Specific causes of puffy eyes in the morning

Symptom Definition

The upper or lower eyelid may swell. The tumor itself is a sac that swells. At the same time, there is no feeling of compaction. That is, when pressed, the swelling easily succumbs. But after a few seconds it returns to its previous shape.

This manifestation goes away on its own within a couple of minutes or hours. The body begins to work, the infused liquid is excreted and absorbed. Consequently, the swelling also goes away.

The danger is swelling of the eyelids, which is accompanied by other symptoms.

For example, there may be a lump and the white turns red. Often, the eye begins to water and suppuration forms. Such signs indicate the presence of health problems directly in the area of ​​the visual organs.

Quick ways to eliminate puffiness under the eyes after sleep on your own

Treatment methods at home

If doctors have not found any serious diseases and pathologies of the formation of eye swelling in the morning, then it is quite possible to take steps that would restore a healthy and vigorous appearance, so to speak, at home. These include:

  • A contrast or cool shower that tones the entire body and invigorates it;
  • Exercises aimed at facial muscles, improving blood and lymph circulation in tissues (facial gymnastics);
  • Cold compresses or ice wrapped in cloth;
  • Compresses with black tea (can be in bags);
  • Raw potato compresses;
  • Cold milk lotions;
  • Cucumber mask
  • Etc.

Such folk methods, according to ObaGlaza, although they do not belong to traditional medicine, help in a short time to bring your appearance into good condition and get rid of morning swelling under the eyes, especially after lack of sleep or a long party.

There are also other ways to get rid of edema, which we will write about below. Thanks to them, the swelling goes away quickly.

Cosmetology procedures

Today, every woman has undergone one or another cosmetic procedure. Some of them are unpleasant and painful, while others are pleasant and relaxing. For example, moisturizing face masks do not cause any discomfort, and you can even make them at home.

Among various procedures, ObaGlazaRu highlights the following:

  • Cryolifting . This is a beauty salon procedure that improves metabolic processes in the soft tissues of the eyelids and eliminates fluid stagnation.
  • A procedure such as mesotherapy involves injections of amino acids and vitamin complexes into the eye area.

Simply put, a few minutes of patience in the morning or at the end of the working day and the swelling goes away.

Video with advice from a cosmetologist against swelling of the eyes:

Creams and tonics (cosmetics)

Today, according to the eye, the store offers a lot of different facial care products. Among them there are those that perfectly remove swelling and puffiness around the eyes. They relieve symptoms well. But they cannot treat.

You can try applying an anti-puffiness eye cream around the eye area with herbs and herbal ingredients, for example, caffeine, chestnut, cornflower. Sometimes using cosmetic oil also helps. Cleansing toners can also dry or hydrate the skin, depending on your goal. They tone capillaries and relieve morning swelling.

Massage to prevent swelling

It is important to understand that massaging the eyelids and eye area is not the same as massaging the back or neck. In this case, accuracy and tenderness are very important. Massage the eyelids with the ring fingers, without putting too much pressure on the eyeballs and the area around the eyes, so that there is no discomfort and redness. This allows you to “tune” lymphatic drainage in the tissues and improve blood circulation in the capillaries.

To improve gliding, you can use essential oils diluted with water. If you are allergic to the drug, you should not use it. Ice cubes made from pure water or decoctions of string, chamomile, tea, etc. are also suitable as a massage tool.

The massage is carried out in a circle, from the outside through the bottom to the top.


Face masks are excellent remedies for swelling. It is applied for 10-15 minutes all over the face.

To relieve eye puffiness, you can use the following methods:

  • Cut the strawberries into small pieces and apply by rubbing over the skin in the eye area;
  • Also, instead of strawberries, apples are suitable, placing them on the eyelids;
  • Parsley is mixed with sour cream and applied to the skin of the face.
  • There are also specialized face masks that are sold in pharmacies.


For compresses, according to OglazaRu, various herbs are used, for example, tea, chamomile. Caffeine and tannins contained in tea tone blood vessels, narrow them, and fight puffy eyes. Chamomile is an antiseptic and reduces inflammation and redness of the skin surface. It's better to do this lying down. You will have to spend approximately 20 minutes in this position (duration of the procedure).


Cold (contrast) baths are good for eliminating morning swelling of the tissues around the eyes. You can take two deep bowls with cold and warm water. First, apply a cold compress, and then a warm one. This is how the blood vessels of the eyelids become toned.

What causes swelling of the upper eyelids?

It is caused by the accumulation of fluid, which leads to swelling. Therefore, this condition is only a manifestation of internal changes in the body, which are sometimes associated with diseases.

There are several main reasons why swelling of the upper eyelids may occur in the morning:

  • Allergy. Cosmetics, pollen, wool and other irritants can lead to this. This, in turn, will be expressed in the form of swelling of the eyelids and redness of the whites. In this case, you need to compare contact with a particular stimulus and the presence of a reaction to it;
  • Perhaps it's just morning swelling. It appears due to the accumulation of fluid overnight. Then everything goes away. There are no other accompanying symptoms. It is often caused by consuming a large volume of liquid or spicy food the day before;
  • Renal dysfunction. This leads to the formation of excess fluid in the body. There will be slight swelling in the nose, eyelids, and possibly legs;
  • Eye diseases. For example, infectious sinusitis, keratitis, demodicosis, conjunctivitis lead to redness of the proteins, the release of tear fluid of pus, pain in the eye area;
  • If there is a lump, it may be a stye , a neoplasm. But then it will be clearly localized. And the swelling of the eyelids will begin after a few days of development of this neoplasm;
  • Diabetes mellitus is often accompanied by swelling. It manifests itself in swelling of the eyelids and legs. If the disease has not yet been identified, then with the indicated symptom you need to be examined for blood sugar levels.

Thus, the causes of swelling can be completely different. In some cases, this symptom is cause for serious concern.

Causes of morning swelling of the eyes not related to illness

The reasons for such swelling in the morning include various changes in lifestyle and not the consequences of our modern life. It is worth remembering that swelling around both eyes is not something dangerous, so there is no need to worry. Most likely, notes ObaGlaza, the next morning there will be no trace left. For example, a common cause of edema may be: diet and diet, disruption of sleep and rest patterns, foreign objects and substances getting into the eyes, overstrain of the eye muscles, etc.

Possible diseases

  • Eye infections. These are demodicosis, keratitis, sinusitis, and conjunctivitis listed above. They will be accompanied by the flow of pus, copious release of tear fluid;
  • Urolithiasis, renal failure are combined with difficulty urinating, pain in the excretory tract;
  • Diabetes;
  • Swelling often occurs against the background of flu, sore throat, and colds . Then there is fever, redness of the eyes, and general malaise.

In each case, the symptoms will be different. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the signs of one disease from another.

Morning swelling of the eyelids

During the night, the fluid accumulated during the day stagnates in the body. Swelling is caused by drinking large volumes of water in the evening and eating spicy foods. If this is the case, then the symptoms will go away on their own within half an hour. And the next morning the swelling will not happen again.

When it is repeated every day without taking plenty of liquid the day before, this indicates diabetes mellitus and kidney problems.

Eye diseases

Myopia, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal pathologies are common. These diseases occur inside the eye and do not have pronounced external symptoms. Only injuries are expressed in the redness of the white and the formation of a bruise in the periorbital area. But this is a sign of injury, not illness.

Accordingly, swelling will occur only with conjunctivitis, sinusitis, demodicosis, which are treated with antibiotics in the form of drops, Taufon for the blood vessels of the eye, Albucyt to remove the infection.

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Diseases of other organs

Kidney disease, diabetes, and vascular problems can lead to swelling of the eyelids. If diabetes or renal failure is diagnosed, there is increased intracranial pressure, hypertension, then these diseases need to be treated.

You should take Lasix, Saparal, Regulton, and install “systems” in a day hospital setting. This will keep the pressure at the desired level. For blood pressure, take Diuretics or Rinin to remove excess fluid from the body.


In order for the prevention of eyelid deformation to be effective, it must be carried out at the same time as the elimination of possible causes. When treating all diseases and inflammatory processes in the body, the risk of edema is significantly reduced. Also recommended:

  • Getting rid of bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking);
  • Stop eating and drinking an hour before bedtime;
  • Compliance with hygiene rules;
  • Reducing the amount of salt in food;
  • Normalization of the daily routine and restoration of healthy sleep;
  • Physical exercise;
  • Protection of the organs of vision from damage;
  • Preventative visit to the doctor.

Are colored lenses harmful?

Contact lenses: the pros and cons of use are described in this article.

Colored lenses with diopters https://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/s-dioptriyami/cvetnye-dlya-zreniya-variacii-i-uxod.html

Sometimes problems with the eyelids can occur with excess weight and develop along with swelling of the limbs and heaviness in the legs. Therefore, to effectively combat illnesses, it is necessary to bring body weight back to normal.

Compliance with preventive measures is important not only to prevent the occurrence of edema, but also to prevent the emergence and development of diseases of various natures.

If the appearance of swelling of the upper and lower eyelids often recurs, you can use some folk recipes to prevent them:

  • Parsley root decoction. Grind four to five roots per liter of water, add two tablespoons of sugar to the mixture and cook over low heat for half an hour. This decoction is taken three times a day in the amount of half a glass.
  • Tea made from mint leaves and linden.
  • Ice and cooling compresses (also effective for combating an existing problem, as well as for injuries to prevent deformation and inflammation);
  • Birch tea. For two tablespoons of crushed leaves, use one glass of boiling water. This drink is taken twice a day as a diuretic.

The use of any traditional methods and recipes should only be with the permission of the attending physician and under his supervision. Self-medication without identifying the specific cause of the disease is strictly prohibited.

Other Possible Causes

Other reasons include colds. Flu, sore throat, ARVI develop against a background of elevated temperature and inflammatory processes. The affected cells die. This process is accompanied by the release of fluid, which leads to swelling.

Swelling of the eyelids as a consequence of tattooing

Tattooing is quite a strong irritant. It affects the eyelids and leads to redness. After all, this is an intervention in the structure of the skin, damage to the outer layer occurs. Therefore, there is a slight inflammation. It leads to swelling. But this is a temporary and inevitable process when tattooing the eyelids. These manifestations will pass in 3-6 days.

Allergic reaction

Similar reactions occur to a variety of stimuli. This could be sawdust, flowers, pollen, animal hair, and so on. The corresponding allergen affects the inner layers of the skin. It leads to swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes, and irritation of the nose. The person experiences difficulty breathing and watery eyes.

However, such reactions occur several times a day upon contact with an irritant. And in the morning after waking up, allergic reactions are extremely rare. After all, the allergen has not yet had time to penetrate the body.

Poor nutrition

This is due to the abundance of fluid. At night, the body may not cope with its elimination. Especially if there are problems with the kidneys. Consequently, in the morning the swelling of the eyelids will be clearly noticeable.

In this case, the liquid can be any - juices, mineral water. But the most striking reaction is produced by the consumption of large objects of alcohol.

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Poor circulation

Blood flow disturbances and lymph stagnation lead to swelling. The normal circulatory cycle does not occur. As a result, swelling of the eyelids occurs in the eye area. If such a manifestation is not accompanied by other signs, you should take a blood test. Indeed, with blood flow disorders, swelling may be the only symptom.


Impact to the eye area inevitably leads to redness of the whites and the formation of a hematoma. The eyelid protects this organ and instinctively covers it when struck. Accordingly, the traumatic impact falls on the eyelid. As a result, skin tissue is damaged. This is what causes a bruise to form.

A bruise is always a subcutaneous hemorrhage, localized, in this case, in the eyelid area. Vascular damage occurs and local blood flow is disrupted.

Such a hematoma will go away on its own within one to two weeks. However, ointments should be used to speed up healing. For example, "Sinyakoff". She copes well with thematomas, dissolving them twice as fast. And to relieve hemorrhage of the whites of the eyes, you need to instill Visin and Albucit.

Why do my eyes swell in the morning?

To understand what caused such an undesirable change in appearance, it is necessary to analyze the course of events. If this is your first time encountering swelling of the eyelids and other than that you do not observe any changes in the eyeball or mucous membrane, look for a reason for this in a violation of the body’s usual regime.

Swollen eyelids will indicate lack of sleep, overwork, stress experienced the day before, especially if it was accompanied by tears. However, a fun party with alcohol, and even an extra cup of tea or a glass of water before bed are quite capable of causing swelling. Minor injuries and insect bites in the eye area may not be immediately noticed, but in the morning they eloquently remind you of yourself. Not to mention serious injuries that cause swelling in the first minutes.

All these are isolated cases, the consequences of which are easy to neutralize. If you don’t remember anything like this, the cause of swollen tissues may lie in the internal processes of the complex human body. For example, allergies are a common phenomenon in our time, quite often causing swelling of the upper eyelids, and sometimes the lower ones, along with other symptoms:

  • itching on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • sneezing;
  • skin rash;
  • in severe cases - Quincke's edema with a swollen face and neck area.

In this case, the correct selection of an antihistamine, and most importantly, identification of the allergen, will prevent relapses. Allergy medications will help swollen eyes quickly get rid of the painful consequences of insect bites.

It is much more difficult to cope with a problem that lies deep inside, and puffy eyes are just one of its symptoms. Usually these are pathologies of the excretory or cardiovascular systems, which result in fluid retention in the body, and this excess is obvious primarily in the area of ​​the visual organs. In such situations, it is impossible to do without complex treatment, inpatient or outpatient, but certainly under the supervision of a doctor and monitoring the dynamics of the tests.

Of course, there are also local eye pathologies that cannot but affect the condition of the eyelids. Since we are talking about the organ of vision, a person in this case must understand the seriousness of the situation and in no case self-medicate, but strictly follow the doctor’s prescriptions. The range of drugs used in such cases is very wide, and the wrong selection can be too expensive. Even conjunctivitis comes in different types and requires the use of antiviral drugs in some cases and antibiotics in others, not to mention more serious diseases when surgical intervention is inevitable.

Diagnostic methods

Each group of diseases requires the use of certain techniques.

  • Carrying out MRI, measuring intracranial pressure;
  • Taking blood tests for sugar levels, hemoglobin, and so on;
  • It is important to see an allergist. Perhaps there is a reaction to a previously unknown stimulus;
  • An ophthalmologist will examine the eye area and be able to identify infectious lesions.

It is necessary to conduct medical studies in case of systematic swelling. If it goes away within half an hour after waking up and does not recur the next day, then there is nothing to worry about.

Eyelid tattoo

A popular procedure among young people, it is used for cosmetic purposes. During tattooing, an injection of dyes is injected under the skin. Problems may arise due to poor hygiene of the instrument or a specific reaction of the body to the injected substances. The master must strictly follow all the rules for performing the procedure, use disposable needles, and thoroughly disinfect instruments. Tattoos last a long period of time, but in any case, periodic updating is required. Damaged cells are restored and renewed, the pigment fades over time.

Eyelid tattoo

The tattoo should be done only on clean skin; before starting work, the tattoo artist must check the patient’s body’s reaction to the injected pigments. The degree of edema largely depends on the individual reaction of the body; swelling can persist for several days. After tattooing, it is forbidden to wet your eyelids until the damaged areas of the skin are completely healed.


Depending on the disease, it is necessary to use medications, vitamin supplements, or simply change your diet and lifestyle.

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Drug treatment

Albucit, Taufon, Visin, and antibiotic drops help with eye inflammation. In addition, Tetracycline eyelid ointment works well.

For high blood pressure, Rinin and Diuretics are suitable. If an allergic manifestation occurs, then Cetrin, Zyrtec, Telfast will help perfectly.

Eyelid massage

It will be useful in any case. This will allow excess fluid to be absorbed. It should be done with your fingertips. They make circular movements while simultaneously applying gentle pressure on the eyelid. There should be no pain. This massage should be carried out for 5 minutes.

Cosmetical tools

Eyelid swelling can be partially hidden with cosmetics. However, this is not recommended. After all, in case of infections, allergies, cosmetics can only lead to new manifestations. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid these remedies if the eyelids are swollen.


Patches are great for swelling. These are arc-shaped pads that are glued to the eyelids. Their advantage is that the patches are full of useful elements. They nourish the eye and help dissolve stagnant fluid.

This remedy should be used immediately after waking up. In a few minutes, the swelling will go away, and the skin around will become fresher.


There is a technique for getting rid of bags under the eyes using spoons. To do this, you need to take a metal object and hold it in ice for some time. You can use very cold water. Then, the spoon is removed from the water and applied to the eye for 5 seconds.

It is best to use first on the upper eyelid and then on the lower eyelid. The swelling subsides immediately. In this case, nothing except water and metal spoons is required.

Secrets of our grandmothers

Modern means cannot replace traditional methods. They have been tested for centuries and are very effective. For example, to remove puffiness under the eyes, you should grate fresh potatoes. The mass is placed in napkins, allowed to dry well and applied to the eye. The bag should be kept for 10 minutes.

A good way is to use a regular fresh cucumber. It is cut into circles and applied to the eyes, holding for 10 minutes. Another remedy is strong black tea. It tones very well. If you apply bags of brewed black tea to your eyes for 15 minutes, the swelling of your eyelids will go away.

Eyelid massage

Can be used only in cases where the cause of swelling is not viral eye diseases or allergic reactions of the body. Self-massage should be done immediately after washing with your fingertips. The movements should be smooth without pressing hard, the total duration is approximately 5 minutes. After the massage, it is recommended to lubricate the upper eyelids with cream.

Eyelid massage

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