How to seduce a work colleague? Rules of seduction

Seducing a woman is a game that requires great skill. For an experienced macho, it will not be difficult to conquer a woman at any time of the day or night.

But what should those who work from morning to evening and have not yet had time to gain experience in masterly flirting do? The daily routine leaves no time for dating, courtship and romantic walks.

Evening dinner is spent alone, and weekends are spent on the couch in front of the TV. You just don’t know how to seduce a girl at work, which means it’s time to learn.

General rules

First of all, a person needs to understand what will happen in case of separation. If a man has doubts about the correctness of starting a relationship, then seduction should be abandoned, as the woman will begin to speak negatively about the guy. This is due to the fact that ladies take separation too close to their hearts. If a man leaves a girl, then in her eyes he will be an egoist and a womanizer. In a situation where a lady has left a guy, she will think that her companion is too weak. That is why a person must understand what the consequences may be, since not every guy will be able to withstand the pressure from his environment at work.

Is it possible to fall in love with yourself again?

Girls perceive a breakup with a loved one painfully. Many people think about whether it is possible to fall in love with an ex-man again or not. If the feelings were strong, then it’s worth trying. To begin with, the girl should remember all the mistakes made in the relationship and try to change her behavior. Then move on to the methods:

  1. Take care of your appearance. Go to a stylist, change your wardrobe or diversify it with skirts and dresses, visit a cosmetologist. Join a fitness club to lose weight or work on your body muscles.
  2. Take time to educate yourself. Sign up for courses that have been constantly postponed, attend interesting master classes and trainings.
  3. Remind me of a happy past. Photos together, music associated with wonderful moments, remaining tickets to the theater or cinema will evoke pleasant memories of spending time together.
  4. Make you jealous. Add a photo with a bouquet to a social network, make an ambiguous entry, spend time with an old acquaintance.

A young man, if his feelings have not yet cooled down, will definitely notice and appreciate the changes happening to the girl. A woman moving in the right direction will be able to make a man fall in love again, even if he was the initiator of the breakup.

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Cases when seduction is possible

A man doesn't always have to give up on his co-worker. First, he needs to figure out when it’s okay to seduce. Conditions under which a guy needs to decide on a future relationship:

  • The girl is not a competitor. A guy must understand that having an affair with a rival is very difficult. Sometimes it can cost your career.
  • A woman earns less than a man.
  • The guy has willpower. It is needed so that after separation a man can walk with a good mood and his head held high. Since there will be a lot of negativity towards him.
  • Dismissal. On this occasion, a lot of people want to fool around and have fun.

If a person does not care about outside opinions, then he can begin seduction. Several people may be caring for a colleague. However, this problem is insignificant.

Special Moves

To interest the desired gentleman and make him fall in love with you even more, you can try to use special techniques. Psychologists place great importance on perspective and the power of thought.


Men like perky girls with sparkling eyes. Thanks to a simple technique you can achieve the desired effect. To do this you need:

  1. Close your eyes, drive away all thoughts, relax. Think about the good, feeling how every cell of the body is charged with a positive mood. Say in your mind many times: “I am happy.”
  2. Open your eyes, but do not be distracted by events happening nearby. You need to try to maintain a feeling of peace and inner harmony. They are the ones who make your eyes sparkle with happiness.

Another technique shows how to make your chosen one fall in love with you with your gaze. During a conversation, a girl is recommended to look relaxedly at the interlocutor’s right eye for 7 seconds, trying to see her own reflection in the pupil. Take a break for a few minutes and repeat the action again. The exercise will give the lady’s look a touch of mystery, which will arouse the interest of her partner.

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The third method allows you to make your chosen one fall in love with you in 4 minutes. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an experiment invented by psychologist Arthur Aron. A man and a woman take turns answering 36 questions, and then look into each other's eyes for 4 minutes. Experience shows amazing results.

The power of thought

It's no secret that thoughts are material. To help them come to life, you need to try the visualization method.

Actions of the girl:

  1. Take a comfortable position.
  2. Free your head from all thoughts and relax.
  3. Introduce a man without omitting details.
  4. Mentally draw yourself next to the desired object. Take the guy's hand.
  5. Place the couple in a cinema, cafe. Imagine. That a man touches his partner, kisses her.

The clearer the girl paints a picture in her head, the better the technique will work. It is recommended to perform it daily for 10 minutes.

It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the work of the English writer Nicholas Butman. In his book “How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You in 90 Minutes,” he explains in detail the technique of attracting the stronger sex using various actions. Girls use many of his tips in practice.

The beginning of seduction

Getting someone to like you at work is one of the hardest things to do. However, there are rules that will teach a person to achieve his own in his personal life. It should be remembered that the guy only has one try. Therefore, you should not immediately ask your chosen one on a date. Rules before seducing a work colleague:

  • A man needs to determine the circle of people who may be of interest to his chosen one. The guy needs to find out how he can stand out from his rivals.
  • Study the girl's behavior. These could be habits, character traits, behavior, and so on. Knowledge about the chosen one will be useful to the guy in the future. Perhaps a colleague likes to visit a bar after work.
  • You shouldn't get ahead of things. A man shouldn’t do anything extra before getting his colleague to like him. Even in conversation you need to be as careful as possible. Otherwise, a person may run into trouble.
  • It is difficult to interest attractive colleagues. A guy needs to remember that attractive girls are highly valued by their superiors. If a man does something against a beauty that she doesn’t like, she will easily complain to the boss. As a result, the offender will be kicked out. Therefore you need to be careful.

These rules of seduction will help a guy avoid many unpleasant situations. In addition, a person needs to stick to his strategy, since only this will make him self-confident. And girls really appreciate such guys.

Mysterious seductiveness

Every man is a hunter who can’t wait to find his helpless victim. And if a woman behaves too openly, then she ceases to be so desirable. This is the psychology of guys: they are not attracted to those who are too accessible, just like those who are overly closed. Determine the golden mean for yourself. Play and let him know with just a glance that you are interested in continuing your communication. However, don't let him get too close to you right away - this will prevent him from becoming seriously interested in you.

Men always pay attention to appearance first. And this is also due to nature. If you constantly wear closed sweaters and forget about your hair and makeup, you are unlikely to become the object of someone's attention. Make sure you look well-groomed and happy. Those who radiate contentment automatically attract the eye.

Remember that, despite the desire to choose the most beautiful girl, men never miss what the potential candidate says. If you are used to spreading gossip, discussing someone, and also demonstrating your inability to maintain a conversation, then you can forget about how to seduce a work colleague. Any guy needs a smart and interesting companion. Therefore, here you can cheat a little and find out in advance what he is interested in. This will allow you to show off your knowledge at the right time.

Show attention not only to the external merits of your object of adoration, but also to his achievements. Don’t forget to ask about his business and praise him for certain successes at work. The stronger sex loves praise no less than girls, so compliments will always come in handy. Just avoid obvious flattery, as it will look completely insincere and will reveal your hidden agenda.

How to seduce beautiful girls

Such ladies receive tons of compliments and attention from the stronger sex throughout their lives. Therefore, it is quite difficult to impress them with anything. After all, they are already accustomed to attention. In this case, the guy needs to become an exception to the rule. He doesn’t need to glance in the direction of the beauty, it’s better to refuse to bring her coffee, sometimes not say hello, and so on. This behavior will make the guy unique in the eyes of the lady. This is exactly what you should do before seducing a colleague. After a few days, the girl may begin to show attention. However, this must be ignored for a week. After this, the guy can already begin to get closer. Ignoring will ensure the lady's interest. If the guy continues to do everything right, then he may begin a relationship with a beautiful colleague.

Where should I take her out?

If she doesn’t take action on her own, for example, within a week, work for her. You have to have a good reason to drag her out of the office and her cozy apartment somewhere.
The fact is that she already sees your face most of the day, and a reason to “just chat” will clearly not be enough.

An excellent reason would be some kind of exhibition that would be of interest to her. But you also have to be in the know. And if you have already learned about her preferences, for example, going to a pub after a particularly busy day, take her there. Interestingly, you may never reach your destination, having decided to visit each other along the way.

Then practice the same techniques as with an ordinary girl. Rapport is built, you can move to a horizontal position. Ideally, after a small (or, on the contrary, large) roof drain.


Often young people make the same mistake in their relationship with a colleague. They start trusting the girl from work. You should not consider her a friend, since any word spoken can turn against the man himself. People can discuss other employees of the company, the boss, some mistakes at work, and so on. It's better to avoid such conversations. Discussing work topics is the same as going straight to your boss with dissatisfaction and negativity. Love may pass, but incriminating evidence remains. Girls can annoy their ex-boyfriend by telling all the information to their superiors.

There are also ladies who deliberately flirt with men at work. Their task is to gain trust, then learn many secrets and report to their superiors. This is what competitive girls do.

How to seduce

In order for a guy to do everything correctly, he needs to have a little experience with other ladies. Otherwise, self-doubt may appear. This quality cannot be beneficial. A guy can gain confidence with other ladies. To do this, you need to approach the girl you like on the street and try to ask her out on a date. It will be difficult at the very beginning, but after a week of training the man will begin to feel confident. After this, you need to start working with employees. Rules for seducing a colleague:

  • Playing with your eyes. A guy should look at a girl. However, this must be done so that she does not see it. When the lady looks back, the man must immediately turn away.
  • You need to watch the girl several times a day. When a lady notices a look, she will try to find it in the future.
  • This must be repeated for ten days. During this time, the girl will think a lot about the guy. Perhaps she will already have formed her own opinion about him and will be ready for further actions.
  • Taking the first step is not at work. The guy may ask what kind of transport the girl takes home. If by metro, then offer to walk there together. This will be a very good opportunity for conversation.
  • Repeat communication for three days. This is necessary for the girl to get to know the guy better.
  • Invite to a cafe. If a lady agrees, then this already means that she feels something for the guy. After the cafe she needs to be escorted home.

If a person does everything right, he will be able to seduce his colleague. The most important thing is to take your time and be confident. Only then will a man no longer have questions about how to seduce a colleague. A woman will be impressed by the qualities of her boyfriend. This can lead to both strong relationships and problems. You need to be careful, but you should not forget about the rules of politeness.

Where to invite a colleague

A man needs to think about why and where he can take a lady on a date. A simple walk for communication will not be enough. Various interest groups or exhibitions are best suited. If the guy understands the topic, then this will be a plus.

Before seducing a colleague, a man should be interested in the preferences of his chosen one. Perhaps the girl is interested in clubs for young writers. In this case, it is necessary to learn poetry for a woman. She will appreciate such knowledge. After all, every girl loves romance.

After the meeting, you should escort your colleague home. Most likely, she will invite the guy to her place. If this does not happen, then you need to try again. However, such situations are rare.

How to seduce a colleague at a corporate party

This kind of event helps many men get a girl from work. Most often, there is alcohol at corporate events. With its help, a guy can gain courage. A girl who has had a little drink will be more talkative. To seduce you need:

  • Look at the girl. When she catches a few glances, then you should approach the lady. Sometimes at such moments women smile.
  • Start an interesting conversation. During it, it is important to find out about her hobbies. Perhaps she will start talking about guys from work who are also trying to seduce her. In this case, a man needs to show his best side and stand out from others. You can even read poetry for a woman. The lady will appreciate such an act.
  • Talk playfully. For a girl, everything that happens should look like a game. In some cases, you can even tell dirty jokes.
  • Give something unexpected. A small gift (a flower, a chocolate bar, an unusual pen or a cute calendar) will help stir up emotions and make you pay attention. And it will cost you virtually nothing.

When the girl starts complimenting, the guy should invite her to go to his house. However, nothing can be said directly. A man may offer to read poetry or show him some collection. You need to navigate based on the girl’s interests.

How is it possible to make absolutely anyone fall in love with you?

Psychologists answer that they know how you can make absolutely any man fall in love with you. But it will take a lot of time and effort to win the favor of an indifferent love object. Tips for attracting a guy:

  1. Take care of external beauty. It is not necessary to buy designer clothes and go to a fashionable beauty salon. It is enough to be stylish and well-groomed.
  2. Engage in self-development to become an interesting conversationalist.
  3. Show attention to his affairs and hobbies.
  4. Constant control over your behavior. Accusations, hysterics and conflicts will scare away a man.

READ How to win a man: psychological techniques and feminine tricks.
Each case has its own nuances. If a woman wants, but doesn’t know, how to quickly make a divorced man fall in love with her, she should follow the rules:

  1. Refrain from judging your ex-lover. A man once chose her as his wife, which means he had tender feelings for her. Don't insult his past choices.
  2. Do not support his desire to discuss his unsuccessful marriage. You can listen to his story once or twice. But if he periodically returns to this topic, then you should hint to him that it’s time to close it.
  3. Don't remind me of your ex-wife. And especially not to try to find out about the reasons for the divorce.

If a woman needs to know how to make a flighty man who doesn’t want a serious relationship fall in love with her, then she just needs to know one secret. It's about not being too available. The guy must understand that the girl does not depend on him at all, then his interest in her will not fade away.

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