Coding for alcoholism. What is this and how does it happen?

Coding is a procedure aimed at minimizing the risk of relapse into heavy drinking. Modern narcology offers many coding options for alcoholism, based on the individual characteristics of the addict’s body.
    Read in the article:
  • What is coding
  • Types of coding for alcoholism: description
  • Medication coding
  • Coding by sewing in an ampoule: Torpedo and Esperal
  • Coding by injection into a vein: Aquilong, Vivitrol, Delfison
  • Coding by intramuscular injection: Tetlong
  • Coding with tablets
  • Modern coding methods: SIT, NIT, MST
  • Psychological coding
  • Dovzhenko method
  • Rozhnov method
  • Ericksonian hypnosis
  • Coding by provocation
  • Hardware encoding
  • Acupuncture
  • Laser coding
  • Electropulse and convulsive therapy
  • Intracranial translocation
  • Coding for alcoholism using traditional methods
  • What is the best way to code for alcoholism: how to choose the right one
  • The most effective coding method for alcoholism: a doctor's conclusion

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Types of coding for alcoholism: description

When considering the question of what is the best encoding, you should evaluate the pros and cons of the most common techniques.

  • Hypnotherapy has a long duration of action and is completely safe for humans. However, the effect can only be achieved through full rehabilitation with intensive psychotherapeutic sessions;
  • Setting up injections and inserting implants . This method demonstrates high effectiveness in preventing binge drinking and also has immediate results. The disadvantage is the risk of side effects and a fairly large list of contraindications;
  • Acupuncture does not have a serious effect on the body and is used during the abstinence stage.

There is a common misconception that coding is the main method of treating alcoholism. Relatives of an alcohol addict strive to repeat the positive experience of their friends in stopping binge drinking thanks to coding, but it is not always possible to achieve a similar result. The fact is that effective methods of treating alcohol addiction are chosen individually: what suits one person may not suit another. This means that only a psychiatrist-narcologist can choose the most powerful method of treating alcoholism.

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Coding by sewing in an ampoule: Torpedo and Esperal

A capsule containing Esperal and Torpedo is injected into the patient’s skin under local anesthesia. The procedure does not cause physical discomfort. The substance is gradually released into the body, thereby providing a therapeutic effect.

Coding by injection into a vein: Aquilong, Vivitrol, Delfison

Aquilong contains Disulfiram, one of the most popular substances in the fight against alcoholism. This drug is considered effective and is active for up to five years.

Vivitrol is used to treat alcohol addiction and prevent drug use (usually the opioid group).

Delphison injections are given intravenously. The drug contains highly effective disulfiram, which blocks the channels that process ethyl alcohol. Subcutaneous administration of Antinol is effective only in combination with psychotherapy.

Coding by intramuscular injection: Tetlong

Tetlong-250 is considered a mild coding agent for preventing relapse of binge drinking and drug use. The manufacturer claims that Tetlong not only blocks the channels that process ethyl alcohol, but also suppresses the desire to drink alcohol.

Agglominal is a drug that is effective for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Binostim is used as an adjuvant treatment for alcoholism.

Coding with tablets

Alcoholism is also treated with pills. Today the most well-known medications are:

  • Antabuse is an effervescent tablet containing Disulfiram. Taking this medication is fraught with a large number of side effects. This means that use should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Cyanamide is a droplet that affects the alcohol processing process;
  • Colme is a drop that is effective for the treatment and prevention of chronic alcoholism;
  • Teturam is used to treat alcohol addiction and is effective against nickel poisoning. Due to the large number of side effects, it should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

The use of drugs based on Disulfiram and Naltrexone helps prevent binge drinking, but in case of relapse, the patient may need emergency help. This means that before the procedure it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the body.

Field score:

Total score:

Patient age

Length of use

What he uses Has he previously undergone treatment Consent to treatment Concomitant diseases Employment

Waiting for values ​​to be entered

Modern coding methods: SIT, NIT, MST

The SIT, NIT and MST methods are considered one of the new trends in narcology. In this case, drugs are introduced into the human body that cause withdrawal symptoms after drinking alcohol. One of the differences in the technique is provocation: the narcologist offers the coded patient a small dose of alcohol. If consent is given, the patient experiences severe withdrawal symptoms after drinking alcohol. This technique helps to work through negative associations with alcoholic beverages: instead of pleasant intoxication, alcohol is associated with painful withdrawal.

Effective ways to stop drinking

The alcohol code is intended to help those people who cannot independently resist the desire to drink alcoholic beverages. Most often, relatives of an addict who suffer from the consequences of heavy drinking suggest resorting to alcohol coding. Today, alcohol coding in Engels and Saratov is quite relevant. So, let's look at what kind of method this is and what alcohol coding methods exist.

New program for the brain

The essence of coding comes down to reprogramming the body. Before the procedure, alcoholic drinks are perceived as something blissful, helping to cope with mental pain, stress, and escape from reality. After encoding, the attitude towards alcohol changes to the opposite, and even a small dose of alcohol is perceived as poison. The most important thing you need to know about the procedure: it, like preparatory treatment, is carried out with the full consent of the patient. And this is where the main difficulty lies, since addiction is associated with the integration of alcohol into the patient’s personality structure. And the encoding procedure is perceived by him as the loss of a part of himself, which is why many alcoholics are terribly afraid of it. The most common excuses for avoiding treatment: coding is harmful to the brain, potency, or that he is afraid to subject himself to procedures.

Who can and cannot

Coding is the lot of severely alcoholic patients. Only a specialist who has made an official diagnosis of alcoholism should decide on the need for coding. In the general treatment program, coding occupies the penultimate stage, which the addict goes through after detoxification and before social rehabilitation. To receive a referral for coding, you must undergo a full medical examination as directed by a doctor. It can be coded if the patient does not have mental illness, heart disease, liver disease, genitourinary system disease, thyroid disease or pancreatic disease. The procedure is not suitable for people who have suffered a stroke, are pregnant, or suffer from epilepsy or seizures.

Alcohol coding stages

– Abstinence from alcohol for 15-20 days.

– Carrying out one procedure or course to develop an attitude not to drink alcohol for 1-3 years.

– Undergoing rehabilitation procedures aimed at strengthening the psyche. At first, coded alcoholics become nervous and aggressive, as they are deprived of the opportunity to use their favorite doping. Sometimes, after reprogramming, a provocative intake of a minimum dose of alcohol is carried out in the presence of a doctor. If the body does not accept alcohol, this further reinforces the attitude of denying alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol coding methods

Depending on the complexity of the situation, you can choose psychological or physiological coding. The effectiveness of a particular method is determined by the doctor in each specific case.

– Medication is one of the most common coding options for alcohol in Saratov. Its advantage is fast action, maximum efficiency, suitable for patients at any stage. To achieve the effect, drugs based on naltrexone, which blocks opioid receptors in the brain, are used. After taking them, alcohol ceases to cause a state of euphoria. Another group of drugs is based on disulfiram, which causes the effect of alcohol overdose. In the first case, the patient will lose his passion for alcohol, in the second, he will gain fear of it. The price for alcohol coding in this way can vary from 4 to 15 thousand rubles.

– Hypnotic – direct suggestion about the dangers of alcohol in a trance state or through a hypnotic conversation with the patient. The advantage is the development of more stable associations that alcohol is disgusting and harmful. The session lasts 2-3 hours, and its effect lasts up to 5 years. It is not suitable for people over 60 years of age, as well as people who have suffered traumatic brain injury or suffer from seizures and heart rhythm disorders. The average price for alcohol coding using hypnosis is 10 thousand rubles.

– Acupuncture is an acupuncture procedure during which special needles are applied to certain points of the body, through which the body is gradually restored and addiction is overcome. Not suitable for people suffering from withdrawal symptoms, depression, panic attacks, cancer, or taking hormonal medications. The session, during which relaxing music is played, lasts about half an hour. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to take a course of 10 procedures. Result: stabilization of the psycho-emotional state, improvement of metabolic processes in the body, development of aversion to alcoholic beverages. The advantage is complete safety and overall health. The price for alcohol coding using acupuncture can be about 10 thousand rubles.

– Hardware – a physiotherapeutic method based on stimulation of certain areas of the brain using special equipment. I distinguish several types of hardware procedures.

– Bioacoustic correction – listening through headphones to sounds of a certain frequency, converted from electroencephalogram signals.

– Laser coding – exposure of certain areas of the brain or biologically active points of the body to a laser beam.

– Intracranial translocation – the influence of electromagnetic fields on the cerebral cortex, after which neurons are activated and the addiction to alcoholic beverages is reduced.

Electropulse therapy – the influence of electrical impulses that produce a negative reaction to alcohol in brain cells, i.e. the memory of euphoria from drinking alcohol is “replaced” in the brain with the memory of a seizure.

– Hyperthermic method – restoration of the function of the central nervous system at a critical body temperature – about 42 degrees.

The price for alcohol coding in Saratov using hardware methods depends on the type of procedure chosen, as well as the clinic that provides these types of services.
To decide on the location of the procedure, you can read reviews on the Internet about the price of alcohol coding. Return

Psychological coding

Some types of treatment for alcoholism involve the use of hypnosis. These methods are aimed at developing an aversion to alcohol and even developing a fear of it.

Dovzhenko method

The Dovzhenko method is the creation of a psychological attitude aimed at giving up alcohol during a hypnotic session. The effectiveness of this technique depends on the patient’s perception characteristics.

Rozhnov method

In this case, hypnosis is aimed at creating a fear of alcohol. Stimulating the stress state and working with the emotional sphere of the addict leads to positive results. According to reviews from former alcohol addicts, after this session, nausea occurs from one type of alcohol.

Ericksonian hypnosis

The gentlest method of hypnotherapy aimed at consciously combating drunkenness. The specialist pronounces positive thoughts that the patient perceives as his own. It may take more than 10 sessions to achieve results.

Coding by provocation

In this case, after drug coding, the patient’s skin area is treated with diluted alcohol, or inhalation of alcohol vapor is suggested. As a result, abstinence is formed, aimed at eliminating cravings for alcohol.

What types of encodings are used in narcology?

Most often used to get rid of alcohol addiction:

  • Medication techniques. It can be intravenous, intramuscular, or sewn under the skin.
  • Physiotherapeutic effects. They use both hardware methods and the introduction of very thin needles into bioactive points, which are directly connected to individual areas of the brain responsible for the formation of addictions.
  • Psychotherapy. Most often, to create an additional barrier that prevents drinking, stress therapy is practiced according to the Dovzhenko method.

Regardless of the chosen method, the important conditions for undergoing the procedure are the desire of the addict himself and his maintaining a minimum period of sobriety from three (with the medicinal method) to 10 days (with the Dovzhenko method).

Any procedure is preceded by a consultation with a narcologist.

Hardware encoding

The most effective means of encoding are specialized devices. Of course, alcoholism requires complex therapy. The combination of these methods with psychotherapy leads to stable remission.


A safe method of combating addiction, aimed at reducing cravings for alcohol, increasing immunity and relieving stress. People who have been coded using this technique note that the procedure is painless.

Laser coding

The laser affects special points on the human body, as a result of which the structure of opioid receptors changes. The addict does not experience the former pleasure from drinking alcohol, and interest in it recedes.

Electropulse and convulsive therapy

This type of coding is suitable for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. Demonstrates high effectiveness, but is contraindicated for people with epilepsy and diseases of the endocrine system.

Intracranial translocation

The technique is good at eliminating cravings for alcohol on a psychological level. Valid from six months to five years.

Coding for alcoholism using traditional methods

Nowadays, there are a lot of dietary supplements and folk recipes that promise strong effectiveness. Unfortunately, no supplements or recipes can eliminate the psychological craving for alcohol. The use of herbal infusions is relevant only at the stage of detoxification and strengthening of the body. The physical and mental basis of addiction can only be addressed through a combination of detoxification and comprehensive psychological care.

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What is the best way to code for alcoholism: how to choose the right one

When choosing an encoding tool, the specialist pays attention to the following factors:

  • Having motivation to recover;
  • Previous coding experience;
  • The specificity of the substance used earlier in the coding process;
  • Alcohol addiction experience;
  • A history of breakdowns after coding, etc.

There is no best and most universal cure for alcoholism. Alcohol addiction is a psychophysical disease that requires an integrated approach. The first stage of treatment is detoxification - the removal of ethyl alcohol metabolites from the body. Elaboration of the psychological essence of alcoholism is the subsequent steps of therapy.

Unfortunately, most relatives of alcohol addicts hope that the person will be able to overcome the craving for alcohol on his own. Because of this, many conflicts occur, prompting the addict to drink alcohol even more often. In this case, experts recommend taking a full course of family psychotherapy to create a favorable environment in the family and minimize conflicts.

During the intervention, the narcologist selects the optimal method of drug coding, then refers the patient to psychotherapy sessions. Treatment in a drug treatment clinic and rehabilitation center is most effective: it helps to protect the addict from his previous environment and form the correct life guidelines.


Classic hypnosis13 000 ₽
Narcopsychotherapy50000 ₽
Dovzhenko method12 000 ₽
Laser7500 ₽


Fitting Naltrexone35 000 ₽
Esperal stitchingfrom 8 to 14000 ₽
Implantation of Disulfiram for 1 year18 000 ₽
Tetlong-250v4500 ₽
Implantation Prodetoxon45000 ₽


Torpedo method5 500 ₽
Algominal4000 ₽
Double block8000 ₽
Esperal injection for 1 year7500 ₽
Vivitrol injection for 1 month25 000 ₽

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How to encode for a month

To enroll for a month, disulfiram-based drugs are used in the form of injections or tablets. This substance is an inhibitor of the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. suppresses its production in liver tissues. The absence of the enzyme stops the natural breakdown of ethanol molecules at the stage of formation of acetaldehyde, a toxic metabolite. Accumulating in the blood, it leads to severe poisoning of the body and the appearance in humans of:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea,
  • vomiting;
  • severe weakness;
  • deterioration in the functioning of internal organs.

Short-acting alcohol blockers can be used at home

  • Antabuse;
  • Tetlong-250;
  • Teturam.

Narcologists practice injections of small doses of potent blockers:

  • Aquilong;
  • Algominal;
  • Esperal;
  • Disulfiram.

, coding with Vivitrol , a medicine containing naltrexone,
has become especially popular It blocks opioid receptors, which is why a person loses the ability to get a feeling of euphoria after drinking alcohol. The duration of the drug is 1 month, but to achieve results you will need a course of 3-5 injections.

The most effective coding method for alcoholism: a doctor's conclusion

Former alcohol addicts claim that only intensive psychotherapy in combination with coding helps to give up alcohol. Ignoring the psychological causes of addiction will lead to the fact that after the coding period expires, the addict will resume binge drinking. The concept of illness implies a constant desire to escape reality. Together with a specialist, the addict works through his own experiences and forms motivation for recovery.

Rehabilitation is the most important stage of addiction treatment. The best solution is to undergo a full-fledged rehabilitation course in a special center (in this case, no coding is required). If the patient cannot tear himself away from work and family, outpatient treatment is possible. By the way, staying in a drug treatment clinic is completely anonymous: your friends will not know about your problem; you don't have to worry about future employment due to accounting.

“Alkozdrav” provides drug treatment services in Moscow and the region. Trust the wealth of experience of our specialists when choosing a coding method: we will make sure that the treatment brings a minimum of harm and maximum benefit to the patient.

What is alcohol coding?

Alcoholism coding is a method designed to ensure a person’s safety from alcoholism and is “prohibitive.” Coding from alcohol may not be perceived entirely correctly by the patient and his relatives, due to the very logical connection between the meaning of the word “coding” and its action. Why is this method so popular? Not because of its efficiency, but rather because of its lower energy consumption and financial accessibility.

In addition, it seems to the addict and his relatives that if the doctor “enters” a certain code that only he knows, then the responsibility for maintaining sobriety somehow magically passes into the hands of the doctor. It turns out that, as if, having been encoded, a person can no longer make any efforts, no longer preserve himself. Just live an ordinary life, and the “magic code” introduced by the doctor will work and maintain sobriety on its own. With such a perception, the indignation and indignation of the patient and relatives is understandable when suddenly the “magic” did not work and the addict “decoded” himself, without any problems.

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