or another treatment method will naturally depend on the patient’s condition, as well as on what stage of development the ureterocele is at.

As for folk remedies, it is impossible to cure this disease of the genitourinary system with their help; you can only relieve pain and some unpleasant symptoms. Moreover, before using any medicinal herbs for the treatment of ureterocele using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

Linden decoction

With the help of such a folk remedy, which has no side effects, you can eliminate pain, pain and constant burning in ureterocele. To prepare a healing infusion, you need to pour linden blossom (two tablespoons) into a saucepan, pour in boiling water (540 ml), then cook the mixture over low heat until it boils, continue cooking for another ten minutes. As soon as the linden decoction is completely ready, cool it, then strain and drink half a glass in the evening.

How does the treatment work?

In both sexes, the cyst is treated the same way. Often this problem cannot be corrected with medication. All painkillers and folk remedies are of short-term relief.

  • In acute forms of the disease, surgery is performed. During it, the bag is opened and its contents are removed, and drainage is carried out. If necessary, pus is removed from the abdominal cavity.
  • When during surgery it is discovered that the internal tissues are infected, the infected areas are removed. Ultraviolet irradiation and antiseptic treatment are carried out. This helps to avoid complications such as sepsis and peritonitis.
  • Surgery is contraindicated in the presence of foci of inflammation. In this case, conservative treatment is first used to remove it. Only then is surgery performed.

After the operation, the patient undergoes a course of treatment. Medicines are prescribed to eliminate foci of inflammation and quickly restore the body. It is also recommended to adhere to a diet.


Ureterocele is often diagnosed from birth, but there are also situations of rather late development. The disease progresses, and a tubercle forms on the affected part, which narrows the mouth of the ureter. A protrusion in the form of a cyst or ball harms the mucous membrane. Ultimately, chronic pyelonephritis is provoked and the excretory function is destroyed. Pathology can threaten with negative consequences:

  1. Hydronephrosis (dilation of the collecting system).
  2. Atrophy. Scars begin to appear on the tissues, and subsequently urine production ceases.
  3. Bleeding appears.
  4. Stones may form in the excretory tract.
  5. Pathology can cause renal failure (salt and water metabolism is disrupted).
  6. Cystitis, in which pain appears after urination.
  7. Arterial hypertension. Blood pressure rises and remains at the same level, and it is difficult to treat.
  8. The disease can cause inflammatory diseases in the kidneys.

Treatment involves complete removal of the organ or its reconstruction. Before performing an operation, it is imperative to carry out a procedure to eliminate pathogenic microbes in the urinary system.

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