Why do my eyes sting and water?

How is the procedure performed?

The extension technology is quite simple. The artificial eyelash is glued to the base of the natural eyelash using special glue. After this, after 3-4 weeks it is necessary to make a correction. Hairs can be built up one at a time or in bunches (two or three pieces), then they look very thick and the eyes more expressive. For this, different materials and technologies are used. For example, you will have to pay more for the 3D method, but such eyelashes will last longer. However, often after the procedure girls complain of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Stinging eyes: causes, symptoms, help –

Since childhood, each of us has been familiar with the feeling when, after bathing, our eyes sting because of soap or shampoo.

Over time, as we grow up, sensitivity to this kind of irritants decreases, but this does not mean that the phenomenon will not happen again.

Throughout life, there are many factors that can create such discomfort. Let's look at some of them, and also find ways to solve this problem.

Use of household chemicals and cosmetics

Shampoos, gels, and bubble baths sting the eyes due to alkaline components that help fight fatty deposits and dirt, but are intolerable to the mucous membrane.

The first recommendation given by the manufacturer in cases of contact with an organ is to rinse thoroughly with clean water. The same applies to most cosmetic devices, except those designed for washing or removing makeup.

If your eyes feel itching or burning after using micellar water or toner, check the manufacturing date or say goodbye to the unscrupulous brand forever.

What to do if your eyes sting?

There is no reason to panic if the unpleasant feeling is short-lived, caused by an irritant known to you and passes without a trace. However, it is worth making an appointment with an ophthalmologist when you feel itching and burning:

  • with periodic frequency;
  • for a long time;
  • with no way to get rid of it.

To provide first aid to yourself or a loved one, use the following tips from an ophthalmologist:

  1. Wipe away tears with a clean cotton pad or tissue;
  2. Rinse your eyes with water at room temperature;
  3. Open a window or go outside, as fresh air is needed;
  4. Instill any product with an “artificial tear” mechanism of action. This will help relieve redness of the sclera, remove swelling and remove foreign bodies.

Eyes watery and itchy after extensions: possible causes of discomfort

You can often find discussions of similar topics on women's forums. Eyelashes are in close proximity to a sensitive mucous membrane, which may react to the materials used in the procedure, as well as other possible reasons.

  1. One of the factors that causes irritation is the glue that artificial eyelashes are attached to. The fact is that it continues to evaporate for several days after the extension. The complete polymerization process takes up to three days.
  2. Glue can cause another problem: if the smallest particle of it gets on the mucous membrane, a chemical burn to the mucous membrane can occur.
  3. If there is microtrauma to the eyes, getting glue into the wound will also provoke negative manifestations.
  4. The materials used may cause severe allergies.

Allergic reactions

Cases in which it is possible that the eye does not perceive the material from which the contact lens is made are extremely rare. Modern contact correction products are made from very high-quality polymers that are biocompatible with the mucous membrane of the eyes: silicone hydrogel and hydrogel. They have different parameters of oxygen permeability and moisture content, which are selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient’s visual organs. Burning eyes can occur in cases where a person is susceptible to a reaction to external stimuli, for example, suffers from hay fever. During the flowering period, allergen particles accumulate on the lenses and cause discomfort. During such periods, doctors recommend using daily wear models and additionally using artificial tear drops. In many cases, the cause of discomfort is not an allergy to the lens material, but other factors.

Common complaint: eyes water after eyelash extensions

One of the most common problems that arise after eyelash extensions is tearing. Complaints about this can often be found on Internet forums, girls are interested in why this happens.

Experienced cosmetologists answer that a common cause of tearing is an allergic reaction of the eyes to the glue used.

Girls with very sensitive eyes should keep in mind before going to the salon that in this case it is likely that such an allergy will occur.

Experts call the second cause of severe tearing a chemical burn of the eyelids or mucous membrane.

This happens when droplets of glue get inside the eye (this happens if the technician is not very experienced). Sometimes the client himself is to blame for this, opening his eyes during the procedure, although this is strictly prohibited. When the eye is burned, it stings quite noticeably, and severe swelling may even occur.

Redness, lacrimation, swelling, severe itching can also be a reaction of the visual organs to low-quality materials used by the artist: inexpensive glue, unnatural synthetic eyelashes (allergy does not occur to those made from natural fur or silk unless the extension technology is violated). Glue for extensions comes in black and transparent colors. Transparent is more expensive, but it does not contain chemical components. Therefore, if eye sensitivity is increased, it is better to ask the specialist to use this particular hypoallergenic glue.

Causes of pinching eyes

There are many reasons for pinching eyes. Sometimes it is impossible to immediately find out what caused such a phenomenon. Allergies, injuries, and the ingress of small debris onto the mucous membrane can lead to discomfort of the visual organs.

Allergic reactions

The most common cause of stinging eyes is allergies. The symptom is especially pronounced if there is constant contact with the allergen. This phenomenon often occurs during periods of massive flowering of vegetation, when using poor quality cosmetics, or if a person works in unfavorable conditions.

A down pillow or blanket can cause your eyes to sting. Such bedding accumulates household dust, which is a strong allergen.

If there is a suspicion of an allergy, it is necessary to exclude any contact with animal hair, pollen and other allergens.

Eyelash extensions

In an adult, the cause of such ailment can be eyelash extensions. This can happen in several cases:

  • If a person is allergic to the extension materials used.
  • If glue gets on the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • If the mucous membrane was injured during the procedure.

To avoid allergies to the glue used, it is worth conducting a special test first. But it is worth considering that an allergy test is carried out a day before the cosmetic procedure.

In some cases, the tingling of the eyes and watery eyes are so severe that the glued eyelashes have to be removed. The risk of allergic reactions can be reduced if extensions are carried out in a beauty salon using high-quality materials.


If the visual organs not only sting, but also feel burning and itching, then demodicosis may be the cause. This disease is caused by microscopic mites that live in hair follicles. If this disease is suspected, a person must undergo tests and undergo comprehensive treatment.

Tears sting my eyes

The eyes may sting from tears. Most often, this phenomenon is observed if a person cries from resentment or severe pain. In this case, a lot of adrenaline is produced in the body, and it is excreted with the tear fluid. Adrenaline irritates the mucous membrane and causes discomfort. Usually this condition occurs for only a few minutes, then the condition returns to normal.

Eye drops

Sometimes pinching is observed when instilling various eye drops. This may be due to various factors. Some medications contain too much preservative, which causes this effect.

Burning and tingling can be considered normal if it goes away after a couple of minutes. Most often, this unpleasant phenomenon is observed when using Albucid or Taufon drops. The drug Irifrin can also cause a burning sensation.

If eye stinging persists for too long, you should inform your doctor. In some cases, a change in medication is required.

You can start using any medications only as prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication can lead to a number of unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

Wearing lenses

With high sensitivity and incorrect use of contact lenses, the eyes may constantly sting. At the same time, the discomfort is sometimes so strong that it is simply impossible to get used to it.

Quite often, the eyes become watery and sting severely if the lenses are not stored correctly. Such optics should be stored in a container filled with a special solution. Some manufacturers offer the container completely free when you purchase a pair of lenses.

To store contact lenses, you can only use a solution specifically designed for this purpose. In special cases, it is allowed to fill the lenses with saline solution or purified water, but this is often not possible, since the service life of the products will be noticeably reduced.

Sometimes it’s not the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, but the poor quality of contact lenses:

  • The products have a rough surface, bumps, scratches and irregularities.
  • Dust or particles of cosmetics have gotten onto the surface of the lens, which cause irritation.
  • There are foreign bodies in the polymer from which the lenses are made; this is also considered a manufacturing defect.

If, when wearing lenses, pinching is felt in only one organ of vision, then the problem is in the optics. When the discomfort does not disappear even after removing the lenses, we can talk about increased sensitivity. In some cases, people need to switch to glasses.

To avoid vision problems, you should buy lenses only from trusted manufacturers. You need to purchase optics in specialized stores.

Eye diseases

The cause of pinching eyes can be various ophthalmological diseases:

  1. Conjunctivitis. Most often it begins with a tingling and itching sensation in the eyes. Later, lacrimation and discharge of pus from the eyes occurs. Treatment boils down to the use of antibacterial drops. But other drugs can also be used if the conjunctivitis is not bacterial in nature.
  2. Barley. In this case, a slight tingling sensation is felt on the eyelid; the patient wants to scratch the eye. Barley is caused by pathogenic bacteria; antibacterial ointments and drops are often used in treatment. If the stye is external, then it is recommended to frequently cauterize its head with alcohol.
  3. Eye injuries can also lead to stinging. If a branch or insect gets into the eye, discomfort may persist for several hours. Sometimes the pain is severe and a person has to see a doctor.

The cause of discomfort may be herpes or glaucoma. Often tingling is observed with dacryocystitis.

The cause of this unpleasant phenomenon may be eye fatigue. Burning and pinching often occurs in people who spend a lot of time looking at a computer monitor.

My eyes sting and they turn red after the procedure - why?

In addition to watery eyes, a fairly common occurrence after extensions is stinging and itching in the eyes, redness of the whites. In this case, the irritant may be mechanical: if the eyelashes are glued too close to the base of the eyelids, then their tips touch the eyeball when blinking, and a person blinks about 15-20 times per minute! It is not surprising that with such intense scratching of the mucous membrane, the eyes become red and painful.

Similar reactions can occur if the rules of care after the procedure are not followed. For example, it is forbidden to wet your eyes for several hours after extensions, use creams, or rub your eyes - the glue will “float” and get into your eyes, causing irritation.

Causes of teary eyes

Watery eyes, the causes and treatment of this disease are varied. First you need to understand what is the irritant of the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Natural reaction of the mucous membrane to natural and environmental factors. Eyes may become watery from strong gusts of wind or bright sun. To protect yourself from such exposure, you must wear safety glasses. They protect not only from irritation of the mucous membrane, but also from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the retina.
  2. Stressful situations. The connection between stress and tearfulness is psychological. In this case, drug treatment is powerless. The help of a psychotherapist or neurologist is needed.
  3. Allergic reactions. Very often, tears begin to appear due to the irritating effect of certain allergens on the mucous membrane of the eye. In most cases, its role is played by pollen in the spring. This may also include various aerosols and strong odors. In such situations, you must consult your doctor.
  4. Contact with various objects in the eyes. Usually, when something gets into the eye, it doesn't just water. There is discomfort or pain with every movement. In this case, you must immediately go to the hospital. If you do not provide timely assistance, you can injure the cornea.

    My eyes are watering. The causes and treatment must be identified in order to get rid of the problem. Not only does it cause discomfort, but it can also indicate eye damage.

  5. In girls, watery eyes are often associated with the use of low-quality cosmetics. It may also be the body’s reaction to individual components of the skin care products used.
  6. Drying of the mucous membrane. In most cases, this problem occurs after prolonged viewing of TV, a computer, a telephone, reading a book, or precise work that requires close attention. When the gaze is focused on something, a person does not notice that he practically stops blinking.
  7. Morning tearfulness. After sleep, restoration processes occur associated with the lacrimal glands, which lose their functions during rest.
  8. Contractions of the lacrimal sac due to changes in facial expressions. This can be a long laugh, yawning, various grimaces.

There are a number of reasons related to internal processes occurring in the body:

  1. Eyes may become watery if the body lacks vitamins B2, A and E. They are responsible for the functioning of the eyes. If they are lacking, various vision and eye disorders may occur.
  2. Metabolic changes. Simply put, when a person's diet changes significantly, tearing may occur. This may be due to various diets or frequent overeating.
  3. Diseases associated with the skin. In the eye area, very delicate and thin skin. Because of this, any problems with the epidermis can affect the eyeballs themselves.
  4. Trauma to the eye or weakening of the lacrimal glands due to age. In older people, these glands cannot function as well as in young people, and involuntary secretion of tears is very often observed.
  5. Colds or viral diseases. The most common viral disease is conjunctivitis. It causes tearing, redness, burning and photophobia of the eyes.
  6. Migraine. Very often, severe headaches are accompanied by watery eyes.

  7. Sinusitis. When the sinuses become swollen from the pus that overwhelms them, frequent secretion of tears may occur.
  8. Demodecosis. This is a micro-mite that can be adopted from animals through close contact with them.

In what situations is it contraindicated to do extensions?

Of course, voluminous and long eyelashes are beautiful, and many girls would like to have them. But any cosmetic procedure has contraindications. You should think carefully before deciding to make any changes in appearance, taking into account the characteristics of your body. Experts still advise against eyelash extensions in the following cases:

  1. For frequent eye inflammation. In this case, the eyelashes will have to be removed at the onset of the disease, and the components of the glue can provoke inflammation.
  2. If the skin of the eyelids quickly becomes oily, there is no point in doing the procedure - false eyelashes will not last long and will “float”.
  3. If the eyelashes are thin and brittle, they may not be able to withstand the weight of the false hairs and will begin to fall out along with them.
  4. Eyes are hypersensitive, prone to allergic reactions. The glue for attaching artificial eyelashes is made on a resin basis and evaporates for another three days as it polymerizes. Volatile substances may cause irritation of the mucous membrane. If you still really want to have long eyelashes, ask the specialist to extend only the ends, and do this for at least a week. If the reaction is normal, the procedure can be carried out.
  5. When wearing lenses. As users of contact optics say, artificial eyelashes cannot withstand constantly putting on and taking off lenses, putting moisturizing drops into the eye and begin to fall out. In this case, the money will simply be wasted.

What do the reviews of ordinary people say?

  • Lumene mascara
    does not cause any irritation to me or my friends. And I used different ones. By the way, I would like to note that the composition contains oils that care for eyelashes and make them healthier; I do not have eye inflammation from Lumene mascara. Marinochka"
  • “If you are looking for a mascara that does not cause eye inflammation, then my recommendation is Mascara revitalisant
    (conditioning mascara). My choice was not random. I wear contacts, so I am strict with this. Any ingestion of an inappropriate component will immediately lead to inflammation. The packaging states that the mascara is paraben-free and contains keratin. This is exactly what I need. I recommend it. I bought it at the pharmacy! Eleanor"
  • “I tried both expensive (very!) and cheap ones. I liked two. One is Mary Kay,
    the second is
    In general, in the case of inflammation, to each his own - there is no universal mascara for sensitive eyes
    . Here you can only find your mascara through trial and error. Oksana"
  • “Of inexpensive brands, I would recommend Bourgeois

    mascara is also ideal for the eyes and does not cause redness or allergic reactions . Before this discovery, I was constantly suffering from eye inflammation from mascara. Christie".

What should you do if your eyes water after eyelash extensions?

If unpleasant symptoms appear after the procedure (soreness, itching, tearing), you should first contact a specialist to find out why this is happening. Most often, this reaction occurs to glue components. If you can’t get to a specialist, what can you do on your own? Try rinsing your eyes with a soothing chamomile infusion. If the symptoms do not go away (and this could be a chemical burn to the eyes), then the eyelashes still need to be removed yourself. To do this, lubricate your eyelids with a rich cream, wait 3-4 minutes, then massage and carefully remove the artificial eyelashes.

Do not use decorative cosmetics if your eyes are severely irritated. if it does not go away, you should visit an ophthalmologist.

Ophthalmologists advise carefully weighing the pros and cons before deciding on this procedure. After all, if you have increased eye sensitivity, you can make your eyelashes beautiful with the help of skillful makeup.

What are the symptoms if shampoo gets into your eyes?

The content of alkali and substances hazardous to the cornea in hygiene products is minimal, therefore a long-term negative reaction is atypical.

If deodorant, soap or shampoo gets into your eyes, you may experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • redness of the skin;
  • itching, burning;
  • visual enlargement of the eyeballs;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • blurred vision;
  • dizziness;
  • swelling of the eyelids.

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