Brown discharge from the urethra

Almost every woman has had to deal with white vaginal discharge. Most often, white discharge is considered normal and does not cause concern in women. Why do they appear? Should I worry? Gynecologists warn that sometimes even seemingly harmless leucorrhoea can be an indicator of a serious pathological process.


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What is leucorrhoea?

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Leucorrhoea is a vaginal discharge similar in consistency to egg white, which a woman usually notices on her underwear. Regular mucous discharge, which changes its consistency during the menstrual cycle, is not in itself considered a dangerous symptom. It is bad if the leucorrhoea is yellow, gray or red in color, has an unpleasant odor, or is released in large quantities. These are symptoms that indicate serious changes in the body that cannot be ignored.

Causes of white vaginal discharge

Physiological factors

The appearance of discharge from the genital tract (leucorrhoea) is caused by the secretion of glands located in the vestibule of the vagina, the cervix. They produce a small amount of transparent mucus without a specific odor, but under the influence of sex hormones, the color and consistency of the secretion changes - it becomes light milky and viscous. If such discharge bothers you constantly or white discharge with a subjectively unpleasant odor occurs, you should seek medical help. The most common natural causes of whitish secretion from the vagina:

  • Second half of the menstrual cycle
    . A few days before the start of menstruation, scanty white, thick, odorless discharge, similar to glue, is observed. Leucorrhoea usually has a light milky color, less often a slight yellowish tint is noticeable.
  • Sexual intercourse
    . To facilitate penetration into the vagina during sexual arousal, a large amount of viscous white mucus is produced. This secretion has a specific aroma, which is not considered a sign of a painful condition.
  • Pregnancy
    . After 12-13 weeks of gestation, changes occur in the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs, the epithelium is renewed, and therefore white discharge is observed. A sour smell indicates pathological causes of the symptom.

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush)

With vaginal candidiasis, women notice a copious discharge of heterogeneous consistency with a sour odor, which in appearance resembles grains of cottage cheese. An increase in the amount of discharge is caused by sexual intercourse and water procedures. In the chronic process, patients complain of scanty cheesy discharge about a week before menstruation; with the onset of menstruation, the white discharge stops. A typical symptom is a combination of redness of the skin of the labia majora and minora, perineal itching, pain, and pain when urinating.

Genital tuberculosis

White discharge with a faint odor may indicate damage to the fallopian tubes and other parts of the reproductive system by Koch's bacilli. The discharge is scanty, thick, its appearance is not associated with the menstrual cycle. For most women, the interval between menstruation lengthens; young patients complain of the inability to become pregnant. White discharge in genital tuberculosis occurs against a background of mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen and low-grade body temperature.

Complications of pharmacotherapy

A common cause of whitish discharge with an unpleasant odor is taking medications that reduce local immunity in the vagina (antibiotics, corticosteroids). Vaginal discharge appears 5-7 days after the start of antibiotic therapy. White discharge is combined with itching in the vagina and perineum, painful sexual intercourse. Pathological secretions are associated with disruption of the vaginal flora and intensive proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. The causes of leucorrhoea during treatment with glucocorticoids are immunosuppression and activation of opportunistic flora.

When can white discharge be a symptom of pathology?

The main symptom of the pathological process is a change in the normal color of the discharge. They may take on a green tint, become gray, pink, or even bloody. At the same time, an unusual pungent odor is felt. Such symptoms indicate inflammation or other pathological processes in the woman’s reproductive system. In addition, the following can provoke such a reaction in the body:

  • microtrauma and perineal rupture;
  • douching with disinfectant solutions;
  • prolapse of the vaginal walls.

Often atypical discharge is accompanied by unbearable itching. This is a clear sign of illness that should force a woman to see a doctor. Often itching and burning of the genitals accompanies thrush, in which the leucorrhoea acquires a cheesy consistency and a creamy hue, with a specific smell of yeast.

During trichomoniasis (an infectious disease of the genitourinary system), the mucus becomes foamy, gray or yellow-green in color. There is also discomfort caused by severe itching in the genitals.

In addition to pathological discharge, a man will be bothered by other symptoms:

  • Urinary problems;
  • Cutting pain in the perineum and lower abdomen;
  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • General discomfort and increased irritability.

In order to accurately identify the cause of the appearance of pathological discharge from the male urethra, the doctor prescribes a series of studies - bacteriological study of the discharge under a microscope, a bacterioscopic method that allows not only to grow a colony of pathogens on a nutrient medium, but also to determine their sensitivity to antibiotics.

Types of leucorrhoea

Depending on the place of formation, leucorrhoea is classified into the following types:

  • Vaginal
    . They usually appear after suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Discharge in this case can be the result of transudation (leakage of the liquid part of the blood) into the lumen of the vagina, caused by mechanical or chemical effects on the mucous membrane of the organ. During the oncological process, vaginal discharge can be sanguineous.
  • Cervical
    . Symptoms of diseases of the cervix, endocrine system, tuberculosis. Depending on the origin, they may contain pus or blood impurities. With cervical cancer, leucorrhoea usually has a liquid consistency.
  • Uterine
    . The appearance of uterine leucorrhoea indicates endometritis or tumors. The acute course of endometritis is accompanied by purulent discharge, and the chronic form is watery. With cancer of the uterine body, the uterine discharge is watery, and during the disintegration of the tumor it becomes red-gray in color.
  • Pipe.
    Tubal discharge is usually watery and yellow in color. Tubal leucorrhoea appears due to cancer of the fallopian tube. Their consistency is watery with an admixture of blood. This disease is quite rare and is the result of advanced inflammation of the cervix or fallopian tubes.

Treatment of white discharge in women

If leucorrhoea is detected, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct laboratory diagnostics and prescribe a treatment regimen. Do not forget that gynecology implies an individual approach. Therefore, only a gynecologist can prescribe the correct treatment that can help you.

Depending on the reasons for the appearance of white discharge in women, your doctor may prescribe you:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • baths;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • physiotherapy.

Causes of leucorrhoea

If a woman has excessive discharge from the genital tract, white with a yellow-green tint, an unpleasant odor and an admixture of pus or blood, a pathology is definitely developing in the body. Such discharge is usually accompanied by burning, itching and a constant feeling of wetness in the genital area. The most common causes are inflammation, neoplasms (malignant/benign), infections, diabetes mellitus and poor intimate hygiene.

Infectious factors that can provoke pathological white vaginal discharge include:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis.

With age, the body changes, new diseases appear due to a sharp change in female hormones, which can also cause the appearance of pathological white discharge. Another reason for the appearance of unusual leucorrhoea is a change in sexual partner. This is due to a change in the usual microflora and the invasion of the bacterial environment of a new sexual partner.

Why does brown discharge appear from the urethra?

Normally, a man's urethra produces a liquid mucous secretion. Its quantity increases sharply with sexual arousal. Special urethral glands are responsible for its production. Women do not have such a mechanism, so the appearance of any discharge from the mucous membrane is not typical for them.

But if they still appear, and even more so have such an unusual color, this clearly indicates the presence of some problems. First of all, you can suspect the following factors:

  • Venereal diseases. Gonorrhea and chlamydia in men manifest themselves primarily with the appearance of profuse purulent discharge from the urethra. When exposed to air, leaving the urethra, the pus may become darker, acquiring a brownish tint. Such discharge has a thick creamy structure and an unpleasant odor; the process of urination can be accompanied by pain, pain and burning.
  • Hematorrhea. The brown color of the discharge may be due to the presence of blood in it. If this process occurs outside of urination, it means that blood is being released from the urethra. The reasons for this may be tumors and polyps of the urethra, injuries due to recent medical procedures (insertion of a catheter, taking a smear, cystoscopy). In such cases, you may notice small scabs of dried blood near the urethra or bloody discharge from it.

These are the most likely causes of brown discharge from the urethra . And, apart from mechanical injuries, which quickly pass, they are serious diseases that need to be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible.

Why see a doctor?

The doctor first assesses the nature of the discharge and interviews the patient. A gynecological examination and tests (blood, smear) are prescribed. The absence or presence of swelling, inflammation, and other pronounced symptoms that can be determined during the examination are taken into account. If necessary, a rectal or bimanual vaginal examination is performed.

To avoid the appearance of unusual vaginal discharge, it is first of all important to observe good personal hygiene and not be promiscuous. Attentive attention to nutrition and the use of medications is another step towards women's health. Every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once a year for preventive purposes.

At the Diana Medical Center, each patient can receive professional advice from an experienced gynecologist, undergo comprehensive diagnostics and a course of individually selected treatment. Professionalism, modern equipment and affordable prices are the main advantages of the Diana multidisciplinary clinic.

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What does the discharge mean?

Brown discharge

Brown discharge after menstruation or during another period of the cycle should be treated very carefully! A brown, brownish tint to the liquid clearly indicates bloody or bloody additions to the mucus. And this in turn may indicate violations. These include endometritis, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, polyp, detachment of the ovum, ectopic pregnancy.

Discharge in large clots during menstruation

Bend of the cervix, blood clotting disorder - tendency to blood clots, hypovitaminosis of B vitamins, pathological process in the uterus (polyp, endometriosis, fibroids). Also, similar discharge occurs if a woman has an intrauterine device.

Thin, watery, dirty-colored discharge

Such discharge after or before menstruation may indicate chronic endometritis, chronic endocervicitis.

White discharge

White discharge indicates an infection or inflammatory process.

Mucus discharge is white or transparent with white streaks

Such discharge at the end of the cycle, before menstruation, is evidence of cervical erosion, cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal).

White discharge with a sour odor

Thrush (candidiasis). Associated symptoms: itching, discomfort in the genital area. But these signs may not exist.

White, greenish or grayish discharge

Gardnerellosis (vaginal dysbiosis). This disease is characterized by a filmy discharge, usually accompanied by a fishy odor.

Yellow, yellow-green vaginal discharge

Bacterial infection.

Foamy vaginal discharge

Such discharge is characteristic of the acute stage of trichomoniasis; over time, the symptoms may subside, but the infection will remain. Diagnosis is made based on a smear.

Pink discharge like diluted blood

Ichor with an unpleasant odor, usually before and after menstruation, speaks of chronic endometritis or endocervicitis.

Scarlet spotting

Cervical erosion, endocervicitis, if such discharge occurs several days before menstruation.

Scarlet spotting during pregnancy

Detachment of the ovum or placenta, threat of miscarriage.

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