Bruises in the corner of the eyes at the bridge of the nose: causes

Anatomical structure of facial skin

Sometimes bruises around the eyes are genetic.
The cause of dark circles in this case is thin skin with a network of capillaries shining through it. The structural feature is usually noticeable from birth (most often in the form of a bluish or greenish tint closer to the inner corner of the eye) and can be aggravated due to allergic reactions, improper skin care, and prolonged exposure to the sun.

People with deep-set eyes and fair skin are most prone to bruising.

It is impossible to eliminate such dark circles using traditional methods (a healthy lifestyle, nourishing masks). In this case, the most justified is the use of cosmetic products: concealer, whitening creams, salon procedures.

How to get rid of trouble

How to treat and remove a black eye? Before taking any action, try to figure out the cause of dark circles and puffiness on your own. Maybe you:

  • did not get enough sleep for several days in a row;
  • ate salted or smoked fish in the evening;
  • drank too much liquid due to the heat;

Is one of these reasons the case? Try to solve the problem using traditional methods. If you do not understand why the condition of the skin under your eyes has worsened, be sure to visit a doctor. A comprehensive examination will reveal the cause of the cosmetic defect. Sometimes these are serious pathologies of the kidneys or thyroid gland.

What to do? After establishing a diagnosis and finding out the cause of bruises under the eyes, follow the doctor’s recommendations. The specialist will suggest suitable methods to solve the problem and prescribe ointments for bruises. Check out these tips and maybe you'll discover new ways to combat dark circles and bags under your eyes.

Hemorrhage around the eyes causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Hemorrhage around the eyes is a disorder of the visual system with damage to the blood vessels of the eye and the formation of a cavity filled with blood.

Bleeding occurs in the retinal tissue, vitreous body, anterior chamber of the eye, under the conjunctiva. Occurs due to injury, blunt trauma to the eyeball, a blow to the head, or the introduction of a foreign body.

It can be a consequence of a wide range of diseases of the eyes, skin, blood vessels, blood, nervous system, endocrine gland.

Causes of bleeding around the eyes

In 15-18% of all cases, hemorrhage around the eyes is associated with a violation of the integrity of the vessels of the visual organ due to mechanical damage, eye injury, contusion, burn, foreign body, severe blow to the head, shaking, especially in newborns. In other cases, a hematoma in the eye is an informative sign of pathologies such as:

Reasons why hemorrhage occurs in the eye include hypothermia or exposure to high temperature, allergies, suffocation, heavy lifting, pushing during childbirth and constipation, vitamin C deficiency, and previous eye surgeries.

Types of hemorrhage around the eyes

Externally, many red dots or segmental redness of a bright red color are determined. Depending on the mechanism of occurrence and the severity of the damage, other symptoms are observed: clouding, discomfort or pain, photophobia, “spots” before the eyes, black or red shadows appearing.

Classification of hemorrhage around the eyes is carried out taking into account the location of the rupture of the vessel into the following types:

  • subconjunctival bleeding or hyposphagma - blood seeps into the cavity between the sclera and the conjunctiva. At the beginning, the hemorrhages are red in color, later they spread and become yellow, blue, green, looking like a bruise on the eye. This is a painless and harmless condition that often goes away without treatment within 10-14 days;
  • hyphema - blood is detected in the anterior chamber of the eye between the cornea and iris as a result of injury, rupture of blood vessels, or eye disease. Characterized by decreased visual acuity, painful sensitivity to light, the appearance of a “veil”, “floaters” before the eyes, partial or complete loss of vision;
  • Vitreous hemorrhage - there is an accumulation of blood and blood clots in the areas around and inside the vitreous. It occurs as a complication of diabetes mellitus due to vitreous detachment, rupture or tear of the retina. Symptoms include floaters appearing in the field of vision, blurred vision;
  • intravitreal hemorrhage or hemophthalmos - the vitreous cavity is filled with blood. It manifests itself as floating black or red clouding before the eyes, fog, decreased visual acuity, and pain.

Recognition of hemorrhage in the eye, the severity of damage, and the mechanism of occurrence is made by an ophthalmologist, taking into account the medical history, external signs and complaints of the patient, and additional laboratory and instrumental research methods. During the initial visit, the eye structure is examined using biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, and a special illuminator - a diaphanoscope. The ability of the eye to see at various distances is assessed, and intracranial pressure is measured.

In order to visualize inflammatory and degenerative changes in the anatomical structures of the eye, developmental anomalies, consequences of injuries, tumors, the following is prescribed according to indications:

  • survey radiography of the orbit in two projections;
  • retinal angiography;
  • ultrasound biometry of the eye;
  • electrophysiological study of the visual analyzer;
  • radiography and computed tomography of the skull.

Additionally, internal organs and systems that could cause hemorrhage around the eye are examined. You may need to consult other highly specialized specialists, such as a neurosurgeon, traumatologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, neurologist.

In order to find out the causes of hemorrhage around the eye, specialists at CMRI clinics use a variety of diagnostic methods:

The course of treatment in each specific case is determined by the cause of hemorrhage around the eye. Minor mechanical damage and eye diseases at an early stage are usually treated conservatively:

  • rest is prescribed;
  • use antiseptic or antibacterial drugs in the form of drops or ointments;
  • remove a foreign object;
  • wash the conjunctival cavity;
  • apply a protective binocular bandage;
  • use analgesics, if necessary, to get rid of pain, vascular-strengthening and hemostatic drugs, corticosteroids;
  • autohemotherapy is prescribed - intramuscular injection of one’s own blood to stimulate the immune system;
  • use medicinal electro- and phonophoresis, magnetic therapy.

Surgical intervention and laser correction are carried out if it is impossible to cure the disease using conservative therapy methods, retinal detachment, obvious opacification of the vitreous, or at the stage of complications.

In CMRT clinics, the causes of hemorrhage in the eye are treated in the following ways:


Spontaneous resolution of hemorrhage around the eye is possible only in the case of subconjunctival bleeding. Other types, if treatment is refused, threaten the health and life of the patient, and entail complications such as:

  • partial or complete loss of vision;
  • retinal detachment;
  • formation of a cataract;
  • development of glaucoma;
  • persistent decrease in blood pressure;
  • traumatic cataract.

Preventing bleeding around the eyes

To prevent damage to the blood vessels of the eyes, it is necessary:

  • observe safety precautions at work;
  • handle traumatic objects carefully;
  • do not overload your eyes;
  • protect eyes from exposure to wind, cold, high temperatures;
  • undergo vision diagnostics once a year;
  • promptly treat concomitant systemic diseases.

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Panina Valentina Viktorovna

Actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

I found out about you on the Internet - I urgently need an MRI.

And after the performance I’m with you. I really liked your staff. Thank you for your attention, kindness and accuracy.

May everything be as good in your soul as I am now, despite all the problems...

Be!!! We're happy! Your Panina V.V.

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I found out about you on the Internet - I urgently need an MRI.

And after the performance I’m with you. I really liked your staff. Thank you for your attention, kindness and accuracy.

May everything be as good in your soul as I am now, despite all the problems...

Be!!! We're happy! Your Panina V.V.


I found out about you on the Internet - I urgently need an MRI.

And after the performance I’m with you. I really liked your staff. Thank you for your attention, kindness and accuracy.

May everything be as good in your soul as I am now, despite all the problems...

Be!!! We're happy! Your Panina V.V.


How to eliminate a defect with cosmetics

To eliminate brown circles under the eyes, you should use specialized nourishing creams and whitening serums. The main thing is that the products contain components such as:

To remove spots under the eyes, you can use folk remedies for whitening the skin of the eyelids: herbal tinctures, whitening herbal masks, rubbing with ice cubes from chamomile decoction.

Until the problem is resolved, you can use concealer, corrector, or foundation to mask the spots. When applying, you need to apply the product carefully, in an even thin layer, so as not to damage the thin skin around the eye area. In some cases, gentle chemical peeling, injections of hyaluronic acid into the eyelid area and other cosmetic procedures may be relevant.

Skin under the eyes

Bruises under the eyes in 99 cases out of 100 are explained by overwork and lack of sleep. But there may be other reasons. For example, purple ones indicate allergies.

Yellowish-waxy - for heart problems. Pinkish-blue - with a bladder. Bluish-purple bruises indicate iron deficiency.

Yellowish-brownish - a tendency to constipation, liver, gallbladder or kidney diseases.

Sometimes dense swelling appears on the eyelids, under the eyes, on the cheeks: you press on them with your finger, but there is no dimple left? It's myxedema! It develops when the thyroid gland becomes very lazy, and the reason for this is iodine deficiency or an autoimmune process. You should contact an endocrinologist.

Traditional methods and recipes

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes. Lotions and masks made from natural ingredients will help quickly get rid of darkening of thin skin. One condition is that bruises are not signs of chronic diseases.

The best masks, lotions

Rules for using compositions:

  • prepare the necessary components;
  • mix as needed;
  • put the mixture in cheesecloth;
  • close your eyes, place a bag with the prepared mass on top;
  • rest for 15–20 minutes;
  • Wash your face with cool water.

Proven recipes for dark circles under the eyes at home:

  • curd. Brew strong black tea. Take 2 tbsp. l. fatty cottage cheese, pour in the tea leaves to an acceptable thickness;
  • cucumber Chop the parsley. Grate the cucumber and remove the sour cream from the refrigerator. Combine the components in equal parts. An excellent remedy for the effects of insomnia;
  • bread It couldn't be simpler. Soak a piece of white bread in boiled water. Grind into a paste;
  • grass ice. Prepare a decoction of sage or chamomile, you can make a collection. You will need 500 ml of hot water, 2 tbsp. l. dry mixture. Pour the strained broth into ice molds and freeze. If the problem is caused by chronic fatigue or lack of sleep, wipe the desired areas with herbal ice a couple of times a day;
  • potato Prepare mashed potatoes by adding warm milk to mashed potatoes. Famous remedy for dark circles;
  • mallow lotions. Soak the flowers in milk for several hours, apply the moistened gauze to your eyes;
  • creamy mask. Chop the parsley, take 1 tbsp. l. Combine the melted butter (the same amount) with the green mass;
  • potatoes or cucumber for bags under the eyes. Take a raw potato, cut it into thick slices, and place it on your eyelids. Do the same with the cucumber. Vegetables perfectly tone, remove swelling, and lighten dark areas under the lower eyelids.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Aevit for facial skin: who is it useful for and how does it work?
Did a black eye appear after a strong blow? A natural remedy for bruises – badyaga – will come to the rescue. For bruises, we can safely recommend natural gray-green powder. The natural product is extracted from sponges that grow in bodies of water.

Proportions: for 2 tbsp. l. water take 1 tbsp. l. badyagi powder. The compress can be kept all night.

What to do if bruises appear on the eyelid for no reason

Bruises usually form after mechanical impact. But what to do if a bruise on the eyelid forms for no reason. There are many factors that can lead to the appearance of a hematoma.

  1. With age, human skin loses elasticity.
    The strength of the walls of blood vessels decreases. In some patients, a bruise can occur even from a slight touch. To get a hematoma, it is enough to dry yourself vigorously with a towel or simply rub your eye. If bruises appear in the corners of the eyes, this may indicate a variety of ailments.
  2. Hemorrhage often occurs due to hormonal imbalances.
    Pregnant women may be considered at risk. During the period of bearing a child, restructuring occurs in the body. The amount of estrogen decreases sharply during menopause.
  3. Vessels lose flexibility in people suffering from vasculitis (a group of diseases that involve inflammation of the walls of blood vessels).
    The body destroys its own veins because it considers them foreign objects. With a long course of the disease, their destruction occurs.
  4. Blood cancer is an insidious disease that can cause the formation of causeless hematomas.
  5. Fragility of blood vessels may be associated with a lack of vitamins.
    Taking medications may cause bruising. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor.


To find out the cause of bruising, you need to consult a hematologist. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may refer the patient for a coagulogram (this is a test performed to study blood clotting). The blood must be checked for various indicators.

What causes bruises in children?

In children, unexplained bruising may be associated with hemophilia. Vitamin deficiency also affects blood clotting. In this case, it is necessary to include more greens and fruits in the diet. It is recommended to take multivitamin complexes.

The most vitamin C is found in lingonberries and rose hips. A deficiency of this vitamin leads to thinning of the capillary walls. They become very fragile and are easily damaged by the slightest mechanical impact.

Vitamins P and K influence the strength of blood vessels.

Heparin ointment

To eliminate a bruise on the eyelid, Heparin ointment may be useful, which must be applied in a thin layer to the place where the hematoma has formed. It promotes the resorption of blood clots formed after damage to blood vessels. The ointment contains benzocaine, which has analgesic properties.


To treat a hematoma, you can use Badyaga. The product has a strong irritant effect on the skin near the eyes, causing a rush of blood.

This normalizes metabolism and promotes faster healing. When using Badyagi, you need to make sure that the product does not get into your eyes.

To avoid damaging delicate skin, Badyaga should not be used more than 2 times a day.

Troxevasin ointment

Troxevasin ointment, after application to the affected area, improves tissue nutrition. The product increases blood circulation and restores the walls of blood vessels. The ointment should not be used by children under 15 years of age.

If hemorrhagic vasculitis is detected, the patient is prescribed to take appropriate medications. Blood plasma purification procedures are especially effective for vasculitis.

Patients with reduced blood clotting are prescribed coagulants.

Folk remedies

  • To remove a bruise on the upper eyelid, you need to apply a cold object to the damaged area. If you are at home, it is advisable to apply an ice compress. The cold will help you stop the bleeding.
  • For subcutaneous hemorrhages, you can use herbal infusions. A decoction of comfrey leaves will allow you to quickly get rid of a hematoma. Pour 60 grams of the plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Before use, it is advisable to strain the prepared solution through cheesecloth.
  • Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to the sore eyelid.
  • You can also get rid of a bruise using onions. Grate the onion on a fine grater and mix the resulting mush with 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. The mixture is used as a compress.
  • Aloe leaves have wound healing properties. It is necessary to cut off the top layer from the leaf and apply it to the hematoma. To fix the compress, you can use an adhesive plaster. After 2 hours the sheet must be changed.
  • Grind the beans in a coffee grinder. Add water to the powder and stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Apply the resulting paste to the hematoma. After 3 hours, the bean paste can be washed off with water. To obtain a positive result, the procedure must be repeated 2 times a day.

How to remove a bruise or hematoma. VIDEO

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Wrong lifestyle

One of the common causes of dark circles is an unhealthy lifestyle, which also leads to damage to blood vessels and sensitive skin under the eyes.

Provoking factors are bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, late night entertainment). Darkening of the skin around the eyes can be caused by stress and insomnia.

Tissue hypoxia, toxin poisoning, vitamin deficiency are common prerequisites for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

In these cases, the cosmetic defect can be easily eliminated if you start to adhere to a healthy lifestyle: exercise, walk in the fresh air, and increase the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Dehydration and swelling

Bruises under the eyes are a clear symptom of dehydration, a manifestation of the intoxication caused by it. If this is accompanied by thirst, a feeling of dry mouth, and lethargy, it is necessary to eliminate the fluid deficiency in the tissues by restoring the water balance. To do this, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean drinking water a day, giving up the usual tea and coffee.

Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes caused by dilation of blood vessels are evidence of fluid stagnation in the body, which can occur with smoking, excessive salt intake and certain diseases of the internal organs. If bruises under the eyes are combined with swelling of the legs, varicose veins, shortness of breath, or weight gain, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.


Why are there dark circles under the eyes? Sometimes bags and bruises appear due to relatively harmless factors. In such cases, detecting and eliminating the cause is quite simple. Common factors that cause a “tired look” include:

  • high emotional stress, stressful conditions. The process of removing toxins is disrupted, problems with blood circulation appear;
  • sleep disturbance. Lack of sleep is one of the common causes of deterioration in appearance. After sleepless nights, the face turns pale; against its background, the blood vessels under the thin skin are more visible;
  • vitamin C deficiency, without which the normal functioning of capillaries is disrupted;
  • inherited features of facial structure. Blood vessels and capillaries are close to the delicate skin. This is how an ugly blue discoloration appears on the face.

Another common cause of bruises is an accidental injury or a deliberate blow. Delicate skin is easily damaged and the integrity of the capillaries is compromised. The result is a bluish tint in the bruised area.

In some cases, swelling, bruising and bags around the eyes are the result of factors that reflect the condition of the body. Internal problems are often visible on the skin.

Often darkening of the epidermis under the eyes, other similar symptoms are a sign of acute and chronic diseases:

  • renal pathologies. Improper outflow of fluid causes swelling of the lower eyelids, the accumulation of excess fluid leads to darkening of the skin;
  • allergies to various irritants - from hazardous foods to wool and house dust. Sometimes a bluish-purple tint appears under the lower eyelids;
  • liver problems. Waste and toxins that accumulate in the blood change the normal shade of the epidermis. Hence the cyanosis, dark, clearly visible circles;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. Bruises under the eyes appear due to excessive dryness and thinning of the skin. Lack of iron provokes problems with the epidermis;
  • Excessive skin pigmentation after prolonged exposure to the sun. In some cases, almost black, unsightly areas appear under the eyes.

Note! Decreased oxygen supply to tissues causes a bluish tint to the more delicate skin. A serious reason is alcohol, nicotine, and drug poisoning. Patients with a significant history of drug addiction and alcoholism are easily recognized by swelling, unhealthy, almost black circles under the lower eyelids.

A bruise appeared under the eye without a blow: causes, hematoma on the upper eyelid, above, treatment

After bruising your eye, it is better to avoid a hot bath, sauna or steam bath for two to three days. Due to the warming effect, swelling may increase, and the bruise and hematoma may expand.

If the size of the swelling and hematoma has not decreased after four to five days, then a warm herbal compress and light massage can be used to get rid of these effects of the blow.

A bandage, which should not be worn for more than three to four days, also helps to remove puffiness around the eyes. If symptoms or pain increase during this process, the bandage should be loosened or removed.

If the victim feels weak after the blow or has an increase in body temperature, then it is necessary to use the following remedies for pain and fever:

Aspirin. Paracetamol. Ibuprofen.

In addition to exposure with medications, it is necessary to take care of the physical condition of the victim: eliminate stress, sudden movements and stressful conditions.

There are many reasons for the appearance of swelling on the face and eyes, which means that the question of how to remove swelling is relevant at any time.

It is important to take care of your body not only in emergency cases; it is advisable to constantly nourish it with vitamins and microelements. Vitamin complexes combined with external treatment will help strengthen the blood vessels around the eyes

Swelling and bruising are damage to blood vessels, so with such manifestations it is necessary to eat foods enriched with vitamins C and PP, as well as potassium.

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pain in the eyeball; decreased vision; bleeding in the eye;

Even if there are no symptoms, it is better to monitor the site of the impact, and if the condition worsens, go to the ophthalmologist on duty. If the doctor confirms that nothing bad has happened to the eye (or you decide not to see a specialist), you can remove the swelling yourself.

Why do bruises appear?

  • Loss of tissue elasticity.
    With age, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. Along with them, the vessels also become weak and “sluggish”. Sometimes a bruise can form even from a light touch. You don't indicate your age, but it's possible that you could bruise yourself without noticing it (for example, by vigorously wiping your face with a towel or rubbing your eye).
  • Hormonal disorders.
    This is the most common reason that leads to the appearance of hematomas that were not preceded by trauma or any other damage. Women are especially susceptible to bruising due to hormonal problems. Bruises appear when there is not enough estrogen. Most often, a deficiency of this hormone occurs during menopause and during the period of taking hormonal medications.
  • Phlebeurysm.
    The presence of this disease also leads to the formation of hematomas without previous injuries. The reason for everything is a violation of the outflow of venous blood to the heart and the development of congestion. But in the case of varicose veins, bruises appear mainly on the legs and other parts of the body. Therefore, most likely, this root cause has nothing to do with your case.
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis.
    Vasculitis is a disease whose development is caused by fragility of blood vessels. With this disease, the human body perceives its own blood vessels as foreign bodies, and therefore begins to actively produce antibodies, the action of which is aimed at destroying the walls of blood vessels. Over time, the vessels rupture or break, and blood leaks out, forming extensive bruises and bruises.
  • Oncological diseases.
    Blood cancer is one of the possible causes of bruising for no reason. The thing is that in oncology, the formation of blood cells such as leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets is significantly reduced. If we consider that platelets are responsible for blood clotting, then it is easy to guess that their deficiency leads to the appearance of hematomas.
  • Lack of vitamins.
    If the body lacks ascorbic acid (vitamin C), then gradually the walls of blood vessels become thinner, they become brittle and brittle. Deficiency of vitamins K and P also contributes to disruption of the normal functioning of the vascular system. It is the lack of these beneficial substances that leads to problems associated with the formation of hematomas and bruises.
  • Taking medications. Sometimes taking certain medications can cause bruising.
    Quite often they appear on the eyelids, because... there the skin is most delicate and sensitive. Such medications include analgesics, antidepressants, blood thinners, medications containing iron, anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-asthma drugs.

    The danger of further taking such drugs, in addition to the appearance of external hemorrhages and bruises, is that in addition to external hemorrhages, internal hemorrhages can also occur, which are more dangerous and fraught with a huge number of complications.

Seek help from a doctor who will determine the exact cause of your problem and prescribe effective treatment, because only by eliminating the root cause can you stop the further development of the disease and get rid of bruises in the future.

Preventive actions

There are a number of preventative methods that can prevent damage to blood vessels. All preventive measures are aimed at strengthening the walls of the capillaries:

  • Review your diet; you should include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits in your menu;
  • Protect your eyes from injury;
  • Use only high-quality cosmetics to care for the eye area and eyelids;
  • Avoid visiting baths and saunas, especially if you are prone to vascular fragility;
  • Give up all bad habits;
  • Try to avoid stress;
  • If you are prone to vascular damage, you should avoid intense sports;
  • The time spent in front of a computer monitor and TV screen should also be reduced. If your work involves a computer, you should take breaks every 30 minutes.

In addition, you should walk a lot in the fresh air and sleep at least 8 hours a day. In summer, in sunny weather, you should wear sunglasses.


Grind the cabbage leaf, or better yet, put it through a meat grinder, and then apply it to the bruise for 20 minutes. Repeat two to three times a day.

IMPORTANT: Yellow bruises can be hidden with purple lipstick. To do this, you need to carefully spread it over the bruise, and then apply powder or makeup base on top.


Raw grated potatoes, when applied to a bruise, have a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. You need to keep it for about thirty minutes.


For extensive bruises, a honey compress helps. To prepare it, mix the yolk, half a tablespoon of flour, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of honey. Apply the mixture to the bruise and cover with plastic wrap. You need to keep it for 2-3 hours.


Mix half a glass of vodka and half a teaspoon of salt. Moisten a swab with the mixture and apply to the bruise. You need to renew the compress as it dries.


Finely chop one medium onion and mix with one teaspoon of honey. You can add a tablespoon of dried plantain to the mixture. Apply the compress to the bruise two to three times a day for two hours.

Beetroot and honey

Grate fresh beets on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and add a tablespoon of honey to the pulp. Apply the mixture to the bruise and secure with a bandage. You need to keep the compress for two to three hours.

Honey and beets for compress

Vinegar and salt

Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in one glass of 9% vinegar. Three times a day, apply a cloth soaked in this solution to the bruise for half an hour.

Onion and salt

Grind 5-6 medium onions, mix with a tablespoon of salt and apply the mixture, wrapped in cloth, to the sore spot three times a day.

IMPORTANT: If you don’t want to rub potatoes, you can simply apply a potato circle to the bruise and hold it for a while

Drug treatment

To be effective, pharmaceuticals must be used taking into account the recommendations specified in the instructions. With the help of medications, bruises in the eye area (both on the upper and lower eyelids) can be eliminated in the shortest possible time.

Medicines are not recommended for use:

  • in case of individual intolerance to components;
  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • children.

Due to individual characteristics, some people have a black eye that does not go away for a long time; they do not know what to do in this case. If the blow was strong, the body's healing abilities are reduced, and the veins are located close to the surface of the skin, then the bruise may last longer. In such cases, you should consult a doctor.

Only minor injuries can be treated at home. In case of injuries to the organs of vision, we do not remove anything on our own; you need to urgently contact a doctor.


Helps quickly remove hematoma and reduce the inflammatory process in tissues. To get rid of a hematoma on the face within 2-3 days, apply the product every hour in a small layer. Troxevasin has a resolving effect and strengthens vascular walls.

When applied regularly, it will remove traces of bruising quickly and does not cause an allergic reaction.

Fastum gel

The drug helps to effectively cure a black eye. It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and easily penetrates the skin. It is allowed to apply to the bruise site up to 3 times daily.

If you urgently need to remove a bruise, a thin layer of Fastum gel is applied to the surface of the skin in the area of ​​injury, covered with a film on top and secured with an adhesive plaster.


One of the best remedies that has a complex effect, so the hematoma on the eye resolves faster. The drug contains:

  • heparin;
  • dexpanthenol;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide.

The product has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic effect. The drug helps to quickly cure a bruise on the eye. Allowed to be applied 4 times daily.

Use is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, bronchial asthma and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


The active substance in this medicine is heparin, which slows down blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. Helps relieve swelling, accelerates the resorption of hematomas, bruises of the lower eyelid (or upper).

When treating a bruise, apply to the problem area 3 times daily. The effect comes quickly. It is necessary to protect the mucous membranes of the eyes from contact with the product.

Folk recipes

To get rid of a bruise, there is no need to purchase expensive medications. There are many ways to remove a bruise yourself.

There are always available remedies at home. Proven folk methods are suitable for removing a hematoma:

  • when providing first aid, it is recommended to use calendula tincture to remove the hematoma formed under the eye after a blow;
  • A paste prepared from fresh burdock or plantain leaves is applied to the damaged area so that the hematoma resolves faster;
  • cut the agave leaf lengthwise and apply it to the skin with the inner side;
  • apple cider vinegar diluted with water (in a ratio of 1:10) will help remove bruises faster (used for lotions up to 4 times a day);
  • mix vodka with water (1:1 ratio), freeze in the refrigerator, and wipe the bruise with an ice cube.

Effective drugs

Many people are interested in how long it takes for a black eye from a blow to go away if no treatment is taken. If it is not very strong, the process can even take up to two weeks. If the bruise is small, then it will go away in 7-14 days.

But at the same time, healing can be accelerated with the help of special medications. They can be made in various forms - in the form of ointment, cream, gel, etc.

Mostly all drugs are local, that is, applied directly to the site of injury.

Symptoms of what diseases can be bruises in the corners of the eyes?

  1. Blue circles under the eyes may indicate problems with the kidneys. Perhaps they are overloaded, and you need to eat less heavy, spicy and salty foods. It may also be a symptom of kidney failure or pyelonephritis.
  2. Bruises around the corners of the eyes indicate problems with the pancreas.
    At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets and eat small portions.
  3. Sometimes bruises under the eyes or on the bridge of the nose can be a manifestation of hypertension.
  4. Chronic runny nose or sinusitis reduces the supply of oxygen to the blood, causing the skin as a whole to take on an unhealthy appearance and bluish spots may appear on the bridge of the nose in the corners of the eyes.
  5. The cause may be heart disease, as well as general exhaustion of the body, including sudden weight loss, while the formation of bags under the eyes is also observed.
  6. An allergic reaction to animal fur, fluff and plant pollen can also cause bruises in the corners of the eyes.
    In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause by taking antihistamines.
  7. In children, bruises under the eyes are signs of anemia or a consequence of frequent colds; it also happens if the skin is thin and the child often cries. It is necessary to harden and strengthen the child, vitamins and exercise, proper nutrition are useful, it is important to monitor the health of his nervous system.

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Causes of bruises in the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose in a child

Dark circles under the eyes are a problem that everyone has faced.
And if this is a normal phenomenon for an adult, then in children it can be a sign of a serious illness. A child’s skin is an indicator of his health, so the appearance of bruises under the eyes is a consequence of changes in the body.


There are many reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Among them there are those that indicate the presence of a disease, although you should not immediately shout that: “My child has acute renal failure.” However, sometimes this phenomenon can be explained by changes in the child's routine.

So, it may be associated with overwork. This is especially true for schoolchildren at the beginning of the school year. The body is not yet adapted to the stress of school and extracurricular activities. Children need time to get used to it, and parents should make sure their children get adequate rest throughout the week.

Black eyes often appear in children who spend a lot of time in front of a computer or TV screen.

They begin to lead a sedentary lifestyle, and because of this, their cells lack oxygen. The skin begins to thin and the blood vessels around the eyes show through.

The genetic factor plays a big role. If parents have thin skin, then their child will have the same. You cannot correct genes, so this type of dark circles under the eyes does not require treatment.

Still, keep an eye on your children's health. If hypersensitivity occurs, you should seek help from a doctor.

When combined with other symptoms, dark circles under the eyes can be signs of serious illness. Among them:

  • Kidney problems;
  • Anemia;
  • Helminths;
  • Heart diseases.

If a child asks to go to the toilet too often and complains of pain in the lower back and has bruises under the eyes, he has kidney problems. In this case, you need to seek help from a nephrologist, who will tell you what to do if pyelonephritis is diagnosed in a child.

Bruises under the eyes in children also appear due to anemia. Lack of iron in the body greatly affects the condition of the skin. In this case, the skin becomes dry and thin.

With helminths, symptoms include not only blueness under the eyes, but also pain in the navel area. Children become more moody and have difficulty sleeping at night.

If bruises under the eyes appear in a short time and the child feels unwell and weak, it is necessary to call an ambulance. These symptoms may be due to heart problems.


First you need to determine the cause of dark circles under the eyes. You can do this yourself by monitoring your children for other symptoms. However, it is better to immediately seek help from a pediatrician.

If your doctor has ordered tests, find out how to properly collect urine from your child. If the blueness under the eyes is caused by a violation of the regime, it is necessary to restore the normal ratio of rest and vigorous activity.

Schoolchildren should sleep 9 hours a day, and preschool children also need daytime sleep.

Most children don't like it, but lack of daytime sleep threatens not only bruises, but also moodiness and bad mood in the evening.

Pay special attention to your child's diet. Fish, meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, soups - all this should be part of the daily diet.

Regardless of age, children should spend at least a couple of hours outdoors every day. It happens that the weather does not allow such walks. In this case, try to ventilate the room more often.

If a child is diagnosed with anemia, it is necessary to replenish iron reserves in the body. To do this, include the following foods in your diet:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Yolk;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Sea kale;
  • Raisin;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Rye bread;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Black currant;
  • Peas;
  • Liver.

For a while, you need to completely give up crackers, chips, and sweet soda.

In case of kidney disease, drinking regimen plays an important role. Each child should drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, depending on age and weight. Moreover, it is advisable not to drink water before bed. Instead of water, it is better to give your child kefir or milk.

To save your child from physical exhaustion and nervous breakdown, remove some stress from him. Extra activities after school are too taxing on his body.

If bruises under the eyes appear in a child under one year of age, the doctor may prescribe antihelminthics, facial massage, immunostimulants or vitamins.


Remember that dark circles under the eyes can always be treated as a symptom. However, to completely protect your child, you need to remove the root cause.


Bruises in the corners of the eyes

In fact, there can be many reasons for bruises in the corners of the eyes and the bridge of the nose. Here are a few of the most significant ones:

  • Thin skin. Few people know that the skin in this delicate place is the thinnest, since there is no fat layer underneath it, which cannot be said about other parts of the human body. Therefore, doctors often call it transparent, since it shows through all the vessels and muscles on the body.
  • Overwork. In fact, it is frequent overwork that becomes the most important factor for the appearance of a large number of various defects and diseases. Especially bruises in the corners of the eyes and under the eyes worry those who sleep very little. Sometimes, in order for the bruises to disappear, you just need to get a good night's sleep and take a walk in the park in the fresh air. Fresh air also has a very positive effect on the human body and is an excellent preventive measure. But for the bruises to go away, one night of good and quality sleep is not enough. After all, many of us today, due to work or children, have problems with chronic lack of sleep, so one day is not enough for a person to recover. For people who have been in the so-called “survival mode” for quite a long time, recovery will take much longer.
  • Stress. Constant stress spoils not only a person’s appearance, but also his health. All problems and disruptions in the nervous system can provoke not only the appearance of bruises in the corners of the eyes, but also many other, more serious diseases. Also, systematic stress is the main obstacle to good and quality sleep, as mentioned above. When a person is gnawing on something and is excited, it is difficult to sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to abstract from various stressful situations and try to eliminate them to a minimum.
  • Poor nutrition. Naturally, poor nutrition has a direct impact on the condition of human skin. All the junk food that a person eats is displayed not only on the figure, but also on the skin, including around the eyes. Delicate skin takes on grayer shades of color. A lot of blackheads and pimples appear on the face. The cause of bruises in the corners of the eyes can be a lack of vitamins necessary for the human body, which is also actually very important.
  • Glasses. Unfortunately, a huge number of people today suffer from vision problems. Almost every person who wears glasses can notice bruises in the corners of their eyes. The reason for this is quite simple - since throughout the whole day the glasses compress the bridge of the nose, as a result, the outflow of blood and lymph is slightly hampered. It is because of this that almost every person with poor vision, excluding those who wear contact lenses, has dark bruises on the bridge of the nose.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Naturally, every disease of any internal organ significantly affects a person’s appearance. Such problems most often appear on the face. Especially if the person has kidney problems.
  • A tan. A beautiful tan adds extraordinary attractiveness to both women and men. Some people want to appear darker so much that they visit the solarium not only in the summer before or after the sea, but all year round, which is actually very harmful. After all, ultraviolet radiation quickly ages the skin and makes it thinner. Therefore, people who regularly visit the solarium will sooner than others face the problem of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Chronic sinusitis and runny nose. Perhaps most people who systematically suffer from these diseases have already become accustomed to it and have come to terms with it, but in fact, it definitely needs to be treated. After all, their blood does not receive enough oxygen, and because of this, their face looks tired and painful. Therefore, if you want to be beautiful, then you definitely need to treat all such diseases in a timely manner and carefully avoid them.
  • Heredity. Of course, it is much more difficult to deal with bruises under the eyes, which are inherited. But, fortunately, in modern cosmetology there are several ways to solve this unpleasant phenomenon.
  • We suggest you familiarize yourself with Dry skin on the legs. Causes of dryness, itching, peeling and cracks. Treatment and care for feet at home

    In general, there can be many reasons for the appearance of those hated dark bruises in the corners of the eyes. Therefore, you should follow all preventive measures that will help you avoid these unpleasant phenomena.

A bruise appeared on the upper eyelid for no reason

The appearance of a bruise on the upper eyelid for no reason can be an accident or a signal to take action and eliminate internal diseases.
Therapy includes the use of medications to reduce swelling and eliminate the defect, strengthen blood vessels, and treat the provoking cause. It is important to adhere to preventive measures - skin care, quality nutrition, exercise commensurate with rest.

Causes of hematomas on the eyelid

The appearance of a bruise on the upper eyelid can be due to physiological and pathological processes. The main causes of hematoma:

  • insufficient intake of vitamins into the body - rutin, ascorbic acid and vitamin K, which strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, making them unbreakable and plastic;
  • deterioration of skin elasticity due to age-related changes, sudden weight loss, and insufficient care;
  • lack of estrogen and hormonal imbalances, for example, when using hormonal contraceptives, during pregnancy, lactation and menopause;
  • chronic fatigue, constant lack of sleep, stress;
  • oncological diseases, when blood clotting and the production of new platelets are impaired;
  • a serious disease, vasculitis, in which blood vessels become brittle, burst and bruises appear on the eyelid, under the eyes and throughout the body;
  • side effect from taking medications - blood thinners, painkillers, antidepressants, vitamins with a high iron content;
  • skin sensitivity, when a sudden movement, for example, pressing when wiping with a towel, can lead to the appearance of a hematoma.


Therapy for a hematoma in the upper eyelid for no reason includes a set of measures:

  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • getting rid of a bruise with the help of ointments, masks;
  • identification of the provoking factor and its elimination.

If the pathology occurs repeatedly and is associated with a deficiency of vitamins P, K, C, it is necessary to replenish them. Improve your diet and take multivitamin complexes - Ascorutin, Complivit, Selmevit, Bio-Max, Vitrum and others.

To eliminate a hematoma, the following drugs are used locally:

  • Troxerutin;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxevasin Neo;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Bruise OFF regular or with a toning effect;
  • 911 badyaga;
  • First aid for bruises and contusions and other remedies available in pharmacies.

They are applied to the area of ​​the hematoma, gently rubbing 2-3 times a day. It is important to ensure that the medicine does not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. If this happens by accident, it is necessary to rinse your vision with clean water. Additionally, you can purchase badyagi powder at the pharmacy, dilute it with water to form a paste, and apply it to the hematoma. After 10-20 minutes, rinse off.

When using medications and traditional methods, you should make sure that they are safe and that there are no unwanted or allergic reactions.

If the cause of a bruise on the upper eyelid is chronic fatigue, you need to rest, get enough sleep and take preventive measures. In case of pathological provoking factors, you need to consult a doctor for comprehensive treatment of the cause, not the effect.


To prevent the causeless appearance of a hematoma on the upper eyelid, it is necessary to carefully take care of the body:

  • quit smoking, since nicotine impairs the elasticity of blood vessels and leads to oxygen starvation of the skin;
  • do not drink alcohol, which leads to dehydration and subsequently loss of skin elasticity;
  • It is enough to drink clean water;
  • find sources for relaxation after a long day of work, stress - yoga, walking, cycling, gym, dancing;
  • try to spend more time outdoors;
  • move actively, take breaks during sedentary work;
  • undergo preventive examinations once a year for timely detection of pathologies and diseases;
  • do not overeat, establish a balanced and vitamin-rich diet;
  • get rid of excess weight, while avoiding rapid loss, low-calorie diets and unsafe methods.

It is important to care for the skin of the face and eyelids using specialized masks and creams.

Symptoms of diseases and ailments that occur on the face. If they are detected, you should check your health status and exclude provoking factors and illnesses.

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is.

Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" published an article on non-surgical restoration of vision up to 90%, this became possible thanks to...

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Bruises and bags under the eyes

Swelling of the upper layer of the epidermis and dermis is often caused by age-related changes. The skin becomes more flabby, loses elasticity, and sags. This sign does not always indicate any pathology.

Swelling of the eyelids appears for several reasons. Common factors:

  • eating smoked or salted food during the day, especially at night;
  • fluid retention in the body of women before menstruation;
  • lack of sleep (sleep less than seven to eight hours), frequent stress;
  • alcohol abuse. Swelling occurs when the process of removing fluid from the body fails. It is typical that after a single but abundant “libation”, bags are noticeable in most people.
  • Note! Swelling in the eye area was noted with a diagnosis such as “hernia of the eyelids.” Fatty tissues protrude under the skin, swelling lasts a long time. Some patients also experience blue discoloration under their eyes. Blepharoplasty will eliminate this noticeable cosmetic defect.

    Swelling of the eyelids combined with darkened epidermis is a cause for concern. Better play it safe and visit a therapist.

    When you should definitely see a doctor:

    • bags appear several days in a row. There is soreness in the eye or forehead area, the temperature rises, and the nose is stuffy. Most likely, you have sinusitis or sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary or ethmoid sinuses;
    • against the background of swelling and dark, unhealthy circles under the eyes, difficulty swallowing, breathing, and an increase in the size of the neck were noted. Problems with the thyroid gland are most likely;
    • Allergic reactions are indicated by bags under the eyes, sneezing, itching, shortness of breath, redness, and clear discharge from the nasal cavity. The temperature remains normal, there is no pain. Take an antihistamine, call an ambulance if the swelling spreads to the face. It looks like you are developing angioedema, a severe form of allergy; (Read more about allergies on this page);
    • bags under the eyes with pain in the lumbar region and elevated temperature are a sign of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. A characteristic sign of renal pathologies is impaired urination. In such cases, swelling of the eyelids appears after waking up in the morning.

    A bruise appeared under the eye without a blow: causes, hematoma on the upper eyelid, above, treatment - About Blood

    Many people are faced with the problem of bruises under the eyes, or as they are popularly called “black eyes”. Basically, the appearance of a hematoma on the eye affects professional wrestlers and tomboy boys.

    And it’s unlikely that anyone will like such a “decoration” on their face, so a lot of questions on this topic immediately arise in their heads. Let's try to understand them in detail.

    ICD-10 code: S05.1 Contusion of the eyeball and orbital tissues Traumatic hyphema


    Few people suffering from eye hematoma have a desire to visit a doctor, and few people pay attention to this at all, because this is just one of the troubles that will soon go away and will not affect vision in any way. But in vain.

    The photo shows a hematoma on the eye of a middle-aged man

    In many cases, a hematoma can become a complication; the symptoms will be severe. This:

    1. Double image in the eyes.
    2. Pain in bright light.
    3. Decreased vision
    4. Redness in the eye.
    5. Pain when moving the eyes.
    6. Loss of consciousness.

    At the first manifestation of symptoms, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. After all, later this can lead to such diseases: uveitis and iritis. Also, the situation can be aggravated by purulent inflammation, which ultimately develops into an abscess of the eyelid.

    When does a hematoma occur on the eye?

    Limited accumulation of blood in the tissues of the eye occurs for various reasons. This may happen:

    1. As a result of playing sports - mainly fighting.
    2. As a result of an unsuccessful fall or impact with any object.
    3. Because of an accident.

    Any negative effect on tissue leads to similar consequences - the vessels cannot withstand and are damaged. Blood flows into the empty spaces that form, which can flow directly into the eye.

    Folk remedies

    The injury can be healed using the herb burnet. You need to take 3 tablespoons of the herb and pour boiling water (250 ml) over it. Place on the fire and keep until half of the solution has evaporated. Then leave the medicine to cool for an hour. Use as a lotion for 20 minutes every two to three hours.

    In the photo: burnet grass (left) and anise seeds (right) - effective folk remedies for the treatment of eye hematoma

    Anise seeds also have miraculous healing properties. You need to add two tablespoons of seeds with water and boil for 10 minutes. After the decoction has been infused for about an hour, use it in the same way as the first remedy.

    One option is plantain leaves, which exhibit anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

    Surgical intervention

    There are times when surgery is not possible. In special situations, even the slightest hematomas require surgery. But the degree of damage at which this is really necessary can only be determined by your attending physician.

    Removal of a hematoma on the eye surgically under general anesthesia

    When the skin around the eyes is damaged, stitches are often placed, which are removed only after 10 days. Basically, an incision is made near the bruise, after which liquid blood and its clots are removed, and the injured area must be washed.

    Drug treatment

    The doctor prescribes cold compresses as first aid. They help relieve pain and relieve severe symptoms. To strengthen and restore blood vessels, the doctor may prescribe medications based on vitamin K.

    Examples of vitamin K content in various foods

    For the fastest cure, heparin-based ointments are recommended. They can quickly and effectively relieve swelling and improve blood circulation. This promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages, due to which the hematoma on the eye disappears faster.

    They also use a medication such as Troxevasin, which improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.


    The prognosis depends on several factors: the area of ​​injury, its location and intensity. In almost all cases, such hematomas are minor and not fatal - they finally disappear after two weeks and, possibly, even earlier.

    The main thing is not to forget about treatment and not to let the development of the disease take its course; consult a doctor.


    As noted above, eye hematoma causes various complications. They may arise when such damage is opened. Of course, such an injury is very unpleasant and causes discomfort, but it is not dangerous.

    In the photo, a woman has an ocular hematoma as a consequence of plastic surgery

    The main thing is to ensure that no infection gets into the eye. As a result of this, opening is prohibited. After all, when microorganisms enter a wound, it becomes an excellent environment for their development, which then leads to a serious complication - tissue suppuration. And then a visit to the doctor is guaranteed, because such manipulations are carried out only on an outpatient basis.

    Hematoma of the eye after an impact: treatment, consequences. Retinal hematoma

    • August 5, 2018
    • Orthopedics and traumatology
    • Marinichenko Sergey

    Sometimes people can suffer a variety of injuries for a variety of reasons.

    It is difficult to find at least one boy or man who would not have a black eye at some point in his life.

    A seemingly harmless injury can turn out to be a tragedy for a person if the right help is not provided in time.

    How does a hematoma form?

    The skin on the face, especially under the eye, has a delicate texture. There are no layers of fat underneath. Because of this, any physical impact in this area can lead to injury and hematoma. Most often, a bruise occurs after a blow to the bridge of the nose and eye.

    Injury to blood vessels after physical impact leads to the appearance of an eye hematoma after an impact. Treatment involves removing swelling and resolving the formation from leaked blood.

    When a vessel is damaged, blood enters the outer tissue. For some time it remains in a liquid state. Then it accumulates into a lump, and a severe hematoma of the eye is formed. The bruise may disappear on its own in 7-10 days, but complications may also arise. Therefore, an eye hematoma after an impact is not so simple. Treatment should be carried out after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

    First aid

    Regardless of whether the injury was caused by a fight or a fall, immediate measures must be taken to reduce the gradually forming hematoma. First of all, no later than 15 minutes later, you need to apply a cold compress to the affected area on the face.

    You can use any product from the freezer for this. It must be pressed through the fabric to avoid frostbite on the skin.

    Any cold metal object applied in the first minutes of an eye hematoma after an impact will also help well in this case. Treatment should begin later, after first aid has been provided. Cold helps stop bleeding faster.

    And its amount gets into the tissues several times less than without assistance. Thus, the size of the hematoma is also greatly reduced.

    How to relieve swelling?

    After injury, in addition to a bruise, swelling may appear at the site of the impact. Often this complication occurs with a hematoma of the eyelid. To reduce tumors, you can use recipes from traditional medicine:

    • per day you need to make 3-4 lotions from grated raw potatoes. This product perfectly relieves inflammation and accelerates skin regeneration;
    • apply cabbage leaves several times a day;
    • make compresses from crushed plantain leaves.

    These products will speed up the healing process and remove swelling in the facial area. You should not drink alcohol for several days. This may make the swelling worse.

    Next day treatment

    Due to the fact that the facial tissues are located at a sufficient distance from the heart, the pressure in the vessels there is reduced. Therefore, wound healing may be slow compared to other parts of the body.

    Heat can be used to speed up the process. To do this, you need to heat a bag of salt in a frying pan and apply it to the site of the hematoma several times a day. This procedure will accelerate blood circulation in the affected area and thereby have an accelerated healing effect.

    It is also recommended to make compresses from strongly brewed green tea. This product perfectly relieves swelling and reduces inflammation in damaged tissues.

    Use of ointments

    Today, you can purchase various products at the pharmacy that will help you quickly get rid of bruises and swelling under the eye. Such drugs can be purchased without a prescription:

    • "Troxevasin";
    • "Venitan";
    • "Heparin ointment";
    • "Bruise off."

    These drugs help reduce pain at the site of impact and promote resorption of the hematoma in a short period. They need to be used several times a day in small quantities per application.

    Do not use ointments on an open wound. They can only be effective in cases of bruising and swelling without bleeding wounds. To use these medications to treat children, you need to consult a doctor in advance about this possibility. Not all products are approved for use by children under 12 years of age.

    Red eye

    If this symptom occurs after an impact, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Such damage can lead to partial or complete loss of vision.

    If a red eye appears after a blow, the victim must provide first aid:

    • apply cold;
    • apply eye drops;
    • Give painkillers if there is severe discomfort.

    After these steps, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. He will determine the severity of the injury through visual and hardware examination. If the internal parts are not damaged, using eye drops and rest will help relieve redness and swelling. But you may need complex treatment and even surgery.

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