Okapin for vision and eyes: the best drops for use at home!

Very often, during the period of conscious life, a person subjects his visual organs to significant and regular loads. This undoubtedly negatively affects eye health and is one of the main reasons for the development of eye diseases. In order to have good vision in old age, it is necessary to take care of your eyes from a young age. Today on the pharmaceutical market there are many special medications that help nourish and normalize the metabolic processes of the eyes. Such medications are called vitamin eye drops, but this is not a very correct name. As a rule, in addition to vitamins, they contain a whole range of mineral and organic substances.

Undoubtedly, a person who looks at a computer monitor for more than six hours a day should pay attention to the state of his vision. Vitamin eye drops are ideal for this. Okapin belongs to this group of drugs.

The eye drops are made in Russia. The drug is the result of many years of work by professionals from ophthalmological hospitals in Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov and Novosibirsk.

Okapin eye drops, according to doctors, have a unique composition. They are made from natural ingredients, so they do not cause adverse reactions. In fact, the drug is a dietary supplement. The mechanism of action of these drops is aimed at maintaining health and preventing diseases of the eyeball.

Composition and release form

Okapin eye drops are a colorless solution. They are packaged in polymer dropper bottles of 10 milliliters. Inside the cardboard packs there is an annotation for use and a full description of the medicine. The drug contains the following components:

  • natural honey;
  • aloe extract;
  • lycopene;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride);
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

The composition of Okapin eye drops can be found in the annotation.

pharmachologic effect

Aloe extract has antibacterial and antiviral effects. It is also able to eliminate inflammation and exhibit antioxidant properties. Experts believe that aloe extract makes cells more resistant to various damaging factors and facilitates their regeneration.

Natural bee honey consists of a huge amount of biologically active substances. It is a very powerful antioxidant. Honey is able to protect the vessels of the eyeball, i.e. it has angioprotective properties. It has a very strong antibacterial and antiviral effect. Bee honey contains a lot of useful organic compounds and microelements. Thanks to these properties, this natural product supplies the cells of the cornea with nutrition and restores the functions of the most important organ of our perception of the world around us. Reviews from doctors about Okapin eye drops are available in large quantities.

Lycopene is a very powerful antioxidant. It protects the tissue of the eyeball from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to these properties, it improves metabolism in the cells of the eyeball. This component is very useful for those people who regularly expose their eyes to flickering computer monitors or TV screens. It slows down the processes of cataract development and cell aging.

Okapin eye drops contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​and B9 (folic acid). They are very important for our body because they are involved in energy production and metabolism. B vitamins often take part in most biochemical reactions that occur in all cells of the human body. Without them, the nervous system could not function normally, and visual impulses from the retina would not be able to enter the brain. The price of "Okapina" interests many.

Vitamin B2 is part of a complex that protects the retina from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Riboflavin deficiency in humans is manifested by the development of photophobia and impaired blood supply to the visual pathways. Also, with a lack of this substance, keratitis, conjunctivitis and cataracts can occur.

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine hydrochloride, is involved in the conversion of light signals into nerve impulses, and is also a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Folic acid also has a cytoprotective effect. This is confirmed by doctors’ reviews of Okapin eye drops.

The drug contains an antiseptic substance – benzalkonium chloride. It has powerful antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral effects.

What is Okapin for vision and eyes?

Okapin is a multivitamin liquid concentrate with aloe and natural honey, which is indicated for many disorders of the visual organs:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataracts;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • inflammation of the lacrimal canal;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • frequent overstrain of muscle fibers.

Experienced ophthalmologists took part in the production of innovative drops. As a result, an effective product was created, which differs from its analogues in its high effectiveness and safety. This is an excellent replacement for contact lenses, glasses and laser correction.

Indications for use of the drug

According to the instructions, Okapin eye drops are prescribed for the complex treatment of various diseases of the organ of vision. Its use is advisable in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • all types of cataracts;
  • decreased quantity or quality of natural tears (dry eye syndrome);
  • all clinical forms of glaucoma;
  • farsightedness and myopia;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • impaired adaptation of the eye to night light;
  • all forms of diabetic retinopathy;
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelids);
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • opacification of the vitreous fibers;
  • chalazion.

Eye drops also help strengthen the muscles of the oculomotor system. The drug is often prescribed as part of a complex treatment of the organ of vision during the recovery period after various injuries. It has a positive effect on age-related changes in the tissues of the eyeball. Eye drops "Okapin" are also indicated for use with dystrophic changes in the eye of various causes.

Okapin eye drops

Okapin eye drops are known to a considerable number of people thanks to freely distributed literature. In our information age, information has begun to play a completely different role, namely to mislead people and create doubts about seemingly obvious things. If previously information was checked and moderated, it could be trusted, but now it is used for the purposes of specific groups of people to promote certain products. In many ways, this approach has changed the situation in all spheres of life, including in the medicinal field, where real collapse reigns, especially for an unprepared person. Various miracle remedies appear that offer a guaranteed solution to the problem without resorting to expensive treatment or surgery, which bribes people and forces them to make an unnecessary and useless purchase, enriching scammers and pseudo doctors. According to statistics, the largest number of sales of counterfeit drugs is observed in the areas of weight loss, vision and men's health. The topic of our next conversation will be eye drops, which, according to applicants, can eliminate a lot of serious problems in this area. Let's look specifically at Okapin eye drops, the scope of application of this product, its composition, and also how much Okapin drops cost . This is a fairly new solution that has appeared in the last 7-9 years thanks to intrusive advertising and paid reviews. The drug, according to the proposed complaint, represents a new generation of drops for instillation into the eye sac and treating a huge number of eye ailments. If we look at the composition, we can see honey, aloe extract, lycopene and B vitamins. This is all extremely interesting, but what connection there is with eye diseases is extremely difficult to trace. According to the assurances of the sellers and the information offered in the description regarding the “medicine okapin”, this product can be used for glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, farsightedness, dry eye syndrome, redness of the eyes due to excessive fatigue, conjunctivitis, diabetic retinopathy, keratitis, retinal dystrophy. The list is very impressive and impressive, and in any case, almost every person over the age of 40 has something from this list, which a priori makes it necessary for most of us.

Now about the most interesting thing, or rather about the advisability of using these drops to treat the diseases listed above. Our specialists made a test purchase and purchased two units of this miracle product. Notable and most important is the fact that this drug is not included in the list of medicinal products and the registry, therefore it is not sold in pharmacies and cannot be considered a medicine initially. These products are distributed by the company Fitomax, also known as Apiphytogroup, and also a scientific production company. This is done through online stores, traveling fairs, and simply by company representatives visiting people and selling these products into their hands. The cost of okapin drops varies, and we bought one product for 650 rubles, and the second for 530 rubles. On average, the price range is 250-400 rubles per unit.

Having familiarized ourselves with this drug, we found completely different instructions inside, which clearly stated that these are not eye drops at all, but the most ordinary eye tonic, intended for the care of the eyes and the skin areas around them, in other words, eye drops Okapin is nothing more than an ordinary cosmetic product, the cost of which cannot exceed 100 rubles, and any therapeutic effect from its use is obviously absent. Information about okapin eye drops is disseminated through radio broadcasts, where a pseudo-doctor repeatedly repeats the same information using various examples. The information presented on the Internet offers the same article, multiplied many times and focusing on the components of the product that have no connection with eye diseases; you can also find free printed publications like the Health Bulletin, which provide deliberately false information and blatant advertising with links to non-existent medical institutions in Cheboksary and doctors' associations. This product has a very affordable price, like Fedorov’s aloe eye drops, which allows scammers to receive money from vulnerable groups of the population (pensioners, disabled people, people with disabilities), so we urge you to be careful and not order or buy such products on the Internet and from third parties. Finally, I would like to say that in the treatment of such complex diseases as glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, the use of eye drops is inappropriate due to the fact that degenerative changes occur in the eye and its tissues, and drops simply cannot radically change anything there. The only correct option for solving such problems is surgery, and even in this situation, not a single ophthalmologist can guarantee that everything will go smoothly and you will regain your vision. Such products, sold without certificates of conformity and real testing, drive the person who bought it into an even more difficult situation, delaying or negating the opportunity to regain their vision. Be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived; do not buy dubious drugs over the Internet from third parties. If they are not in the pharmacy, then most likely it is another counterfeit.

In contact with


Interaction with other drugs

Clinical studies to identify the interaction of Okapin eye drops with other medications have not been conducted. However, they are known to be able to be absorbed by the surface of contact lenses. It is for this reason that it is recommended to remove contact lenses before using the drug. Thirty minutes after the drip injection of the solution, you can put the lenses back in.

Due to the fact that there is no data on the effect of the drug "Okapin" on the development of the embryo and newborn baby, pregnant and lactating women should consult with an ophthalmologist about the safety and advisability of such treatment before using the drug.

Analogues of eye drops "Okapin"

Eye drops have several analogues that act as dietary supplements. These drugs are:

  • "Adgelon".
  • "Lakrisifi."
  • "Oxyal".
  • "Hilozar-chest of drawers."

These analogues have features similar to Okapin. "Angelon" is used for eye injuries to heal and restore cell integrity. "Hilozar-komod" is an ophthalmic drug used to moisturize the eyes.

"Lakrisifi" helps to moisturize and protect the organ of vision. Oxial also has a similar effect.


There are no drops that fully correspond to Okopin. But there are products on sale that are similar in composition: Master Gene, Oftanormin No1, Focus .

Among the vitaminizing agents that have a supportive effect, like Okopin, are: Lutein-Complex, Visiobalance Opti, Vitrum Vision. Reviews of stillavit are located here.

All these products also belong to dietary supplements and are not medications. It is quite clear that it is impossible to cure ophthalmic diseases with their help. Analogues of okutiarz can be found on our website.

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