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Folk recipes analogues of Viagra: centuries-tested recipes.

The name of pills that increase the quality and duration of sexual intercourse in men is heard by many, but those who are forced to use it first-hand know that it is an expensive pleasure. We offer an alternative to expensive pills - natural analogues of Viagra. Of course, such aphrodosiacs help those who do not have serious health problems and their goal is to improve their capabilities.

Note that these recipes will help increase libido not only in men, but also in women.

The essence of how Viagra and similar drugs work

The main active ingredient in tablets is sildenafil. It is this that promises a long and powerful effect, but it is precisely this that causes allergic reactions or side effects in a number of men. Yes, no one argues that the effect of the drug is strong and this is captivating, and there is also no need to spend a lot of time preparing - you take out a pill and you’re done! But remember, no medicine is perfect, and each has its own side effects. If you want to have the strength of a tiger without harming your health, then this article will be useful to you!

The essence of how Viagra and similar drugs work

It is worth noting that natural aphrodosics are weaker, but with a regular diet you will feel a surge of vitality and sexual energy.

Are watermelon seeds healthy?

Fans of traditional medicine claim that not only the berry itself is useful for increasing sexual libido. Watermelon seeds are no less useful in solving men's problems.

The positive effect of seeds is due to their chemical composition:

  • vitamin E;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium.

All these substances play a huge role in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. They significantly improve sperm quality in men. Zinc and selenium restore the production of germ cells. In the absence of these elements, cell productivity will be inferior.

How to replace Viagra for men at home?

So, the main products that increase the quality and duration of sexual intercourse:

  • Ginseng
  • Nettle
  • Asparagus
  • Parsley
  • Celery
  • Marine life (fish and fish products)
  • Honey and other bee products
  • Nuts
  • Bananas
  • Quail eggs
  • Lemons
  • Watermelons

Of course, if you prepare a table for a romantic dinner using these ingredients and expect a miracle, then yes, a miracle will not happen. But if you introduce these products into your regular diet, you will feel the first results within a few weeks!

How to replace Viagra for men at home?

What is Viagra

While working on a new heart medicine, scientists from an English company had no idea that they would create the first oral remedy to combat male erectile dysfunction. This helped to partially replace the previously used injections into the penis and other physiotherapeutic procedures. The tableted drug has different dosages, is used 15 minutes before sexual intercourse and prolongs male potency for a long time.

Viagra is available in the form of diamond-shaped blue tablets. “Pfizer” is applied to one side, and “VGR 25”, “VGR 50” or “VGR 100” is applied to the other side, depending on the dosage of the active substance sildenafil, represented by sildenafil citrate:

Sildenafil citrate, mg 35,112 70,225 140,45
Sildenafil, mg 25 50 100

According to the instructions, the auxiliary components are: microcrystalline cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate.


The active substance is absorbed through the small intestine and stimulates blood circulation. There is an effective flow of blood to the man's penis. The cavernous bodies are filled with it, as a result of which an increased erection occurs, the duration of which sometimes reaches several hours. However , you need to know that although the drug provides sexual arousal, it has contraindications for people suffering from heart disease. In addition, as practice shows, a change in light perception with a predominance of blue color may be observed.

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How to make an analogue of Viagra for men at home: folk recipes

The people had many recipes that helped men remain men until old age. After the popularization of tablets and the creation of a dubious aura over everything folk (what could uneducated people offer better than a world-famous pharmaceutical chemist?), folk recipes were unfairly forgotten. But they are the ones that help enhance male power without side effects.

We offer centuries-tested recipes:

  • Nettle. For the recipe we need 50 grams of dried nettle. For those who have summer cottages or those who like to relax in nature, the recipe is simply free, because you can collect and dry the nettles yourself. For everyone else, just visit the pharmacy near your home and buy a package of dried crushed leaves. Place 50 grams of dried nettle in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for a day and drink throughout the day. We prepare this tea every day and after 1.5-2 weeks we enjoy the changes!
  • Ginseng. The golden root of male power is revered in the east, because it helps preserve the youthful spirit until the last breath. For this decoction you will need 30 ml of ginseng extract or 100 grams of dry root. Pour 500 grams of warm water and let it brew for 2-3 days. Take the tincture one tablespoon before meals. You can add syrups, honey and even cinnamon for better digestibility.
  • Honey and nuts. Absolutely any nuts are suitable, from budget peanuts to delicious walnuts, cashews and loess nuts. The recipe is simple, like everything ingenious. Grind the nuts into 4 parts or smaller, as it suits you, and mix with honey so that each part of the nut is covered with honey. Just store in a cool place and eat instead of snacks! This composition will not only help in men's affairs, but will also increase vital energy and improve immunity;
  • Lemon and watermelon. This recipe is perfect for the summer. We simply prepare a smoothie from a lemon slice and 250 grams of watermelon pulp;
  • Celery. But here you should pay attention that potency is affected exclusively by fresh product, in salads, smoothies, or simply chopped and consumed during a snack. The range of recipes is so huge that you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one of them;
  • Beta carotene. And yes, in conclusion we will add not a product, but an active substance that has a beneficial effect on male strength. It is found in carrots, paprika, red bell peppers, and also in bitter peppers, especially in the “Ram Horn” variety.

Natural substitutes and their effects

There are many natural products that, consumed in their original or processed form, will help with erectile dysfunction.

These are aphrodisiacs in the form of herbs, fruits, vegetables, nuts and other foods. There are many folk recipes on how to make a Viagra substitute yourself.

This product, unlike sildenafil, is used regularly, and its effect is cumulative, but the result is lasting. We must remember that natural products can cause an allergic reaction, so you should choose the ingredients wisely.

Herbs, roots, plant fruits

The following have performed remarkably well as natural Viagra:

  1. Asparagus.
  2. Ginseng root.
  3. Celery.
  4. Nettle.
  5. Red root.
  6. Golden root.
  7. Calamus root.
  8. Fruits, berries - banana, watermelon, persimmon, lemon.
  9. Many seasonings - cinnamon, curry, garlic, ginger.
  10. Almost all nuts, but especially walnuts and cashews.


Some products act as aphrodisiacs - they increase desire and arousal:

  1. Sea fish, seafood (for example, oysters, mussels).
  2. Honey, bee products.
  3. Mushrooms.
  4. Quail eggs.
  5. Dark chocolate, cocoa

Exotic components

There are a number of interesting exotic components that are not very common in Russia, but people in other countries have been using them for many years to improve potency:

  1. Kumis (mare's milk) is usually consumed in Central Asian countries, where it is common.
  2. Frog juice, frog legs. Residents of Peru add juice to their food and drinks. The French are very fond of frog legs. They are believed to contain a lot of protein necessary for sperm production.
  3. Rennet, or camel stomach.
  4. Snake blood, scorpion tincture.
  5. Sea urchin caviar. Since ancient times, people in the east have used this method to restore an erection. It is not surprising, but the discovery belongs to Russian scientists.
  6. Tiger soup. Exotic Chinese soup made from the genital organ of this predator.

Folk, natural Viagra for men from nettle and honey: recipe

And one more recipe with nettles. But it is worth paying attention that constant use of nettle increases blood pressure, which has a good effect on manhood, but can let us down if the man is hypertensive. You should take 2-3 tablespoons before each meal (and you should eat 4-5 times a day in small portions), as well as before sexual intercourse.

Folk, natural Viagra for men from nettle and honey: recipe

So the recipe is simple:

  • Fill a package (100 grams) of dried nettle with a glass of boiling water and close it in a thermos for 12 hours;
  • Open the thermos, let the infusion cool slightly (until warm) and add 2 tablespoons of fresh honey;
  • Crush and drink throughout the day, dividing into equal portions.

Garlic tincture

Men who do not have problems with blood pressure, as well as kidney and liver failure, can use such an affordable and proven remedy as garlic tincture. It is made with alcohol or vodka, taken 2-3 times a day, 10-15 drops. A minimum of effort is required to make the tincture:

  1. Peeled garlic (300 g) is crushed using a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting slurry is poured with a glass of vodka or alcohol and infused in a dark place for three weeks.
  3. The liquid is filtered through gauze folded in several layers, poured into a convenient container and consumed according to the mentioned scheme.

An alcohol tincture with rennet is made using a similar recipe. However, dried camel stomachs, which are required for its preparation, are quite difficult to find in regular stores, so the product is not particularly popular.

List of products that replace Viagra for men

Firstly, I would like to note that without a complete healthy diet and, albeit minimal, physical activity, the body is unlikely to absorb natural aphrodisiacs well. And accordingly, you shouldn’t expect a good result in this case.

It is also worth noting that the products are not a strong chemical substance and there will not be an immediate result either. For results, you need to include these products in your daily diet.

List of products that replace Viagra for men

So, in addition to the aphrodisiacs listed above, you should include in your diet:

  • Lean meat;
  • Sea fish, especially red ones;
  • Legumes: beans, peas, lentils, nud;
  • Strawberries, currants, cherries in season;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Dairy products.

We hope our article helped to fully illuminate the topic of natural aphrodisiacs and the principles of their action. And after reading this article, you will be able to increase your potency without harming your health and receive the highest pleasure from life!

The benefits of watermelon for men

It is worth noting that not many have heard about the power of the large red berry. However, the healing properties of watermelon were known back in ancient times. It was used not only to increase potency, but also to eliminate various other diseases. The entire effect of the product lies in its rich and unique composition. There are several important and useful substances that make up watermelon:

  • Lycopene is a microelement that accelerates metabolism and promotes facial skin rejuvenation. The substance also significantly increases sexual libido.
  • Citrulline - this element is considered the most important component to restore male strength. After some time, citrulline is converted into the amino acid arginine. The latter directs all nutritional compounds and oxygen to the tissues of the main male organ. As a result, an erection appears and sexual intercourse becomes much longer.

In addition, red berries actively remove waste and toxins from the body. This property also helps in solving the problem of potency.

Causes of impotence in men

Often, problems with erectile function are associated with poor blood circulation and congestive processes in the pelvic area. This is due to:

  • sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity;
  • poor nutrition with increased consumption of junk food (fast food, preservatives, smoked foods, fried, spicy foods);
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • inflammatory diseases that remain for a long time without proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The unhealthy lifestyle that most modern men lead has an extremely negative effect on potency. To correct the situation and maintain the body’s strength, it is necessary to improve nutrition, get regular moderate physical activity, give up bad habits and undergo timely medical examination.

Watermelons for potency help improve the quality of intimate life. No wonder they are called natural Viagra. Indeed, the pulp of these fruits contains many useful elements that are suitable for home therapy and the prevention of sexual disorders.

Nuts, chocolate, seafood, onions, garlic, strawberries, spices, avocado, red caviar - all these products are powerful aphrodisiacs that are advisable to be consumed immediately before sex by both men and women. It is possible to say that watermelon and potency are interconnected. But it does not intensify love passion and does not inflame desire if consumed on the eve of the night of love. Moreover, a diuretic effect will work, suppressing the joy of intimacy.

The action of the juicy fruit will only be effective if consumed regularly over a long period of time. Initially, the melon pulp will help cleanse the intestines and accumulate vitamins. In the future, the level of nitric oxide in the bloodstream will increase, which will have a positive effect on the heart and immune system. The vessels will dilate, and thanks to the powerful influx of hemalymph to the pelvis, the erection will become stronger.

Many experts are now talking about the benefits of citrulline for potency. In addition to melons, it is also found in other products, for example, liver. Watermelon and libido are hardly compatible concepts, since its diuretic properties significantly exceed those of an aphrodisiac. But it perfectly cleanses the body and promotes the functioning of the circulatory and cardiac systems.

  1. I noticed that after I eat watermelon, I get an erection at night. I asked the doctor, and he confirmed that it actually contains substances that enhance erection. Now I try to eat it as often as possible. Alexey, 22 years old.
  2. I heard that watermelon juice with lemon is very useful for potency. I decided to check it out for myself. I didn’t notice any particular results, although I drank it every day until the season ended. I recently found watermelon seed oil at the pharmacy, I’ll try that too. Mikhail, 32 years old.
  3. There is an opinion that watermelon seeds are useful for potency due to vitamins and microelements. But I do not recommend that my patients consume them in large quantities. The seeds clog the intestines, and to avoid this, they should be eaten crushed, no more than 14 pieces per day. Andrey Anatolyevich, family doctor.

Is watermelon good for potency? Many people are interested in it. Especially those who do not like this fruit. The aromatic pulp and its other parts have a beneficial effect on the body. But if there is no particular desire to consume them, you can replace the watermelon with another melon crop, for example, melon.

Among the many reasons that lead to impotence are problems with blood circulation. In recent years, this disorder has been observed in men more and more often, and the following factors have a significant impact on this:

  • car use;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • living in poor environmental conditions;
  • passive rest.

An unhealthy lifestyle and low physical activity have a significant impact on men's health. In order to avoid problems with erectile function, you need to eat right and pay attention to exercise. In addition, watermelon remedies, which can be prepared at home, are considered an effective auxiliary measure in the fight against impotence.

Various pathologies of the heart and vascular system cause increased fragility and blockage of blood vessels, which disrupts the normal movement of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis. With further progression of the pathology, erectile dysfunction develops, which affects the psychological state of the man. With the help of watermelon, it is possible not only to increase potency, but also to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Many experts call the berry real Viagra, with the help of which it is possible to increase male erection. The effect of watermelon on potency is due to the fact that it contains a substance such as citrulline. Due to this amino acid, the body activates the production of arginine, which serves as the main donor of nitric oxide.

Watermelon for potency in men contains various vitamins and minerals, with the help of which it is possible to remove accumulated toxins and waste from the body. In addition, the body's defenses are increased and pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed.

Many men are concerned about the question of whether watermelon is good for potency. Thanks to vitamins, it is possible to prevent the development of various inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system and enhance the natural process of producing enzymes that restore potency.

Many experts say that watermelon seeds contain a large amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements. However, they do not recommend eating them, as they can cause intestinal blockage. If a man still wants to increase potency with their help, then it is better to grind them first and eat no more than 12–13 pieces per day.

Studies have confirmed that watermelon has a positive effect on the condition of sperm and increases their motility. The berry contains substances that can increase erection in men. It is for this reason that many men experience sexual arousal after eating watermelon.

Men have different perceptions of berries for increasing erection, and there are positive reviews about watermelon and lemon for potency.

Arthur, 45 years old, Sochi: “I often eat watermelon and prepare various dishes from it. My wife and I eat this berry before sex in combination with lemon, and sexual arousal immediately appears. I believe that watermelon increases potency and helps prolong sexual intercourse.”

Oleg, 34 years old, St. Petersburg: “In the summer I eat watermelons almost every day, but I have not observed any changes in potency. It’s not getting better, but it’s not getting worse either.”

Both internal malfunctions in the genital organs and external provoking factors can affect erection. A decrease in sexual activity most often occurs under the influence of:

  • a tendency to physical inactivity - many male office workers are forced to sit near a computer screen the entire working day, without even being distracted by a walk to the coffee machine;
  • uncorrected diet – predominance of fatty, fried foods, with sauces, fast food in the menu;
  • the presence of bad individual habits – abuse of nicotine and alcohol products;
  • constant stress and psycho-emotional overload - an abundance of negative information from TV screens, from printed publications, quarrels at work;
  • depressive disorders are congenital features of the innervation system that determine the initial nervous excitability;
  • mature cardiovascular pathologies – atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease.

Most acquired external factors are completely correctable - men just need to change their lifestyle to regain their sexual power. Watermelon will provide them with additional help for potency - if it is regularly present on the table.

We suggest you read: Garlic and onions to strengthen potency

In countries where the striped berry grows, the question of whether watermelon is good for potency does not arise. It is called natural "Viagra". After all, it unobtrusively and gently influences the very mechanisms of male erection.

Thanks to the large amount of the amino acid ciruline in watermelon tissue, the onset of erection occurs faster and more powerfully - due to the activation of nitric oxide. It is he who is responsible for the relaxation of the cavernous bodies in the penis - the volume of blood to them increases. This will be the basis for full sexual intercourse.

If you regularly use watermelons for potency, then in addition to the genitals, a positive effect will be exerted on other internal organs. Thus, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is corrected - the intestines will be cleansed of toxins, and its motility will be normalized. This will also have a good effect on the condition of the pelvic organs. Microelements will improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, which will help prolong sexual intercourse by increasing a man’s stamina.

I recently read that you can improve your erection by drinking cocktails with watermelon juice. I decided to check it out for myself - all summer I drank similar drinks with different compositions every day. Indeed, libido has increased, as has stamina in bed.

I never thought that ordinary watermelons could improve sexual performance. A friend suggested a simple recipe to me - 300-500 g of watermelon pulp per day and your libido will be like in your youth. And in the winter months - tea with watermelon jam. I have already noticed a positive result - my partner is happy and fully satisfied.

I have always believed that complaints about decreased potency are the lot of those who do not take care of their health. However, I also had to find out what misfires are in bed. I didn’t want to go to the pharmacy to get pills. I read on the Internet that you can regain your excellent libido with watermelons. I began to use them regularly and my intimate affairs improved.

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